Reaction: FURINA ORIGINAL SONG - “I Promise” | HalaCG x Chira (Genshin Impact) [Official MV]

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13 күн бұрын

#reaction #music #reactionvideo #genshinimpact #sadsong #story #emotional #halacg #disneymusic #disneymusical
Thanks again for watching, this character made me want to cry i don't know why but someone get disney on the phone, until then
Links to everything:
HalaCG - ‪@HalaCG‬
thanks again and i will see you all very soon, bye ;)

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@Starberry7 11 күн бұрын
Man I really love this song. It’s so good. Especially so when you know the context to it. The text just is so in character for Furina.
@KashK1ng777 11 күн бұрын
really? (interested) do tell me more, please
@Starberry7 9 күн бұрын
@@KashK1ng777 (1/2) Okay, I will tell you about her. But to do so I will have to mention some spoilers of the Fontaine Archon Quest line in the game. I don’t need to explain the whole quest line but the parts related to her are important. I also need to explain some basics about the world of the game since I don’t know how much you know. This comment is going to end up being quite long since the Archon Quest is quite long. (Edit: I had to reply in 2 parts because the comment broke KZbin’s character limit.) Genshin Impact is a game that takes place in the world of Teyvat. Teyvat has 7 nations. Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, Sumeru, Fontaine, Natlan and Shnezhnaya. Each nation is ruled by an Archon. An Archon is a God. However not all Gods are Archons but all Archons are Gods. Archons simply are Gods that have the highest authority over a specific element. Each nation is also based on one of 7 elements since the Gods have dominion of one of the 7 elements. Anemo is the element of wind. Geo is the element of rocks/earth. Electro is pretty self explanatory. That’s the element of electricity. Dendro is a plant related element. Hydro is the element of water. Pyro is the element of fire. And Cryo is the element of ice. Fontaine is the nation that Furina is from. Fontaine is ruled by the Hydro Archon Focalors. She’s also the God of Justice. The power of the Archons is actually not their own. Some Archons have power on their own as they were Gods before becoming Archons, however their Element Authority came from ancient Dragons. The so called Dragon Sovereigns. There were 7 Dragon Sovereigns in total. The God that governs over the world of Teyvat (we only know of them as “the Heavenly Principals”. Sometimes there’s also mentions of a God called “the Primordial One”. I think that’s the same god as The Heavenly Principals but I’m not entirely sure about that. But either way that’s not that important for this), had fought against the Dragon King and the 7 Dragon Sovereigns several millennia ago, wanting to establish a new order in the world of Teyvat. They won and took some of the power of the Dragon Sovereigns. That power was put into so called “thrones” (not sure if they’re literal thrones but they’re called that). Each Archon can access the power in one of those thrones. The Anemo Archon can access the Anemo Authority within the Anemo Archon throne, the Geo Archon can access the Geo Authority within the throne of the Geo Archon and so on. I will be mostly going through chronological order instead of the order in which we find things out in the game. I think it’s easier to understand that way. Now onto Fontaine. The story of the Fontaine Archon Quest line revolves around a prophecy. To quote a character from the game: “I'm not sure exactly when it began, but a prophecy has been circulating around Fontaine... It says that every person in Fontaine is born with "sin." No matter how the Nation of Justice holds trial after trial, this sin cannot be absolved. Until one day, the water levels in Fontaine will rise, and the sinful people will slowly be drowned... In the end, the people will all be dissolved into the waters, and only the Hydro Archon will remain, weeping on her throne... Only then will the sins of the people of Fontaine be washed away.” We find out in the final Act “Masquerade of the Guilty” of the Fontaine Archon Quest line that Fontanians weren’t true humans. Focalors’s predecessor, Egeria, had attempted to turn a species of water spirits, called Oceanids, into humans 500+ years before the events of the game. By utilizing a special type of water called Primordial Seawater, Egeria had managed to give the Oceanids a human form. She had injected the Primordial Seawater into the veins of the Oceanids. However the transformation was incomplete. Which is why Fontanians can dissolve in the Primordial Seawater. They return to their Oceanid forms because the power within them breaks out after contact with Primordial Seawater. Foclors had actually been one of the Oceanids turned into a human by Egeria. The Gods that govern over the world of Teyvat (you can think of the as the boss of the Archons), the Heavenly Principals, who reside in Celestia (you can think of it as Heaven in a way, although I don’t think people go there after dying. It’s a place for the gods.) had put the prophecy in motion in retaliation. 500 years before the events of the game Focalors becomes the new Hydro Archon after Egeria dies. Focalors comes up with a plan to deal with the prophecy. She splits her divinity from her body and spirit, leaving behind a human counterpart that was as naive as Focalors had been on her first day as a human being. Essentially splitting herself into 2 entities. The pure divinity of Focalors, as well as a human counterpart. In simpler terms Focalors as the Archon doesn’t exist anymore. There’s the divinity, who possesses the divine power and memories of Focalors and then there’s the human half that possesses Focalors body and soul but has no memories at all excelt for her knowledge of the prophecy. Furina and Focalors are essentially 2 halves of the same whole. Shortly after Furina was created Focalors asks Furina to play the role of the Hydro Archon. Focalors had appeared in Furina’s mirror and tells Furina that she needs Furina to play the role of the Hydro Archon so that Focalors can have her way of defying the prophecy, however Focalors states that Furina likely will suffer. Now you could think Furina is just some random actress playing the role of Focalors but as I pointed out earlier Furina is Focalors’s human counterpart. That’s why Focalors’s specifically went for Furina. Plus the fact that they look identical just makes it more believable since the one Focalors wants to deceive with this is the Heavenly Principals. Furina being the selfless person she is, accepts it. She would rather suffer than watch the Fontanians die. As Furina had put it herself in the game: “If there were scales, with all the people of Fontaine on one side, and my pain on the other... Is it not obvious where the scales should tilt?”.
