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Kaia: The Safe Cave

Kaia: The Safe Cave

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Not @ the fact that this half an hour of me being a literature student through and through.
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- Kaia
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@AgusXiaolin 4 жыл бұрын
Hi! Ohhh you're so intelligent, really. You catch a lot of the references! Here I made (with help of a lot of theories I read from twitter, so creadits for all the genius up there hehe) a theory connecting the Oneus universe and their MVs: In Lit, the 6 monarchs enjoy and celebrate together, but Helios (god of the sun) gets jealous and curses them, a blood curse that will turn them into vampires, and the moon turns red (this happens in RTK's Lit performance). So, in Twilight the monarchs, turned into vampires, they see that the only possibility to stay alive is to drink the blood of humans, but since Oneus love them, they will only drink the blood of the servants of Helios, who want to kill them. And in CBH they fight with the servants and save the boy, who can end the blood curse and let the sun return to normal. In the Story Film 1, Oneus locks up the souls of the Servants in the necklace. "The monarchs realized that as long as they existed together, humans could never escape the bridle of pain" so, they decide to give their souls to the necklace. And "Helios's gaze disappeared into the eternal darkness, beyond the unreachable sun." This happens in the CBH stage in RTK, where the souls of the servants travels of Hwanwoong to Leedo to Seoho, who have the necklace! (The necklace appear previously in Twilight, in RTK's CBH performance, the photo of the track list of Lived and the Story Film 1). So TBONTB and Valkyrie can be considered two different endings, the decisions that the monarchs made. In Valkyrie, they are in closed, dark places where there are rays of light that illuminate them. And they decided to get trapped inside the necklace (creadit to persynelkpop). But in TBONTB they recover the necklace where their souls are and they recover their powers (symbolized by Keonhee and the crown) and they are ready to face Helios. Plus; In Valkyrie, Leedo has wings, and in TBONTB we can see Leedo's back as if they had been ripped off (Helios was the culprit in taking away his powers). They spoilers a lot of this storyline in RTK!! Ex: red sun and fight with servants in Lit; Romeo and Juliet theme and Shakespeare in Be Mine; CBH with references of past stages and MVs. The voice at the end of the Story Films and this MV say Lived reversed: DEVIL. Hope that clarify something haha. Is a complex storyline and very unique in the kpop world (abouth the supernatural references and vampires, not a lot of groups use it and thats is so dope)
@radishugh6178 3 жыл бұрын
I just saw they announced their new comeback named is devil.
@AgusXiaolin 3 жыл бұрын
@@radishugh6178 Yes! Lived-devil haha. They spoiler us
@fennecfox3893 4 жыл бұрын
It is so refreshing to see a reactor that has insightful comments. Especially when the MV and story is so intriguing as this one. 🥰 The weird thing about this song is that the MV and the lyrics have completely separate identities from each other. A few observations of my own. To be or not to be, I think, does relate to the dilemma of awaking from the slumber (requiring the blood of the descendants of the prophetic child) or staying oblivious in the darkness. They have spent hundreds of years in the darkness (from story film). In comeback home it was medievalish times and now they look outside and see a modern cityscape on the horizon. Also assault rifles! I think your theory of call us Ishmael may be correct. Like they're asking the prophetic child to help guide them out of the darkness by calling out to them in case of great need. The final scene to me looks like something is still trying to block them from escaping the darkness.
@epantsie 4 жыл бұрын
what about Keeho being crowned at the end? Will this continue on their next comeback? I'm fricking goosebump on this.
@Arataria 4 жыл бұрын
I’m late but if you look at the lyrics they’re directly related to the storyline? They’re talking about regretting their relationship with the ‘prophetic child’, where the question of to be or not to be is whether they choose to honour that love or choose to live by taking the descendants’ blood. Honestly it’s a theme that their lyrics relate to the concept - CBH is obviously about the story, and Twilight ‘likens the sun to a lover’ and with all the ‘the sun is falling’ lyrics that direct right back to the whole Helios/Phaeton deal
@asareirene 3 жыл бұрын
Actually, the lyrics are literally direct. Their regret comes from knowing and loving that child because it's the blood of his descendants that they need to live again. And they regret knowing and loving him because of their dilemma. Do they kill the descendants of this child they love so much? And live? Or do they leave them be and die? Like it's so directly linked imo
@itslexonly3467 4 жыл бұрын
Lmao I love how your background music is so upbeat and then there’s Oneus
@Sehugoo 4 жыл бұрын
I’m a fan of reaction videos. I’ve been watching them for years, and I’m so mad I just found your channel this month. You are by far my favourite “reactor” at the moment. I think you are genuine, you are incredibly smart, and I love that you give spotlight to underrated groups!!! This reaction is AMAZING, I have goosebumps listening to your analysis and observations. Always wanted to study english literature in uni, but circumstances never allowed me to. So..yeah..I’m a fan!
