Ranni's Ending was mistranslated. What is the Age of Stars? [Elden Ring]

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Shetani's Lair

Shetani's Lair

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@alexisayala6900 2 жыл бұрын
She’s saying she would leave with you so as to not be directly seen or touched or believed in really. That would be faith. Faith is believing without concrete physical proof. The Erdtree was always in your face representing the Greater Will. That left no doubt that the outer god, the Greater Will, was directly influencing the Lands Between. That leaves no room for faith because you just know it as truth. There’s no wonder. There’s no doubt or fear. With Ranni’s order, the inhabitants of the Lands Between won’t have that same totem or reminder like the Erdtree. They’ll be left to believe what they want, leading to fear and doubt and loneliness. She’s not making them blind. She means you and her won’t be seen, the way they’ve had to see the Erdtree no matter where they were or what they believed. That stuff is over. That’s why you and Ranni are leaving.
@natetaylor9002 Жыл бұрын
Yes, Ranni is brining you on a thousand year journey of "fear, doubt, and loneliness, into darkness" .....in other words, 'marriage'!
@natetaylor9002 Жыл бұрын
LOL! It's just like Al Bundy said!
@notVikkg 11 ай бұрын
I always interpreted the "Into fear, doubt and loneliness" line as her giving the people free will, to be sad, be doubtful, feel emotions that are different from perfection, which is everything the Golden Order tries to shove peoples throat, that everything is beautiful and perfect and you shouldn't live with doubts but rather devote yourself fully to the Erdtree. It especially makes more sense when Ranni says she wants to separate the Order to the average persons life, with the Golden Order peoples lives and deaths were at the mercy of the Erdtree, and that was not right, Ranni's order seemed to me that it wanted the completely opposite of it. It gives you an even bigger perspective when you finish Corhyn/Gold Mask quest, Corhyn a man that adores the Golden Order, and believes Gold Mask to be a saint, cannot even fathom that Gold Mask would doubt the Order, and point mistakes at it.
@SnuSnuDungeon 2 жыл бұрын
How I interpreted her ending is that she is taking everyone away from the greater will and outer God to give them choice over their lives and not depend on Grace and it's guidance
@nyanpasu2351 2 жыл бұрын
It's pretty much hinted that Ranni is trying to kill the Greater Will looking at why she acquired the Fingerslayer Blade to kill the two fingers. The eternal city Nokron was destroyed by the Greater Will because they possessed the items that can kill him and Ranni who now rebels will definitely leaves the Land Between and take her journey to slay the notorious outer god. So it is a long and lonely journey. She was uncertain whether she could succeed so at the beginning she left her wedding rings and decided to bear it herself. But when the tarnished found her lost ring and defeated Elden Beast, she changed her mind and decided to travel with her lord. That's what I think about her ending.
@xxx_jim_the_reaper_xxx 2 жыл бұрын
Hmmmm... Very well...
@Transformers217 2 жыл бұрын
That makes sense.
@thebeans6577 2 жыл бұрын
And she stole the rune off death so....
@KaitoSound 2 жыл бұрын
My question is where does that dark path lead to maybe space The outer god possibly war with the outer gods
@victorprati7908 Жыл бұрын
It's never stated anywhere the Greater Will is an Outer God
@maplerrrrr 2 жыл бұрын
i see her and her order as a sort of big bang, and the age of the stars and no greater will, the age of free will for every soul in the world, so everyone would be free, the fear she talked about in the english version would be the fear of free will and not knowing what to do, hence the darkness mentioned
@cliffyblyro 9 ай бұрын
Yes! I think so too. And that will lead to the creation of an earth like ours. Including smartphones, video games and climate change.😂
@FunkyDeleriousPriest 2 жыл бұрын
Now I know why the black knife assassin's killed Godwyn and Ranni lost her body - it's because those assassin's couldn't understand her mistranslated orders. 😆
@JESUS..IS..GOD. 2 ай бұрын
Ephesians‬ ‭6:10‭-‬18 says, Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints. The bible is no old book. You have to really let Christ open your eyes; to see the world in shambles. Many people say it's a religion to lock up people in chains, and say it's a rule book.. why? Because people hate hearing the truth, it hurts their flesh, it's hurts their pride, it's exposes on what things have they done..people love this world so much, s*x, money, power, women, supercars.. things of this world. Still trying to find something that can fill that emptiness in your heart. You can't find that in this world.. only in Christ, the bible is no chains, it's a chainbreaker. Breaking your sins into pieces... Repent now, and turn back to the true Lord only.. God bless.
@hunter_witch 2 жыл бұрын
I first did Ranni's ending, but I was honestly so confused what was happening because the wording was so unclear plus I feel like before, her motive in English was also unclear. But after seeing this, I do understand, so thanks for making this! Ranni is the catalyst for everything so I think her ending being the beginning of her own order is good, just sad it was mistranslated so heavily. It makes me wonder how many other important things are mistranslated to the point of the English being different. Keep up the good work!
