Ranking Each Historical Costuming Era for Beginners!

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Fantastical Follies Costuming

Fantastical Follies Costuming

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@Ella-iv1fk Жыл бұрын
I'm happy living vicariously through costube but I have wanted a full pin stripe suit like Bernadette's for about 20 years and 1890s is the best silhouette. I also really want to make a kirtle. I appreciate the methodology to this video, not many people mention costs in sewing videos but it can be so prohibitive especially when you're starting out and scared of messing up
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Yeah, that suit is 🤩! Making a kirtle is great. I love mine, I made it with convertible sleeves, and I get a lot of use out of it! And thank you! I'm glad mentioning costs is helpful. I agree that it can really be prohibitive, esp. for beginners. I like to encourage folks to always use cheap materials on the first few makes.
@beckstheimpatient4135 Жыл бұрын
The wonderful thing about kirtles, and even older dresses, is that you have such variety. I would look into old Norse/Finnish dresses - they're not fitted and thus extremely forgiving for a newbie. And if you make one of those in wool you will LIVE IN IT. NOTHING beats the comfort provided by early Medieval clothing. You won't want jeans again.
@chaotic-goodartistry3903 Жыл бұрын
Renaissance: it'll cost ya Renaissance with any sort of slashing: If you like crying.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
LOLOLOL oh, yeah, that is a very good distinction. One that I may or may not soon discover for myself when I tackle my Halloween costume 😂
@chaotic-goodartistry3903 Жыл бұрын
@@FantasticalFolliesCostuming good luck! At least you're hopefully not doing 1530s Italian men's pants, those are.... very poofy and slashy and tedious.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
@@chaotic-goodartistry3903 I am not, but now I WANT to! 🤣
@chaotic-goodartistry3903 Жыл бұрын
@@FantasticalFolliesCostuming If you do, I'd recommend looking at The Opera Nova by Achille Marozzo, which is an Italian fencing manual from the 1530s with a ton of full-body drawings. It's a wonderful source for Italian high-fashion since portraits of the time that show the legs are hard to come by.
@MajaPlejada Жыл бұрын
as a person who dove into recreating historical garments staright into 17th century, I wholeheartedly agree with you XD
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Oooooh my god! 🤣🤣 You are BRAVE 👏
@MajaPlejada Жыл бұрын
XD or stupid XD I wanted to make ont one but TWO dresses. IN the end, the one I made for m,y firend was quite a good take on the recreation, the one for me was a total mess. I wonder WHY XD Did I learn my lesson? NOPE. A year later I took upon myself not only changing the dress for a friend (adding trims and changing the petticoat) but also making my own AND my boyfriend's costumes. That was my breaking point though - I didn't try to take that era ever since. But I actually bought the book you showed ;) It is AMAZING. Still, I deeply admire you for actually fitting those damned stays on yourself. And they look freaking fantastic, too
@paulinetrivago.7540 3 ай бұрын
Honestly, the reason I want to start sewing is for 17th century fashion... I'm honestly still tempted to start with it despite the video and just suffer all the way through... we'll see lol
@anthonygeorge3689 Жыл бұрын
I love how "you should go to events! Make friends!" is the biggest motivation in this video 😂 but alas, I'm an introvert and don't wanna leave my house 😂 Eta: not me, listening and working on an 1860s working gown yelling about hoop steel costs 😂😭
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
I mean...I am also an introvert who does not like leaving the house 🤷‍♀️ but to me, I joined the community precisely so I had a reason to wear my costumes somewhere, so it overrides natural instinct 🤣 Heh heh heh. That steel's PRICEY.
@anthonygeorge3689 Жыл бұрын
@@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 😂😂😂😂 thats so valid. I just plan on wearing them day to day. Life's short, if I'm gonna have to suffer existence while shopping in a walmart I'm gonna be wearing something that would make my stuffy puritan ancestors cringe to make up for the emotional damage 😂 Why is hoop steel so expensive 😭😭😭 the cost of the underpinnings outstripping the cost of the outerwear itself should be illegal
@beckstheimpatient4135 Жыл бұрын
Y'all have events and a community? Because it's all tumbleweeds where I live. My 'costuming community' is commenting on Bernadette's IG and being happy if I get a like 🤣
@anthonygeorge3689 Жыл бұрын
@@beckstheimpatient4135 🫂 BIG MOOD 😩😭
@kerriemckinstry-jett8625 Жыл бұрын
I'm an introvert, so joining a community (especially when literally NO ONE in my family & friends group sews like I do, so I have no one to go with) isn't high on the list. However, I am also the person who simply doesn't care. Yes, I will wear something Medieval inspired or whatever while at work just because I feel like it. My department's dress code is basically clean, presentable, & appropriate for a lab if you happen to be teaching one that day. I wore my Regency dress to a baby shower. Fewer people care if you don't care what they think about you. Plus, there's always stuff like Halloween. 🤣 Edit: corrected autocorrected word because autocorrect doesn't like "sews"
@sylviapellicore8228 Жыл бұрын
My first era was “Renn Faire” where I could start from some true historical patterns but not worry so much about the details or accurate ($$$$) fabrics
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
That's a GREAT place to start!
@TheVintageGuidebook Жыл бұрын
This was such a fun list! But with regard to Amer. Civil War, there's been a resurgence in this era among Black costumers trying to reclaim the fashion most of our ancestors weren't allowed (not to mention there's a lot of Little Women-core out there lol). I don't want interest in this era to die out, however you're definitely right in that it needs to be handled with care and appropriate education.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Ah, that's such a valid point! Thank you! And thanks for watching 🧡 (NGL, I have an intense love/hate relationship with LW...it's a struggle 🤣) Would you be comfortable with me pinning your comment? 100% ok if you're not!
@kikidevine694 11 ай бұрын
As a Brit the 1860s aren't as problematic but I do understand why it's so difficult for US costumers
@acharachteryoureattachedto 2 ай бұрын
Girlie what 💀💀
@samaval9920 2 ай бұрын
You & they can also reproduce Afro aCaribbeanS & Afro S American styles. There were all sorts of styles, many still used today. Folk dance, tourism etc. videos show the great diversity, Afro populations existed z&!exist in every country & territory, except Paraguay, & ? Mexico down to Argentina, Peru to Brasil etc. Spanish, Portuguese, French, English, Papiamento, etc, all languages spoken & sung. Greatest clothing!’aGreat dances & songs!
@OcarinaSapphr- Жыл бұрын
Absolutely *living* for your 17th c rant, lol! My first costumes were Hellenistic, vaguely Anglo-Saxon/ Dark Ages- early Middle Ages, & 1910's*-1920's *tbf, Australian Federation is a bit simpler than full-on Edwardian glory, but lace & tucks were still a feature...
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
🤣 Thanks! It was fun to film, even if I am "not" bitter about the whole thing. LOL! All great places to start! I don't know much about the Australian Federation style. I'll have to go check it out!
@liav4102 Жыл бұрын
1920s one hour dresses are a fantastic first stop after a chiton . I think 1780s is likely my next actual full build. I’ve got a specific one I’m creating in lounge wear so I may as well work on a day dress at least since I have most of the under layers. Just need a suitable fabric. Right now I have so many ideas but so little time 😂 yet I still prefer prioritizing hand sewing over machine sewing
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Cool, good suggestion!! Too many ideas and not enough time, story of my life! I feel 'ya 🤣
@misss7777 Жыл бұрын
My first historical project, which I made last year, was a Chinese Hanfu. Hanfu is relatively easy construction wise especially since the sleeves are practically dolmam sleeves. My second historical project, which I made this year, was both a day and a evening 1920s outfit. The day outfit is in the style of Miss Fisher with pants, a hat and a lavishly stylish coat (the first coat I ever made). The evening outfit contains both an evening dress and a cape (which was acutally a very popular evening option). I always sew "costumes" for LARP. The Hanfu was for a Fantasy character but I used it as an opportunity to research and renconstruct a historical garment. The second LARP was set in 1928 and I can assure you I was the most accurately dressed person there😂😮
@cayfletcher8790 Жыл бұрын
I started with a smattering of mid 1800's (pairie dresses ala Oregon trail in elementary school), vaguely medieval for Ren Faires and 17th century pirate attire. But now I'm firmly in the medieval and Tudor eras with a fantasy twist. Though I do help my wife with her Victorian and Edwardian garb.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Awesome! Except I have bad news. You have died of dysentery.
