Rear facing vs forward facing position in the car

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Trygg Trafikk

Trygg Trafikk

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Correct position of the childs safetyseat in the car is very important. See the difference between forward facing and rear facing position in a frontal collision.
It is important that the childs height and weight correspond with the measures written on the safetyseat.
In Europe you can buy rear facing safetyseats for children up to 55 lbs (25 kg).
This video is made by the The Norwegian Council for Road Safety.
I samarbeid med HTS Besafe har filmen "Tryggest bakovervendt" blitt oversatt til engelsk.

Пікірлер: 170
@wbf052209 10 жыл бұрын
Severe rear-impact crashes account for only 4% of collisions in the US, and even in those instances, there are still some benefits of being rear-facing, including sitting closer to the middle of the car, further away from the impact and crumple zones. It's nearly impossible to fully prepare for every single type of crash, but 96% of the time, rear-facing is substantially safer.
@BoilerEE99 14 жыл бұрын
Outstanding video - I've spent hours trying to convey the benefits of rear-facing to people, but this one says everything it needs to in one minute and 6 seconds! Please help spread the word!
@whitekeith100 13 жыл бұрын
Love this!!!! I love the dramatic pauses with details of regions affected.
@caraccidentlawyers4u 10 жыл бұрын
This video gives a helpful animation to demonstrate the effects of rear facing and forwards facing car seats.
@Boteak 14 жыл бұрын
I'm turning my daughter back around, thank you!!
@Dannibrown77 14 жыл бұрын
If you get hit from behind, the same physics apply because the crash forces are still moving in the forward direction. Unless you are driving a car with no trunk, they still have a significant amount of crumple zone between them and the impact.
@hyperbabe2009 11 жыл бұрын
Very informative! Although I can definitely agree that rear facing is safer, please note that ALL children will eventually outgrow the rear facing limits of their seats which is usually 40lbs for most seats made in the U.S.
@BoAFan149 14 жыл бұрын
@bloodthreat When you are struck in a rear impact, the vehicles involved are traveling in the same direction, and the vehicle that is hit in the back has room to move forward. The crash force on the occupants is much less than in a frontal impact. The movement of the impacted vehicle, in addition to the crush zone, absorbs a lot of the crash energy, so it is not transferred to the child. Additionally, the majority of rear impacts are at low speeds.
@SteingerGreeneFeiner 11 жыл бұрын
This PSA shows a good representation by demonstration of how rear facing position childseats really make a difference.
@Milehighyena 11 жыл бұрын
It has to do with physics. Yes, rear-end collisions are the most common, but in a rear-end both cars are traveling the same direction and are usually lower speed. When they are head-on then it's the speed of both cars compounding on each other. So a 25mph rear-end is basically going to bump the car ahead of them forward making the collision less than 25mph, where a 25mph head-on is going to have the abrupt stop + momentum of the other car, or easily twice the force, making it worse.
@Cerenza 14 жыл бұрын
-continued from previous post- In Sweden, VTI came to every fatal accident, in which children were killed, through a period of over 10 years. They found in fact not a single case where a child in a rear-facing seat died in a crash that came from behind, but there were actually one child who sat facing forwards and died in a collision from behind.
@Cerenza 14 жыл бұрын
When it comes to collisions from the rear, vs. the forward-facing seats,it is rare that they happen at high speeds, but there are often many collisions happening from behind. The accidents with serious injuries and death (as for many children could have been avoided if they were sitting facing backwards) is the front accidents. - continues next post-
@swtgi1982 14 жыл бұрын
very good video thanks! My 4.5yr old and 3yr old are still RF in my car, they are happier that way and still fit, and will be until they no longer fit that way.
@boneheaders 12 жыл бұрын
I think she will be more comfortable rear facing because her neck won't break. There are convertibles that will allow you to rear face her and turn her back around. She may be fussy because of the angle of the car seat- you can install a convertible up to 30 degrees from vertical.
@abbielynn84 14 жыл бұрын
@AGreenWallSnipes It actually would be beneficial for adults to sit rear-facing, but it just isn't practical with today's cars. It just makes a huge difference for children under 4 because of their spines not being fully developed yet.
@Unofkystudent 12 жыл бұрын
There are convertible car seats (seats that are made to fit rear facing and forwards) and forward facing only seats. The seats are made both ways because eventually children do get too big to be rear-facing (by weight or height) and should be turned forward facing in the higher weight harnessed seats. Seats are now made to rear-face up to 40lbs.
