Reaction To Volker Pispers History Of USA (3 of 5)

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Reaction To Volker Pispers History Of USA (3 of 5)
This is my reaction to Volker Pispers History Of USA (3 of 5)
In this video I react to part 3 of 5 of Volker Pispers History of USA after previously watching part's 2 of 5 and 1 of 5. In this he delves into his analysis of the USA's role in the Middle East. This was more excellent German Kabarett Satire.
Original Video - • Volker Pispers history...

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@neoplan6116 Жыл бұрын
The Schäuble sentence is a kind of double punch. Mr Schäuble is a conservative politician who sits in a wheelchair since he got shot by a madman 1990 and in Germany we have a saying when something bad did not happened and we realize this later we often say "Dieser Kelch ist an uns vorüber/vorbei gegangen" - this goblet passed us. So he had the punch that we didnt got Schäuble as president and the second punch was to change the word "gegangen" - went/passed - with the word "gerollt" - rolled" for a person who sits in a wheelchair.
@padascos Жыл бұрын
Honesty be told, I do not even know that one and simply assumed he meant it more like a head metaphor, as in the Kelch is his head, with nothing present inside and just a nice looking shell. Guess you never stop learning new things even about your own language and culture.
@dukereil4845 Жыл бұрын
Na besser gehts wohl nicht!
@carcharodoncarcharias1321 Жыл бұрын
@@padascos Kelch got be assumed as something like the holy grail. but more in the sense of monty pythons' humor
@MidnightsfireLP Жыл бұрын
And what is meant with this phrase is similar to we dodged a bullet.
@Jan-gh7qi Жыл бұрын
The original saying "the goblet passed us" refers to the biblical scene, where Jesus announces, that one of his descipels is a traitor and then gives his goblet to Judas, signalling him, that he knows, what is about to happen.
@Luna1967100 Жыл бұрын
Volker Pispers is absolutely brilliant! He manages to hold up a mirror to all of humanity in a 90-minute cabaret show. I miss him so much on the German cabaret stage. It's nice that he's getting the attention he deserves here again.
@chrisshdl Жыл бұрын
Da bin ich voll und ganz bei dir.
@melpomene2131 2 ай бұрын
Ich vermisse ihn auch!
@theravenlord3004 Жыл бұрын
Pispers was a gem of political satire, and it was a shame that he grew bitter in the end. Yet who can blame him? Either way, he was no prophet. He told people what will happen, and it happened over...and over...and over again, because he had his eyes open. And everyone sat there and the penny never dropped. He must have felt like Cassandra reincarnated.
@enemdisk6628 Жыл бұрын
Oh man. That's somewhat of a tragic story. He is a great human being. Very intelligent.
@HC3053suevus Жыл бұрын
IMO the vast majority of Volker Pipers' audience understood his ʺsatireʺ = his highly intelligent, well informed correct description of politics and economics etc. very well, but many others / television viewers didn't want to hear or accept it.
@psymcdad8151 Жыл бұрын
IIRC he did not grow bitter. He just did enjoy 'not being in the spotlight all the time', having time for himselfe and his family... and maybe does not need to repeat the same programm over and over again without a need to ever change a lot because the issues always have ben the same. (Lets be real; His Program, while switching on certain topics, was orbiting arround a selected set of topics that mostly remained the same. I can watch a 2008 Performance here on youtube and compare this to the last DVD ('Bis Neulich 2016') released. And its... different actors, but the same topic and the same problem.) How much of a challenge is satire if reality writes the jokes? In therms of Satire, Volker played DarkSouls in GodMode; All seen before, all known, different dressing, same shit, same punchline. (And I am not claiming he picked low hanging fruit. But if even high hanging fruit gets easy, even the most ambitious might lose interesst eventualy, ESPECIALY if it results in no change at all.) And, as much as I miss him, especialy since 2020, I can perfectly understand that hes done and over with the lot of it. After all; you can only pretend to play a new game after you changed the UI and Skins for the Xth time. It gets dull and you dont want to do it without being 'bitter' about it.
@chrisshdl Жыл бұрын
Die Menschen haben über ihre eigene Dummheit gelacht, statt ernsthaft darüber nachzudenken. Ich möchte meinen, dass man häufig dieses Unverständnis in seinen Augen sehen konnte.
@HC3053suevus Жыл бұрын
@@chrisshdl Volker Pispers war und ist sicher frustriert davon, daß nicht mehr Leute links wählen (und regieren) und z. B. lieber solche ʺschlauenʺ Sprüche glauben (oder notgedrungenermaßen hinnehmen) wie ʺÜber Geld spricht man nichtʺ und ʺWohlstand = Menschenwürdiges Leben gibt es nur bei ständigem Wirtschaftswachstumʺ. Mir fällt es aber trotzdem schwer, den Großteil meiner Mitmenschen für dumm zu halten - jedenfalls schon gar nicht Pispers Publikum. Oder glauben Sie wirklich, daß die Leute nur deshalb in seine ʺShowʺ gegangen sind, um sich darüber aufzuregen oder sie nicht verstanden haben?? MfG von einem schon etwas älteren Zeitgenossen. Volker Pispers was and is certainly frustrated that more people don't vote (and govern) on the left and e.g. prefer to believe (or out of necessity accept) such ʺcleverʺ sayings as ʺOne does not talk about moneyʺ and ʺProsperity = decent living only exists with constant economic growthʺ. But I still find it difficult to consider the majority of my fellow human beings stupid - at least not Pispers' audience. Or do you really think that people only went to his ʺshowʺ to get upset about it or not understand it?? Kind regards from a somewhat older contemporary.
