Rise and Fall of the Third Reich | Full Movie

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The War Channel

The War Channel

2 жыл бұрын

@barrysrcdump3557 8 ай бұрын
This is a masterpiece of a a documentary. There are plenty of newsreel clips I haven’t seen before and you didn’t chatter endlessly over them. Sometimes the gaps between commentary are just as important as what you say. A totally entertaining watch. Thanks.
@loutrrelledwards2341 7 ай бұрын
@jdaze1 2 жыл бұрын
The black and white film makes it seem so long ago like 150 years at least. But my dad was born in 1938. He's still alive and well. Unbelievable it was only about 80 years ago.
@cathybrown8334 2 жыл бұрын
My daddy was in the Pacific Rim. Give your daddy a hug from Alabama.
@21stCenturyTemplar. 2 жыл бұрын
If Im not mistaken the first color TV came around the 60's in between 1954/1965. I remember that in my country black/white TV was common until late 70's early 80's also depending on how much income one had. It shows how fast time goes especially since the beginning of 1900, almost everything electric and motorized didn't exist before and now we live in a time where kids can't understand there once was a time that mobile phones didn't exist!!! 😅😭
@deedt8279 2 жыл бұрын
It was a period of conspiracy and I believe that Hitler did run away because lots of countries politicians were involved in WW-2 that is why he got support to escape. Even America knew that he was alive somewhere in Argentina. They never exposed him because of their own fear. They kept it in archive those data in a Confidential Documents. The photo which they published of his dead body looked like double/duplicate of him. In past many places he was using his double or duplicate person to miss guide his enemies attempt to kill him. PLUS they never showed any one’s body his girlfriend or anyone who was with him. They have Never shown any proof about his death. It happened in USA Black people were not allowed on public transportation, vote, school, or to go and sit in restaurants eat, for their rights Martin Luther King fight for it. Even in Titanic movie they have shown that these white people were so bad that rich were given first chance to escape and rescued. That whole era was like that. If you allow bully they will abuse and history will repeat. Human Animal with Brian they can do anything. Hitler arrived in Argentina two and a half weeks after the fall of Berlin. Two submarines were reportedly on the coast of Argentina before their occupants were brought to the foot of the Andes. Researchers have often claimed that Hitler survived because of the strange circumstances surrounding his death. Just two years ago, a huge Nazi treasure room was discovered in Buenos Aires, including a bust of Hitler. Researchers say the discovery "could be indisputable evidence" of the presence of "important leaders" hiding in Argentina after World War II . The FBI documents provide a fascinating insight into the very real fear that Hitler managed to survive World War II. Russian authorities have also claimed that Hitler was still alive - Joseph Stalin gently confirmed that Hitler did not really die. " . Some have claimed that Nazi leaders fled to South America with a treasure. "What we are doing is re-examining history, history that we thought was settled that Hitler died in the bunker but the deeper we get into it, it's clear to me we don't have any facts for it." Bob and US special forces sergeant Tim Kennedy, who was part of the team that caught Bin Laden, were given access to 700 pages of newly declassified info. One document states: "American army officials in Germany have not located Hitler's body nor is there any reliable source that Hitler is dead." And if all that isn't enough for you, the team managed to find an alleged witness. Former UN war crimes investigator John Cencich speaks to a Greek man who used to work in construction and he tells him that in 1945 he was tasked with building "a secret construction inside the monastery in Samos." He says: "I had to build secret tunnels and compartments for Germans," he continued. "Yes, the Germans were Nazis and one of these guys was Adolf Hitler. He was right there, he wasn't wearing a moustache or anything. This was May 1945." Cimelody told them that Citroen - who by this point was living in Venezuela - claimed to be in contact with this so-called Hitler about once a month on his regular visits to Columbia. Adolf left Colombia in 1955 and went somewhere unspecified in Argentina. It could be true because America did help him [Hitler] escape and kept his secret for many years. I also learned that Marilyn Monroe found some of that type of classified info and that is why Kennedy brothers have killed her. And later majority of all JFK Families were killed somehow.
@jdaze1 2 жыл бұрын
@@21stCenturyTemplar. We got our first color TV when I was in 1st grade around 1967. It was so cool!! A BIG EVENT in those days! In fact most shows were still filmed in black and white so it wasn't until a little bit later that all transitioned to panavision or color shows.
@mikebeesley5458 2 жыл бұрын
@@cathybrown8334 my daddy?how old r u anyway?
@dougrobbins5367 Жыл бұрын
It's strange how some of the worst things that have ever happened are among the most compelling, and interesting, not for the suffering but for the chains of events that came together to produce the outcome.
@electrominded8372 7 ай бұрын
Don't blame others for your evil actions. Don't even blame the circumstances. The line between good and evil runs through every human's heart.
@dougrobbins5367 7 ай бұрын
What makes you think I blame others? What makes you think I do evil? Can you make any sense? I doubt it@@electrominded8372
@floridagator013 2 ай бұрын
Exactly. I saw an interview with a German Jew many years ago. She was asked "why didn't you just get out of Germany when the Nazis came to power." She replied, "because we had no idea the denial of library cards and denial of sitting on park benches would lead to the gas chambers." She summarized, "... but every little drop wears away the stone." An intelligent comment, reminding us that a destructive path can be pursued imperceptibly to us, but each little change is ruthlessly deadly, nonetheless.
@mulehead126 2 жыл бұрын
I am constantly amazed by the enormous amount of film that was shot, and by how often the the photographers were facing so much danger doing so.
@GreatPolishWingedHussars 2 жыл бұрын
What can be said about the German Reichs in summary! In any case, all 3 so-called German Reichs were totally grotesque! The 1st Reich actually meant 1000 years of German civil war. Because it wasn't Reich at all, but a collection of various German small states that were constantly at war with each other. One of the absurd highlights was the 30 year war in which the Germans massacred each other for 30 years. So for the Germans, this Reich meant above all death. Then only in 1871 did the Germans succeed in founding a unified German state, which was made up of various German small states. So in 1871 the so-called 2nd Reich was founded, which actually lasted only for ridiculous 47 years and was destroyed by the megalomaniacal provocation of the 1st World War in which 20 million died. It would probably have been better if this Reich had never been established, both for the Germans and for Europe. The so-called 3 Reich was then the absolute climax of the absurd and insane megalomania and racial madness. It only lasted a ridiculous 12 years and caused various genocides and war deaths totaling 50 million deaths. So the end result of these 3 Reichs were primarily millions of dead. It really would have been better if none of these existed.
@DBEdwards Жыл бұрын
What amazes me is HOW MUCH film footage has survived from the Second World War. And there is much in colour!
@GreatPolishWingedHussars Жыл бұрын
@@DBEdwards That was only 77 years ago. By the way, black-and-white films were now also colored using modern technology.
@marc2638 Жыл бұрын
What danger would that be? My grandmother grew up during the 3RD and she's always spoke about how safe everyone (german) felt especially the women who were now able to walk the streets without beingafraid. Crime was at an all time low, jobs everywhere, to Germans this was a prosperous time, I don't understand and I'm not the only one that when people speak of danger taking film or pictures of the 3rd Reich. Makes no sense, I'm not condoning the madness or knocking it but people need to really learn to do proper multiple rounds or research and find out for themselves how things were or why or how it happened, because the reasons are closer to home than we realize and the general back drop of the 3rd Reich was actually a billboard of success that many others wanted to model.before the war Hitler was man of the year in Times magazine lmfao,,,,,Man of The Year!!!!! Lol, research people just freaking research and by that i mean stop youtubing and googling dig deeper. Google and KZbin is entertainment
@lilmike2710 Жыл бұрын
The ones filming the firing squads in front of open pits made me think the same things. How they must have been risking their lives doing so. Until I learned it was Soviet soldiers wearing German uniforms killing Poles. Adolph Hitler was the most photographed person in the world. He may still hold that title. Although it's likely that some narcissistic douche on Twitter or some other social media has beaten his record by now just from taking selfies.
@ThePrader 2 жыл бұрын
I just reread "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich". Everyone should read that book. It was written by a journalist that watched Hitler give most of his public speeches, lived in Berlin until late 1940, then moved to England. He watched, first hand, Hitler's rise to power and knew many of the major German leaders. I reread that book every 10 to 15 years.
@futureinventor Жыл бұрын
Do you know anything about foreign involvement in Germany's destiny? Who owned IG Farben? Who directed the bombing of Germany so some factories, who owned them, managed to stay unshaven by bombs? That situation and the war was as planed as present day Plandemic. Wake up, please!
@stevek8829 Жыл бұрын
Correct, it's definitely a must. It's amazing how well it's written with minimal bias. I am sure the majority of commenters on KZbin WWII vids never read it--or anything else beyond wiki.
@stevek8829 Жыл бұрын
@Werner Pfeifenberger it covers from 1918, 1923 and on. Not focused on Nuremberg trials.
@stevek8829 Жыл бұрын
@Werner Pfeifenberger no one alleged German villainy, especially in regard to 1918-1933. It's been many years since reading RFTR but it was amazingly even reporting, especially for an enemy side production. It's a work that dives into much detail and can't be read just once or twice. I disagreed with your incorrect assertion that it dwelled on Nuremberg trials.
@TheDoctor1225 Жыл бұрын
@@stevek8829 It absolutely was. It's sad to see how many people still try to claim that Hitler, like Stalin, wasn't given a fair shake and all of the things known about their atrocities were just made up Western "propaganda."
@wellokayyes1266 2 жыл бұрын
This is definitely one of the best documentaries I’ve ever seen about ww2. Extremely well done.
@christophercolumbus8944 2 жыл бұрын
go thank your masters sheep
@vlenzo5397 2 жыл бұрын
!973 world at war greatest ww2 doc ever
@andrewcoupe9528 Жыл бұрын
@@vlenzo5397 agreed but a lot longer
@bobdebouwer7835 Жыл бұрын
A one hour doc cant be the best
@ahmadmorsy1561 Жыл бұрын
No, only the music.
@cyndialver2130 2 жыл бұрын
Many references to William Shirer's book "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" and I agree it's an incredible work. I also recommend 'Berlin Diary". His personal account of being there and following his incredible observances in the years leading up to the war. Fascinating insight into everyday life in western Europe as the maelstrom of war on the horizon becomes imminent. The book also follows his experiences through the first years of the war, such as running thru the streets of a Berlin undergoing an air raid, trying to get to the designated spot to deliver a radio broadcast to New York. Mr Shirer went to Europe between the wars as a newspaper correspondent and wound up accepting an offer from Edward R. Murrow to come over to radio. Great book.
@pooryorick831 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the recommendation. I will have to find the book. Sounds like a great read.
@giovannidibravato5576 2 жыл бұрын
Rothschilds banking dynasty The Frankfurt School Who created communism Who killed over 20 Eastern European Christians from 1917 to 1945
@indy_go_blue6048 2 жыл бұрын
For an incredible trilogy, add in "The Nightmare Years, Vol. 1" (1930-1950?) also by Shirer. I can't recall if it ends in 1950, but it covers all the war years.
@GreatPolishWingedHussars 2 жыл бұрын
What can be said about the German Reichs in summary! In any case, all 3 so-called German Reichs were totally grotesque! The 1st Reich actually meant 1000 years of German civil war. Because it wasn't Reich at all, but a collection of various German small states that were constantly at war with each other. One of the absurd highlights was the 30 year war in which the Germans massacred each other for 30 years. So for the Germans, this Reich meant above all death. Then only in 1871 did the Germans succeed in founding a unified German state, which was made up of various German small states. So in 1871 the so-called 2nd Reich was founded, which actually lasted only for ridiculous 47 years and was destroyed by the megalomaniacal provocation of the 1st World War in which 20 million died. It would probably have been better if this Reich had never been established, both for the Germans and for Europe. The so-called 3 Reich was then the absolute climax of the absurd and insane megalomania and racial madness. It only lasted a ridiculous 12 years and caused various genocides and war deaths totaling 50 million deaths. So the end result of these 3 Reichs were primarily millions of dead. It really would have been better if none of these existed.
@conlawmeateater8792 2 жыл бұрын
The book is a little biased though. You're supposed to be non biased as possible when talking about historical figures and events.
@jamestravenetti7970 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing that it's almost a perfect description of what's going on in this country right now. The faces and names change , but history is doomed to repeat itself.
@edwardwinner1301 2 жыл бұрын
Very true. When anyone opposes Biden and the dems will get punished. Yep; I see the similarities
@HTFGamesStudio 2 жыл бұрын
Is way different from what happening now. There are over 20 wars going on right now all around the world and we in Europe and US care only about the one in Ukraine. Even if there were no other conflicts the reasons behind the war in Ukraine are way different compared to the WW2
@joangratzer2101 2 жыл бұрын
@haywoodsmith2822 2 жыл бұрын
Americans are far too arrogant to acknowledge the republic's demolition by Aryan evangelical misogynist neo-national socialist right-wing ethnic supremacist domestic terrorists.
