Riot Debunked League's Biggest Conspiracy Theory

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@DemonLordGamingAC0 9 ай бұрын
"There are 4 give-uppers on your team, don't make it 5" May I remind you, that FF is still 4 to 1
@LaNoir. 9 ай бұрын
One game we were winning 30-4, then my team surrendered "cause it's fun" guess I have to analyze my gameplay to find my fault.
@FriendOfLegolas 9 ай бұрын
​@@LaNoir.Are you not entertained?
@Broestablette 9 ай бұрын
Funny that he mentioned "getting a coach." I once had a challenger coach (former Greek league pro) who told me that my account was doomed and in losers queue.
@pasta1998 9 ай бұрын
Coaches are still people and can still be flawed and believe in myths or wild theories, even them being "good" at the game doesn't mean they actually know how to teach others or have all the right info, just like Messi might be the best football player in the world it doesn't mean that he could teach another player to be as good as he is nor it mean that he won't believe in certain things that aren't real
@snowichi5116 9 ай бұрын
when you lose 5 placement on fresh everyone tells you its doomed and to get a new one
@SiMeGamer 9 ай бұрын
A coach needs to teach you how to play better. Just like the Tweet says. Not give you LP. If you want to rank up, hire a booster, not a coach. Really bad comment.
@Ribcut 9 ай бұрын
@@pasta1998 While this is true, it's also a more valid metric than the company itself releasing a "study" to prove that company isn't dishonest. This is like Hershey's releasing a study saying chocolate with high amounts of sugar doesn't cause health problems.
@ibrahim5463 9 ай бұрын
Its like that one teen who said he started smoking while being 14 on twitter,the top reply was someone telling him he is no making it past 16 years
@SlyI42 9 ай бұрын
"There are 5 potential giver-uppers on the enemy team and only 4 on yours. Don't make it 5." Your team start surrender vote -> 4 vote for yes -> you vote for no -> the game ends. Well Riot Games, I guess I should just type Karthus ult right?
@Relhio 9 ай бұрын
A Karthus player half his worth will never ult because you asked him to, be realistic.
@LoLSquid163 9 ай бұрын
sorry im chat banned. whats that... just ping his r? oh... they got rid of team pings too
@liefbread 9 ай бұрын
@@LoLSquid163 but why are you chat banned tho?
@mazhermehdi8793 9 ай бұрын
@@liefbreadi got chat chat banned for saying dmb fk
@naaga9648 9 ай бұрын
@@mazhermehdi8793 that's pretty tame tho
@Relativity0 9 ай бұрын
There is NO War in Ba Sing Se !
@Iago.Carvalho 9 ай бұрын
perfect comment
@GothremenBhason 9 ай бұрын
That's good Joly
@skysloth_ 9 ай бұрын
@anonymus2513 9 ай бұрын
Yup, same energy
@tulindotwav 9 ай бұрын
true -- of course they will not admit that there's a loser's queue. I've noticed so many times after having a 4-5 win streak, I get a 5-6 loss streak after that. It's to maintain the rank because if every one's winning, every one's going to rank up.
@harrygreenhalgh8929 9 ай бұрын
idk this sounds like something a company trying to hide losers q from us would say
@wagaj13790 9 ай бұрын
I actually had a 12 games lose streak when I was 2 games away from master and in every game I stomped my lane and was the only one with positive kda but my team was non existent. This vid doesn’t change my mind . It exists. It exists. It exists. It exists. It exists. It exists. It exists. It exists . It exists. It exists. It exists…
@maxoweenie 9 ай бұрын
... my friend was on a 78% WR streak. he was in plat 1. Last game til emerald. On said last game, his entire team has sub 50% WRs, with one having a 36% WR. The enemy team is all positive. He loses. This continues for the next 12 games. then he wins one. He thinks that his loss streak is over. It is not. He is now gold 3. He earns 18 LP and loses 32.
@saltykitty9215 9 ай бұрын
@curebunni5984 9 ай бұрын
Yeah I reached plat last season and got such a 35 game loss streak and ebeded silver 4
@hans12797 7 ай бұрын
i demoted from emerald to gold in a similar way
@smackwillys3770 9 ай бұрын
The only thing that's our fault is continuing to queue up and playing this game...
@leventeborbely7120 9 ай бұрын
Another one of rito's lies. Are you gonna tell me that one game i get a mid that goes 0/6 in lane, lose the game, decide to go next and then get a top that goes 0/11, also losing the game, and it's just a coincidence? While on other days, i get multiple good games with actual decent players and have a 10 game win streak? and it's not just one-off, it's pattern-like, happening since the day i began queueing for ranked. One day, i get all inters, another day, actually good players. Are you really gonna say that things like that happen for years and it's just coincidence?
@saltykitty9215 9 ай бұрын
Yep, definitely a coincidence. Your fault buddy. Skill issue, get good noob Sarcasm
@NotAnAmerican 9 ай бұрын
Players: Riot is using engagement based matchmaking. Riot: no. Players: prove it. Riot: if you lose you are bad. ... Show us the code!
@MorikoAdventureX 9 ай бұрын
"If you loose, its probably cuz u are doing something wrong" yea like playing a Ranked game in the first place.
@Masterom2000x 9 ай бұрын
Some say debunked, people who look at the actual data and win/lose ratios provided by 3rd party programs realize this is Riot going, "NUH UH!" It's Riot again unwilling to deal with their self caused issues in the quene and again resorting to telling players to, "Git Gud." It's crazy to see how out of touch they have become since season 1.
@nyfol9142 9 ай бұрын
I mean multiple master+ streamers who does challenges are themselves saying that Emerald is elo hell, they wouldnt be saying that if they managed to fly by the rank..
@puddingsimon2626 9 ай бұрын
Emerald Elo: biggest ego meets worst mechanics
@I3eXe 9 ай бұрын
@@puddingsimon2626 I wouldn't call it the worst mechanics, ppl in Emerald know how to play their champs (micro), but they don't know how to play the game as a whole (macro). But the ego part is certainly true
@claudeheinrich3613 9 ай бұрын
even worse in bronze, in solo q if anyone steals my kill it is doomed because then they get the gold, maybe a lead and just die due to some stupid reason, when I have a lead I basically never die, even though I also dont do enough cos I dont want to give the enemy team a huge shutdown, especially when my team is loosen
@ispear6337 9 ай бұрын
@@I3eXe It varies from person to person. Some people let their macro play carry them to higher ranks without being great at mechanics, and vice versa. Its not really a good idea to generalize an entire rank's playstyle.
@RippinTs 9 ай бұрын
​@claudeheinrich3613 in that situation try giving shutdowns to useless Champs that's what I do I play assassins so I have a lot of mobility so it might be difficult for you but I can usually end up dying to the support in plat-gold don't know how easy it would be in higher elo though. Or who knows maybe be a kda player idk which is better I'm still in low elo.
@hettiechristine99 9 ай бұрын
This ones important and gets it's own comment, why the absolute FUCK is the league tutorial on and ONLY ON an employee's twitter? why is it not in the game? why is it almost 15 years after release?
@DrBraxel 9 ай бұрын
Like legit, reword this so its more newbie friendly and put it in the tutorial. Hell, put it in loading screens. PLEASE
@Pyrrha_Nikos 9 ай бұрын
I've been asking for a full revamp of the tutorial since s6. The current one doesn't even explain what roles exist, even though you have to choose one to play normals after you finish the tutorial...