@orlathemming8689 Жыл бұрын
I am realy impressed by you, as a non German, you understand a lot more then many Germans would. Because to understand this political cabaret you need some knowledge and intelligence and a special mindset. I saw some other non Germans react to him, non of them understand him as good as, you do. Respect!
@blundernator7794 Жыл бұрын
Yes, agree. IT is very interesting to hear youre thoughts. Much of the other reacting guys just laughing but did Not understand what Pispers tell us
@BR618 Жыл бұрын
@@blundernator7794 agree to agree, but I wonder if you saw the same (or better, mostly the same) people as I did, and they were a lot of times Americans. Mert has a European back round, so it's more like a German watching "Mock the Week" or "Have I Got News for You" (meaning: You will more easily understand political satire in another language, if it is from your own countries political harbours, e.g. the same continent ... or u know, one of the bully-ones) .... but still a nice job Mert 👍
@studiom23523 Жыл бұрын
i guess this is because volker is incredible hard to read and understand cause of (our) the german language and the sence of humor that is put in some sentences and hardly can not be understand in english.... Its the same like in the film fight club with the plaid, that nowbody in germany knows :) Stay safe and thx for beeing open minded!
@BR618 Жыл бұрын
​@@studiom23523 rule1, poor space monkey ^^
@HansMeisee Жыл бұрын
aha🤦‍♂️... wie kann an so viel scheisse in ein Kommentar verpacken?
@Buddha-bei-die-Fische Жыл бұрын
Please note that Volker P said this all about 10-15 yrs ago and retired about 8 yrs ago. He was/is so to the point that it is still valid. He was sooo good.
@pepsi-mcrib Жыл бұрын
This exact gig is from late 2004.
@kataseiko Жыл бұрын
It's too bad he retired - the world has gone crazy in the past few years and I'm sure he would have the right words for all of it.
@veliostv9089 Жыл бұрын
Ah, I miss Volker... Watched him live once, back in 2004. You enter his show laughing and leave it, close to crying. That was very impressive.
@bibamann Жыл бұрын
That's what german comedy is about. Leave it crying :D
@Cray93 Жыл бұрын
@@bibamann it's not just comedy, it's satire
@stefanbender2584 Жыл бұрын
Er sollte noch eine Show machen.....Material hätte er genug...
@berulan8463 Жыл бұрын
​@@stefanbender2584Wenn er heute nochmal ein neues Programm machen würde, würden wir nie wieder aufhören zu weinen.
@stefanbender2584 Жыл бұрын
@@berulan8463 Deshalb schaue ich seit 2 Jahren keine Nachrichten mehr....der Wahrheit wegen.....
@ondorion1104 Жыл бұрын
Hi, I'm German, and I saw this about 10 years ago. I could hardly believe it. Thank you so much for doing this for an English-speaking audience and being a non-German yourself. That way, it reaches an even broader audience. I genuinely thank you from the bottom of my heart.
@alexanderwesselmann4656 Жыл бұрын
Re: the Schäuble remark: The cup that rolled by us is indeed a literal translation of german saying ("Der Kelch ist an uns vorbei gerollt / gegangen") which means that you were spared some evil that was somehow on the horizon. It's a sharp pun in the way that Mr. Schäuble is in wheel chair and was up for the german presidency.
@kdhanimesan Жыл бұрын
I guess that one of the reasons it did not get translated is that it seems to be based on the bible, where Jesus said "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.". I guess one needs to have a basic knowledge in christian theology to understand this reference 😅
@alinasmith5737 Жыл бұрын
It's basically "dodged a bullet".
@goldbluetears Жыл бұрын
@@alinasmith5737yeah but rolled refers to the wheelchair of schäuble
@gundleyG Жыл бұрын
@@kdhanimesan There is not need of any knowledge of this fairytail-book you refer to. It is just the way it is explained in the first comment.
@tetsi0815 Жыл бұрын
The saying itself comes from the bible: Matthew 26:39 “Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.’” or in a German translation (Luther Bibel) "Und er ging ein wenig weiter, fiel nieder auf sein Angesicht und betete und sprach: Mein Vater, ist’s möglich, so gehe dieser Kelch an mir vorüber; doch nicht, wie ich will, sondern wie du willst!" 🙂
@enemdisk6628 Жыл бұрын
Wow, this Volker is an astonishing, well-read, witty man. More people should see that video!
@kikikoko607 Жыл бұрын
7:22 Peter Scholl -Latour was a journalist and an expert of the middle eastern region. In 1973 he and a collegue were captured by the Vietcong, but was released short time after and stayed with them eight days, to report about them fighting and about their side of the story during the war.
@DasBoerner Жыл бұрын
The Leaders do everything to keep ppl in fear, all this is just about Power and Money. Volker Pispers is the best analyst you will ever see and hear.
@themorethemerrier281 Жыл бұрын
Political leaders in Hesse and Bavaria have been regularly sketchy (always combined with grandiose narcissism). Eg. Seehofer, Söder, Koch.
@ErklaerMirDieWelt Жыл бұрын
I met Koch a couple of times and had a chance to talk to him in a small group for an hour or so once. As a private person, his views were social if not left leaning. He just didn't care. He was in politics only for the money. Which became pretty obvious when he signed off on the extension of the Frankfurt airport as minister president of Hesse only to retire from politics and become CEO of the contractor that built the airport.
@MrProthall Жыл бұрын
Merz as well. Basically pick one, all CSU politicians are human scum
@paha4209 Жыл бұрын
@@ErklaerMirDieWelt I mean there is a reason why he was called Roland "Gollum" Koch back then.
@paha4209 Жыл бұрын
Seehofer and Söder didn´t play a role back then. When this was taped it should´ve been either still Stöber or Beckstein.