@RachelSchultz2016 14 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video! I hope it helps more parents choose extended rear-facing.
@Mirrigold 13 жыл бұрын
@animlnitr8 my son is three years four months and still rear facing, he either crosses his legs, puts them up the seat or has them down the sides. He's perfectly comfortable and a broken leg is much easier to recover from than a broken neck.
@boneheaders 12 жыл бұрын
I know this is an old comment, however, rear facing car seats actually do not greatly protect frontal crashes, but side impacts. In a study published in Pediatrics, RF in side impacts were about 4 times safer than forward facing in side crashes, while forward facing was only about 1. something times safer. This is because when a child is rear facing, the car is moving forward, and as you are hit from the side, the child's head is pushed into the shell, protecting their head from injury.
@petelang 14 жыл бұрын
Great video! Thank you for making it! I will continue to forward it to everyone I know. My goal is to RF my 1 yr old daughter until she is at least 4 yrs old or until she reaches the limits of her Radian XTSL which is 45 lbs RF. :)
@boneheaders 12 жыл бұрын
There are car seats on the market for older children, that go up to 40 lbs on the United States market. The Diono Radian RXT goes up to 45 lbs and I've seen kids fit in them up to 50" tall. And if you are concerned about leg room, then I would have imported the Britax Two Way Elite because the two way has the option of installing away from the vehicle seat, for increased leg room. There is absolutely no excuse for forward facing a child.
@สุดารัตน์เสิกขุนทด-ศ3ฤ 6 жыл бұрын
@kwmayan 7 жыл бұрын
Warning!!! This is a long post, but I would like to get this message out. If you want to skip this, at least read the last paragraph. I have read a good number of responses to this video and many videos like it. This is a perfect example of a video swaying a person to support their cause without the individual further researching it. So let me bring some light, if that is possible, to all of you. Take a note at the title, "Rear facing vs forward facing position in the car." Then look at the video and, true, the video is very convincing and very correct. However, in any test, scientific, written, or verbal, or even life, there is always that variable you have to account for. In this case, a vehicle rear ending you while a child seat is facing to the rear. The video shows what happens when you rear end someone. the Inertia of everything in the vehicle continues forward, thus causing the child to lurch forward, very convincing, and again very true. However, It does not show what happens when the vehicle gets rear ended and the child is facing to the rear. When a vehicle rear ends you, Inertia, that "wascally wabbit, " causes the everything in the vehicle to go backwards towards the rear. The child in the seat lurches forward, and if the child seat is in position behind either of the front seats it could possibly be even worse. The front seats lurches back, slamming into the child seat adding extra force, tossing the child's head forward and possibly causing even more damage. (this is why they say leave a 2 - 3 inch gap between the child seat and the front seat). So the questions you should ask yourself is this. How many of your think the likely hood of being rear ended by another is greater than rear ending someone yourself? If you are the type of person that think you will more likely rear end someone rather than being rear ended, you really should not be driving. Also consider that being rear ended doesn't exist without a front end collision.
@mandmauckland 6 жыл бұрын
Physics says no.
@ThomasStroble-MIInjuryLawyers 11 жыл бұрын
Many studies have come out recently explaining why rear-facing car seats are much more safer then front-facing.
@billings11 13 жыл бұрын
@BoAFan149 To rebut that: Most front impacts also occur between two cars facing the same direction as well, and also at low speeds, and also the frontal crush zone absorbs lots of force.. I agree that it's obvious rear facing seats are safer, but not the 5X this video claims. You can't look at one specific test case and use that to generalize quantitatively. Side and hind impacts would have to be included.
@abbielynn84 14 жыл бұрын
@unlivable1 Back seats do have side curtain airbags in many cars, but that will knock the seat sideways either way. I guess I don't understand the question.
@jsrcamp 14 жыл бұрын
@amaniswatchingyou no actually because no matter what the forse travles up the seat and doesnt throw the child foward as it would if the child was sitting FF! I hope this helps!
@hmt90a 13 жыл бұрын
While I know this is a computer generated animation, it doesn't help that the harness straps are shown extremely loose! They should be as tight as they can be. Also, the car seat shouldn't move more than 1" in any direction if it's belted in properly.
