The ‘Problem’ of Pirates & Crime Explained in Eve Online

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Resurrected Starships

Resurrected Starships

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@allenfogarty2384 3 жыл бұрын
You do not need any special bonus or incentives to get players to be jerks. They do it naturally.
@brycesumrall7248 3 жыл бұрын
Eve is savage and i love it. Makes success so much more rewarding.
@alexanderredhorse1297 3 жыл бұрын
only thing preventing that is a real world ass whooping. something most people are incapable of defending themselves from
@sevensixxtwo-l2r 2 жыл бұрын
@Obi1kenobi10 2 жыл бұрын
I hate PvP. I just got started 6 days ago. I've been ganked 6 times. Had to start a new toon since my 1st one couldn't afford a free pod.
@masterroshi9001 2 жыл бұрын
but there shouod be incentives to be an honorable pirate rather than a murderhobo
@BrunoMoozika 3 жыл бұрын
For me my issue with piracy in EVE Online as it stands now is that encourages people to ruin the day of other players, for none or little rewards. Getting ganked in your hauler so they can steal your goods is good gameplay and makes sense, but most of the ganks are purely for the rush to ruin other people's day and see them cry in many cases. Never I had someone that would tackle me at a gate and asked for a payment or my cargo for them to spare my ship, they immediately go for the kill to get their rush. And in some cases I was suicide ganked in a empty hauler just so the "pirate" could smartbomb my pod and kill my expensive implants, although he wouldn't make a single isk out of it. And since criminals can just use structures in hisec to keep their ships safe from the police, while they wait for a victim, and get all their supplies in with an alt, negative security status doesn't really prevent them from being in hisec all the time. While piracy is a crucial part of the game, the current system just seems flawed and illogical. Criminals with a very negative status should not be able to dock at all in hisec, or get tethered at player structures, they should basically be locked out of hisec until they were able to get their security status over -5. Also liked your suggestion about pirates being able to get bonuses for negative security, or special skins for their pirate ships.
@aresdesiderata8959 3 жыл бұрын
It's the thrill of competition. The reason most people go for easy kills is because they're weak and pathetic and can't solo pvp.
@CyrilSneer123 2 жыл бұрын
@Nyessa Eve is not for you. The danger and the risk is what makes eve great.
@masterroshi9001 2 жыл бұрын
honestly NPC police forces should be deployed when you get close enough to a high-sec planet or structure
@legendaryone696 2 жыл бұрын
@@CyrilSneer123 hard disagree 😂, there's much more to that "game" than danger and risk that makes it great. And you'll hear it often that "eve is for everyone"
@HuntingTarg 2 жыл бұрын
@@masterroshi9001 From Eve University; "CONCORD exists to punish the offender, not to protect the victim."
@oceanpete36 3 жыл бұрын
'you plot a course from Jita, to Hek'.....well that was your first mistake.
@Dozornui 3 жыл бұрын
second - enter popular 'shortcut' low-sec route on cargo ship :P
@scarlet.scars9696 3 жыл бұрын
pirates and serial killers. I feel like the 2 terms are being confused. I used to played as a "True Pirate" often letting my victims leave unharmed, just a little less wealthy. ;)
@kafrikotroll8610 2 жыл бұрын
True! I call them terrorists. They have nothing bro do with real piracy.
@darkkenzi 2 жыл бұрын
@@kafrikotroll8610 TruDAT
@HuntingTarg 2 жыл бұрын
@@kafrikotroll8610 serial killers seems to more aptly describe the mindset, esp 'podders', those who pod first and ask questions never.
@esmolol4091 Жыл бұрын
well, this is good roleplay. I can accept that. Even though I just stay in 1.0 or 0.9 sec status with heavily buffed ships. If there were more pirates like you, who talk before shooting, I would travel more into low or null. But since some people just like to kill, it becomes non profitable for me to go into low. I just got killed with my miasmos the other day the funny thing, I didn't even had any cargo inside it. It was just an empty shell. Just got killed for nothing.
@esmolol4091 Жыл бұрын
@@billnudethesciencedude Games show the real character of people, so, if you like to take hostages, you might have an issue.
@jonathanbaker4361 2 жыл бұрын
No love for pirates here. Folks that go that far out of their way to be scum when there are no perks. Vile for the sake of being vile. That's a desperate kind of sociopathy. Reminds me why we have laws in the first place, and why no law can stop every crime. That's why I support capital punishment.
@alexgorski1806 2 жыл бұрын
Its also super annoying that the game developers knowingly implement systems to help and purposely hinder players. The stupid tornado should never have had just enough alpha to kill any hauler in highsec.... also never putting in armed haulers/ transports. yea you had tanky ones but that meant nothing when a frig could lock you down for his buddies to show up. I guess it was whatever when you could just use Redfrog.
@HuntingTarg 2 жыл бұрын
Capital punishment doesn't really exist in Eve, or even real death for that matter. That might be a big reason there's such persistent (and notorious, even among non-players) criminal behavior in-game. IMO, Capital punishment isn't supposed to be a deterrent; it's supposed to be the ultimate (and final) last resort for those who are demonstratedly unwilling to conform & submit to civilized life. "Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man." -From Genesis 8, King James Bible
@Crypto_prod35 8 ай бұрын
Skill issue
@jonathanbaker4361 8 ай бұрын
@crypto_TSH lol yes because everyone with skill lacks conscience and approves evil. Whatever you say.
@Crypto_prod35 8 ай бұрын
@@jonathanbaker4361 Git gud
@VanuOfMILF 2 жыл бұрын
Piracy never really existed in Eve because the mechanics never supported it. "Pirates" are actually "big game hunters". They want the killmail and killmarks. The closest eve gets to actual pirates are trade hub/route suicide gankers who steal cargo. To change this would probably require: - Non-contiguous highsec between the empires - Resources necessary for production that can only be acquired in lowsec, preferably for the "pirate" class of ships through missions/pve related to the pirate factions.
@jimmydean3076 2 жыл бұрын
it boils down to the age old MMO question. do PVPers and PKers really need special gear or rewards or skills to make them better at pvp. the answer is, and any true pvper/pker will say this, NO! every single game that introduces some form of PVP gear, or unique skills to make you a better pvp actually destroys the entire pvp scene. thats what makes pvpers scary adversaries is that theyre hungry for your shiny breastplate and all they have is some leather scraps. theyre still gonna fight with you and try to use their pvp knowledge to separate your tacticool wealth from the inventory its sitting in.
@gregtyler4002 3 жыл бұрын
EVE is a really fantastic game. Fundamentally, I know a lot about the game. I’ve tried about every aspect of EVE over a 10y timeframe. I enjoy only using one account and I enjoy being able to play content solo with my 115mil SP. But… these two reasons are why I have no place playing EVE in low or null. There’s only so much to do in hs before boredom takes over. Last gate camp that killed me was enough to inspire me to quit. My fault for getting caught. EVE just has 1 less paying player now, but how many are like me?? 🤔
@srenclausen8534 3 жыл бұрын
That is fair enough. I have not played eve for long, less then a year. I did play ultima online when it came out, and in the beginning everything was like low sec in uo. But I liked it, gives excitement. I am not good enough at eve to pvp, but I do exploration in low null and wormhole, and to me it would be boring if there was no danger to it.
@tragik78 3 жыл бұрын
I am like you. Though i think i am only like 68 million SP but 47 billion in ISK and assets. The game is designed to make you lose ISK so you have to buy plex or grind for ISK, i find a casino with better odds. Though this game is great for those who like that cut throat PVP and you lose your investment.
@Zagoreni02A 2 жыл бұрын
You were not alone. After my last debacle at low sec gate, i quit and didn't return for almost 5 years. I return in 2020 during quarantine. I still play it from time to time but not every month. Game is great but because of some people you simply want to quit. I definitly don't want a blood pressure to go up because of a game.
@Zm0r 2 жыл бұрын
Late response incoming. I play with 1 account, i have 2 inactive accounts that i haavent plexed in over 2 years. I dont have a problem playing the game with 1 account, i can make isk and find fights. Trick is finding a decent corp or an alliance that you can play with. I live exclusively in null and i havent been to high sec since deactivating 2 of my accounts. I strugle with isk but thats just cause i am lazy to grind it.
@HuntingTarg 2 жыл бұрын
@@Zm0r Good on you for confessing your shortcomings instead of whining about the game. Lots of complaints I hear about seem to be much more emotional dissatisfaction than problems with game mechanics. The problem seems to me to be that Eve is fair as a game; it's players who are unfair and (as the uploader has pointed out in another video) thoughtlessly or sometimes purposefully treat other players as impersonal game elements and not as other players.