@rheathecreative5612 4 жыл бұрын
I'm gonna explain what I can make out: So it starts with CBH - They're human monarchs that were well beloved. At some point, they attract the jealousy of Helios, aka the God of Sun. Helios threatens humans that if they don't sacrifice the monarchs, he'll bring eternal darkness upon Earth (or whatever land this plot going on). Humans eventually give up on the monarchs. Helios turns them and their servants into blood-sucking creatures (I think you can call them vampires despite the lore doesn't specify since logically they also rejected by the sun, and Ravn's rap part in CBH mentions cross-burn, plus ONEUS themselves used the word vampire lol). The monarchs continue on loving and protecting humans, but the servants resent humans and kill every night. They plan to sacrifice the child born on an eclipse to bring an eternal night - exactly what humans sacrificed them to avoid. Thus the 10 years war between the monarchs and their once-servants and then the final battle - CBH. After defeating the servants, the monarchs sealed them AND themselves inside an necklace. They fell into a slumber. This is where Helios come back to the story. It's likely that during this time, Helios' son Phaeton fell from the Sun Chariot, which was struck down by lightning. He then turns his grieving to hatred towards the monarchs. He seals them in what remains from the Sun Chariot, turns their dreams to nightmares. The only way to break out is to take the blood of the descendant of the eclipse-born child they protected, and by doing so, going against everything they once were. A hundred years have passed like that. So To be or not to be storyline is at the point where they were so tortured by the nightmares they actually consider between two options. I didn't include the theories on how it linked with previous comebacks because until now it's just, well, theories. Hope you enjoy my essay.
@_yeojo Жыл бұрын
now that's a solid whole backstroy (and answer my confusion about the necklace and slumber), but i'm curious about why helios aim his anger toward the monarch when zeus's lightning was the one who struck down phaeton
@exessen1684 4 жыл бұрын
I knew I would enjoy your reaction but the analysis took it to a whole other level! You're quickly becoming my favorite reactor on youtube, keep up the amazing work ❤️ Also a possible Leedo bias? We love to see it. I loved that he got way more vocal parts in this song, he's such an allrounder
@martinakuroneko5962 4 жыл бұрын
At the end it says: DEVIL >> LIVED I'm also a literature freak and I also love this MV. Thank you for your reaction! Warm greetings from Poland :)
@avebauerle2313 4 жыл бұрын
Call us, Ishmael. That's the smartest thing I've heard in a while. How did I not consider that earlier?!
@plasticflower2980 4 жыл бұрын
Yaasss I've been waiting for your reaction! Also you appreciating Xion's vocal on 20:45 is a mood! Our maknae deserves more recognition (and lines in their songs pls 😭)
@orionstorm 4 жыл бұрын
LEEDO IS MY BIAS TOO. He’s SO freaking gorgeous in this video. I’m still not over it. And don’t even get me started on his voice! 😍
@calinda4003 4 жыл бұрын
me taking 5 hears of latin and greek lit in high school and you being an english lit student in uni handshake emoji going absolutely nuts over this MV
@TaniaCastilloDWYW 4 жыл бұрын
I really appreciate you took the time to explain some of the details you saw based on your knowledge, that shows how well prepared the music video was and maybe the storyline that I'm still trying to figure out. Thank you so much for reacting to Oneus! I really like your videos
@epantsie 4 жыл бұрын
YESSSS. IM WAITING FOR YOUR REACTION. I WANT TO DISCUSS ABOUT THE STORYLINE. Is it possible that you make a PART2 of this reaction. after you watched the Lyrics that were released by 1theK ? And perhaps combine all the Lore behind Monarch of the Come Back Home + Story + to be or not t be. That will be my biggest wish to hear your smart analysis. Coz I'm dying ti know all of those symbols and their meaning but none of the other reactor discuss it. I LOVE YOU! THANK YOU 😘🥰🤗
@Arataria 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the reaction!! About the monarchs - ONEUS’ concept is ‘kings’. Their names are quite grand: Hwanwoong is named after Hwanung (spelt the same way in korean) who is a god in Dangun mythology (Korean creation myth). Ravn’s real name is Youngjo, the name of the 21st king of the Joseon dynasty. Leedo’s stage name is another name for Sejong, 4th king of Korea. Seoho’s name before he changed it (Gunmin) meant “to hold up the sky”. Xion’s real name is Dongju, which he shares with a great poet. And Keonhee has the same name as the CEO of Samsung.