@natetaylor9002 Жыл бұрын
Plenty of sites perfectly translate her japanese dialogue at the end. Basically, she is taking you on a thousand year journey "And now, let us go on our path of fear, doubt, and loneliness, into darkness" It might be a good ending for the world, but it is pure hell for the Elden Lord (you)!
@Swampy-ci3np 6 ай бұрын
I mean its important to note the game was made in english first. Meaning the Japanese translation is mistranslation
@hunter_witch 6 ай бұрын
@@Swampy-ci3np No it wasn't? The game was not written first in English as the game is Japanese... The dialogue was written by From. Where did you hear it was written in English first?
@notxyen 3 ай бұрын
​@@natetaylor9002you actually don't become elden lord if you do her ending
@ViperJoe 2 жыл бұрын
Your literal translation of the Japanese text is even better than the one I read on other sites. I honestly couldn't even tell there was that big of a difference in meaning until I heard your translation. Great work! I hope you cover more Elden Ring stuff as there seems to be several other instances of this weirdness, such as the word they chose to translate as "naturalborn" in Astel's title being translated as "bastard" elsewhere.
@Notsogoodguitarguy 8 ай бұрын
Isn't "naturalborn" an old form of "bastard" as an insult? Quote: "An illegitimate child is when the mother and father were not married at the time of the child's birth. Other names for illegitimate children are natural born, bastard, and base-born. The less common words used were spurious, imputed, reputed, and misbegotten."
@johnpett1955 Жыл бұрын
I think the ending is about Ranni ending the golden order and giving people free will but in return everything will be uncertain. Let's be real the golden order was corrupt and restricting as you can see with characters like blaidd who lost all free will however the people were able to have hope and knew what happens in the end and beginning but in the age of the stars, nobody could have a knowledge on what where they came from or what happens after they die, but would have free will to do anything.
@hoodiegal 2 жыл бұрын
yeah, that makes much more sense and is more in line with what i would expect of Ranni based on her personality and her story at large. Thanks for the video!
@Voromire1 2 жыл бұрын
This makes so much more sense. I was so disappointed when I did this questline because it seemed more like she wanted to better the world because the order of the two fingers is very similar to that of the age of fire brought on my Gwynn in DS1. I imagine there is probably a lot of poetic writing in the original Japanese script, or, they tried too hard to make the English translation poetic and it was quite literally lost in translation.
@SimpleNobody2420 2 жыл бұрын
I never thought it was mistranslated, I thought it was the weird vocabulary of old English or something but the Japanese version sounded a lot better.
@anonymouswhite7957 Жыл бұрын
Yea i think shetani also missed the point in Ranni’s order in the official english translation. The keyword here is ridding “certainities” and making them “impossibilities”. Before the beings in the elden ring world is manipulated by the outer gods, shackled by destiny, and maddened by visions of prophecies. Now they are uncertain, doubtful, in fear, and lonely from being apart of others and the influence of the outer gods. I think the point is still the exact same on both translations, it’s just the english is more beautified(?) and misleading unless it’s read carefully.
@Brother_O4TS 7 ай бұрын
​​@@anonymouswhite7957 I was so confused on what hee ending meant. I thought she just replaced the moon with the Greater Will as the ruling entity of the Lands Between. This video and others explaining what's really going on made me appreciate the ending even more now
@davidgallardo7533 2 жыл бұрын
So, Ranni's Age of the Stars Order is literally just... the expansion of the Universe.
@Er404ChannelNotFound 2 жыл бұрын
Ranni best girl.
@Zombina638 Жыл бұрын
@AlastorAltruistGaming 9 ай бұрын
@@Zombina638OK, smartass. Whom would you rather choose? Melina? She sacrifices herself & you never see her again. Marika? She’s a fucking statue & who would wanna be with that? Hyetta? You gotta go on a long-ass quest AND a horrible drop down to the Frenzied Flame just to have more communication with her, and even then, she gets burned alive!
@Occult_Detective Жыл бұрын
You seem to be missing what having the “Gods” intertwined in the realm has done to it… it has brought the destruction of it. This is why she seeks to separate the immediate connection with the gods and the realm. Traveling into the unknown brings darkness, that doesn’t mean evil. It makes perfect sense.
