Shade - Glare Block - Shroud - Visor for Red Sea ReefLED 90 Reef LED 90- ebay seller PRINKINK
@BLOCKPARTY02 Жыл бұрын
Can I ask what percentage you run your lights at
@reeferexplained8846 Жыл бұрын
Yep, I am running a light schedule from 10 am till 6 pm =8hrs for the white set, ramping up to 8% from 12-4 max 8%.The Blues ramping up to 50% only 50% 12-4 after 6pm then the moon light is on from, 6pm - 10.30pm ramping up 25%. Cloud ☁️ mode single cloud 4-5, I've heard that gonipora coral do not require a hep of light and keeping the white down have also heard that helps not to promote algae.
@reeferexplained8846 Жыл бұрын
Also forgot to mention that this is on 20k mode
@BLOCKPARTY02 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for getting back to me. I’ve got the e170 and have one reefled 90. And trying to find a decent light setting. Currently on 11am-8pm Lights ramp up for an hour and peak at 70% blue and 25% I have one but of sps a and a few lps. But just wit ding if my lights need to be that high. Tank looks great btw
@reeferexplained8846 Жыл бұрын
@BLOCKPARTY02 @BLOCKPARTY02 Hi, you should share the E170. I have 6 SPS corals, and they are growing under the 20k 50% at 4hours . I would check the kinds of corals 🪸 names and see the light demands. The only way to be sure is to do a par reading. I would say 70% should be fine on and whites seems OK at 25%. How old is the tank? They always say set the lights and leave it alone. If your corals are not showing signs of stress and not having algae growing, then be should be fine.