@wanderingspark Жыл бұрын
As someone who started in early 17th c with almost no sewing experience, I would argue that early 17th c should go in 'If you like crying', instead of 'Nope!', especially if you're doing working class. You can basically get away with using a Tudor kirtle as your foundation garment, and there are a bunch of reenactment groups that have helpful websites. Renaissance really, /really/ depends on what part of Europe you're talking about. 16th c Ireland falls squarely into NOPE! There is only one company that makes patterns for it, and said company's patterns are generally not known for being beginner-friendly. Other information sources are difficult-to-impossible to find (ask me how I know), and a proper outfit requires 15+ yd of fabric. But, 16th c. Ireland has THE MOST EPIC SLEEVES in history. Poofy sleeves that hang all the way down to your knees.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Hah! Yeah, I feel like working class of any era gets automatically bumped up a level. I know absolutely zero about 16th c Ireland, but I'll go check it out, because I am if anything an enthusiast for epic sleeves. Thanks! 😁
@alex9190 Жыл бұрын
wearing modern elastic waist linen pants with an early medieval tunic for a more "masculine" impression is a tip i like to share with people interested in going to events but can't/don't want to take on the task of sewing pants
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Oooooh! That's a great (and COMFY!) suggestion! Thanks for sharing!
@tigerwalton545 Жыл бұрын
My first costuming piece was a Medieval gown that looked a lot like Merida's from Brave, except it was in creams and golds. It also started life as a set of curtains from a thrift shop! That was in either grade 7 or 8.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Wow, starting early! Awesome--and yay for thrifting your materials 😁
@maddiedoesntkno Жыл бұрын
I love thrifting curtains and fancy sheets for costumes😅
@kikidevine694 11 ай бұрын
I did a lot of 15tth century reenactment back in the 90's; many curtains died in a noble cause back then. I had an amazing 1450's copper orange kirtle made from velvet with a black and gold stomacher. Absolutely gorgeous but so incredibly heavy
@LaurasBookBlog Жыл бұрын
I wanna do the 17th century so badly, but I can't find patterns and I do NOT have the skillset to grade from pattern books. But those Stuart gowns are so gorgeous!
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
They are! It's such a shame that there aren't many resources out there. Reconstructing History does have some patterns, but they are not good patterns at all, they scale terribly and the instructions are awful, and aren't any better than scaling 🙄 There is one 1660's pattern out there from Nehelenia patterns. KZbin doesn't like me linking, but you can google it. I've heard good things about it, but it does ship from Germany, so the price has always thrown me off.
@nian60 Жыл бұрын
@@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Nehelenia is a great tip for those of us who live in the EU though. 😃 Thanks, I will go and look at that pattern. 😊
@camille_la_chenille Жыл бұрын
I whipped something like five ancient Greek tunics out of old bedsheets in an anfternoon with the crappiest sewing machine on Earth for a school play when I was 15 and had only the most basic understanind knowledge of sewing and a friend who could... cut fabric straight as an assistant. We had lots of fun and the costumes were nice enough from a distance despite the wonky hems. I recently recycled the tunic I had left into a Regency chemise, after years of using it as a nightgown. I love these versatile garments so much... I am now planning (procrastinating) to make a medieval gown and a Regency one, but life got in the way and I don't have events to go to so my priority goes to dailywear sewing. I do ear my 1890's split skirt a lot though, and am asving money to buy wool for a winter version. (Most of my sewing limitations are due to budget rather than skill, it's kind of frustrating)
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
I feel that! I feel like budget is always a big, hindering factor. But great that you're finding ways to scoot around that!
@bohemiansusan2897 Жыл бұрын
Costuming as a hobby or wardrobe mix up gets spendy but is a lot of fun. My take on it is probably different than most as I'm a middle aged Goth. I did some vintage of prairie style that was popular in the early 80s. I did a bit of Korean costuming as all I had to do was raid my mother's closet. I mix a polonaise with jeans and flapper Mary Janes. Or I will do medieval cut and use it as a base for vampire. Actually almost all of my historical costuming mostly revolves around vampires and I wear this stuff as ordinary clothing. Many will cringe when they see that a garment of mine was constructed by a pattern from one of the big four companies. I'm not going after historical accuracy but a certain vibe as a vampire of whatever era. Roman and Grecian dresses are a lot of fun and can be worn in contemporary gatherings with most not knowing.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Exactly! I wear my chitons and stola out all the time and get nothing but compliments. And they're so comfy! And nothing wrong with the big four, especially when you're just starting out. My 18th century stays are from the AD Simplicity Outlander stays pattern, and they're great. Nobody's first makes are proud things to show off 🤣🤐
@ashextraordinaire Жыл бұрын
Fellow middle-aged goth high five!
@kikidevine694 11 ай бұрын
Hello fellow dark soul 🌑
@bohemiansusan2897 11 ай бұрын
@@kikidevine694 hello there. Nice to meet you.
@megmeg5656 Жыл бұрын
In all honesty and respect, I disagree about the 1860s. If you mean specifically American fashion, I could more or less buy that. But it doesn't have to be American fashion. It can be European fashion and although it's pretty much the same (especially in form), it's important to look outside America. In the 1837s, a decree was passed in the Spanish colonies allowing the free trade of slaves. However, I would never say that anyone did (if only for moral reasons) the 1830s. For in every place, there have been many atrocities. Hence, I don't think is fear as you say to "stop making the era, period". Because as an Spaniard, American civil war is way to far from my culture. Hence, I could tell to all Americans not to try 1830's. You didn't even gave the opportunity to others to choose whether or not to chose an 1860's gown from other country. And you were clear with not trying the era.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
I specifically said it applies to only American clothing from 1861-1865 before I said anything else about it.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Apologies, I realize after the fact my response sounded unnecessarily snippy. Not my intent! I did actually specify in the original script that I wasn't speaking for any other country in that time period, because I didn't have the knowledge to speak about it in that context, and that I was only concerned with US. But it got cut for time. I regret not leaving it in. Obviously, other places have different contexts. But for (white folks) in the US, it's still really not a good space to be in.
@idrisa7909 Жыл бұрын
I agree with the discussion of the mid 1800s, but something that had nagged at me is by singling it out, it does feel like costumers can potentially be ignoring that slavery was very much a thing for a long, long time. One of the projects I want to work on is partially based on a chemise a la reine, and I was on the fence about making it at first because to me, that particular garment also has a massive history with slavery- its cotton, and it was likely based on clothes commonly worn in the French Caribbean, including by white French slave owners. I'm not disagreeing with you at all regarding the 1860s, just saying the entanglement with fashion and slavery/colonialism is a very wide spanning issue (hell let's not get into the beetle wings or how England systematically destroyed the South Asian textile industry and how you can draw a direct line from that to the conditions garment workers face today in the same region).