@HighLanderPonyYT 9 ай бұрын
It isn't in their best interest for ppl to reach their rank, be content, and stop playing. Those players wouldn't spend money on skins. So good onboarding is of low priority, if of any
@Pyrrha_Nikos 9 ай бұрын
@@HighLanderPonyYT that's the stupidest thing ever. Everyone gets to the rank they deserve, it's just that most people can't accept the fact they play like a lower rank than they think they actually are
@HoneyBanev 9 ай бұрын
@@HighLanderPonyYT skins help you to get a higher rank or what, i dont get it
@lolxdlolmfaololxdd8879 9 ай бұрын
“a challenger would win your unwinnable game” yeah when the top players in the world who spend their life on this game are telling me its real, id trust them over Riot PR posting tbh
@AvistoGaming 9 ай бұрын
Uh, isn't that a lie though? The "For ranked, we match you on your rating and that's all." Wasn't it confirmed that there's a game system in place to keep you around 50% win/loss ratio? If so, it's a straight up lie lol. He's making it sound like there's nothing more to it, when there could be a system wrapped in that package
@jinnzoln9063 9 ай бұрын
Ah yes. Its my fault mid is running it down causing the enemy team to get fed and making it easier to gank me.
@Kaygu_ 9 ай бұрын
Riot obviously knew your mid would run down and put him in your game on purpose 🥱
@pwl2992 9 ай бұрын
Its easy! Just dont get 0/11 yasuo on your team!
@yulian545 9 ай бұрын
@@你好-戦 There no losers queue, take off your black glasses
@arctic1054 9 ай бұрын
i've literally had 7 games in a row with afks and most of them didnt involve anyone on my team saying anything to them.
@pieperson444 9 ай бұрын
but loser's queue does mathematically exist, like undeniably so, and this tweet proves it because you are matched on your mmr and not your LP, the system will try to match you with players around your skill level, but because mmr adjusts slower than LP, no matter how good you get, you'll usually lose way more LP than you gain, even at a 50% winrate. You need a 60% or more winrate, which essentially requires someone to be a smurf several divisions higher than what they play at. Being better than your entire team consistently isn't enouhg, and that's what all these people are frustrated about.
@thatgreenguyplayer2 9 ай бұрын
Fwiw Strictly speaking i dont actually believe "losers queue" exists in the sense that it causes streaks. But the system feels stacked like crit chance in game. They want you at 50% winrate so the matchmaking tries to give you the most statistically even probability of that then its up to your skills. But im sitting 70% winrate starting bronze and every time i get more than three wins in a row my next game the avg elo of my team is iron 1 and enemy team is silver 2 and my iron bot and mid literally have no idea what do. Lost count of the number of times ive seen people type "why are there silvee players in my game!?".
@JonborgVA 9 ай бұрын
Ive been in a bronze game with gold players on the other team
@nezothgarone2319 9 ай бұрын
true, while trying to get out of silver multiple times if i got a to good of a streak i saw and recorded how the enemy team got higher and higher in rank from game to game to the point that i am silver 1 on a 6 game win streak and the enemy team gets borderline platinum players playing like they are on the same room, meanwhile my team gets 1 other silver if i am lucky with the rest being bronze with 0 teamwork nor objective control, like what the hell riot i know i am not good enough to win games alone like that, i have done it once or twice with a miracle mistake on their part just to get the same type of hard game or even worse the next time i play and my team gets stomped so hard they don't even bother to spam FF they just trow a heavy insult to the usual(if it's the top or mid they attack the jungle and both the adc and supp attack each other) and leave the game i don't buy the excuse of "the mmr is getting inflated because of the wins" because the LP gains/loss ratio would reflect it i but it barely moves and doesn't even get to +30 at the best case and doesn't go below -23 at worst, the matchmaking is way to on the nose that they want to drag me back to 50% WR lol and to be fair i have been on the other side of the coin from time to time, where the enemy team is just so bad for their rank that the win just feels artificial and dirty, at least is funny seeing their team implode in chat like rabid hamsters attacking each other, it's nice to be outside of that beast cage for once
@Kevinho_Live 9 ай бұрын
I feel that. i am B4, was Autofilled ADC (Main Jungle), my Supp has been Iron 2 and enemy Botlane was premade (adc G4 and Supp B3). So much fun to play
@zenixvampirchik652 9 ай бұрын
It's prob also an anti smurf type of thing. Systems can't perfectly rate player's perfomance so they might just put "unexpectedly" good player (luck or skill whatever) against stronger (rank, wr, etc. But ideally comparable in some stats) players. As well as overall weird matchmaking shenanigans like when someone got a bad day/streak of lossess and gets into lower rank lobbies, some from lower rank are on a hot streak and get put a bit higher, some who barely play rank and their data is skewed and not that accurate, etc. Loads and loads of factors, bullshit, tilting messes up everything
@just_because338 9 ай бұрын
They want you at 50% winrate so the matchmaking tries to give you one-sided games to bring your winrate to the desired 50% sooner or later🙂
@panchotz100 9 ай бұрын
Anybody who doesnt believe losersqueue is real is delusional. Literally everyone that plays tons of games, reached high ranked ladder or knows how to capitalize on the queue's system will tell you losersqueue is real. Of course the fcking casino that rigs the machines will tell you they dont righ the machines lmao. Is not a coincidence now they stopped you from checking your teammates stats so you cant dodge
@saltykitty9215 9 ай бұрын
@Jinkaza1882 9 ай бұрын
I always feel like it get the opposite of this. I have some great games, maybe one of them is a total stomp, then the next few games go the other direction. Overt Plats on their main accounts mangling rank 30 doe-eyed noobie accounts or Plats on their smurf accounts in a premade on a pubstomping crusade. As if Riot is saying, "You are getting too full of yourself. Time to bring down a peg. Here is a teammate that licks the frozen wall in Howling Abyss."
@TheGRAclan 9 ай бұрын
Are you talking about normal games?
@Jinkaza1882 9 ай бұрын
@@TheGRAclan Any.
@TheGRAclan 9 ай бұрын
@@Jinkaza1882 normal games barely have mmr. The matchmaking is incredibly loose because the point is to get people into a game as soon as possible and is not really relevant to this discussion.
@cattysplat 9 ай бұрын
There's a reality nobody wants to admit either. That we all have good or bad days, that we can go all out in 1 game and be exhausted and fail terribly in another. That we understand 1 matchup but not another. That we have a good team and in the next, we don't. There is so much more than just "we lose, team mates bad because I won last game".
@KiereKikeli 9 ай бұрын
I mean yeah, that's kinda what it used to be at least, as in both teams mmr must be close to equal, if yours is way higher than your rank, or the few divisions, you can guess who the counterbalance needs to be to make the collective team avg mmr equal within "X" division XD. Noticed the same in this season too, and for the past like 5, as in account wr goes to 75%-> division higher matchmaking-> sudden division lower matchmaking while about 2 of your team mates and indeed wondering if they should lick the forbidden ice cube, while gains stay stupid. Easiest fix to that is to swap accounts and come back to that one after a week or so, seems like the algorithm takes a while to process or forget what's going on.
@Primimimimimimimi 9 ай бұрын
source: trust me bro
@kivori3438 9 ай бұрын
It’s the same both ways. They wont tell you 100% if it exist but we cant prove it exist 100% either. Imo it’s just a statistical conjecture, you need a lot of games to even out the truly unwinnable games but that’s not something everyone can do and ends up in something that resembles a losers queue. And that’s a totally different thing from elo hell, people are just making those two terms similar when they are not
@rampazzo_franco 9 ай бұрын
y como va a tener pruebas de algo que no existe? Literalmente te puso los argumentos de porque pasa, sos demasiado boludo
@Primimimimimimimi 9 ай бұрын
​@@kivori3438 you can tell just by playing, they give you four 30% wr team mates and their team is 55%+ wr
@kivori3438 9 ай бұрын
@@Primimimimimimimi how many times? And how many times its the opposite? And how many times its balanced? In the long run it will be balanced but in the short run its flawed. Its not losers queue its simple statistic. Also even if it was losers queue (which i highly doubt cuz the statistic show it is a short term bias) we still have no 100% proof of it
@MrJuliano14 9 ай бұрын
Its really not about losing, its how you lose.Time and time again you lose to diamonds wile you are paired up with autofilled golds
@AtakenSmith 8 ай бұрын
Especially when you get autofilled on any lane who plays a completely different lane like an ADC for jungler... Unless you and your team wins hard you lose cause one player is like birck in that role...
