really great to see these shots again - marvellous collection - enjoyed all of them - clip 2 really liked the sound of the engine beat start to pick up the revs fabulous sound - clip 4 great sound of the air pump starting up in the background to the great horns of the approaching train - clip 8 could hear those engines thrashing away from way off - clip 10 of course with the lovely departure - clip 12 and 13 fabulous - superb horns and sound of the engines throughout
@whippy1073 жыл бұрын
Hey, great shots! We have some nice places for trainspotting in the Columbia area! I'm often out there taking pictures and videos myself. Keep it up! I've subscribed to your channel now!!
@HyperActive713 жыл бұрын
Hey this was a great homemade movie you posted. I really enjoyed it alot and I know you are a Brit so it makes it even more special to know how much you guys really go spotting your trains :)
@Engine20113 жыл бұрын
Great catches!
@tpe1850912 жыл бұрын
Cool, that seems about right as that basically all that goes thru there othern than 4 mixed freights. Thanks!:)