@rantanplan178 Жыл бұрын
@@ErklaerMirDieWelt So you mean, his "Kinder statt Inder" statement (childs instead of indians > meaning: we need to make childs instead of importing cheap Indian specialists). As he's a more left leaning person, he made that statement as money was more important to him than ideology? Is that your point?
@Anika6.91 Жыл бұрын
3:24 comes from the biblical 'take this cup [as in the impending crucification and death] away from me' when Jesus prays to God after the last supper, I think. As someone else already commented they could have used the phrase 'dodging a bullet' but they stuck to the imagery used by Volker Pispers.
@thetaleteller4692 Жыл бұрын
Best line of Pispers about Merkel was "He can't a better way of insulting her, than by citing her by word". If Pispers still had a program I presume his line about Scholz would by "I cant insult him by word, since he never says something citable."
@heavydragonoil1325 Жыл бұрын
He hasn't worked for years or you'd hear about the imperial laws used in Covid and the type of government that goes with them. We would like to know about the Silk Road on which Ukraine, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan lie. And here for too long some could find out that the war in Ukraine has not only been going on for 2 years, but for 10 years. And the others would not have forgotten that 40% of Germans with employees were already affected by poverty in old age before inflation and 40% were already in it the pockets of the 1% went before they couldn't get money. Greetings from the Freiland Insane Asylum German Nation ;) -
@Prince_4_ever Жыл бұрын
Very nice to see Volker Pispers in your video. He was one off the best cabaret. sarcasm and humor in perfection. Hagen Rether is also brillant with fine humor. Greetings from Germany
@PeterButchens Жыл бұрын
The bayern munich analogy really did make for a good chuckle. Great that you caught that !
@cgerold Жыл бұрын
Started with you and the algorithm gave me some other reactors, too. Quite interesting to a German to see the reactions on “our” kind of cabaret - and the special case. Liked some others too, but: You are the best! 👏🏼👏🏼 Good job!
@sirpurrsalot6588 Жыл бұрын
When you set Pispers programms over the years into context, when and how long he actually menitoned topics through out his shows and compare it to what actually happend at that time or shortly after in the world or in politics, you cant help yourself but to realizie how smart he actually is. He is often called prophetic but as he himself put it: I am just good in reading peoples motivations and do not tend to forget what people said a while ago. To bad he retired a while ago we could really need smart people like him today.
@achimdemus-holzhaeuser1233 Жыл бұрын
Common Sense so rare you could call it a super power
@sigourneyburton3387 Жыл бұрын
I like these reaction videos so much and they are getting better and better. I really hope that the number of subscribers will rise!
@icemang.9981 Жыл бұрын
First thx for your great videos, very good work. Btw, Volker Pispers was an english-teacher until 1986 working for the interpreter institute in Munster. He himself studied in Bonn Anglistik (English studies), catholic theology and pedagogy. Apparently he seems to be highly intelligent and very eloquent. Thx again and greetings from Germany 🙂
@themorethemerrier281 Жыл бұрын
His perception of Merkel was: passive, indifferent, a little naive and generally useless.
@PatrickVogt314 Жыл бұрын
Would be also important to mention that Merkel was not yet Chancellor when this was recorded, but his opinion (of her) only became worse after that :-)
@Jan-gh7qi Жыл бұрын
There is one bit of him about German social politics, if I remeber correctly, where he sums him views up perfectly: "Angela Merkel is the first politician who doens't care about politics. She youst likes it, to be chancellor" Merkels politicy was a lot about going with the flow. She was a Conservative at heart but if the public demanded liberal politics, she leaned in. She positioned herself as a strong ally to the US but also kept some ties to Putin and Russia. She continues the neoliberal social politics of the former government but weakened them here and there. Her Fans called her a "great leader" and an "pragmatist" for it. Her critics (and Volker was one of the hardest) called her "indecisive" "without a political stand" and "a protector of the status quo".
@BattleGhul Жыл бұрын
@@Jan-gh7qi Strong ally to the US is an interesting choice of words ^^. I would say bootlicker.
@swapode Жыл бұрын
​@@Jan-gh7qi TBF: Merkel had a pretty good moment during the refugee crisis, when she decisively shut down the usual conservative attempts to close down borders etc., despite those attempts being rather popular, both in Germany and in the EU. Not much, but more than most heads of states in the 21st century can say for themselves.
@crash_hunter8659 Жыл бұрын
Don’t know how to translate it, but he called her: Ein Umluftofen. Sie produziert viel heiße Luft und backt darin Allgemeinplätzchen. She isn’t saying much, but when it is nothing.
@tramper42 Жыл бұрын
12:00 glad, that YOU as a non-German got the reference and note the similarities 😂
@charon3444 Жыл бұрын
3:16 "dodged a bullet" with him not being elected
@marpfel Жыл бұрын
hehe. I see what you did there. :D
@lynnm6413 Жыл бұрын
That one would have hit even harder since Schäuble caught a bullet …. I think that would have been a step over the line for a politician that survived being shot.
@rudolfgernd8760 Жыл бұрын
We later catched the bullet with Schäuble introduceing the disastrous austerity policies that ruined the economies of southern European countries. Means he later caused enormous harm.
@marpfel Жыл бұрын
@@lynnm6413 "step" over the line? :D
@lynnm6413 Жыл бұрын
@@marpfel lol 🤣 That pun was unintended... honest! 🤭
@voyance4elle Жыл бұрын
Your reaction is so great :D I found your channel through these Volker Pispers reactions.