@aphet 2 жыл бұрын
As an actor trained in Shakespearean performance, Ranni's dialogue does make sense to me, but it's a combination of the voice acting that obfuscates the meaning and the attempt to make it sound like Shakespearean verse, but it's done... rather poorly. Every sentence said in this ending sounds as if it is part of the sentence before it, the actor didn't give any clear end to their thoughts. This could have been on purpose, to give it a mysterious/cryptic feel, but I think it makes the meaning unclear. "I do solemnly swear. To every living being, and every living soul. Now cometh the age of the stars." The voice acting here makes the following sentence sound like a continuation of the previous one, but it isn't. If you look closely at the center of the moon Ranni has summoned, it appears to be a portal/gateway leading into darkness. She then says, "A thousand year voyage under the wisdom of the Moon. Here beginneth the chill night that encompasses all, reaching the great beyond." She is referring, I think, literally to the beginning of the path before them, the portal she has created into the void of space. Because it literally is here: right in front of you, the path into night begins. Once you step into it, there's no going back. Then, the following sentence seems to muse about the path she's about to walk, "Into fear, doubt, and loneliness... As the path stretcheth into darkness." Again, referring solely to the path they'er about to take, into darkness. "Well then. Shall we? My dear consort, eternal." This indicates she's moving on from thinking about it, and asking you to take that journey with her. If I were to rewrite it to try and keep their tone, and make it more clear, I might make these changes: "...The battle is over, I see. I do solemnly swear. To every living being, and every living soul. Now cometh the age of the stars. Our thousand year voyage under the wisdom of the Moon. That voyage, solemnly undertaken, shall carry the grace of gold from this place. Before us beginneth the chill night that encompasses all, reaching the great beyond. This, the threshold of fear, doubt, and loneliness... A path only we may walk stretcheth into darkness. Our eldritch voyage, whose destination shall separate this, mine Order, from the Lands Between, Shall grant each soul its own... great will... According to which it shall live and die as it so chooses. Well then. Shall we? My dear consort, eternal."
@Duv1995 2 жыл бұрын
What a way to pass the honeymoon huh?
@mt2r-music 2 жыл бұрын
I read your tweet about this. I’m really glad you made a video talking about it in detail.
@jamesnelav2649 11 ай бұрын
So basically, Ranni is all about giving back the peoples free will that was taken by the Golden Order. Taking power not so much for herself but to take it out the equation completely.
@strawhatrore2072 2 жыл бұрын
When i played Rannis ending I was like damn, that was bleak! 😂 Then I read the Japanese and was like ohhhh. Well how unfortunate that the voice work is done for this scene and they can’t just patch in the original meaning. Such a shame. I wonder how this happened. My only guess is low communication between Japanese and English teams or time constraints forcing go ahead without checking, or even more likely… both
@gustavov.nascimento7559 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this! I had really enjoyed doing Ranni's quest, but the ending left me quite disapointed; usually the endings in Souls games are a bit confusing, but they make sense when you give it a little thought, but this one made no sense at all. Knowing the real, intended ending, makes me feel much better about my RP choice =)
@freewyvern707 2 жыл бұрын
I believe you have interpreted the English translation way too literally and missed a few vitals details so that it has lost meaning to you. Ranni's words are deeply philosophical and interconnected with the context of the Golden Order. So, I while try my best to explain what I believe it a more concise interpretation of the translation. First, below is the full transcript of both conversations "I take it thou [you] have noticed, I shouldn't be surprised. I thought I might expand a little further upon the order I envision. Mine will be an order, not of gold, but the stars and moon of the chill night. I would keep them fair from the earth beneath our feet. As it is now, life and soul and order bound tightly together. But I would have them at a great remove. And have the certainties of sight, emotion, faith, and touch all become impossibilities. Which is why I would abandon this soil with mine order. Would thou [you]come to me even now? My one and only Lord." "I do solemnly swear to every living being and every living soul, now cometh [come] the age of the stars. A thousand-year voyage under the wisdom of the moon, here beggineth [begins] the chill night that encompasses all, reaching the great beyond, into fear, doubt, and loneliness. As the path stretcheth [stretch] into darkness, let us go together my dear consort enternal.” What first needs to be understood is what Ranni takes issue with the Golden Order and Greater Will, and why she wishes to replace it with the Lunar Order and the Moon. This can be seen in the line “As it now, life and soul and order are bound tightly together”, which can essentially be seen as her criticising the Golden Order for controlling every single aspect of every life and soul in the Lands Between. We can even see this through Ranni herself as she was forced to abandon her body as to escape the “order” of the Greater Will, and us as the player was forced to kill Blaid for the same reason. Ranni wishes to “have them at great remove”, removing this overbearing ordering that controls and life and all souls in the Lands Between. This is what her “night” and “darkness” is in reference to, as while it usually carries negative connotations, to Ranni it is the “gold order” of the Greater Will that is carrying negative connotations instead; in contradiction to the usual positivity of gold. We can also see this with the word “chill” which can either have positive or negative contexts, either meaning an unpleasant cold or a relaxed environment. Given how Ranni comes to describe the Golden Order, and additionally considering how the Erdtree representing the Golden Order ends up being burnt, chill