@onlythewise1 2 жыл бұрын
what is going on , American whites losing there country , sure is
@sonofadoy 2 жыл бұрын
I recommend everyone read Herman Wouks - Winds of War, and - War and Remembrance. Excellent books, both of them! Actually helped me to "understand" WWII. The mini series was also very good.
@htwnvera Жыл бұрын
What mini series link
@carmenlear1349 Жыл бұрын
Dejan Stanmirovic on YT. Sound goes out in some parts, historical facts w great fictional characters added. Sound outs may be due to copyright laws. All of the scenes depicting annihilation of ppl are surreal. The books I wish to read for the facts abt history. Hope you find it. Peace.
@fpscanada3862 Жыл бұрын
Isnt wings of was a novie
@JamesHMcGee-kp7qf Жыл бұрын
​@@htwnvera1x6 by
@dudebro3250 Жыл бұрын
It's good but Europa the last battle is better.
@ironstove9000 2 жыл бұрын
I learned alot and the video was 👌 excellent and very informative. Thank you
@williamshockey296 2 жыл бұрын
There were also simple factual mistakes. It was said that Germany lost 200 planes in the Battle for Britain. They lost 2000 planes. It was also stated that the invasion of the Soviet Union started on June 22, 1940. The invasion of the Soviet Union began on June 22 1941.
@ShawGS70 Жыл бұрын
@Mister Google By 1940 Germany had at least 4200 planes. Estimated losses of German planes was just under 2000. Mostly bombers.
@TheDoctor1225 Жыл бұрын
@Mister Google From an article in 2008: "Both sides had taken heavy losses, although claims during the battle of enemy aircraft shot down were later shown to be excessive. In all, the RAF lost 1,547 airplanes-1,023 from Fighter Command, 376 from Bomber Command, and 148 from Coastal Command. German losses were even higher-a total of 1,887, of which 650 were Bf 109s and 223 were Bf 110s." They had lost about 1900 planes on the German side in the Battle of Britain.
@WoodsToLiveBy Жыл бұрын
I noticed that too. The map also showed the largest extent of Nazi Germany control, deep into Russia, at a point in the timeline before they'd even invaded Russia.
@redwingfan9393 Жыл бұрын
Overall this was a poor video that had a clear pro-communist bias.
@babanahsillah Жыл бұрын
Where do you get your 2000 planes from?
@kamilgala5856 2 ай бұрын
The best documentary I've seen. And I've seen plenty. Unique clips, great, badass music in the background, simple facts given. Amazing, thank you
@spike-4219 2 жыл бұрын
"First they burn books, next, they'll burn people," chilling stuff...
@satrah101 2 жыл бұрын
The rise in anti intelligence in modern world is concerning. Burn books yesterday, burn intellectual minds today. The Term gas lighting gets mentioned a lot.
@spike-4219 2 жыл бұрын
@spike-4219 Жыл бұрын
@Mister Google that's a reference to the Holocaust, just Google it...
@DBEdwards Жыл бұрын
That is true.
@yagodaghendrik9664 Жыл бұрын
@garyrunnalls7714 2 жыл бұрын
Such a sad time it's so hard to imagine that it wasn't that long ago. God bless our Veterans.
@deedt8279 2 жыл бұрын
Hitler arrived in Argentina two and a half weeks after the fall of Berlin. Two submarines were reportedly on the coast of Argentina before their occupants were brought to the foot of the Andes. Researchers have often claimed that Hitler survived because of the strange circumstances surrounding his death. Just two years ago, a huge Nazi treasure room was discovered in Buenos Aires, including a bust of Hitler. Researchers say the discovery "could be indisputable evidence" of the presence of "important leaders" hiding in Argentina after World War II . The FBI documents provide a fascinating insight into the very real fear that Hitler managed to survive World War II. Russian authorities have also claimed that Hitler was still alive - Joseph Stalin gently confirmed that Hitler did not really die. " . Some have claimed that Nazi leaders fled to South America with a treasure
@nogod7184 2 жыл бұрын
God made Nazi too, didn't he?
@deedt8279 2 жыл бұрын
@John Smith then you must have seen him dead - Why they burn body double and show it to Russian Troops. There are all kinds of video from that time and nothing for Big people like Hitler and Himmler body remains. They even destroy bunker place later so no more investigation. But FBI and CIA knew that he is alive. Way later or just recently those documents were found. Marilyn Monroe found out few secrets from JFK and that is why she was killed too.
@prepper1013 2 жыл бұрын
Wasn't that long ago? It's happening now right before your very eyes! Wake up!
@deedt8279 2 жыл бұрын
@@prepper1013 yup ...Russia and Romania , Afghanistan , IRan, Iraq , Sirya Sadam Military dictatorships. Egypt also I think majority of Muslim counties -- They bring lot of stress - Hitler arrived in Argentina two and a half weeks after the fall of Berlin. Two submarines were reportedly on the coast of Argentina before their occupants were brought to the foot of the Andes. Researchers have often claimed that Hitler survived because of the strange circumstances surrounding his death. Just two years ago, a huge Nazi treasure room was discovered in Buenos Aires, including a bust of Hitler. Researchers say the discovery "could be indisputable evidence" of the presence of "important leaders" hiding in Argentina after World War II . The FBI documents provide a fascinating insight into the very real fear that Hitler managed to survive World War II. Russian authorities have also claimed that Hitler was still alive - Joseph Stalin gently confirmed that Hitler did not really die. " . Some have claimed that Nazi leaders fled to South America with a treasure. "What we are doing is re-examining history, history that we thought was settled that Hitler died in the bunker but the deeper we get into it, it's clear to me we don't have any facts for it." Bob and US special forces sergeant Tim Kennedy, who was part of the team that caught Bin Laden, were given access to 700 pages of newly declassified info. One document states: "American army officials in Germany have not located Hitler's body nor is there any reliable source that Hitler is dead." And if all that isn't enough for you, the team managed to find an alleged witness. Former UN war crimes investigator John Cencich speaks to a Greek man who used to work in construction and he tells him that in 1945 he was tasked with building "a secret construction inside the monastery in Samos." He says: "I had to build secret tunnels and compartments for Germans," he continued. "Yes, the Germans were Nazis and one of these guys was Adolf Hitler. He was right there, he wasn't wearing a moustache or anything. This was May 1945." Cimelody told them that Citroen - who by this point was living in Venezuela - claimed to be in contact with this so-called Hitler about once a month on his regular visits to Columbia. Adolf left Colombia in 1955 and went somewhere unspecified in Argentina. You do not know anything about history. That is not true He wanted to do good for Germany. He expanded his German territory to almost whole of Europe by 1939 But his own people and some Jewish people betray him and many people were tired of war since long. Plus his Army many were fighting since long and his army reduced a lot so they had to bring from Africa, Philippines, etc...His mistake was to attack on Hawaii and made USA by force to enter WW-II. This ultimately made him loose. The law of war is who so ever is not supporting the country where they are leaving and go against it , becomes enemies of that country. In this case Jewish were leaving in Germany they should be loyal and patriotic to the country which gives them lively hood. When opposite party troops are caught in wars are considered as POW. And Civilians who are not faithful to their own country are also POW.
@erictroxell715 2 жыл бұрын
The old videos are so amazing to see. Many people just don't understand that when your fellow countrymen and women/families have nothing they'll follow anyone who can feed n help them survive.
@petebatfish1373 2 жыл бұрын
We in the USA are fortunate to have a competent man like joe Biden leading our country to peace and prosperity.
@mikeoz4803 2 жыл бұрын
The Nazi's.......err I mean Germans are at it again with their forced experimental covid jabs & re-armament
@michaelbrown5117 2 жыл бұрын
@@petebatfish1373 you've got to be joking
@SHAAADOWWW794 2 жыл бұрын
@@michaelbrown5117 u and ur 3 likes , dont have sarcasm at all i guess, classic GMO kids
@claydice91 2 жыл бұрын
@@petebatfish1373 you cannot be serious with that comment. Competent? Peace and prosperity? Are you being satire right now? I sure as hell hope you are.
@Ealdorman_of_Mercia Жыл бұрын
28:39 Blitzkrieg is not Hit and run tactic.. It's a concentrated highly powerful penetration into the front line, while securing flanks at the same time. The tactic is to penetrate quickly and ferociously, so that two attacking armies/battalions could surround the enemy army, cut of their supply, and immediately annihalate them. It has absolutely nothing to do with hit and run. It's not like Guerilla.
@randybobandy9828 10 ай бұрын
Exactly its like a pincer move. France distributed all their tanks evenly across the battlefield while Germany concentrated their tanks in 2 locations and swiftly penetrated the enemy lines and then surrounded them and cut them off from reinforcement. Rinse and repeat.
@EgoAlters 2 жыл бұрын
No mention of the fact that the Soviet Union attacked Poland with the Germans. Kinda deflates the good vs evil - narrative, when the UK and France opted not to declare war on the Soviets.
@kidd32888 2 жыл бұрын
That is a very good point
@ahmadmorsy1561 2 жыл бұрын
Cause the movement was meant to destroy USSR with Poland as an Alley not to be conquered
@robertthompson9643 2 жыл бұрын
Correct. That was part of the non aggression pact signed in Aug 1939.
@Vlad79500 Жыл бұрын
Are you sure? Maybe the USSR did not allow Germany to seize the Russian territories occupied by Poland in 1918-20? Have you thought about it? Why don't you read this book? In the book you will find a lot and this is what you write about. And also about the fact that Poland was the best friend of Nazi Germany, which contributed to the creation of the Third Reich and the annexation of territories, and also participated in the division of Czechoslovakia. Why are you concerned about the semi-fascist state of poland 1939?
@23joanlee 5 ай бұрын
@@Vlad79500 you are sadly miseducated, bud.
@RootlessNZ 2 жыл бұрын
Operation Barbarossa, the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union began on 22 June 1941, not 1940 as stated in the voiceover.
@shivnandalall2178 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. The invasion of Russia took place in June, '41 not 1940. The narrator also said the Third Reich controlled over 300mln.sq.miles of territory. That is so wrong. From my recollection the USSR was 8mln plus sq.miles at the time and it was the largest country in the world. So which countries made up a few hundred sq.miles more as stated? This documentary has lost some credibility.
@Paui-yb2cp 4 ай бұрын
Agreed, there are a lot of mistakes like that in a lot of KZbin videos.
@bruceraykiewicz6274 2 жыл бұрын
As history has often shown, 'Hatred, will eventually eat you up'.
@charlessedlacek5754 2 жыл бұрын
No...if your cause is just, it keeps you warm at night.
@slabbusterrtr7690 2 жыл бұрын
Yep I agree
@charlessedlacek5754 2 жыл бұрын
A bigger problem are those that define truth as hate and use violence and slander to destroy free speech. A favorite of democrats and leftists worldwide.
@electrominded8372 7 ай бұрын
Buddha said: "To hold on to hatred is like grasping a hot coal with the intent to throw it at someone - you are the one who get burned".
@deniseroe5891 Жыл бұрын
In school in the 60’s and 70’s we were never taught about HOW WWII came to happen. Many years ago I read the book Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. I finally understood the horrible condition Germany was living under, knowing that, you can understand why they grasp at anything they though would help. Hitler did some good in the early days, but it was all subterfuge for his real plan. He made their life wonderful, so by the time they realized what they had signed up for it was too late to change the course. My dad and his brothers fought in WWII and my husbands uncle was in D-Day.
@boymeetstaco8733 Жыл бұрын
The German people were complicit in the horrors that were committed. Every man has a choice.
@dudebro3250 Жыл бұрын
There's an excellent documentary about this called Europa the last battle.
@fritzforsthoefel8031 Жыл бұрын
​no worse than stalin
@hershellacey9405 Жыл бұрын
Putin is following in Hitler's footsteps.
@KarlFort Жыл бұрын
@@boymeetstaco8733 no one didn't anything wrong. or are you talking about the horrors of joe biden's criminal actions on the world.
@HVLLOWS1999 2 жыл бұрын
My grandmother and her family when she was a little girl in Texas. Would take the Japanese Americans food in their camps when the US locked up all the Asians for fear they were Japanese spies. She remembers that vividly. Interesting and horrifying to know how close we are to tragedies like this. You never know when it could happen again. Putin and the situation in Ukraine isn't looking like we are headed in the right direction.
@kennylong7281 2 жыл бұрын
BRAVO! Bless your Grandmother!
@electricaf365 2 жыл бұрын
Your grandmother did no such thing. Fake news
@kennylong7281 2 жыл бұрын
@@electricaf365 My family are from San Francisco, dating back to 1889. The Fillmore District was "Japan Town". In 1942, Japanese American Citizens, had their property confiscated, (Real Estate), and were carted off to the California Desert for confinement. Their neighborhood was then handed over to African American Share Cropper families, who had been given free transport to S.F. from southern states, such as Alabama, Luisiana, Georgia, Mississippi, etc. The Fillmore remained a Black Ghetto up until the 1980's, when the Gentrification process began. Today the Fillmore is a wealthy fashionable area, populated by East Asians, Europeans, and American Whites. The Japanese were never compensated for their losses.