@_yeojo Жыл бұрын
damn, hwanwoong is on whole another level
@jeench 4 жыл бұрын
Luv your reactions to oneus as always! And yes this comeback is AWESOME
@jeench 4 жыл бұрын
And your literary interpretation .....YES! Thanks for helping us with all these thoughts !
@unflora 4 жыл бұрын
So from what I've been getting the people they are fighting in this one are the direct descendants of the prophetic child from come back home. I wonder maybe if the "call us ishamel" could be interpreted as those descendants speaking to the monarchs? And I absolutely believe that in relation to the story that the "to be or not to be" is the internal struggle of wanting to live again, but also not wanting to do harm to the descendants of the boy they cared for. I
@hannakatriina 4 жыл бұрын
I love your theories and the way you analysed the symbolism in the video. It made me realise how much I missed when I first watched it, and now I love it even more! Awesome reaction.
@nikkihalcomb6179 4 жыл бұрын
Here is an overview of it and my theory on the entire thing: The story (from the trailer and story film) is that the world was once ruled by six monarchs, who were loved and admired by everyone but they were jealous of Helios, god of the sun. Helios was jealous of the humans’ praise and worship of the monarchs so he threatened them with making the sun disappear forever if the six monarchs were not sacrificed to Helios. Finally the humans sacrificed the monarchs where they and their servants were cast to exile. He cursed them with a thirst for blood from the humans they cherished and once protected. Yet they only drank blood from evil people and continued to protect the humans but not the same way they had. The servants however hated humans for their betrayal to the monarchs and killed humans without mercy. A prophecy was given that a child would be born on the day of an eclipse to be used in a ceremony to bring an eternal night to humans. When the day of the eclipse came a child was born and a war between the monarchs and their servants began. Said in the lines “on the day of the eclipse a child was born as predicted; and the devastating war between the monarchs and their servants, to protect the child, lasted 10 years.” The war lasted ten years before the monarchs finally won but when cutting the neck of the last marquis he pledged he would be back for the child when the red moon appears again. The battle scenes in the video are of the last battle of the war where the monarchs won. The story films explain what happens after they won the war and what Helios does to them. To Be Or Not To Be is how they are woken centuries later, in the modern era, and they have to retrieve the necklace they sealed their souls inside of. When they try to retrieve the necklace they are shot, the more modern version of ways to stop threats instead of swords. The bathtub of blood Leedo is in represents the blood he’s soaked in from the battles; Xion’s hands covered in black represent that their hands are still trapped like “cuffs” in a sense; Keonhee is believed to have lost himself and silenced with innocence and blinding himself to death and dread until he has to face it; Seoho is trapped in one place and bound to the root of his own issues; Hwanwoong with the thorns are to reference the biblical story of Jesus and his crown of thorns that he wore, in a sense he’s wearing it to show he is trapped in the role of sacrifice that he can’t escape from; Ravn is the one killing the descents of the child to free the others of their curse and pain but he falls to his knees in despair realizing he took the lives of people he cared about. The opening scene of them having dinner is of them is before they were imprisoned by Helios for the death of his son. However, in the dance scene the reference of the giving of blood to wake the others is represented by Hwanwoong laying down and Seoho above him to be appearing to cut his hand, wrist, or arm then Hwanwoong wakes up. My theory is that since the song Dead or Alive off the album is referenced several times and To Be Or Not To Be is referenced in Dead or Alive it will be another video release to continue the story that the ending cliffhanger left us with, or the next comeback. PS: the audio clip played at the end, when played in reverse, says “devil” as the title of the album “Lived” does. The saying “Call us Ishmael” is a reference to a line from Moby Dick.