@m1k3ga Жыл бұрын
I have seen him three times, quite amazing. You can hear that he studied evangelical theology and took the best out of it ;-)
@arthur_p_dent Жыл бұрын
7:00 again, it is important to consider the time the video was recorded. Yes, in Italy, Silvio Berlusconi was in charge. His reign no doubt opened the doors for many a populist regime in Europe and the rest of the world. Especially the current Italian government. Bavaria and Hesse - well, Bavaria is CSU land, the CSU being the populist sister party of the CDU. Hesse, at that time, was governed by Roland Koch, who also took a very populist approach at an election campaign back then with his much criticized signature collection against double citizenship and immigration reforem, where people would, by their own description, "sign against foreigners". Volker Pispers is of course no friend of conservative politics, in case anyone hasn't figured that out by now.
@TiborgSGE Жыл бұрын
Can't wait for you to react to part 4 and 5.Those two part in my opinion are the most shocking ones.
@PImasta Жыл бұрын
3:14 "There you can see what a cup of a possible president has rolled by us" refers to Mr. Schäuble who sits in a wheelchair after he was shot during a campaign event. He was a candidate to become Federal president of Germany - who has a more representative function like the Queen in GB.
@frankhanzlicek6550 Жыл бұрын
Volker Piespers is the greatest! I miss him!😢
@mh-hu-human Жыл бұрын
Volker Pispers is one of the most intelligent people in the world. A brilliant observer.
@IceColdKillah133 Жыл бұрын
'cup that rolled by us' is indeed a saying, it basically means that we were spared of something bad or unpleasent
@miwove Жыл бұрын
or in other words 'a close call'
@Dennis3113 Жыл бұрын
@@miwove jeah thats nails it pretty good
@Johndooize Жыл бұрын
A quot from Jesus bevor he was crucified.
@wortdrexler Жыл бұрын
… and the "rolling" part is a double entendre, since Mr. Schäuble is in a wheel chair.
@RubyRhod Жыл бұрын
He's in a wheelchair.
@erbse1178 Жыл бұрын
3:16 no misperception. German saying is "The cup has gone by me" translated to: I was spared by this. Because the minister was sitting in a wheel chair, Pipsers said "The cup has rolled by me". Alot of verbal jokes in one sentence (kinda dense)
@catalyticcentaur5835 Жыл бұрын
"terse" seems to be more correct to me in this case. "succinct" could also be okay, but I think "terse" is more on point. ("dense" can also mean dumb.) Yeah, and I wasn't succinct with this comment. ;-)
@aliceestate3899 Жыл бұрын
About Merkel: On the evening of the opening of the East Berlin border in 1989, Merkel sat in a Berlin sauna and then went to bed. That says it all, an event of the century happens and she goes to sleep. In 2015 she opened the borders for illegal immigrants and never officially closed the border again and said, they're here now, we can do it, we didn't want to get bad pictures at the border. Bad pictures happen nowadays in the interior of the country, in the inner cities, trains, in the outdoor swimming pools... and at the end of her "service time" she wished for the song of the grande dame Hildegard Knef (Neff) "Rain red roses". Probably blood-red ones. About Bavaria: Not too mad leaders but special ones, Franz-Josef Strauß' speeches are legend, some leaders are unintentionally funny, Edmund Stoiber told us about 10 minutes long about the way from the central Munich train station to the Franz-Josef-Strauß-Airport with many slips of the tongue...and the current leader made a name for himself for years with funny carnival costumes (Shrek, Homer Simpson, a Punk, Gandalf, Prince Luidpold of Bavaria, Ludwig II of Bavaria, Marylin Monroe, Mahatma Gandhi and finally as Edmund Stoiber). There is a saying in Germany for about 10 years: You don't need cabaret artists anymore, you can't beat the comedy of the politicians in their daily business life. That's why Volker Pispers said he is quoting Merkel verbatim because he hadn't found a better way to insult this woman.
@marcoftheninja6278 Жыл бұрын
2:58 the best analogy here so you can understand the "cup" phrase : We dodged a bullet, because that guy didn't become prime minister
@Steevee5k Жыл бұрын
"Ein Kelch rollt vorbei" is german expression, when something bad or uncomfortable comes your way but misses by a small margin.
@zumogerstubchen2340 Жыл бұрын
3:15 It's a literal translation of what he said but it's actually an old saying: Imagine a situation where something potentially negative or unpleasant was about to happen, but fortunately, it passed by without affecting us. We would say, "This cup has rolled past us." It signifies that we have managed to avoid a difficult or unwanted situation.
@jijidou4433 Жыл бұрын
Es ist bedauerlich, dass Pispers so früh aufgehört hat. Wir könnten ihn heute wirklich mehr denn je brauchen. Jetzt hört auch Somuncu auf.
@Anthyrion Жыл бұрын
Ich glaube er hat aufgehört, weil die Menschen, egal was er oder andere bezüglich der Regierung rausgehauen haben, es immer wieder das gleiche war. Politiker versprachen ganz große und tolle Dinge und am Ende? "Was interessiert mich mein Geschwätz von vorgestern?"
@jijidou4433 Жыл бұрын
@@Anthyrion Es iat wohl am wahrscheinlichsten, dass er resigniert und aufgehört hat. Trotzdem braucht es kritische Stimmen und Denker.
@budoschulesamurai Жыл бұрын
Es ist verständlich. Er erzählt seit Jahrzehnten, was abläuft. Und was hat s genutzt? Nichts. Die Menschen hören ihm zu, und wählen immer noch die selben Clows. Der ist frustriert. Zu Recht. Deshalb hat er aufgehöhrt. Schade.
@jijidou4433 Жыл бұрын
@@budoschulesamurai klar doch und jetzt kommt wahrscheinlich, dass Pispers heute AfD wählen wird..