@electricaf365 2 жыл бұрын
@@kennylong7281 that’s just something you read off the internet. Your family had no involvement
@MegaVero23 2 жыл бұрын
Nazis resurfacing in Ukraine is worrying yes
@palanka842 2 жыл бұрын
When marshall Wilhem Keitel, who'd been chief of german high command during the war, was asked during nurembeg trials when he'd realized the war was lost for Germany he quickly answered: "Moscow, december 1941"
@helenhoward5346 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I think the ones who weren't bleeding the ideology knew that it was a suicide mission on the eastern front.
@LWWM 2 жыл бұрын
I would have thought Stalingrad...
@gabirican4813 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, but then they still stuck with the plan for another 3-4 devastating years.
@jazzaman147 2 жыл бұрын
yeah I agree John That And The Russian Winter Plus hitler changed the whole operational commands
@violinhunter2 2 жыл бұрын
Keitel was being honest. Coincidentally, the exact date of the very first German retreat of world war II was December 7, 1941. The Germans could see "downtown" Moscow when they were surprised by 20 Russian Divisions which came out of nowhere (Siberia.) The die had been cast. This retreat became an omen for the total defeat that came later.
@kennylong7281 2 жыл бұрын
My family are from San Francisco, dating back to 1889. The Fillmore District was "Japan Town". In 1942, Japanese American Citizens, had their property confiscated, (Real Estate), and were carted off to the California Desert for confinement. Their neighborhood was then handed over to African American Share Cropper families, who had been given free transport to S.F. from southern states, such as Alabama, Luisiana, Georgia, Mississippi, etc. for employment in the Hunter's Point Shipyards, loading bombs, and munitions aboard warships. The Fillmore remained a Black Ghetto up until the late1980's, when the Gentrification process began. Today the Fillmore is a wealthy fashionable area, populated by East Asians, Europeans, and American Whites. The Japanese were never compensated for their losses.
@jacquelinehughes4631 Жыл бұрын
Very racist view of your description of African Americans.
@ypure3859 Жыл бұрын
Interesting how "we" all appear capable of oppressive acts!!
@031767sc Жыл бұрын
every one has a story....you do the best you can at the time.... my grandfather was german and joined the army and was not allowed to serve overseas due to his heritage, lives got interrupted and 34 million died, so cry to someone else about getting paid
@23joanlee 5 ай бұрын
neither were the african americans.
@peterjantzer4767 2 жыл бұрын
To call the 3rd Reich the "most brutal and cruel" in history is to ignore the horrific acts of Stalin. And his genocide was dwarfed by Mao. It is truly amazing how a single man can bring such evil upon the world.
@dutch2smoked927 2 жыл бұрын
thank you kind sirr stalin was the reason for war the murdered so many europeans even before hitler was in the picture in ukrain only alone 7 million !!!!! i see the germans as tyhe freedom fighters of europe of that time i dont believe in allied lies
@mikeoz4803 2 жыл бұрын
The Nazi's.......err I mean Germans are at it again with their forced experimental covid jabs & re-armament
@jaysea1553 2 жыл бұрын
because fascism is the most evil of all political systems,are you a fascist the reason l ask is where did you get your numbers from
@Christof_Classen 2 жыл бұрын
*And dont forget the evil Khmer Rouge !*
@anthonysoprano7066 2 жыл бұрын
Yes but they want Hitler as their poster boy of evil despite the worse terror and suffering inflicted by communists
@samueljames4043 2 жыл бұрын
The one untold result of such wars is . . while they may cause vast destruction and deaths of millions, they are extremely profitable to those few who think such losses to others are a necessary means to their selfish goals. But the shame does not lie at their feet, rather at the feet of those who do nothing to prevent or stop such carnage.
@IronDragon-2143 2 жыл бұрын
WWII History is my all time favorite period
@skaetur1 2 жыл бұрын
I dunno, man, the transition from Mesolithic to Neolithic was pretty 🔥.
@Cre80s 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I'm sure the people that lived it would be excited to know their agony and suffering would give later generations such awesome stuff to gawk at from a safe distance.
@jocktheripper2073 2 жыл бұрын
Used to be mine until I found out we've been told a pack of lies. Now cannot bear to watch any documentary without getting annoyed.
@johnmc3862 2 жыл бұрын
@liveforever9888 2 жыл бұрын
@@jocktheripper2073 What lies if i may ask?
@GunRunner3 2 жыл бұрын
One of the best sources of information on Adolf Hitler and Third Reich is John Toland's two volume set entitled "HITLER Vol. I & II". Mr. Toland's writing style makes these books difficult to put down, also the level of detail he includes makes the books fascinating. I highly recommend it for learning much more about about the personality and the workings of the mind of the German Leader.
@chrismorgan2800 9 ай бұрын
Ok cool it off, Tough Guy!
@tamlynvibanco1932 2 жыл бұрын
It was a cliché that the Allies failed to defend Poland because of dawdling but the fact of the matter was there was no way Poland was going to get any help once the blitzkrieg started. Turned out that the Allies couldn't even defend France. Britain and Russia barely managed to resist. Poland needed to be helped when the issue was Czechoslavakia, at the very least.
@deedt8279 2 жыл бұрын
Hitler arrived in Argentina two and a half weeks after the fall of Berlin. Two submarines were reportedly on the coast of Argentina before their occupants were brought to the foot of the Andes. Researchers have often claimed that Hitler survived because of the strange circumstances surrounding his death. Just two years ago, a huge Nazi treasure room was discovered in Buenos Aires, including a bust of Hitler. Researchers say the discovery "could be indisputable evidence" of the presence of "important leaders" hiding in Argentina after World War II . The FBI documents provide a fascinating insight into the very real fear that Hitler managed to survive World War II. Russian authorities have also claimed that Hitler was still alive - Joseph Stalin gently confirmed that Hitler did not really die. " . Some have claimed that Nazi leaders fled to South America with a treasure
@christinefougere 2 жыл бұрын
and in the end we won the war and defeated the nazi scourge
@indy_go_blue6048 2 жыл бұрын
@@deedt8279 If even a pittance of the "Hitler escaped" story is true, between his health issues and his mental deterioration in the last year of the war, surviving must've been pure hell for him. I don't know the truth of his "escape" but I almost hope it's true so that he experienced a few years more of hell on earth before going to the real one, but I don't believe it.
@deedt8279 2 жыл бұрын
@@indy_go_blue6048 If they can keep secrets by not telling to Jewish people facts and fed them lies that they are moving to work somewhere else. They can keep their own secrets of escape plan. Those who have worked in war as a soldiers they are trained that way. Hitler was a commando. Those conscripted may evade service, sometimes by leaving the country, and seeking asylum in another country. That is why many Muslim countries asylum came to America, or went to different countries. Himmler was using Hitlers Name to portrait Hitler for those crime which actually was Himmler's deed. Certain documents were saved to prove that it was Himmler's signatures where found and NO EVIDANCE AGAINST HITLER WERE FOUND. I remember George Bush , out of blue moon attacked on Sandam Hussain and Invade their country with an armed force. While people said that he had a carpet of Bush face which he was stepping on and entering in his office. Which Bush did not like. George Bush is living till this date and he is not considered as a criminal. Secret Service protecting U.S. political leaders, their families.
@deedt8279 2 жыл бұрын
@@christinefougere If they can keep secrets by not telling to Jewish people facts and fed them lies that they are moving to work somewhere else. They can keep their own secrets of escape plan. Those who have worked in war as a soldiers they are trained that way. Hitler was a commando. Those conscripted may evade service, sometimes by leaving the country, and seeking asylum in another country. That is why many Muslim countries asylum came to America, or went to different countries. Himmler was using Hitlers Name to portrait Hitler for those crime which actually was Himmler's deed. Certain documents were saved to prove that it was Himmler's signatures where found and NO EVIDANCE AGAINST HITLER WERE FOUND. I remember George Bush , out of blue moon attacked on Sandam Hussain and Invade their country with an armed force. While people said that he had a carpet of Bush face which he was stepping on and entering in his office. Which Bush did not like. George Bush is living till this date and he is not considered as a criminal. Secret Service protecting U.S. political leaders, their families.
@tonymarsh8436 2 жыл бұрын
Hatred always brings a cost. Love, however, in complete contrast, always bears fruit. Always brings life.
@מיכאלמרטיןבנדיקטוס 2 жыл бұрын
very well said
@WJack97224 2 жыл бұрын
And America has been subjected to 6 years of hate mongering from the commie/socialist Democrats. Amerika is doomed.
@martytrueblood5902 2 жыл бұрын
if you forget your past you are doomed to repeat it again. hail Atlantis fruit cake
@sm7baller435 2 жыл бұрын
@@WJack97224 you’re actually crazy if you think democrats are even remotely socialist lol seriously bro
@frankpoperowitzmusic 2 жыл бұрын
Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made. ... The Shadow that bred them can only mock; it cannot make: not real, new things of its own. J.R.R. Tolkien / The Silmarillion
@titounoundici7920 2 жыл бұрын
Twenty years ago I found in my grandparents' farmhouse a still brand new pair of military German boots. All leather, strong, perfect in every sense. But useless when dealing with the cold of Russian winter.
@leondobre7659 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe they were Josep bros Tito???.
@titounoundici7920 2 жыл бұрын
@@leondobre7659 no dude, they're Titus 1:11.
@leondobre7659 2 жыл бұрын
Soory bad jocke ?.
@leelarson107 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think ANYTHING could have prepared the Wehrmacht for the Russian winter. Even the Russians suffered horribly.
@electricaf365 2 жыл бұрын
No you didn’t
@juliamfrancis9444 4 ай бұрын
Is it just me or did anyone else feel the same about the music… melancholy, threat, looming danger, cold bloodedness … ah! The music terrified me and set the mood for the content in the documentary.
@ellsonlin7569 2 жыл бұрын
First of all, Rhineland was a demilitarized zone, not ceded to France. Secondly, Germany at first did not demand the entirely of Czechoslovakia, but the Sudetenland, which contained a majority German population, so it was reasonable to British and France. The Munich agreement led to the ceding of the Sudetenland, because most of the defences of Czechoslovakia were in the Sudetenland, it made it easy for Germany to annex it
@robertthompson9643 2 жыл бұрын
In addition, the Rhineland was reoccupied in 1936, not 1938.
@GreatPolishWingedHussars 2 жыл бұрын
That was the stupid appeasement policy of the French and British. This was actually continued with the betrayal of Poland in 1939. The British and French declaration of war 1939 against Germany served only for saving face. The British and the French did not intend to keep to the contractual commitment and to attack massively in the west. They wanted to sacrifice Poland for peace with the Germans! They preferred to betray Poland instead of fighting. This was the continuation of British and French appeasement stupid politics of the 30s! The inaction of the French and British was the message to Germany: Be satisfied with Poland. Do not attack us behind the Maginot Line and in the British Isles. We do not attack Germany either! BUT...this shameful behavior of the Poles' allies does not in the least diminish the guilt of the Nazi nation. Because just because there is an appeasement policy, you don't have to use it to raid various countries and commit various genocides with a total of 50 million deaths from the wars and genocides.
@GreatPolishWingedHussars 2 жыл бұрын
What can be said about the German Reichs in summary! In any case, all 3 so-called German Reichs were totally grotesque! The 1st Reich actually meant 1000 years of German civil war. Because it wasn't Reich at all, but a collection of various German small states that were constantly at war with each other. One of the absurd highlights was the 30 year war in which the Germans massacred each other for 30 years. So for the Germans, this Reich meant above all death. Then only in 1871 did the Germans succeed in founding a unified German state, which was made up of various German small states. So in 1871 the so-called 2nd Reich was founded, which actually lasted only for ridiculous 47 years and was destroyed by the megalomaniacal provocation of the 1st World War in which 20 million died. It would probably have been better if this Reich had never been established, both for the Germans and for Europe. The so-called 3 Reich was then the absolute climax of the absurd and insane megalomania and racial madness. It only lasted a ridiculous 12 years and caused various genocides and war deaths totaling 50 million deaths. So the end result of these 3 Reichs were primarily millions of dead. It really would have been better if none of these existed.
@jimcampbell8061 2 жыл бұрын
That book is well over a thousand pages ...How can a movie be made to do it justice?
@fredh999harris8 2 жыл бұрын
The book is such a classic that it could easily be used as the basis for a series. In fact, I think it has been.
@g18886 2 жыл бұрын
I read it and it is long. I clicked on this video just to see how they abbreviated the book. They seem to hit on the highlights.
@leelarson107 2 жыл бұрын
I've read it several times. I have a bunch of copies from the old days, in both English and the original German. It still rings true today. **Further, it can be applied subjectively to any race or nation of Earth. That's one reason why it has been banned----in the name of 'free speech'----in many countries.
@jimcampbell8061 2 жыл бұрын
@@leelarson107 William Shirer was American dude....You may be thinking of a different book
@radforduniversity6424 2 жыл бұрын
Some errors in the timeline here....and some of the info, too. Not sure if this was intentional or by mistake (neither is good when you are portraying a production as a documentary)
@UAPReportingCenter 2 жыл бұрын
Try making a better one on your own then
@rezzer7918 5 ай бұрын
Wow actually INFORMS why and EXPLAINS how simply clearly. Good show old man
@ebiyeyanga8003 2 жыл бұрын
Hitler was sentenced to five years, not nine months and was released for good behaviour.