@Starberry7 9 күн бұрын
@@KashK1ng777 (2/2) After that Furina acts as the Hydro Archon for the next 500 years. However being a human, her mind is not made to endure such a long life. One scene in particular is quite tragic to me. It shows Furina breaking down. She doesn’t even realize that she is crying until another character points it out. “Unknown Voice: Um... My Lady? Furina: Hmm? What is it, good citizen... Unknown Voice: Are... are you crying? Furina: Eh... Huh? Hahaha, really now? I didn't even notice.”. There’s another similar scene like that that follows directly after, showing us that Furina has reached her limits a long time ago but still needs to keep going. It shows her determination to keep going despite her suffering and the fact that she is breaking. Furina is in her own room and we can hear her thoughts. “Furina: ... Furina: (So interminable... so lonely... Just how much longer...) Furina: (Hundreds of years must have passed by now. Perhaps this show must go on for hundreds more...) Furina: (I never imagined that it would hurt so much...) Furina: (Have I... reached my limit? No, perhaps I reached it long ago. Today, I didn't even notice my own tears.) Furina: (I want to tell someone, anyone, about this... But would that not destroy all I've done so far?) Furina: (I've conducted so many investigations across the centuries, but there's not even a sliver of hope that we might break the prophecy...) Furina: (All I can do is keep heart. I must maintain this act. It is the only way to save Fontaine. Please, "Mirror-me." You have to succeed...)”. 500 years after Focalors has become the Hydro Archon, Furina is put on trial for being a fraud. The people of Fontaine had put her on trial to force her to reveal her secrets. The reason fir this was the fact that the prophecy was becoming a threat. There had been a small flood with Primordial Seawater in a village in Fontaine. People died and yet the “Hydro Archon” seemingly did nothing. People wanted to know what she was hiding. SO they put her on trial. Furina of course is desperate to keep her identity hidden since she thinks that everyone will be doomed if she is exposed. What Furina doesn’t know is how Focalors is planning to deal with the prophecy. Focalor’s divinity had been residing within a divine machine that she had created. That machine could give accurate verdicts in court and it could turn people’s belief in Justice into a form of energy called Indemnitium. Some of the Idemnitium had been used to power Fontaine and it’s machinery. But the vast majority of it had been stored within the machine for later use. It was more than enough to power Fontaine for several millennia. Yet Focalors’s divinity was planning to use that to destroy the divine throne of the Hydro Archon in Celestia. To do that she would also need to execute herself. Focalors was incapable to finish what Egeria had started 500+ years ago but the reincarnated Hydro Dragon Sovereign can finish it if he gets his full power. That way the prophecy can still come to pass while everyone gets saved. Focalors plan suceeds, the flood happens but no one dissolves into the waters. However Furina has no idea about this plan, which is why when she gets exposed in court she is devastated because she thinks she doomed Fontaine. Focalors needed Furina to think that since the prophecy also states that the Hydro Archon will weep on her throne. Focalors needed Furina as an actress to play the role of the God in that prophecy. Furina only learns the truth about Focalors’s plan when the Hydro Dragon Sovereign tells her after everything is over. He himself had been told the truth about everything by Focalors’s divinity shortly before she executed herself. Furina is now finally free. Gone is the curse of Immortality and she is free to live her life as she wants as she no longer has to pretend to be the Hydro Archon. However pretending to be someone else for 500 years took a toll on her and she no longer knows who Furina even is personality-wise. In her own personal story quest and a few events, which were set outside of the Archon Quest Line Furina learns more about how she wants to lead her life. In the past she had been an actress, not just because she had to act as the Archon, but she also took part in actual operas, playing characters and singing songs on stage. However in her personal quest and in an event she has taken on the role of a director instead of being an actress like she used to be. Focalors’s dying wish had been that Furina lives her life happily as a human. In a way Focalors had been kind of jealous of Furina despite everything. Focalors had always wanted to be human. There’s actually a scene where she keeps gushing about humans and Furina being the “perfect” human. Which is kind