@roguedrones 3 жыл бұрын
Best idea : pirate ships get bonuses with negative sec status.
@MrPatchPlays 3 жыл бұрын
And drawbacks with positive sec status
@lucienArindelDomingo 2 жыл бұрын
Do that! I like it
@HuntingTarg 2 жыл бұрын
IMO Piracy needs no incentive besides something creative to make multiboxing with 'fence' accounts unnecessary.
@draqolas2695 3 жыл бұрын
Low sec and high sec so-called pirates are not pirates. It's an offense to any pirate! They are simple grievers.
@ismaeel747 3 жыл бұрын
Personally hate piracy (despite it actually being a relatively common activity of my corp), I just don't like ruining people's days even if they are making dumb decisions. I've actually sat on high sec gate camps with a cheap logi ship just to counter them in the past :D. The only time I don't mind blowing up other players is when we are at war or if they are pirates. I'm still quite new (maybe 2 months in now) my ultimate goal is probably to get to wormhole space and then I think my attitude will change. I quite like the idea of a wormhole opens in a system and players within two jumps better be afraid as the death fleet comes through (but wouldn't just gate camp). :D
@Morrodin182 3 жыл бұрын
well that is a good attitude to have. To be honest though I personally wouldn't even consider pvp in wormholes to be akin to piracy. (more like a Wild West situation) Also piracy in low sec space I fully understand and support. You know up front that when you go there, you will hardly be protected and it is called low sec for a reason. Actually the only sort of PVP in EVE I dislike with a passion are suicide ganks. It is simply an abuse of numbers without any real fear of retaliation. Personally I lost twice a fully fitted Tengu to such ganks (over 10 year of gaming, so could be worse) each time the loss was at least a billion ISK though. If you compare this to the cheap fits gankers fly in it is atrocious that CCP not only allows this but actually thinks it 'the right way' to play EVE. I guess that is one of the reasons I only come back to EVE when I am 100% bored with all other games.
@zenzen7054 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with you ^ A suicide gank in something like a 0.5 system isn't too bad they tend to be sketchier areas but when your in a 0.9+ system and get popped it's a bit on the asinine side. After about 6-7 years in game I've watched countless new players quit from these ganks. Don't quote me on this, but last I checked suicide ganking is supposed to be an exploit now. However I don't think it's going away any time soon. It seems like Eve is going to self destruct on itself at this rate if it is an exploit the gankers did not get the memo XD.
@CyrilSneer123 2 жыл бұрын
@@zenzen7054 You're never safe anywhere in Eve aside from sitting in a NPC station. That has always been the case. So many carebear comments on this thread. Eve is not for you.
@zenzen7054 2 жыл бұрын
Giving new players a bit of breathing room is not such a bad idea, it gives PVP players something new to shoot at instead of the bots that filled the faction warfare zones. Never undocking might not be a bad idea for some players, the richest ones never undock at all and instead simply play the market or run large alliances. However, hey if you think I am a carebear pilot my current username in game is Mio Suzuki and I am in the Mod system. I will be more than happy to trade blows even if I lose the ship, it's nothing, I can't make back in a short amount of time. I will do you one better message me in game a time and place, bring a gate camp too I don't mind. I will fight you with my Alpha clone in a PVE fit tormenter. I might not win but I won't back down. :P
@dag_of_the_west5416 2 жыл бұрын
@@Morrodin182 I used to figure out what fits the nearby gankers were flying and then buy up all that type of weapon and ammo. Then would sell it at 10 times the normal price. I'd like to think that I slowed them down a bit and made them rethink ganking new players flying empty haulers.
@morganashleystevens1216 3 жыл бұрын
I've been on both sides of a gate camp, both sides of a hi-sec gank. Best way to learn the game.
@Morrodin182 3 жыл бұрын
As someone who has been twice at the receiving end of a hi-sec gank (over the course of 10 or so years that is not too bad) I do have to ask: Why would you want to ruin someone's game experience only to receive a small thrill of 5 minutes (if it lasts that long)? I genuinely want to know because getting satisfaction out of other people's misery/pain/mourning/regret is totally strange to me.
@BrunoMoozika 3 жыл бұрын
@@Morrodin182 best way for you to learn is to create a ganker alt and try it. You will also learn how to avoid ganks by participating in those.
@Morrodin182 3 жыл бұрын
@@BrunoMoozika I think you missed my point. I think high sec ganking is one of the most toxic things you can do. As I said in my previous post ... getting fun out of the misery of other players is foreign to me, coupled with the fact that ganking relies on numbers over skill makes it despicable in my book. So, no ... I will never make a ganker alt. Just to finish: I realize this is not the position of most EVE players and even CCP is perfectly fine with it. In other words a lot of people, probably you included, don't feel the way I do about it. I just hope (against better judgement) that maybe one or two gankers, read my words and feel some empathy for the victims they make.
@BrunoMoozika 3 жыл бұрын
@@Morrodin182 I got what you meant, but if you REALLY wanted to answer your question on why they do it you would need to experience it yourself. But if it's something you're unwilling to do that's fine, I don't enjoy ganking either, and to be honest doesn't really matter in the end if you understand why they do it, they will do it regardless.
@Morrodin182 3 жыл бұрын
@@BrunoMoozika You know I also want to know what goes on in the mind of a killer or rapist... so according to your logic I should kill and rape people? That makes no sense. You can get knowledge from people without falling to their level. But yeah I am the classic example of the 'care bear' and to be honest if I have to choose between being a ganker and care bear... I'll be a cuddly bear with a heart on his chest every day. If there was a PVE oriented game in the style of EVE I wouldn't even bother playing the game at all. Alas there is not, which means: a)I don't play any sci fi space sim MMO while I enjoy that setting tremendously or b) play EVE sometimes, try to keep my head low, feel anxious when I see more than 5 ships enter local at the same time.
@thedownsides 2 жыл бұрын
There needs to be a distinction here: Pirates and pvpers are often not the same type. Pirates will shoot at anything on sight no matter the ship type and as long as the engagement is risk free for them. You will rarely see them solo and when they are, they will probably be very reluctant to engage. Pvpers on the other hand, prefer targets that can shoot back and will sometimes engage even when odds are against them because it's the thrill of combat they're after. Of course, pirates can be pvpers and vice versa.
@kafrikotroll8610 2 жыл бұрын
You are so wrong. As I said above there is a huge difference between pirates and terrorists in the game. Real pirates will ransom you , terrorists will destroy you on sight!
@HuntingTarg 2 жыл бұрын
@@kafrikotroll8610 What you're making a distinction in, most players don't; "Pirates will shoot at anything on sight no matter the ship type and as long as the engagement is risk-free for them." I think is a fair, broad definition of a pirate in Eve [CONCORD nothwithstanding]. 'Terrorism' as you put it is simply 'blowing things up for the sake of blowing things up', which is closer to a definition of pyromania or demolimania than RL terrorism, which encompasses more that mere acts of violence. Terrorism isn't about destruction, it's about fear and submission to rule or manipulation. Whatever actually happens, if one does not yield to fear, one is not being terrorized: The antidote to terrorism is not arms or police or soldiers; it is courage.
@gian5602 Жыл бұрын
Not really true as I do both: Gatecamp but also solo pvp in plexes
@thedownsides Жыл бұрын
@@gian5602 my last phrase
@crazycoolclips 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this, you have inspired me to become a pirate hunter, my goal will be to master the ability to destroy gankers, ruin their ability to enjoy the game to the best of my ability. Having a purpose in game will make it so much more enjoyable. Bringing misery to those who bring misery to others is a worthy goal.
@MedioEspa 3 жыл бұрын
I tried kind of a pseudo form of piracy. I play a Blaster-Venture with 2 warp scrams and an MWD. What I do is hunt for Ventures who enter Low sec. Most Ventures will not warp away, if another Venture is on the grid, plus you have enough space in your ship to take the miners ore.
@danielkjarsgaard3704 Жыл бұрын
The fact that this video was made answers the question it poses. The conflict between player play styles is what drives people to play the game. The drama that is created from what pve players think about pirates, and what pvp players think of them, is what gives people a huge desire to keep playing the game. It's a fictional world, but it simulates real conflict through it's play style discrepancies. I will quote Richard Garfield, the creator of Magic:The Gathering, the world's most popular trading card game, to help me prove my point. As he stated "I really like mechanics that people love and hate, and would rather do those than mechanics that everybody thinks is ok."
