Righteous Blood, Ruthless Blades - RPG Review

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Seth Skorkowsky

Seth Skorkowsky

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@Deathblade Жыл бұрын
I’m super jazzed that you dig the game! We pitched an expansion to Osprey which would add more magical and supernatural elements. They passed but gave us the option of publishing it ourselves. Not sure if we’ll ever get that done and published on our own, fingers crossed. Thanks for your inspirational content, keep up the good work. P.S. I hope your players get their revenge on Bloody Hands!
@antigrav6004 Жыл бұрын
You should do it. I've been working on a martial arts RPG for a while myself and always like to see some new inspiration.
@SSkorkowsky Жыл бұрын
You did good, sir. It's a fun game. No idea why Osprey doesn't want to add more. It seems weird. Once the holiday season is done, we need to get to Bloody Hands. The longer we wait the more elaborate his fortress is becoming. He's also recruited several enemies from the PCs' previous adventures.
@FMD-FullMetalDragon Жыл бұрын
More supernatural would be awesome. Way awesome.
@Deathblade Жыл бұрын
@@SSkorkowsky Thank you sir!
@Deathblade Жыл бұрын
@@FMD-FullMetalDragon Totally agree. We've actually created some really cool content already. Then we ran into scheduling issues. And beyond that, we would also have to deal with commissioning art and whatnot. Anyway, Brendan and I still talk about this regularly and we're trying to figure out a way to make it happen!
@sidneyroundwood9576 Ай бұрын
Terrific review, Seth. I really enjoyed listening. Great information, and really great energy. I really loved the additionl play sheets you've added. Thanks very much indeed (and thanks for taking the time to generate such an awesome video). Best regards.
@EurojuegosBsAs Жыл бұрын
That skills thing gave me some 4th ed. D&D vives. I think I would use cards for keeping track of each skill/weapon effect.
@IceCoolTea Жыл бұрын
Amazing Cultivation Simulator introduced me to Wuxia. I started reading Wuxia novels because of it. This looks interesting too, but I doubt I'll find players to play with.
@euansmith3699 Жыл бұрын
It sounds like randomly assigning Signature Moves, Special Defences and Eccentricities could be a way to speed up character generation and create unexpected characters (a bit like rolling up a Superhero in Golden Heroes). This sounds like a great game; I'm off to Osprey to check it out. Joseph A. McCullough has recently released Grave Mutations for Frostgrave/Stargrave/etc as a print on demand/pdf production. This seems like a good route for Osprey and its authors to take. Jack, "It really gets your attention..." 😄
@epone3488 Жыл бұрын
We are fans of RBRB, Legends of Wulin, Qin, Flying Swordsmen, and the Art of WuXia. We really love the WuXia rpg. Legends of Wulin is our fallback game and has lots to recommend it (its a great source book on WuXia too). RBRB is good - yet it is a little disconnected the way the ...systems/subsystems work The dice ties really drove us nuts especially in combat and was a hard pass from one of the players. We have been having a lot of fun lately with 'Art of WuXia' from DWD which does include a few more supernatrual ellements than RBRB and lets us play a game closer to "Monkey" a show we all grew up with on after school TV here in Australia.
@toddmcfarland7752 Жыл бұрын
Anyone playing this genre should DEFINITELY buy "Mystic China" by Palladium. There are HUNDREDS if not thousands of great story ideas for the Wuxia genre in those hallowed pages. I have stolen heavily from it for everything from Dungeons and Dragons to Call of Cthulhu and have even played it with Ninjas and Superspies and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as intended.
@LittlyLary Жыл бұрын
For the ties on initiative maybe have them run two d10s? Might work better. I think I might want to try this one out!
@sindarpeacheyeisacommie8688 Жыл бұрын
New shirt idea: seth as chinese guy with caption 'totally different'
@sindarpeacheyeisacommie8688 Жыл бұрын
Thx Seth!
@Minodrec Жыл бұрын
Awesome video. Asking here about range in this game. It's stated in the weapon chamter that each weapon as a "listed" range. It's relevant in the use of at least one counter. Where is it listed ?
@SSkorkowsky Жыл бұрын
Weapon ranges outside of simple hand-held melee weapons, are listed in the descriptions of each weapon.
@JKevinCarrier Жыл бұрын
Re: The challenge of keeping track of a bunch of bad guys, each with a list of unique abilities. As a GM who frequently runs superhero games, I feel your pain...
@SamuraiMujuru Жыл бұрын
My primary game is Exalted, so right there with ya.
@frankmueller2781 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I was wondering about Combat with the heros vs. The small hoard of talentless soldiers. (AKA; Canon fodder)
@RandomEncounterFilms Жыл бұрын
I grew up on Champions, but it wasn't till I ran it that I realized the work my previous DM put in :P. I did find "modular" enemies work well in point-by games for that sort of thing.
@himurogentoku7117 Жыл бұрын
What superhero game TTRPGs do you play if i may ask Kevin? I am still looking for a cool one for my short campaign.
@JKevinCarrier Жыл бұрын
@@himurogentoku7117 The system I use is Mighty Protectors (aka Villains & Vigilantes 3.0) from Monkey House Games. Has a lot of customization options, and you can generate characters either by random roll or point-buy.
@albertmeier2425 Жыл бұрын
I'm convinced at least 50% of Seth's motivation for this review was to get Jack another costume!
@SSkorkowsky Жыл бұрын
I'm unable to refute this.
@scottknudsen6611 Жыл бұрын
I love that Jack always has a period & culturally appropriate flask 😂
@arjunchoong8012 Жыл бұрын
This is the first time I have seen the words "culturally" and "appropriate" together in a sentence that does not make me cringe
@trequor Жыл бұрын
@@arjunchoong8012 Aye. He is the chosen one.