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
I think that yes, there are plenty of costumers out there that like to ignore that fact. Will avoiding this specific time, place and intent increase the number of folks out there who will willingly smooth over the "unsavory" that has been rampant throughout history, not just this time period? That, I really don't know. I'd like to hope not. Is that naive? Probably 😬 I totally agree with you, though, about it being our duty as costumers to research, understand and most importantly acknowledge the context and origins of specific styles (and eras) that could be deemed problematic or are environmentally or socially harmful, etc. I think that's a great point and the Chemise gown is a perfect example, because as you said, it is fraught with some problematic history. When I made my red chemise gown earlier this year, I spent a LOT of time doing that research, listening to folks about the matter, and then making sure I acknowledged it in my video and left resources in the description for folks to go check out and further educate themselves, since I didn't feel like I was the person to really go into depth about the subject (and same with this one, honestly. Who am I to really understand?) And we definitely don't want to lose that--we want to encourage that in costumers who are coming from places of privilege. I'd argue it's our duty, so that our spaces are safer and more inclusive. I think where the difference is intent. Dressing up in one of those American Civil War outfits and going to a CW reenactment and hanging out on the confederate side is a lot different, and says a totally different thing, than wearing a chemise gown to a Georgian-themed picnic, especially if one does the work and the acknowledgement first. Again, I can only speak as someone of privilege, so take that with a grain of salt. Someone said earlier that with a lot of research and care, this era could be done, and I totally agree with that. For the sake of this video, though, still I feel my statement runs true: most beginners won't know how or where to even start to do that :\
@idrisa7909 Жыл бұрын
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming yeah, I do think the thing that does make the 1860s exceptional is that racists particularly latch onto that era to glorify slaveowners in a way they don't with other eras. All eras of European and white American history get used by racists, but they're used in different ways; the dress of the 1860s in the US is very much used to glorify slavery in part because of how the southern belle is used, and in part because of films made about the era. Because it's seen as the point where slavery ended in the US (its sadly more complicated), it crystallizes in the public perception
@thaloblue 7 ай бұрын
So, this is something with a unique dynamic in America. You are completely correct. Even the fashions from 1650s are technically “slaveowner fashions” because that is how old the transatlantic slave trade is. However, if you’re a delusional American who believes the Civil War was about states’ rights to do anything besides own slaves and you generate a lot of useless nostalgia for the time period and maybe even display the common hatred/rebel flag on your car or in your home, you’re gonna be drawn to the Antebellum fashion period. That’s why OP is speaking to that section of history specifically. In American historical costuming culture, that’s where all the white supremacists are hiding. ESPECIALLY IN THE AMERICAN SOUTH. You might be American, idk, and you might already know this. I am just hoping to provide context. OP is a Texas resident (and so am I) so these are our red flags.
@thaloblue 7 ай бұрын
@@idrisa7909exactly. It’s like how weird white men are obsessed with WWII. Steer clear of them altogether lmfao. Yes, antisemitism and genocides of Jewish persons happened multiple times throughout history and held a lot of peaks in the medieval era. But the closet Nazis are obsessed with the 1940s specifically. You’re much less likely to find a white supremacist among medieval reenactors than you are among WWII stans.
@idrisa7909 20 күн бұрын
​@thaloblue I am literally a mixed race person in Georgia. I am well aware
@nian60 Жыл бұрын
I looked through Nehelenia's patterns, and some of them are in PDF. Maybe if enough people request a specific pattern to be turned into PDF, they will do it? It looks like they have lots of great patterns. 🙂
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Good idea! That'd be nice! They do have some good patterns, especially some men's 17th century slops I've been eyeing!
@nian60 Жыл бұрын
@@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Yes. 🙂
@LadyDragonbane Жыл бұрын
No kidding about the unavailability of 17th patterns.... *cries in 1640s* I know one guy who basically lives in the 17th century and as far as I know he wears it to any event he goes to though so there's at least three of us in the world.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
LOL! I like it 😆 The interesting thing is that the more I talk about it, the more people come out of the woodwork, and say they've wanted to do it but have been intimidated. So just wearing 17th c to random events is a really good thing. I think people want to see other folks Do The Thing. It's definitely my go to era for events that don't have a required one!
@LadyDragonbane Жыл бұрын
@@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Yeah, it makes a difference seeing others do it. In my historical group we can theoretically do anything from the late 17th century to, I think, about the mid-19th, but the main focus is 18th to regency so it's easy to get stuck in those eras because that's what "everyone" does. The guy belongs to another group but sometimes joins us/our "neighbours" too and every time I see him I'm inspired to make the jump. There's really no reason not to (besides the cost of appropriate fabric, etc)!
@hockeygrrlmuse 11 ай бұрын
I really appreciate your comments on the American Civil War era. I've come to really love the silhouette and flow of those dresses but their beauty absolutely can't be separated from their historical baggage. I can't imagine putting one on and walking around without being constantly aware of what white femininity meant in that era and what atrocities that image was used to justify. Honestly even the earlier usage of cotton feels a little fraught to me. Anyway thanks for all your fantastic insights, I can't wait to make my first chiton this week!
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 11 ай бұрын
I agree with your sentiments! Thank you for watching--and good luck with your chiton!!
@susankellam8844 Жыл бұрын
I'm an experienced sewer (62 years!)& my first costume was an 1860s skirt & Garibaldi blouse. Pleating the skirt waist just about drove me crazy until I learned that each pleat doesn't have to be the exact same size! Next I moved on to Regency & it went very smoothly. I do always have to do some adjusting, but that's what mock-ups are for. I have all my underpinnings & 1780s gown ready for #angelicathon & will be wearing it to the DFWCG Georgian Picnic. See you there!
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
AWESOME! Can't wait to see it in person! 🤩👏
@lizvtaz6 Жыл бұрын
My first project was a chaperon from the middle ages. There is a character in this video game called Kingdom Come Deliverence and he wears a chaperon. I liked him so I wanted to have a chaperon for myself.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Hah!! That's awesome 😆
@karihyuuga9554 Жыл бұрын
My first project is a full 18th century english gown... I loooove crying 😂
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Ahahahaha! 🤣🤣 That's a hard thing, congrats for getting through it!
@SpringStarFangirl Ай бұрын
I'm starting with the 1890s, mainly because of Bernadette, but I do have a _lot_ of previous sewing experience. I'm also extremely lucky to have been able to draft an 1890s corset and have it fit me first try, so we'll see how that goes.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Ай бұрын
Good luck! It's definitely an ok place to start if you've got a lot of experience already.
@TheSerialHobbyistGirl Жыл бұрын
Great video! I love early 17th century, but those late 17th and early 18th century mantuas are a hard pass for me. Mid 17th century is good too.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Thank you! 😊 Hah! We're basically opposites 🤣 I love my mantua. I do love mid! But my favorite is the 1670's, when the fabrics get a little less plain and we're getting the gown-over-petticoat look and still have poofy sleeves. 🤩
@Nacanaca12 Жыл бұрын
If you love the Edwardian silhouette but don't have the time and money for fiddly lace and diaphanous fabrics, look towards working class or middle-class office-wear from that period. Those are a bit closer to "Previous Sewing Experience" than "It's Gonna Cost 'Ya", as they maintained some of the 1890s' simplicity. There are plenty of period resources available online for dressing on a budget (ie. Vogue and The Ladies' Home Journal) containing advice which serves just as well for costumers today! And yes, those tips included piecing the corners of your skirts.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Great tips, thanks for sharing!
@dianagreene4257 Жыл бұрын
I love my Edwardian walking skirt! Big fabric panels, but it comes together really easy and the SWOOSH of the pleated fullness in the back is fantastic.
@naolucillerandom5280 Жыл бұрын
@maddiedoesntkno Жыл бұрын
@@dianagreene4257heck yeah. Mine has a pocket large enough to hold a chihuahua! It’s in an odd place because of the seaming, so it does appear I’ve pulled whatever’s in it out of my arse, but they’re brilliant pieces to have on hand!
@katjakuitunen6961 8 ай бұрын
I’m a bit late with my comment but you can reduce the cost of crinolines and bustles a lot if you use spring steel pipe cleaners to bone these. It works perfectly, doesn’t get out of shape and looks authentic. The only problem is that you need tools to cut it.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 8 ай бұрын
Never too late to comment, I appreciate you! That's a great tip, I had no idea those were a thing. Thanks!