@isimiel3405 3 жыл бұрын
ugggghhhhhh the thought of hauling is more nightmarish than losing a 3M ship
@xtheory 2 жыл бұрын
Depending where you're a pirate, it can be very lucrative to be a pirate. Unsophisticated pirates camp gates all day long on the oft chance of an unsuspecting ship jumping in. The wiser ones stalk particular people known to carry valuables, like freighters and site runners with blinged out ships. We'll follow you with alts in highsec and learn your habits and routes, or we'll wait cloaked up to watch you scan out a site or warp to a high level mission that put you in our territory. Depending on the pirate, we might ransom you or pray the the RNG Gods to give us a good drop from the loot drop of your ship. Also, since more wormholes to nullsec and high-tier wormholes spawn in lowsec than highsec we'll scan down wormhole chains to ambush ratters or also run some sites ourselves, whether than be sucking up valuable wormhole gas or popping Sleepers (or people killing Sleepers) for their pricey ship fits. To say there is no benefit to being a pirate is to be a bit ignorant to the freedom of the lifestyle. Most of us have alts who can easily supply us with all we need and also make a profit seeding the local lowsec market (both pirate and faction warfare) with needed items. We can also make vast amounts of money selling docking rights to Citadels and Keepstars to major nullsec alliances to provide them with shortcuts to theatres of war.
@HuntingTarg 2 жыл бұрын
But see, you (the pirate community in general) need 'fences' (a go-between who 'launders' money and merchandise between criminals and honest merchants) to get you what you need from hisec, and basically 'bait' the lowsec economy to maintain traffic there. If your fences are alts and not other players whom you don't attack and don't mind what you do, then you're artificially sustaining an entire economic segment through multiboxing because you like the playstyle. It's a game, I'm not attacking the playstyle; I'm saying it wouldn't be sustainable without that critical social workaround.
@volatilesky 3 жыл бұрын
Did the pirate life die a year a long time ago - it's fun but also really not lucrative, like at all. There's some mechanics for it, but not enough (and most of us wanted combat piracy, not scamming). Largely I think the game needs to have resources be better distributed - there needs to be actual incentive to take and hold lowsec. Certain goods only get seeded, only certain minerals, missions, or SOMETHING which is an actual bonus compared to pretty much only negatives to being at -10 status.
@sureno1833 Жыл бұрын
So, basically you want them to make game even more suited for you? Cool. I hope they do, I am not playing this game outside the Jita station for more then a year now. In fact, my whole corporation stopped playing this game. We have clones in all big trading centers and we just jump into them as needed. You destroyed this game for normal people, it is dead already. But most important thing is that I now have only 9 accounts, only one of which is omega. I used to have 34, all omega. Now I cant care less for this garbage game. I spent more then 500 euros on this game per month, I enjoyed it. No money from me anymore, lol.
@Crypto_prod35 Жыл бұрын
I became a pirate and for me it was profitable
@Gamerznation704 3 жыл бұрын
The thing is, they reign supreme in low sec and they disrupt the flow of Faction Warfare imo. I'm not taking a fight with a pirate when I fly faction I will always *run* from pirates because the fight is meaningless. Like this summer when the warzones were flipping, why would I take a fight with a pirate when I'm trying to push systems back to my respective side. I guess on the inverse pirates get no LP for fights, so they too aren't gaining much. I think in theory, more pirates should be going after ESS's and forming in null sec than in low sec. Pirates should actually live there but obviously lower level pirate groups can only afford low sec. The *resources* that we desire from a faction standpoint is moon ore, and that is whats highly contested I guess ironically the moon ore isn't what they want they just want the kill. Interesting video.
@jordanbauerly8843 3 жыл бұрын
The fight is meaningless because they will have like 3+ friends waiting to jump in and buttfuck you while they use their specially tanked tackle to pin you in place.
@HuntingTarg 2 жыл бұрын
Hey KZbin, where's that '1 reply' ?! #censorship Anyways... I think pirates don't live or camp/gank in nullsec because there's little newb traffic there, and because pirates who cause any real trouble in nullsec get crushed by alliance fleets.
@dag_of_the_west5416 2 жыл бұрын
@@HuntingTarg good chance it wasn't censorship but rather someone spamming some commercial link which is clearly against the EULA. You can defend the bots rights all you want, the bot still won't feel good/bad about it, it's just a bot.
@jetfighter200 2 жыл бұрын
whale hunting in NPSI fleets are also a lot of fun.. the No.1 rule in EVE is "Never fly something (or with something in the cargo) you can't afford to lose."
@malignusrex3968 2 жыл бұрын
I've never been a pirate. However, I love that they are there. Never in any other form of entertainment, have I experienced the fear that is real in Eve. Just the constant awareness that they are always out there somewhere gives me an experience that I can't find anywhere else. The fear is real. The loss is real. Your anti-piracy tactics had better be real. I wouldn't trade it for the world. Those who can't handle it should go play X4 or Stellaris or something. They shouldn't cry out for this game to be destroyed to cater to their fear. That fear is what pumps the adrenaline. "Don't fly with what you can't afford to lose" is the oldest saying in the Eve book. I hope they stay away from the "pay to win" BS and last another 20 years.
@darkkenzi 2 жыл бұрын
Well the P2W BS is here enjoy the short ride left if ya want to to pony up to keep up mwahahahahahahahaaaaa says PA.
@jamescrone1588 2 жыл бұрын
Try ark survival evolved 😉🤣🤣
@malignusrex3968 2 жыл бұрын
I guess I will just have to wait around for some enterprising dreamer, who loves space sims, to realize the holy grail. That would be (to me) the perfect union of Eve, Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen and No Man's Sky. It will likely not happen in my lifetime. I guess my ghost will have to haunt some geeky dudes sometime off in the far future. I will have to possess them to get some game time in.
@ImVeryOriginal Жыл бұрын
Same here. I got into EVE excited to do exploring and I almost immediately went out to lowsec where of course I started getting hunted and killed by pirates. The adrenaline is REAL. I did my reasearch and learned to avoid dangers, leveled up to fly the Astero and became practically uncatchable. Eventually I found I enjoy finding targets and tackling people for more PvP oriented corpmates, but I barely scraped the surface with combat PvP. You can definitely appreciate the pirates being there without actually fighting them - learning to prepare and evade is also a form of PvP!
@malignusrex3968 Жыл бұрын
@@ImVeryOriginal Well said.
@TC-xh5wp 3 жыл бұрын
Only to end with you being a pirate. Well done!
@Omniroc 3 жыл бұрын
I think Eve should take inspiration from the Caribbean age of piracy. Most pirates would be black listed by other pirates if they shot first and never asked questions. Most pirates wanted money, be it gold, goods, sea charts, etc... They usually, as a rule, left the crew alive. If a crew thought that a pirate wanted just their cargo and not their lives, they surrendered easily, gave up the goods, and left. A surrender was much more profitable than a kill. And if people knew you were a killer type, they fought back, never surrendered, and sometimes destroyed the cargo outta spite since they were dead anyway. A system like that in Eve would be awesome. A weapon to cripple but not damage a target, or a weapon that can't kill but can reduce a ship to next to nothing would be fun. Then add a system to quickly ask for a surrender and all of their loot. A I'm a pirate and I want your stuff button. And conversely an easy, ok discharge my cargo please spare my ship button. This would make the game more fun and a lot less annoying. Loosing cargo vs loosing a ship or pod is an easy choice. Have offering that choice not ruin your security status so you can profit from it would make it more fun. Right now piracy is just kill for fun, not for loot so only kill happy people do it. If the game allowed for it to be profitable and less impactful it might become a new system. Where a pirate is not a hunter killer but a businessman who just wants to steal and sell product. It might also allow for escort fleets to be used and create pvp events between pirates and corps for profit, not just destruction. I think this would be more entertaining and cause less bad blood. Which for me is funner. Oops I lost my cargo cause I risked low-sec is a lot better than I lost everything including my pod just so someone can see me. explode
@jesseamaya4413 2 жыл бұрын
Damm that makes sense, ain't gonna happen.
@RenlangRen 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who used to fly in a small time pirate corp, I don’t think you understand what motivates pirates in eve. Most pirates in Eve like to fight. It is really hard to make a lot of money with piracy in Eve. It is much easier making money in trading and industry. This is especially true if one considers how expensive nice ships are, and the fact that if you engage in pvp you are going to loose ships eventually. Pirates in eve are not afraid to loose ships, or even be podded. I hated losing fights more than ships or even my pod. But I enjoy the hunt and fight, and tend to enjoy being hunted as well. It was not about money, but the excitement of the fight.
@jamesmaybrick2001 2 жыл бұрын
@@RenlangRen The Good Fight is the reward! "Piracy" isnt really a thing (i know it was decades ago). Ganking is what i think the OP is trying to talk about.