@budoschulesamurai Жыл бұрын
@@jijidou4433 Tja, wenn er in ein paar Jahren den 4. Weltkrieg und Millionen vergasten Linken, Grünen, Asylanten, Juden und alle anderen die eine andere Meinung haben will, dann schon. Die Nazis haben schon mal zu 60 Millionen Menschen, darunter auch ein paar Millionen Deutsche, vernichtet. Die Deutschen haben aber anscheinend nicht viel davon gelernt, sonst würden sie nicht AfD wählen. Die anderen Politiker, sind aber leider auch nicht wirklich besser. Wenn Menschen mehrere Jobs haben, und trotzdem davon nicht richtig leben können, dann stimmt was nicht. Die AfD ist allerdings nicht die Lösung. Was die USA und Russland angeht. Beide Regierungen sind Massenmörder. Das war aber immer so. Bei Russland wissen wir gerade wies läuft. Was aber viele nicht wissen, dass die USA einen "geheimen" Drohnenkrieg gegen "Terroristen" führt. Würden die damit nur Terroristen töten - Gut. Bis jetzt haben die aber ca. 10000 Zivilisten, davon auch viele Kinder und nur ca. 10 Terroristen getötet. Dies unter Bush, Obama, Trump und Biden. Auch das Foltergefängnis haben die nicht geschlossen.
@MasterDyogenes Жыл бұрын
No, it was not a misstranslation: Mr Schäuble is in a wheelchair, so in his case the trophy rolls past Germany instead of walking. The saying "This trophy has passed us by" is meant ironically. He's saying that it's lucky we didn't win that "award".
@D4RKBRU73 Жыл бұрын
3:30 pretty sure he means the saying of "der Kelch der an uns verüberging" as in "the chalice (filled with poison) that went past us" which in turn relates to Wolfgang Schäuble (the guy the initial quote is from) not becoming our president
@tobitobsen7826 Жыл бұрын
Can't wait for part 4 and 5 🥳🥳🥳
@cocoangel1979 Жыл бұрын
Omg, your comparison with Borussia Dortmund... 😅 I died laughing 🤣🤣🤣 Borussia forever ❤
@blaueragnostika6413 Жыл бұрын
The comment about Thierse has two different layers, if you listen carefully. Yes, he was known for his beard, so you could obviously compare him and the pictures of Saddam Hussein, when they dragged him out of his shelter. But Thierse - in contrast to Hussein - also was democratically elected as a president: "Präsident des Deutschen Bundestags". Most listeners miss that.
@syn4ack Жыл бұрын
3:12 "Dieser Kelch ist an uns vorbeigegangen", here translated as "a cup of ... rolled by", means "we've dodged the bullet of him becoming president"
@Cleeves358 Жыл бұрын
8:30 Praktikantin = intern. Reference to Monica Lewinsky. Joke lost in translation due to a false friend
@clausdiventres5763 Жыл бұрын
Hi, lot of foreign people reacted on germany and german comedy. But I think that you are one of a small hand full who really understand it. Great job. Keep on. I enjoy your vids and think about your opinion. We are very similar here. By the way: I stayed in edinburgh. Meeting friends. Good time and í‘ll come back soon.
@karacho1 Жыл бұрын
Yes, bavaria and hessen (both are parts of germany) had mad leaders too.
@steffenrosmus9177 Жыл бұрын
Only those two?😂😂😂😂😂 how about Berlin (capital and state) Thüringen, Saxonia ?
@Zibbl0875 Жыл бұрын
Its not all about mad leaders... In Hesse and Bavaria, the elected parties had more than 50% votes in year 2000 +/- 5 year (sometimes over 60 %)
@lorenaklein7278 Жыл бұрын
may be, nevertheless tehy are Garmany's power house in contrast to BerlinÄ's poor but sexy- image.
@ManOfSt33l Жыл бұрын
No other Kabaretist But (this is only my opinion) is able to bring a special period of time into on or a few brutal honest sentences and makes you also smirking or laughing even if the truth is sad..
@vajaga4624 Жыл бұрын
Oooouh, if you only understood german. Volker Pispers is brilliant, mocking the society, system and politicians. Genius satiere on a high level.
@tosa2522 Жыл бұрын
3:07 The expression goes back to Jesus' words of prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane on Good Friday, "Let this cup pass from me!" When he says "the cup rolls," he is alluding to the fact that Mr. Schäuble has been in a wheelchair since an attempt was made on his life.
@zeldaconnection9945 Жыл бұрын
2:57 The Goblet has passed me ... means more or las, bad luck, death ... passed me
@Mischnikvideos Жыл бұрын
Peter Scholl-Latour: Fought as a French soldier in the Indochina War, was a German journalist in the Vietnam War. He was taken prisoner, but was released unharmed a week later. He held both citizenships and lived in both states. Most recently, his focus was on Central Asia, which he still traveled to when he was over 80 years old. He was a sought-after expert.
@christophgriener9852 Жыл бұрын
Alles richtig, aber besser wäre "in der französischen Fremdenlegion" (Franzosen sind bzw. die französische Staatsbürgerschaft haben dort nur die Offiziere.) Nach drei Jahren in der Legion kann man einen Antrag auf Verleihung der französischen Staatsbürgerschaft stellen.
@Mischnikvideos Жыл бұрын
@@christophgriener9852 Scholl-Latour was in a newly created paratrooper unit that existed solely for the return of Indochina to France. The recently founded Vietcon tried to take advantage of this and Scholl-Latour got involved in fights. He must have gotten his French passport from his father, who was from Alsace. The first paratroopers of the Foreign Legion did not emerge until two years later.
@christophgriener9852 Жыл бұрын
@@Mischnikvideos Yes, I think you are right. He was an experienced journalist and I found his commentary always very sensible and realistic. He'd probably rotate in his grave, if he knew what was going on.