@Milehighyena 11 жыл бұрын
On top of this, where we've been rear-ended you end up slamming into someone in front of you also in a domino effect. Since you're already moving forward, the rear-end collision isn't that bad (especially if you release the brake if you can you'll just be pushed forward), but the slamming into the car in front of you and sudden stop is worse, and that is again a frontal collision.
@blooeyedbaybee 14 жыл бұрын
Spreading like wildfire on Facebook today. Thank you! A video showing how a rear-end accident is not "more dangerous" to a rear facing baby would be great.
@abbielynn84 14 жыл бұрын
@Boteak That's awesome! This is the best video I've seen in a while, and I'm so glad I've seen two people say this today!
@NicolaMonk 11 жыл бұрын
LATCH is just as safe as using the seat belt. Actually, a child or child+car seat can be too heavy to use LATCH, however they can't be too heavy to use the belt. The chest clip is only a prepositioner. If a seat is tested and designed to be used without a chest clip it is just as safe as a seat with a chest clip, in a crash. The lack of a chest clip may help aid with proper use, and it may also help with getting a child quickly out of a vehicle, such as when flooding or fire is a danger
@boneheaders 12 жыл бұрын
The reason why their are forward facing car seats is because of different recommendations in countries. For example, the American Academy of Pediatrics just changed their recommendations last year from rear facing to 1 year old and 20 lbs, to at least 2 years old. Car seat manufacturers do not care for or love children. They are out to make money and what makes money are forward facing car seats. While in Sweden and Norway, only rear facing car seats are sold.
@CaitlinStone1 11 жыл бұрын
Your child would have to be completely off the charts to not rear face until at least 2 years of age. Her legs being scrunched up is not a problem, it's completely normal. Lots of kids dislike the car seat in general, RF or FF doesn't matter. RF is safer, until the child is AT LEAST 2. (Which is the newest recommendation by the AAP & other professionals.)
@awomen2luv 12 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. Love this
@animlnitr8 13 жыл бұрын
@catielove00 not worried about the car...was just wondering where his legs and feet were going to go and how the position of his legs would also affect him during an, could the position of his legs cause injury to his head? i mean, could his head slam into his knees? lots of questions. i'll have to look into it further. thanks.
@BoAFan149 13 жыл бұрын
@billings11 Frontal & frontal offset crashes combine for about 72% of severe crashes. Side impacts are about 24%. Rear & rear crashes only account for about 4%. The NHTSA FARS database shows similar numbers. The odds of being in a frontal crash w/ a fatality or very serious injury R many times greater than being in a severe rear-end crash. Rear-enders are more common @ lower speeds, though most injuries in these crashes are not as severe car-safety(dot)org/rearface(dot)html
@hmt90a 13 жыл бұрын
@BankySkitch Ok, so the straps should be "be tight enough that you cannot pinch the strap between your finger and thumb." Clearly the ones in the video are not.
@carissameer 10 жыл бұрын
I like this video but I wish the straps would be in the correct spot. They should be at or below the shoulders when rear facing. And the ff seat should have a top anchor. It would also be nice to see a chest clip but I know a lot of overseas seats don't have them.
@mandabella9109 10 жыл бұрын
different countries have different rules. In australia we dont have a chest clip and position the straps at or ABOVE. The carseat in the video is from Sweden, the straps are not incorrect. The top tether is not required in Sweden(though it is in Australia for RF & FF) American carseats & correct fitting is not the only way to do it!
@cherylbell7367 10 жыл бұрын
mandabella9109 I'm just wondering how in the world you would keep a toddler in their straps without a chest clip? I know my nephew always takes his straps off his shoulders if he can. With the chest clip correctly places, he can't. But he always tries to sneak and pull the clip down so he can take his shoulders out. Luckily, it's at least a little harder for him to do, so I notice.
@mandabella9109 10 жыл бұрын
Many toddlers never try it, but our seat straps are closer together and angled differently, so it is harder for toddlers to do. However there are some that manage! So we have a 'houdini strap' which is a thin fabric strap positioned like a chest clip that can be added to a harness to help. My 5yr old has never taken done it though so I dont know how effective it is
@stephaniecrawford5992 9 жыл бұрын
This video is from ENGLAND they do not have chest clips on their seats. so the seat is properly installed and used
@wadoryugirl4219 8 жыл бұрын
+carissameer chest clips are illegal in the UK and EU..
