Receiver 2 Review - All Gunwork and No Gunplay

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The Examined Life (of Gaming)

The Examined Life (of Gaming)

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All gunwork and no gunplay makes me a happy hoppy boy.

Пікірлер: 337
@Hoplopfheil 4 жыл бұрын
Receiver 2 features a Mark I Desert Eagle but it has a 1913 optics rail which wasn't added until the Mark XIX variant. So unfortunately I have to give it a zero out of ten. Better luck next time, Wolfire.
@autious 4 жыл бұрын
@@88fibonaccisequence Maybe we should reactivate the simulated hearing damage and tinnitus mechanic we had.
@Chrinik 4 жыл бұрын
@@88fibonaccisequence You probably adjusted the volume of the game to your liking...I was actually suprised when I turned down the volume to 30% and gunshots STILL fucking blasted through my headset at uncomfortably loud levels... So while a joke, I do think you used hearing protection XD
@gaiamission7200 4 жыл бұрын
@crazymiles14 would you stop soliciting people with your zombie worship, noone even mentioned religion here until you ruined it
@yesimrealhuman4245 4 жыл бұрын
fun fact: you play as a ww2 veteran, so he has lots of problems with his brain, and by that logic he maybe more suicidal or something idk
@bud389 3 жыл бұрын
@@88fibonaccisequence You only would've suffered severe hearing damage if you fired a gun in an enclosed, highly acoustic environment, like an enclosed metal elevator, and even then only something of large caliber like a .45 or a .50. Ever wonder why there are thousands of veterans from war who've been in heavy direct combat situations and they live to be 80-90 without needing hearing aids? My grandfather was one of them. Of course there are much higher caliber weaponry that are far louder, but generally speaking, you aren't going to suffer much hearing damage from firing a Desert Eagle, unless you take the word of others who say you'll suffer permanent hearing damage from something as loud as a lawn mower. I've fired a .22 LR before and it was definitely about as loud as someone clapping. I've also gone hunting and fired 12 gauge shotguns, no ear protection. I probably suffered more hearing loss going to a rock concert than I have firing guns. I've looked at numerous "hearing decibels" charts, and they all say different things. Some say 100 decibels is the danger zone, some say 120, some say 140, some say 150. It all depends on the environment, whether it's indoor or outdoor, and whether those environments are highly acoustic or not. Charts in particular are usually out there to convince you to buy their product.
@DeusGladiorum 4 жыл бұрын
I get the hate for the death penalty, but man I ended up *really* liking that mechanic. I’m not kidding when I say that the fear that mechanic instilled in me made this the greatest true survival horror game I’ve ever played. Exactly enough consequence for me to play it slow, and exactly approachable enough to want to continue. If they make a Receiver 3, I want that level of consequence as an option.
@aryabratsahoo7474 Жыл бұрын
The death penalty is what makes you take the mechanics seriously which adds more tense.
@JohnDoe-pk8lc 4 жыл бұрын
this game allows you to induce a double feed by putting a round in the chamber, loading a magazine and releasing the slide. Therefore causing a cartridge house party inside your semi auto
@BrosRemix 4 жыл бұрын
Fucking love this game, I only wish there was more guns to choose from
@TheN00bNinja 4 жыл бұрын
I only wish there was some more enemy variety, because once you understand the controls of the gun, the only real threat is your own patience. I want to test my reaction times to more mobile enemies, like the drone, while trying to not crack under all the mechanics of operating the gun. Also more guns is always a welcome addition.
@ThreeProphets 4 жыл бұрын
I think we might be ready to fight people if they can get the AI right, given how much time some of us have sunk into these games. Expanding into long guns like that mod for the first game would be great too
@Fabelaz 4 жыл бұрын
@@ThreeProphets Why do you want to kill people? And btw, every person would look like your reflection either way... Lore reasons.
@triplehelix3207 4 жыл бұрын
i want a M1 garand
@popcornegg4405 4 жыл бұрын
@@Fabelaz there is so many FPS games where one of the main things to do to kill people, it’s really not that unusual.
@vipsnap2707 3 жыл бұрын
@@popcornegg4405 the reason he asked is probably because it wouldn't make sense in the lore and the walking target models
@Dracowulf7 4 жыл бұрын
I do like the "Threat Tape" suicide mechanic, it's a neat little inversion that quickly drills the player. "What state is your gun currently in, and what do you need to do to render it safe?" It doesn't do too much, but it does promote a slightly more in-depth understanding of the firearms than route memorization of how to load and fire.
@doomguy1167 4 жыл бұрын
The message feels too heavy handed though, to me
@Dracowulf7 4 жыл бұрын
@@doomguy1167 It felt at first pass more like "Oh right there's a mysterious psychic force that's going to try and kill me no matter what." The message of removing firearms from your access if you are having depressive or suicidal thoughts is a good one. But I certainly can understand it feeling a little bit too over-done with the voice actor going absolutely ham on their Desperate and Sad voice. Probably could have skewed it more towards the horror of being unable to control yourself and there being a malicious external force, rather than sudden onset Big Sad, to make it fit a little more in line with the rest of the game.
