Real Over Unity MVP Device Self Charging

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Pure NRG Channel

Pure NRG Channel

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Note: at 1:34 at 8:02 the battery bank voltage is at 105.95 V at 13:02 the battery bank is at 108.3 V. at the end around 29:24 the battery bank is at 108.7 V. Consider the "work done in that 20 minute stretch and finish with a higher voltage potential than you started with.
We have dual Bedini triggers s in parallel synced with AC/DC Stator, Invertor to Power Supply from a single 108 volt Battery Bank to bypass Lenz Law, with a buster " Lenz Buster Circuit(TM)" the full power of the energizer runs back to its source with a charging effect. The high pulsed voltage and current have a charging effect with no Lenz effect. There are however, Lenz effects when tapping the AC to DC voltage from the generator coils to any load or power source. I use the Lenz Buster Circuit to reduce Lenz's Effect! The combination of the 2 techniques bypass a lot of Lenz and free's up a lot of energy to be recaptured for re-use! Want to give this at try? Download the plans here: loanmagician.w...

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@MatrixLeTV 5 жыл бұрын
Do not misunderstand. The battery bank is the both the power source and the charging bank. From a dead start the bank was at 106 volts. After doing the experiment, doing work, the bank was charged up to almost 109 volts. I've repeated this experiment 100 times and since moved on to other phases of development. This design allows the devices to bypass lenz altogether on one rail and deals directly with it on the other rail. Also, measuring amps with a pulse motor this big leads to a lot of blown ampmeters because of the spiky nature of the out put voltage believe me. It's a closed circuit, I care about the power I have available within that circuit. Tesla and Bedini said the larger the power source the bigger the effect.
@fan1701 6 жыл бұрын
Yes, Keeps you up at night doesn't it? Me too. Excellent build. You take a lot of flak and people snicker at you especially when you try to tell them and it is so far above their heads they can't grasp it. We live in a world engineered to waste as much energy as possible and the tech to free everyone from their energy needs has been known for a very long time. Keep up the good work!
@mykedoes4099 6 жыл бұрын
I have been using high voltage capacitor on output of bedini since 2012 I'm surprised someone else figured that it will stop the power supply from blowing out as well as transistor driver.. Congrats
@MatrixLeTV 6 жыл бұрын
Show me a system that has a starting voltage LOWER than it's ending voltage after work. In simple terms, WHEN YOU RUN THE DEVICE YOU END UP WITH A HIGHER VOLTAGE IN YOUR POWER SOURCE THAN YOU STARTED OUT WITH! We don't care about amps in vs amps out because it's closed loop! It's all going in and out of the same power source! In the video at approx 15:07, I show you the drain on the tap battery and total charge on the battery bank. Some of the comments I received indicate that some of you don't understand what is happening.Does anyone know of a system that taps itself to inflate it's own voltage? This is not one battery simply charging another people.
@patrickwatkins7572 6 жыл бұрын
I have an experiment for you, - let me know if you are not interested. - but Split the bank down the middle, too charge seperatley. - but charge one bank, with a high voltage capacitor, in paralell with the bank, and linked by a tinyest possible spark gap. - - then charge the capacitor 1-2uf, @ 100-400v , witb your bedini pulses too posiive of the cap, as per usual, and hookup a good ground wire too the cap terminal ( see whcich terminal speeds up the sparking most.. -- i have 3 ground rods, of ree-bar- each 2meters, and connected with 14gauge copper. , - PS love the lenz buster, im about too do some reading of my own.
@GG-od2tr 6 жыл бұрын
I Appreciate your sharing and your efforts of time! PLEASE keep up the good work I am inspired by your efforts and sharing of your knowledge.
@potencializadordeenergiagr7551 6 жыл бұрын
@kevinanderson9243 5 жыл бұрын
Quick question...does the torque of the machine go up in relationship to the number and size of the coils installed? Thx
@benlinke7745 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks! Got the schematic now. Cheers👍
@arthurcooper7031 6 жыл бұрын
I made one that runs on magnets and it has been running for 3 weeks I finally figured it out after 2 years how to build it . It puts out about 300 volts and I can run my drill and a light off it .
@MatrixLeTV 6 жыл бұрын
I wanna check that out!
@oredekofola955 6 жыл бұрын
Please can you show me how to build one?
@wolfgangblum1787 6 жыл бұрын
Very interesting, the ac coils are coreless? I'm wondering if it would work with a solid state lenz booster,as the reedswiches wears out ,they are not the best choice for if continuous service is required.Appreciate your sharing of information.