@abbielynn84 14 жыл бұрын
@unlivable1 - to my knowledge, there are no airbags in the back of a front seat. Do you mean an airbag for a back seat passenger, that comes out of the back of a front seat? If so, I don't believe these exist.
@indycoltschick8977 13 жыл бұрын
And for this reason they need to go back to overhead shield carseats, harness does not provide enough protection..
@bookofsnow 13 жыл бұрын
The info given is untrue about Europe. In SOME countries you can buy rear facing seats up to that weight but not here in The Netherlands. The only seats we have from 9 mos of age are fwd facing. I had to get mine for rear facing on a trip to my family in America!
@ameliak6643 11 жыл бұрын
This video was produced in the UK, where they don't use chest clips :)
@georgephuged 14 жыл бұрын
That was very helpfull, thank you!
@CaitlinStone1 11 жыл бұрын
@biosynthnut she's still small enough to be rear facing in a diono Radian rxt, and a graco size4me 70.
@swtgi1982 14 жыл бұрын
@angelchicis1 RF is still safer when in a side impact collision
@animlnitr8 13 жыл бұрын
rear facing til 4 years old? where is the kid supposed to put his/her legs and feet? do they make car seats that will fit on a vehicle's seat and support the child's legs and feet? my son is 11 months old and he sits rear-facing, but is kicking the back of the seat that his car seat is on. unless i find a car seat that will support his legs instead of crushing them into the back of the seat, i'm not sure how much longer he will be able to sit rear-facing...
@leneoardo6962 5 жыл бұрын
You dont show the full effect of the rear facing with the recoil and as a result whiplash occurs!!
@angelchicis1 14 жыл бұрын
what happenes if the car is hit from the side? which one would be safer?
@abbielynn84 14 жыл бұрын
@amaniswatchingyou The speeds of rear-end crashes aren't nearly as extreme. You're both going the same direction also. When it's a head on crash, the cars are going opposite directions and hit each other and everything inside the car is still moving at the prior speed (50mph in this video) while the car is sitting still. Does that help?
@Bluevalleyranch 5 жыл бұрын
Why until 4 years old? Is it not dangerous after 4?
@eligs340 14 жыл бұрын
@betumene Then mommy sits in back too, and lets the man drive like its supposed to be.
@bravibimbi 12 жыл бұрын
Hi from Italy. Video is interesting but: how do you fix the seat? I've two seats, I've checked, and they can't be fixed in the car with rear facing. Are there different models of seats on the market? If yes, I'm wondering why if it's proved that they are safer.
@vlogerhood 11 жыл бұрын
It sure does look that way when you compare the worst case installation of one versus the best case of the other.
@madisite 11 жыл бұрын
European seats do not use a chest clip. They are designed differently than US seats, and just as safe.
@amaniswatchingyou 14 жыл бұрын
what if the car is rear ended wouldn't it be the opposite?
@GrowingHumans 7 жыл бұрын
Hi! This is great information! Would it be ok if I use a clip of the crash test footage in a video I am working on to raise awareness about car seat safety in honor of my son who passed away in a car accident?
@Soccergrrl2001 11 жыл бұрын
This is a video from Europe. Some of the European countries have banned chest clips because they think that the clips are dangerous, which they are if used incorrectly. But if used properly, it helps keep the straps where they belong. I'm not sure if there is a study to show the benefits/risks either way.
@Biosynthnut 12 жыл бұрын
Ok, I get the reason for it. But what if your kid is bigger then normal toddlers? My lil one is going on 2 and has been front facing since she was 8months. She's over 2ft tall(I'd say 28in and close to 30lbs. I tried the rear face and she was "squatting" while in the seat. And fussy the entire trip which wasn't long. And her mom n I are by no means short..
@Soul_N_Control 10 жыл бұрын
my child is only 5 1/2 mo old but was 5 wks early so hes still in an infant carrier. I double strap him in with the the latch connected to the base and i also pull the seat belt through the infant seat to make sure hes double protected. Sometimes i just dont trust carseat and base method all that well. I hear the click, but often wonder if that can fail with all the recalls this day in time. Most recalls are whats already happened to children, and often too late until it happens to yours.