@AudrinaMystique 11 ай бұрын
I mean, it's 2020. The 1920's were 100 years ago now. Also, many of these rules only apply to the upper crust of the upper class. If you do middle to lower class, the cost of the "yikes" categories drops significantly. Take 1870's for example. A middle-class day gown can be made of lightweight cotton, only about 7-8 yards if you're careful. (I did mine with only 6 yards, and had enough for an evening bodice in addition to a day bodice.) The bustle is small enough and the fabric lightweight enough that you can get away with just a bustle pad. Same with Civil War... cost and difficulty drops significantly the lower class you go. (Side note, Mrs. Lincoln's dress maker was a black woman who bought her way out of slavery by making those dresses that were "oppressive." It really does just depend on how you present it.) On a lighter note, one extremely easy category that I would love to see more of is ancient Egypt. Most ancient Egyptian clothing were "wrap, tuck, and tie" type garments, extremely easy to make. All you need to sew is a top and bottom seam where the fabric is cut, maybe a neck hole if you make a tunic.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 11 ай бұрын
The reason you don't see Ancient Egyptian a lot is because for most of us, doing it would be culturally appropriative, which is very uncool.
@magicspell1780 4 ай бұрын
I started with vintage then moved into 1770s, then regency and now I’m starting work on a natural form wardrobe. Good to know I like picking eras that make me cry :)
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 4 ай бұрын
LOL! I mean--it sounds like you've on-ramped smartly, to me! Good luck with your natural form--I'm gonna be tackling that era myself next year!
@maddiedoesntkno Жыл бұрын
My very very first piece was a set of combinations (one piece chemise and drawers) which I loved so much I made half a dozen more in soft summer fabrics with a closed crotch and wore them as rompers for _years!_ 😂
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
HAH!!! That's brilliant 🤣
@animesquid-u2l 29 күн бұрын
I'm a beginner and I'm working in the late Victorian period. I find skirts to be the easiest to make and the most difficult thing to make for me was an Edwardian style blouse. It's coming together, but it took me a few months to understand the pattern and how to construct the thing. I've also never sewn on buttons before nor have I sewn buttonholes. It's been almost a year since I started sewing and I have one whole outfit to show for it. I do plan on sewing an entire wardrobe but I'm going to take my time due to the cost of the fabric that I want and simply because of the fact that I also have a full time job. Sewing is a hobby to me to learn how to make my own clothes and learn about historical fashion.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 22 күн бұрын
@bunhelsingslegacy3549 Жыл бұрын
Heh, I'm glad Medieval got to be in "absolutely". That's my thing. And though I've been sewing since I was about thirteen, I'm honestly not great at it, just persistent. I'm also really interested in working class anything, male or female, for historybounding purposes. So far, a kirtle based on Morgan Donner's self-drafting video has been my most successful supportive garment, though I'm trying to bodge together some stays.. I've got a Victorian Walking Skirt in the makings and I think since my pinafore kirtle was so successful I'm going to do a full length one out of the other half of the lovely purple linen I got for my birthday. I'm all about making do with what I've got, and the rectangles-and-gores thing really appeals to me for rather a lot of things so far. What I want and have been meaning to make since the start of the pandemic is an outfit I can wear during medieval festivals when I'm not in my battle armour. And I've got an event tomorrow. Did I do the thing? NOPE. Made a bunch of other wearable stuff though...
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Yeah, medieval's a great place to be! And making do is a good thing. I fully believe i utilizing what you already have...especially of you're someone who acquires a lot of stash. Ahem. Not that I know anything about that...😳
@bunhelsingslegacy3549 Жыл бұрын
@@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Oh, no, none of us have any idea what you're talking about... Who has a stash that's exceeded two steamer trunks and is now including multiple plastic totes and a few giant ziploc bags for wool... certainly not me...
@lynn858 Жыл бұрын
Excellent! Medieval-inspired history bounding is the only one I'm actually interested in. And my toe dip is refashioning a 1990s, cotton, button front maxi dress into an overdress. The back, hem to just above the knee looks like a puppy got very bored. So, it's not like I'm even taking a "wearable" garment out of the world, so it was easy to tell myself "enh. If you end up with anything, it's literally been saved from garbage. So if ends up being crap. You also haven'r wasted anything. You just learned things. Watching costube is the hobby.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
That's a really great mindset, I love it! All for repurposing unusable things into something new and useable. Good luck! 🍀
@beckstheimpatient4135 Жыл бұрын
This is such a great video and you are spot on! I started my costuming journey about 3-4 years ago, BUT the first thing I made was *drumroll* ... Roman. Then I moved to Medieval. I made a Regency dress. More Medieval. Then Working class late Victorian/early Edwardian. I made Redthreaded's Short Stays, I drafted and made my own generic Victorian corset. I made a simplified pair of 18th century stays, to go with a men's shirt and a basic skirt. Everything you said beginners should go into, I did as I began my journey. That said, I am STAYING in these points because my wardrobe is meant to be wearable - and kirtles are fantastic, as are walking skirts.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Hah! That's so validating 🤣 Glad my journey was similar to others! I love that you focus on stuff that's wearable. I have a similar rule, where every costume needs to either contain an element I can wear IRL, or serve for a multitude of uses. (Or, win enough competitions to pay for the cost of the supplies. Less sustainable.)
@paintingwithnicole Жыл бұрын
love love love historical costuming but honestly terrified of making a corset, so i've been learning how to sew through pattern-drafting and vintage dresses (mainly 1940-1950) I don't have access to a sewing machine this year, but hopefully by next summer I'll have the confidence to tackle some underpinnings! (as a victorian lit scholar im OBSESSED with the thought of making my own 1890s ensemble)
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Making a corset is hard, but it's not impossible. It's definitely a great practice to go into your first one knowing that it's not going to be a success, 'cause it's the first one! Use cheaper fabrics and supplies (but still invest in decent zip ties, plus steel bones for around your grommets, you can always reuse them later if you need to), and allow yourself to make mistakes--because 100% that's the best way to learn the process! You could also make a cheap pair of stays, first, something that you don't care about ~as much~ so you can get that fitting experience without feeling like there's a bunch of stuff at stake (and stays are so much easier than corsets.) Definitely NOT a good project without a sewing machine, though, so my fingers are crossed that you find your confidence when you end up having access to one, because you absolutely deserve that 1890's ensemble 🧡
@thaloblue 7 ай бұрын
I’m definitely only buying corsets. Absolutely never making one.
@Mistress9Tomoe Ай бұрын
Video Idea : Can you do a tier list for Disney Princesses on Historical Accuracy? While some like Elsa, Jasmine can be Historically mess, but there are some who were actually really accurate and fabulous, like Cinderella, Mulan, and Tiana!
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Ай бұрын
I'll keep that in mind!
@dee-annegordon5959 Жыл бұрын
I started with Italian Ren (SCA events) many years ago and then after almost a decade of not sewing historical I got back into it with the 1890s and making my first corset. I have plans to branch out into Edwardian and German Ren in the next year, and hope to make some Regency in the near future. Now I just need to find more time to sew.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Awesome!! Finding time is definitely the challenge, always 😆
@fennwenn3317 8 ай бұрын
Vindicated by the ease of the general Medieval period. Going to be some of my first Big Project sewing ventures.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 8 ай бұрын
Awesome! That's where I started, and I was definitely happy with that decision. Good luck!
@Eyrenni 10 ай бұрын
For bras that work with Regency clothing, I'd make the addition of "if you can get it in the balconette style, even better". I haven't tried the combination but I have owned balconette style bras and considering their almost to very straight cups with the shoulder straps off to the side, I'd imagine they'd be the easiest to hide beneath the bodice of this era. I honestly can't remember which era I started in. It wasn't the first thing I sewed (that was a more modern fantasy inspired dress I think) but one of the earliest historical garments I clearly remember was a costume styled 18th c for a friend that got a purchased stays-inspired corset under it. It was fun and not bad, but probably due to the fact that it was a modern costume. First proper historical garment was probably in the later Victorian era.... big maybe.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 10 ай бұрын
That's a good tip! I've never worn one of those, but that makes sense!