@MatrixLeTV 6 жыл бұрын
Iron core on pulse motor and air coils on the AC/DC Gen
@vennyman22 6 жыл бұрын
I want to build one. Replication is key to proof! You're a genius! Thank you for your contribution. As far as coil heating, there will be some optimal wire gauge where heat production is balanced with magnetic field strength. Looking for that optimal coil resistance may be key to solving the heat dissipation and the circuit would be even more efficient. Maybe.
@MatrixLeTV 6 жыл бұрын
@MatrixLeTV 6 жыл бұрын
@MatrixLeTV 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your support man. I practically give the plans away for small donation to help fund the cause. People still complain but research is not free. Hell freedom is not free!
@muleteammate 6 жыл бұрын
I would like to see watts in vs. watts out demonstration/calculation, nothing plugged into the wall. Also, the battery bank could be reduced to something with a much lower power capacity. That would contribute to making the over-unity claim more believable. Also, the power output should then charge the batteries used for power input. Then run the thing past the time where you would calculate that the battery bank would have expended its energy in heat generation. Simple voltage reading do not equate to power consumption/generation.
@MatrixLeTV 5 жыл бұрын
You misunderstand. The battery is the both the power source and the charging bank. From a dead start the bank was at 106 volts. After doing the experiment, doing work, the bank was charged up to almost 109 volts. I've repeated this experiment 100 times and since moved on to other phases of development. This design allows the devices to bypass lenz altogether on one rail and deals directly with it on the other rail. Also, measuring amps with a pulse motor this big leads to a lot of blown ampmeters because of the spiky nature of the out put voltage believe me. It's a closed circuit, I care about the power I have available within that circuit. Tesla and Bedini said the larger the power source the bigger the effect.
@jprice1122 6 жыл бұрын
Glad to see you back :) Larger wire would provide less resistance / therefore less heating. Just off the top of my brainium... hope you and the family are well.
@joshualopez8299 5 жыл бұрын
J Price not to mention there are other ways of increasing effeciency.
@victorvodka 5 жыл бұрын
all the proof i need! now to stick it to the power companies!!
@brianmcdougal6133 5 жыл бұрын
Hey that is freakin awesome .. Im just in the midst of making my first bedini. And have been looking for someone on utube that has takin it to the next level. I like it.
@joshualopez8299 5 жыл бұрын
I would like to run this experiment using a photon emitter and double slit system harnessing the negative energy created when the quantum mechanics of non locality is induced.
@benlinke7745 5 жыл бұрын
Hi. I just went on your website and purchased the plan via PayPal. They did not download??. Can you please help me. Cheers.
@MatrixLeTV 4 жыл бұрын
Build your ac coils into the bedini circuit coils. I don't have a lot free time but the basic plans are available on my website.
@hernandocortez6351 5 жыл бұрын
If this is over unity, have you thought about sharing this with Dr. Steven Greer of Sirius fame? It seems you'd be well compensated and machines could be built all over the world.
@koneheadx 6 жыл бұрын
Good work...I like idea to pull from just one battery from the battery stack into invertor. You should check condition of that single battery doing work into invertor knowing specific gravity of battery acid using hydrometer (4 bucks at auto store with the floating balls) and also a battery internal resistance meter is nice to have too...about 40 bucks on ebay....battery voltage only is sometimes deceptive but it all looks good to me....Could be that battery gets wasted, but the rest of the batteries "cover up" for it.....Does you lenz buster essentially chop the output of the AC into short clips of current perhaps at sinewave peaks?
@potencializadordeenergiagr7551 6 жыл бұрын
@jacquigray7011 6 жыл бұрын
Doug aa
@billygriffin3260 6 жыл бұрын
Why not use maintenance free batteries? who wants to do specific gravities?