@dag_of_the_west5416 2 жыл бұрын
I used to love watching videos of this guy flying something like a combat Heron and he would get jumped by 5 pirates and waste 3 of them and the other 2 would run away. Now that's some PVP.
@HuntingTarg 2 жыл бұрын
@@dag_of_the_west5416 That's the kind of player that doesn't carebear or burnout or rage-quit. The vast majority of RL criminals look for the weak and timid, not 'hard targets' able and willing to put up a fight. #warriorpoets ST:TNG, Season 2, Episode 21, "Peak Performance"
@tuxsords2174 3 жыл бұрын
I came here because I saw the Blacklight retribution skull logo on the thumbnail. Ended up watching the rest. Interesting points
@j1tah868 3 жыл бұрын
Asset safety stations are a lowsec-unique piracy hotspot and can net you some really shiny loot and somewhat regular income
@jasonwaltman3566 Жыл бұрын
I've had a long time off and on affair with EvE. You make a great point about the lack of "perks" for criminal status and I agree that could spice up the game quite a bit. Still ..... Gate camping .... It's fish in a barrel. Special Olympics. I've never felt the warp vs disruption mechanics were any good. There should have to be a heavier investment in tackling a larger size class ship. Other than that I would agree that low sec "pirates" get the short end of the rewards stick.
@merimac_1318 3 жыл бұрын
pirates very rarely engage alone. So fighting with them is in most cases waste of time and ship plus low sec npc stations gives unthinkable level of protection. They got scouts system of 2 before you even approach low sec gate just to counter your ships. (Camping low sec gate with carrier rapier and arazu to kill my occator for example) You m8 talk about low sec pirates in singular way but the individuals who solo and be a pirates in low sec or any sec are extremely rare. Does those happens yes... but 9 out of 10 cases it will be a group camping or killing something with ships chosen to counter opponent. So yeah, not even the "fear" but "what's the point" kind of thinking
@jordanbauerly8843 3 жыл бұрын
They are almost allways well planned kill ops. Theres really no room for any negotiation, and the level of effort people will go through for a fat KM is absolutely disgusting.
@merimac_1318 3 жыл бұрын
@@jordanbauerly8843 Hence what i described. Plus it is actually normal behaviour. No one likes to loose ships so they counter you as hard as they can not to take losses. Like in real life being a group of thugs. If something is approaching that have a knife with it you do what? You not going to get that dude alone if you have a chance to group up with 2 other and take guns with you. That's why i highly respect ppl who roam solo or even dualbox with +1. The risk vs reward is shit but risk vs excitement and fun is incomparable.
@CMDR_Verm Жыл бұрын
I played Eve for 14 years from 2004 and was constantly amazed by the reactions of new players who did not seem to realise just how harsh the environment could be, especially considering the amount of KZbin videos saying just that. I made plenty of rookie errors as I learnt to play but the most important was ''don't fly what you can't afford to lose''. That was in the days when ship insurance was astronomical. Oh for the good old days when New Eden was empty haha. Then one day you couldn't enter a system without some lowlife claiming this space was his or hers. You either adapted or died. Good luck to all Eve pilots, you'll need it 🙂
@sureno1833 Жыл бұрын
Game is garbage. It is not "hard", it is not "demanding" and especially- you do not need to be intelligent to be good at it. All you have to do is to follow narrow path and you are good. "Narrow" being the most important word.
@Crypto_prod35 Жыл бұрын
I'm a pirate in Eve and what I do is fly in a certain area in low sec. I usually let new players go past as I have sympathy but if an experienced player comes my way I have no issue taking their loot after destroying them.
@johnpatz8395 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve got not issue with low and null sec piracy, but my issue has always been with scamming and Corp theft in high sec. I understand CCP’s logic that “ well, these things happen in real life, so they are allowed in game.” But the problem is, that yes theft exists in real life, but there are actually actual punishments for creaking that law, but in Eve there isn’t any real negative effect, other than possibly a short term inconvenience after committing the crime. As for the video, most people pirate for two reasons, first is the isk they make from their piracy, or the second I’d that they enjoy ruining things for others. The whole “pirates are neglected class” is laughable since when I years I played, almost every change within high sec we’re done such to either benefit pirates and bankers or have no effect on them, and I actually can’t remember any changes that were actually bad for them.
@resurrectedstarships 3 жыл бұрын
Perhaps I should have mentioned in the video - the most common form of neg ten 'pirate', the ones who are simply looking for good fights in lowsec, the type that might kill a noob, then refund their ship with extra, and teach them. WE deserve SOMETHING dammit. And no, there is no real isk in this gameplay - sometimes the gatecamp pays but not that often.
@johnpatz8395 3 жыл бұрын
@@resurrectedstarships yeah, I ran into one of those guys when I first started playing and jumped into a low sec system, fairly close to Jita. We chatted a bit, he gave me a ton of tips and enough to buy a set of +2 implants. I doubt most low sec camps make much, but the high sec tanking can make you a lot, or at least it could when I was playing, although it’s been several years since I played. I stopped playing right around the time they introduced space Barbies
@Worgrunner 3 жыл бұрын
@@resurrectedstarships There are high value things in low and null sec. Namely exploration sites that drop valuable materials. Some of my best memories in EVE are racing, running, and hiding from pirates while trying to finish those sorts of camps and return my loot to the markets in high sec. That said, I'd love to see more pirate mechanics in EVE that encourage engagement between players. First of all, I think having some high value sites that require more than one pilot, to encourage explorers to group up a bit, could be nice. I'd never engage pirates when running solo, but if I had fleetmates and felt like I had a chance? Sure. Also, maybe this would ruin the game, but what if the high sec empires were entirely isolated from each other by low sec jumps? The huge lengthening fo the high sec run between Amarr and Jita has me actively flying through that low sec pipe more often when I have a ship fit for escaping ganks. It also has me wanting to start an escort / convoy company because I think it'd be great fun. If traders had to haul through low sec to access the other markets, they might want to bring escorts to protect their haulers. Pirates would have more targets, players who want to PvP but don't want to be griefers have something to do. Also, give pirates more PVE content that's thematic. Let's have the empires doing NPC supply runs that players can sign up with to protect (payout if the haulers reach their destination), and pirates can drop on to gank. The tech is basically there for that. I think Eve's over relied on player generated sandbox content, and that's left some aspects of the game to wither. Nothing about the EVE pirate play-style (or fantasy) really appeals to me, but I'd love to have a reason to engage with them more, and an incentive to tame and civilize the wilds of low sec.
@HuntingTarg 2 жыл бұрын
@@Worgrunner Good read, good thoughts. I think the biggest issue is that many players new to eve don't get that, no matter how careful you are, PvP _will happen_ as you undock and move around the map. Some people don't accept and prepare for that, at least mentally, and so don't respond well when it happens. Eve is a sandbox game - but it is not, by virtue of that, a place to escape from the caprice, malice, cunning, and callousness humans are capable of.
@ChristopherSloane 3 жыл бұрын
Why I stopped playing. A gang of assholes wait for you on a gate and it is never a fair or decent fight, it's just a joke.
@CyrilSneer123 2 жыл бұрын
Then avoid going through that gate. Adapt, survive. Use check before you jump site. Learn the most common chokepoints and avoid them at peak times. Use filaments. Use Zkill for intel. Set autopilot to the low sec region you want to go to and ignore that route (this will be camped) - Now open your galaxy map and you likely find an alternate route from low populated high sec systems into that same low sec region. Less likely to be camped, now use check before you jump and Zkill to make sure .
@HuntingTarg 2 жыл бұрын
@@CyrilSneer123 "Set autopilot to the low sec region you want to go to and ignore that route..." This is how uselessly dangerous autopilot is in Eve.
@billnotice9957 3 жыл бұрын
As former EVE player ( 7 months out thank you SCARCITY!) I ran in terror from pirates. This is the first video that ever showed me why pirates should be respected. in 12 years for exactly one day I had a +4.96 Security rating. (I looted an allies ship jet can that got disconnected. Of course I returned it to him! ) Some of allies hassled me calling me a "pirate!" Thaks for the video. I hope EVE comes to it's senses and returns KERNITE and OMBER back to high Security space.
@HUNZY-qo3cv 3 жыл бұрын
Adapt and overcome.
@billnotice9957 3 жыл бұрын
@@HUNZY-qo3cv What? So I can provide you easy fat targets in Low Security space or worse? No thank you! I will let my shit rot in doomhelm first.