@johnmc3862 2 жыл бұрын
He didn’t say he was sentenced to 9 months, he said he received 9 months, which is technically correct.
@teerex51 2 жыл бұрын
Footage of the fall of Paris (June 14, 1940) is shown before the Dunkirk evacuation, which had happened weeks earlier (May 26 -June 4, 1940).
@hoosier-daddy6807 2 жыл бұрын
Who cares 😂😂😂
@deedt8279 2 жыл бұрын
WATCH: This video clearly says German Laws are different than American- KZbin Title called " From the 60 Minutes archives: Survivors of Josef Mengele's twin experiments " . What about the story of - Hitler, they claim, escaped punishment and lived out his life in tranquility in Patagonia until his death in 1962 at the age of 73. Google It. I think Hitler and Eva both lived common ordinary Life in Argentina Chile. Because this video [ “Eva Braun: Hitler's Mistress & Later Wife | Full Documentary | Biography “ ] also says that why would they burn their Boss with Gas? Plus back then News Paper showed duplicate of Hitler who just had Mustache just like him, his body was very skinny and that dead body face was very thin laying on bombed bricks. It looked more like they purposely put that body. Germany was known for very good conspiracy back in WAR TIME. I think they have taken off those online documents. It was a period of conspiracy and I believe that Hitler did run away because lots of countries politicians were involved in WW-2 that is why he got support to escape. Even America knew that he was alive somewhere in Argentina. They never exposed him because of their own fear. They kept it in archive those data in a Confidential Documents. The photo which they published of his dead body looked like double/duplicate of him. In past many places he was using his double or duplicate person to miss guide his enemies attempt to kill him. PLUS they never showed any one’s body his girlfriend or anyone who was with him. They have Never shown any proof about his death. Hitler arrived in Argentina two and a half weeks after the fall of Berlin. Two submarines were reportedly on the coast of Argentina before their occupants were brought to the foot of the Andes. Researchers have often claimed that Hitler survived because of the strange circumstances surrounding his death. Just two years ago, a huge Nazi treasure room was discovered in Buenos Aires, including a bust of Hitler. Researchers say the discovery "could be indisputable evidence" of the presence of "important leaders" hiding in Argentina after World War II . The FBI documents provide a fascinating insight into the very real fear that Hitler managed to survive World War II. Russian authorities have also claimed that Hitler was still alive - Joseph Stalin gently confirmed that Hitler did not really die. " . Some have claimed that Nazi leaders fled to South America with a treasure. "What we are doing is re-examining history, history that we thought was settled that Hitler died in the bunker but the deeper we get into it, it's clear to me we don't have any facts for it."
@deedt8279 2 жыл бұрын
@@hoosier-daddy6807 Even this video have not debugged anything. At the end you said the teeth’s are authentic. But you did not say that it was Hitler teeth. Are you fooling people? Teeth can be any ones, it could be his duplicate. The first old age person picture of Hitler has very much similarity with Hitler. But the other very Old age person photo with curly skin does not look at all like Hitler. Plus photo of Hitler keeping head down on Table and two ladies on Sofa acting dead that photo is staged any one can act like that pretending to be dead before the escape. What his father said in his childhood is so crazy. As if you were leaving in same house and heard it personally and lived till now to tell these lies. Some of these videos are just garbage. Sadly because of that the true history will get buried deep down and next generation will not know the truth.
@anthonyfuqua6988 2 жыл бұрын
The Documentary The Third Reich: Rise and Fall. Its 3 hours and is on KZbin. It tells of the war from a German perspective with never before seen home movies on the battlefield and at home.
@aquillafleetwood8180 2 жыл бұрын
Not the first nor the last evil man to come to power!
@immaggiethesenilegoldenret7918 2 жыл бұрын
Hell, there’s one in the White House now!
@megandevellis6399 2 жыл бұрын
Biden is our current evil pos
@deedt8279 2 жыл бұрын
Joseph Stalin gently confirmed that Hitler did not really die. " . Some have claimed that Nazi leaders fled to South America with a treasure. "What we are doing is re-examining history, history that we thought was settled that Hitler died in the bunker but the deeper we get into it, it's clear to me we don't have any facts for it." Bob and US special forces sergeant Tim Kennedy, who was part of the team that caught Bin Laden, were given access to 700 pages of newly declassified info. One document states: "American army officials in Germany have not located Hitler's body nor is there any reliable source that Hitler is dead." And if all that isn't enough for you, the team managed to find an alleged witness. Former UN war crimes investigator John Cencich speaks to a Greek man who used to work in construction and he tells him that in 1945 he was tasked with building "a secret construction inside the monastery in Samos." He says: "I had to build secret tunnels and compartments for Germans," he continued. "Yes, the Germans were Nazis and one of these guys was Adolf Hitler. He was right there, he wasn't wearing a moustache or anything. This was May 1945." Cimelody told them that Citroen - who by this point was living in Venezuela - claimed to be in contact with this so-called Hitler about once a month on his regular visits to Columbia. Adolf left Colombia in 1955 and went somewhere unspecified in Argentina. Hitler arrived in Argentina two and a half weeks after the fall of Berlin. Two submarines were reportedly on the coast of Argentina before their occupants were brought to the foot of the Andes. Researchers have often claimed that Hitler survived because of the strange circumstances surrounding his death. Just two years ago, a huge Nazi treasure room was discovered in Buenos Aires, including a bust of Hitler. Researchers say the discovery "could be indisputable evidence" of the presence of "important leaders" hiding in Argentina after World War II . The FBI documents provide a fascinating insight into the very real fear that Hitler managed to survive World War II. Russian authorities have also claimed that Hitler was still alive - Joseph Stalin gently confirmed that Hitler did not really die. " . Some have claimed that Nazi leaders fled to South America with a treasure
@ShakeDownStreet0714 2 жыл бұрын
Hitler=Trump😒 Trump... The president that would not condemn neo-nazis. Everybody attacking Biden on here, is no better than a Nazi.
@ShakeDownStreet0714 2 жыл бұрын
@@megandevellis6399 So you are a Nazi sympathizer? Trump refuses to condemn neo- Nazis. He attacked anybody who is not white. Unfortunately, I've been attacked by your cult. I'm lucky to be alive. But, you'll keep on worshipping your "chosen one" Trump. Ignorant rascists you are. May God forgive you for your violent hatred.
@SY-jq4yw 2 жыл бұрын
It happened to Germany, it can happen again to any nation.
@hoosier-daddy6807 2 жыл бұрын
No it couldn't not a democratic 1 anyway and I know what your going to say but Germany was democratic before Hitler ...it simply couldn't happen in this day and age.
@ahk.kenyahyisrael4372 2 жыл бұрын
@@hoosier-daddy6807 How old are you?
@hoosier-daddy6807 2 жыл бұрын
@@ahk.kenyahyisrael4372 Typical nonsense replies😒, & All I'm saying is that there were a lot of factors at play when the nazis came to power a nation humiliated after a war also suffering affects of inflation & the great depression ...so maybe actually have an intellectual conversation with me on the matter instead of asking stupid irrelevant questions.
@Derpydragon288 2 жыл бұрын
@@ahk.kenyahyisrael4372 probably 12
@ElectronFieldPulse 2 жыл бұрын
No, it couldn't happen, because there are nukes now. Wars between great powers will last about 4 hours and kill more people than any other war.
@christopher5361 2 жыл бұрын
I’m so thankful in my lifetime I’ve been able to talk to men face to face who were there and saw all of this.
@getofly313 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, thats amazing man!!!👏
@lilblackduc7312 2 жыл бұрын
In the 1960/1970s, I was raised around 3 uncles who came back from WWII in the Pacific...They were the "Greatest Generation".
@yelnatsvonhindinbergh3277 2 жыл бұрын
Me to Christopher I grew up with my grandfather and his buddies and they were all in World War 2. I got a ton of stories. Have a great day and never forget these men!
@yelnatsvonhindinbergh3277 2 жыл бұрын
@@lilblackduc7312 yes they were !
@cyrosubod2317 2 жыл бұрын
Ofcourse its americans
@ruperterskin2117 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing.
@randombalddude3346 2 жыл бұрын
This happened only 83 years ago but the world today sure looks so different and I think became even worse
@xybai5152 2 жыл бұрын
yes 7.6bn over popultaed and people have lost their virtue
@stephanieblack1550 2 жыл бұрын
No, not worse. After all, Herr Trump was defeated before he could pervert most of the army.
@kronniichiwa9909 2 жыл бұрын
It became worse because the commies won
@GreatPolishWingedHussars 2 жыл бұрын
What can be said about the German Reichs in summary! In any case, all 3 so-called German Reichs were totally grotesque! The 1st Reich actually meant 1000 years of German civil war. Because it wasn't Reich at all, but a collection of various German small states that were constantly at war with each other. One of the absurd highlights was the 30 year war in which the Germans massacred each other for 30 years. So for the Germans, this Reich meant above all death. Then only in 1871 did the Germans succeed in founding a unified German state, which was made up of various German small states. So in 1871 the so-called 2nd Reich was founded, which actually lasted only for ridiculous 47 years and was destroyed by the megalomaniacal provocation of the 1st World War in which 20 million died. It would probably have been better if this Reich had never been established, both for the Germans and for Europe. The so-called 3 Reich was then the absolute climax of the absurd and insane megalomania and racial madness. It only lasted a ridiculous 12 years and caused various genocides and war deaths totaling 50 million deaths. So the end result of these 3 Reichs were primarily millions of dead. It really would have been better if none of these existed.
@sunkintree Жыл бұрын
@@xybai5152 Ah yeah, the great virtue that lead to millions being killed. Well I'm glad we lost that virtue.
@cathelmet5446 2 жыл бұрын
Did anyone notice that in Minute 18:53 they said that they wanted to get their old territory back and show Galicia part of the German empire even thought it was with Austria Hungary
@indy_go_blue6048 2 жыл бұрын
So was the Sudetenland. It had never been a part of Germany proper.
@arthursmith6854 2 жыл бұрын
Kind of like how Putin of Russia has been behaving the past decade, wouldn't you say?
@hemanag1020 Жыл бұрын
@@arthursmith6854 not even close. Get your head out of the sand.
@gemsstoned6662 13 күн бұрын
the people there were German
@abelsintayehu5731 2 жыл бұрын
Very important details of the war have been overlooked in this film. For instance poland was also invaded by soviet union simultaneously as part of a secret partition agreement between Germany and Soviet Union. The invasion of France also lacked adequate commentary such as the part where the German panzers broke through the Ardennes forest and outflanking the French despite the forest being thought as impassable. Some map drawings were also inaccurate. For instance the map of Soviet union depicted before the war is very flawed.
@pooryorick831 2 жыл бұрын
This was not a documentary about WWII and its battles. This is a documentary about the Third Reich. It is about how the German People allowed it to take power and the consequences they suffered as a result. And I believe mention was made to the non aggression pact between Hitler and Stalin. There are plenty of other great videos out there on the Russian Campaign, the Panzers in the Ardenne, Dunkirk, the fall of France etc. Excellent couple of series on Netflix.
@latarnickboston 2 жыл бұрын
Why poland, not Poland? Lack of respect? You wrote France, Soviet Union.. hope it wasn't intended.
@davidfuller2815 2 жыл бұрын
And the remilitarizaton of the Rhineland is described as "annexation" it being suggested that the Rhineland was part of France after WWI, when it was always recognised as part of Germany.
@r.a.i.n.1144 2 жыл бұрын
@@latarnickboston Why Hitler, not Heil Hitler? Lack of respect? ^^
@latarnickboston 2 жыл бұрын
@@r.a.i.n.1144 seriously? Seriously, man? You wrote something just for pure reason to participate… regardless of making sense, don’t you? Why is that? Instagram freezes? TikTok doesn’t work today? You need attention??
@nox3335 Жыл бұрын
Shirer's book is definitely a good read but I would recommend first faulty towers - the German episode. I think it conveys remarkably well.
@clairedisapia 4 ай бұрын
I still don’t understand how a whole country could become so evil and ignore all the crimes that went on there. Everyone didn’t see their neighbors being taken away and never seen again. They didn’t smell burnt flesh? They all didn’t have privilege lives and no one thought it was strange? A whole country
@BIadesMan 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent video love these kind of documentary’s,real and very eye opening
@cozy_af2090 2 жыл бұрын
Not annihilating the undefended enemy armies who are laid bare on an open beach... this is what they want you to believe are the actions of a madman.
@leelarson107 2 жыл бұрын
Well, that makes TWO of us who understand that.
@ronathenjjohnson8346 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly my friend
@starspike509 Жыл бұрын
Everything Hitler did was the action of a mad man because he was insane !
