Time stamps :) Intro/Ranking System Explained 0:20- 2:45 Start- 2:45 Fashion Dreamer- 3:18 Blanc- 4:25 Paws of Coal- 5:44 Inhabit- 6:46 Moonstone Island- 7:58 Hamster on Rails- 8:58 Stick To The Plan- 9:50 Flutter Away- 10:44 Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life- 11:40 Harvest Moon: Winds of Anthos- 13:15 The Ranch Of Rivershine- 14:40 Moonlight In Garland: 15:40 Above Snakes- 16:54 Blue Oak Bridge- 17:55 Cattails Wildwood Story- 18:44 The Fall of Porcupine- 19:50 Melon Journey: Bittersweet Memories- 20:55 Koa and the 5 pirates of Mara-21:50 Sugar Shack- 22:31 Minabo a walk through life- 23:37 Garden Buddies- 25:19 Mail Time- 26:27 Smushi Come home- 27:22 Re:fresh- 28:20 EverDream Valley- 29:06 Sprout Valley- 30:32 Wild frost- 31:32 Sticky Business- 33:21 Pupperazzi- 34:32 Little Friends: Puppy Island- 35:34 Constellations- 36:56 Pile Up! - 37:22 Terra Nil- 38:24 Pekoe- 39:39 Pizza Possum- 40:58 Ogu and the secret forest- 41:49 Frog Song- 43:58 Pikmin 4- 44:03 My Time At Sandrock- 45:30 Tray Racers- 47:06 No place Like Home- 47:48 Sunrise’s Order- 48:54 The Witch Of Fern Island- 49:39 Song of the Prairie- 50:27 Cornucopia- 52:28 Finding Hannah- 53:50 The Shape Of Things- 54:53 Dolphin Spirit- 55:30 Viewfinder- 56:17 A Tiny Sticker Tale- 57:00 Dordogne- 57:38 Panorama- 58:28 Mineko’s Night Market- 59:12 Lakeburg Legacies- 1:00:41 Fabledom- 1:01:30 Hello Good Boy- 1:02:22 Rakuen- 1:03:07 Loddlenaut- 1:04:14 Sun Haven- 1:05:10 Palia- 1:06:24 Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon- 1:07:20 Storyteller- 1:08:50 Planet Of Lana- 1:09:21 Roots Of Pacha- 1:10:23 Paleo Pines- 1:11:13 Dave the Diver- 1:12:15 While The Irons Hot- 1:13:29 Coral Island- 1:14:22 Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical- 1:15:34 The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood- 1:16:55 Videoverse- 1:18:01 Fae Farm- 1:19:04 Suika Game (aka Watermelon Game)- 1:20:04 Freaky Trip- 1:21:04 Coffee Talk 2 Hibiscus and Butterfly- 1:22:01 Great video!! I wish I was able to try out so many games!! Haha. Also, personally I didn’t really have much money this year to buy many games! So the games I purchased were ones I REALLY wanted! And out of the ones I purchased my least favorite was Ever Dream Valley. I finished it in one sitting it was like 4 and a half hours for me and I was more than disappointed! The game looked SO PROMISING! And for the price point I was just really let down by this game!! My favorite game of the year? It’s hard because it was actually release last year but somehow I missed it and played it this year.. Wylde Flowers! It was just such an amazing game! They’re still putting in updates too and the game itself took me like 45 hours! It was just a beautiful game and the lines were all voice acted which sometimes can really make or break a game! And in that game it MORE than added to it! It made me really be able to connect to each character and feel like they were “people”! Amazing game, in my opinion, truly! As far as actual releases from this year? Hmm honestly I can’t say! I just bought a few more games that came out this year but have yet to play so maybe I’ll find my game! However, as of now can’t say I have one that actually came out this year!! :)
@PaytonsCorner Жыл бұрын
I cannot believe you took the time to time stamp this! Thank you so much!!! So glad you found a game you LOVED even if it didn’t come out this year- because it’s being updated it feels like it!