of funny if I think about it because in a sense she is praising herself. After all Furina is Focalors’s human half. The lines in the song refer back to many parts of Furina’s backstory. Some even being actual easter eggs, using using terms and phrases related to her and Focalors. For example it uses terms such as “A guilty masquerade” which refers to the name of the final act of the Fontaine Archon Quest or “The world's a stage” which is the title of Furina’s trailer on Genshin Impact’s KZbin channel or even “Sinner's finale's through” which is an easter egg since “Sinner’s Finale” is the title of the OST of Focalors execution. Other lines such as “You told me long ago I was perfect for the role I was fated To be playing for you” are more straight forward as they refer to how Focalors had asked Furina to play the role of the Hydro Archon. Furina is also a very forgiving person. And although not directly stated in the game, it’s implied that Furina forgave Focalors despite the fact that she had caused Furina so much suffering. That’s also in part represented here “You had to go it's okay Leave all that pain Fly away”. The song refers to Furina’s task given by Focalors, her suffering, her love for her people, her selflessness, her past immortality, and many other aspects of Furina’s character and her past, as well as her own and Focalors’s wish for Furina to live happily. If you want to you could go back and interpret the lines of the song again now that you know more. You don’t have to of course.
@KashK1ng777 9 күн бұрын
OH MY GOD, guess i got some reading to do, and don't I like spoilers, it's how i know it is good. i will respond, when i am done reading.
@Starberry7 9 күн бұрын
@@KashK1ng777 yeah that ended up being way longer than I intended it to be. But I wasn’t sure how to make it shorter without leaving out crucial details. Probably could have gone without the quotes from the game or the song but either way, I hope this helped. As you can probably guess from my profile picture I really like Furina so I can kind of talk about her all day. I guess that’s in part the reason why it ended up so long.
@bananaking-sk6ng 12 күн бұрын
she is a human who was cursed to live forever for 500 years, she was given a job of impersonating a god by that same god, has to pretend to be smug and all knowing while dying inside due to not being able to tell anyone about it
@KashK1ng777 12 күн бұрын
what the hell???? she needs a hug, can someone give her a hug? also thanks @bananaking-sk6ng, you are my go to on genshin impact. do you have any suggestions for me to react to?
@bananaking-sk6ng 12 күн бұрын
@@KashK1ng777 about genshin or in general?
@KashK1ng777 12 күн бұрын
@bananaking-sk6ng Yes (Both)
@bananaking-sk6ng 12 күн бұрын
From halla "the void" Acheron song Will Stenson's morality lesson Are really good from the top of my head
@KashK1ng777 12 күн бұрын
ok i'll check them out (see if i can react and stuff)
@xionnoctis7908 5 күн бұрын
bananaking already covered the fact that she was cursed to live forever for 500 years but didn't go into details about why so I will. The god in this case, known as Focalor, was given an impossible task by her predecessor. the one that came before her committed the sin of attempting to turn her entire race into humans and failed to completely do it. So the powers that be known as the Heavenly principles decided the race were sinners and subjected them to be tormented by a beast that could use primordial water to dissolve them and eventually flood their country and leave the God, the Hydro Archon, alone weeping on her throne. Focalor's solution was to split her divinity after creating a perfect human in her own image who she named Furina and gave her the task of acting as a god to try and subvert the prophecy. once they found her to be a false god and sentenced her to death Focalor then appeared and sacrificed herself to earn forgiveness for her entire race making them human and also releasing Furina from her painful 500 year task of deceiving fate/the Heavenly Principles. And in order to succeed no one but Furina could know until Focalor's sacrifice thus causing Furina to suffer alone for 500 years all the while anxious that she'd be found out and fail in her task.
@KashK1ng777 Күн бұрын
I always wanted to be immortal but i fear that so much, it made me cry when reading it.
@RogueTheRabbit03 12 күн бұрын
This is why she is in my top 5.. halacg that is i don't play genshin anymore.
@KashK1ng777 12 күн бұрын
who are the others?
@RogueTheRabbit03 12 күн бұрын
@@KashK1ng777 of all music and most recent but people I'll always go back to in no order. Yungblud, rustage, hala, ado, and harry mack
@KashK1ng777 11 күн бұрын
ok, i understand now
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