@23joanlee 5 ай бұрын
@@leelarson107 incel
@23joanlee 5 ай бұрын
@@ronathenjjohnson8346 incel
@20PhantoM07 Жыл бұрын
Can anyone name the music at the beginning and end? Good doc, enjoyed that.
@周越智 6 ай бұрын
This March music is " Prussia Glory. March ".
@Nearly-famous-painter1960 2 жыл бұрын
It’s hard to top the BBC documentary “The World At War” which covers more detail of WWII. Of course, the creators were able to interview key participants in the war from every country who were still alive when the documentary was made. Some of the interviewees obviously hid some of their involvement in the war, like Albert Speer, who denied any knowledge of the holocaust. But to hear from so many important figures in the war,
@poundshopcicero3089 2 жыл бұрын
I think you will find you are mistaken. World At War was an ITV production.
@jamesfarmer3759 2 жыл бұрын
Bbc cucks sorry bro
@poundshopcicero3089 2 жыл бұрын
@@jamesfarmer3759 Err, what does that mean ?
@deedt8279 2 жыл бұрын
@@jamesfarmer3759 Hitler arrived in Argentina two and a half weeks after the fall of Berlin. Two submarines were reportedly on the coast of Argentina before their occupants were brought to the foot of the Andes. Researchers have often claimed that Hitler survived because of the strange circumstances surrounding his death. Just two years ago, a huge Nazi treasure room was discovered in Buenos Aires, including a bust of Hitler. Researchers say the discovery "could be indisputable evidence" of the presence of "important leaders" hiding in Argentina after World War II . The FBI documents provide a fascinating insight into the very real fear that Hitler managed to survive World War II. Russian authorities have also claimed that Hitler was still alive - Joseph Stalin gently confirmed that Hitler did not really die. " . Some have claimed that Nazi leaders fled to South America with a treasure. "What we are doing is re-examining history, history that we thought was settled that Hitler died in the bunker but the deeper we get into it, it's clear to me we don't have any facts for it." Bob and US special forces sergeant Tim Kennedy, who was part of the team that caught Bin Laden, were given access to 700 pages of newly declassified info. One document states: "American army officials in Germany have not located Hitler's body nor is there any reliable source that Hitler is dead." And if all that isn't enough for you, the team managed to find an alleged witness. Former UN war crimes investigator John Cencich speaks to a Greek man who used to work in construction and he tells him that in 1945 he was tasked with building "a secret construction inside the monastery in Samos." He says: "I had to build secret tunnels and compartments for Germans," he continued. "Yes, the Germans were Nazis and one of these guys was Adolf Hitler. He was right there, he wasn't wearing a moustache or anything. This was May 1945." Cimelody told them that Citroen - who by this point was living in Venezuela - claimed to be in contact with this so-called Hitler about once a month on his regular visits to Columbia. Adolf left Colombia in 1955 and went somewhere unspecified in Argentina. It could be true because America did help him [Hitler] escape and kept his secret for many years. I also learned that Marilyn Monroe found some of that type of classified info and that is why Kennedy brothers have killed her. And later majority of all JFK Families were killed somehow. You do not know anything about history. That is not true Hitler wanted to do good for Germany. Hitler expanded his German territory to almost whole of Europe by 1939 But his own people and some Jewish people betray him and many people were tired of war since long. Plus his Army many were fighting since long time and his army reduced a lot so they had to bring troops from Africa, Philippines, etc...His mistake was to attack on Hawaii and made USA by force to enter WW-II. This ultimately made him loose. The law of war is who so ever is not supporting the country where they are leaving and go against it , becomes enemies of that country. In this case Jewish were leaving in Germany they should be loyal and patriotic to the country which gives them lively hood. When opposite party troops are caught in wars are considered as POW. And Civilians who are not faithful to their own country are also POW. Hello My POST is based on that time of the era New Papers and some research of mine. Hitler was a fighter and that is why he had many nick name " Fuehrer" and his title was Chancellor of the German Reich. He never attempt to do suicide so HOW can you say that his personality was like a suicides' - As if you knew him personally. My post is without any assumptions and opinions or advice of mine. He was portrait wrong by many of his close circle. I can see that it is possible. Because in general people do not discuss the fact they only discuss their personal opinions and wrong assumptions of theirs which carries out and it becomes big and general public starts taking laws in their hands. and blames Hitler. Jewish people must have hated him and that is why they must have given him wrong accusations. WATCH Video about - " Rise and Fall of the Third Reich | Full Movie " on youtube.. They have never found any documents where Hitler is giving Those Cruel or extreme Orders. NO EVIDANCE FOUND. Hitler own quotes " IF YOU TELL A BIG ENOUGH LIE AND TELL FREQUENTLY ENOUGH, IT WILL BE BELIVED." Which means his death lies were told for many years and people now believed it. Since long now he is dead of old age , it does not matter if the truth comes out. But they will not because Politician will never be believed. IF I tell you that "you are half-witted” that would be assumption on you without knowing you or my Opinion imposing on you. But when you call that it is an opinion = "Hitler was a fighter". It is not an Opinion. Fighter = means here warier He wanted his own Germany to win. Even now when you travel around Europe they have Jewish, Muslim, and Christian quarters ever since 17th century or even prior to that. And I know what Fuhrer means a Leader. But He was loyal to his country. That is why till this date Muslim countries are still fighting. Look at few years ago Jerusalem, Palestine, Israel still has things going on. Recently I remember Few Years ago Trump said publicly that call " your country Palestine" and over their people started fighting and took out weapons against each other. It is still happening. Stupid people are existing. If you do not know the deepest history - there were many cruel officers such as Himmler, Amon Goeth and many more carried out a cynical manipulation of Hitler 's commands. Even Germans were wearing bands of swastikas' and if Jewish were asked to wear "David's Star" nothing wrong in it. But Jewish did not want to fight for Germany then in that case they become POW. That is the "Law of War". But that does not mean that civilians should also to be mistreated. NO many wrong things were carried out in a very wrong way against them. So when you write all Germans what they did during that time is an assumption. Everywhere in world there are some Good and Bad people exist. Bad are so evil that those who are good and wants to do good they are either killed them and silent them [going on since long Jesus being killed by Jewish. ] Till today people tend to follow lies faster than facts.
@poundshopcicero3089 2 жыл бұрын
@@deedt8279 You could have saved yourself, and the rest of us, the time and agony of reading this nonsensical drivel by simply stating that you are a nazi-apologist, a conspiracy nut, and you do not like the historical consensus with regard to your depraved and evil hero.
@sgt.tuborg6556 2 жыл бұрын
Some big mistakes...like e.g. the invasion of Russia was in 1941 not in 1940
@martytrueblood5902 2 жыл бұрын
it was called Soviet Union too Soviet Union killed Russia
@turdgoblin6113 2 жыл бұрын
Everyone should have went to war with the soviet union!!!
@karlokater 2 жыл бұрын
I found at least three after just 20 minutes! Not worth continue watching it.
@dondajulah4168 2 жыл бұрын
The planning was done in late 1940 yet the invasion started in June of 1940 (according to the documentary). Maybe that was why it was not successful. I believe that the nation that Germany invaded was called The Soviet Union, not Russia.
@sgt.tuborg6556 2 жыл бұрын
@@dondajulah4168 The invasion didn' started in June 1940. It started June 22 in 1941. And this invasion is called "Russlandfeldzug" (Russian campaign) in all sources.
@fairlyvague82 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve seen the comments. I’m not even going to bother watching this. I can’t stand it when important historical information is presented with mistakes.
@deedt8279 2 жыл бұрын
It was a period of conspiracy and I believe that Hitler did run away because lots of countries politicians were involved in WW-2 that is why he got support to escape. Even America knew that he was alive somewhere in Argentina. They never exposed him because of their own fear. They kept it in archive those data in a Confidential Documents. The photo which they published of his dead body looked like double/duplicate of him. In past many places he was using his double or duplicate person to miss guide his enemies attempt to kill him. PLUS they never showed any one’s body his girlfriend or anyone who was with him. They have Never shown any proof about his death. It happened in USA Black people were not allowed on public transportation, vote, school, or to go and sit in restaurants eat, for their rights Martin Luther King fight for it. Even in Titanic movie they have shown that these white people were so bad that rich were given first chance to escape and rescued. That whole era was like that. If you allow bully they will abuse and history will repeat. Human Animal with Brian they can do anything. Hitler arrived in Argentina two and a half weeks after the fall of Berlin. Two submarines were reportedly on the coast of Argentina before their occupants were brought to the foot of the Andes. Researchers have often claimed that Hitler survived because of the strange circumstances surrounding his death. Just two years ago, a huge Nazi treasure room was discovered in Buenos Aires, including a bust of Hitler. Researchers say the discovery "could be indisputable evidence" of the presence of "important leaders" hiding in Argentina after World War II . The FBI documents provide a fascinating insight into the very real fear that Hitler managed to survive World War II. Russian authorities have also claimed that Hitler was still alive - Joseph Stalin gently confirmed that Hitler did not really die. " . Some have claimed that Nazi leaders fled to South America with a treasure. "What we are doing is re-examining history, history that we thought was settled that Hitler died in the bunker but the deeper we get into it, it's clear to me we don't have any facts for it." Bob and US special forces sergeant Tim Kennedy, who was part of the team that caught Bin Laden, were given access to 700 pages of newly declassified info. One document states: "American army officials in Germany have not located Hitler's body nor is there any reliable source that Hitler is dead." And if all that isn't enough for you, the team managed to find an alleged witness. Former UN war crimes investigator John Cencich speaks to a Greek man who used to work in construction and he tells him that in 1945 he was tasked with building "a secret construction inside the monastery in Samos." He says: "I had to build secret tunnels and compartments for Germans," he continued. "Yes, the Germans were Nazis and one of these guys was Adolf Hitler. He was right there, he wasn't wearing a moustache or anything. This was May 1945." Cimelody told them that Citroen - who by this point was living in Venezuela - claimed to be in contact with this so-called Hitler about once a month on his regular visits to Columbia. Adolf left Colombia in 1955 and went somewhere unspecified in Argentina. It could be true because America did help him [Hitler] escape and kept his secret for many years. I also learned that Marilyn Monroe found some of that type of classified info and that is why Kennedy brothers have killed her. And later majority of all JFK Families were killed somehow. You do not know anything about history. That is not true He wanted to do good for Germany. Hitler expanded his German territory to almost whole of Europe by 1939 But his own people and some Jewish people betray him and many people were tired of war since long. Plus his Army many were fighting since long and his army reduced a lot so they had to bring from Africa, Philippines, etc...His mistake was to attack on Hawaii and made USA by force to enter WW-II. This ultimately made him loose. The law of war is who so ever is not supporting the country where they are leaving and go against it , becomes enemies of that country. In this case Jewish were leaving in Germany they should be loyal and patriotic to the country which gives them lively hood. When opposite party troops are caught in wars are considered as POW. And Civilians who are not faithful to their own country are also POW.
@robertewing3114 Ай бұрын
You won't find historical documentaries accurate until they develop will to attempt justice.
@johnsmith100 Жыл бұрын
The narration and its content are very good. The background music is unnecessarily too loud.
@DarkPesco Жыл бұрын
I understand but that is also part of the content. The Nazis only allowed art by Nazi artists. This included architecture, sculptures, paintings, and music, among others (allowing existing art when the artist was deemed worthy). The music you are hearing is from those composers. That music was played loud and everywhere, at every event. Concerts and plays were made cheap so a wide variety of the population could afford it. Then they also got into the motion picture arts and that required music. I agree... it's loud and repetitive. But I hope you can at least see it as also being legitimate content. Cheers!
@shakey3306 Жыл бұрын
@9ner4ever34 2 жыл бұрын
Sickening/Incomprehensible/Inhumane. May all the souls lost to this horrible regime lay in peace with the Lord🕊 for eternity and never be forgotten for generations to come. 😔🌹🙏🕯🕊
@stevferr 2 жыл бұрын
And may Hitler and all his cohorts burn in hell for all of eternity!
@stopgotdamndeletingmycomme8642 2 жыл бұрын
U should research the bolshevik revolution,the ukraine famine
@stopgotdamndeletingmycomme8642 2 жыл бұрын
And maos great leap forward.
@wezacker6482 2 жыл бұрын
The melody of the song starting at 36:54 sounds a lot like Monty Python's 'Lumberjack Song' (I'm a Lumberjack and I'm OK)
@888ssss 2 жыл бұрын
@crankylifter i cut down trees, i eat my lunch, i like to press wild flowers....
@kennylong7281 2 жыл бұрын
39:05 Please note: The total population of the Greater German Reich, during peacetime, and by the beginning of 1939, had already exceeded 120 million.
@declanburke6999 2 жыл бұрын
Could you cite a source for your figures and what constitutes a Greater Germany?
@leonleon2276 2 жыл бұрын
Fabricated figures. If that was so , the nazi would have had an army of 20 million plus. Easily wins the war.
@declanburke6999 2 жыл бұрын
@Assismusthe figure given was for peace time Germany you have included Poland now if I'm not mistaken that would not fit for a peace time count
@paigetomkinson1137 2 жыл бұрын
There were 69 million in Germany proper in 1939. Your 120 million is way off.