@ShadowsofYesterday 4 жыл бұрын
It wouldn't be so bad if not for the demotion mechanic. The first time it happened to me, by the time I noticed the gun was turning around and attempted to eject the mag and rack the slide, it was too late and I'd already shot myself. And that was with me EXPECTING it to happen at some point, because I'd seen it in a KZbin video. Not to mention it's a little out of place within the context of the game, which is explicitly a combat situation where you would neither want nor need your firearm to be in a "safe" condition. The whole concept of gun safety - outside of the trigger discipline to not give yourself Glock leg, or avoiding shooting glass or solid barriers when you're standing right up against them - makes little sense in a setting in which you are literally the only person, surrounded by hostile machines. If they were telling a different story, one in which you were actually protecting/working with friendlies, it would make more sense. Minor nitpicks though. At the end of the day, it's a video game, and the mechanics are set up to keep the player engaged for longer. The original Receiver was pretty much a masterpiece, but Receiver 2 is by no means a bad game either.
@Dracowulf7 4 жыл бұрын
@@ShadowsofYesterday The demotion mechanic does really suck, though. Especially as it demotes you just for quitting the game. So if you muck up, and then call it quits, you wind up going down two ranks instead of one. And if you get demoted, play until you rank up, and then quit, then that entire period between demotion and quitting was effectively just an utter waste of time. Second note I was trying to consider a situation where you would have to worry about checking behind a target due do shot-penetration hazards or otherwise worrying about the condition of your firearm beyond just misfires but I couldn't really come up with anything that would have been satisfying to play.
@ShadowsofYesterday 4 жыл бұрын
@@Dracowulf7 That must be from an update? I was never demoted for quitting the game, in fact, I cheesed the game pretty hard by quitting whenever a drone was chasing me to make it non-aggro when I booted the game back up. You could even go so far as to quit upon dying, but before the screen fades to black, and you'd start back right where you were, still perfectly alive (I abused that one a few times too).
@fuzzydunlop7928 3 жыл бұрын
Also, shout out to this game’s detailed damage models for the turrets. The part of the turret you take out has an immediate effect, the chance to hit a spot that totally disables the machine, or just locks it in place, brings some much needed depth and strategy to the gameplay.
@ChucksSEADnDEAD 4 жыл бұрын
>gameplay mechanics that exist solely to pad time to finish What is this, the 90s?
@poika22 4 жыл бұрын
What is this, a Rockstar game?
@gogokowai 2 жыл бұрын
Sadly this concept did not fade away with the 90s, it just evolved over time. In its earliest form it was quarter-eating game overs. It then transitioned to giant health bars and unskippable cutscenes with the goal of making the game take longer to warrant the price tag. In modern times it has been upgraded to grind mechanics that you can bypass with your wallet, meaning you actually pay the developer to play their game less. In the end they're all just gimmicks to get more money out of less game. I don't know if I would put demotion strictly in the "padding game length". I think it's intended to be a roguelite feature. It seems like a less harsh punishment on paper than completely restarting the game, but it doesn't really work to the game's favor because you lose the sense of accomplishment that comes from completing the whole game without failing.
@jlee7811 4 жыл бұрын
Anybody else like “hey, that’s that 29 year old boomer from TFB?”
@mastersupernova117 4 жыл бұрын
Instantly recognizable
@vyl-za 4 жыл бұрын
I heard that voice and was like "wait a minute.."
@jakegrube9477 4 жыл бұрын
Bruh yea i didnt know hop had a gaming channel
@uppishcub1617 4 жыл бұрын
I'm just wondering why Steven King is reviewing guns and video games
@theoverseer4886 4 жыл бұрын
Gotta love how most of the gameplay of jams is with the high-point look alike
@jeremysaklad6703 4 жыл бұрын
I’m equally scared of guns, knives, and saws: that is, I’m scared of them when held by idiots who don’t know how to use them properly. The same goes for cars, and many other things. Firearms are weapons, and weapons are tools, and tools are goddamn terrifying in the hands of people who only *think* they know how to use them. If firearm owners were legally required to maintain proper marksmanship and trigger discipline (and they are in many places), I don’t think people would get so nervous.
@PeachBoi_Real 2 жыл бұрын
well said!
@userequaltoNull Жыл бұрын
Guns and cars? Yes. Knives and saws, not so much. You can't cut,me if I'm not inside your wingspan!
@ChucksSEADnDEAD 4 жыл бұрын
Paul Harrell actually defended the use of birdshot for home defense, by the way.
@ChucksSEADnDEAD 4 жыл бұрын
@unfairlight He does the "you be the judge" thing a lot but the fact is he made an entire video showing how birdshot has lower collateral damage and that the "mediocre" #8 birdshot out of a 12 gauge is pretty effective (even though he was more enthusiastic about the 2 ounce load). He didn't outright recommend it, but did defend the merits of birdshot for home defense.