@brownboy534 3 жыл бұрын
@@billnotice9957 how about actually taking a bigger risk to enjoy your self
@billnotice9957 3 жыл бұрын
@@brownboy534 I was enjoying myself just fine TYVM!! My real life schedule ( Random days off, hours ) prohibit me from joining an alliance. TBH I have found other thing to do since leaving EVE ONLINE. Enjoy buying the those PLEX Cards to buy ships.
@brownboy534 3 жыл бұрын
@@billnotice9957 buying plex to buy ships lol
@moguldamongrel3054 2 жыл бұрын
Was a pirate once. Fun stuff. Pretty sure the Corp was full of alts since they disappeared for awhile. Either way, carved out my hunting grounds. Attacked anyone not supposed to be there, usually never destroyed them so no kill mails, and half the time I didn't want anything they had, when I went solo. Made alot of friends with miners/Indy guys though. It was always funny when they'd come back in warships but not know what there doing. The whole forming alliances bit. Used to love heading out with some buddies for small squad hunts, where we would try to get into even or unfair fights. Unfair against us not against them. Loved biting off more then I could chew. The pirate corp when it came back formed pirate alliances with other pirate corps, a mining corp, and a rather big time Industrialist, and locked down the jeon region. We got into a lot of fights against bigger and better opponents. Fun times. To bad it wasn't real.
@HuntingTarg 2 жыл бұрын
It was real in your mind.
@sreckocuvalo8110 3 жыл бұрын
I really, really want to play game like Eve, with spaceships, esthetics, and combat system. The problem is I HATE everything else in games like Eve, Free for all PvP MMO where you can lose everything if you get tired of the game for few weeks. Can anyone please recommend me at least a somewhat decent and similar single-player game?
@theshoeburger 3 жыл бұрын
Freelancer running the Discovery mod? It's like Eve but a whole lot more arcade-gamey. Good fun to spend some time on of a chill evening, plus RP is fun on there.
@markgomefxs7755 3 жыл бұрын
Well there is a game called X4: Foundations or if you like more mods theres X3AP. These games look good and i never played them myself but you can make fleets and stuff with enough work, and there are wars.
@ashtiboy 3 жыл бұрын
theres the inde game called astrox imperium! thats like a single player eve online try that one out
@Groza_Dallocort 3 жыл бұрын
In EVE Online if you store it in NPC stations your assets are rather safe
@resurrectedstarships 3 жыл бұрын
@@Groza_Dallocort That's true, someone has to actively trick you into giving something away. Unless you put EVERYTHING in your ship and it gets ganked lol - but who does that! Well some people do...
@trazyntheinfinite9895 2 жыл бұрын
I enjoy missions in 0.5 space. Easy money, sweet boom boom npc fleets exploding, on occasion get into low sec and mayhaps pvp a bit.
@Marinealver 3 жыл бұрын
The only "criminals" in EvE are hackers, and even then that is loosely defined.
@joshuaabe4832 Жыл бұрын
The only issue I have with pirates highsec bumping. Not bumping itself - but that the bumping ship is on-grid and interacting with a victim in a way that the victim really can't fend off effectively. It should trigger a suspect tag at least - although I don't know how then to deal with accidental bumping.
@Nuka0420 11 ай бұрын
I see as a "realistic" kind of player, I try to intimidate and require cargo before fighting. These pirates just going out and destroying anything and everyone because "Pirates are the bad guys"
@Ultrajamz Ай бұрын
I agree there needs to be more benefit to do real piracy vs total kills for no real reason
@GoodMortySmith 2 жыл бұрын
Why can’t you warp? Did you use the MWD cloak trick? Jump system, align to target and IMMEDIATELY click 1) MWD 2) Cloak IN THAT ORDER. Once you are cloaked, your MWD will continue to cycle up, once a full MWD cycle happens, click to deactivate, click to deactivate Cloak, and immediately jump to destination. Much safer…
@HuntingTarg 2 жыл бұрын
How many newer players understand enough to know to do that? Besides: 1• He stated that it was under the effect of multiple webifiers that overcame his resistance points 2• You either didn't watch the rest of the video or missed the point of it, to wit; 'why does piracy exist in Eve, and how does it continue to exist?'
@crazycoolclips 2 жыл бұрын
I'm surprised people don't hire out as pirate hunters. Where are the bounties put on pirates by people who were ganked?
@HuntingTarg 2 жыл бұрын
Ppl are probably too salty (or too poor) to put up the bounty.
@Demopans5990 Жыл бұрын
@HuntingTarg Also, bounties are a bit scuffed as well. The sort of pirate friend pods the pirate, rendering bounties pointless
@francescoragnoni8042 2 жыл бұрын
I once found a fellow venture mining gas with me. I went in my corp chat and got it jumped by a corpmate t3. I felt so bad for that, i sweared that was the end of my pvp in eve
@RayHorn5128088056 6 ай бұрын
Traveling thru Low-Sec requires some advance work to create safe spots around gates and stations and checking for gate camps. Use a cheap Alpha for most of this.
@random-nb8jl 2 жыл бұрын
i like the criminals sure they can be annoying but when it comes to an economy and an open world game its weird and honestly less fun with ought them
@HarenunHoppus 3 жыл бұрын
Piracy in space games is a fun occupation. Sure people will hate you but you bring life to a game like this
@Tula-cs1ef 11 ай бұрын
While i was active in this game. The few independents i hung out with would roll in convoys. Big guys on the edge with the goods in the middle covered by lighter do faster ships
@Eruthian 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah well, see... Piracy is not really piracy in eve. So... I`m inactive since years now, but back in the days; I used to be such a "Pirate". And why did I do that? The answer is pretty simple. Lowsec used to be the PVP playground for average solo/ smallscale players and/ or beginners. I went -10 with both my Mainchars for years and only ever enterd Highsec to nija buy some ships with a pod in Rens, so my Hauling alt could pick them up and bring them to me. The PVP was mostly non profitable, guys rarely ever used faction mods to drop. Instead I made my isks by running DED sites. Sometimes running Sites while on the hunt, or simply hunting other DED runners. I was never rich, but it was the best time I ever had in that game. Either me alone, or a handful of really good and absolutely trustworthy (!) dudes roaming arround in cheap cruisers or battlecruisers and looking for troubble. Btw, we usually tried to not smacktalk any of our victims. More than often we had a chat after an ambush or real fight and exchanged tricks, tips and always a "gf". Made us pretty good tacklers and scouts in later nullsec careers. But for me, the low sec times as "pirate" were the most fun. The only thing that came close, were the microgang actions before I left the game.
@HuntingTarg 2 жыл бұрын
Good read. 1• You needed an 'alt fence' to trade goods in hisec 2• You were a 'non-podding' pirate, so you were out for the kill but not for blood and the humiliation factor. Many get frustrated by the autopodding ganker or gatecamper. The only thing that would make it worse would be intentionally destroying the loot drop before podding.
@Eruthian 2 жыл бұрын
Ofc you need an alt fence in highsec, there was no way arround it with the game mechanics. Still, I sustained my money with only those two accounts, sometimes even only with one. Used those alts to scout aswell. Or scout with my mains to guide my trader alt into lowsec. Or use my alts as bait. With only one screen, dualboxing was a multitask nightmare but fun never the less. Which might sound dirty in any other game, but eve is eve. It was all allowed within the game guidelines and once you realize that you can adapt pretty well. Expected my opponents to do nothing less, which ofc most of them did. We once even had the special fun motto for our drunken roams : "Always go for the bait! Yarr!" xD
@cdgonepotatoes4219 10 ай бұрын
My issues with gate camping and other forms of it come more from factional warfare, though now with Insurgency pirates do enter as well in the complaint: Even if officially in lore they're saying empires are taking a step back in factional warfare and letting it happen between militias, I don't see why there isn't any measure of prevention of offensive camping where a militia sits around enemy gates, or why there isn't a token NPC force defending the perimeter surrounding a station in a contested frontline system from camping, requiring at least a minimum effort from the opposing force to clear their squatting spot before they can start their harassing. With Insurgency I also (may be wrong, but) noticed pirate militias are recognised as an official body and they can attack an empire militia without response from lowsec security? Because apparently it's a legitimate act of war as long as you officially align yourself with the "recognised" terrorist groups of New Eden and won't be retaliated against by the law & order, however thin that may be. Insurgency's chaos-suppression mechanic shows that the gauge displaying the level of control of a certain faction in the system can affect more than the size of rewards in some faction activities. I suggest that pirate-aligned pirates should rouse the same gate low-sec response everywhere unless the gates are being affected by a pirate insurgency. The level of control in FW should also affect the level of faction military presence in a frontline, guns responding at the side of friendly militias unless a system is 67-75% contested and falling into enemy hands and NPC presence granting some low level of camping protection by installing turrets and keeping token patrol groups that are at their highest when a system is 25-33% contested with bonuses or maluses depending on the level of advantage.😂
@RetroSportsNetwork Жыл бұрын
Great interview!