@LittlyLary Жыл бұрын
Jyuack and his Gourd
@FMD-FullMetalDragon Жыл бұрын
This is a game that would benefit from a NPC card deck that has all the NPC stats on hand to avoid book flipping
@SSkorkowsky Жыл бұрын
Not a bad idea at all.
@UnwalledGarden Жыл бұрын
Hopefully the rash of orders spurred by this video will convince them to make more material for the game! Happy New Year! 🎉
@mban2748 Жыл бұрын
Every round should start with a talking phase. That is brilliant and on point for WuXia.
@damiennixel925 Жыл бұрын
About to use my finest "Courting death!"
@otakuofmine Жыл бұрын
TSL kinda has such thing, essentially exchanging lines while crossing swords.
@damianlaw8815 Жыл бұрын
Again, impressed by the effort gone into in Jack's outfit and props. The contrast of the character dress with a broad US accent is fantastic. All you need him to do now is correctly pronounce some Chinese words compared to Seth. Yes, anything another other than expensive baijiu tastes like cigarette ash and metho. I recommend the Jing brand herbal baijiu: it tastes more like a cough syrup and is both affordable and drinkable.
@samprastherabbit Жыл бұрын
I honestly forget that in real life, they inhabit the same man! Like Etrigan and Blood lol That baiju stuff sounds rougher than a pebble dashed driveway covered in broken glass! Drunken Masters must have basically no taste buds left 🤣
@Bedrockbrendan Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the review. Very thorough and well thought out. Glad you enjoyed it. It looks like Jeremy addressed all of the questions that have come up but one thing I will add is something I appreciated about working with Osprey is they let us retain the rights to the game (which is not the norm). So we can put out a follow-up ourselves (there would be challenges to that so we are discussion what options are available).
@SSkorkowsky Жыл бұрын
Awesome to hear the rights aren't locked away. It's a fun game. The two of you did a great job.
@Bedrockbrendan Жыл бұрын
@@SSkorkowsky Thanks! They were very generous on this front. And they pretty much gave us total freedom to design what we wanted which was great
@oz_jones Жыл бұрын
That is great, hopefully we'll get to see more Righteous Blood, Ruthless Blades someday. I managed to pick up a physical copy recently with not much markup from the PDFs, so I'm a happy camper. Now all I need to do is to learn the system and pitch it to my group.
@ericwhite1942 Жыл бұрын
Says alot about the quality of a game if your biggest criticism of it is "We need more of this game right #%?& now, plz." But yeah, Chinese Mythology is jamed full of spirits, monsters, and magic ( See Big Trouble in Little China, Forbidden Kingdom, Etc/ yes I know those are American productions but still) A adventure where players have to fight a Jiang Shi Vampire or a bunch of E Gul Ghost Monks from an dishonored abandoned temple or defend a fishing village from a Kaiming Shou (Hydra like monster) or including a magic based class system would be cool
@jameshenderson4876 Жыл бұрын
Totally agree with your comments re the load on GMs from the skills - is what gave me pause to run it. And thank you very much for that push to Osprey to release more material! I heard they had decided not to, which is a real shame. Cool game and needs a little support to get it done attention. So here's hoping that Osprey listen. I want to buy more of these beautifully made books.
@SSkorkowsky Жыл бұрын
It's a bit amazing they released the game to industry praise, but decided to do nothing more. Hopefully they hear enough demand to give us some more.
@richmcgee434 Жыл бұрын
@@SSkorkowsky Osprey's really weird about what gets support and what doesn't. I don't think they "get" roleplaying as well as they do miniatures and wargame rules. The support expectations are quite different between them. OTOH, it might just be sales related. No idea what the figures on any of their RPG stuff are like, or what they regard as a good seller to bet on for further books.
@stephensimpson881 Жыл бұрын
@@SSkorkowsky I wonder if their strategy is to just throw a bunch of hooks into the water and hope that something bites "super-big" and then they'll support it.
@samprastherabbit Жыл бұрын
@@stephensimpson881 Yeah... Oathmark & Frostgrave by Joe McCullough both did well enough to warrant a lot of support (ok, both skirmish games, I grant you) but my beloved Napoleonic gothic horror Silver Bayonet just has the book and some minis... I think you're definitely on to something as regards their RPGs, which is a pity because they release some great stuff.
@Bluecho4 Жыл бұрын
The idea of a dedicated Talking phase of combat, that recurs every round, blows my mind. It really enforces the tropey nature of the game, and paces the fight out in a way that gives more room for roleplay. Players will WANT to do it, too, since it gives them mechanical bonuses.
@oz_jones Жыл бұрын
And it's fun to mock your opponent in an over-the-top way. "Your kung fu is outdated, just like you, old man!" "Pshah, I was practicing kung fu long before when you were even born, whelp!"
@elfbait3774 Жыл бұрын
Great review. Will be buying this. One of my biggest criticisms of Osprey that, while they put out a lot of good games, they tend to put them out and then move on with most of them. I imagine you could emulate more fantastical elements, if you wanted them, just through layering on and reskinning some of the massive list of abilities. Need a hopping vampire for a one-off? I am sure there are abilities in there that could net you one.