@MamaBear_2629 Жыл бұрын
@@PaytonsCorner you’re welcome 🥰 I did it as I watched, it was no problem! Thanks for noticing ☺️ And thanks, me too! It was a gem of a game imo :)
@Bluetangg10 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@natashadeborah10 ай бұрын
the correct time stamp for frog song is 43:00
@MarinaMichaels10 ай бұрын
Thank you! I've put the games in alphabetical order. Intro/Ranking System Explained 0:20- 2:45 Start- 2:45 A Tiny Sticker Tale- 57:00 Above Snakes- 16:54 Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon- 1:07:20 Blanc- 4:25 Blue Oak Bridge- 17:55 Cattails Wildwood Story- 18:44 Coffee Talk 2 Hibiscus and Butterfly- 1:22:01 Constellations- 36:56 Coral Island- 1:14:22 Cornucopia- 52:28 Dave the Diver- 1:12:15 Dolphin Spirit- 55:30 Dordogne- 57:38 EverDream Valley- 29:06 Fabledom- 1:01:30 Fae Farm- 1:19:04 Fashion Dreamer- 3:18 Finding Hannah- 53:50 Flutter Away- 10:44 Freaky Trip- 1:21:04 Frog Song- 43:00 Garden Buddies- 25:19 Hamster on Rails- 8:58 Harvest Moon: Winds of Anthos- 13:15 Hello Good Boy- 1:02:22 Inhabit- 6:46 Koa and the 5 pirates of Mara-21:50 Lakeburg Legacies- 1:00:41 Little Friends: Puppy Island- 35:34 Loddlenaut- 1:04:14 Mail Time- 26:27 Melon Journey: Bittersweet Memories- 20:55 Minabo a walk through life- 23:37 Mineko’s Night Market- 59:12 Moonlight In Garland: 15:40 Moonstone Island- 7:58 My Time At Sandrock- 45:30 No place Like Home- 47:48 Ogu and the secret forest- 41:49 Paleo Pines- 1:11:13 Palia- 1:06:24 Panorama- 58:28 Paws of Coal- 5:44 Pekoe- 39:39 Pikmin 4- 44:03 Pile Up! - 37:22 Pizza Possum- 40:58 Planet Of Lana- 1:09:21 Pupperazzi- 34:32 Rakuen- 1:03:07 Re:fresh- 28:20 Roots Of Pacha- 1:10:23 Smushi Come home- 27:22 Song of the Prairie- 50:27 Sprout Valley- 30:32 Stick To The Plan- 9:50 Sticky Business- 33:21 Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life- 11:40 Storyteller- 1:08:50 Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical- 1:15:34 Sugar Shack- 22:31 Suika Game (aka Watermelon Game)- 1:20:04 Sun Haven- 1:05:10 Sunrise’s Order- 48:54 Terra Nil- 38:24 The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood- 1:16:55 The Fall of Porcupine- 19:50 The Ranch Of Rivershine- 14:40 The Shape Of Things- 54:53 The Witch Of Fern Island- 49:39 Tray Racers- 47:06 Videoverse- 1:18:01 Viewfinder- 56:17 While The Irons Hot- 1:13:29 Wild frost- 31:32
@bailey6195 Жыл бұрын
I still cannot believe you played that many NEW games this year. My faves this year were Moonstone Island, Coral Island, and Smushi Come Home. Also that A tier is packed. Hopefullly next year is filled with many more amazing games. Cannot wait to see your reviews on them. Sending lots of love and good vibes.
@haileydetterich8260 Жыл бұрын
If you liked smushi come home you might like the platforming and quests in Little Gator Game
@bailey6195 Жыл бұрын
@@haileydetterich8260 thanks for the suggestion! I'll add it to my wishlist
@haruhirogrimgar604711 ай бұрын
My personal record was 50 Steam Next Fest Demos. And that was hustle. I can't imagine 70 full-time games.
@vivalamew Жыл бұрын
Had so many favorites this year! Coral Island, Sunhaven, My Time At Sandrock, Ooblets.. and now I'm off to check out Harvest Moon the Winds of Anthos.
@jdhlsc169 Жыл бұрын
My favorite by far is My Time at Sandrock! I have played nothing else for the past two months. I loved Portia, so it was an easy leap for me. I love that it isn't like most in this genre in that you are a builder and farming isn't the main focus.. The "My Time" games have one of the best dating/play date systems in the genre. The story in Sandrock is amazing and so well written. The NPCs interact with each other by standing around and having a convo, which you don't find too often and there is so much more to love about the game. With that said, this is my S game of the year!