could be interpreted in a positive manner. Now we understand that Ranni views the “chill night” as an opposite and solution to the ills of the Golden Order, we can move onto her two most important lines. Those being “have the certainties of sight, emotion, faith, and touch all become impossibilities” and “into fear, doubt, and loneliness”. To cover the first, we must first remember her ills with the Golden Order. The control, the tightness orf order to life and soul. The most important word here is “certainties” as that expresses the control of the Golden Order, and when Ranni says that she wishes to remove those certainties, she is saying that she wishes to bring back freedom and control to the souls and beings of the Lands Between rather than having them being certainties dictated by the Golden Order. This can be seen within philosophy with the concept of knowledge and certainty. A famous principle which can be translated as “I think therefore I am” asserts that there is proof of one's own consciousness in the uncertainty we have. Without uncertainties as the Golden Order decrees, there cannot be this proof of oneself. In other words, with certainties is loss oneself, but when certainties are made impossibilities, oneself can once again be found. Ranni is suggesting that the freedom of unknown will return life and freedom to the Lands Between that was lost under the Golden Order and Greater Will. This point of philosophical doubt and certainty is further emphasis by the latter extract where she returns these seemingly negative abstracts from certainties as to return the freedom of being oneself. To cover what I have said, it must be understood that Ranni views the Golden Order as a controlling force. She opposes this “Gold” and rather embraces its opposite, the “darkness” or “night”. She believes the control the Golden Order has over certainties of abstracts takes away from the being of oneself, and so to return that, it is necessity for these abstracts to be embraced and for certainties to be made impossibilities. As you suggested with the Japanese translation, Ranni believes it is better for order to be removed from the Lands Between, and the certainties that come with that order. I believe the issue here is that the English translation is heavily imbued with implication and philosophical thematics that makes a literal reading of them seem strange, but once context and philosophical contexts are considered in interpretations as I have done above, the two translations send a very similar - if not the same - message of the removal of the control of order from the lives of those in the Lands Between.
@CreatMind Жыл бұрын
Basically, the only people who think the quote to be mistranslated are those who never understood the ending itself.
@angrykagg421 6 ай бұрын
I know this is an old video and I know we have the translations out that have actually explain what Ranni's goal was, but even in English she states she will remove the CERTANTIES of sight, emotion, faith, and touch and make that certainty impossible. I don't know why people take that as her stripping those things away. Regardless yes her ending does seem to make things confusing, but it still maintains the vague notions of the original Japanese dialogue. Even before we knew what she was really saying I remember being under the impression that Ranni was starting this order and taking it with her far far from the lands between to let people just live.
@Jacob-se1hu 2 жыл бұрын
I picked Ranni's ending, and I was also really confused by the ending cutscene. Sad to see one of the main questlines got mistranslated, but at least there are some unambiguously good endings this time around we can choose. I wonder if the DLC will bring a new ending to the game as well.
@almalone3282 Жыл бұрын
Hopefully it's like scholar of the first sin where it completely re contextualizes the main story
@agghiad360 2 жыл бұрын
A great video as always with a cool insight, keep up the good work
@zdeneknovak1297 2 жыл бұрын
Thousand years with my beautiful wife. Nice. Also grate video thank you
@NocturnalFullHD Жыл бұрын
thank you!
@labshire 2 жыл бұрын
I did Ranni's end but paid more attention to her entire vibe than her specific words which definitely gave me most of the impression a better translation would have. Language is interesting that way
@Eric.Clay. 4 ай бұрын
If something this major (literally the ending ffs) was catastrophically mistranslated, I wonder what else is just gibberish and we are over-reading meaningless lore. I fear we and our fellow Japanese gamers, are playing two completely different games :( Thank you for this video, I was totally confused and disappointed on my first clear.
@jgl8552 Жыл бұрын
Thank you. I was tripping. This was my first ending and i decided to pick hers because i accidentally stumbled across her side quest !
@hyun6369 Жыл бұрын
as reading Japanese one I think the world that ran wants is similar to our world.
@Extramentalist 2 жыл бұрын
Your voice is S Tier
@daxtenpedersen5193 Жыл бұрын
One thing I hop that they add in the future is the after effects of each ending you choose since at the ending of this one the scene cuts off at you going to hold/grab rannis hand I hop they show us what happens after like the tarnished and ranni defeating/fighting the outer gods or whatever and there future together
@sashafan2 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for clarification! Now it's way more understandable.
@NoFaithNoGlory 2 жыл бұрын
It looks like they got lost in punctuation. Idk how does it work in Japanese but in Spanish happens something kinda similar. We Spaniards are fond of commas, whereas English speakers don't really use them that much(i.e.: in that sentence I would have used a couple more). Maybe it's that. Maybe they tried to go thru it line by line then try to put it all together without knowing the whole picture of the character. Game translators do not have the whole script. They usually split the work by dialogues, which they translate blindly. Source: my friend worked on the spanish/english localizations of Blasphemous.
@NotaDrDoom 2 жыл бұрын
I think the idea is that she wants to start a new world where things exist outside of what this world knows. Abandon this world for a new one that she and her lord can craft however they want. A better world.