@Aldrenean 4 жыл бұрын
Also light buckshot. I'm pretty sure #4 buck is his top recommendation for home defense... I'm not a firearms expert, is OP's problem that shotguns penetrate more than the game is implying, or that they're not a good choice for home defense?
@ChucksSEADnDEAD 4 жыл бұрын
@@Aldrenean it's commonly accepted "lore" that 12 gauge shotguns are the best self-defense weapons (even Joe Biden said "get a shotgun"). The reality is that shotguns are actually one of the hardest weapons to train for and the kind of weapon people are the least likely to train with when they go to the range. Many claim that "you don't even have to aim"/"you get a higher chance of hitting" when in close quarters the spread is shaped more like a 1-2 inch cylinder than a two foot cone. Any load that can reliably stop a human will also punch through walls but people believe they can "have it all" with birdshot - the fact is that birdshot sacrifices penetration on target while not eliminating the possibility of collateral damage so it's the worst of both worlds. The shotgun is a fine weapons system and has a ton of applications. A lot of people have successfully used them for defense. But the hivemind tends to dismiss it as a "simple" weapon that doesn't require training and can be just handed to the inexperienced.
@Chrinik 4 жыл бұрын
@@ChucksSEADnDEAD I'd like to see the guy who takes a load of birdshot the chest and keeps being a threat. For edge cases, use the other shells in your tube until the fucker surrenders. For me, it's a case of "If I don't HAVE to kill the guy, it's better.", but alot of US citizens have a justified "It's kill or be killed." attitude, which I simply fail to share... While I'm fairly pro-gun (hell, I travel to the US regularily where I am literally surrounded by guns at all times because most of my friends carry and strive to go shooting every time) and a trained soldier, I still dislike the idea of "deadly force" being the only defence option. I may have been conditioned to use escalating means of defence, but my personal situation in this flat is that as I am sitting on this computer, I have a straight shot through a long hallway at my door. If someone were to enter at this moment with hostile intent, while the walls are made of brick and will reliably stop small caliber rounds, the doors are made of simple heavy wood, and right across from me lives an old man. The case the game and many of these arguments make is that I don't like to be the guy who accidentally killed an innocent old man because I used a magnum 00 buck load from a 12 gauge because it reliably stopped the bad guy in one hit to the chest... MY life is my responsibility, but that doesn't justify me potentially threatening uninvolved third parties that had nothing to do with it. It's just a very different perspective and circumstance, a low power, expanding bullet out of a high capacity semi-auto is still something you don't like to be hit with, and I'd argue that even if one doesn't do the trick, if you didn't get the drop on the guy and hit with the first round, you're fucked anyway, and if you hit with the first round, you have the advantage and can continue to unload if the situation isn't resolved. I dunno, just my take on the matter I guess
@hellishcyberdemon7112 4 жыл бұрын
@@Chrinik The reason why It's kill or be killed is because our justice system is fucked up to where the person who broke into your house can sue you and WIN..... i dont want to kill anyone but you know what they say... "dead men tell not tales"
@Bugga451 4 жыл бұрын
I'm surprised you didn't mention the fact that this is probably the first game to let you use a Hi-Point. Great content as always though.
@RuinHD 4 жыл бұрын
this man hit puberty at middle age? jesus XD
@SunsetSullivan 4 жыл бұрын
I think the best thing about this games commentary on guns is how it's a really balanced assessment of them as actual weapons. They are tools, not toys, and failing to treat them with respect will result in you hurting yourself in potentially fatal ways or causing them to fail when you least expect it. It asks you to treat firearms with respect rather than reverence or fear, which is pretty much exactly how any firearms operation specialist will tell you how to treat them. My only problem is that the game shits all over the Desert Eagle as an impractical, expensive showboaters toy but makes it a really effective weapon to use to the point I'd say it's probably the best overall gun in the game. Perhaps in a future content patch they could bring it in-line with real-life issues it has, like its weight making it slower to aim and its huge kick causing shakier hands when firing (since firing off a bunch of shots at once does cause your player character to get shaky hands from the shock of firing a gun, same with you blinking every time for a shot). Glock leg is also a fun mechanic and I get the purpose but goddamn is it irritating for the actual glock. I thought Glocks did have some kind of safety measure despite not having actual safeties? Perhaps that could be added into the game too.
@DreadnoughtHvor 2 жыл бұрын
it could be the 357 version of the DE, which has like 0 recoil almost
@TheEnmineer 2 жыл бұрын
@@DreadnoughtHvor Nah, definitely isn't the 357 version. Wrong ammo type in game. But it is actually heavy in game and you can't aim with it for long or shoot it multiple times while aiming without your hands shaking like a mo-fo.
@observer4916 4 жыл бұрын
why does your voice not sound 12 all of a sudden
@illfaptothis333 4 жыл бұрын
his 'magazine' has dropped
@stevebutters306 4 жыл бұрын
Oh shit wait a sec, you're hop from TFB! I thought that voice was familiar!
@tacticalochoa1310 4 жыл бұрын
I just had that same feeling myself. I was like, "Why does he sound so familiar?" Then I saw the part showing Hop firing the pistol and it blew my fucking mind.