@gingermeeks47969 ай бұрын
Agreed 100% I played portia years ago (on xbox) and loved it, so I was super excited for sandrock and it did not disappoint (imo)! I also love the crafting/building aspect, how things build on each other, how you don't really have to farm if you don't want to, couple of great options for romance partners, most quests are basically optional so you can do the ones you want to rack up the cash but dont really get stuck with some quest you'd rather turn the game off than to complete. I spent hours playing it each day (on ps5) until finished! The past week or so I've been trying to find a new game to get into like that (currently playing rune factory 4) but nothing is hitting like sandrock or even portia. So if anyone knows of anything, lmk before I just start sandrock all over again 😅😅
@rhondahamilton24748 ай бұрын
Same here . C for this game? She isn’t into our style of games . I’m shocked a C.?
@rhondahamilton24748 ай бұрын
Sandrock a C ?
@jdhlsc1698 ай бұрын
@@rhondahamilton2474 Paleo Pines, Moonlight in Garland & Fabledom (all games I have played) higher than MTaS? I just don't get that at all.
@jdhlsc1697 ай бұрын
@@gingermeeks4796 I’m currently playing Echoes of Plum Grove. It isn’t as fleshed out socially as Sandrock (not much is), but I’m enjoying the uniqueness of it. :)
@cryssyplays9517 Жыл бұрын
My favorite game of the year was Dave the Diver. It took me by complete surprise, I absolutely love it. It's the most fun I've had playing a game in a long time.
@PassandoStress7 ай бұрын
Yup... It was so good that I platinum twice in a row: first on the PS4 then on PS5.
@someoneout-there21659 ай бұрын
I just recently learned of cozy games and I absolutely love them. Maybe I'm just getting old but I think I'm enjoying them more than most action / adventure games.
@evaravak Жыл бұрын
My favorites were My Time at Sandrock and Cosmic Wheel: Sisterhood. I played the first through in early access and am playing through again after its release, but it is a loooooong, slow burn. Cosmic Wheel I not only played through too many times to count, but also made my BFF play through during a visit.
@krngrl120111 ай бұрын
How do you compare Sandrock to Portia? I preferred Portia
@evaravak11 ай бұрын
@krngrl1201 I personally like the NPCs in Sandrock better, but I find them fairly equal honestly.
@WrenBird44911 ай бұрын
Mine are Coral Island and Sun Haven, but you made me super curious about Mail Time and Coffee Talk which were games I was iffy about trying out before!
@candereads3920 Жыл бұрын
My favorite game was Stray Gods that I got after your recommendation! It was so fun and dark. And the music was so good! It reminded me of this comic series, The Wicked + The Divine
@ADHDlikeme Жыл бұрын
Your face is always such a beautiful, glowing ray of sunshine! It is always a joy to watch your videos 🥰 Happy New Year!
@TheCephalon6 ай бұрын
Love the amount of detail you go into with each game. Nothing you say is generic. Really gives me a sense of what each game is about. Thank you so much
@LaenayaSathe8 ай бұрын
Oh my gosh, My Time at Sandrock is in your C category!? Oof. Its not perfect, but it is so cozy, the town is so nice, the characters are memorable and sweet, and the intellectual stimulation i get out of planning/organizing my next few days of producing materials/parts for quests/jobs is so good. ❤
@TheCephalon6 ай бұрын
My only problem with it is it didn’t give me the cozy and relaxing vibes Portia did
@boobailey45093 ай бұрын
She said she played it on switch. I haven’t played Sandrock yet, but Portia was my all time fave game on pc, and I would give it C tier on switch.
@aknarxus Жыл бұрын
This is one of the best cozy game tier lists I’ve seen. I really enjoyed the variety of games. :) If I had one criticism, it would be that a short game shouldn’t automatically equal a lower tier. Short games can be just as fantastic, and sometimes are the ones you go back to or that stick with you for a long time.
@PaytonsCorner Жыл бұрын
Thank you!! I think some of them it was just the price vs the amount of content! But some of the higher up games are short- Mail time is only a few hours and it’s an A tier as is Melon Journey! I felt like they were a memorable experience that justified the price!
@MuhnLi4 ай бұрын
Giving my time at sandrock a C tier is diabolical. Better than some of the s tier ones
@MaidenLunar Жыл бұрын
I've recently picked up cornucopia and I would love to see you cover more of this game! I find it super interesting
@subconsciousgamescornucopia Жыл бұрын
Thank you for playing 😍
@emmal.2080 Жыл бұрын
I had to leave in the middle of the premiere and finally finished! So far Moonstone Island is ny favorite. Thank you for the dedication to this video. What a wonderful return post surgery. Excited for your first stream back
@chrisshadowfox5643 Жыл бұрын
I can't believe you stayed up all night making this Payton haha, but thank you!! It's such a nice video summarizing your thoughts from 2023! 75 is so many games haha. I wish I could have played more, but I had a busy year, so I mostly just enjoyed them through you. Suika did take a ton of my time though lol, and I do think you should finish Pikmin 4 if you get a chance! I hope the rest of your recovery goes well, and you have an incredible 2024! Happy New Year!