@Shiftry87 Жыл бұрын
On 1 hand i can se how piracy isent really rewarded, but then on the other if it was rewarded to the point that it was a viable way of funding your eve career then it would create chaos among the none pvpers that dont have 2 or 3 account running to be able to afford to replace some of the more expensive ships. Rule 1 of eve "Dont fly what u cant afford to replace" most ppl know that but if your not an eve veteran with multiple streams of income u loosing your primary money making ship due to a gate camp or just a few Catalysts jumping in on u can be a serious setback. Even if u can afford to replace the ship can u afford to replace the next before u have regained the destroyed ships value with the new ship. My point is that if piracy becomes profitable there would be a large spike in roaming fleets and for those established players it wouldent effect to mutch. But the players that dosent have a stable income and are upgrading and getting into higher tech ships for them it would be a total nightmare. Just imagen if a corp like CODE for example that normally tend to target miners even in HS decides that now when piracy is more profitable we target everything in HS. If something like that happened u may aswell remove the ability for new players to even make accounts at that point.
@alderfek 3 жыл бұрын
I saw Ice Pirates :D
@freestylewalka 11 ай бұрын
Lowsec does contain the sugar my friend, you just havnt tasted it. - Missy Lorelai
@blackishpariah 2 жыл бұрын
I am a pirate. I'm enjoying this thread very much hahahahahahaha
@scottwrezenski2356 Жыл бұрын
Great video just started playing EVE loving the game
@AmbroseBoaBowie Жыл бұрын
I feel like being a criminal is an over looked feature
@strikerrey6016 3 жыл бұрын
2:20 "The dead hulk that was once eor" You mean "The dead husk that was once eor"
@HuntingTarg 2 жыл бұрын
A non-operable ship hull at sea or in space is properly referred to as a 'hulk.' The comic imported the term, it did not invent the term.
@jessepennavaria8374 2 жыл бұрын
being your worst enemy and proud non the less. i do it simply to derive pleasure off your humility nothing more nothing less... the rush i s like heroin after awhile then u cant stop... i quit drugs irl now i have another drug ...killmails and killmarks
@Zierohour1 2 жыл бұрын
I don't say this often, and i'm not being sarcastic: CCP seriously need to watch this vid, and all together to better at adding real content to their game. 30 mins of you explaining to me how players talk to each other and what "dreams" you have for the game is NOT content CCP!!! (keynote every year)
@HuntingTarg 2 жыл бұрын
The only real content CCP has ever had for the game is faction missions & warfare and lowsec pirates until recently. The Dr. Who crossover and the Triglavians are somewhat fresh, but it remains to be seen if they will buoy the game against its declining active playership.
@mystikast 2 жыл бұрын
pirates ruin the game for others, thats their perk
@ashesknell7064 Жыл бұрын
Want to make a high sec fence for a pirate crew applies to my backstory
@thorshammer7883 3 жыл бұрын
I have a question. How strong are Eve Online ships when compared to say Halo, Warhammer 40k, and Star Wars ships? The Galactic Empire, Covenant, and maybe even the Imperium navy may find themselves having hard direct fights in space thanks to those Titans. The Triglavians would be quite a epic fight to see.
@HuntingTarg 2 жыл бұрын
Check out his channel, he's done some Eve vs. Star Wars videos. WH40K is a game of OP foils. I had a lot of fun playing WH40K: Dawn of War, but I understand the tabletop doesn't work like the digital games. Also the abilities and scale of units in WH40K is beyond all scientific, tactical, and economic reason; it's not any kind of even fictionally realistic setting to me, just a glorified universe of the hell of combat.
@thorshammer7883 2 жыл бұрын
@@HuntingTarg Well there are worse verse then Warhammer 40k out there capable of so much more then the Imperium or even Necrons could dream. Like the Culture or the Xeelee from Xeelee Sequence. Even the Forerunners would make the Imperium of Man and the galaxy in general running with their tail behind their legs. Now range rise the Imperium of Man is very impressive able to hit things from over a 100,000km away in lore but efficiency and maintenance and reloading they fall hard if they were to go against a superior faster then light foe with a huge powerful navy.
@Look2left 3 жыл бұрын
It is too bad there is nothing that tells you if someone is on the other side of the gate
@HUNZY-qo3cv 3 жыл бұрын
Its called a scout 😂
@allnamestakenisnot 3 жыл бұрын
BRO, you can look at the map heat signatures for ships destroyed and see if any where destroyed within the last few hours. THEN also check the killboard for that system to see the most recent kills how long ago they were, what ships where there. This is very easy to do, last of all you can use a scout, this option is minimal effort as it only requires you to jump in and view with eyes.
@HUNZY-qo3cv 3 жыл бұрын
There’s also a web site called check before you jump,
@rebelwolves 3 жыл бұрын
Current sec status.. -10.0 .. check killboard.. oh ya.. check I am a pirate.. but you completely missed my favorite way of killing stuff in low-sec.. the covert cyno. I will say the income is hit or miss. I've made up to 10bil for a single kill, but at the same time.. most my kills earn me less than 10mil. It would be nice if we had a unique resource in non FW lowsec I think it would make that area of space far more interesting. Some areas do get clouds for making drugs, but not all of them... The only thing I can think of (off hand) that is actually unique to lowsec is the Revenant BPC, but that is rare and requires quite a fleet to get.
@_hench__5251 3 жыл бұрын
Came for the Trek, stayed for EvE. What have you done?! Im allready re-installing after 3 years SUBBED
@eezaak21 3 жыл бұрын
If you do piracy for the pvp combat you won't make much cash. BUUUT I did a fuckload of DED plexs while hunting for people. Was pretty profitable.
@HuntingTarg 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds like you found out what Eve pirates _should_ be doing to make a profit instead of multiboxing up to make pvp kills and trade the loot.
@DarkenedSpell 2 жыл бұрын
There should be more "dealing" possible. Pirates didn't just kill you if they could do otherwise and just rob you. Not like 1 second and you try to "say wait a sec guys" but you re already dead.
@PhantomDragonX 2 жыл бұрын
not much to say, I've won the game since about 3 years ago, still remember the names and passwords of my 3 accounts, somewhere in asset recovery is a super and billions of isk in ships collecting dust right now.
@HuntingTarg 2 жыл бұрын
Eve is a sandbox, there are no 'win' criteria. Out of curiosity, what do you call 'winning the game'? (or are you just dropping 🐃💩? )
@HuntingTarg 2 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed this; the 'mock interview' was cute, and demonstrative of how players pirate without any mechanic that makes it beneficial or profitable to do so. So why do you think that there needs to be perks or incentives for pvp piracy?! Because the game should be more symmetric across the secstat scale? Or because you want to stay a pirate and would like it to be easier (re., 'more profitable')?
@allenfogarty2384 3 жыл бұрын
Well that dose not sell me on the game at all. I have already heard how hard both the grind and leaning curve are for this game... and now you show me some ahole can just take it away, permanatly.... that sound awful.
@resurrectedstarships 3 жыл бұрын
Its true of real life too! You start over again if it happens, or quit, but you don't 'quit' life. Its not the learning curve of the game - you can begin playing right now - its that there will always be some aspect of gameplay you will never be an 'expert' on. For me its tech 2 industry - I will probably never figure that out, perhaps you can. But then again, perhaps not!
@allenfogarty2384 3 жыл бұрын
@@resurrectedstarships If there is one thing in video games I am not looking for... its real life. Fuck that shit.
@ajmeyers5661 3 жыл бұрын
@@resurrectedstarships *"Its true of real life too"* - In real life pirates don't get to clone themselves or trigger an alt account. If you want to make the "real life" example viable then there would have to be real and lasting consequences for piracy. No one wants that.