@thaloblue 7 ай бұрын
One other thing, as an African American I believe in owning and possessing the antebellum era. Taking it back from the weird reenactment people. A sort of alternate timeline where girls as dark as I am were wearing the fancy shit. Especially if the gowns have the espionage revisions they were known to have for women who were spies and couriers during the war. But I think that is my prerogative as a member of the stolen race. I would in fact side eye antebellum costumers who had tone deaf ideals about the time period. It’s not banned or race restricted IMO, it just needs to be approached with respect in the same way that I wouldn’t be too cavalier in 1940’s garb. Any era with a genocide or similar oppressive constant needs sensitivity.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 7 ай бұрын
YES!! To all of this! 😊 (Also, I had no idea there were modifications in those gowns for espionage. I hope you get a chance to do that, because it would be SO. FREAKING. AWESOME.)
@moara4144 11 ай бұрын
My first costume was Italian Renaissance, and it was excellent for beginners. I did it with a few meters of fabric, and some silver ribbon
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 11 ай бұрын
That's awesome! Did you use a specific pattern, or did you draft it yourself?
@moara4144 11 ай бұрын
@@FantasticalFolliesCostuming I drafted it myself. It was in 2001 at peak Ever After mania, so there were a lot of dress blogs for that era with great resources.
@raptorjesus7436 5 ай бұрын
Hearing people say kirtles are very simple caused me to severely underestimate sewing as a skill, drafting specifically. But hey, historical clothing got me back into sewing after 8 years of my machine picking up dust.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 5 ай бұрын
Drafting definitely can make it harder, especially if you're not used to it! I used the duct tape-into-body-block method, which took a lot of the math out of it and made it easier to tackle. And honestly--same! I stopped sewing for a long time and picked it back up for the historical costuming--love to hear you did the same!
@FeatherCharm436 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for making this VERY fun VERY useful video! I wanted to know where I can go after Ancient Greece and I'm going to take your advice! I personally started with Ancient Egypt. Like the Greeks they mostly worked with rectangles, but because we have extant garments from Ancient Egypt their construction and techniques are extremely well-documented, to the point that we know the exact stitches to use for seams and hems.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 2 ай бұрын
Glad you found this helpful!! Thanks for watching!
@hurraynature7449 9 ай бұрын
When I was about 8 years old, I watched Gone With The Wind and decided I wanted to make a Scarlet O'Hara hoop skirt. I cut a circle out of the middle of a piece of fabric and then wondered why I wasn't already achieving the look 😆
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 9 ай бұрын
Lol! 🤣
@Worldbuilder Жыл бұрын
My first historical costume (tm) was a viking set; an underdress and an apron-dress (which I did according to my own ideas, because there’s little to no sourcing.) So. So easy. No underpinnings necessary, and it’s yardage-effective as construction is all rectangles and triangles. And linen is always comfy. :D
@maddiedoesntkno Жыл бұрын
I find linen a bit scratchy-what do you wash it with? I’d love to wear it more because it’s so breezy in the summer but it makes my chest and shoulders itch so!!
@Worldbuilder Жыл бұрын
@@maddiedoesntkno I don't find it scratchy at all, though it usually gets softer and softer with use and washing. But the quality of linen can vary a great deal. The thinner versions tend to be nice and smooth in my experience, though, and that's usually what I wear directly on my skin. :)
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Nice! I do love me some linen 😁
@corvusenca Жыл бұрын
I gotta get better at finding costuming events.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
It may take some time, especially if you are not in a metro area. Check Facebook groups, Meetup, google. Despite living in a major city, I do have to drive 2-3 hours, which can be a pain...but there are folks out there! Good luck!
@tetchedistress 7 ай бұрын
Just found your channel today. I list towards medieval/pre-medieval in my every day at home dress. I've run to this for comfort and medical need. Thank You for the video.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 7 ай бұрын
Awesome, hello and welcome!! That's a very comfy era 😊 Glad you enjoyed, thanks for watching!
@annissa8959 Жыл бұрын
I am sticking mainly to the period of 1760-1820 in costuming, because it is my favorite period. I also have made a 1690s mantua that was so fun! I wanted to do late Victorian as well, but decided not to since I found out that the Victorian society in my country not seems to be nice people. The 18th century folks here are amazing though! 😍
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Awesome that you've done a mantua! Interesting about the Victorians (but not surprising.) Where do you live, may I ask?
@colorfulbeauty3003 Жыл бұрын
I started with 15th Century italian and quickly switched to scandinavian penisula square construction. Also, I already had previous sewing patterns but this time I was making my own patterns due to size requirements.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Cool! Not familiar with that particular style, I'll have to check it out!
@lingolift5917 27 күн бұрын
What a great video. I love your channel!
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 22 күн бұрын
Thank you! So happy you're here!
@eleonore59830 Жыл бұрын
i am quite a beginner costumer and I mostly do 1890s and edwardian but I buy basic simple antique corsets covers and petticoats because they are so annoying to make tbh and cheap to buy over there haha. I also do vintage (30s-40s and 70s) but i don't do it in a historical accurate goal, just for everyday wear.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Purchasing your undergarments definitely makes things easier! You're fortunate to be able to find things that fit you!
@emilyglass6625 Жыл бұрын
This is so cool. I'm not ready to start a historical project, but I'm very interested in the practical aspects - the underpinnings, the materials - of what would go into a dream dress haha. I love you for talking this through in such detail, and I'll probably listen to this video again in future.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Thank you! That is an exceptional compliment, I'm so glad this is useful! It's good you're thinking about your underpinnings! Definitely where you want to start, especially with a dream project! 😁
@beckstheimpatient4135 Жыл бұрын
You know what's a great beginner project? A linen shift. Grab some white/unbleached linen, find Morgan Donner's tutorial from a few years ago, and improvise your way to a great underlayer. But what if it ends up looking weird? Who cares! You've learned enough to make a lovely dress to cover the imperfections. Remember, a lot of the clothing we still have in museums is from wealthy people. Us normal folk improvised, mended, and sometimes messed up construction. NOBODY will notice your 'mistakes'. PS: that linen shift is amazing to sleep in, to wear under modern dresses to keep them clean, to just wear in summer around the house if it's hot. So many uses out of one basic project.
@alaskacosplay 5 ай бұрын
My favorite is the 1890s. But I design and style it in the ways of the rich in which I will use more and more yardage and add godets to the back or making many gored panels with additional hem sweep to make the grand skirts of high society ladies. Same for Edwardian skirts. For 1850s to 1880s, I like to keep both rectangular and gored panels to make it super full at the hem.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 5 ай бұрын
Hah! I appreciate your more-is-more mentality 🤣
@alaskacosplay 5 ай бұрын
@@FantasticalFolliesCostuming I mean it's the Victorian era. By the 1860s, more was better. And if I can afford to spend the money to make it grander, I will spend it.
@TheGabygael Жыл бұрын
Something that really differentiate Grecian and roman dress to me is the hairstyling i haven't as of yet seen that many roman hairstyles that were on the easy side, but they're a lot of fun
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Cool! I don't know anything about the hairstyles,I have to admit, but it sounds like a fun rabbithole!
@maddiedoesntkno Жыл бұрын
So many tiny tiny rows of curls, all greased and sewn in place!