@Mischnikvideos Жыл бұрын
@@christophgriener9852 I don't think he currently has a serious problem. Scholl-Latour was never anti-Western. He criticized the approach. In the Vietnam War, he criticized that the Americans were repeating the mistakes of the French. He was not criticizing the war itself. In the Near and Middle East he warned against the local governments and was in favor of fighting or controlling them. He also criticized the approach here. In 2014 he criticized the one-sided blame on Putin. But he also described Russia as a residual empire. He failed to answer what should be done with it. But nobody asked him that either. Scholl-Latoure was a Gaullist and wanted a united Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals. The rest of the empire and their interests stand in the way of this. Once again he would probably be for the "West", but against its actions. However, the current conflict was started by Russia, not by the "West". Putin doesn't want the majority Russian areas of Ukraine, he wants everything. This is not in the interest of the Russians, but of the rest of the empire.
@Nejvyn Жыл бұрын
6:49 At the time of that recording, Roland Koch was president of Hesse. He was conservative, against dual citizenship and stuff like that. There was also a corruption scandal he claimed to know nothing about, but did everything to hide it. Another example is that under his lead, Hesse sold a lot of country-owned buildings only to immediately rent them back, which wasted a lot of money. Bavaria on the other hand is known to be ruled by a Bavarian-only conservative party which almost exclusively deals in populism - the current president's tactics are often compared to Trump's, for example.
@lorenzsabbaer7725 Жыл бұрын
great reaction!
@fdm698 Жыл бұрын
To give a brief explanation about the Bavaria topic that's been brought up and you've asked about a couple of times now (from someone who grew up there): Bavaria is a deeply Christian and conservative state to the extent that germans often call it "our Texas". The christian conservative party has been in charge of the state nonstop since the 1950s, often even with an absolute majority (note that we do not have a two party system). Their politics are generally to the far right, though, to be fair, not to the extent that they could be called extremists. The leadership is generally seen as a bit of a running joke in Germany. A big part of the problem is also that Bavaria is the second most populous and the (by quite some margin) most economically powerful state in Germany so they can take major influence on national politics. Although, as the bavarian conservatives would hate to admit, that strength stems mainly from having Munich as an economical and intellectual powerhouse (BMW, Siemens, Audi close by, the two strongest national universitys as well as the headquarters of most big research communities to name a few) in its center, while Munich itself is led by the left leaning party spd. Hope that's helped to clear some things up about the comparisons he draws and general animosity of Germans against Bavaria. Great video by the way :)
@ralfwieseler2554 Жыл бұрын
i really adore your Accent by the way !
@nicolelopez2698 Жыл бұрын
I'd love to see what Volker would have said about the war in the ukraine, the covid 19 policies and the polarisations in politics in europe
@samtraji1 Жыл бұрын
I would look into the old episodes of "die anstalt" they where really good.
@stennostenno1346 Жыл бұрын
06:58 Minister president of Hesse at that time was Roland Koch, a populist conservative. Minister president of Bavaria was Edmund Stoiber, who can probably best be compared to Bush junior.
@crappiefisher1331 Жыл бұрын
3:22: it's indeed a saying and comes from the bible: "Let This Cup Pass from Me'" is something jesus asked god before being crucified.. the "cup" basically stands for something bad you luckily avoided (this cup passed me), you wish to avoid (let this cup pass me), or you wished you would have been able to avoid (i wished that cup would have passed me) .. long story short: "the cup" holds something you dont want and hence you hope it passes you or feel happy because it already passed you normally in german it is "vorbeigehen" (something "goes past us") or past tense "vorbeigeganen" ("went past us") but he used "vorbeigerollt" (rolled past us) because the guy he is talking about sits in a wheelchair after surviving an assassination attempt.. so this "cup" did not "walk" but "roll"
@robertheinrich2994 Жыл бұрын
3:00 it is "ein kelch vorrübergegangen", something bad could have happened to us and hit somebody else. but schäuble sits in a wheelchair, so the "kelch" did not walk past us, he rolled past us.
@tigeriussvarne177 Жыл бұрын
Instant like, keep them coming.
@ascaniusvotan2319 Жыл бұрын
so refreshing, most people I speak english with are from england. I really like your accent :)
@DaveXYZ369 Жыл бұрын
About Angela Merkel: you are on point. He does not like her really. The underlying tone regarding the minefield comments in 13:45 is something not many germans get. After WW2 Germany was complety destroyed. I have seen Pictures and Movies from that time. Germany was never cleard of all the bombs that never exploded. Even today in many Cities, we find Bombs under schools, kindergardens, parking lots, football stadions, streets and so on. And we find them when you hear the metallic "bing" sound because "you hit something in the ground that should not be there". Americans never clean up there mess.
@causk8365 Жыл бұрын
"the cup/grail/vessel going past you" is a german bible reference akin to "dodging a bullet", avoiding a catastrophe the english bible passage is: "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. " That the cup is rolling is a reference to Mr. Schaeuble being wheelchair bound, unfortunately a common reference for humor/satire treatment. Mr Schaeuble is something of a elder statesmen figure, being one of the few survivors of the Kohl era clique of christian conservatives. There were several attempts to suggest him to take up the office of bundespresident (mostly ceremonial office, but formally the highest ranking). The current fellow in the office is part of SPD's Schroeder gang that was part architect of the german very cosy Putin-Russia relationship. The Pispers take hasnt aged very well, we could do with a bit more cynical realpolitik instead of empty moral grandstanding, but i better stop before tempers flare over current politics.