@stevebutters306 4 жыл бұрын
@@tacticalochoa1310 I followed this channel and my favorite TFB reporter is Hop for the same reason; the cadance and script writing is on point and I really like it. Never connected the two til that point.
@gouglent 4 жыл бұрын
lol same thing saw his vid with that beretta
@seankim9076 3 жыл бұрын
this just happened to me now lmao
@beepmoo8771 4 жыл бұрын
2 videos in less than a month. It really is the end times.
@AceFalken 4 жыл бұрын
Paul Harrell's advice fits in here of "these are from my experiences, training, and research so it might vary" It's something that i feel most people in the gun community forget. Because I'm curious and have asked everyone this. I suck at pistol shooting and looking to own one and eventually get my CCW. Should I buy and train with a full size? Or start with a comfortable compact? Which models do you recommend? I haven't found a glock i like but have only fired a G22 once and fired a G43 a couple of times. I also have a fairly large hands (large size gloves for reference)
@userequaltoNull Жыл бұрын
Most people don't like or use stock glocks, they're almost always custom. Maybe try a 9mm 1911 from Rock Island Armory? I've only ever heard good things about them, and they're pretty cheap too. It's a former U.S. army arsenal in the Philipines if I'm not mistaken.
@napk1nz878 3 жыл бұрын
I didn't know Hop had a gaming channel, nor did I know he was a fan of this game, you earned a new sub!
@chrishunter8305 4 жыл бұрын
My only gripe with receiver 2 was the demotion mechanic...especially when you quit the game. On the up side, I think I've found my favourite representation of the Magnum Reserach Desert Eagle.
@wegyiuhb 4 жыл бұрын
They’ve fixed that, which is nice
@kiros2032 4 жыл бұрын
I should've expected a Receiver 2 video from you, always good to see you post a video. Btw, did you invert the y axis this time?
@TheExaminedLifeofGaming 4 жыл бұрын
@kiros2032 4 жыл бұрын
My man
@nmpltleopardi 4 жыл бұрын
As long as he does it in his own home, behind close doors...
@WingmanSR 3 жыл бұрын
@@TheExaminedLifeofGaming What you do in the privacy of your own home is fine, but please think of the children when you share this...... *_abominable_* information.
@PregnantWhale3000 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for doing this man, this was a pretty thoughtful analysis and review of the game. I remember I saw you featured on TFB TV, which was really fucking cool btw. Makes a no-guns like me appreciate your analysis even more
@FpsGamer43 3 жыл бұрын
Holy shit had no idea you had a gaming channel. I love your style of narration and it honestly fits really well for a video game review.
@Svvicu 4 жыл бұрын
Until we get this sort of detail in VR, this is as good as it's going to get
@boss_bonard7573 2 жыл бұрын
h3vr is really good at this
@thaiwin6173 4 жыл бұрын
Oh my God I just realized you're Hop from TFBTV. I was thinking "This guy I watch MechWarrior reviews from knows alot about guns" when it hit me.
@FullThrottleTaco 2 жыл бұрын
I've been subbed at least for a year, but I'm just now realizing how badass this guy's voice is.
@rgstever 4 жыл бұрын
Finally, I'm not the only gamer that trains with real ordnance.
@salokin3087 4 жыл бұрын
More videos on this channel in over a year. Nice Would you spend more time looking at gun represenation in games like this?
@justinkloss7828 4 жыл бұрын
The not relying on the manual safety thing you talked about is definitely intended. They say something to that effect in one of the tapes I'm pretty sure.
@emberdrops3892 2 жыл бұрын
As soon as I heard him explain "Use the Z key to pull the slide back. Then use capslock, shift, numpad 7, 9 and 2 to pull the mag out. Next, release the clutch pedal and wave your index finger in the air to pull out your ammo crate" I was like, nah, I'm sticking with H3VR XD
@rodnei2352 2 жыл бұрын
it actually gets pretty simple with just a few minutes of gameplay, took me like 15 minutes in the game to get the hang of it
@emberdrops3892 2 жыл бұрын
@@rodnei2352 good to hear :)
@The-wo2lq 2 жыл бұрын
Imagine a generic multiplayer arena shooter FPS game but with these gun mechanics, i would love to see how that would play out, lol.
@Winasaurus Жыл бұрын
"I got a double feed in my Hi-point and the slide won't stay back help" "lol" "lol" "lol"
@acedirt2346 4 жыл бұрын
I would have been interested in this, if I hadn't played Hot Dogs horseshoes and hand grenades in VR.
@sangonapou5985 4 жыл бұрын
@GoodOlTazzy 3 жыл бұрын
The guns itself, are pretty much more detailed and realistic as in how they work with actual moving parts in every gun, but H3VR is the better game in terms of weapon variety and physics.
@bigdrippy4104 3 жыл бұрын
for other people, if you just type the word insight during gameplay, it'll advance you 1 rank. so if you just wanted to get back to your old level or just unlock everything you can do that if you like.