@beckyx8133 Жыл бұрын
Payton, I love this video! I’ve seen so many of the same but they all seem to have just the same games on them (usually just the popular ones) and I love that you have a mix of popular games and some not so well known games. Keep up the great work, I hope your surgery went well and all the best for 2024. My fave game for this year is coral island and Palia. I was disappointed with SOS a wonderful life and Paleo Pines.
@ebatterz9172 Жыл бұрын
Cattails was SUCH a surprise to me- I absolutely adored it and ended up playing it so much that it became my second most played game this year after Baldurs Gate 3! 😻 The best part for me was how individual every cat villager was and how fun they were to get to know!❤
@stannosaurus Жыл бұрын
So good! I took a gamble and blind bought the OG Cattails while it was on sale. It was one of the best games Ive ever played and it was two dollars. Cant wait to play Wildwood!
@ebatterz9172 Жыл бұрын
You'll love Wildwood! I hope you have an amazing time playing it! ☺@@stannosaurus
@onlybeees Жыл бұрын
Sun Haven is so underrated, my favorite game of the year is definitely Sun Haven or Moonstone Island! They're both sooo good
@TheCephalon6 ай бұрын
Thank you thank you thank you for putting gameplay in the video. So easy to actually get a feeling for a the game as you review it
@msemma4316 Жыл бұрын
I love love love Coffee Talk 2 as well! So good. My game of the year was Dredge! Followed closely by Cosmic Wheel and Coffee Talk 2.
@PaytonsCorner Жыл бұрын
What was your FAVORITE and LEAST FAVORITE game of 2023?
@TamanduaGirl Жыл бұрын
Mineko’s Night Market actually is my favorite. There's a ton of stuff to do but you didn't play long enough to unlock them. There's even farming, and I don't mean the furball farm, but I don't think you even got as far as the furball farm. But I know you can only rate it based on the little you played. I got it expecting a short story game and I got a lot more. It's actually pretty long with a lot to do. You'll have a lot more to do than you can do in a day/week. Wildmender is also a good cozy game that came out this year but you didn't play it. It's a survival game but you can play it peaceful and customize the settings a lot to your own liking. I only haven't played it as much as I want because I always want to devote a lot of time to a survival game so I wind up playing the simpler games instead. But it is a good and overlooked game where you get to grow and design your own world if you have the time. NO Place Like Home would be my least favorite, I guess. I returned it because the controls were terrible any I couldn't get out of the tutorial.
@rivqyahscraftcorner Жыл бұрын
My favorite is Paleo Pines my not so favorite well I haven't tried the puzzle games.
@tarottherapybybon5627 Жыл бұрын
Favorite?! Torn between Dredge and Dave the Diver 😅 least favorite?.... Everdream Valley, such a let down, made me so motion sick too
@mintendogaming Жыл бұрын
Too many favorites to say just 1… but i LOVED Roots of Pacha! Least favorite…. definitely Lakeburg Legacies lol
@jessicav772 Жыл бұрын
I loved fayfarm
@LaytforLife9 ай бұрын
My Time at Sandrock and Coral Island are easy S tiers for me. Definitely give the PC version of Sandrock a chance.
@PassandoStress7 ай бұрын
My list would have Dave the Diver and Roots of Patcha as S tiers. But my GOTY last year was Baldur's Gate 3. It couldn't be different. BG3 is a masterpiece.
@PassandoStress7 ай бұрын
Oh, and My Time at Sandrock is very good. But you have to play it on PC or at least, PS5. The Switch version is horrible.
@AnneNotAnnie Жыл бұрын
I love this video! One thing I noticed about the constellation game from your footage is that it looks like you connect the stars based on their number: the number 1 would connect to just one star, number 2 would connect to two stars, and so on. Thank you for all the reviews! I’m definitely compiling a list of games to check out 😊
@mintendogaming Жыл бұрын
I can tell how badly you wanted to put Sos: A wonderful life in D Tier 😂 I loved the game but definitely understand how you’d be confused by this game as it was a remake of a gamecube game and was more of a nostalgia hit for most of us!!