@pwl2992 9 ай бұрын
I like this comment on twitter. "The term losers queue exists as long as people are not punished for griefing & trolling. An indivdual is only 10% of the lobby. Even playing consistently it's technically possible to lose more than you win. Just because odds are in your favor doesn't mean that the outcome is." and about coin flip "The same way I can flip a coin and the more I flip its more likely to get close to 50/50. Yet it is completely possible to throw a coin 1000 times and have heads 100 times while having tails 900 times. Number of games makes it more likely but doesn't guarantee it."
@iamguavafruitjr.8458 9 ай бұрын
Riot: It is most likely your fault you lost because you didn't try hard enough. Meanwhile, my adc is afk and jungle is inting by running into the enemy turret to feed the enemy toplane. Or maybe that time where you go on a lose streak because there is that one player that is boosted that always becomes your teammate in subsequent matches. Like, how?
@kamskill 9 ай бұрын
Conclusion : i should have a challenger level gameplay if i want to win my games in diamond because the matchmaking is dogshit but doesn't intentionally want me to lose
@megalowie1324 9 ай бұрын
The challenger coaching response was the worst one, of course a Challenger would win a Bronze game, but what about a Bronze player wanting to climb to Silver? They need to be a Challenger for that? Progression for what, ain't am I right?
@Soganoglu 9 ай бұрын
the example is bad i agree, but if u are a gold lvl player u should be able to consistently carry games in silver and bronze, since u are playing against people below ur lvl. makes sense no ? im only dia, but i can stomp emerald lobbies easily. ofc ill also lose games in emerald, but i can consistently carry most games in emerald without a problem. taking the low ranks as example is also kinda bad though since the difference in skill between bronze and plat is prolly as big as the difference in skill between a low dia player like me and a master player and further a master player gets shit on by a challenger like a gold gets shit on by a diamond player. the higher u go up in rank the bigger the difference in skill gets. so its way harder for a gold to carry in silver than it is for a master to carry in dia, since the difference in skill between dia and master player is way greater than the difference of skill between gold and silver player.
@Soganoglu 9 ай бұрын
@@你好-戦 i dont know if thats belitteling. people just have differen opinions on what is considered a "good" player. e.g. if u tell me u play soccer in the 3rd division in romania i wont really consider u a good player, others would.
@RedstoneRailroadRR 9 ай бұрын
Honestly as a vet league player, I learned a long time ago to not value kda. I see my mistakes and try to slowly improve. But there is unfortunately one hurdle that cant be crossed (as a support / top main). If the team's mental collapses, they will blame and then make more mistakes. You can preach, try to give calls, try to improve mental. It sadly just happens, you can't always wins and its a coin flip. I am personally more of an objective and teamfight player, setup situations for my team. At the end of the day though, each person has their own decisions and view. One may see opportunity, where another sees death.
@aetriandimitri190 9 ай бұрын
Idk man going on a 12 game win streak with amazing teammates that aren't toxic and do well, just to have 8 games in a row with newly bought accounts that rage quit the game against enemies all in win streaks seems kindof suspect
@kevinkarlimperial4717 9 ай бұрын
I found the best tip to climb is by muting yourself. Especially in emerald. Even if you have good intentions anything you type will tilt any of your teammates. One time I said glhf then my teammate for some reason did a background check on my history then said gg we have a losing streak Shen then the mid afk'd.
@Astroqualia 9 ай бұрын
Lmao that's hilarious. I remember when those tools came out, I'd be checking the lobby mmr during pick phase
@Telnyash 9 ай бұрын
True. Muting yourself keep yours and your alies' mental in check. Chances are if your teammate is typing something usually it's shittalking or infighting, so you're better off without it. Just learn to keep track of your team's actions and you'll be set to go. As a bonus you'll learn to keep track of the map if you didn't already. Muting myself helped immesurably, enabling me to get diamond rank while almost not playing league at all
@kevinkarlimperial4717 9 ай бұрын
@@你好-戦 last season understandable. Shen was so bad that the community had to boycott him. He's really good now tho with the new items
@cattysplat 9 ай бұрын
Honestly this speaks more about the lack of maturity and control over their emotions the League playerbase has. A team that communicates well will absolutely beat a team that doesn't communicate at all. However at the level that nobody can communicate without going to war with their own team, then yes not saying anything would work.
@uberneanderthal 9 ай бұрын
no one said loser's queue has to be intentional or a 'conspiracy', it could be an unintended bug in the matchmaking algorithm that riot isn't even aware of.
@cye2310 9 ай бұрын
Bug? Players are reaching now, even Vandiril won't make that claim lol.
@pebpebs4810 9 ай бұрын
@@cye2310 yea because vandiril makes no unsubstantiated claims. as @uberneanderthal pointed out, "it could be". it could very well be intentional, they'd definitly NOT tell us, and it could very well NOT be intentional. There is an incentive for riot to give you loses and/or wins in a row, and it isn't a super farfetched idea that they maybe do (or don't). Vandiril wouldn't report on it because if you know anything about Vandiril, whenever he posts anything, it is with footage and forms of direct proof. Without seeing something like the algorithm for matchmaking and mmr, you couldn't really proof or deny it's existence 100%.
@lonwolf7922 9 ай бұрын
This theory is as old as when in app purchases started. There is no evidence to proof it but... You keep getting matched against players with better skills until you make an in app purchase then you get matched against players with lower skills. Coincidence or insanity? So riot dismissing this claim? Riot calming people down or riot covering themselves?
@melovepeas 9 ай бұрын
You mean like the time they "debunked" smurf queue only for it to have been in the game the whole time? They just named it something else to avoid responsibility????
@megalowie1324 9 ай бұрын
It's like the "Totally Not" skin line "We don't have a smurf queue, what we do to prevent smurfs from playing with low rank players is to put them in the 'Totally not the smurf queue'".
@PedroFerraz_pt 9 ай бұрын
Companies can just lie... and this is for sure one time
@fuckoff3076 9 ай бұрын
Riot straight up coming out with the most obvious lie ever? Hell nah thats never ever happened
@xminus5561 9 ай бұрын
can you prof this is a lie ?
@lussor1 9 ай бұрын
​@@xminus5561in 2020 every time i enter a promo of a division or league, my teammates would always come from a lost game and enemies from a win. Besides promos, entering a losing streak would put you with teammates that were losing the same amount
@xminus5561 9 ай бұрын
@@你好-戦 this is not an answer to my question. People think they can win in a Casino or don't know how chances work. I asked for a prof.
@GrammeStudio 9 ай бұрын
@@你好-戦 except they're not the math prodigy making a conclusion about math. they're more like the calculators repairmen making a claim about math. most league players don't even have any clue about statistics, p-value, null hypothesis.... and what it takes to design even the most basic methodology to prove the existence of their statistical claim beyond random happenstance
@Commentpeon 9 ай бұрын
Ahh the true modern day gaming experience of being gaslit by the developers.
@Danceofmasks 9 ай бұрын
IF loser's queue doesn't exist, then there's something seriously wrong with their matchmaking algorithm.
@Bwooke 9 ай бұрын
or you just have a bad day statistically and are ranked close to what you should be. Imagine thinking that you can write a perfect algorithm to create purely balanced matchmaking that somehow accounts for the whims and oddities of 10 human beings at any given moment of the day 💀
@Ribcut 9 ай бұрын
The "loser's queue" is the issue with their matchmaking algorithm. Everyone in this conversation is arguing past one another. Loser's queue absolutely 100% exists, and whether or not it's intentional remains to be seen.
@YugenOfficial 9 ай бұрын
That's exactly what's going on. Loser's Queue doesn't exist, but it just feels like it does due to how the algorithm works.