@TheGabygael Жыл бұрын
@@maddiedoesntkno and braids (generally two to ten-ish, more tends to veer into box braid territory) those around the begining of the first millenum after the split from the western and the byzantine empire) that generally look like a smoothe rounded bob are probably hiding a lot of complex structure that is lost to us (art generally looking more stylised at that time)
@thaloblue 7 ай бұрын
I’ll share what has helped me. I’m African American so a ton of these hairstyles aren’t made for my hair type. But if you look carefully, you can almost always find at least one FREE black woman hanging around a Western civilization. So I watch what those women did with their hair. Another thing that helps is to look at the hairstyle for what it is and work with what your hair can handle. Its helpful to know your hairtype (1-4, a-c). If you have 1a hair, its not going to hold a curl well and it’s not going to give Athenian ringlets, but every woman in Ancient Greece was not blessed with curly hair. What did they do instead? Be prepared to accessorize! I have 3c-4a hair, so I can work with my hair to loosen my tight curls into ringlets, or I can weave a solid headdress into my hair and still look very Greco-Roman. This is how we work with modern styles today, we just don’t think about it as consciously. I never get extensions even though they are extremely popular today because it’s expensive and not suitable for my hair type, but I belong in this era and am a native of this era nonetheless.
@msmlolmanpolybrige0335 Жыл бұрын
18:02 hold up, why not? Ok I understand if you were to talk specifically about slavery, but if you do touch onto a subject different from it, I see it as perfectly fine
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Please see my replies to other comments in this video.
@nelliewerger5505 Жыл бұрын
17c. =pirate garb... acceptable at most renfaires
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
That is a SOLID point! Thanks for bringing that up! Some 17th century, though, hah! I can't imagine walking around with my giant trained mantua trailing in the dirt...🤣
@nelliewerger5505 Жыл бұрын
I was thinking more the outlander type stuff. Still 17 c. But actually pretty easy to wear
@lovelasnow Жыл бұрын
I want to start with regency because I like empire waists
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Nice! I like them, too.
@Cowgirlcadet Жыл бұрын
I guess I must be dumb or crazy or a little bit of both, because I jumped right in the deep end with a historically accurate Victorian corset!
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Oh, wow 🤣 that's definitely a choice! Not an easy thing to do, but good for you!
@Cowgirlcadet Жыл бұрын
@@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Well I do have some sewing skills already, and I've been toying with/semi-researching the idea for a while, but the real motivation to actually do it was when I found this awesome emerald green stretch taffeta for pretty cheap that I just had to make a dress out of. I didn't even know what kind of dress, but then I found this other fabric on the bargain table that went with it beautifully, and it was enough for a skirt which made me start getting ideas.... What I finally came up with was a beautiful mess, or more accurately a proverbial Frankenstein's Monster, that takes inspiration from both the Victorian era and the Robe a la Francaís, but with my own modern tweaks, which are partly to make me a little less work because I'm lazy, and partly to keep the project within my skills. And I totally plan to finish this, but I expect it will take a good long while, because I keep procrastinating, and also getting distracted with working on other stuff. I blame the ADHD.
@marthabenner6528 5 ай бұрын
I started with stretch velvet. Then I went straight into stays. I'm currently on corsets and tailored suits.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 5 ай бұрын
Love it! A glutton for punishment! 😆👏
@liav4102 Жыл бұрын
Ancient Greek/Rome, like curtains but for your body 😂
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Yup 😂 There's definitely an art to the belting process to get them to be flattering.
@supernewf21 Жыл бұрын
😂😂😂 I atarted out woth Regency (well, technically started out with Vintage as the Rockabilly movement of the early 2010's ate (and continues to eat) my entire personality), then did an early Elizabethan Renaissance gown because my husband wanted to dive into various eras of men's fashion and Medival menswear was very uninspiring to him. (Please note, this is the same guy who put together an entire Regency men's ensemble, including the top hat for his FIRST SEWING PROJECT, and then promptly totally ate and left no crumbs🔥❤️). I love this video.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
2010s Rockabilly is LOVE 😍 And honestly, dissing Medieval menswear for Regency is totally logical. I kind of think it's the most attractive male fashion ever 🤐 But WOW!!! Those are skills, I'm so impressed by him!! 👏👏
@bobbirdsong6825 Жыл бұрын
disclaimer: i mainly know more about men's fashion victorian onward, and only occasionally consume women's fashion history. i'm curious as to why the civil war era is different compared to all the others. what makes it okay to dress as a victorian aristocratic who's okay with colonialism or a medieval noble who also owns slaves and land with serfs? i totally understand if it's a specific thing about those gowns that makes them a symbol of oppression, i just don't know anything about that place/period from the fashion side of things
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
It's about the context, and the intent of the wearers in those costumes at certain themed events and historical recreations that happen here in the States, especially in the South. There's a lot of longing for the "good ole days" when, basically, being racist was socially acceptable. Whereas like, someone dressing up as a Victorian aristocrat's not necessarily doing it with that same intent. It's very nuanced and VERY specific to the American Civil War. You can scroll through the comments, there were a few international folks I replied to with some more detail/reference if you'd like further explanation.
@bobbirdsong6825 Жыл бұрын
@@FantasticalFolliesCostuming i see, thanks
@nian60 Жыл бұрын
Because I am a fan of the Hocus Pocus films my fave era is 1650 to 1690. Unsurprisingly this era is in the "NOPE" category. 🤣 I have noticed when looking for sewing patterns for this era that there is very little available. 😞 That partially explains why the clothing in those films are more loose interpretations. There was also no internet in 1992, so research would have been difficult. (That doesn't explain the loose interpretations for the 2022 film though). 🤔
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Hah! I do love Hocus Pocus so much. I will say, as far as I know, they were never going for any kind of historical accuracy. More of a ~vibe~, especially for the witches, one that I actually love. I never expect any kind of attention to accuracy in Disney films 🤣
@nian60 Жыл бұрын
@@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Yes you're right. And even if they had wanted to, it would probably have been very hard for a time-constrained film costumer to have done all that research before the internet age. 🙂
@legoartis Жыл бұрын
I've been doing 12-13 centuries for years before I decided enough is enough and went to suffer in edwardian era. Never regretted it, but I did struggle with it a lot, especially after baggie high medieval siluettes.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Yeah, wow, that's a total reverse! Good for you!
@gwjchris 9 ай бұрын
I had some sewing experience beyond Home Ec classes (yes I am a "senior"😊) and I did not have all That much trouble with 1850s - 1860s day dresses. Corsets are another story of course. I would have placed it in the "it'll cost you". I respect your comments about how fraught the CW era is especially living in Texas, treating the issues of the era with respect makes all the difference in the world. That is much easier to do on the North though. I love the ancient Greek and Roman costumes as modern dresses! I'm all in on those!
@rachelmcdonough1506 10 ай бұрын
My first full costume was an 1840s day dress and while it did not cost me (I got a lot of free stuff from a moving sale/giveaway) it DID make me cry because I made the corset too small and it hurt so bad! I finally have a good corset now so tears have been dried.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 10 ай бұрын
Oh no!!! I have been there 😪 Totally sympathize! But yay for doing the smart thing and using free materials--and getting a properly fitted corset 🤣
@Andrew_in_the_garden Жыл бұрын
Mutton chop sleeves had me wheezing gdsgsd also sometimes you see vids and immediately have to click on them and this definitely was one jf them
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
I am SO glad someone finally caught that 🤣🤣 I didn't realize what I'd said until I was editing and almost fell off my chair laughing. Hah! And thanks, I'm so glad you stopped by!
@shammydammy2610 Жыл бұрын
I started with medieval.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
That was my second project after my chiton, it's such a great place to begin.
@lifewcockapooz8103 Жыл бұрын
Lol im an idiot and started with an 1850s puffed sleeve crinoline dress which i sewed entirely by hand because i had no machine. Friends, do not do this. Please just dont... honestly its a miracle it turned out ok though i was working on it for 2 months... 😅
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Oh my god 🤣😵‍💫 That is absolutely insane, GOOD FOR YOU for tackling that first! 👏👏
@Jayjay-xc5sm 11 ай бұрын
This is so good!!! I have been looking for a video like this because i wanted to start sewing historical costumes, but i didnt know exactly what id like to make yet
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 11 ай бұрын
Thank you so much! Hopefully it helps! 😊 Good luck!
@therewillbecatswithgwenhwyfar Жыл бұрын
I LOVE my long line regency stays!!!