@imjayhime9 ай бұрын
As of yesterday, I finally have a switch! My friend was nice enough to send me her extra one :’) I only have Pokémon right now, but you’re definitely giving me ideas of what my next game could be. Planet of lana looks beautiful, and it reminds me of limbo. Also, suika game is like a cute version of 2048, which I used to play all the time
@kristincampbell167 Жыл бұрын
I haven't played as many as you but my 2 favs are Fae Farm and Story of Seasons Its a Wonderful Life and still have not put them down.
@Teaduplalavideos Жыл бұрын
How did your surgery go Payton I hope it went well ❤️sending hugs and prayers
@ch0o_choo8 ай бұрын
i love your video and narration style!! you are absolutely adorable, thank you for making this!!!! ❤❤❤
@yadi919010 ай бұрын
I love how flutter away shows a shirt in the background of seri a KZbinr I love that they put it in the background
@DeathMythos Жыл бұрын
I've learned with time that you can love something but understand it goes in the "c" tier. I really enjoyed Fashion dreamer but I understand it has its problems. I wanted to love Coral island but on the xsx it was almost unplayable. I got just far enough that my heart sinks with every crash.
@SomeHumbleOnion Жыл бұрын
omg Payton you played a TOOON of games this year XD Loved your tier list! Was really awesome seeing Smushi up there in the A tier with my fellow shroomie friendo in Mail Time
@PaytonsCorner Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your incredible game!!
@therubyminecart5291 Жыл бұрын
I’ve only played Cereza and the Lost Demon demo, I didn’t know it was a cozy game actually, that’s kind of cool!
@cosygracegames Жыл бұрын
I was just looking for a pay video or stream to keep me company and this 1h20 video turns up- i am LIVING today 💜😂🎉 happy new years!! 💜 Edit: That was such a lovely video it was so fun listening to your takes on all these games!! Here’s to a new year of incredible new games!
@ChrisSalinas-v5kАй бұрын
Awesome video review am definitely getting into cozy games
@chloeplaysacnh Жыл бұрын
So many of your A tier games would be my S tier lol!! This year, the games I absolutely loved were Palia, Coral Island, Fae Farm, Totk, Smushi Come Home, Mail Time and Ooblets 💛
@carolinerambles3885 Жыл бұрын
What a great list! So many games! Super glad to get your take on them all, so I can buy ones that are right for me 😊❤ So glad I chose coral island after watching you and others play it ❤ can't wait to get my hands on coffee talk 2 and some of those puzzle games❤
@kanityreactions Жыл бұрын
I played Rakuen with my older sister and it was an experience. Very sad and immersive, and I LOVE the art 🎨
@RainuTheWhat Жыл бұрын
My most favourite game of the year is Coral Island I’m truly addicted to it 30 hours already in only two days! , I know I need help .
@hanniquinn6 ай бұрын
This was so fun to watch, I added a lot to my wishlist so thank you!! (':
@n47suchrizzyl75 ай бұрын
C'mon Payton!! My time at Sandrock is a C?? so much pain to see it.. zzzz
@shesocute9613 Жыл бұрын
Hey I’m so glade to see you I’m glade your good after your surgery I missed you while you where gone I’m excited to see and feel the coziness happy new yr 🥰🌹
@poeticpursuits13326 ай бұрын
I put 150hrs into sandrock, even with all the crashes on pc I still keep playing. The fact that love interests will initiate romance is just amazing.
@frostbound Жыл бұрын
I understand not having or wanting an F tier but I could totally see needing just one more tier to differentiate the B+/A- games
@katie.g. Жыл бұрын
Loved your list! I would be really interested in some cozy game recs that are more “adult” if that makes any sense? Sometimes I don’t feel like playing the cutesy kid like games but would still like a cozy aspect. :)
@SquishysColouring Жыл бұрын
the cosmic wheel sisterhood was my favourite for sure. i loved dahlia :D
@nanthenoob Жыл бұрын
My favorite game of the year was Story of seasons a wonderful life 😂 i played the original as a kiddo so the nostalgia made me a bit biased 🤭 I’m very close to 100% in it 😮
@Davinhomx10 ай бұрын
It's sad that it was her first story of seasons. Originaly they created harvest moon. So harvest moon friends of mineral town was remade as a stiry of seasons title for the swich os4 and so on. That game would have been way better for her and pioneers of olive town would have prolly made it to S tier. If you played all 3 of those games then you know that wonderful life actually has nothing in common with ither story og seasons titles
@nanthenoob10 ай бұрын
@@Davinhomx agreed!! I hope that Payton plays more of the story of seasons games in the future! I think she would enjoy them and we would enjoy watching them! A wonderful life isn’t a good representation of or introduction to the series.