@j.a.velarde5901 9 ай бұрын
I completely agree here: so many of us are careful, considerate, ward, show up to objectives... having to carry the match is NOT or should not be the defining attribute of a winning player.
@bajed10 9 ай бұрын
it's just survivorship bias, you only remember having 5+ losing streaks, and not the 5+ winning streaks
@MeLlamoBauti 9 ай бұрын
No way necrit, who doesn't experience the 30% wr teammates on ranked, brings up tft meta (you rank up playing by the strongest comp, it has always been the same)
@direseven5277 9 ай бұрын
uh no they blatantly said that winning or losing games will impact what kind of players you get. so when you lose that one game youre going to get people who are worse than what you were before you lost and if those people are worse than you whose to say that the wont be the determining factor to your next loss? which means now youre getting team mates that are substantially worse than you causing you to loss more. RIOT confirmed said they are making MMR and ELO 1 thing and no longer 2 systems. the more you lose the worse team mates you get giving you a losing streak.
@GrammeStudio 9 ай бұрын
@Loess 9 ай бұрын
that riot said the most stupid thing ever: if u put a top 250 player of all the fucking server they will stomp a low elo game. SERIOUSLY???
@teiten3806 6 ай бұрын
Well it does illustrate that one player can be the difference to win and it’s not about an algorithm premaking games
@Loess 6 ай бұрын
@@teiten3806 yes a top level pro vs 99,8% of the population of the server its the most empty statment ever.
@teiten3806 6 ай бұрын
Point being ? It does show that a good player can win regardless of their team, invalidating the concept of loser’s queue
@eljovenaleman7147 4 ай бұрын
@@teiten3806 I think that what he is trying to say is that you shouldnt be expected to play like a Challenger to get out of gold
@teiten3806 4 ай бұрын
You shouldn’t expect to get out of gold by playing like one then
@Festiino 9 ай бұрын
Anyone who’s been playing league enough experienced a huge streak of games where no matter how unfocused and little impact you have, your team just wins. Conversely the opposite is also true, you wake up feeling good, playing the best you’ve ever played in a while and lose 10 games in a row because you got two lanes feeding the shit out of the enemy. We can’t prove it exists? You can’t prove it doesn’t.
@itsKrowZ 9 ай бұрын
i love the irony of getting an ad before this video for a league coaching software that specifically talked about getting out of losers queue haha
@HighLanderPonyYT 9 ай бұрын
Lul ads, what are those?
@jonnyjostar644 9 ай бұрын
the tweet came up after a controversy happened in wild rift when a streamer called lego tried an inting strategy wich is ending the game with 0 zero kills , 0 assist, dealing less damage as possible ( like 5k or something ), having as much deaths as he can and destroying towers so the match system kept giving him the best players while the enemy have the worst players to even the odds so the twwet of the rioter is just gaslighting and losing q exist and if you want to a proof go watch lego streams just type lego wild rift
@EarlHare 9 ай бұрын
There is no losers Queue, just a special military operation queue
@kinpaebbasta430 9 ай бұрын
Riot saying its not real should tell us how fucking real it is
@animalxing8697 9 ай бұрын
I don't understand the argument that "if a challenger* player were in your place, he would have won the game". Uh. Yeah. He's among the best in the world at the game I'M IN FUCKING SILVER. I shouldn't have to play at a challenger level to win a silver game. That's absolutely absurd. *edit: typo
@hettiechristine99 9 ай бұрын
THIS ONE! THIS IS THE COMMENT! I play like plat (proved by my plat in flex rn) in bronze solo and that doesnnt even work
@zero.0-0 9 ай бұрын
@itachi4761 9 ай бұрын
That's just people saying that you need to learn and improve, there's very few people reaching high elo on talent alone
@avendurree 9 ай бұрын
You also shouldnt play against smurfs, when you're climbing in low elo, where is the logic in that one? Like, "just dont die, play better against a smurf bro"? XDDDD Also, I wonder how would they apply that statement to challenger streamers who believe losers queue exists. "Another challenger wouldve won that game"??? lmao
@ispear6337 9 ай бұрын
The interesting thing is; there have been a lot of instances where a challenger level player goes down into the depth of true shitlow to demonstrate how to perform well with bad teammates, and often times when they get one of those horrific games they end up losing the game with a nuts scoreline. While it is true that pretty much everyone is bad at correctly assessing an unwinnable game, they do actually exist.
@sanji663 9 ай бұрын
After over 3000 hours in league I can say, It does exist.
@MSusername69 9 ай бұрын
The amount of times im on a lose streak and see that the enemy team is constantly getting higher ranked and better premades than my team is shockingly high. When I start losing I start paying more attention to the "quality" of players on each team and very often ill see the enemy team be plat+ and premade(with like one silver or bronze) while my team is around silver/gold and all randos.
@kingofdragons7 9 ай бұрын
@ox4tune 9 ай бұрын
Git gud
@MSusername69 9 ай бұрын
@@kingofdragons7 ok you try to carry a team full of random silvers and gold vs a team of premade plat and diamonds. They are just fundamentally better at the game.
@dizzyheads 9 ай бұрын
It's even worse when there's people who tilt more than tilted towers and start raging at each other
@Hmmmm13579 9 ай бұрын
@@MSusername69get better
@Cyclops1007 9 ай бұрын
I just cant really agree with riots take on this, sure losers queue doesnt actually exist but saying its my fault if i lose a game whilst the jungler isnt doing anything and my mid and top consitantly lose their lane resulting in a fed irelia, aatrox or katarina whilst we're just chilling in botlane being ahead of the enemy, how am i supposed to influence the game as a support player to win that type of game.
@paulrei00 9 ай бұрын
And no matter how fed I, an adc, is and how many items I have, there ALWAYS is some Trundle/Rengar/Yasuo and etc. who don't give a single fck about my kda, kiting skills or OP items in my inventory - they got their one item power spike after double killing my solo lane teammate and his premade jungler 🎉
@SiMeGamer 9 ай бұрын
Roam, ward, ping, play well mechanically in skirmishes and fights. "Chilling in bot lane" does nothing. I'm a support main and I climbed to Master with support. And it doesn't matter if you play Zyra or Milio or Braum, you can influence the game a ton outside of your lane. Not always and certainly less than other roles but it is possible. Also, this is not Riot's take. It's Phroxzon's take. There is no official Riot statement on the matter and Necrit is kinda dumb calling it a "debunk" since nothing definitive was proven. You need to see the code to know for sure. But as far as experiment go, this is pretty much debunked. There is no loser's queue almost certainly. And when it comes to climbing, you don't need to win every match. So as a support, you'll lose plenty of unwinnable games. But you can also be the reason your team loses a perfectly easy winnable game or be the hero that wins an extremely hard match with a clutch play or ward or ping or smart itemization. Support, according to Riot August is the least influential role BUT it is mostly about being the less bad support. The worse support loses more than any other role. Based on MMR, better supports don't win more than other roles but worse supports lose more. So as long as you play a lot and play well, you'll climb as support. Just because it seems impossible doesn't mean it is. I saved games as Lulu, as Blitz and as Nami. I solo carried plenty as Zyra. I changed the course of a terrible match with a good W and R on Renata. I can't always save the match. I have replays on KZbin where I literally have a troll teammate in low Master that simply decides to not only not play and feed but take resources from other teammates. It happens. But it's so rare. If you all play to win, you will have plenty of influence, especially if you are fed with you bot. Type "protect Twitch" and you might influence your Trindle Top to use R on the Malphite that Ult him so you can melt him, get a Triumph proc and destroy the enemy team. Will that happen? Probably not. But it could. And in the games that it does happen, is when you make those gains and climb. You don't climb by winning easy matches. You climb by playing consistently better than the opponent and changing the odds.