@user-zm4vq6cc3k 2 жыл бұрын
Liked the video! Though, as a person who really enjoyed Mt. Gelmir part of the game, I have to say that Rykard seemed waay more rebellious to me, basically telling the Greater Will to go fuck itself and then fusing himself with a giant serpent in order to become god-like.
@mandala_skies 2 жыл бұрын
Such a great video ❤️
@sacredgeometry Жыл бұрын
Strange. I took exactly the same interpretation from the English translation as your direct translation.
@kamikaze00007 11 ай бұрын
She's pretty much talking about the dawn of the modern man now that I think about it. In the current world of Elden Ring the supernatural powers of what would be existences that are subject of religions and myths are "within reach" of the masses. That's why there's no end to people wanting a piece of the pie or just getting embroiled in the turmoil and the land is strewn into horrible chaos and madness. That's why her Age of Stars puts away all those "fantastical" things far from man's reach, so that religion, belief, mythology, all remain just that...subjects of faith and not concrete power/objects that mankind can grasp and use to lord over others. With these things out of reach, mankind will start to learn how to dream and yearn for the distant stars. Mankind will be able to hold curiosity and wonder what lies beyond the darkness (of space). Mankind will learn to innovate and build and flourish again.
@stefanh5699 2 жыл бұрын
I was already committed to Blue Lady by this point but thanks for clearing it up!
@josephreynolds2401 Ай бұрын
Ranni's english translation is a roundabout way of saying TLB will have something like how us humans seem to view supernatural hiearchy. We cannot percieve them directly and debatably they do not exist because physical proof cannot explain something metaphysical. This is the distance that Ranni intends to give TLB. Not only a literal distance, but a conceptual distance. Far enough away to not be percieved or pondered. Consider that humans usually based or related their religions after the image of the sky and celestial novements.
@teapulp 2 жыл бұрын
Would be interested to see if Hyetta's dialogues are any different in Japanese. Burning everything away seemed like the most fitting ending to me.
@naoiwatani8402 2 жыл бұрын
Wew lad, I expect some Gwyn tier mental gymnastics for someone to say this.
@bolson42 2 жыл бұрын
@@naoiwatani8402 I get what you mean but gwyn wanted to do the exact opposite. He wanted to prolong the current age, not end it and allow something new to rise
@LordSevla 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah it's far different. Gwyn was keeping this power over the world while the madness ending literally burned everything to the ground to the point of ER2 becoming Mad Max.
@joeyboy1002377 2 жыл бұрын
@@LordSevla well kinda but not exactly yes it would burn everything down but the point of it doing that is to bind everyone to one entity hence stopping the pain and wars so I kinda look at that as more of the neutral ending.
@OnMyLunchBreak07 Жыл бұрын
The Eren Jeager ending lol
@user-if4nx2jn8r 2 жыл бұрын
Looking forward to more Sekiro stuff and your review of Elden Ring. I haven't beaten it yet, but I wanted to know what the mistranslation was so I can choose whichever one appeals to me the most. I'm enjoying it quite a bit so far, even though I think there are some things that could be better.
@Er404ChannelNotFound 2 жыл бұрын
As far as the endings go, I found the contrast between order and chaos quite interesting to look at from the perspective of how FromSoft usually depicts Kegare. Way I see it, the Order is stagnant, it brought forth impurities because it halted the natural flow. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Chaos sought to destroy boundaries and break down the dualities that govern the natural flow. Ranni's ending going into a new order feels very fitting, bringing about flow into a new state but still keeping the boundaries that makes the world function. I'm still very curious about Age Absolute, the ending that was cut from the game. The cutscene file for it is completely empty end only the narration audio is left. I wonder if an update or a DLC would let us go down that path.
@medicinewheel13 2 жыл бұрын
Thank You
@SMT-ks8yp Ай бұрын
Ugh, what free will is everyone talking about? Is everyone in the game a kind of zombie controlled from the outside like those puppets? Didn't Ranni herself successfully evade her "fate"?
@zaphael7238 Ай бұрын
I think people just want a blue wifu, even with the correct translation you have to put your trust in not only Ranni a scheming backstabber, but also her moon and stars… those bull things that want to kill us…. Such trustworthy beings. I prefer GoldMask’s ending, people make the mistake of thinking Order as meaning command, but it can also mean regular disposition or methodical arrangement of things, or proper state. I believe that when you look at GoldMask’s ending you see the world in truth, with things in the proper state. It is also the only ending where the leaves do not fall.
@lorenzmaut3708 2 жыл бұрын
Basically this is the ending of removing the greater will from the earth, that means that the outer Gods loose power and stop controlling everything they can, leaving everyone to live mortal life. It makes a lot of sense that maybe this was what Marika wanted to achieve by breaking the ring in the first place and in some instances of the game is hinted that Marika was being controlled and she wanted something new where the stagnation ended and a new age began.