@Winasaurus Жыл бұрын
Great video. In regards to the threat echos (the self-perish tapes), I'd recommend playing with them on until you've heard them all (you can check progress in the compound tape wall), and then disabling them in the options when you've survived them all. At first it's a fun test of rapid safe-ing a gun. And adds some extreme tension the first few times it happens. Plus it plays into other mechanics. Mr glock user is in for a rough time if he tries rapidly unholstering his gun to make it safe because he picked up the bad time tape. Once you've survived them all though, they become wastes of time because you're so used to the mechanics by then. Revolvers, press e, mash v. Semi autos, double tap e, tap r. You end up just sitting there for 30 seconds doing nothing. It's not even like you can use the time to backtrack for bullets because it slows your movement speed so much. Not to mention that once you're really experienced and the tapes are repetitive, you are probably just shooting them anyway, since it's much faster and allows you to "collect" tapes from as far as you can see them. The massive fall damage is explained away for the same reason the guns jam so much. Specifically that The Threat controls probability, so anything that CAN go wrong WILL go wrong. Which implies you're falling and twisting your ankle basically every time. In reality it's to stop you doing wacky parkour too much. You can climb an absurd amount, so it makes sense to not also let you fall an absurd amount too. Though there's no excuse for the flinch and eyes closing on every single shot. IMO they should make it dependent on aiming time or previous shots fired, essentially inverse to how they do it for aim wobble. In case you don't know, your aim barely wobbles when you first ADS, but gets worse the longer you do it, especially with heavier guns. It also gets worse the more you fire (tired arms I guess), until you lower the weapon and re-aim. They could just make it so if you're not properly aimed or have only just aimed, you flinch and close your eyes, but the longer you aim or the more you fire, the more resistant you are since you're expecting the shots (Theres even a tape describing shooting that says "because you're expecting it, you don't even feel or react to the shot or the recoil"). Or maybe time spent since last ADS, to allow you to pre-aim corners. It looks especially silly with the glock if you set it to full-auto because he blinks per bullet so it looks like your graphics card is breaking with the flickering view. I do wish there was maybe built-in challenge runs. 1911 but no mag, so you have to hand-load every round into the chamber, or a revolver with every alternate chamber blocked, or ALL turrets being armored. Hell, invent armored taser drones just for one of the challenges. It would also be a way to introduce the enemies they either never finished or didn't get much use out of like the stalker or the bomb. There are also some really obscure mechanics like the angle you're looking affecting how easy it is to eject revolver casings. And that spent casings are harder to eject than full bullets because they've expanded. But this is only really relevant for the compound firing range tests since you can learn to look up to make your ejections very fast and reliable, or to at least avoid looking down. Or how some guns have worse chances of malfunctions. The Hi-Point often goes out of battery and the Beretta is more likely to need a mag tap, as well as all mags having a secret "quality" that determines how often they fail to feed. Feel like a certain mag is particularly shitty? It probably is! Or how the SAA can go off even if the hammer is down, if you fall too far. Also, I've got no issue with the derank system they use, you can hold L to reset without deranking. But I think it's better to force you to get good with bad guns than to just let you reset till you get the P226. It can absolutely suck to die to something you weren't aware of at first, but I'd rather have that than some tutorial for everything. Hell the first time I got the deagle, and was 1 rank from winning, I accidentally fast holstered and shot myself. I learnt then that the deagle is an insta-kill if you shoot yourself. Sure, I lost a rank, but I'd take that over on-screen text going "Be careful with the desert eagle, a single shot is enough to drop you, if you're not careful putting it away" or something. Plus it makes the victories that much sweeter knowing that you're so close to a serious setback. I remember my first few rank ups, I'd unload the gun entirely just so I could sit in total confidence that I would win as soon as the tape ended, and celebrate. If you could only ever rank up, all it would take is enough bashing your head into a wall until you get lucky random spawns of tapes. Hell in one of my runs on the final level, where you only need 3 tapes, I found a spot where I could see 3 tapes at once, because I was just particularly high up. Which would be super anticlimactic to have as the ending you got just by bashing your head against it.
@GamesNerdBR 4 жыл бұрын
Good thing the dev already said they were going to remove the demote mechanic
@Proctor_Conley 2 жыл бұрын
Paul Harrell has multiple videos talking (edit: & where he demonstrates) how pump-action shotguns loaded with birdshot or small buckshot is perfectly fine for certain home defense situations, so what's the issue here?
@sinisterthoughts2896 Жыл бұрын
Holy crap, ieatched this quite a while back and never realized it was Hop!
@LordDravek 4 жыл бұрын
Two videos, one to the left and one to right of my birthday and in the same month too. What a coincidence from a KZbinr that uploads only a few times a year. I've got a piece of gun safety advice- always assume it's loaded. Eject mag, wrack slide, check and then check again.
@dtscurvy7601 4 жыл бұрын
Holy shit, you hit puberty! Congratulations, man
@kloa4219 4 жыл бұрын
He would make plenty of bank if he made this a battle royale.
@dandre3K 4 жыл бұрын
Multiplayer of any kind would be dope.