@matosmartin4447 9 ай бұрын
S13 split2, 80 games, 59%, e4 from s2. S14 split1, above 100 games, 44% wr, g2 from p1 and a 15x lose streak. Riot match making? @@SiMeGamer
@hsa362 9 ай бұрын
I agreed. One thing a support could do is roam even if it seems to look like a losing game. It rough if the game is just beginning and all of top and mid is already down 3 deaths. If they stop fighting and stand back a bit, it works quite well but if they keeps on just fighting and fighting and feeds, it will be more rough. But a good start is roaming between mid and bot. Staying with adc is a must but for example, if your adc backed and you don't need to go back, don't just stand around bot lane, try to go mid or even just wards in between mid and bot river. And if you accomplish nothing while roaming to mid, it's no big deal because you wards those bushes and gives visions for your teammates. And some games are just impossible if both of top and mid feeds the hell out of their laners and the jungler seems to be lost in the jungle. Sometimes it's good to accept defeat but don't say anything negative, play out the game and do your best. Don't let the game or people within the game dwells in your head and ruined your mood for the next game. It's just not worth a headaches. Keeps the positive mindset and you'll win more often and lose a bit but don't get discourage.
@matosmartin4447 9 ай бұрын
Positive or negative mind set. Who cares, its lose anyway.@@hsa362
@posttherapysmilingdisorder8675 9 ай бұрын
I was challenger for 3 different season and just last season I was stuck in emerald elo for a long time. I knew what I had to do and got out of there but it was a super hard process. Because emerald elo has both plat level players and diamond level players at the same time. If we consider a higher elo emerald player with a good game knowledge, the most likely matchmaking happening is there is 2 or 3 more players on their level and it is most likely got matched against each other pretty evenly. The problem with that is since league is a game about punishing mistakes, the losing player generally decides the fate of the game. In lower ranks, I high elo player can carry their games because even winning lanes in those games usually make the same mistakes. However in higher elos like low diamond, you ahve to play like a faker to solo carry the your games and if riot even sends you a losing streak guy in your team, u probably are doing 4v6 against players that have good understanding of the game. When I am in masters, some guy decides not to play because they are tilted and got 0 2 in the lane, everyone would just let them end because there is 0 chance that you win afterwards.When riot talks about impact of a player, they usually disregard dia+ elo and who are stuck there.
@itachi4761 9 ай бұрын
Yeah! I've seen people like alois and sinerias struggling some emerald games due to the disparity of skill levels, emerald is such a failure of a rank
@avendurree 9 ай бұрын
They are definitely disregarding high elo in this shown post, with statements such as "if a challenge player were in your place, he would have won the game". He just somehow assumes that only iron players are complaining about losers queue, because "dia+ players couldnt possibly complain about our terrible matchmaking". What if its challenger matches, RIOT, what then huh? "Faker wouldve won the game if he were in your place"? XD
@xyriliawhitestrake7263 9 ай бұрын
​@@itachi4761 I mean it was the same shit before emerald, it was just called Diamond 5. There's nothing they can do about that transition, it's a natural mentality and skill barrier. Like he said in the video, you are the only common factor in your games. If you are good enough, you will eventually get there.
@claudeheinrich3613 9 ай бұрын
but how is it that in order to win eg. a bronze game you have to be better than bronze level, eg gold because that means only Smurfs can consistently win and for people at the actual rank it is a coin flip until they are lucky and climb up higher enough times to play against better ppl and improve or somehow learn macro even though macro in low elo is scuffed. In all guides it says you only need mechanics to get to silver but how are people like me and my duo who basically always do well (60% win rate) still stuck in bronze/low silver@@avendurree
@itachi4761 9 ай бұрын
@@xyriliawhitestrake7263 I cant talk about how it was before emerald like you said about previous Diamond 5 because i wasnt good enough to reach that far back then. But that's just one division, 100LP to grind through. The entirety of Emerald is 500LP with usually HUGE difference in skill between teams. I agree with you that it's a natural mentality and skill barrier but keeping your mental up and grinding through 100LP is way easier than 500LP when you're struggling :D
@ZibzRO 9 ай бұрын
Next time when ill have a 2-16 Yasuo mid i will say "Is oky mate, is not you, is me, i am the bad one."
@optamis1989 9 ай бұрын
He just trying for the 20 death power spike so he can giga carry
@sinner5452 9 ай бұрын
Honestly thats even greater mystery. Not everyone agrees that loosingq exist, but yasuo, teemo, yone, kata on your team plays 10 times worse compared to average enemy yasuo, teemo, yone, kata. Thats sounds unbeliavable on paper by any common logic, but thats literally how it feels.
@gamer_kyle420 9 ай бұрын
@@sinner5452If this phenomenon really existed, it would be immediately identified as fucking mathematical anomaly
@Relhio 9 ай бұрын
Yasuo can still ult the enemy team with 20 deaths and capitulate on your proper plays, so yea, it really is your fault.
@HighLanderPonyYT 9 ай бұрын
Do you happen to be a Yas main?@@Relhio
@vrmax1919 9 ай бұрын
yea yea sure dosent prove shit you aint fooling me riot
@Buckman151 9 ай бұрын
I do need to mention that they took away the ability to see your MMR for a reason. It's already been proven that people climb to challenger based on the mmr rating after they hit level 30 on a new account and they have been playing with their other challenger friends in order to get their starting rank and LP gain much higher. So it means that just because people can climb doesn't mean that engagement based match making isnt a thing. If they want to say it isnt a thing then they need to give back the ability to see mmr. mmr will shift and show the change in who you are getting placed with in your games. I have multiple friends that go from getting put with people their own rank on a win streak to getting placed with people 1 and a half to 2 divisions lower for the next streak. This happens around a rank change consistently. Instead of playing against and with people your same rank they put you against higher people and with lower. There has been proof of this for years and them taking away the ability to see mmr should show that they are trying to hide it.
@raysr6112 9 ай бұрын
I got Challenger in s11 and still playing randomly, but I'm like 95% sure loser queue exist to some extend. Just look at how many people have winning/losing streak, the stats of the people in the game, etc. It's even more obvious the lower you go in the elos, loser queue is a fact but I don't think it impacts your overall winrate if you just play 1k games per season (Which I do believe is the objective of Riot Games.
@abyssangel76 9 ай бұрын
it's like companies care more about the time spent on the game than the competitive integrity
@Erksah02 9 ай бұрын
There is no war in Ba Sing Se.
@Crusader3454 9 ай бұрын
the best tip for winning games where you could improve little is communicate with your team, even though it becomes more difficult with every other patch it seems, tell your team where you place a ward and ping when enemies pass it, communicate to the best of your ability above just pinging "back off"
@rollcaskett1812 9 ай бұрын
Tyler1 says losers queue exists and he has more authority on this than anybody at Riot.
@Windsofambience 9 ай бұрын
@Ikses21 9 ай бұрын
he also states that hes 6'5. i wouldnt belive anything that man said. he only says it, coz its good for business
@maddokuma8702 9 ай бұрын
They say there is no loserq, but autofill exists only to control it, nobody likes it or think its good for the game, but if you are winning TOO much you gotta get Harry filled on support/jg going 0/10. Same with losing, all of a sudden you COMPLETELY stop getting rejects in your team? Thats the game thinking you lost enough. Who would believe a RIOT employee defending RIOT? The only people i see with above 60% winrate in the long run are blatantly scripting (and obviously not punished).