@somebodyintheworld5036 3 жыл бұрын
@@resurrectedstarships Not really, in real life there are actually consequences for your actions if you truly fuck someone else over. You can file a suit, you can report the activity to the police and have them arrested if its serious enough or get them in trouble with regulators. You can blast them on social media and make them a social pariah and make them suffer that way through ostracism. You can call their place of work and screw them over in their career (assuming what they did to you was bad enough, no manager wants to retain a person with such dubious ethics or character). You can tell their friends and family about what they did, start breaking those bonds. You can't do any of that in Eve because 1) IRL harassment is not allowed, 2) being a dick is part of the game and no one's going to care when you tell them they blew up your pixels 3) If you try, their corpmates and gonna enjoy bathing in your tears because being a raging sociopath is part of the fun in Eve. You can't just do stuff to people without consent in real life, you can in Eve because it's a PvP video game. Real life actually has systems, some legal some social, in place to punish people who do things without the victims consent. If you're a new player, you just started a few weeks ago, spent all that time saving up for multiple haulers (don't fly what you can't afford to lose after all), then lose it to gatecamp. It was your first gatecamp, you didn't know this was a thing because like most new players you didn't watch a million videos about a video game to prepare to play that video game so it's not really your fault that you had no game knowledge. What are your options for retribution, not just surrendering and taking the long way around? You think you're gonna go back there and solo pvp them to take revenge? Drop all the activities you wanted to do initially and organize your own corporation and recruit enough members over months so that you can take the fight back to them? Or maybe you'll use your deep pockets as a 3 month old char to contract a mercenary corp to kill and harass the pirates until they leave the gatecamp (and pay the merc corps the 100 million ISK wardec costs of course), but even then you're not getting your ISK back. If you were to do any of this, that would be pretty cool. But each of them requires a huge amount of upfront effort that most players see and just go "There are other games and better ways to spend my time".
@tryhardedgelord 3 жыл бұрын
lol pubbie htfu
@haroldmcbroom7807 3 жыл бұрын
Is there single player, if ya don't want to play online?
@jamesedwards6985 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry "Pirates" is the term Eve uses for players that every other game calls Griefers. You carefully avoided the obvious conclusion, the only reason to be a pirate is to cause other players grief. i.e. be a griefer.
@jordanbauerly8843 3 жыл бұрын
Essentially, though even if they could board you and take your stuff I'd be willing to bet 95+% would just blow you up afterward for a km. You want actual piracy? You wont find it from anyone but RPers because most people, as you blatantly pointed out, don't do it for anything but the shits n gigs they get from KMs. When everything is anon, and you get doubly rewarded for double crossing, the idea that anyone would honor any agreement they aren't forced to is laughable.
@jamesedwards6985 3 жыл бұрын
Make no mistake, "Pirates" are a necessary evil in EVE. The game requires stuff get blowed up as fast as new stuff gets built / dropped to work. I just dislike the disingenuous mental gymnastics CCP & the actual pirates go through to deny the fact that its really nothing more then griefing. That coupled with the constant risk vs. reward BS they use to argue for nurfs to high sec because ganking an unarmed hauler or solo ship with a small fleet is somehow so much more dangerous then the high sec npc griefer mobs they've added that one shot fully kitted out and skilled up mission / mining ships. CCP should just be honest FFS. Eve is a game for griefers, by griefers.
@DanielOnisoru 2 жыл бұрын
​@@jamesedwards6985 "The game requires stuff get blowed up as fast as new stuff gets built" In this case is like saying cancer is required for pharma companies to make profits. Well yes, shit needs to be destroyed in game for sure but being gate camped or station camped or whatever is just griefing as you pointed out.
@HuntingTarg 2 жыл бұрын
@@DanielOnisoru It causes grief for those who become emotionally attached to their ships, or their ISK, or that cool module they've had for a week, a month, a year, or fitted an hour ago. Maybe the rule should be reworded; "Never undock what you're _unwilling_ to lose."
@dennischristensen5892 Жыл бұрын
ccp is not in charge of loosing players, the players is! ganking on everything with a pulse, scares of the desperates our of this game. i have a 2007 account with only 20m skill points and less than 1b in total wealth spread all over, i have rebounded several times and everytime left solely due to players. even posting your killmail in one of the channels looking for some kind of moral support turns it into a pissing contest before pure bullying. loosing everything is loosing everything 100m loss can hurt just as much as a 100b loss, the question is how big a percentage of the total networth lost '
@johnramsey8712 Жыл бұрын
i dont have an issue with Piracy if it were more balanced. When I say balanced I refer more to the imbalance that occurs when a vet has so much isk they can take a ship and bling to a point where it is so powerful that anyone that is relatively new to the game literally has zero chance to defend themselves. That being said I would not want changes made to the game where those that have over long periods of time worked farmed and ran missions to get to the level that they have so that they have become so powerful. Thats just a shit solution and seen in so many games where they use balnce as an excuse to simply nerf the good stuff players have invested so much time and resources to acquire. I would like to see something like beginner modules that expire as a player progresses as that could work similar to a handicap as in the game of golf. A noob has access to a defense module but as they grow and develop their skill trees those modules then cease to work. no different than alpha and omega modules. in this manner a new player has some assistance to help them defend themselves form very powerful players but as they themselves become more powerful those noob modules and bonuses simply expire.
@wargh12 Жыл бұрын
Piracy's a crime and crime does not pay And we go home poor at the end of the day
@shauljonah6955 3 жыл бұрын
Yup I had a neg sec status of -2.5 or so but I got it back up. Reason being back then a guy who wasn't wanted in our system I shot him and podded him too. Even took the gate guns. One guy even got me years ago showed up while I was in pve and he had a bomber I ended up in structure and I popped his ship with t1 drones. Yeah it was fun.
@kafrikotroll8610 2 жыл бұрын
Piracy was fine 4 years ago cuz people would honor ransoms without the need to blow up on sight the non pirate player. But suddenly the game was flooded with trolls who just went guns blazing without ransoming other players just pure terrorism this destroyed most of piracy in Eve. Sorry but old school pirates honor the ransoms they have a code of honor, the bad thing about this is that you never know if the pirate that attacks you will ransom you or destroy u, there's isn't a distinguish between the terrorists and the real pirates.
@vertigoalopolus Жыл бұрын
The brutal truth is that gankers are playing a different game - they are playing Eve like a free-for-all FPS, when its much more complicated than that. If they were truly all about piracy, they would role play it a bit more. But they wont do that, because that isnt what they want Eve to be, its too much work and too much effort. But perhaps if they put effort into the game they are playing, they would contribute a cultural aspect to the world of Eve, and understand that the game as a whole is far more than simply teaching people a lesson or padding your kill list with another hauler. This is coming from a reformed pirate who actually went out of his way to ransom people and give them an option for escape, rather than simply looting them. Every single person I did that to rated the experience positively, especially if you put some effort in to role playing it. Because then you have generated content for both of you, rather than simply pushing a button on a helpless victim.
@Camcolito Жыл бұрын
The problem is that EVE provides no actual rewards and very few opportunities for real piracy and keeps nerfing and removing them, respectively, further. So what you are left with are suicide gankers and gatecamps because that's the only way to shoot ships in this ship shooting game that isn't artificially "agreed" for "content".
@Gyva02 9 ай бұрын
Can you point to the part on this ship where the bad meanie pirate touched you??? 🤣🤣🤣
@GIBROCKGAMES 2 жыл бұрын
Pirates in eve get loot from the wrecks and hunt haulers. Blackflag wardec for this reason. they wardec for 100m isk and if they turn a profit from it they'll renew the wardec to punish you further. It's very profitable and the pvp aspect is fun... that's why we do it. Should have a real pirate tell you why :)
@knightzix_01 2 жыл бұрын
stupid question DO you harass Noobs even thos they DOnt Have much For example a Basic ship for example
@Deathrizes 2 жыл бұрын
Lost a couple months worth of isk to a high sec gank about 9 years ago took my rorqual out in low sec to go out in a bang and didn’t find a single damn person to either kill or be killed by logged out and haven’t been back since. Beautiful game but brutal time wasting gameplay that isn’t for me. Best of luck to those that stick with it.
@AngeloC1988 2 жыл бұрын
From your mouth to devs ears! 🙏🏼
@relaxationparadise7645 Жыл бұрын
I hate this game because of the gate camps. I'm trying to enjoy it but every jump there's some warp scrambler sitting there with his buddies. I feel as if this was deliberately designed so you can DIE. Tengu isn't the answer. It's expensive. My answer is, I quit.
@Ministry_Of_Silly_Walks 3 жыл бұрын
A game that encourages people to act like jerks. Gosh, were’ve you been my whole life? I can hardly wait to start.
@jordanbauerly8843 3 жыл бұрын
Tarkov Rust Day Z Ark Anygamewithopenworldpvp
@brycesumrall7248 3 жыл бұрын
@@jordanbauerly8843 exactly. People act like eve is the standalone example of players being savages to each other. Its a video game, dont feel bad for being a savage. Its why we like to play it. High risk high reward.