@wilsonkierankitsune 4 жыл бұрын
good to see you active, this kind of game isn't my thing but I'm happy you enjoy it, it does look interesting
@Sunny_Haven 14 сағат бұрын
The point about taking too much fall damage is funny to me because you can also parkour like crazy due to how easy it is to get to higher ground by jumping off the tiniest of ledges and objects, so what ends up happening often when I play this game is I will be running and jumping around like an acrobat while knowing that any mistep is certain death. It's very fun! I also feel really dumb because that bit about the gun advice the game gives for home defense, with the shotgun, uh... I ended up following that advice, haha. I never ended up getting the ammo or actually using my Remington 870 due to not owning a car makes transporting a firearm really inconvenient (as I write this, it's still in its gun safe), but it was originally my intention to get small buckshot while living in a multi-family triplex in a city. I definitely should've done more research before making that purchase. Ah well.
@reeceulf 3 жыл бұрын
Very epic vid you are a talented writer and editor and I love your vocabulary ~
@DerrickJolicoeur 4 жыл бұрын
I'm glad I take things with grain of salt. When I heard the quote regarding weapon penetration, I agreed with the sentiment but insisted that it would be worth experimentation. Hadn't looked it up yet, so thanks for answering the question for me. Still curious what the numbers look like if you had dozens of drywall sheets laying around. (Not that the 3/8" drywall in my home would stop anything xD)
@really1337 4 жыл бұрын
I'm with with on the Sig safety expect it's easy for new players to confuse the decocker with a safety because the help menus says so. With prior game experience I doubt you'd need to look at the help menu, but for new players I can understand the mistake. Not bug report worth, but still understandable.
@xmop1000 4 жыл бұрын
I personally think this game would be better as a VR title since all those functions are less clunky than using keyboard. And it is also much realistic, since you can uses your muscle memory from firing real firearms too.
@TheExaminedLifeofGaming 4 жыл бұрын
It might be too complicated for VR. Your virtual thumb would have to operate three possible controls (safety, magazine release, slide release). Not sure if VR controls can differentiate the fine motor skills that easily.
@xmop1000 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheExaminedLifeofGaming Well some of the VR shooter have already implemented basic firearm controls similar to Receiver, so I think it's not that a big deal. And there are also VR mod for the first Receiver, and it works quite well from the looks of it.
@Derpy-qg9hn 4 жыл бұрын
H3VR Take & Hold is probably the best equivalent. I feel like this game is best because of the keyboard clunkiness, you have to really sit down and get used to every little function of the gun; in VR, motions can often be approximated, and some of the spectacle of "holy shit, I'm doing *that* many things just to shoot?" gets lost without the tricky keyboard shenanigans.
@teddyharvester 2 жыл бұрын
This is the kind of game that should get a full VR implementation because it would be much more intuitive, and by extension more fun, to perform all these actions using your hand motions instead of remembering all the keys. If pressing keys is stressful when the game doesn't automate anything, imagine how stressful it can be to fumble around trying to insert bullets into a mag with your hand, maybe dropping some and having to pick them up again, all while trying to stay alive against drones and whatever else. Also, I'm just guessing, because I neither have a VR set, nor will I likely ever have a VR capable rig to enjoy these kinds of things.
@Cypherwraith001 3 жыл бұрын
"Glass-shin Noodle-arms" is how I'm going to refer to the protagonist of Receiver from now on.
@radio4active 4 жыл бұрын
You can disable the threat echo tapes in the settings. You can also shoot tapes to collect them without them playing.
@rid71k 4 жыл бұрын
Damn dude your voice really changed. Do you smoke. It's used to be kind of high pitched.
@ImmaJellal 4 жыл бұрын
Could also be different recording setup
@VaNDaIUKR 4 жыл бұрын
It's called puberty
@JunkCCCP 4 жыл бұрын
People's voice changes as they get older. Amazing I know.
@HelmetHair 4 жыл бұрын
Had to check in the comments if it was actually the same guy
@wonderloaf Жыл бұрын
No CZ75? @mabs come look at this.
@mabs9503 Жыл бұрын
Yea that's why I refunded it. Garbage.
@wonderloaf Жыл бұрын
@@mabs9503 I'm going to burn it to the ground.
@mabs9503 Жыл бұрын
@@wonderloaf based
@adamg574 2 жыл бұрын
Cool I stumbled on hoplopfhiel’s gaming channel, knew as soon as I heard the voice. /k/ brought me here.
@JohnDoe-uc5iu 4 жыл бұрын
randomly saw this vid after playing receiver years ago and while listening I thought to myself "this sounds alot like hop, wouldnt it be weird if he had a gaming channel" and its you wtf
@Cryatrix 4 жыл бұрын
sorry still gonna have to go with "Furry fighting game" for best Wolfire game
@danielevans8910 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly can confirm.
@ElephantsDoingCrack 4 жыл бұрын
Speak of the devil, I was rewatching your hl2 video. Man your voice had changed...
@CvijaFaQ 4 жыл бұрын
oh damn, you're still making content. Nice. You're still wrong on Serious Sam though.