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Mine are pretty comfy! I don't like that they're back-lacing, because it's always kind of hard to get 'em on, but they're a great, useful thing to have for sure!
@therewillbecatswithgwenhwyfar Жыл бұрын
Yeah although I do have to say that there is some thing really gratifying about pulling a giant stick out of your boobs and watching the expressions from the people who have no idea what you're doing! Lol
@nian60 Жыл бұрын
If anyone wants help with the Viking era, a good place to start is Daisy Victoria. There are also several Scandinavian Costubers that do videos in English, such as Runfridr and Elin Abrahamsson. 🙂
@vivianneven Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the resources!
@CostumeGranny127 Жыл бұрын
Anytime you want to go wear your 1830's or 1740's let me know! There are a dearth of costumers around me, and oh-so-many places we could wear them! Plus Louisiana isn't that far from Texas -- relatively speaking
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
LOL well, it's not a day drive, but I'll keep that in mind! Thanks!
@emppulina Жыл бұрын
I will mostly agree - especially with your favourite era - well almost as I am more into 1630s-1660s British or Dutch. However there is an alternative to regency stays and those are breast wraps or regency brasserie that work for 1800-1805 (maybe up to 1810). Unfortunately I don' think there are ready-made patterns for these. Plenty of edwardian styles are much more simple and don't have any lace. Especially more practical and sporty styles. Third there are also the dress reform movement of late victorian era (continuing to edwardian) that is good alternative to more complicated styles of the main stream fashion of the era. The last one is to note that more informal styles of the 18th century, like different jackets are much easier than the formal court styles.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
That's true about the Regency stays alternative! Although, without there being any patterns available, I'd say that still could be prohibitive.
@pippaseaspirit4415 11 ай бұрын
I like the mid-Victorian working or middle class look. I have no intention of going to events! (I’m autistic so crowds aren’t my jam!) I just want that or late Victorian/ early Edwardian to wear on a daily basis. Just because I like it!
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 11 ай бұрын
Nothing wrong with that!! 😎
@Wee_Catalyst 8 ай бұрын
My first era (historically adequate make) was the mid-1840’-1860’s for a theatre dance “costume” for Dickens Faire where while my cast SHOULD have been in Regency wear since we’re the memory of when Scrooge was young and engaged and happy but they decided they’d rather have the cast look more homogeneously fashioned (I fully lined it and made it a real dress) 😅 I didn’t make or have a correct corset, made do with a cheap modern one but I made it work! And the dress is still beautiful to me several years on and is well-made I LOVE most of the 17th century and am ELATED to find your channel!! But I’m definitely waiting until I’ve gotten a few more years of other projects to get me to a stronger set of skills 😅
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 8 ай бұрын
Whoohoo another 17th century enthusiast!! It is definitely a trickier era. Hoping to start tackling it soon, myself!
@sheryl.sst1537 8 ай бұрын
My favorite is Edwardian but I have little sewing skills. So I watch other’s projects.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 8 ай бұрын
Nothing wrong with that! 😊
@Anonymous-ye4bg 3 ай бұрын
Please peer pressure the men in this specific area of KZbin to do a male version-we need more people like you fashion gentlewomen and gentlemen
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 3 ай бұрын
I wish they would! Sadly I haven't met any personally to do the peer-pressuring, but who knows, that may change in the future!
@Anonymous-ye4bg 3 ай бұрын
@@FantasticalFolliesCostuming you're awesome
@janisi9262 Жыл бұрын
If an event requires Regency-era clothing, I'm not going. I HATE it.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
LOL!!! That's valid 😆 but you'll definitely miss out 🤷‍♀️
@asiabryant207 9 ай бұрын
Such a great video. It seems I started off easy. I have regency, late 1700s, and 1890s historical pieces. My next new era will be renaissance.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 9 ай бұрын
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Those are definitely good places to start :) Enjoy the Renaissance! Just finishing one of those up myself 😄
@Chibi-kittenplays 7 ай бұрын
"slides a note in under her door reading "viking age"
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 7 ай бұрын
It does seem like it's simple! I didn't include it, because as far as that era goes, I'm Jon Snow. 😂
@AlexaSmith 4 ай бұрын
dammmn came here to learn about a hobby i'd never really heard of and got so much info lol
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 4 ай бұрын
Lol! Information overload 🤣 hopefully the good kind!
@stormraynes1707 Жыл бұрын
Give me a light leather (or leather look) kirtle bodice and a big feather, I'm going Golden Age of Piracy, matey. Poofy sleeve pirate shirt from rectangles. Pants from rectangles that are adjustable. So much fun,
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Yes!! I love the Golden Age of Piracy. Such a fun era!!
@brinagotsued Жыл бұрын
Just found your channel I love the video and style, and your hair is gorgeous.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! So glad you stopped by! 😊
@AwkwardestNarwhal Жыл бұрын
Lol, all of my eras are in the beginner zone (plus the even simpler Dark Ages rectangular construction kirtles). Things can get more spicy when you add elements like weaving your own trim and belts (because nylon and lurex isn't going to cut it) and digging into natural dyes.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
OH yeah!! I have not stepped into the weaving of trims, yet, beyond fingerloop braiding, for that very reason 🤣 And don't even get me started on natural dyes. Dye is like, ~my thing~ and I've been deep into it for like 15 years, but all the scary mordants have kind of frightened me away from the natural stuff. Hah!
@AwkwardestNarwhal Жыл бұрын
@@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Turns out anything can become tear-inducing if you get lost in the sauce enough :)
@naolucillerandom5280 Жыл бұрын
The people in the comments are kind of convincing me to sew medieval stuff. Well, now I know what I'll be doing on the winter holidays! 😂
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
You totally should! You know what? I never liked the way Medieval stuff looked, thought it was really unflattering (like the 1830's, hah!) I ended up starting off there after I made my chiton, because I wanted to do a specific "historically accurate" cosplay. I ended up really loving it, and the kirtle I built for that costume I actually just wear everyday to work. I made the sleeves detachable, so I just wear it sleeveless with a shift underneath since it's hot here.
@naolucillerandom5280 Жыл бұрын
I've always liked full skirts, but the truth is medieval kirtles are more versatile, especially for wearing in daily life. So I am willing to make at least one before giving the verdict on what I think of the fit.
@clotildebesson1991 Жыл бұрын
I love that video! It's so informative and helps figure out eras but I would have had an easier time remembering the differences if you has gone through the list in chronological order and with more reference pictures
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Thank you, and I appreciate your feedback! I'll definitely keep that in mind about the reference photos, when time allows! The order, though, that was 100% intentional. 😆 If you look, the first four chronologically are also the only four in the top tier, and then while there are some exceptions, generally the clothing gets more and more complicated/difficult as time passes, so we would have moved down like a thermometer. I thought that'd be less exciting 🤐
@cathrinegamst3184 11 ай бұрын
The Ziggy Robe Anglaise? I yelped.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 11 ай бұрын
That's one of my favorite makes 😃 All the undergarments are Bowie themed, too!
@jenniferroxy5956 8 ай бұрын
This was really helpful!😊
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 8 ай бұрын
I'm so glad! Thanks for watching!
@seyspectra Жыл бұрын
You said that 1900-1910 would be considered the historical Edwardian period while 1920+ fashion would be considered vintage, not historical. Would the period from 1910-1920 be considered Vintage or Historical?
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
I'd consider it historical. As far as I know (and what I know is VERY limited, which is why I didn't mention this era in the video,) you still need full structural undergarments for this period. I know Scroop makes a bunch of stuff from this era, including a new corset pattern, so if you're interested in doing it, might be a good place to start.
@seyspectra Жыл бұрын
@@FantasticalFolliesCostuming thanks for answering
@espurrlady3397 11 ай бұрын
Great video, thanks!
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 11 ай бұрын
You're welcome, so glad you enjoyed it!