@l07h01 4 жыл бұрын
My favorite boys band 🥺❤️ thanks ♡
@justinjyeung 4 жыл бұрын
Well, their group concept has already been very princely since before their debut, though I do think the monarch terminology comes from their RTK "Come Back Home" story. I'm thinking that perhaps that opening scene could be like their dreamscape, and their real bodies are trapped in the dark rooms of the "Valkyrie" MV, after all, the valkyries were the Norse warrior angels who descended on the battlefield to take the souls of the dead iirc, and in that song they're talking about the "one who lights up their life", perhaps it's them waiting for their "valkyrie" to pull them out from their slumber?? Fun facts about the members: Ravn - he can speak Japanese, and his stage name is inspired by the X-Men! Seoho - he can back flip on command, and he likes to ask weird questions lol Leedo - he likes to lift weights, but despite his low voice he's actually very shy/introverted lol Keonhee - he's considered "the mouth" of Oneus because he's main vocals, he likes to talk, and he likes to eat XD Hwanwoong - he goes by his birth name which in itself is a very unique name, and in one of their "behind the scenes" videos from their USA tour, he was playing Pokemon Go LOL Xion - his twin brother is Dongmyeong from Onewe, and he's not afraid of biting or smacking the other members when they bother him, especially Leedo LOL
@rebecca7453 4 жыл бұрын
I love your analysis of the video, super interesting! One thing I found fascinating was that in the first scene they are all wearing white. Now in Western art and literature white connotates purity and innocence but in Chinese influenced cultures like Korea it also represents mourning and is the traditional colour worn at funerals. To me, that contrast of innocence versus death becomes very interesting throughout the video because they are wearing white clothing whenever they are bleeding. That may be practical, but it's interesting that these white shirts are sullied by death as the video progresses as it seems to strengthen this idea of innocence and death being intertwined.
@llllll1897 4 жыл бұрын
I loved listening to your theories and interpretations!!!
@springqueen6785 4 жыл бұрын
They are amazing!! We stan talent
@章魚-x2k 3 жыл бұрын
Also RAVN mentioned in behind the scene, the spear he was holding was referencing to the archangel Michael in the Bible, which is super interesting cos RAVN's baptised name is also Michael! So I think it is kinda his idea!
@theprincessed 4 жыл бұрын
Some smarter tomoon than me put together that the end bit is apparently meant to depict Rodin's Gates of Hell, so they're even making art/sculpture references! Your analysis blew me away, I loved your reaction 😊
@nocturnalregulus8579 4 жыл бұрын
The MV started in paradise/Olimpus and ended in Hell/Tartarus
@OfficialAwkbe 4 жыл бұрын
What if the hands through the door at the end are linked to the Titans...? I was thinking that due to the link to Greek mythology.
@_yeojo Жыл бұрын
ooh I think they fed up, decided to travel back in time, and unleash the titans from hell to trample gods
@maya613 3 жыл бұрын
All the flowers makes me think of Ophelia, as trite as that sounds just because the MV seems to point to various Hamlet characters, though I don't see Rosencrantz or Gulidenstern , oh wait they're dead hahah
@ciciliafataranniputri1638 4 жыл бұрын
For 19:36 I think it's a helios face statue, you can see more clearly at 00.42 on that mv, just my opinion...
@Sehugoo 4 жыл бұрын
A little update, that last part of the mv, someone played it backwards, and you can hear the word “devil” clearly.
@pennyc.7742 4 жыл бұрын
Dead or alive 20:44 part is sing by xion, but only one line, so many people misunderstand it to be seoho’s line. Xion is the man with ink hand. Seoho is orange hair.
@Renaknight 4 жыл бұрын
I don't know if its an important thing but there is a shot of Ravn looking down the the screen has birds fly across it but its very quick.
@IndahRiana-I 4 жыл бұрын
oh my, thnks god u r literature student, u r so smartttt,,
@iamzica9x 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you🤗 Ive been waiting for this😄
@PrincessaSabrina91 4 жыл бұрын
I love how you analyze the Music Video and Song. And yes. The first rapper is Ravn :) He's the Main Rapper and Leader. The guy on the table is Xion and Keonhee is next to him! The guy with the orange hair is the Main Vocalist Seoho And the guy with the red eyes whose starting the Song is the Main Dancer Hwanwoong!
@exessen1684 4 жыл бұрын
Oneus actually doesn't have a leader
@PrincessaSabrina91 4 жыл бұрын
Not anymore? In the beginning, it was Ravn. I'm pretty sure.