@AmelpsXett 4 жыл бұрын
This game perfectly shows why VR isn't just a gimmick.
@AntonQvarfordt 4 жыл бұрын
1:23 'You are a Receiver' Oh... Okay.. Of anything specific?
@JDoe-gf5oz Жыл бұрын
Ooh, shooting turrets and drones! How exciting.
@riflemanm16a2 3 жыл бұрын
I've wanted to make a game that makes the player control every aspect of reloading since Goldeneye, but alas I didn't become a game dev. I remember even holding the trigger on an empty gun before reloading in Goldeneye to simulate the "real time" it would take to reload. I may check this out.
@retrograde98xp7 2 жыл бұрын
9:55 No. 4 buck is good for preventing over penetration. Obviously drywall won't stop anything more powerful than mean words (and even against those its unreliable), but that isn't the only thing that you can over penetrate. Against humans, 00 buck will often over penetrate with enough energy to still be lethal. No.4 and below, while it may occasionally over penetrate, will have next to no energy by the time it leaves the target.
@nmpltleopardi 4 жыл бұрын
Apeiron's 7.62 high calibre + blue sun mod review purty please. Non weapon owners like me need to know if the supposed gun p_rno tier reelizm of that game/mod is legit. Congrats for another great video.
@Raith314 4 жыл бұрын
I wish the ranges were open :(
@JohnDoe-pk8lc 4 жыл бұрын
hop has a gaming channel? sign me in
@СергейБильмандо 4 жыл бұрын
Hey i used to play receiver a lot of years ago. Awesome. Didn't know about receiver 2.
@averagemordhauplayer4821 4 жыл бұрын
Love the Paul Harrell mention!
@matteblack5805 4 жыл бұрын
I didn't know you had a gaming channel. I just came from tfbtv watching your video on the beretta 9000 (to justify the purchase of my own), and I saw one of my favorite games had a sequel. I thought the voice was familiar lol
@baker90338 4 жыл бұрын
Matte Black it started the other way around for me. Started with this, got to TFB, Then discovered hop last.
@Artem18942 4 жыл бұрын
Usually when a character tries to shoot himself (I usually already have a semi-automatic pistol at this time), as soon as he starts aiming at the head, I start pulling R and the character unloads his gun.
@gabrielloko30000 4 жыл бұрын
This is a Gun Porn that i could smell Roland making a video about it, miles away
@arnantphongsatha7906 4 жыл бұрын
Never thought I'd get to see Stephen King packing heat.
@joaovitorsilvagohl682 4 жыл бұрын
he is also a tfb tv reviwer
@oli36999 4 жыл бұрын
If you're tripping over your guns while going somewhere that's improper storage of firearms.......idk if you were kidding or not but yeah advisory for newer gun owners. XD
@masonharris9166 4 жыл бұрын
Who says hes storing them?
@bansho7076 3 жыл бұрын
I'm gonna miss the Mona Marshall voice, but time goes on.
@TheEmeraldSword04 3 жыл бұрын
the penalty for dying may be annoying, but it's probably that strict so you fear dying and become more immersed because you don't want to die irl. (at least I hope you do, if you don't... are you okay?) but the fact it does that when you log off is kind of busted.
@ShatteredAce 4 жыл бұрын
Glocks are fun, no doubt this game has them. I wonder if it has my HK VP9, now THAT is my baby! Side notes: Holy crap your voice changed in a couple of years. And secondly, I got into Receiver 1, but my comp back then hated it. I'm gonna check this out though, since I like the additional stuff I'm seeing. Cheers!
@CaseyBoller 4 жыл бұрын
Was only disappointed that the shotguns and bolty from the mod for receiver 1 didn't make it in... hopefully mods do come out
@mr.squishy5024 4 жыл бұрын
I thought I recognized the voice and then there was a short clip of Hop. I didn't know he had a gaming channel lmao.
@007bistromath 3 жыл бұрын
now we just need an expansion or mod that lets you use a replica as a controller in VR
@Derpenscruben 3 жыл бұрын
Well, damn. I'm late to this party. But still adding my thoughts. Pleasantly surprised that this review is mostly positive; I thought this was going to be a negative review from the title. Only thing I'd challenge, though fully understand, is your stance on demotions on death. For me, I see it as a way of encouraging less deaths. In another way to put it, dying is more than a slap on the wrist. It is like.. Having to write "I won't do (X) again" on something in school; Or something similar. A reason to not just use the restart button because of a bad spawn; Or because I ran out of bullets and have a room with shock drones. Sure, means having to deal with the trash god Hi-Point Yeet gun on occasion. But it makes me more thankful when I have to use the SAA, Desert Eagle, or Glock.
@mintmag8748 4 жыл бұрын
Oh boy I'm looking forward to seeing this.
@RockSolitude 4 жыл бұрын
Holy crap I was wondering why your voice sounded so familiar Then you showed yourself shooting and its YOU (I forget your name) from TFBTV gun reviews!
@rockerlalee 4 жыл бұрын
Hey, glad to see you're back with more videos! What happened with your old reviews (A10MW, etc...)? Do you by chance have them uploaded somewhere? I really enjoyed them and I wonder what happened to them..