@sauracifer3557 Жыл бұрын
Ranni do be trailblazing
@dess1619 Жыл бұрын
Friend of mine played and got this ending. He never heard of the Japanese translations and he still arrived at the same conclusion, so I don't think this is valid, just a bit cryptic as expected. :/
@thesunthrone Жыл бұрын
It doesn't seem quite a mistranslation so much that the English version is too obscurantist in its wording. In essence, it does say the same thing - her dialogue you replayed, for example, does imply the same idea that she wants to part away the Order from completely controlling the lives of all souls, and likewise with her ending in English, it is merely ambiguous to whom this path of sorrow and loneliness will be. Yet the way it is worded in English, there is an ambiguity in who exactly does she refer to with her words. It could well have been intended to be purposefully obtuse, being able to be read in multiple ways to allow the player's interpretation supersede whatever the text says. So if you believe Ranni in the wrong for initiating the entire Shattering and see her as a villain, well, her words seem to support that claim. If you believe that, no, the Golden Order was flawed from the beginning, and Ranni did the right thing by trying to cut off from it, you likewise can interpret her words more charitably. Elden Ring is purposeful in its paradoxes and wears the occult inspirations on its sleeve - truth is but a question of degree, and all paradoxes can be reconciled. Indeed, it is directly referenced as the law of Regression, that also reveals the player the divine contradiction between Radagon and Marika, that they are the same, yet also different. And there is something very real about the way the story is portrayed, as we never truly know everything, merely base our assumptions and our beliefs on small snippets of words that people in our journeys say, half-forgetting them over time, misinterpreting them or forgetting them all together.
@killerking2346 2 жыл бұрын
I took the Death ending, tought it sounded the coolest from the item description, only to be greeted by a Mass Effect 3 colour swap ending lol Frenzy > Stars (correct translation) > everything else.
@guazazqui788 2 жыл бұрын
Frenzy? You a follower of Gwyn or something?
@H4nn3ss-U 8 ай бұрын
Man... there should be a mod using Ai voices to fix this sh*t show that its the translation, it really changes everything, being one of the best possible endings
@jim_hawkins_blues Жыл бұрын
Oh I know you didn't like Elden Ring that much but I kinda wish you get into it at some point just in case you become inspired to create some of your fantastic content. This is the first I hear of this mistranslation and I'm honestly so bummed. I really loved the story of ER, as much as I could understand it. I even had a notebook and kept writing things down just so I don't forget them, analyzing every word and so on. The thought that the translation is so unreliable as to get one the endings so wrong kind of ruins all that for me. Like what's the point in putting all this effort if the original text could have the literal opposite meaning and you would never know. Though I guess you could say it's part of the fun, adding a new layer of mystery to these games' cryptic lore. But I'm so thrilled to have found your channel in any case. I just finished Sekiro and I'm currently going on my second playthrough while slowly going through your sekiro content. These games have beautiful stories and you really help non Japanese speaking people understanding them better. It's truly awesome, thanks.
@FirstTruth 2 жыл бұрын
It’s not different, it’s just written down so it’s easier to understand than her cryptic way of speaking out loud. All of this is what plenty of people got simply talking to her and her allies and doing her quest.
@azure4622 2 жыл бұрын
Rather than miss translation It was just bad
@natetaylor9002 Жыл бұрын
...my only problem with her ending is that the Elden Lord (you) would be stuck travelling in the void for a thousand years of fear, doubt and loneliness....with only a possessed mannequin to accompany you! That would be HELL!
@ScarletEdge Жыл бұрын
In my opinion what she means is that she will remove the idea of gods living among humans and meddling in their affairs and instead cut connection between supernatural and natural, in sense that people will not be able to use senses to confirm god existence (not taking their senses away completely!) and she will leave uncertainty and fear which simply means a choice. In short she will turn lands between to what earth is now. We have many ideas, gods and beliefs and nobody is really sure what is right and what is wrong. Best ending.
@KyleNike84 2 жыл бұрын
04:09 Not "distant", but "apart", maybe?
@Ixarus6713 Жыл бұрын
"Doesn't want to be a puppet" 😳🥶🥶🧐
@jivesideproductions 2 жыл бұрын
just had my chat with ranni adter an AWESOME victory over the elden beast whew 🤘😅
@Randhrick 2 жыл бұрын
They can't even properly localize a game of this caliber.....smh
@paranoidpanzerpenguin5262 2 жыл бұрын
They should really fix this, it's egregious
@cttommy73 Жыл бұрын
Mistranslation in the English localization of games isn't the first time it happened nor will it be the last. Translation is a very difficult job but I just wish game companies would at least pay more to make sure the more important parts of their games actually gets properly translated and not have a new meaning tacked on. Hell, just look at series like the Persona games.