@MIDO44444 9 ай бұрын
There is no way to debunk the losers queue in wild rift its wild out there
@Artem-gg6bq 9 ай бұрын
Bro it does exist, I was top 20 Darius one time, i won 8 in a row and then i kept losing 6-7 in a row with a 10/4/7 avg kda, can't tell me it doesn't exist there
@turtumurtu3295 9 ай бұрын
@@Artem-gg6bq bro you understood nothing from this video. you literally wasted 20 minutes of your life
@leoleo1035 9 ай бұрын
The video is 13min 56sec long. How did you rounded it up by 6 minutes? Lmao@@turtumurtu3295
@KobiSheero 9 ай бұрын
​@@turtumurtu3295 assuming he even watched the full thing
@LecherousLizard 9 ай бұрын
@@turtumurtu3295 The point of this video is that if you'd put a Challenger in, say, Silver 4 queue, he'd win most of the games. Which is an absolutely room temperature IQ take on the issue. I've done that personally, where I'd be single-handedly responsible for 80+% of kills in the game and no enemy turret or inhibitor was ever taken without my explicit permission and ultimately win by literally 1v5 pentakill'ing the enemy team under their Nexus, but, you know what... WHY I WAS IN THOSE MATCHES IN THE FIRST PLACE? Wasn't the system supposed to give me people with similar MMR, thus some semblance of similar skill level and balance? If I can so thoroughly outclass people who are supposed to be at the same level as I am, then why it can't happen the other way? Why does it happen? What's the chance that 9 out of 10 people in the same match have "a bad day"?
@CadoxD 9 ай бұрын
My problem is the MMR system. "Oh? I lost a bunch?!" Well now I win 5 LP per victory while losing 15 or more.... In low elos.... So yeah winning 3 games in a row only for 1 loss to put me back at square 0 if not further behind... Made me literally quit ranked league. "Oh I won 20 games! Well 5 losses in a row and I'm back where I started... Does it suck that I lost plenty of games. Yeah. But it's a coin flip. My problem is that the MMR system punishes me for losing multiple times. That's my only complaint. Imagine if LoR had the same system? By all means if anyone disagrees tell me why.
@DrSabineVT 9 ай бұрын
My brother in christ this is literally "There Is No War in Ba Sing Se" personified. Of course riot is gonna say there's no Losers Queue. It would just make them look horrid if they admitted to this
@felpudini 9 ай бұрын
@HighLanderPonyYT 9 ай бұрын
@felpudini 9 ай бұрын
@@HighLanderPonyYT oh yes im losing cause of riot not my fault, you are right
@bl4ckhearts802 9 ай бұрын
@@felpudini oh right yea i forgot my feeding jungler inting all game because he wants to troll is my fault or when peopel go afk for 5th game in a row but isnt banned is also my fault i guess the solution is to not play therefore i cnt be at fault for my team doing nothing
@paulrei00 9 ай бұрын
Does anyone noticed that almost in every match this poor Kindred had EVERY LANE countered to death? Just look when he was filled as ADC Tristana vs. Yasuo and Teemo... He literally can only walk around them unable even to land an auto attack because of never lasting Wind Wall and Teemo's Blind Dart.
@derbestimmer1148 9 ай бұрын
They match you with Smurfs and bad players. 100%. This is ridiculous.
@derbestimmer1148 9 ай бұрын
And the KZbin Smurf Commentaries are rigged and just gaslight you into oblivion. The Phroxzon Article is a slap in the face of every decent player.
@derbestimmer1148 9 ай бұрын
This is so ridiculous. The game is overrun with Smurfs who Completely ruin Matchmaking. I play Dota 2 after leaving League agaon and since they banned Smurfs, ranked Experience has completely changed. Even if it is a coin flip. Smurfs make it a weighed coin on the posing side. Combined with League's terrible balance this is terrible. Phroxzon prove nothing. As long as they do not open the Matchmaking code he can tell you anything.
@theprofessor7965 9 ай бұрын
LQ exists, its just not what the developers intended. If LQ didn't exist then the millions of players complaining about it would be wrong then. It's easily reproducible and consistently so. Even when playing DOTA 2 or MLBB, its actually tough to get a 7 or 9 lose streak. In LOL or WR, that happens quite frequently after something like a ludicrous 8-10 win streak or even a 5-7 win streak. The way the community defines LQ as if Riot had intended it is not entirely accurate either. It's a natural phenomenon rather than a nefarious scheme. The devs however like to brush it off as if its an urban legend despite the overwhelming evidence of it's existence.
@firetarrasque4667 Ай бұрын
It’s a statistical accident that a lot of players treat like an intentional conspiracy made to hold them back from their Rightful Place.
@PetrlpCZ 9 ай бұрын
ezreal mid leaves the game after dying 6 time in 8 minutes.... my fault i guess.
@hardsleaz3954 9 ай бұрын
Debunking is now tweeting "NOT TRUE LOL"
@OPGardevoir 9 ай бұрын
fr this didn't prove anything
@Khorne-Berserker 9 ай бұрын
That riot post comes off as very snarky and entitled. It doesn’t prove anything, it just deflects the criticism of their matchmaking; aka Loser’s Queue is real.
@Baniished 9 ай бұрын
"Losers queue doesn't exist" Tweets Riot Phroxzon while maniacally laughing to himself
@optamis1989 9 ай бұрын
Fun experiment. Create a spreadsheet and each game record the respective rank/win rate/mmr of each team by role. After 100 games analyze the win rate. I found i had around a 30% chance to get 3 or more players on my team with lower/negative win rates and guess who won those games...
@magical571 9 ай бұрын
i mean...if losers queue exists, then half of the playerbase is having a great time in winners queue lol and elo hell doesn't exist for just as many people as those who do complain and cry. you can't have a winner without a loser and vice versa. Only difference is, you may feel entitled to be the winner, which is human nature, even much more so whenever anything remotely competitive gets involved.
@optamis1989 9 ай бұрын
@@magical571 nothing about what I commented is complaining or whining. But if there is a large statistical variance of getting significantly worse players on one team it's interesting to say the least.
@optamis1989 9 ай бұрын
@@magical571 it may be too complex for your brain so I'll make it simpler. If 2 out of 5 players are good and 4 out of 5 players are good on another team, the team with 4 good player win.
@sgtpatton 9 ай бұрын
@@optamis1989 reread his comment captain thin skin
@optamis1989 9 ай бұрын
@@sgtpatton lol, I understand it just fine
@optamis1989 9 ай бұрын
If i have to 1v9 the majority of my games to climb im not interested
@optamis1989 9 ай бұрын
@@你好-戦 your comment is the dude bro equivalent of just lift bro. You cant carry most games if 3 players int
@taykex3483 9 ай бұрын
I had 2 GM friends who tried to attempt to prove to me that I'm the only deciding factor for my games. One played my account for the whole night as adc and had a 50% winrate over 10~ games and commented his supports were all animals. The other one went on a 6 losing streak demoting me from diamond promo to plat 11 points.(it was years ago before emerald existed). These two people are well-known boosters. Cooperate talks are absolutely meaningless. So they don't intentionally put you into losing games? fine, but does the matchmaking match you up with worse teammates because you are "rated" higher by the system? I play jungle and top and I absolutely know that if I play top my jungler is gonna feed. It's so consistent that I'm mentally prepared every game as top for my jungler to feed.
@saltykitty9215 9 ай бұрын
Hahaha, congrats on convincing two above-average players into the CoNsPiRaCy. The definitely got humbled to oblivion
@Airijko 9 ай бұрын
Riot accidentally made smurf queue with matchmaking changes. I wouldn't be surprised if the accidentally made losersq and winnersq depending on your performance and mmr
@LaNoir. 9 ай бұрын
"It's always your fault" _looks at Ranked Taric Bot walking to a fulllife enemy, igniting it, getting an autohit and walking back to base_ .....yes, I guess it is my fault.
@russelloats 9 ай бұрын
My personal experience with "Loser's Queue" was last year Split 1. I was playing pretty well and winning most of my games. My winrate was around 50-55% and I managed to get to Silver 1 and was excited to get Gold and stop playing for the season rewards. So according to Riot's MMR System, I should be matched with players of equal MRR. For the next twelve games, I proceed to get players that are unranked, first timing a champion, inter's, trolls, or are having one of their own bad games and I fall to Silver 4. I can honestly say I was responsible for 2 of those losses. I played bad one game and took some important kills the other game (I play support). Every time I was playing to win, and would have the best stats on my team, but was powerless against the players that had more influence on the game than me. I stopped playing Ranked altogether that year cause that losing streak was just devastating. This year, I'm playing again, but when I lose, I stop playing for the rest of the day. Seems to be working so far. I'm able to make better decisions and even able to ping or type what I need my team to do to win, when my mind isn't fueled by frustration.