@randirielthebard Ай бұрын
I'm kinda sad you didn't talk about my favorite: 1889-1890, the bustle shape was perfect, but the leg o muttons​ hadn't yet gotten completely out of control lol (I'm a big femme and prefer not to put emphasis on my already broad shoulders) Okay, I suppose technically it's sort of covered, but my taste is so damned specific xD
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Ай бұрын
🤣 That is VERY specific!!
@nian60 Жыл бұрын
Great idea for a video. 😃 After only watching the intro, my guess for easiest era is Regency. 😊 I haven't made anything Regency, but just by looking at it, it looks easier than others. Edit, no it wasn't top tier, but second tier so I wasn't too far off. 🙂
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Definitely not too far off! It's only the stays that make it one tier lower. I'd hate for a brand new sewist to just jump cold into stays. Takes some skill to get the fit right. You're totally right, though, the dresses are quite easy. I knocked up my coral gown in just about a week! It was a breeze 😃
@nian60 Жыл бұрын
@@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Yes. 😃 Nice. 😊 And if someone does what you say in the video and buy the stays ready-made, it could move Regency into top tier. 🙂 I don't know how expensive Regency stays are though, if you buy them instead of making them. 🤔 Edit, upon the second viewing I noticed that you said Regency stays from Red Threaded. They are $200. Or you can buy a PDF pattern from them and make it yourself. 😊
@HeraCarman Жыл бұрын
New subscriber. Okay will try a Ancient Greek outfit. Events?
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Yay! Welcome!! 😁 And excellent, you won't regret it! As for events, best thing you can do is search for costuming groups in your area. Check Facebook, Meetup, and Google, and if you don't find anything, expand your search a little. I have to drive a couple of hours, but there are plenty of places that aren't so scattered!
@captnflint Жыл бұрын
just out of curiosity... what events are you talking about? i grew up going to SCA events, and am getting back into that, but beyond that i literally don't know of anything out there... (except civil war reenactors, which, yeah, hard pass!)
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
There are a ton of events! A lot of areas have local costuming groups that do all sorts of picnics, museum outings, etc. There are also big events, like for example the big 18th century ball that I'm going to in St Louis at the end of the month, put on by some of my fellow Costubers.
@blacksurge144p Жыл бұрын
im sorry if this sounds harsh or something but what u said abt how ppl shouldnt make clothing from the civil war era just doesnt sit right with me. "causes so much pain and trauma in people" name one person alive today who has been thru the civil war... n besides the usa isnt and wasnt the only country back then lol. besides its just clothing, ppl making fancy outfits from that era arent "romanticizing" the war, theyre making pretty clothing that they like so yeah. sorry if this sounded mean but i really dont think ppl should refrain from making clothing if bad things happened during that year, and its also such a double standard. like w that logic noone should make fancy 1780s gowns bc of the french revolution, noone should make 1910s clothing bc of WWI, noone should make 1940s clothing bc of WWII, etc. great video though, i really liked it but i just wanted to share my thoughts. hope ur having a good day
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Thank you for expressing your opinions in a polite manner, I appreciate your consideration! You're right in that America is not the only country. That's why I specified American fashion in that specific time period. I can't speak at all about other countries and won't try to. 😄 Here, it's frought with a lot of issues and represents a lot of the systemic racism that's still causing serious violence to marginalized people, and the cause of a lot of our current political issues. I'll try and clarify for ya'. In the other eras you mentioned, most people do look at it as "just clothing." People don't flock to those spaces specifically because of social issues they represent. That's not the case for this specific period and time here in the States. Not all, but quite a few folks who dress up and go to Civil War reeinactments do it because they miss the "good ole days" where it was socially acceptable to be racist. And so those spaces here in the US (ESPECIALLY in the South) are not safe places for marginalized creators. Whether someone agrees with that mindset or not, going to those events dressed in those clothes validates the gross people into thinking that their beliefs are justified, and so I want newbies who maybe have not been in this community long enough to know the historical costuming community's struggles with this to be aware this is not a good era to do. It's a red flag for a lot of folks, including me. If someone does that era, that tells me that person is probably not the kind of folk I want to be hanging out with, because while they might not agree with it, they also may not stand up when people are being harmed. But I'm of Western Europeon descent, so I'm really not the person to educate you on it. I highly recommend checking out content from marginalized creators in the historical costuming community, they are doing some wonderful work and their videos are a dearth of information on the subject! CostuminginColor is probably the best place to start, but also Sewstine, Nami Sparrow, Erika a la Mode and SnappyDragon (just to name a few!!!) are all really great resources for you. I hope this helps clarify. It's way more important to me that I maintain a safe space on this channel for my friends, and any other marginalized individuals that stop by, than to get more views by being a cupcake channel 🤷‍♀️ Although I DO enjoy a cupcake 😂
@blacksurge144p Жыл бұрын
@@FantasticalFolliesCostuming oh wow i wasnt expecting u to reply but thanks for taking the time to do so! i have never gone to a civil era reenactment (or any other kind of events) so i had no idea that was a thing, i mean ppl missing the days when it was socially acceptable to b racist n using historical fashion to kind of make a point abt it. (i want to make very clear that i dont mean to say that i didnt know abt racist ppl missing the "good olde days", i just meant that i just meant using fashion as a way to express that very rotten mindset). although i do personally think that wearing civil era fashion shouldnt b seen as racist or ignorant, its the intention that matters. because someone might wear fashion from that era bc they genuinely like it n it doesnt mean they wont stand up for ppl from marginalized groups. i apologize in advance for my very limited knowledge abt american history. im from argentina so maybe its not my place to speak on this but if i heard someone say that i cant make a historical gown from X year bc X thing happened here in my country i would not agree. again thanks for taking the time to clarify this to me, i actually rly appreciate it bc nowadays ppl on the internet r rly prone to insulting others or similar when they dont agree with someone. thank u again! sorry for typing so much haha edit: i wanted to add a bit on the "intention is what matters" part i wrote, feel free to not respond i imagine ur busy but i rly like typing out my thoughts. i think it is very easy to tell what a persons intentions are when they wear civil war era clothing, n if u cant tell just by looking at the person just a few seconds of talking n ull know the kind of person ur speaking with, if its someone who genuinely loves fashion or if its someone who wears the clothing for racist purposes. u may not agree w me on this but im a firm believer that real racists are "proud" of being racists n dont feel any shame abt it (although they should bc hate is wicked n harms both the soul n ppl around) and that other ppl who may b considered racist by others arent really n are just very ignorant n should educate themselves on this and other topics related, although its totally fine if u dont want to associate w people like that.
@victoriae725 Жыл бұрын
I'm a glutton for punishment and went straight for the 18th century. I did have SOME sense, though, and construct a men's shirt first to get my hand-sewing up to snuff.
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Hah! Yeah, I mean it can be done. 😆 Glad that you started smart!
@nian60 Жыл бұрын
Dumb question, what is POF at 11:41? 🤔 I am too much of a noob to figure it out. 😞
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
Patterns of Fashion. Great resources for a lot of eras, but they're all constructed from extant garments, so you have to scale up and grade all the patterns to use them. It's hard when you're not experienced, and always a bit of a pain 🤣
@nian60 Жыл бұрын
@@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Oh. Thank you. 🤗
@headstanding_Penguin 11 күн бұрын
I need this but for males
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming 8 күн бұрын
Don't we all!!! I'm going to be doing some 17th century masculine clothing later in the year, though! Not the same thing, but 🤷‍♀️
@alex9190 Жыл бұрын
i started with 18th century... why??? its pretty. i still love the italian gown. im currently most interested in early medieval stuff though. its easy and pretty and comfortable. i can make a simple rectangles and gores dress with 3 yards of fabric but im also kind of short
@FantasticalFolliesCostuming Жыл бұрын
It's definitely not the WORST place to start. Outside of the late 17th century, it's definitely my favorite, so I totally get it. I just wanted everyone to know what they were going into, because my first 18th century make literally took a year from shift to finished gown 😂
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