@tomfoolery3847 Жыл бұрын
3:27 My attempt at explaining the line "There you can see what a cup a possible president has rolled by us", even if it's not very easy for me, so bear with me here. The man he's talking about here is Wolfgang Schäuble. Here in Germany, we have a Bundeskanzler (chancellor), who's effectively the most powerful person in the country (currently Olaf Scholz, in Pispers' time it was Angela Merkel), and also a Bundespräsident (president - currently Frank Walter Steinmeier), who doesn't have any real power, but which is a very prestigious position in the country and to some degree is meant to represent the country and its people. In 2004 (if I'm not mistaken) Wolfgang Schäuble (the man the quote "The Iraq war is a bad solution, but an even worse solution would be a humiliated world power USA." comes from) candidated for president in Germany, but failed to be elected. Now, my understanding of the English language isn't exactly a strength of mine, but maybe a better translation would be "There you can see, what a gem of a possible president we narrowly avoided". The phrasing "has rolled by us" is kind of a literal translation of a German term which basically means "we have avoided". The joke here is, that Schäuble is wheelchair-bound. Hope that helps a bit.
@bensonheadshis3131 Жыл бұрын
You assumed correctly, at about 3:40 there is a german saying that can losely be compared to something like "It seems that we´ve missed a bullet there".
@helgeb.7200 Жыл бұрын
3:30 "Fortunately, the jug has passed us by that Schäuble became Federal President."
@Arsenic71 Жыл бұрын
That's why he is not a comedian, be's a cabaretist. He once told the audience: Keep your entry ticket to this show, so you later can tell your children, "look, I was a member of the resistance back then". So sad he's stopped making cabaret, he was truly great in his time and especially this show has proved to be truly prophetic (as you said).
@achimdemus-holzhaeuser1233 Жыл бұрын
to be honest, the general german TV audience has little to no influence on POTUS. I like this abriviation so much, it summarizes the politics in the US right now. GröFaZ would approve
@catalyticcentaur5835 Жыл бұрын
"A chalice of bitter poison or tears" would be my suggestion for "Kelch" in this context.
@4TwEnti- Жыл бұрын
3:15 you can see what an unpleasant task it was for each of us in german we have phrase " There you can see what a chalice has rolled by"
@lukashomma6431 Жыл бұрын
So sad that Volker Pispers was too frustrated with the missing results of his shows and quit. I can understand. I still miss him so much though.
@69quato Жыл бұрын
The sentence about Shäuble is translated a bit weird - confusing if you don't have the context for reference. In Germany there is a saying , loosely translated "somthing (in the metaphor a cup - like in a poisoned challice) passed (missed) you narrowly" , meaning you barely escaped an unfortunate or even catastrophic situation. For context: Schäuble was former leader of the opposition and a former minister of the interior - at the time of the quote he was retired from parliament but the CDU's candidate for the office of Federal President (a position with very limited political power , but very representative for the country). Schäuble has been in a wheelchair for a long time at this point (after an attack on his life , while in office). That's why Volker Pispers said "rolled past/by us" - nasty , but nice =)
@stefanmuc2k Жыл бұрын
Regarding the cup: you have a rather similar phrase with the "poisoned chalice". If you don't have to drink from it, then something bad has narrowly passed you by.
@steveschwartz2814 Жыл бұрын
- the part of the "cup that went past us" was similiar to "there you can see what a bullet we dodged with that guy as a president" - the reason why he talks about merkel in a more negative way (to put it mildly) is his strong left-leaning personality crushing with a right-wing government - when he talks about hesse and bavaria having lots of luck over the least years, he is pointing to the german-internal stereotype of bavarians being rather strongmang-attitude and a little dumb as he described before with bush. with hesse it was more the one guy at that time who was leading the local government there. he fit the description also. hope this helped. Cheers
@mthf1056 Жыл бұрын
at 3:10 .. I am a native german .. what volker says here .. "da sehen sie mal was ein kelch von bundespräsidenten an uns vorbeigegangen ist" .. there is something like here as a sentence "der kelch ist vorbeigegangen" .. translates into something like "the cup" but means something "church" like "holy gral" from indiana jones .. means that a "fate or suffering could be averted; an accident could be avoided" .. but in this context there is no "avert" .. we got hit by a stranger :-/
@banzobeans Жыл бұрын
Super interesting thx.
@nrichthof Жыл бұрын
@3:23: the "cup" references the cup of hemlock ("Schierlingsbecher"), a cup containing poison, an ancient Greek method of executions. By saying that “the cup has passed me”, one is saying that they weren’t made to drink poison and therefore be killed. This is a common saying in Germany, as many others have already pointed out.
@nrichthof Жыл бұрын
@@DeReAntiqua What I was referring to predates Jesus Christ by about 400 years. See and the trial of Sokrates
@blaueragnostika6413 Жыл бұрын
@@DeReAntiqua I, as a German, always associate the saying with the Schierlingsbecher. So there may be more than one root of the same metaphor.
@yongsaiX Жыл бұрын
Merkel changed a lot during her reign/terms. At least in the eyes of the voters. She began with a strong pro Bush, pro Iraq-War, pro Atomic Energy stand. She was a typical conservative back in the day. And during her idk 80 years as head of government she slowly shifted many of her viepoints. She managed the exit from atomic energy. During the refugee crisis in 2015 she showed that she takes that whole christianity-stuff serious actually. She showed compassion against the explicit wishes of her conservative base. And they hated her for that. That was the moment when many on the left where forced to vote for Merkel, the woman that embodied conservatism for them, for so many years. That was Merkel the preachers daughter. When Covid came, she was Merkel the scientist. When she went on TV in 2020 and said that the food supply is secure, everyone knew the situation was serious. And during those later years she gained international fame for her politics. When Merkel became uncriticizable for the liberal urban voters in 2015, Pispers had already retired. That lucky guy..
@Falscher_Prophet Жыл бұрын
You should also see Hagen Rether - same level as Volker Pispers. His Kabarett programme is called "Liebe" (Love). The name is the same for years only the content changes every year. Also highly political satirical cabaret ...!