@animalxing8697 9 ай бұрын
Support can feel really shitty when you're not playing a glass cannon hypercarry support like Zyra or Lux and your team isn't carrying itself.
@avendurree 9 ай бұрын
"Just dont die, ez challenger"
@SiMeGamer 9 ай бұрын
You were not responsible for 2 losses. You were responsible for all of them. This is Silver. The game isn't that sophisticated and you made, mostly likely, over a thousand mistakes in that losing streak. The fact that you are playing for the rank rather than to improve is the fundamental problem. You went in to get Gold instead of getting better which would get out that Gold. Perhaps it's not the rank you seek but the skin reward. Well, then don't expect anything. The skin is there to reward a certain level of skill or dedication to playing ranked (in Silver and below). I'd recommend shifting your approach. The fact you stop playing after a loss is great, mainly for the fact you play in short focused bursts. It's usually better to play 2-3 matches regardless (because strong focus lasts for about 2 hours for us humans) but regardless it's a good step in the right direction. Taking ranked seriously and trying to play AND LEARNING! is imperative to climbing. League is a logarithmic skilled game. Getting better at CSing by 0.5 per minute on average is like getting better by 100% skill in CSing. You die to one less gank on average per match, is a huge improvement in laning and jungle tracking. It's only a tiny number but in League it's all that matters. Landing an extra skillshot and farming an extra minion can change the course of a match. And when you play hundreds or thousands of matches over years, it adds up. Challenger players don't farm 10 CS per minute and never die to ganks. They just do these things a lot more consistently among other skills. They can anticipate things because other stuff is automated. While you have to focus 90% of your brain power to farm under tower, they only need 10% and the rest is dedicated to analyzing the game state. With this 10% they not only got all 6 minions while you got 4. They also now know the enemy roamed and it gives them a window to reset and come back on the map stronger for the objective that's coming up in 50 seconds. There are so many tiny things in the game that matter, but until you learn that, you would never understand. I analyze my own games and make notes and both in wins and losses I can find at minimum 2-3 game losing mistakes and dozens of smaller optimizations I could make to clicking, skill usage, camera movement, etc. There is no loser's queue. There are just losers with a sht mentality. Play ranked to improve. Not for a shiny border or a skin. Those come as a consequence of proven skill. Give higher ranked players new accounts or old "broken" accounts and they will get back to their rank very quickly. The system is good. All you have to do is queue the fk up and take it seriously. And if you don't believe me, well, prove the opposite. After every ranked match, do an analysis of your team and the enemy team. See who is autofilled, on a losing streak, a genuine trolls account, a Smurf, etc. After 100 matches, see if you results are statistically more significant than a fking coin flip. (If you do this experiment I recommend playing seriously and I promise you will climb at the same time - you'll both find that there is no loser's queue and that climbing is easy if you focus on improvement and playing well). Good luck.
@claudeheinrich3613 9 ай бұрын
I have 55% win rate and on my main 60% but I still dont climb or even demote cos I get +23 and -35 lp. Is so annoying
@xyriliawhitestrake7263 9 ай бұрын
​@@SiMeGamer preach
@MorikoAdventureX 9 ай бұрын
So ur telling me I reached emerald-1 94 LP in 15 games with a new account but kept getting matched up with Silvers and Golds on a Solo Queue is normal? Huh ok.
@ChesterZirawin 9 ай бұрын
Yeah, saying it doesn't exist is like Activision saying SBMM doesn't exist. There is too many evidence for it to believe them anymore.
@KaiHydra 9 ай бұрын
Activision literally published an article talking about their SBMM and how it works like a week ago, they've never denied it.
@ChesterZirawin 9 ай бұрын
@@KaiHydra Yeah, now after literally 5 fkin years. It existed since Modern warfare 2019 and they just now admitted to it. Up until recently they were denying it as well, also, they admitted only after one of their ex workers leaked it
@phantoist 9 ай бұрын
Ah yes, my 0/8 at min 10 bot lane, the afk farm amumu who got invaded so he's angry, and the top lane who just gave 5 kills to a Yone have absolutely nothing to do with the losing, the fact that I got an Ekko mid who had 11% winrate has nothing to do at all. "Git gud", someone at Riot probably
@shirofox6422 9 ай бұрын
Losers queue is when 3 of my teamates go 0/10 in 20 minutes
@Elcaballerodesigilo 9 ай бұрын
I just want to say that the "if there was a Challenger playing instead of you they would win the game" is the dumbest argument ever. Like yeah, duh, if you put someone leagues above they will single handedly win that game, congratulations, that doesn't mean your matchmaking system ain't utter garbage. I don't want to win because I'm stomping a rival that doesn't even know what the game is about, neither I wan't to lose because my botlane is 0/20 on min 10 and keep permapushing. I wanna play a nice match with people whose skill level is close to mine and for our decisions to matter, not for the decisions of a single troll to be the important ones.
@jornlos6785 9 ай бұрын
Let’s just forget the thousands of streams showcasing people throwing on purpose and all the people smurfing and people buying higher ranked accounts cause they are hardstuck and the people clearly getting boosted wether by a friend or someone being paid. None of these would ever affect me cause I’m simply just bad at the game right?😢
@GrammeStudio 9 ай бұрын
yeah mate, make sure you clutch onto that copium of a minor occurence as if the chances of throwers on your team isn't smaller than that on the enemy's as if the chances of you being bad at the game, isn't a more likely explanation. there are 5 potential throwers on enemy's team, only 4 on yours. do the math. don't let me ruin your copium, buddy 😂😂
@denispetrov844 9 ай бұрын
comparing a coinflip to a game of league is absurd... they are straight up lying.
@DivineAphelios 9 ай бұрын
having a losestreak of 20 games rn, declimbed from plat 4 to gold 4 with a 22% wr overall rn i love that game :) And every game all in my team is writing novels while i just want them to play the f game, but hey, i am the problem here i guess, thanks for the tips riot...
@LeonardoDeValen 9 ай бұрын
Top: 1/11 Jungle: 1/12 MID: 1/21 Bot: 1/2 Sup: 0/0/4 Yeah, I think it's fair for bot lane :)
@paulrei00 9 ай бұрын
Does anyone noticed that almost in every match this poor Kindred had EVERY LANE countered to death? Just look when he was filled as ADC Tristana vs. Yasuo and Teemo... He literally can only walk around them unable even to land an auto attack because of never lasting Wind Wall and Teemo's Blind Dart.
@pawello271998 9 ай бұрын
They might not even know how their algorithms even work. The problem is when all your lanes are being obliterated early for 10+ games in a row before you even can have any impact on teamfights. Started season really strong and got into insanely long losersQ. Lost enormous amounts of unwinnable games in low diamond and later below. Finally it stopped and then hit master without any problems winning steadily :)
@Aquakabi 9 ай бұрын
I don't know if I'm crazy but the advice phroxzon gives is literally advice for bronze players which don't really play ranked? Like I am genuinely so confused at who this advice is supposed to help since it's all really obvious stuff that you will know with a decent amount of time into the game.
@angelsierraaa 9 ай бұрын
There may not be a "losers queue"... but there IS a "smurf queue". And you may end up in one without being a smurf at all.
@biscotti3972 9 ай бұрын
its tiring when riot wants you to be goku every single game and have you play as if you were 2 ranks higher just to win
@Astroqualia 9 ай бұрын
I notice this. I play adc, have a match history full of mvp/svp, and the game 9/10 times spawns me with a csing, barely playing, feeding, randomly roaming during fights, or afk, support, or other teammates. The enemy team seems to be on point every game compared.