@richmcgee434 Жыл бұрын
1:30 The Detective Dee film really throws me off with all the openly supernatural stuff. I'd read the translated-to-English stuff about the character and his historical counterpart, and all the novels by van Gulik well before the movie came out. They don't really feature any fantastic elements that can't be explained by rational means, they're pretty much straight mystery stories. Watching the film is like going to see a Sherlock Holmes movie where Moriarty suddenly starts summoning demons and Watson responds by handing Holmes Excalibur. Or to use an actually-produced example, Abraham Lincoln hunting vampires. It's not a bad concept for a film, but it's such a twist on a character I "knew" already it jars me. Nero Wolfe turning out to be an ex-guerrilla and freedom fighter couldn't be more....wait, that happened in the Stout books. Never mind. :)
@SSkorkowsky Жыл бұрын
Save for the Fire Beetles, the first film was all normal things posing as supernatural. 2nd and 3rd film, not so much. Loved the first one but the other 2 seemed to have lost their way in favor of special effects.
@richmcgee434 Жыл бұрын
@@SSkorkowsky Huh. I guess I must have missed the first one, the ones I saw were CGI fests, which always leave me cold. The original (and van Gulik's books) have some elements of the supernatural suggested, but it's always unclear if any of it is real and they often debunk things, so the first film sounds pretty faithful the spirit of Cases of Judge Dee. Or Magistrate. "Detective" is kind of an odd translation, but not wholly wrong. Good reads, if you like mysteries. Lot less formulaic than half the stuff on the market today, and some dark enough to give pulp noir a run for its money.
@bryanstephens4800 Жыл бұрын
Nice to see this setting getting some love.
@0ldSch00l13 Жыл бұрын
When all the dice in an opposed contest come up ties, that's a perfect opportunity for a stalemate.
@thebolas000 Жыл бұрын
For the arm wrestling example, having the table collapse while both contestants sit completely motionless with locked eyes sounds like a fun way to show how badass the scene is.
@archonfett Жыл бұрын
the epic back and forth parrying of attacks
@dustincameron787 Жыл бұрын
They dare to challenge Bloody Hands? They are courting death! 😁
@oz_jones Жыл бұрын
Ho ho ho, who dares to approach me?
@NefariousKoel Жыл бұрын
I'd also recommend checking out the 'Jackals' RPG from Osprey if you'd be interested in a Bronze Age fantasy game. It uses a customized & streamlined version of BRP's d100 system (similar to Call Of Cthulhu) with an action point facet and other interesting changes.
@russelljacob7955 Жыл бұрын
Not familiar with game, but the ties with opposed skill rolls, I think fits genres too with your solution. Where two martial artists are in a draw? Think the back and forth fight until finally the draw is broken. Sounds like something fun to narrate.
@unfortunatesun Жыл бұрын
I've been looking for something like this since playing Jade Empire in high school - I'm keenly interested, despite the flaws.
@oz_jones Жыл бұрын
I *REALLY* should finish that game.
@unfortunatesun Жыл бұрын
Sheev sez do it
@Maehedrose Жыл бұрын
'Weapons of the Gods' (and their ot her game, 'Legends of the Wulin) is very heavily inspired by Jade Empire and superbly written. I encourage you to check them out. Also, if you read much, the character of 'Henpecked Hou' was taken from a novel called 'Bridge of Birds' by Barry Hughart; its 'magical China that never was' is brilliant and it is one of my favorite books.
@gozer87 Жыл бұрын
This sounds perfect for running the Shaw Brothers homage campaign I've always wanted to run.
@josephmcgoldrick1993 7 ай бұрын
If this let's me run a game like" Kid with the golden arm" sign me up
@MikJ132 Жыл бұрын
You know what I would love as a potential sequel/spin-off of this game? Something with very similar rules and character archetypes, but this time done in the style of Hong Kong action films like Hardboiled or movies like the Matrix or even John Wick rather than Wuxia movies. Still a lot of martial arts centric stuff, but now you also have characters that can dodge bullets, curve their bullets around walls, shoot while jumping Max Payne style, etc. I think that would be a genuine treat to see
@oz_jones Жыл бұрын
I swear there is a that kind of a game, you could for example run across the bullets that are shot at you from an automatic weapon and similar stunts, but I cannot for the life of me remember the name. It's fairly old, since I remember reading about it in the early 2000s or even earlier. EDIT: Fairly certain it was _Hong Kong Action Theatre!_ but there might be others. I have no experience with the system, I just read about it in a magazine and thought "that's cool"
@michaelwelker8759 Жыл бұрын
Feng Shui (1st & 2nd edition) is really fun. I’ll have to get this one off the shelf though. Great review.
@deadmanseltzer1233 Жыл бұрын
Now I really want to hear about Bloody Hands and the whole campaign. I think I'll also be pitching this to my players to see if they'd be interested, what a great review.
@MonkeyJedi99 Жыл бұрын
Now I need to play this game. I wonder if my gamemaster will let my character have a young son... in a weapon-filled stroller.
@z.adkins862 Жыл бұрын
I got a buddy who'd absolutely flip his shit for this, thanks for the heads up Seth!
@Gaia_Gaistar Жыл бұрын
Alright, got me interested. I might need to buy the hardcover, I like owning physical books. It's right up my alley too.
@RockOfLions Жыл бұрын
When Jack starts saying how the gaming group felt when Seth pushed the game I had to wonder whether Jack is speaking for Seth's real life group or Seth is having some multiple personalities disorder going on.
@Growls Жыл бұрын
Speaking as a occasional Baiju-drinker? Yeah, that will make you question if you ever had tastebuds. This game sounds like it's something I need to commit to at a point. Thank you for covering it.
@DapperestDave Жыл бұрын
I'm really a fan of this kind of style, and it looks pretty cool. Traveller was great so I might end up picking this up too
@jerryl7050 Жыл бұрын
This is such a fun game! I felt so free to go over the top in the role playing of my character. I can not recommend it enough!