@MorbidAngel609 10 жыл бұрын
That's actually more dangerous, it's not how the seat is designed to use or how it has been safety tested. Use latch OR seatbelt, not both. It will state this in your manual. Well done for wanting to keep your baby as safe as possible. :)
@Soul_N_Control 10 жыл бұрын
oh ok thanks for informing me :)
@betumene 14 жыл бұрын
Yeah but, kids need to see someone in front of them so... how do you solve that? what if they wanna see mommy?
@everyangleinspectors4174 6 жыл бұрын
It's safer to be rear facing if you get in a front in collision. I don't know about everyone else reading this, but I pay attention to the road very intensely. and it is 90% MORE LIKELY THAT SOMEONE REAR ENDS ME. In that case. it would be better for the child seat to be facing forward. You know yourself. If you get in wrecks that are usually your fault by hitting someone else with the front of your car then put it rear facing.
@karen98ish 14 жыл бұрын
wow now i know whats the future is holding on how to use a baby car seat
@Aletzsa0147 13 жыл бұрын
anyone know how much it costs one of these babies for crash tests and where I can buy? really need one: (
@jewelie1000 11 жыл бұрын
helpful but where the hell is the chest clip in this graphic???
@jankotuc7818 11 жыл бұрын
Yes, "most", but not all of them. I bet it is possible to buy seats intended for the Scandinavian market also in Ireland, brands such as Axkid, BeSafe and Klippan. Here in Slovakia (where they're only imported in small quantities) these can be bought for about 340 euros. That's a lot compared to the price of FF car seats, but the safety of your children should come first...
@jankotuc7818 11 жыл бұрын
Ouch. Another suggestion would be to ask at your nearest Volvo dealer. Volvo has a line of RF car seats that should (unofficially) fit into other cars as well. Try before you buy, of course. In any case, typical infant car seats such as the Maxi-Cosi Pebble (which we have) are designed for babies under 13 kg, i.e. far older than 9 months. If the baby's legs are sticking out (but not its head!), buy a matching base unit to get some extra leg room.
@bravibimbi 12 жыл бұрын
thanks a lot
@abbielynn84 14 жыл бұрын
@betumene They're better off not seeing Mommy for a 5 minute drive or a 5 hour drive if they are still able to see her when they're older. Know what I mean? It's more important for the child to live. :)
@TheVanderfulLife 4 жыл бұрын
I'm gonna go with a bubble wrap cot suspended from the roof instead, but thanks
@Milehighyena 11 жыл бұрын
"Frontal and side impacts are the most common type of crashes. They account for 96% of all crashes" Fact check. Check out the cpsafety website article on 'stay rearfacing', I can't put a link here
@Traveler2112 13 жыл бұрын
@BankySkitch lol How did you ever come to that conclusion? I had just pointed out how times had changed since I was a kid and also wrote that car seats do increase safety. Nothing more. Goodbye.
@emmadorgan 11 жыл бұрын
Not in Ireland unfortunately! Most rear facing seats can only be used until 9 months old or 20lbs in weight :-(
@rebeccaw3701 6 жыл бұрын
dave murphy Not true. Many good retailers have extended rear facing seats to 18kg or even up to 25kg. Joie, Britax and Axkid being easily available. Any European extended rear facing seat (there are over 30 of them) can be either found in Ireland or shipped to Ireland.
@rebeccaw3701 6 жыл бұрын
Infant seats tend to go up to 13kg/about a 1 to 1.5 year old. An infant seat is outgrown when top of head reaches top of seat or max weight limit is reached, whichever comes first. Check out the Irish rear facing group on FB if you need more information.
@719Mariska 14 жыл бұрын
@bloodthreat I was thinking the same thing when I was watching...
@Traveler2112 13 жыл бұрын
@BankySkitch lol Im confused but it doesnt matter. Take care. : )
@sweetheart419 11 жыл бұрын
good video, but I would like to see the results of this kind of crash where the child's CHEST buckle is at his CHEST like it should be ... this is a huge peeve - SOOOOO many people don't use this part of the child's restraint properly - its always low and loose. ALSO see it with the LATCH system in place. It looks like this example is with the seat belt.
@Biosynthnut 11 жыл бұрын
Well we just measured her, and she's 2ft11.5inches, and 38lbs, she's also 2 1/2 years old. She's in the 90% of "big kids." compared to "Normal" sized kids I guess.