@redleafcrossing Жыл бұрын
greats premier video ever i literally pretty shocked at some of these games and their rankings amazing job well done i’m so proud of you Payton I love you miss you happy new year 🎊 2024 is your year 💙🦥
@jvcobeilish3292 Жыл бұрын
For new year I wish for Payton to have a billion subs! Seriously I hope you have a year of growth, you deserve millions! Your commentary is epic and top notch editing. Please keep going and posting! Growth is on the horizon (from a marketing Major)
@phantomrecluse73116 ай бұрын
Yaaaaassss you're speaking about above snakes!! Yayayayayay
@momochi5325 Жыл бұрын
Finally Sun Haven gets the recognition it deserves!! I really wish there was more content on KZbin about it
@LucyManning-b6i Жыл бұрын
my family got the game trial of suika game and we couldn't NOT buy it. We get together at night and take turns. def 10/10 recommend
@macymiller3417 Жыл бұрын
My husband has now taken over my Suika game🤣🤣🤣 We are obsessed.
@LucyManning-b6i Жыл бұрын
Haha! @@macymiller3417 Have you gotten the melon yet?
@riley6896 Жыл бұрын
What are your ALL TIME favorite cozy games?? Trying to shop the winter sale and need more intel 🤗
@annaewen9505 Жыл бұрын
My favourite cozy game is Cat Cafe Manager, it came out 2 years ago but I discovered it yesterday.
@selorm11 ай бұрын
You're lucky you discovered it now. Literally 2 days after I finished the game and said "I wish abcd..." They released a major upgrade with all that stuff. I tried to restart the game after some time but I'm really bad at replaying games. Hope you enjoy with the improvements
@smugchipmunk2368 Жыл бұрын
Omg what a list! ❤🎉 My favourite game of the year has to be Coral Island and also Dave the diver with maybe Travellers Rest. All three are amazing, fun and also games that when there is an update announced I’m so very excited!
@steffid_ Жыл бұрын
I loved watching this. It is missing wyldeflowers for me which is one of my favourite games so far and brought me so much joy!
@PaytonsCorner Жыл бұрын
Wylde flowers did not come out in 2023! It was on last year’s list!
@steffid_ Жыл бұрын
@@PaytonsCorner ohhh thanks for answering, I totally forgot bc I only got to play it a few months ago 😅 thank!
@ihadthatcoming9 ай бұрын
Welp I've added a bunch of new games to my already very long wishlist! haha. Ok hear me out.. you should play Dredge. It's like 90% cozy game, you mostly just boat around, explore, and fish. You get a super interesting story in bits and pieces throughout the game. The graphics are cute... mostly. I *do not* like to play scary games and I liked this game so much.
@PhaethonCrafts21 күн бұрын
Ironically the A Wonderful Life remake is actually a vast improvement over the original.
@tatianabenitez2835 Жыл бұрын
I love these videos ! Thank you so much for taking the time to make a video like this I know it must have been so time consuming and took so much effort ! I definitely appreciate the fact you add this to your channel but if I could politely make a positive suggestion about the video: it would be really helpful if you also added which consoles each game is available on , I know you usually do for your videos throughout the year but this video gives me a good overview of games I want to try out and some of them I assume are for switch and then I find out it’s PC only . It would be easier if I could just skip all the PC games and focus on the ones that I like for switch . Just a small suggestions but overall this was a wonderful video 😍
@natthakitkorsawatpat43005 ай бұрын
Dude Coral Island should win at least an award.
@hannahveerkamp1097 Жыл бұрын
Literally keep coming back to this video to use this list as a guide to what games are worth it LOL. Tho I remember you talking about playing the game moonlight in garland but didn’t see it on the list? I understand tho since you play so many games you may just haven’t had enough time in it to confidentially put it in the ranking! I’m just very curious about it but haven’t seen many reviews!
@PaytonsCorner Жыл бұрын
It’s on the list! You can find it at about 15:42 in the video!
@hannahveerkamp1097 Жыл бұрын
@@PaytonsCornerOMG I totally missed it! I put on your channel a lot when I’m doing things around the house haha!