@CassusAevum Жыл бұрын
Didn't come here expecting to be sold on the game, but just ordered it. Even without supplements, it sounds like there's plenty to get a good amount of play.
@FMD-FullMetalDragon Жыл бұрын
Best review I've seen about this game. Hope Osprey has the stock for the increased sells they are about to get.
@cmdrtransrights9015 Жыл бұрын
The whole talk about Lightness : "You can fly?!" "No, jump good"
@firvantavan2793 Жыл бұрын
Oh man oh man oh man, I LOVE wuxia, and can't believe YOU are reviewing this!! Can't wait to hear your thoughts about this! The greatest youtube surprise this year!
@squeethemog213 Жыл бұрын
While I am not a big fan of Wuxia I will have to try this out some day. It sounds like a blast. I'm a combat junky of a gm XD
@DapperestDave Жыл бұрын
I just found this today and I'm so hyped I'm buying it right now and I watched this video 4 times already back to back. You gotta release some more reviews for this system when they come
@WongCharoen Жыл бұрын
I'm pushing 50, so I particularly love your old-school DnD reviews. Brings it all back! I watch all your vids, though, and I'm never disappointed. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, my good man!
@cadenceclearwater4340 Жыл бұрын
This one's been sitting on my shelf since May. It's looking good. Thanks for the review and merry Christmas. 🎄🎄🎄
@kdolo1887 Жыл бұрын
In dice pool games, I generally rule that the person with the larger dice pool wins, being the naturally superior character, or the one whos environmental factors line up more favorably.
@SteveSwannJr Жыл бұрын
Ubiquity is a dice pool that allows the players to choose between the average or roll.
@bennitori4 Жыл бұрын
I am not familiar with the Wuxia genre at all. But I am very familiar with the Shounen Battle genre. This sounds like something absolutely perfect for simulating Shounen Battle. Complete with power levels, stand offs between attacks, dedicated time for monologue-ing. It's great. I could see this easily getting adapted into some sort of anime RPG. Just add in some power of friendship mechanics, curse marks, how to roll for beam struggles, maybe even stats for mechs, and it would be perfect!
@andrewlance3898 Жыл бұрын
There is definitely a great deal of overlap between those genres. I could see this doing an anime-themed expansion like how Mutants & Masterminds came out with Mecha & Manga.
@tomryan3768 Жыл бұрын
Wuxia is well worth investigating, some amazing stuff out of Hong Kong, and China.
@ericjome7284 Жыл бұрын
I think it's really hard to clearly claim wuxia has "no magic". Often Taoism (and therefore famous Taoists) often are very magical. The kung fu techniques are so like super powers. Maybe claiming "no magic" should really be represented as "specific form of magic that defines this genre"
@richmcgee434 Жыл бұрын
"No D&D magic" might be more accurate, not a lot of fireballs and polymorphs going off in the genre - Big Trouble In Little China notwithstanding. Although even at that, some of the "Taoist sorcerer" types (especially ones cast as villains) get pretty flashy with spell effects.
@ericjome7284 Жыл бұрын
@@richmcgee434 perhaps a useful link? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xianxia
@AGrumpyPanda Жыл бұрын
My take is there's no armour rules except for that one piece of magic armour, because Movie Armour Does Nothing.
@SSkorkowsky Жыл бұрын
I can buy that.
@Syaniiti Жыл бұрын
But just basic armor giving a -1d10 to attacker and maybe for the wearer to attack as well doesn't sound too difficult. Admittedly that doesn't fit the movie thing and I haven't read the book just watched this video so I might be very far off.
@Volvandese Жыл бұрын
Hero might be in my top 10 favorite movies of all time. (Edit) Also your combat description suggestions sound a lot like how I already narrate. This might be a game I need.
@SidneyBroadshead Жыл бұрын
*_Wu-Xia_* ("Martial Arts Chivalry") are cinematic martial arts novels or movies set in a legendary historical period. The characters are heroes and villains with superpowers derived from their mastery of the martial arts.
@rusty_from_earth9577 Жыл бұрын
I’ve got what I think is a simple tie breaker for multiple players: Have as many popsickle sticks as you have players. Mark each stick with a number (1 through 4 for four players). In the event of a tie with multiple players, hold the sticks, numbers hidden, and have players draw sticks. Lowest number goes first among the tied players, second lowest number second, etc. Quickly gets things moving again without tons of rerolls.
@markcochrane9523 Жыл бұрын
Another system like this is Legends of the Wulin.....a mechanic in the system that I find particularly attractive is that, if you get in good with the right factions, you can learn techniques that make your unarmed attacks also count as attacks with certain weapons, bonuses and all. Take the one that lets your unarmed attacks count also count as sabers, you can straight up Nanto Seiken any fool who opposes you.
@Maehedrose Жыл бұрын
I love their 'Loresheets' mechanic and adored the writing in their other game 'Weapons of the Gods'.
@travis6778 Жыл бұрын
I gotta check out Righteous Blood, Ruthless Blade. As a World of Darkness player, the D10 dice pool system is incredibly familiar so this sounds like a good time. Now I just need to find a Gamemaster that I'll run it lol.