@livingtribunal4110 2 жыл бұрын
Oh dear, Kenny. History and Mathemetics: obviously not your strengths.
@JesusIsKing9763 Жыл бұрын
I went to France 🇫🇷 and Monaco 🇲🇨 on a school 🏫 trip this summer! We stood on Omaha Beach 🏖 🏝 in Normandy, France 🇫🇷!
@demej00 2 жыл бұрын
I was born 8 years after the war but in 1973 during field artillery exercise I saw a bombed out village in Grafenwoehr. It was sobering. I took home an 88 shell cartridge but they confiscated it from me.
@cdcopley8207 2 жыл бұрын
At 44:34 the narrator states that the invasion of Russia started on June 22, 1940. It was 1941.
@ianrogerburton1670 2 жыл бұрын
He also says that the Allies got rid of the monarchy whereas it was the Germans themselves who did that. This is a pity because, having lived in Germany and Austria most of my adult life, I would say that a lot of the conclusions that are drawn are true..
@phiphophum7727 2 жыл бұрын
correct! i spotted that too..pity, such an obvious mistake
@Hborn 2 жыл бұрын
Their trench coats are fly
@philipmarsden7104 Жыл бұрын
Yes, June 1941 was the start of the Great Patriotic Special Military Operation.
@huaweihuawei9901 2 жыл бұрын
One's man dream is another man's nightmare.
@rlm2933 2 жыл бұрын
And some people loves that mans dream
@irmalaucirica1688 2 жыл бұрын
That is so Real Sometimes not necessary at world War, but a private one!
@GreatPolishWingedHussars 2 жыл бұрын
What can be said about the German Reichs in summary! In any case, all 3 so-called German Reichs were totally grotesque! The 1st Reich actually meant 1000 years of German civil war. Because it wasn't Reich at all, but a collection of various German small states that were constantly at war with each other. One of the absurd highlights was the 30 year war in which the Germans massacred each other for 30 years. So for the Germans, this Reich meant above all death. Then only in 1871 did the Germans succeed in founding a unified German state, which was made up of various German small states. So in 1871 the so-called 2nd Reich was founded, which actually lasted only for ridiculous 47 years and was destroyed by the megalomaniacal provocation of the 1st World War in which 20 million died. It would probably have been better if this Reich had never been established, both for the Germans and for Europe. The so-called 3 Reich was then the absolute climax of the absurd and insane megalomania and racial madness. It only lasted a ridiculous 12 years and caused various genocides and war deaths totaling 50 million deaths. So the end result of these 3 Reichs were primarily millions of dead. It really would have been better if none of these existed.
@chuckscott4661 2 жыл бұрын
I agree as someone who is the victim of infant male circumcision : (
@Acts-xu7th Жыл бұрын
Exactly like Terrorist old Trump
@13579TV 3 ай бұрын
감사합니다 !!!!
@JulianOteroEspinosa 2 жыл бұрын
Several misstatements and inaccurate facts make this documentary a poor attempt to learn about history. There are better informed and more accurate depiction of this period in Germany's history. Not recommendable for those of us who have read and investigated a bit more seriously.
@arturovega6710 2 жыл бұрын
Do share the source!
@martytrueblood5902 2 жыл бұрын
Germany won the European union and Japan won Asia by beating USA Hail Atlantis
@dr.mmaudi8194 2 жыл бұрын
Why don't you go and make your own documentary
@baruchben-david4196 2 жыл бұрын
So why don't you enlighten us?
@CLASSICALFAN100 2 жыл бұрын
Oh, hush...
@duncanboyf4175 2 жыл бұрын
Human nature. History has a proven trend of repeating itself. Very interesting.
@johnmc3862 2 жыл бұрын
There was another world war since?
@vidyatheerthan 2 жыл бұрын
LESSONS WILL BE TAUGHT UNTILL LEARNT. as humans, we have not learnt our lessons yet!
@deborahedelman2659 2 жыл бұрын
So true!
@matthewmatt5285 2 жыл бұрын
​@@deborahedelman2659 No it isn't,.If our weapons weren't so powerful we'd be fighting wars just like our ancestors,.It's not just human nature,.. it's NATURE,.Ants and all other organisms/animals fight wars all the time,..
@johnmc3862 2 жыл бұрын
Generalising is too easy!
@stephenhoward4191 2 жыл бұрын
nothing about the u boats in the Atlantic, my dad was a merchant marine carrying 17.000 tonnes of munitions , bound mainly for nth africa. his ship did 4 knots , 5 max, easy prey but he and my uncle survived in convoy of many ships , the only 2 to make it. he watched many ships go down , tragic
@zen4men 2 жыл бұрын
And merchant seaman sunk had their pay stopped from the day of sinking - appalling. ...... My late father was a submarine officer on HMS Torbay, so sank a fair few German, Italian, and Japanese ships.
@deedt8279 2 жыл бұрын
@@zen4men No GOD. We all are Energy and if you can concentrate hard with your mind you can become spiritual enough to move objects and even lift up your body in air. Ancient people did that. If they can keep secrets by not telling to Jewish people facts and fed those lies that they are moving them to work somewhere else. They can keep their own secrets of escape plan. Those who have worked in war as soldiers they are trained that way. Hitler was a commando. Those conscripted may evade service, sometimes by leaving the country, and seeking asylum in another country. That is why many Muslim countries asylum came to America, or went to different countries. Himmler was using Hitlers Name to portrait Hitler for those crime which actually was Himmler's deed. Certain documents were saved to prove that it was Himmler's signatures where found and NO EVIDANCE AGAINST HITLER WERE FOUND. I remember George Bush, out of blue moon attacked on Sandam Hussain and invade their country with an armed force. While people said that he had a carpet of Bush face which he was stepping on and entering in his office. Which Bush did not like. George Bush is living till this date and he is not considered as a criminal. Secret Service protecting U.S. political leaders, and their families.
@deedt8279 2 жыл бұрын
What about the story of - Hitler, they claim, escaped punishment and lived out his life in tranquility in Patagonia until his death in 1962 at the age of 73. Google It. I think Hitler and Eva both lived common ordinary Life in Argentina Chile. Because this video [ “Eva Braun: Hitler's Mistress & Later Wife | Full Documentary | Biography “ ] also says that why would they burn their Boss with Gas? Plus back then News Paper showed duplicate of Hitler who just had Mustache just like him, his body was very skinny and that dead body face was very thin laying on bombed bricks. It looked more like they purposely put that body. Germany was known for very good conspiracy back in WAR TIME. I think they have taken off those online documents. It was a period of conspiracy and I believe that Hitler did run away because lots of countries politicians were involved in WW-2 that is why he got support to escape. Even America knew that he was alive somewhere in Argentina. They never exposed him because of their own fear. They kept it in archive those data in a Confidential Documents. The photo which they published of his dead body looked like double/duplicate of him. In past many places he was using his double or duplicate person to miss guide his enemies attempt to kill him. PLUS they never showed any one’s body his girlfriend or anyone who was with him. They have Never shown any proof about his death. It happened in USA Black people were not allowed on public transportation, vote, school, or to go and sit in restaurants eat, for their rights Martin Luther King fight for it. Even in Titanic movie they have shown that these white people were so bad that rich were given first chance to escape and rescued. That whole era was like that. If you allow bully they will abuse and history will repeat. Human Animal with Brian they can do anything. Hitler arrived in Argentina two and a half weeks after the fall of Berlin. Two submarines were reportedly on the coast of Argentina before their occupants were brought to the foot of the Andes. Researchers have often claimed that Hitler survived because of the strange circumstances surrounding his death. Just two years ago, a huge Nazi treasure room was discovered in Buenos Aires, including a bust of Hitler. Researchers say the discovery "could be indisputable evidence" of the presence of "important leaders" hiding in Argentina after World War II . The FBI documents provide a fascinating insight into the very real fear that Hitler managed to survive World War II. Russian authorities have also claimed that Hitler was still alive - Joseph Stalin gently confirmed that Hitler did not really die. " . Some have claimed that Nazi leaders fled to South America with a treasure. "What we are doing is re-examining history, history that we thought was settled that Hitler died in the bunker but the deeper we get into it, it's clear to me we don't have any facts for it." Bob and US special forces sergeant Tim Kennedy, who was part of the team that caught Bin Laden, were given access to 700 pages of newly declassified info. One document states: "American army officials in Germany have not located Hitler's body nor is there any reliable source that Hitler is dead." And if all that isn't enough for you, the team managed to find an alleged witness. Former UN war crimes investigator John Cencich speaks to a Greek man who used to work in construction and he tells him that in 1945 he was tasked with building "a secret construction inside the monastery in Samos." He says: "I had to build secret tunnels and compartments for Germans," he continued. "Yes, the Germans were Nazis and one of these guys was Adolf Hitler. He was right there, he wasn't wearing a moustache or anything. This was May 1945." Cimelody told them that Citroen - who by this point was living in Venezuela - claimed to be in contact with this so-called Hitler about once a month on his regular visits to Columbia. Adolf left Colombia in 1955 and went somewhere unspecified in Argentina. It could be true because America did help him [Hitler] escape and kept his secret for many years. I also learned that Marilyn Monroe found some of that type of classified info and that is why Kennedy brothers have killed her. And later majority of all JFK Families were killed somehow. You do not know anything about history. That is not true Hitler wanted to do good for Germany. Hitler expanded his German territory to almost whole of Europe by 1939-42 But his own people and some Jewish people betray him and many people were tired of war since long. Plus his Army many were fighting since long time and his army reduced a lot so they had to bring troops from Africa, Philippines, etc...His mistake was to attack on Hawaii and made USA by force to enter WW-II. This ultimately made him loose. The law of war is who so ever is not supporting the country where they are leaving and go against it, becomes enemies of that country. In this case Jewish were leaving in Germany they should be loyal and patriotic to the country which gives them lively hood. When opposite party troops are caught in wars are considered as POW. And Civilians who are not faithful to their own country are also POW. Hello My POST is based on that time of the era New Papers and some research of mine. Hitler was a fighter and that is why he had many nick name " Fuehrer" and his title was Chancellor of the German Reich. He never attempt to do suicide so HOW can you say that his personality was like a suicides' - As if you knew him personally. My post is without any assumptions and opinions or advice of mine. He was portrait wrong by many of his close circle. I can see that it is possible. Because in general people do not discuss the fact they only discuss their personal opinions and wrong assumptions of theirs which carries out and it becomes big and general public starts taking laws in their hands. and blames Hitler. Jewish people must have hated him and that is why they must have given him wrong accusations. WATCH Video about - " Rise and Fall of the Third Reich | Full Movie " on youtube.. They have never found any documents where Hitler is giving Those Cruel or extreme Orders. NO EVIDANCE FOUND. Hitler own quotes " IF YOU TELL A BIG ENOUGH LIE AND TELL FREQUENTLY ENOUGH, IT WILL BE BELIVED." Which means his death lies were told for many years and people now believed it. Since long now he is dead of old age, Now it does not matter if the truth comes out. But they will not because Politician will never be believed. IF I tell you that "you are half-witted” that would be assumption on you without knowing you or my Opinion imposing on you. But when you call that it is an opinion = "Hitler was a fighter". It is not an Opinion. Fighter = means here warier. He wanted his own Germany to win. Even now when you travel around Europe they have Jewish, Muslim, and Christian quarters ever since 17th century or even prior to that. And I know what Fuhrer means a Leader. But He was loyal to his country. That is why till this date Muslim countries are still fighting. Look at few years ago Jerusalem, Palestine, Israel still has things going on. Recently I remember Few Years ago Trump said publicly that call " your country Palestine" and over their people started fighting and took out weapons against each other. It is still happening. Stupid people are existing. If you do not know the deepest history - there were many cruel officers such as Himmler, Amon Goeth and many more carried out a cynical manipulation of Hitler 's commands. Even Germans were wearing bands of swastikas' and if Jewish were asked to wear "David's Star" nothing wrong in it. But Jewish did not want to fight for Germany then in that case they become POW. That is the "Law of War". But that does not mean that civilians should also to be mistreated. NO, many wrong things were carried out in a very wrong way against them. So when you write all Germans what they did during that time is an assumption. Everywhere in the world there are some Good and Bad people exist. Bad are so evil that those who are good and wants to do good they are either killed them and or silent them [going on since long Jesus being killed by Jewish. ] Till today people tend to follow lies faster than facts.