@arkangel8709 6 жыл бұрын
YES!! YES!! YES!! Great Work "Brother in arms"!! I agree with this brother, Too.!! NOW, THE H.V.Cap's are A Key, on your Return.!! But let Me help with one problem at a time. "Dealing with The Heat"!! A Larger wire Size's can help" but I've had problems with cause and effect"!! Larger wire" means Greater Resistance.!! So, try increasing the number of turns, or Change out To a D.C.Volts, Type of wire, and OR you could Try Connecting an aluminum plate, to Center of Each Coil. NOW, Your MOST IMPORTANT PART," TO LOOK AT IS, THE "Read switch" try adding Some Spark gap's.!! They will help your system" Tap into the "Ether" Once you've got That'?? It will Cool your whole set-up Down.!! And Pump a "Mind Blowing" amount of power, into the closed loop" when you switch it Over.!! Remember that is the key, adding a Spark gap, OR more than one" will take you to the next level.!!! Then Add a system that can let you push Some Resonance, into the system, as it's running" Work with it, all as a closed loop system,!! Using the battery bank, and an High Quality, Car amp.!! Tweak it a little" and if you Do everything Right,?? You'll have something that can run a Home, with-out any outside HELP.!!! Please Try this stuff.!! JR.Perry
@MatrixLeTV 6 жыл бұрын
You are correct in that the tap battery drains but the overall battery bank voltage increases and thus eventuallu tries to replenish the drain battery. No damage is done to that battery however. I can go to another battery and tap that one while the other one recharges. This can go on for weeks or months it seems. Not sure if it's overunity but it sure looks like it.
@iasser2 6 жыл бұрын
Nice work! what kind of motor did you use? why you used coir with air core instead other more powerfull? still you using this with success? have you really gains of energy? I apreciate your return. Regards.
@adamcox5731 6 жыл бұрын
nice .. awesome efforts .. i seen a video recently using ac and dc frequency to rev motor with load at a high rpm .. i am only just learning about this myself .. wicked man
@segmental7534 6 жыл бұрын
Awesome...appears to be over unity...keep up the good fight buddy.
@jprice1122 6 жыл бұрын
Norrin Radd approves.
@itsabouttime3802 6 жыл бұрын
Could you tell me how to put 8 coils 8 magnets single phase in series i seen on youtube it is + + - - + + - - Thanks Tommy
@MatrixLeTV 6 жыл бұрын
Beta Test Schematic now available for researchers and enthusiats at
@MatrixLeTV 6 жыл бұрын
Heating issue solved. Not exactly sure what the problem was, maybe it was bad batch of transistors. That's only thing I changed and now she cold as ice!
@LAU-cy9jj 6 жыл бұрын
This is the most advanced Bedini system I think in the world ..... I worry that if you try to patent this, it might get suppressed. I'm surprised and shocked that this is actually viewable in the public. You could easily sell the plans for this for $200 bucks a pop, and I'd buy a set... but I'd have to save up a bit for it. Most people probably would not be able to duplicate this.
@blakemcclimon8144 6 жыл бұрын
LAU lol he’s more likely to disappear than receive 200$ looks like you can only get plans if you donate
@mykedoes4099 5 жыл бұрын
i would like to know more about his custom bedini circuit and how it can pulse north and then south to compensate for alternate magnet fields since bedini is mono pole and all that
@MatrixLeTV 5 жыл бұрын
The bedini works in both push and pull mode so I alternated the magnet fields and and still works. Spacing may play a part in how well it runs. Definitely increases the torque of any pulse motor.
@mykedoes4099 5 жыл бұрын
@@MatrixLeTV I understand the pull mode of the ssg being that of a magnet pulling to a iron stationary core, but if the magnets on your rotor are North and South config , then the core of your electromagnet will only push the north Magnet on such rotor and the south will actually pull if the electromagnet is triggered since the core face is directing towards your rotor magnets. LMK I am working on this issue by using a home made reed and a trifilar , one trigger two drive , one drive is creating north at face of core and the other drive coil is creating south at face of core.
@mykedoes4099 5 жыл бұрын
@@MatrixLeTV I see why you are using the lens buster , cause you are getting drag when the south rotor magnets passes your core. This can be solved with a tri filar
@MatrixLeTV 4 жыл бұрын
@@mykedoes4099 interesting..I will investigate
@kwagnert 6 жыл бұрын
Hi, you mention the plans in your video? Is there a link? Thanks!
@MatrixLeTV 6 жыл бұрын
@mykedoes4099 6 жыл бұрын
coils get hot cause your pushing to high voltage pressure threw them, lower to 24 volts.
@MatrixLeTV 6 жыл бұрын
Now she runs cold as ice for hours...It may have been resistance
@nadom2581964 6 жыл бұрын
nice work like very much please can you send me e mail with the detail diagram in order to replicate it also cant you do it with one power supply in order to make it full closed loop another time very nice work i hope to better .best regards
@MatrixLeTV 6 жыл бұрын
@TinuJangra 6 жыл бұрын
Send me digrams
@MatrixLeTV 6 жыл бұрын
@MatrixLeTV 6 жыл бұрын
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