My son's buzzy dream quite a few years back now before 2020. Btw he's now living in Rotorua. Had a buzzy dream this arvo. I was on this island in the pacific and i was under this coconut tree on this hill watching this massive war. The ocean was full with waka all fighting. Then I remember seeing this one waka that appeared on the horizon and for some reason, it was familiar to me. Then this whānau ran past me. First the women and children then the men. One of them seemed like a Rangatira. They went down to the beach and met that waka that I seen on the horizon. I sneakily followed them and then one of them noticed me and the warriors on the waka got off and started to haka against me and were gonna give me a good hiding and probs eat me. Then this angel appeared and hid me and they stopped, looked confused and then carried on as normal. Then the one seemed like the Rangatira then said, “ E Kupe, hakatinanatia te ara ki te whenua o Hokianga.” (" Kupe, tell me how to get to Hokianga.") Then Kupe said, “ E Nukutawhiti, puritia Ko Tamanui te Ra, ko kōpū ki to matau, ko Te ika a Maui ka tau." "Nukutawhiti, keep Tamanui te ra and kopu (Venus) to your right and you’ll see it.") Then the angel took me up into space and then back down and I was standing at the prow of the waka and Nukutawhiti, was talking to his waka. Then it clicked, that I was standing on Ngatokimatawhaorua and that’s why it seemed familiar. The angel then said to me, “ I wanted to show you this.” What it was, were the stars and I seen Te matau a Maui constellation and what it did was pull the Milky Way across the sky. I then said,” he aha te tohu?” Then the angel said “Ko te matau a Maui e kumea ana i a ikaroa ka tau ki Te pae o Te whenua." (The hook of Maui pulls the milkyway across the sky and when it settles on the horizon…) and just as the angel said this.. Kuramarotini cried out “He ao, he ao, he Aotearoa” The angel knew i didnt quite get what was said to me he then explained that, " When you hear the story of Maui fishing up tona ika, this is what was seen. The hook of Maui pulls Ikanui across the sky then Ikanui settles on the horizon, when day breaks, Te Ika a Maui is seen." Then I awoke.