@deedt8279 2 жыл бұрын
WATCH: This video clearly says German Laws are different than American- KZbin Title called " From the 60 Minutes archives: Survivors of Josef Mengele's twin experiments " . What about the story of - Hitler, they claim, escaped punishment and lived out his life in tranquility in Patagonia until his death in 1962 at the age of 73. Google It. I think Hitler and Eva both lived common ordinary Life in Argentina Chile. Because this video [ “Eva Braun: Hitler's Mistress & Later Wife | Full Documentary | Biography “ ] also says that why would they burn their Boss with Gas? Plus back then News Paper showed duplicate of Hitler who just had Mustache just like him, his body was very skinny and that dead body face was very thin laying on bombed bricks. It looked more like they purposely put that body. Germany was known for very good conspiracy back in WAR TIME. I think they have taken off those online documents. It was a period of conspiracy and I believe that Hitler did run away because lots of countries politicians were involved in WW-2 that is why he got support to escape. Even America knew that he was alive somewhere in Argentina. They never exposed him because of their own fear. They kept it in archive those data in a Confidential Documents. The photo which they published of his dead body looked like double/duplicate of him. In past many places he was using his double or duplicate person to miss guide his enemies attempt to kill him. PLUS they never showed any one’s body his girlfriend or anyone who was with him. They have Never shown any proof about his death. Hitler arrived in Argentina two and a half weeks after the fall of Berlin. Two submarines were reportedly on the coast of Argentina before their occupants were brought to the foot of the Andes. Researchers have often claimed that Hitler survived because of the strange circumstances surrounding his death. Just two years ago, a huge Nazi treasure room was discovered in Buenos Aires, including a bust of Hitler. Researchers say the discovery "could be indisputable evidence" of the presence of "important leaders" hiding in Argentina after World War II . The FBI documents provide a fascinating insight into the very real fear that Hitler managed to survive World War II. Russian authorities have also claimed that Hitler was still alive - Joseph Stalin gently confirmed that Hitler did not really die. " . Some have claimed that Nazi leaders fled to South America with a treasure. "What we are doing is re-examining history, history that we thought was settled that Hitler died in the bunker but the deeper we get into it, it's clear to me we don't have any facts for it."
@apocalypticraids 2 жыл бұрын
@@deedt8279 only dumb people keep believing the story that Hitler escaped he really didn't he really did kill him self
@peterironrope 2 жыл бұрын
When I was stationed in Mannheim, Germany back in 2008, I spoke with many Germans. In Germany there are many people from all different kinds of ethnic groups living there. The Germans informed me when they get into an argument with these people, they always bring up the Nazi atrocities back in WWII and called them Nazi's in the argument. The atmosphere was like WWII occurred 2 weeks ago and that was as recent as 2008!!!
@Rajso1 Жыл бұрын
So? they should be reminded,what their grandfathers did! over and over again
@DBEdwards Жыл бұрын
I had friends in Munich, Germany. I was working for a hotel in Switzerland at the time and took a holiday to Munich. I will say this and I say it most sincerely. The German people treated me with the utmost kindness and friendship, a twenty five year old American at the time, and I shall never forget their generosity. To this day I shall NEVER say anything against them for seldom have I been treated as well. BTW I have been to Paris, France, WINK , WINK! Americans are not treated politely there.
@ivanivonovich9863 Жыл бұрын
@@Rajso1 Wrong! Those who live today are not at fault for the sins of their fathers! If that were so, then the whole of the U.S. should be ashamed for all the Indigenous peoples who were slaughtered in what is now called North America. As well as all those whose ancestors were brought over to the western hemisphere from Africa. History is repleat with atrocities committed by one generation upon another. You are not responsible for you ancestors actions unless you are won't to repeat them.
@aliciasnyder3280 Жыл бұрын
@@ivanivonovich9863 I totally agree with your statement!
@alfred9486 Жыл бұрын
We germans dont want to many ethnic groups. Giant problem. Lots of them are criminal and have no job. I just smile if someone says Nazi to me. The foreigners come. We dont want them in Germany. No migration of muslims and africans.
@TheJamiester 2 жыл бұрын
Many odd mistakes in the narration but lots of cool archival footage.
@nightlightabcd 2 жыл бұрын
What mistakes are you referring to, because this is quite accurate! Are you trying to downplay the fascist taking over Germany like the treasonous, fascist Republicans are trying to downplay the January 6th, 2021 attempted treasonous, fascist coup, to over throw the US government for evil, wicked, compulsive liar, hate mongering, swindler, anti-American, agent for his "good friend and good leader' Putin/Russia, along with his treasonous, fascist, anti-American Republicans against the US from within? The more they get away with, the worse it gets!
@TheJamiester 2 жыл бұрын
@@nightlightabcd no nothing like that. I know Hitler and Trump are both radical right populists (aka fascists). I’m just pointing out smaller details like saying German troops in Russia were “thousands of miles from home”. At most they were just over 1000 miles. Just odd little things like that.
@drgustaf2450 2 жыл бұрын
Also weird are the long musical interludes
@mrbaker7443 2 жыл бұрын
Rhineland was a DMZ after Versailles, not 'lost territory'... Sudetenland was never part of the 2nd Empire either
@edoedo8686 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheJamiester good points.
@Vicmot 2 жыл бұрын
33:26 That dog was so sympatetic.. Its hooman's smirking behid him
@anthonycrowley2778 2 жыл бұрын
Sophie Scholl and the White Rose Society True heroes. True courage. True Greatness
@leelarson107 2 жыл бұрын
True neurotics. True trouble-makers. True traitors.
@lorenzomalloy1983 2 жыл бұрын
@@leelarson107 Right wing i guess.
@bradjohnston8193 2 жыл бұрын
God-Damned tree-hugging hippie troublemakers. Got what they deserved. Bang. Bang. Bang.
@CJ.1998X.Y.Z Жыл бұрын
@@lorenzomalloy1983I’m right wing and think they’re heroes. I love liberty. The Nazis weren’t right or left wing I guess totalitarianism mixed with racism. Gross.
@mirquellasantos2716 Жыл бұрын
Sophie was a true hero.
@joeblair5057 Жыл бұрын
This is an amazing documentary. I would love to see to see one explaining the chain reaction Napoleon caused in Europe that caused two world wars, 100+ years after his death. From the march on Moscow(which both the Austrians and Germans participated in). To The Prussians coming to the rescue of the British at Waterloo. Then the chain reaction that proceeded. One thing we can take from this time line is, Britain and Russia where not happy with the way Austria and Germany goaded Napoleon to attack them instead of attacking Britain which is what the Russians and British expected. Napoleon caught them off guard and attacked Austria and Prussia and both where consumed into Napoleons empire. Then both Austria and Prissia marched with Napoleon into Russia. 100 years later , you can still see the contempt towards both Austria and Prussia as World War One was declared. By the end of world war 1, both the Prussian and Austrian empire where finished and punished which lead to world war 2 then the Cold War and so on. Military warfare often or not dates back to one persons ability to disturb the status quo and reform it as they please. Hitler was no different. He built a empire on empty platitudes then yielded into one of the most evil States of Opression for mass genocide known in History
@boopah4365 Жыл бұрын
Very informative..I never realized how much influence Napoleon had on both world wars.
@sleeperawake9818 2 жыл бұрын
I have this book and saw the original movie and this is not the "Full Movie" or close copy of the movie. The book was written by someone who lived through those times and gave his account of what he saw in Nazi Germany, this movie shouldn't bear the same name
@matthewplevyak8428 2 жыл бұрын
You are correct. Hopefully we will see the full Shirer book.
@marrickvillian 2 жыл бұрын
Came here to say the same thing.
@corbinmcnabb 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. Don't object to them making this, maybe helpful even. But the book, in just over an hour? Not possible.
@juliophantomsalguero 2 жыл бұрын
wonderful everything, but subtitled or in Spanish, is there a version available?
@jerrywillis5585 2 жыл бұрын
Human nature never seems to change.
@davidmackie8552 2 жыл бұрын
Evil is always the same devil.
@deedt8279 2 жыл бұрын
@@davidmackie8552 Even this video have not debugged anything. At the end you said the teeth’s are authentic. But you did not say that it was Hitler teeth. Are you fooling people? Teeth can be any ones, it could be his duplicate. The first old age person picture of Hitler has very much similarity with Hitler. But the other very Old age person photo with curly skin does not look at all like Hitler. Plus photo of Hitler keeping head down on Table and two ladies on Sofa acting dead that photo is staged any one can act like that pretending to be dead before the escape. What his father said in his childhood is so crazy. As if you were leaving in same house and heard it personally and lived till now to tell these lies. Some of these videos are just garbage. Sadly because of that the true history will get buried deep down and next generation will not know the truth.
@johnmc3862 2 жыл бұрын
Could you be more specific?
@jackrussell3755 2 жыл бұрын
The Rhineland wasnt seeded to France in 1918, it was ordered to be a demilitarised zone between France and Germany so Germany could not attack France in future, correct me if im wrong but the rhineland although demilitarised was still a part of Germany?.
@jazzaman147 2 жыл бұрын
Jack your not wrong spot on the comment it was all part of the treaty Versailles but hiter still march into the rhineland also if you think about it that was only a test but hitler wanted all the territories around germany that was stripped in world war1
@stickemuppunkitsthefunlovi4733 2 жыл бұрын
@@jazzaman147 can you blame him. Imagine Germany stripped England of Kent and Cornwall and America of florida and texas...
@jazzaman147 2 жыл бұрын
good point slso @@stickemuppunkitsthefunlovi4733
@jazzaman147 2 жыл бұрын
@@stickemuppunkitsthefunlovi4733 but the thing is abbout america if hitler tried to invade for every inch of land there is a gun behind every door lol
@xpertran Жыл бұрын
ceded NOT seeded
@dannybeun948 2 жыл бұрын
Fantastic documentary 👌
@tradeladder146 2 жыл бұрын
So well narrated by the British Guy. 👍
@xracer5995 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the upload 👍
@pipa8471 2 жыл бұрын
The music is amazing 🇮🇪
@ahmadmorsy1561 2 жыл бұрын
Spot on, can't get enough of it ..
@henbensen7363 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for mentioning the horses as most of WWII was fought withvweapons & personnel transported by horse (or rail if lines weren't destroyed).
@888ssss 2 жыл бұрын
a lot of the horses were volunteers.
@CLASSICALFAN100 2 жыл бұрын
@@888ssss "A horse is a horse..." (Of course! Of course!)...lol
@gregorysmith1134 2 жыл бұрын
The horses were a stop-gap solution until the Caucuses oil fields could be captured. Of course that did not materialize. Instead of going straight for the oil, Hitler decided to split his forces, going for Moscow, Stalingrad, Leningrad and the Caucuses simultaneously, or nearly so. The Nazis entered and fought the entire war plagued with fuel shortages. Needlessly to say, the horses on the Eastern Front suffered immensely. Many were ultimately used by the Germans for food.
@deedt8279 2 жыл бұрын
@@CLASSICALFAN100 Even this video have not debugged anything. At the end you said the teeth’s are authentic. But you did not say that it was Hitler teeth. Are you fooling people? Teeth can be any ones, it could be his duplicate. The first old age person picture of Hitler has very much similarity with Hitler. But the other very Old age person photo with curly skin does not look at all like Hitler. Plus photo of Hitler keeping head down on Table and two ladies on Sofa acting dead that photo is staged any one can act like that pretending to be dead before the escape. What his father said in his childhood is so crazy. As if you were leaving in same house and heard it personally and lived till now to tell these lies. Some of these videos are just garbage. Sadly because of that the true history will get buried deep down and next generation will not know the truth.
@arthursmith6854 2 жыл бұрын
Many German soldiers who were captured during the invasion at Normandy were stunned by the total absence of horses in the Allied armies. They were shocked by the total mechanization of the British, American and Canadian forces.
@batmansymbol3645 2 жыл бұрын
Sad and scary at the same time to think there are people out there that think these things were ok to do and still honor this evil disgusting man....and his cause
@donnellboozer4432 2 жыл бұрын
Putin's just as disgusting...
@fonz1776 2 жыл бұрын
There's more white supremacists in your head than in reality.
@republitarian484 2 жыл бұрын
Are you talking about Stalin? Because Stalin was much worse than Hitler and killed, murdered, starved, imprisoned, etc. many more.
@cyrosubod2317 2 жыл бұрын
Batman really need education
@verakrekity1153 2 жыл бұрын
@@republitarian484 No, they're talking about Hitler who was mad, evil and disgusting on his own right. Him and and his whole party of monsters.
@patricklyons5056 Жыл бұрын
Stephen Grief: excellent narration.
@filipohman7277 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome!!! 👍👍 Greetings from Helsinki, Finland 🇫🇮
@end-days Жыл бұрын
What we learn from history... we never learn from history
@theoderich1168 2 жыл бұрын
3:33 sorry, but I have to disagree on this - Stalin and Mao together killed about 160 million people, no German dictator could match these two. But Asia is far away for English-speaking folk so what do they care !? For those who doubt that read some A. Solzhenitsyn or Gerard Menuhin....
@reneegiese6315 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, you are right. But most people don’t care.
@priscillasasiain207 2 жыл бұрын
@@reneegiese6315 you are right ✅ there are a lot of things wrong we needs up day the history is different right now
@reneegiese6315 2 жыл бұрын
@@priscillasasiain207 Thank you for your answer. It needs people with an interest in history and facts, to come to reliable conclusion. Are you one of those people?
@promilitia3312 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry , how many people killed USA ??
@joeespo177 2 жыл бұрын
@@promilitia3312 I was unaware the USA was dead.