@citcoin-official2681 Жыл бұрын
Hello Seth, Lime, and Today I'm going to be continuing the Tale of my Campaign 'The Incomplete Constellation'. Let's start off with a recap The players: 'Bill', ' Kathrine', 'Chief Jeef' and 'Jemma'. Their Characters: Ayingleheim the Goliath Barbarian, Amayali the Dragonblood Elf Monk, Valociel the Aasimar Paladin, and Ilieptra the Tiefling sorcerer. The DM: Me. The Player Characters are all the spawn of Deities, and are looking to become great heroes, to take the Incomplete Constellation in order to ascend to true godhood. They've formed an alliance to do so, intending to Share the Incomplete Constellation and ascend together. Last time my players fought their way up the Spire of Abashi-Ka, the tower of a Giant Archmage and Secured the Map to a 'great treasure'. They had no idea what this great treasure would be, but they knew it would help them Seize the Incomplete Constellation, simply by being a great treasure. That was when they learned it was written in a weird combination of Giant, (which Ayingleheim spoke) Infernal, (which Valociel spoke) and a third language they didn't recognise. So they got a general sense of where the map lead, to 'the shattered city' A place on one of the water planes where it had intersected with a frost realm, and a Fragile Ice Elemental Civilization rose to prominence before, well, shattering. From that shattered ruin a new elemental people rose who were half-Ocean half-ice. They called themselves the Bergine (Berg like Iceberg, ine pronounced like een) The Shattered City, Celeboir, was their capital ( pronounced like Sell-e- Bwar) The Bergine society promoted killing, conquering and absorbing/Eating all Non-Bergine Sapient life, which made the idea of retrieving their treasure peacefully a Non-starter. Now nobody in the party could read the third language which was where the precise location was explained, so they needed to find someone who could. They also had no real roguery skills to speak of, so adding another member to their alliance was discussed. The party reasoned that if they found a good fit for the role they'd likely become a double crosser, and actually planned for that eventuality. But they also knew that Normally if my players figured out a twist like that before the character even showed up, I'd swerve it. So they could either play by what their characters know and create defensive strategies to counter any double-crossing, or they could call my as-yet-unbluffed-bluff. After a while of laying out subtle hints in the realms for a more roguishly inclined ally, they decided to just go ahead with the search and hope they didn't need to do anything too shady, and as luck would have it, when they reached the right Ocean Plane and chartered a Ship, they were approached by another Demigod. His name was Nehkalion, and he was the Son of Mystra (DnD's Goddess of Magic) And Nilalus, Nilalus is the minor deity of Death as the 'next great mystery', representing the mystique of death, and as such was a Trickster. Nehkalion himself was also a Trickster who wielded a pair of shimmering daggers with Skulls lining their handles, as well as being a powerful mage. However his rebellious skulking had lead to Mystra cutting him off from the Weave, so all his Magic was now coming from his own much less powerful magic source. She did this so he'd have to develop that magic source and it was definitely working, but between that incident and Nilalus having all the fatherhood skills of your average Trickster god of death of he'd become set on attaining godhood for himself, just so he could become stronger than Mystra and see how she liked having to use knockoff magic. They let him join but knowing just how shady he was, They decided to prepare contingencies for his inevitable betrayal. But that'll be later. They offered him a place in the Incomplete Constellation and he jumped at the chance. He read them the part of the map they hadn't understood, and they learned that the treasure was what shattered the City in the first place, the Tempest Circlet. The Tempest Circlet was supposed to allow a Creature that wore it to command the Sea and Storms, and it was forged from a shard of the gem from Abashi-Ka's Original Staff, which held the power to reshape entire realms. While the Gem had to be Titanic in size to grant a Mortal Giant that power, and could never be fully restored, if the known artifacts made from the shards were reunited, it could easily make smaller staffs that could give a (Demi)God that power. So that became the quest, get the Circlet, Get the other Shards, make the Staffs, Do Heroic Deeds with Realm-shaping power, and get the final star to finish the Incomplete Constellation and Seize it for themselves. With their new ship and new ally in tow, they promptly spent the next entire session planning their Heist of the Tempest Circlet, which also functioned as a Siege of Celeboir. Amayali, Ilieptra and Ayingleheim would lead the Scorpion People in declaring war on the Bergine, Because as Ilieptra put it "Their foul practice of Devouring intelligent life offends Me, and to incur my wrath is to incur that of My Father and The Sun itself!" And while they were bringing the Capital of the Bergine Empire to Heel, Valociel and Nehkalion would infiltrate to steal the Circlet and with its power to marshall the seas, force the Bergine Empire to surrender. For how that plan went, you'll have to check my next comment but until next time, Skorkowsky, You have a great day. Y'know, using an Army of Psychic Scorpion Warriors to siege a city on a plane made mostly of water in order to distract some Ice People long enough to steal their Jewellery and make 'em give up is actually a remarkably Sane plan for a squad of Demigods for whom death by mortal hands is like a human teenager getting put in jail until their Parents come to bail 'em out.
@atomicwoodpecker0123 Жыл бұрын
This game seems kickass. While DnD excels at traditional western fantasy, there was always a lack of eastern/wuxia rpg. Honestly, change the aesthetic a little bit, you get an Akira Kurosawa film like Seven Samurai. Make it take place in modern times and jazz it up in the absurdity factor, you basically got a Golden Age shonen anime story like Fist of the North Star.
@artistpoet5253 Жыл бұрын
I'm going to be honest. We're playing Kung-Pow Enter the Fist with this one. I'll have to home brew the weird monster thing and then make up the stats for Godzilla and Moo Shoo, but it's happening.
@FoolsGil Жыл бұрын
Sounds like fun. I went on a Shaw Brothers binge last year and saw Throne of Blood a couple months ago. I have some wicked ideas.