@lauparker890 10 жыл бұрын
Emma Dorgan That's incorrect you can get ERF carseats in Ireland. Maxi Cosi Mobi is 9-25kg ERF has been available for a few years. Now also available Maxi Cosi 2wayFix base and 2wayPearl ERF til 105cm under new iSize legislation.
@jdunk2145 14 жыл бұрын
did he died?
@abussade75 12 жыл бұрын
Saco esse isso de joinha....
@emmadorgan 11 жыл бұрын
Nope, afraid not. Standard seat rear facing til 9 months costs up to 250 euro here in Ireland. I would have to get one shipped from Sweden for about 600 euro to have my child rear facing past 9 months.
@FutureMommyQuiera 7 жыл бұрын
I spent more than 250 euros on my child's seat to rear face from birth to 3-4 years of age. There isn't a price on the life of my child.
@FutureMommyQuiera 7 жыл бұрын
by the way, I did a quick look up of seats offered in Ireland and there are options for half what you mentioned that rear face to 4.
@jamiekenleyuk 5 жыл бұрын
Wouldnt like to be the guilty and depressed parents of these poor children that scrimped on the saftey of a car seat. Babies dont hold up well in 70mph collisions. Do your best.
@MrWerdlem 8 жыл бұрын
What about a rear ended impact at the same speed?
@NicolaMonk 8 жыл бұрын
A serious frontal or side impact is many, many times more likely than a serious rear impact, thus overall rear facing provides a much greater level of protection. Rear end crashes typically have much lower forces than frontal collisions, and almost always involve at least one vehicle experiencing a frontal collision.
@serg3y 8 жыл бұрын
+NicolaMonk I wonder if number of "serious" collision is defined by injuries sustained. If so one would expect there to be less "serious" rear collisions because most occupants are front facing and sustain less injuries. Are the numbers misleading due to a bad definition?
@NicolaMonk 8 жыл бұрын
It's the speed differential between the two vehicles. When two vehicles traveling in opposite directions collide there are more forces than two vehicles traveling in the same direction. Likewise, you don't usually reverse at high speeds, and rear end collisions involve one vehicle having a frontal impact.
@serg3y 8 жыл бұрын
So if the differential speed is same injuries would be same. One car at 60 kmph rear ends another at 0 and both end up doing 30 kmph. But i still wonder what is the definition of a serious collision.
@NicolaMonk 8 жыл бұрын
+Sergey K Yes, exactly. The definition of a serious collision varies depending on the study, and it's not perfect. Sometimes it is crashes with a fatality, for example. We just know from the physics of crashes that frontal collisions are more dangerous (on average) that rear collisions. In the US we've had an issue with seat backs collapsing in serious rear impacts- it's very uncommon, but when it does happen it can kill the back seat occupants. And the reason it happens is that cars are really engineered primarily with frontal and side impacts in mine.
@Traveler2112 13 жыл бұрын
@BankySkitch There. I removed my statement from a year ago that is no longer a part of my thought processes and doesnt really matter in the big scheme of things. It will no longer be here to bother you. Smile. Have a nice day.
@leslieelena3936 9 жыл бұрын
itsJudys Life
@pennymaxwell1603 9 жыл бұрын
There isn't a chest strap and the straps are to lose on the child.
@rosannah764 9 жыл бұрын
In the UK we dont have chest straps.
@wadoryugirl4219 8 жыл бұрын
+Penny Maxwell Chest clips are illegal in the UK and EU......
@goldaria9228 8 жыл бұрын
+Wado Ryugirl why are they illegal?
@eufobia6666 7 жыл бұрын
because the child's rib cage is very soft (bones are in the process of growing thus not hard as bones of an adult with a proper wit.D and calcium levels) so in case of an accident of an average speed of 50km/h heart, arteries and lung tissue will be definitely damaged as it is not strong enough to resist forces arising from the chest clip.
@mandmauckland 6 жыл бұрын
No, it is because euro standards require a single button release for child restraints.
@RachelKent95 11 жыл бұрын
Go Rear facing
@MrOzozah 13 жыл бұрын
والله ان عندنا رؤسااء بقر معى إحترامي لهم المقطع مقارنه بين كراسي الأطفال الموجهه الى مقدمه السياره و النوع الثاني الموجهه لمؤخره السياره والافضليه تكون للموجهه لمؤخرره السياره وعندنا كلام وخرابيط عن اهميه الكرسي طيب وضحوا فكره المقطع الى متى وبعدين بلاش يوتيوب مو تقولون ممنوع استخداامه ؟؟؟؟ حيه لرؤساء ارامكو يالبى قلوب الامريكان متى بس يرجعون ويفكون من العنصريه والرؤساء اللي بجنبها مايفهمون شي
@caitlinwilliamson4447 10 жыл бұрын
That kid didn't have his chest clip on. . .