@zinfuldreams1709 9 ай бұрын
maybe if you can't play like a player from 2 ranks higher, you arent a player from 2 ranks higher?
@biscotti3972 9 ай бұрын
@@zinfuldreams1709 i probably can for the most part but like i said its tiring to always be the main character in every game, this would be the only time my ass wants to be a side character and have an actual balanced match
@biscotti3972 9 ай бұрын
@@Astroqualia this happens to me in emerald, but emerald is known for that stuff and i dont get why it has to be that way
@mandlemannn 9 ай бұрын
I agree, if I'm losing a football match the way to fix it would be to look at how Messi plays because if Messi was playing on the team instead of me, we would win the game. This is perfect impeccable logic.
@alissamartina7541 9 ай бұрын
Yeah my team throwing 3 times in a row is of course solely my fault...
@ligilokranz6556 9 ай бұрын
yes, git gud, skill issue, cope
@eduardothomazl 9 ай бұрын
@@ligilokranz6556 With your answer, I can't stop wondering who needs to cope with something...
@bellsama6588 9 ай бұрын
I understand this here. Nothing is wrong with losing but losing when players can't manage their lanes, feed, troll, bad attitude I mean what am I to do I can carry a full team when the enemy team is steam rolling 3 lanes. But of course pple gonna say your bad and get good. It is what it is
@Gorgrs 9 ай бұрын
everyone gets teams that throw the game, difference is some people are high elo and get troll teams, and some are low elo and get troll teams, if the game is unfair then get good at playing the unfair game like the players ranked higher do. There is no one with permanent winnersQ or losersQ. It is literally skill issue not saying you are bad, but you have to do better.
@kivori3438 9 ай бұрын
Having to do lots of games to even out the unwinnable ones to the stomps isnt the proof of a losers queue. More of a proof of a flawed ranking system
@Firecell777 9 ай бұрын
I do love the idea that there is someone out there that is stupid enough to believe that Riot would ever confirm the existence of such a thing even if it did exist. In the words of the video "What is Riot's win condition" to keep you playing, how does them telling you how the sausage is made help them in that. I haven't played a single minute of ranked but it doesn't take a genius to both know what a company wants and to simple check the stats of the other players when I see my friends are on a loss streak. It might not be an intentional losers queue but there is definitely a pattern of loss streaks being bundled together with premades on the enemy team that are on a win streak and are a whole rank above you, while you are with players from around your rank, on a loss streak, with no premades. Not to say that people play perfectly or don't throw and its always Riot's fault but even if you play perfectly we are a long time away from the metas where one person can carry a whole game.
@georgetriantafyllopoulos3818 9 ай бұрын
@Snow-Man13 9 ай бұрын
The best to avoid lose streaks is to NOT PLAYING RANKED I've been playing for more than three years and I played less than two hours of ranked and it was enough for my entire life I rather enjoy the game and be unranked or be master+ and mentaly ill
@Ginn31 9 ай бұрын
You're not wrong tho. I just quit for many reasons, and mental exhaustion is one of them. In the end it's just a game, games are supposed to be fun. I'm with you there.
@eliosuarez5262 9 ай бұрын
Losers que might not be a thing but there are definitely games that are lost from lobby, just a flat out team diff where your team runs it down, and sure a challenger would win there, but they they are the top 1% of players. I just feels so demoralizing that one has to play absolutely perfect to drag 4 other plays to a win. You have to play at a level two or more divisions higher just to win games (play like a diamond or emerald in a gold game), and sometimes it feels like you get a string of games like that in a row. Thats why people, me included, belive there is some sort of losers que.
@UlfgrimRaneth 9 ай бұрын
I've had coaches telling me again and again that I was unlucky af to be having consistently shit players on my team. Also, most of those tips don't apply to SA servers lmao
@tennolife9930 9 ай бұрын
I had a Master friend make a smurf account to carry me out of SIlver, SILVER! After around 30 games he straight up gave up and said "the teams you get are uncarriable, what the fuck is wrong with your account man, just make a new one" I won't make a new one, got 12 years worth of exclusive cool shit on this lol.
@anhuro8558 9 ай бұрын
@@tennolife9930 if he muted all and only focused on playing the game, it is very unlikely that he wouldn't be able to climb. My guess is he got caught up in chatting with them or at the very least was reading it (and probably pings too) and lost focus. The idea of making a new account because you lose games is also dumb. Don't get me wrong, naturally you will get terrible teammates, especially in this elo (and he was probably not used to having that bad teammates, which can definitely affect his gameplay), but so are the enemy. If you're a master player, there s just no way you can't climb
@tennolife9930 9 ай бұрын
@@anhuro8558 I'm not master, he is, and he made the account to help me get out of silver, and he gave up. Also you're saying he isn't used to bad teammates, and am I? You think I like it when I win my lane 90% of time and lose game because even if I am 10/1, I can't do much against enemy mid who is also 10/1 and a 15/2 ADC as well, you just can't carry those.
@ArgKnoxville86 9 ай бұрын
ALso I don't see any data in this post, just "hey, loosers queue is a myth do keep playing"...
@elizabethroa6970 9 ай бұрын
I'm an aram only player. yesterday I was vs 5man premades in 3 matches in a row, on those games me amd my teammates were either unranked or silvers while the enemies were gold/ emeralds (with the exeption being the emerald on my team that kept either walking in base or killing himself 1v5 till we lost). I call bs. also the moment it gets obvious Im in loosers queie I open genshin or star rail. I refuse to fall im the trap. Remember this is "we dont thingk our new champions are busted" riot. this is "sould fighter samora is actually an ultimate skin" riot. edit: I come back and against a team with 2 premades of 2 ( I guess there weren't 5 man premades at that hour) against 2 platinums while no premade in y team and everyone is either unranked or iron. I'm of to play genshin.
@Soganoglu 9 ай бұрын
tbf ranked doesnt mean much in aram. i played aram clash with 4 silver/gold players. im only dia 3. im tier 1 bcs i usually play clash with master/gm buddies. so i play clash aram with 4 gold/silver players against full dia/master teams. we ended up winning clash and obliterating all the other teams, because we actually know how to play aram effectively what comps are good etc. most people play aram like idiots without any strategy, especially high elo players, since they dont take aram serious at all.
@Alexvw-wk4uo 9 ай бұрын
5:00 isn't lol supposed to be a team game ?? Why should the win be on the shoulders of one player that is fucked up
@killzonefury619 9 ай бұрын
I stopped playing solo queue ages ago. But I would like to know 100's of things what I could do to stop 2-3 of my teammates from going AFK at 5minutes in multiple games. Any good player that riot speaks of please tell me what I could have done other than not play the game itself.
@teemothsim1348 9 ай бұрын
They always say there is no losers q but if they ever said there was wouldn't they have a even bigger outrage so they are forced to tell us there is no losers que (there is)
@RandomTakodachi 9 ай бұрын
Just an Idea, I think RIOT should have an "Honor level queue" even for just normal matchmaking which pairs Honor 5 with a lobby of Honor 5s to avoid people that quit or dodge a lot... my last 3 games consisted of 1 dodge, 1 quit early and 1 who just gave up and afked undertower.
@moruemourue9692 9 ай бұрын
ah yes, my 10 to 30min normal queue wasn't enough, lets add honor macthing to it !
@supitschillbro 9 ай бұрын
@@moruemourue9692why is your wait time 30 min? bro just be normal and play at a normal skill level and your queues will be like 3 min anytime of fay
@YHWH-XY 8 ай бұрын
So you want a full support mains match? Cuz only the support gets honor votes. People would rather not honor a teammate than admit that someone on their team did something good.
@evahngelions 9 ай бұрын
yea imagine having a 4 win streak and then you get matched with casuals and 3 people who don't play certain champs or roles poro has hard evidence
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