@Christopheromoan Жыл бұрын
7:20 Dude this art is sick Love it so much
@Bedrockbrendan Жыл бұрын
The art was by Kagan McLeod, and he did an amazing job. He understood the film genre we were interested impeccably well
@visageliquifier3636 Жыл бұрын
You may want to adapt the Traveler party system a bit more for bad guys and party motivation. Go around the table and each person describes how they were wronged by the big bad (which you have - great stuff), but then also how they are allies with/are owed a favor by someone else at the table. Maybe for extra spice, a grudge with or favor they owe someone else at the table. In some of these movies the heroes spend as much time fighting each other as the villain.
@midnightplatypus1973 Жыл бұрын
This sounds so cool and wasn't on my radar at all. Probably not eligible to contend in my Joshua/Riggs Lethal Weapon finale simulation, but definitely want to try this out. Totally different genre and culture, but I think this might be a good way to adapt something like Fist of the North Star as a TTRPG setting. A lot of the "boss" chapters seem to follow a similar pre-game analysis / boast flow turn structure. I'm betting Todd was the Black Feather to Silent Feather player. Something about your voice went in a Todd direction when you described it so I'm calling that tell.
@marcz2903 Жыл бұрын
Seth, I need you to stop recommending RPGs. They all sound so freaking awesome and I have neither the time nor the money to play all of them!
@Maehedrose Жыл бұрын
Sold. I love wuxia games and this sounds fantastic. I loved the examples you showed us of the abilities, that really did a lot to make up my mind. My brother gave me a gift card for Amazon for Christmas and now it is gone.
@jameshenderson4876 Жыл бұрын
Nice review! I set up this game in Foundry VTT months ago - OK now I had better actually go run it!!!
@aaronbecker5617 Жыл бұрын
I have a game from the 90s called "Swords of the Middle Kingdom" it reminds me of this and I sure am interested in it, thanks
@jasonhudson7697 Жыл бұрын
This looks awesome. I can imagine playing thru every shaw brothers film
@Paxchi Жыл бұрын
By the way, I love the extra touch of various film reel defects that pop up during Jack's segments. Really sells the Saturday Kung Fu Theater aspect. Now I have an itch for some old Shaw Brothers films.
@scottwalker6947 Жыл бұрын
Osprey seems to be interested in one and done games. Jackals is the only game of theirs that I know of that has a supplement that has been published. A shame, really. As you say it is a great game.
@jccusell Жыл бұрын
We run a lgs and sell Osprey games. This will definitely be added to our rpg collection.
@claywoodral7587 Жыл бұрын
I just discovered your channel and you've already talked me into buying a pdf lol
@SSkorkowsky Жыл бұрын
Hope you enjoy the game as much as we have.
@johnnysizemore5797 Жыл бұрын
Actually another good couple of examples of this style is Enter the Badlands-The Man With the Iron Fists(1&2)-The Street Fighter Game's and Ninja Destruction along with Ninja 1&2.
@l0stndamned Жыл бұрын
Certainly sounds like something I'd be interested in. I do hope they do some form of supernatural supplement as wuxia vampire hunters (with hopping vampires) sounds so much fun. Just wondering is there a signature attack that lets you charge through walls/barriers to attack a target? And is insatiable curiosity an available quirk?
@Maehedrose Жыл бұрын
The wuxia rpg 'Qin the Warring States' is a historically authentic setting with a sliding scale of fantasy, from almost zero to high fantasy, as you like it. That game has many cool Chinese monsters and its 'Qin Bestiary' is very well written - presenting short adventures for several of the monsters. Whether you run this game, or that one, the setting info and advice will be incredibly valuable.
@timetraveller6643 Жыл бұрын
TOPIC REQUEST: Hallo Seth (and Jack). For those of your subscribers that want to explore writing game scenarios, What five published adventures might you recommend as examples of excellent writing with regard to imaginative plot, player involvement, good use of the game mechanics, and possible replayability? What makes these examples shine? What are the pitfalls of beginners writing adventure scenarios? I think a video on this question might be very popular. Traveller seems the most adaptable to almost any other genre. Does this sound interesting to you? or Jack?
@FatalKitsune Жыл бұрын
I can imagine running this Savage Worlds-style, where combats consist mostly of weak mooks that can only take one wound each, backed up by one higher-level boss. I'd have the boss spend the first couple of rounds not fighting, just taunting players or yelling at his minions or something. "Get them, you fools!"
@ogreboy8843 Жыл бұрын
Suggestion for faster character gen: make a deck of cards of the abilities you can have at first level and randomly deal each player five cards during character gen. They can choose from those.
@shadowtheory7500 Жыл бұрын
@DMRaptorJesus Жыл бұрын
This sounds like a fun game. Back in the olden days TSR (during the WoTC transition) released and rpg called Dragon Fist that was a proto AD&D 2e-3e wuxia ruleset. It was actually really fun. They did release two adventures for it (one came with the book). I only have the ancient pdf, and its no longer on their website sadly. But if you can track it down, I bet it wouldn't be too difficult for you to convert. There's is also the old outlaws of the water margin rpg you might be able to track down scenarios for it.
@richmcgee434 Жыл бұрын
Oh cool, wasn't really expecting another Seth vid before end of year. And a review for a game I've been curious about too.
@SacredRatchet Жыл бұрын
Welp, I'm off to watch a bunch of Wuxia movies
@heathbayhi6275 Жыл бұрын
Where has this game been my whole life?! I just did a short campaign but used D&D 5E because it was what my players were familiar with. This sounds amazing! TY for the video.