@peterthephillip Жыл бұрын
Seems like endings should be priority to translating right…
@lordnul1708 Жыл бұрын
I feel like the Japanese version of Ranni's ending is better, like the rest of the fandom probably. Also, the Frenzied Flame ending is my second choice... But only with a cut content restored mod. Kalé had an associated sidequest that gets pretty raw at the end. Like "if this doesn't make you go for the Frenzied Flame, nothing will" levels of raw. All the other endings feel kinda... Eh, compared to Age of Stars and Lord of Frenzied Flame.
@eidolon9767 Жыл бұрын
Ah. As expected of Japanese. So hard to translate when the subject is ambiguous. I speak japanese but played the game in English and was confused as well. It's very clear this is the problem after looking between the two translations and the original japanese.
@superitgel1 2 жыл бұрын
So, she was good after all?!
@c0mmas 2 жыл бұрын
oh man that translator at fromsoft is getting fired.
@netocock 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you :D
@gilangadlisdastifa7464 Жыл бұрын
So Ranni speak in Japanese while everyone speak in Old English.
@Dusklit Жыл бұрын
Is the name of Ranni's ending officially 'Age of THE stars' or 'Age of stars'? Both the achievement and Ranni say Age of THE stars but the official guide and many users use the truncated way Age of Stars
@ryancole4015 2 жыл бұрын
The age of the stars separates us from the old gods. But apparently, she didn't account for people gathering insight to find the order
@maiafay Ай бұрын
Yeah too bad she murdered her brother for it. Ends justify the means I guess.
@lucaszaza235 2 жыл бұрын
You think English translation is bad? I am Brazilian and you have no idea what a real fucked up translation (Portuguese version) is like
@camila_costa12 2 жыл бұрын
Eu vi a tradução de Elden Ring em português e achei uma bosta, tô jogando em inglês por isso, não que seja a melhor, mas em português eu notei alguns problemas de tradução. Tem um diálogo da ranni com o personagem em que ela se refere a ele como my dear, que é o equivalente a meu querido ou meu amado, e eles traduziram como meu caro, ficou uma bosta, faz perder toda nuance por trás do diálogo deles.
@azure4622 2 жыл бұрын
It's things like these that make me want to learn japanese
@chrislinks6867 2 жыл бұрын
Of all the Elden Lord endings, I like Fia's one the most. OFC the Greater Will/Golden Order is sus, but restoring Death to the order feels like it's unclogging some of that stagnation. Feels the most like an 'age of dark' ending when compared to the others which seemingly just maintain the status quo.
@greenbrickbox3392 2 жыл бұрын
I do feel like death needed to be brought back to the lands between. I'm a bit mixed on Ranni since I have zero idea what "freedom" in darkness under her rule would actually mean for the majority of the people suffering in the lands between and she did bring about the shattering which was caused much of the horrific suffering we come across in our travels.
@TakumiJoyconBoyz 2 жыл бұрын
@@greenbrickbox3392 Ranni is basically saying she's going to get rid of gods that rule over life and then leave so that there's no trace of her and your godhood either. She's not leaving the world in darkness. She's leaving with you to explore the darkness together and to allow people a life where they don't need to believe in or fear gods, just let humanity choose it's own destiny.
@greenbrickbox3392 2 жыл бұрын
​@@TakumiJoyconBoyz Choosing its own destiny sounds nice but no idea what that would actually look like for random people just living in that world, and not sure it justifies plunging that world into horrific war and suffering to now explore the darkness which we know is full of star monsters with no real protection.
@Kronos0999 2 жыл бұрын
The best ending is the "perfect golden order" ending in which everything the order claimed it was, would actually be true and completely removed of the fickle gods only to be ruled by *one;* you. And probably a lot of demi-god children with Marika.
@theskywalker8416 2 жыл бұрын
@@greenbrickbox3392 maybe, like she said , there will be fear ,lonliness, pain, etc but finally free
@the_mad_fool Жыл бұрын
Hmm...I disagree here that the English is a mistranslation. If anything, it is more comprehensive, and it expands on the implications of what Ranni wants. And what Ranni wants is *not* evil. She's just realistic about the price of freedom. To demonstrate, let's take the line, "And have the certainties of sight, emotion, faith, and touch... All become impossibilities." This does not mean that she would take away these things. She said she would make the *certainties* of sight, emotion, faith, and touch impossible. This is a state of affairs which should be familiar to every single one of us, because it describes another world we all know: the real one. In the real world, there is no certainty in what we perceive, feel, and believe in. There cannot be, because we as Humans have no prior knowledge of the "Order" of the world. We don't know why we're here or how the world works, and we likely never truly will. That uncertainty can be terrible. It makes us afraid of our mortality, doubtful of truth, and lonely in a seemingly cold, arbitrary, and indifferent universe. But that uncertainty also makes us free, because we are unbound by the knowledge of what we should be, and can therefore be what we want to be. And this is why, in the ending, she says "Here beginneth the chill night that encompasses all, reaching the great beyond. Into fear, doubt, and loneliness... As the path stretcheth into darkness." The way she says this is haunting and bittersweet, something that really came through in the voice acting, or it did for me the first time I heard it. She knows how fearful the uncertainty, loneliness, and cold indifference of a distant Order will be, and she knows she is choosing this path for the whole world without asking. But she's prepared to do it *anyways*; that's how strongly Ranni believes that freedom is worth the price. So we can see that the English meaning is not far from the Japanese one. In fact, the essentials are the same: Ranni wants to end the age of an Order that is close and entwined. She wants a distant, cold order that cannot be touched or experienced by the people of the Lands Between. The only real difference is that the English Ranni puts more explicit emphasis on the ramifications of this choice for the world and the people in it, while the Japanese Ranni seems to leave this more as an implication.