@RenlangRen 2 жыл бұрын
Low sec piracy is just part of the game. It is also easy to avoid. I have played eve on and off since 2005 and I have never lost a hauler in a low sec gate camp because I would never fly a hauler blindly into lowsec. Scout, fit a tank and fly escorted. If you just want to fly afk on auto pilot you better take the long way around in high sec, and still fly with a passive tank to avoid high sec suicide gankers. It is all part of the game, like loosing ships when I was learning how to do lvl 4 missions. You might as well complain about how unfair it is that npc rats killed your tricked out battleship the first time you tried a lvl 4 mission.
@kidkefka 10 ай бұрын
Have you tried not playing a game that has open pvp? Sometimes people act like eve online has randomly been pre installed on their pc lmfao
@gannetdive5953 3 жыл бұрын
I mean yeah CCP shouldn't give special bonuses to thieves, that just looks weird. What you get from being a pirate is a good looking zkill which you can than turn around and get access to corps and alliances that make billions a week crabing in low/null. Also its PvP land and thats just fun; killing people sometimes just because you can is just fun, to be that ruthless if you're not that way irl.
@HuntingTarg 2 жыл бұрын
"IMO"... Deliberately entertaining or indulging a criminal mindset, even virtually, is mentally unhealthy. Not everything 'fun' is good. Sugar tastes sweet; according to some, so does cyanide.
@goofytycooner5519 3 жыл бұрын
8:32 can we appreciate how shitty and over-blinged that Ikitursa fit is?
@bobhope3817 2 жыл бұрын
I will not comply Arr I miss the old days when I used to play eve empire ganks rancher gate camps ransoms in losec and wh space hot dropping on traveling caps
@d_Howard Жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot for this informative vid. I've been looking into Eve for a while now. This has definitely made my mind up for me. 1.) I'm not cut out for the dark side. 2.) And I'm not cut out for being a perpetual victim, either. 3.) I have no interest in buying my way into success or out of trouble with real money. *click*
@ImVeryOriginal Жыл бұрын
Git gud at exploration and you don't have to do any of these. Over 9 months of doing explo and leveling up skills for flying the Astero I can safely say I became practically uncatchable and only lost my ship if I willingly engaged in combat (which I kind of suck at lol). And I've been hunted A LOT. I love the thrill of evading people trying to catch me, whether in low, null or wormhole space! Personally, I found doing bad things to be very fun - finding targets for my WH corpmates and tackling them, attacking other solo explorers, even deceiving and small talking people so they lower their guard until backup flies in. But I understand it's not for everybody!
@d_Howard Жыл бұрын
@@ImVeryOriginal Thanks for the reply. Something to think about for sure. To my way of thinking, pretending to do bad things isn't much different from actually doing bad. I don't want to indulge the dark side. You said, "even deceiving and small talking people so they lower their guard until backup flies in". Ack!! That's terrible!! If you can justify doing bad stuff to people in a game, you can justify it in real life too. Sounds like a terrible way to go. I wonder if there is a Corp of "white knight" kind of people who are sworn to fight the dark side in the game, and in themselves. That might be worth a look...
@Verdis_deMosays 3 жыл бұрын
YARRRR! From Verdis deMosays, A Band Apart o7
@JMAssainatorz 2 жыл бұрын
One of the things thats always repulsed me about eve pvp. for a large part of it its basically a who can be the biggest dick competition and as a person high on empathy it rly does not work for me. If i where to eve pirate id need. I wanted to pvp but id more like to test my skills than be a dick.
@HuntingTarg 2 жыл бұрын
It's a lot like the real world of fighter combat; it's become a lot more cerebreal in the 21st Century, but if you don't have a mental hard-on about your abilities something will bite you when you don't expect it. AFAIK in Eve PvP will happen to everyone (except for those who are purely administrative and never undock) whether you want or expect it to or don't. It's best to at least expect it.
@JMAssainatorz 2 жыл бұрын
@@HuntingTarg Well yeah by playing eve i did quite sign up for that. Risk reward and all, Its rewarding to evade n such. My main issue is the other half of actually going hunting which is the part of eve many find to be recreational rather than grindy. I just don't like shooting a defenseless miner explorer or other defenseless target. No competition other than dick points.
@Deldain Жыл бұрын
they get a rush of the PVP kill.
@nhientran4142 2 жыл бұрын
yeh i was hunted by tengu the moment I clicked on this vid
@pauls5745 3 жыл бұрын
people gate camping just destroy any ship that comes thru, incl capsules just for kicks. maybe they enjoy having stats on zkillboard
@jinsetayinsei4146 3 жыл бұрын
I may be a carebear atm, but as someone who wants to do a little of everything, I do believe piracy is underdeveloped in Eve, so you are, in fact, singing my song. I've been toying with ideas, but haven't had anything concrete to suggest. Suicide ganking is a legit strategy given the environment and lore of the game, but it limits your tactics. If you prevented suicide ganking, but offered different possibilities (possibly including ship destruction) that involved raising your status with NPC pirates or a corp with an affecting 'pirate' status, I think highsec would become more fun with even more ship combat. Other ideas included a 'cargo robbing' module and a ransom mechanic, but I couldn't see a way to successfully implement them. Lowsec's a tough one to figure. I love the idea of -sec status bonus on certain ships. You might also trying turning a system into a pirate system of some kind similar to what the Triglavians did. On that note, that was one of the ideas discussed on a podcast somewhere if memory serves. I still loath highsec gankers in any form, and there's little benefit hunting them or retaliating. I still do, for same reasons you're still a pirate. The cries to fix lowsec are getting louder, so I'm hopeful CCP will start to pay attention. Fingers crossed.
@HuntingTarg 2 жыл бұрын
"I still loathe hisec gankers in any form, and there's little benefit hunting them or retaliating. I still do, for the same reasons you're a pirate." Eve needs more 'carebear' proactive players like you. Also like the wormhole space rescue corps.
@stevenboughner7255 2 жыл бұрын
Being a pirate is role playing both the pirate and victims can have fun. Now of course it's not fun if you lose your ship. The extortion where money and or items are involved is good for the game but Just killing for the rush isn't and there should be a machinic in game to prevent this. I think that if a player destroys a pod then they should have a security status of less than -5 and locked out of Hisec for a period of time or get there security status above 0 and they continue to do this ban them. Players who gank should suffer because they cause other players to suffer.
@HuntingTarg 2 жыл бұрын
Good read. THX for not taking the 'CONCORD should attack pirates' line, because that is bogus IMO. Additional secstat penalty for podding might be a good idea, though I think not as severe as you propose. Penalizing ppl who make a habit of podding makes sense, but Eve would be completely different if in-game behavior was censured for anything but direct player-to-player threats or harassment. Banning ppl for 'behaving badly' would break and destroy what Eve ultimately is: A sandbox that combines combat, economics, and social interaction. "Players who gank should suffer because they cause other players to suffer." That's nothing but a revenge mentality, and thinking that the game should be altered so that game mechanics exact revenge on your behalf is the height of vindictive cowardice.
@weirddingus4620 3 жыл бұрын
So pirates in EVE are just glorified digital cosplayers?....damn what a joke
@RenlangRen 2 жыл бұрын
Isn’t everyone in every mmo just glorified digital cosplayers?
@thedudeabides3138 3 жыл бұрын
You raise some very interesting points about how the game itself confers no recognition on pirates for being the “faction” that they are. I’ve played for 16 years in a Care Bear capacity, so I’ve never had much love for pirates, but I think, off the back of this video, that they should get some CCP attention along the lines of points you’ve made here, namely ; access to special agents in low and null, special boosters, black markets, specific SKINS and fanged, shoulder mounted Fedos. I think the argument for pirates is the same as wolves in the wild, their absence from any ecosystem has a dramatic impact, ergo, their inclusion is very necessary. Never thought I’d say this, but I’m all for your ideas here as an active encouragement of this style of gameplay. That being said…you’re a bunch of bastards and I hope you burn in hell. YAAAARRRRRHHH!
@RenlangRen 2 жыл бұрын
Lol Steve for an self proclaimed care bear you seem to understand the situation well. Non consensual pvp is the thing that makes eve worth playing.
@sureno1833 Жыл бұрын
In short- whatever you trying to do as a player in Eve, it is low income only. The reason this game is called "shlt" or "elitist armpit" is because all rich people are rich for one reason only- they are on top of the huge corporations. New players or players that are doing thigs solo CAN NOT get rich and therefore CAN NOT plex their accounts with normal gameplay. They have to do this game as a job. 8h daily grind for the privilege to pay so that they can do 8h daily grind...
@setrakmanoukian5635 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, think will remain an ant and get trickles, avoid HUMANS !!! Love this game ...
@JuneBuggJr 3 жыл бұрын
Darwinism pirates is a lot of fun
@raideurng2508 3 жыл бұрын
-10 or GTFO
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