@stacyr4549 Жыл бұрын
It looks like Flutter Away is a more simplistic Pokemon Snap
@munyunu6 ай бұрын
Thank you! ⭐
@7Namjoon Жыл бұрын
Palia eats and it's still only in beta
@Nini03 Жыл бұрын
I'm totally surprised you gave fashion dreamer a B, I'm totally with you about it. It has it's pro's and cons but it's a realy nice cozy game and I love to play it, but it's a bit expensif. Thank you for this video. 😊
@stannosaurus Жыл бұрын
I love it but it has so little to do. There are not many goals so it feels like not much more than a super cute lookbook simulator. I hope for more in the future of the game.
@danandtab74635 ай бұрын
this video must've been quite an undertaking. That said, I've wish listed all your S tiers. :)
@ceceb46714 ай бұрын
Great video
@skippergemx11 ай бұрын
That's a lot of games! :D
@biblapfer5 ай бұрын
Loveeeee your video so so much ❤❤ You should try Jenny LeClue and Let's build a zoo (but the pc version -this is important 😅😂-).
@biblapfer5 ай бұрын
Oh! And Dave the diver too ❤❤❤❤ Love it!
@drewangel659810 ай бұрын
where did you get your pullover? its so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ClaudiaWowPaw Жыл бұрын
The bugs on mineko kind of ruined the experience for me. Which was a shame
@nerdygeekgamer552811 ай бұрын
I love playing Palia I have it for the Switch I play it everyday
@mantapjiwa161656 ай бұрын
you should give my time at sandrock another try! its S+ tier cozy game!
@gunawanistadi17006 ай бұрын
love it ❤
@tereza3172 Жыл бұрын
I LOVED story of seasons a wonderful life. It’s so faithful to the original and I love that they kept the simplicity of old harvest moon games
@AkisLandАй бұрын
Which are multiplayer compatible
@bruceboivin2278 Жыл бұрын
Of all the games I've played this year Palia is my favorite.
@anasloann10 ай бұрын
next time pls include the prices to the game, id be nice to see that info as well
@PaytonsCorner10 ай бұрын
Prices vary by region! Thats why I don’t include them 💕
@anasloann10 ай бұрын
@@PaytonsCorner ahhhhhh makes sense thanks!
@AimanCool440 Жыл бұрын
Why spirittea are not here in tier list? Where is Spirittea?
@PaytonsCorner Жыл бұрын
I didn’t play it!
@AimanCool440 Жыл бұрын
@@PaytonsCorner aww, sorry never mind.
@chyennewilliams6325 Жыл бұрын
Roots of patcha , Hogwarts legacy!, Coral Island (: , sun haven, cosmic wheel of sisterhood, coffee talk 2 (:, videovurse, dogdage, fall of porprine! , sally face (: , also beacon pines! (:
@hosierthompsopn5194 Жыл бұрын
roots of pacha
@Bribrig4l3 ай бұрын
This is a year old but I didn't understand y u didn't just go in order instead of searching around
@PaytonsCorner3 ай бұрын
I wanted to keep it interesting for myself lol
@Bribrig4l3 ай бұрын
@@PaytonsCornerthat makes sense. Can't wait for this year's list
@daenwallace5487Ай бұрын
Coral Island best! ^^
@TheeStarryMeadow Жыл бұрын
About Story of Seasons. Did you not play the series when it used to be called Harvest Moon?
@PaytonsCorner Жыл бұрын
I did not! First time this year!
@TheeStarryMeadow Жыл бұрын
@@PaytonsCornerAh, tbh A Wonderful life is a good game but its not as feature rich as games that came after it
@BathFizzFoam10 ай бұрын
Sadly I found Sunhaven so hard to enjoy… the whole time I just found myself wanting to go play Stardew instead 😂… other than that I loved Cosmic Wheel and Smushi Come Home
@lilpotatolord10 ай бұрын
This may be a little random but what cozy game would you like to play/be made? I’m looking for a simple game idea to make and I would love suggestions so I know I will make a game that people actually want to play, thanks ❤
@GokuDUchiha4 ай бұрын
Stardew valley is S+ grade
@rhondahamilton24748 ай бұрын
I now know after looking at your list you’re not a person I can watch for gaming . All your picks were opposite of mine
@lily33235 ай бұрын
Planet of lana is the best one
@robinpenn71677 ай бұрын
I'm sitting here in emotional pain and frustration because WHY did they reboot Harvest Moon: It's a Wonderful Life -- the WORST Harvest Moon game ever made? And they didn't even.... make it better? What the hell. Just reboot Magical Melody and make gay relationships available! Ugh.