@erdnuzz8368 Жыл бұрын
"Da können Sie mal sehen was für ein Kelch an uns vorbeigerollt ist als Budnespräsident" That is leaned on a very old saying that is not very common anymore these days in germany :) "der Kelch geht an jemandem vorüber" The meaning of the scentence "der Kelch geht an jemandem vorüber" - "someone is spared from something bad that has already announced itself." Volker Pispers combined it in a sarcastic way - its hard to explain and understand when youre not hardly into the german language :D And sry for my bad english, im still in the process of learning ^^
@ronnybliss5599 Жыл бұрын
"What a cup of" means like an emty cup is rolled on earth next to us. or an emty Brain we had a short time as president,too. Greats from Berlin😀
@jochenrammer1527 5 ай бұрын
Vielen Dank, thank you.
@murathanmusluotk 2 ай бұрын
At minute 2:42, when Pispers quotes the politician Wolfgang Schäuble, he concludes the quote by telling the audience that you can clearly see what kind of deceitful person-essentially, a bad politician, or simply put, an asshole-has risen to prominence in our country without the people even noticing.
@NachttiSchlampE65 Жыл бұрын
Finally someone noticing how foreseeing his statement about Syria was, prophetic as you name it. Also tells you much about US foreign policy that people who are into it can actually see potential future targets which may get a tasting of US freedom and democracy
@pug123able Жыл бұрын
min 3:14 "Let this cup pass from me." (that's a bible quote )- it's referring to wolfgang schäuble who should become Federal Chancellor at that time - but luckily didn't make is, but he filled several political functions. he's one of pispers "favourite enemies"
@our_roadtrip Жыл бұрын
I remember Pispers on TV. He was just stating the obvious. If you read a few Newspapers regularly, these things are very easy to see. And they are still easy to see...
@markusklein7222 Жыл бұрын
Georg Schramm is also a fantastic Kabarett
@zubinsethna7358 Жыл бұрын
I agree. Georg Schramm was one of the best, too. I miss him and his voice/view.
@tramper42 Жыл бұрын
9:48 about WHEN was this video recorded? as Volker Pispers always change his program to fit in actual politics and events… Gerhard Schröder served as the Chancellor of Germany from 1998 to 2005. Angela Merkel, on the other hand, served as the Chancellor of Germany from 2005 to 2021. in this recording he mentioned Schöder (subtitles Schroeder or Schroeder) as chancellor. That narrows to some years. You can find more details, if you like.
@manfredverfurth-pj3il 5 ай бұрын
kelch is something like a big wine glas made from kley, metal, glas or wood, kind of what the romans used to drink wine and the phrase "folcer" pispers uses refers to: let the poisend wine pas us, because Schäuble allmost got präsident of our country
@TheOrignalTRockz Жыл бұрын
3:20 He is using a saying, translates freely to „Look how lucky we‘ve been to miss out on that one“, it’s origin goes back to Jesus praying in the garden of Getsemani on Good Friday „Let this cup pass from me“
@AxelWerner Жыл бұрын
forget about that "cup" thing. It's a bad translation of a german saying. He was talking about a german politician (Schäuble) which at some time where almost about to be elected german president. And what Volker stated was something along the lines, that was a close call.
@MrOrmanley Жыл бұрын
2:55 After doing some research in regards to the "The cup has passed us" saying: Apparently it has it's origins in the bible, from when Jesus was praying in the garden Gethsemane. Matthew 26:39 New International Version (NIV) Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, *“My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”* The cup/goblet plays an important role in israelic-jewish culture. In celebrations of thanks and griefing there were different ceremonies, where the cup plays a role. The father of the house would fill the cup and have it passed around for the family. This would lead to the saying that the content of the cup would stand for the fate that is in store for someone. Jesus does not mean a cup itself, but he is wrestling with his father for his fate.
@rkalle66 Жыл бұрын
2:55 is incorrectly citing the Bible "Take (roll) this cup of suffering from me" meaning: There you can see how we did not suffer from him (Mr. Schäuble) as "Bundespräsident". With the double meaning of "rolling" a wheelchair as Mr. Schäuble is paralyzed since getting shot in an attack in 1990.
@ClemensKindermann Жыл бұрын
3:01 It's a common saying based on Jesus' words he is said to have spoken on the Olivet "let this cup pass from me" (Matthew 26:39). 😉
@arthur_p_dent Жыл бұрын
As for Merkel - first of all, you hav to keep in mind that the show happened BEFORE she became Chancellor of Germany. At that time, very few people who think highly of her today would have held her in the same high regards back then. However, his main critisism of his is her lack of substance when she talks and that is a criticism that many people (including Pispers) continued to maintain after she became chancellor. What she said often did lack substance, and especially commitment. She would typically not take a side in an argument before she was sure where the consensus is. This criticism may not always have been justified, but it was easy to perceive her that way and Volker Pispers most certainly did.
@germaniatv1870 Жыл бұрын
Great stuff!
@matthiaslangbart9841 Жыл бұрын
"There you can see what a cup of a possible president has rolled by us" -- That's a literal translation of what Volker said. In German we have a metaphor. "Dieser Kelch ist an mir vorübergegangen" -- 'this cup has passed me by' which means that something very very bad has not hit me against all odds. Wolfgang Schäuble used to be candidate for being German president of state, but at the end of the day he wasn't elected. Besides, the phrase has a biblical origin. In Matthew 26:39 Jesus prays, "O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me;" which refers to his own crucifixion.
@prometheus4993 Жыл бұрын
as a german...good show mert )
@Luzarioth Жыл бұрын
wow, you actually know more about German Football than me... and I was born & raised in Germany ;P
@insomniagaming9588 Жыл бұрын
the cup thing: "there you can see what a (great leader we missed) cup rolled by us"
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