@baysam909 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like it's just as ambigous and confusing in this translation as it is in english and like many things in fromsoft games it is left up to the player to decide for themseves what happens. I did ranni's ending and she did not come off as evil to me
@cat_loaf943 Жыл бұрын
The only reason I'll go with this ending is because obtaining Miquella's needle was the most painful thing. I did obtain the Frenzy Flame Seal (to test builds), on top of that I was gonna get locked out of the other endings.
@patyluna821 2 жыл бұрын
But taking this into consideration it seems like, Ranni becomes the new order per Say, but since her whole ideal is about not having an imposed ruler or order, the way she leaves the lands between unlinked to an order, is abandoning it.
@T1Slam 2 жыл бұрын
Bruh, can you look into Blaidd translations? I don't understand how at first Iji claims he and Blaidd are servants of Ranni, and then he says that Blaidd is her shadow and "curse". That doesn't make sense and i suspect it is a huge mistranslation.
@BlazeOrangeDeer 2 жыл бұрын
Blaidd is the shadow given to her by the Two Fingers, as an Empyrean she gets a beast companion to help her attain godhood as Marika's successor. He's a curse because she turned away from that destiny, but he remains loyal to her anyway.
@MrXerothor 2 жыл бұрын
I mean, that's pretty much down to Iji playing his cards close and not trusting you fully with all information. He reveals Blaidd's true nature once you prove yourself as being truly serving to Ranni
@xXTrylarXx 2 жыл бұрын
I dont know, i reached the same conclusion with the english localization. I saw it in the sense that the things she mentioned are what the living beings and souls of the world will feel without the golden order, demigods or the elden ring. - fear: Fear of the unkown by having no greater will to depend upon and no erdtree/elden ring that sets the rules. - doubt: because now there is no golden order that gives them a way to live, everyone will have to choose by themselves what to belive and do. - loneliness: No demigods, no golden bloodline and no higher beings to be guided by. Thats what shes giving to them by going on her journey and removing the influence of the greater will on the world. They will feel all that but on the other side they would be free. The world would be by itself to live without interference of the greater will (to me it seems shes ignoring the other outer gods or maybe she just wanted to rid the world of the influence of the greater will and let the world deal with the other gods itself). In the japannese version sounds more that "there you go kids, youre on your own. im leaving into the scary unknown. Peace" i prefer the english version. More ominous.
@ryanwassink7622 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Shetani if you haven't seen it already here's a video you might find interesting. An interview by Alanah Pearce with two translators/localisers who have worked on multiple From Software games. Your videos are great btw! kzbin.info/www/bejne/rYeoemeXbKuHfdE
@philthestampede 2 жыл бұрын
Woke localizers probably did this on purpose.
@henazz2561 2 жыл бұрын
@philthestampede 2 жыл бұрын
@@henazz2561 Woke localizers probably did this on purpose.
@AlastorAltruistGaming 9 ай бұрын
@@philthestampedewe heard what you said the first time; what we’re TRYING to figure out is how it’s considered “woke” if the damn translation from Japanese to English is atrocious! Being woke has nothing to do with a severe lack of a proper translation.
@philthestampede 9 ай бұрын
@@AlastorAltruistGaming It's connected. I've done the research. BlackRock hires evil people who hire woke people who hire friends that butcher translations because of their personal ideology. That makes it woke. Or arguably, New World Order? Lol. Easier just to say woke. Wokeness is the illness. It's the religion. But it's pushed by globalists.
@Kronos0999 2 жыл бұрын
There is no Japanese voice. Tf are you talking about?
@bjarki7860 Жыл бұрын
No but there are japanese subtitles, which the english dialogue is translated from
@Kronos0999 Жыл бұрын
@@bjarki7860 All bs
@AlastorAltruistGaming 9 ай бұрын
@@Kronos0999all bs, you say, while FromSoft is a Japanese country that has to have translators making their games accessible to worldwide audiences. You clearly don’t understand the concept of localization.
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