@blue_le Жыл бұрын
Oh wow, Coral Island an S and Sandrock a C, yeah scrutinizing that a bit. Coral Island is gorgeous, I am a kickstarter backer of it, but to say its a full game and comparing it to Sandrock, where there is depth of relationships, depth to the arc of the story, I am actually participating in the romance building scenes with my chosen interest instead of for example watching a father and son reconnect with one into fishing and one into space with me just wathcin in the back. Not a fan The just not into it was that big? Customization? Sandrocks got it, love how I made my character, Coral island does have some customization but some of the t shirts for example makes my female character look blocky. Sorry but doesnt seem like there was a good judging system with the "not my thing" but hey to each their own
@PaytonsCorner Жыл бұрын
You can watch my entire Sandrock review for more! Being that I was reviewing 75 games here I needed to summarize quick. I had a lot of things I sadly didn’t not enjoy about the game. A lot of thought goes behind all my rankings and reviews 💕
@helen4787 Жыл бұрын
@Davinhomx10 ай бұрын
Noooo. Story of seasons are the best farming simulator games. You just played the very one that is bad lol. Play pioneers of olive town. Friends of mimreal town was an absolute classic. It's just that you played the very one story of seasons that has absolutely jack sh nothing in common with any other story of seasons game. Every single farming game is a copy of friends of mineral town. Do yourself a favour and either play the remake of that game (available on switch) or pioneers of olive town (aswell on switch). If you have a ps5 or ps4 I think both games or at least definetly the remake are part of the PS plus library, so for free if you pay for online
@jessirarara11 ай бұрын
My least favorite game of 2023 was easily No Place Like Home. I admittedly may be biased though. I got the game when it was in early access and then when it got fully released they gutted the game. They got rid of the underground, got rid of any real progression, they just.... they honestly and truly ruined the game. I know they have recently added back the underground, but I haven't been bothered to play it. I was so excited about the game in early access so when I played it in full release I was so bummed. Like if it tells you how much they ruined progression in the game and how much they removed. I didn't beat it in early access.... but I got real close. To get the the SAME POINT I was in the game in the fully released version.... I got there in less than half the time. Less than half the time to get to the same place. That's how much they gutted it. Favorite is probably either Patrick's Parabox, Dinkum, Grow Song of the Evertree, or Maneater.
@landenthe70s9 ай бұрын
sun haven is stardew level
@bre6651 Жыл бұрын
My favorite games right now is palia and galaxy garden. I'm a little hesitant with trying some of these games because I'm tired of everyone copying Stardew Valley, and "kid" looking games. Its 2024 I just don't see a point of paying over 10$ for games that look like mobile or old games. I also really want a chill, crafting game, that doesn't involve zombies (almost every open world survival game is PVP or zombies. can we PLEASE move away from that) and has romance, community, and family elements - without having to mod the hell out of the game like sims. I also have been searching for a game with magic and potions that doesn't like like a mobile game. Maybe something like Hogwarts but you can be your own person, and build a log cabin out in the woods. Palia is amazing but they are really hiding behind the "beta" label. they keep nerfing stuff and adding things to the store instead of fixing the core mechanics. So like a lot of ppl, I am taking a break until they add something fun (without nerfing it) or fix the bugs. I grinded for a week to complete achievements and stuff with friends, then they had an update and all your achievements are greyed out like you never did it. Its been an issue for 3months now and they STILL will not fix it, but expect ppl to keep buying from the store. Idk why gaming companies do that now. And Idk why ppl are just okay with a game being in beta for months, years, and giving them money for an unfinished game. Finna make my own game at this point lol
@johnrowe-qt3rx8 ай бұрын
i just think your biased with farming sims thats isnt right
@PaytonsCorner8 ай бұрын
My favorite game of the year wasn’t a farming sim ?
@ehenningsen4 ай бұрын
Bruh. These are her favorite games. This isn't based on science. That's when biases become a problem, but this is her list of her favorite games. Do you get mad when someone with an RPG edge tends to favor rpgs more?
@RibbonnestАй бұрын
Everyone please ignore this list. This is probably the worst opinion I’ve ever seen. Def not watching any other videos. My time at Sandrock is easily an S tier for the story alone.