I'm French, living in Paris for a so long time, since my student period ! ;-). I discovered tonight the "testimonial" of our marvellous author Amélie Nothomb in this "Temple" ...a place totally unknown from me. I'm pretty afraid by chamanism, drugs or things dangerous for my mental health ;-). Amélie had (at least today she seems better...but not completely in serenity) an interior enemy, as she said (not loving herself, hate relation with food and her body...like so many people in fact), so I'm interested in what kind of healing /to the food (Guérison intérieure we could say in french...) is possible in a such a suffering, psy and physically too... So I'd like to know more about what is really, concretely this "Temple of the way of light" (not only by their website, which is not very attractive in fact, very commercial...). Do people coming there meet always their healing, their "guérison" ? What is your experience ? Why did you go there ? Please give me some light, because you seem a calm, wise and mature man, and this place seems so strange... Thank you very much if you read this message, and answer to it honestly ;-). Receive my best thoughts. Astrid