@exessen1684 4 жыл бұрын
@@PrincessaSabrina91 No they never did. They've talked about it before
@brittaneytenboekel3589 4 жыл бұрын
whoah I love your knowledge on the references! I knew there was a lot, but there's even more than I at first thought!:O I also just realised that Oneus played a game a few days ago where they gave us a few spoilers on the concept so I suggest you definitely check it out! It actually clarified some things for me :)
@frostedjosieos3193 Жыл бұрын
It’s the way The Boyz won RTK with all those stunt-filled numbers and Oneus was like “challenge accepted”
@akanekodiviega 4 жыл бұрын
Why KZbin didn't notify me of this video??? Also didn't saw it in my sub box We have a full story and all that mythos in like 10 minutes (plus come back home) it's AMAZING English major here!!!!! But since I live in Spain studying another language the university program was different XD in 4 years we crammed grammar, phonetics, literature (british+american), and even studying medieval english and how it become the english we have now and more stuff XD also I only read the bible for the first time because our medieval literature teacher said if we want to understand we need to read the bible plus Iliad, Odyssey and Aeneid (which luckily i already read them years before plus i took latin and classic greek in high school) Man, this is a long ass comment DX 🙈 sorry
@bryonyon4452 3 жыл бұрын
I very much enjoyed you just infodumping this entire video you’re adorable I never would have picked up any of this stuff
@user-yt4gw2po9v 4 жыл бұрын
I like your reaction the most since I've watched many reactors' videos, you are the one doing reaction so well, all your comments, analysis, and observation are insight! You are so intelligent~I'll keep supporting for you!
@Elizabeth_ayala 4 жыл бұрын
Omg first thanks to react to ONEUS TuT and this is the best reaction I've seen. Really with your video I understand more the history. Please keep support ONEUS.
@hannahwhisler6234 3 жыл бұрын
Actually the prophetic son was Isaac Ishmael's younger half brother Ishmael was the child that Abraham had with a servant and the prophesy was of the child he would have with Sarah. I don't know if that is pertinent to this storyline or not
@nargesasadi5215 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for supporting ONEUS
@bela7996 4 жыл бұрын
out of all reactions I watched, this one is my favorite by far >< I'm a hardcore to moon and you actually helped me understand the concept even after reading a billion theories on twitter. thank you! also it's so cute that you bias leedo, he's a sweetheart ^^
@michiesykes9265 4 жыл бұрын
Hi I'm Mexican, I love your reaction :3
@kpopnoonanikki9211 3 жыл бұрын
I had the same thought that some of the aesthetics of their videos remind me of astro
@Moon-zl2wp 3 жыл бұрын
even if she did an hour video analysing this mv, ill still gladly watch it
@vigofy8708 3 жыл бұрын
i think the first scene reenacts the last supper
@han_jiji 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video ♡
@anapaulahernandeznieto5368 4 жыл бұрын
I really love your reactions! As someone said previously, it's very meaningful that you take the time to dig deeper into the stories and concepts. Also, your analysis to the songs themselves is always so cool! And yeah, ONEUS is AMAZING :D
@rainbowhead7502 4 жыл бұрын
I love your brain, there where so many details that I didn't see and you explained everything so damn good. I am really excited for Oneus and also for Onewe, both groups are so talented! And this story is so damn creative, I hope they get more recognition, really. Thanks for sharing your reaction and all your knowledge, you are an amazing human being!
@evilhellokitty13 4 жыл бұрын
I love your videos so so so much, you’ve quickly become one of my absolute favorite react channels! I love the way you think about and interpret mvs, it’s always so interesting to watch what you think of things! Especially an mv as dense as this one, it’s so nice to hear the way you figure through it all.
@SM18. 4 жыл бұрын
Oneus is a perfection that cannot be explained! Only proud to insure such an incredible group! And the good thing that at each mv they leave something loose for the next one 🙈❤️❤️❤️
@chouaher2416 4 жыл бұрын
Great explanation of the MV, by the way nice haircut and hair color 👍🏻
@VeeHoffman 4 жыл бұрын
Your literary analysis of this MV is everything I wanted. Thank you!!
@akasiasia1420 4 жыл бұрын
Like you analyze the mv
@mooncherry1173 4 жыл бұрын
as a fan of oneus theory myself,this reaction is amazing!
@Sehugoo 4 жыл бұрын
I have a question, read on twitter that some people (in this case Catholics), are offended by the use of monstrance in this mv. I really don’t think it’s a monstrance that leedo holds to depict Helios, but I’m not sure, can u please enlightened me???
@_yeojo Жыл бұрын
I don't think so too, it's more like sun symbolism
@nowthatisalongassride1619 3 жыл бұрын
I’m in my second year of taking college English literature in high school and we just did a analysis paper on Hamlets soliloquy “to be or not to be” and I lowkey took inspiration from Oneus’s TBONTB and Dead or Alive songs lmfaoo
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