@loke6664 Жыл бұрын
There are many really cool small games around and some pretty large ones too. I mean, D&D is great and all (not as good as AD&D but that might just be me) but there are so many really good RPGs out there. A while ago I ran a Shadowrun campaign which is a weird fantasy cyberpunk game. After that I ran Infinity's edge which is a small indie game based on LITRPG (think "Ready player one") and now I am about to start 2 campaigns, one 1st edition AD&D (for players used to 5th ed and Pathfinder) and one with Delta Green which also is really fun, think of something close to "True detective" with an extra dash of Lovecraft. We also played Viral for Call of Cthulhu the weekend before the holidays as a one shot. However, it is a bit tough for the constant gamemaster to constantly learn new rules so my tip would be to Switch around, play a few different genres with different people running them. Only one person needs to learn all the rules, the game master. The players will pick them up as you go if they like the game. Honestly, always playing the same fantasy game gets a bit boring after a while. I mean, you have so many genres, like Western, space opera, cyberpunk, martial arts, historical games, horror, pulp and many more. Having a long running campaign is of course always fun but I tend to appreciate it more if I have some breaks with other games at times. :D
@AuthoritativeNewsNetwork Жыл бұрын
Been waiting for this 🍿🍿 Righteous Blood Society vs Ruthless Blade Cult; not even the Dharma of the Golden Temple can stop the chaos in the Rivers and Lakes.
@si1verg3cko Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the review. I ended up purchasing a physical copy after watching it (sadly a physical copy was out of stock on Osprey's web site). I do think it was a missed opportunity not having the option to print on demand on Drive Thru RPG. Also made me think of my old Mutants and Masterminds character White Dragon. No he didn't have super powers he was just skilled at martial arts *runs across surface of water*.
@dragonknight196 Жыл бұрын
Seth. Watch Kid with the Golden Arm, and Five Deadly Venoms. Those are great old school martial arts movies.
@Bedrockbrendan Жыл бұрын
Kid with the Golden Arm was definitely on our mind when we made the adventure that comes in the book, The Obsidian Bat. Love that movie and the Five Deadly Venoms (been trying to work out a venoms inspired campaign)
@Paxchi Жыл бұрын
Also, maybe a campaign war story / video series about the Quest For The Bloody Hands?
@seigiman9620 Жыл бұрын
Great informative review and gotta say too, yo King Hu films and One Armed Swordsman rec is legit. Classic films. Will be looking into this RPG soon.
@shockerck4465 Жыл бұрын
Could you recreate characters from 5 Deadly Venoms or Avenging Eagle?
@Bedrockbrendan Жыл бұрын
That is an interesting question. Brendan here (co-designed the RBRB). There was certainly a degree of influence from Venom Mob movies in general, and there are abilities like Golden Armor Defense in there, but I would have to sift through the book and see how well you could replicate the entirety of The Five Deadly Venoms. Avenging Eagle is also a movie that I was pretty influenced by but in terms of abilities, I think the closest in the book might be Demon Claw Style.Again would have to sift through the book to recall exactly. RBRB is built more around broad abilities so some could certainly be used to reflect these films but I may take a crack if I have time at putting something up on the blog that is a direct emulation of Five Deadly Venoms In the Wandering Heroes of Ogre Gate rulebook there are definitely abilities that emulate what you see in both these films (and there is also equipment in there like Iron Claw (which was modeled specifically on the ones Ku Feng used in Avenging Eagle). There are also loads of techniques that can emulate the Venom Mob. A lot of these can be ported into RBRB so long as you make adjustments to fit the system (they both use the same base core system, but RBRB is more streamlined and the power scale is a little different)
@enigma_explorer625 Жыл бұрын
Getting it! Please review the new Avatar Legends RPG
@flakstruk-8481 Жыл бұрын
I love the way this game sounds Edit: i hope the publishers release the npc/weapons with companion cards
@nasir6r996 Жыл бұрын
Awww that's sweet, a game designer fan sent you their product because they appreciate your reviews ❤️ I think I'll pick this one up!
@alexwildner6369 Жыл бұрын
what if seth forgets to end the video and then Jack the NPC is trapped, unable to leave his infinite confines until Seth makes his next video
@SSkorkowsky Жыл бұрын
It happens more than I like to admit.
@tazmokhan7614 Жыл бұрын
Good luck getting support for any Osprey Game....they have never supported or fully marketed any of their RPG games, ever. They have 3 other games that are amazing that have never been supported, This games seems their best so far, shame that it most likely wont be supported, unless they take Seth's review to heart.
@Growls Жыл бұрын
What are you talking about? Jackals' has had two supplements. Let's get those Osprey folks to the table!
@tazmokhan7614 Жыл бұрын
@@Growls good to know, also how is that compared to the rest of their line, not hating on Osprey, but support is historically very lacking
@Growls Жыл бұрын
@@tazmokhan7614 on that we can probably agree, but as I understand Osprey, they will print if the book is made. As a publishing house, they've got an immense line of military history and wargames that is already filling up the presses. I bet if a product was pitched, they'd go for it. It seems like they publish anything that can justify a print run
@piercetibma4321 Жыл бұрын
I really love wuxia novels and movies and have watch/read them for years. I am definitely going to check this out now. Thanks for the review!
@ms9ball Жыл бұрын
What’s a good Wuxia novel you might recommend for a newbie?
@Aurilion44 Жыл бұрын
@@ms9ball "Once Upon a Time, There was a Sword Spirit Mountain" is pretty good, hilarious and had an anime. "Mo Dao Zu Shi" is awesome and "I Shall Seal the Heavens" is also quite good, but incredibly long. There is also "Legend of the Sun Knight". Not exactly wuxia, but has many elements and the comedic and epic feel of them while being downright hilarious, depressing and awesome at the same time
@piercetibma4321 Жыл бұрын
@@ms9ball I am personally fond of the A Thousand Li by Tao Wong. Its in the cultivation subset of Wuxia but is easily approachable. If you're searching for something more historical then A Hero Born by Jin Yong is a good start, though the first novel can at points be slow as it is setting up the primary hero and his back story. If you want something very easily approachable with its fantastic elements I would recommend Will Wight's Cradle series may more be your flavor, though it is more tangentially related to Chinese Martial Arts.