@solitudesf8111 4 жыл бұрын
holy shit, you got 10 years older in two weeks. the power of better microphone
@TheExaminedLifeofGaming 4 жыл бұрын
The voice over for those videos was also recorded about a year ago.
@infuriatedcanadian731 3 жыл бұрын
awesome video! Love your knowledge on everything!
@SalmonJonesTheMagnificent 4 жыл бұрын
In reciever 1 you can spin the cylinder in the model 10 with the cylinder in battery. Which bothered me greatly. A functional revolver that isn't like a Type 26 or some ancient iver johnson should never be able to do that without depressing the trigger slightly. Is that feature still there? Because that was both dumb and the only way it triggered my autism. t. somebody with well over 20 revolvers
@Snowfats 4 жыл бұрын
you can't spin the revolver cylinders in Receiver 2 if they are in battery
@Alexalexalexalex226 4 жыл бұрын
Ok now I’m buying receiver
@lisaisdeceased 8 ай бұрын
i thought it was implied that your character is a veteran of some kind? the tapes hint towards seeing yourself in the mirror as a target is a symptom of the training soldiers underwent in that universe, there are overarching themes around mental trauma etc. that would make the blinking, suicidal tendencies and limping after jumping a small height pretty expected
@MiseryDuke69 4 жыл бұрын
Is that the legend himself hop from TFBTV? I found my new favorite gaming channel
@ShiniSaba 4 жыл бұрын
Just some ammo saving tips, generally if you shoot a turret in the right area like the camera or ammo box you dont have to shoot it again, the turrent wont be able to shoot you, unless it has seen you prior, loaded a bullet and you choose to shoot out its ammo box. unloading into turrets was a habit I picked up in the first game but the hit detections and visual feedback is alot better now and some windows you dont have to shoot to jump through just tryem all if you need to save a few bullets
@TheExaminedLifeofGaming 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah but it's more fun to blast 'em.
@gustavosantos106 4 жыл бұрын
Mechanics are awesome. Now we need a real game with proper enemies with it. Maybe in Receiver 3.
@Winasaurus Жыл бұрын
I was fully expecting at the max rank to have to deal with humanoid enemies. Or, another Receiver. Imagine how terrifying that would be. You load in, don't hear turrets or drones, just wander around and pick up a tape or 2, then BOOM, bullet whips past you and it's either another human-target-person like yourself or a humanoid robot. It would add another reason for all the elevation as well, windows that turrets can never see now become potential sightlines for a stalking shooter. Same for the cover and bullet penetration, you only deal with it when you force a turret to shoot at you, but now you could have an enemy that will attempt to shoot through thin walls to counter-ambush you or use hard cover.
@Banzeken 4 жыл бұрын
Pitch shifting is a magical tool.
@brittongolfwang 3 жыл бұрын
holy crap i knew it, i knew i recognized that voice
@Mr.Man100 2 ай бұрын
Right when you shot that guy at 4:10 an ad played and cutoff the clip midshot, making it extremely funny>
@steven.2602 Жыл бұрын
my only real gripe with this game is how the game essentially forces you to be both slow and deliberate with your holster draw, I get why they did it, but the way its implemented I am not able to draw safe and deliberately as fast as -I- am able to, I have to wait for the game to catch up to me before I can continue. its kinda like if you didn't slowly, deliberately check where your gun was pointed periodically at it would just randomly go off. It's getting the player to practice good firearms safety in the most jarring, and inflexible way possible.
@22beesjustvibin67 2 жыл бұрын
ok as a person with glass shins i feel very seen by this game
@TheRealGears 4 жыл бұрын
Oh, yes. R2 shown a light on handguns that I never saw before. Neve before would I have considered owning a firearm in my home, but now? I understand the tool and may purchase one in the future. I'd hope to never need a gun for anything more than an afternoon at the range, though!
@DreadnoughtHvor 2 жыл бұрын
did you ever end up getting one?
@TheRealGears 2 жыл бұрын
@@DreadnoughtHvor nah not yet
@rayhill1 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheRealGears and now?
@TheRealGears 2 жыл бұрын
@@rayhill1 haha, yeah I'm saving up for something ;)
@marcusborderlands6177 3 ай бұрын
​@@TheRealGearsand now?
@stevemc6010 4 жыл бұрын
Gee Quarantine, we get TWO Hop videos in one day?
@Headcrabman9999 3 жыл бұрын
Have you ever considered reviewing the best doom mod ever made, Hideous Destructor? It seems right up your alley.
@TheExaminedLifeofGaming 3 жыл бұрын
Mav, how many alts do you even have.
@Headcrabman9999 3 жыл бұрын
@@TheExaminedLifeofGaming I am very fortunately not an alt, just someone with excellent taste.
@Jetbat 4 жыл бұрын
Great review. Yeah I'm really loving this game.
@TheEmeraldSword04 3 жыл бұрын
4:05 that was a well timed ad.
@karwler4993 4 жыл бұрын
This looks incredibly fun!
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