@lovins88 10 жыл бұрын
A lot of countries don't make car seats with them. Thankfully I'm in the US and all of ours have them.
@kaylovshim 10 жыл бұрын
Its because in most countries they dont use them. In Europe for example the law is that you must be able to unbuckle the child all in one movement. Meaning click the crotch buckle and they're out. But They are safe. Chest clips are designed to brake in a collision
@1984princesspeach 10 жыл бұрын
Seats in N America are not safer than European seats without chest clips. They're just different. The chest clip does nothing to protect the child or keep them in the seat. They break upon impact with enough force. They are pre-crash positioners and used to make sure the shoulder straps are in the right place. Many argue they cause more problems than they help, actually, since many parents use them as "belly" clips and can cause internal injuries when used in such a way. They should always be placed at armpit level... never at the collar bone, never on the tummy.
@wadoryugirl4219 8 жыл бұрын
+caitlin williamson omg IN THE UK AND EU THEY ARE ILLEGAL.
@caitlinwilliamson4447 8 жыл бұрын
@overturned50 14 жыл бұрын
i keep my baby in the trunk
@tom31839 12 жыл бұрын
Poor kid...If I have kids ill always put right stuff
@edurock42 12 жыл бұрын
@mumrhah 12 жыл бұрын
estou aqui pelo ADG0068 !!!
@IsakMusicasBH 11 жыл бұрын
QUEM VEIO PELO ADG (HIGH TORQUE Tudo sobre carros) da joinha (yn
@Vinicius4028 12 жыл бұрын
quem veio por causa do ADG da joinha
@orangenod18 14 жыл бұрын
now lets drive facing backwards =D
@lexmnds 12 жыл бұрын
Visite o canal de vídeos da High Torque user/ADG0068?feature=g-user-u
@modestmoose83 10 жыл бұрын
Wouldn't a forward facing car seat be better in a rear end collision? I'm always afraid I'm going to get rear-ended. Not to say it would be impossible for me to hit something, I just think there are a lot of idiots on the road, and I wouldn't consider myself one of them. I don't have kids, so I really don't have a good reason to watch this...
@lauparker890 10 жыл бұрын
No it would work in the same way and the child is pushed into the carseat so it remains a safer option
@1984princesspeach 10 жыл бұрын
Lau Parker This is not correct. In a rear ender, it's true the child would be better off in a FF seat. HOWEVER (and this is a big however), the risk of a severe rear end collision is MUCH less than a severe frontal collision, and we're playing a numbers game. Since a severe frontal crash is much more likely, you have to plan for that. And you should therefore RF as long as your seat will allow (till at LEAST 2, but preferably to 4).
@kennerpowell 10 жыл бұрын
1984princesspeach You are Incorrrect. I am a Nationally Certified Child Passenger Safety Instructor and rear facing is ALWAYS BETTER LONGER. You cannot assume that a rear end crash will not thrust a child forward. If someone were to stand behind me and push my back which direction would I go? Forward. Major injury and stress to the head, neck and spinal cord. Your best be would be to go to and find a technician near you for the most accurate, safe and up to date information. Lau Parker modestmoose83
@lauparker890 10 жыл бұрын
I am in agreement with you Nina, ERF all the way!
@modestmoose83 10 жыл бұрын
I'm just saying it seems like the same forces to me. Going 40mph and rear end a car VS. getting rear-ended by a car going 40mph the effects on the neck seem like they would be the same to me. That's just what the physics in my brain are telling me. If someone were to stand behind you and push your back, sure, you would go forward, but your neck & head would go back before it caught up to the force applied to the body. If you were a solid pole and somebody pushed you from behind, you would go forward all together. I don't know if that makes any sense, but that was my reasoning.
@Fernandowd 12 жыл бұрын
@jackjolli 14 жыл бұрын
@betumene buy a mirror
@jayblasdale 11 жыл бұрын
@frenzycon 14 жыл бұрын
@bloodthreat i'll jizz
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