@GenericHeretic Жыл бұрын
Awesome review, I'm just curious how exactly works when rolling to hit. You roll your pool equal to external/internal Martial Arts against the targets evade defence (I'm assuming this is a Difficulty Number equal to the points), on a success roll damage (which depends on the weapon itself) against hardiness. is this correct or am I missing something?
@SSkorkowsky Жыл бұрын
That appears correct.
@Bedrockbrendan Жыл бұрын
This is correct. You roll your attack (which will most often be external or internal martial arts, and is a dice pool equal to your skill ranks) against the Evade of your opponent (this number is equal to their ranks in the defense plus a base of 5, so to hit someone with 2 ranks you need to meet or exceed 7). If you get a 10 on your attack roll, you add 1d10 to your damage pool. Then for damage you roll against Hardiness in the same way using a pool that is typically based on the weapon and/or your signature ability. On a successful damage roll you do 1 wound. If you get a 10 you do 2 wounds (and 1 extra wound for any additional 10 results). Note that signature abilities can specify other damage outcomes. These rolls, with a few exceptions like open damage or 10s on damage rolls, are take the single highest result
@gothmissstress Жыл бұрын
i love the drinking detail, amazing😂
@BiggestGal Жыл бұрын
You describing how character creation is more focused in skill investment and the d10 dice pools made me think "Man this sounds a lot like Storyteller." and this was all but confirmed when I saw the character sheet, which got me really excited because I love how versatile of a system Storyteller is.
@BiggestGal Жыл бұрын
Also I just wanna say I think a better solution to the opposed rolls thing would be to simply see who has more successes.
@mjwu786 Ай бұрын
Wuxia is a genre I want to see TTRPG explore and ultimate gain popularity. TTRPG is such a great format for telling wuxia stories. I hope one day to run a fully or partially mandarin speaking wuxia game for full immersion.
@GameMastersWorkshop Жыл бұрын
Tie?!? Wu Xia films cover this! Obviously in a tie, the action ends up teeter tottering back and forth with both heroes struggling to overcome the other. One hero fires off a move, the other counters, but then the first counters the counter... etc... going back and forth until one wins. The general rule of thumb is always the longer this 'Ko-Fight' goes on, the more damage when the final counter is delivered. So maybe a higher effect, for each round the counter/counter-counter fight goes on. Example: Like a pair of Martial Arts masters fighting to get control of tea cup. Every move the cup ends up in the other fighters hands, but neither can escape with it, because the other fighter grabs it before they do. Grab, counter grab, kicked out of his hand, kicked out mid air before the other can catch it. Series of cartwheels and flips, as both end up lying on the ground grabbing the cup at the same time. Looking and growling at each other, and starting all over again. Not knowing the actual rules, my psuedo code of how rules would work... ACTION TIES IF ONLY ONE FIGHTER PUSHES. - They win. The other forfeits. IF BOTH HEROES PUSH. - Combat goes into the next round [Players roll a second round, effect is increased by one] REPEAT UNTIL TIE IS BROKEN NOTE: If a lot of action is incorporated in a single roll, use the system above but rather then rerolling compare the next die. Let fighters keep comparing dice until one chickens out, or wins. Each time, having both fighters agree to push on, with the knowledge the effect is going to increase with each counter.
@PopFlip Жыл бұрын
Hey Seth, do you know what the default range for weapons is? I bought the book and it says to use the listed range but for some weapons it doesn't list them. I'm new to tabletop rpg's, so I apologize if there is a default I don't know.
@SSkorkowsky Жыл бұрын
Melee Weapon ranges aren't listed below 10 feet I think. So stuff like swords, fists, knives, etc. the range is pretty much zero because you're right on top of your opponent. But once you start getting into spears, staffs, chain whips, and the like that are longer, they do list their ranges. It's more to do with certain special abilities can make hitting characters with those longer weapons harder because they can't get close. Thrown and missile weapons, like arrows and darts do list the ranges.
@Bedrockbrendan Жыл бұрын
@@SSkorkowsky For thrown weapons, the default is 20 feet unless otherwise stated (many throwable weapons will list a thrown range, but those that don't just assume 20 feet). Anything that doesn't list a range, like Seth says, is pretty much for hitting someone right next to you. But again this is very rulings based game and things are left fairly open to GM interpretation. If the GM feels a certain weapon should have a greater range, the group can go with that instead. Also if anyone needs a more robust or mechanically involved approach to these weapons, the Wandering Heroes of Ogre Gate system which forms a lot of the foundations that RBRB was built on, can be downloaded free at Drivethru and the weapons system there is more crunchy (this game is really trying to move away from that level of crunch in order to keep things moving). It could take a little finessing but those weapon stats could incorporated into the RBRB system (particularly things like range). In fact, if you find there is a gap in the rules that you want to fill, the WHOG system has things you may be able to plug into RBRB (just keep in mind there are some important differences like WHOG has 6 defenses compared to 3 in RBRB----you would want to take this into account when bringing in any mechanics).
@SSkorkowsky Жыл бұрын
Thanks for clarifying.
@Evilawn Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for reviewing this! I am extremely hyped to listen to how you prepped for the scenarios as I intend to run them as well!
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