@eileenreid8413 3 ай бұрын
Well told 😢
@YANKTON1000 2 жыл бұрын
An Excellent Production
@zpp6304 2 жыл бұрын
September 17, 1939 USSR invasion of Poland NOT mentioned. September 1939 map of Germany is Wrong, does not show Soviet occupation of eastern Polan.
@UAPReportingCenter 2 жыл бұрын
You should make your own docu then...
@Malabus73 2 жыл бұрын
The German-Soviet Pact signed in August 1939.
@ledzeppelinsucks 2 жыл бұрын
Between 45-80 million lives lost during this war. Let's hope to never experience such carnage inflicted upon man again.
@dunexapa1016 2 жыл бұрын
What is truth? You seem like you might be profoundly ignorant of the increase in population since 1945. Do you have the slightest idea how such a growth in population was possible. If you look at a chart showing growth of population it has the sharpest upturn ever in the history of the world at the beginning of the 20th century.
@ledzeppelinsucks 2 жыл бұрын
@@dunexapa1016 I'm literally going by the statistics agreed upon by historians. There was a major boom in the 20th century because it lasted multiple generations. With the baby boom etc. Are you stating multimilions didn't actually die in ww2? Or are you just saying the numbers are inflated? Plus there was a major boom at the start of the 20th century because it was 14 years before the First World War.
@dunexapa1016 2 жыл бұрын
@@ledzeppelinsucks , In spite of the millions killed during WW II, world population has almost tripled from that time till now with the highest growth ever being after WW II. The question I am asking is do you know *how such a growth rate was possible* . Lately, you are being reminded. It is VERY likely that there will be a great die-off in just a few short decades ... unless Joseph Biden manages to initiate WW III ... then it could begin sooner.
@slabbusterrtr7690 2 жыл бұрын
We should've stopped Hitler long before we did it would've saved akot of pain and suffering dude was evil even against his own people
@ledzeppelinsucks 2 жыл бұрын
@@slabbusterrtr7690 I agree. If people paid attention to the annexation of Austria likely the Nazis could at least be recognized for their territorial expansionism desires. Also if Chamberlin didn't appease Hitler over Czechoslovakia they wouldn't of felt the European powers so easily exploitable.
@rumblejungle5590 2 жыл бұрын
2:05 Can't believe you got the pre-Versailles map of the German Empire wrong
@UAPReportingCenter 2 жыл бұрын
Oh the nerve 🤣
@deedt8279 2 жыл бұрын
@@UAPReportingCenter - Hello My POST is based on that time of the era News Papers and some research of mine. Hitler was a fighter and that is why he had many nick name " Fuehrer" and his title was Chancellor of the German Reich. He never attempt to do suicide so HOW can you say that his personality was like a suicides' - As if you knew him personally. My post is without any assumptions and opinions or advice of mine. He was portrait wrong by many of his close circle. I can see that it is possible. Because in general people do not discuss the fact they only discuss their personal opinions and wrong assumptions of theirs which carries out and it becomes big and general public starts taking laws in their hands. and blames Hitler. Jewish people must have hated him and that is why they must have given him wrong accusations. WATCH Video about - " Rise and Fall of the Third Reich | Full Movie " on youtube.. They have never found any documents where Hitler is giving Those Cruel or extreme Orders. NO EVIDANCE FOUND. Hitler own quotes " IF YOU TELL A BIG ENOUGH LIE AND TELL FREQUENTLY ENOUGH, IT WILL BE BELIVED." Which means his death lies were told for many years and people now believed it. Since long now he is dead of old age, Now it does not matter if the truth comes out. But they will not because Politician will never be believed. IF I tell you that "you are half-witted” that would be assumption on you without knowing you or my Opinion imposing on you. But when you call that it is an opinion = "Hitler was a fighter". It is not an Opinion. Fighter = means here warier. He wanted his own Germany to win. Even now when you travel around Europe they have Jewish, Muslim, and Christian quarters ever since 17th century or even prior to that. And I know what Fuhrer means a Leader. But He was loyal to his country. That is why till this date Muslim countries are still fighting. Look at few years ago Jerusalem, Palestine, Israel still has things going on. Recently I remember Few Years ago Trump said publicly that call " your country Palestine" and over their people started fighting and took out weapons against each other. It is still happening. Stupid people are existing. If you do not know the deepest history - there were many cruel officers such as Himmler, Amon Goeth and many more carried out a cynical manipulation of Hitler 's commands. Even Germans were wearing bands of swastikas' and if Jewish were asked to wear "David's Star" nothing wrong in it. But Jewish did not want to fight for Germany then in that case they become POW. That is the "Law of War". But that does not mean that civilians should also to be mistreated. NO, many wrong things were carried out in a very wrong way against them. So when you write all Germans what they did during that time is an assumption. Everywhere in the world there are some Good and Bad people exist. Bad are so evil that those who are good and wants to do good they are either killed them and or silent them [going on since long Jesus being killed by Jewish. ] Till today people tend to follow lies faster than facts. No GOD. We all are Energy and if you can concentrate hard with your mind you can become spiritual enough to move objects and even lift up your body in air. Ancient people did that. If they can keep secrets by not telling to Jewish people facts and fed those lies that they are moving them to work somewhere else. They can keep their own secrets of escape plan. Those who have worked in war as soldiers they are trained that way. Hitler was a commando. Those conscripted may evade service, sometimes by leaving the country, and seeking asylum in another country. That is why many Muslim countries asylum came to America, or went to different countries. Himmler was using Hitlers Name to portrait Hitler for those crime which actually was Himmler's deed. Certain documents were saved to prove that it was Himmler's signatures where found and NO EVIDANCE AGAINST HITLER WERE FOUND. I remember George Bush, out of blue moon attacked on Sandam Hussain and invade their country with an armed force. While people said that he had a carpet of Bush face which he was stepping on and entering in his office. Which Bush did not like. George Bush is living till this date and he is not considered as a criminal. Secret Service protecting U.S. political leaders, and their families.
@brianhill5009 2 жыл бұрын
At short of the half-way point, the narrative of this documentary all but disappears. The film's makers apparently decided that just showing attacking planes and marching troops was more important than commentary.
@stephenhoward4191 2 жыл бұрын
why did they call a spitfire a spitfire? because it spat fire , one of the best planes ever built. it saved britain
@malcolmpeart6367 2 жыл бұрын
The inventor recommended the name “the shrew” or “the scarab”.
@livingtribunal4110 2 жыл бұрын
Along with the Hawker Hurricaines, yes. Hurricaines took out the Heinkels, Dorniers & Junkers...Spitfires focussed on Messcherscmits ME109s & Junkers JU87 Stukas...
@lunafringe10 2 жыл бұрын
the US saved Britain . But Brits dominated the airspace
@davee2928 2 жыл бұрын
@@lunafringe10 American mass production. American industry provided almost two-thirds of all the Allied military equipment produced during the war: 297,000 aircraft, 193,000 artillery pieces, 86,000 tanks and two million army trucks.
@maryjeanjones7569 2 жыл бұрын
The Spitfires were built in Canada. 20, 351 Spitfires were built between 1938 and 1949 in a manufacturing facility in Manitoba.
@rowdyrx6109 2 жыл бұрын
The Versailles treaty which smothered Germany after WW1 resulted in WW2
@lucashardin4682 2 жыл бұрын
I agree but at least we learned not to make such harsh stipulations on the treaty after war anymore for the Axis
@deedt8279 2 жыл бұрын
@@lucashardin4682 What about the story of - Hitler, they claim, escaped punishment and lived out his life in tranquility in Patagonia until his death in 1962 at the age of 73. Google It. I think Hitler and Eva both lived common ordinary Life in Argentina Chile. Because this video [ “Eva Braun: Hitler's Mistress & Later Wife | Full Documentary | Biography “ ] also says that why would they burn their Boss with Gas? Plus back then News Paper showed duplicate of Hitler who just had Mustache just like him, his body was very skinny and that dead body face was very thin laying on bombed bricks. It looked more like they purposely put that body. Germany was known for very good conspiracy back in WAR TIME. I think they have taken off those online documents. It was a period of conspiracy and I believe that Hitler did run away because lots of countries politicians were involved in WW-2 that is why he got support to escape. Even America knew that he was alive somewhere in Argentina. They never exposed him because of their own fear. They kept it in archive those data in a Confidential Documents. The photo which they published of his dead body looked like double/duplicate of him. In past many places he was using his double or duplicate person to miss guide his enemies attempt to kill him. PLUS they never showed any one’s body his girlfriend or anyone who was with him. They have Never shown any proof about his death. It happened in USA Black people were not allowed on public transportation, vote, school, or to go and sit in restaurants eat, for their rights Martin Luther King fight for it. Even in Titanic movie they have shown that these white people were so bad that rich were given first chance to escape and rescued. That whole era was like that. If you allow bully they will abuse and history will repeat. Human Animal with Brian they can do anything. Hitler arrived in Argentina two and a half weeks after the fall of Berlin. Two submarines were reportedly on the coast of Argentina before their occupants were brought to the foot of the Andes. Researchers have often claimed that Hitler survived because of the strange circumstances surrounding his death. Just two years ago, a huge Nazi treasure room was discovered in Buenos Aires, including a bust of Hitler. Researchers say the discovery "could be indisputable evidence" of the presence of "important leaders" hiding in Argentina after World War II . The FBI documents provide a fascinating insight into the very real fear that Hitler managed to survive World War II. Russian authorities have also claimed that Hitler was still alive - Joseph Stalin gently confirmed that Hitler did not really die. " . Some have claimed that Nazi leaders fled to South America with a treasure. "What we are doing is re-examining history, history that we thought was settled that Hitler died in the bunker but the deeper we get into it, it's clear to me we don't have any facts for it." Bob and US special forces sergeant Tim Kennedy, who was part of the team that caught Bin Laden, were given access to 700 pages of newly declassified info. One document states: "American army officials in Germany have not located Hitler's body nor is there any reliable source that Hitler is dead." And if all that isn't enough for you, the team managed to find an alleged witness. Former UN war crimes investigator John Cencich speaks to a Greek man who used to work in construction and he tells him that in 1945 he was tasked with building "a secret construction inside the monastery in Samos." He says: "I had to build secret tunnels and compartments for Germans," he continued. "Yes, the Germans were Nazis and one of these guys was Adolf Hitler. He was right there, he wasn't wearing a moustache or anything. This was May 1945." Cimelody told them that Citroen - who by this point was living in Venezuela - claimed to be in contact with this so-called Hitler about once a month on his regular visits to Columbia. Adolf left Colombia in 1955 and went somewhere unspecified in Argentina. It could be true because America did help him [Hitler] escape and kept his secret for many years. I also learned that Marilyn Monroe found some of that type of classified info and that is why Kennedy brothers have killed her. And later majority of all JFK Families were killed somehow.
@lucashardin4682 2 жыл бұрын
@@deedt8279 I must apologize that I cannot respond to that long form form college essay but very well articulated!
@deedt8279 2 жыл бұрын
@@davesteadman1226 More White you are more cruel , that is the religious group.
@deedt8279 2 жыл бұрын
@@davesteadman1226 Only people with Brain can understand. you do not have it. Which part is hard for you to digest ? Or you just have zero brain. WATCH: This video clearly says German Laws are different than American- KZbin Title called " From the 60 Minutes archives: Survivors of Josef Mengele's twin experiments " . What about the story of - Hitler, they claim, escaped punishment and lived out his life in tranquility in Patagonia until his death in 1962 at the age of 73. Google It. I think Hitler and Eva both lived common ordinary Life in Argentina Chile. Because this video [ “Eva Braun: Hitler's Mistress & Later Wife | Full Documentary | Biography “ ] also says that why would they burn their Boss with Gas? Plus back then News Paper showed duplicate of Hitler who just had Mustache just like him, his body was very skinny and that dead body face was very thin laying on bombed bricks. It looked more like they purposely put that body. Germany was known for very good conspiracy back in WAR TIME. I think they have taken off those online documents. It was a period of conspiracy and I believe that Hitler did run away because lots of countries politicians were involved in WW-2 that is why he got support to escape. Even America knew that he was alive somewhere in Argentina. They never exposed him because of their own fear. They kept it in archive those data in a Confidential Documents. The photo which they published of his dead body looked like double/duplicate of him. In past many places he was using his double or duplicate person to miss guide his enemies attempt to kill him. PLUS they never showed any one’s body his girlfriend or anyone who was with him. They have Never shown any proof about his death. Hitler arrived in Argentina two and a half weeks after the fall of Berlin. Two submarines were reportedly on the coast of Argentina before their occupants were brought to the foot of the Andes. Researchers have often claimed that Hitler survived because of the strange circumstances surrounding his death. Just two years ago, a huge Nazi treasure room was discovered in Buenos Aires, including a bust of Hitler. Researchers say the discovery "could be indisputable evidence" of the presence of "important leaders" hiding in Argentina after World War II . The FBI documents provide a fascinating insight into the very real fear that Hitler managed to survive World War II. Russian authorities have also claimed that Hitler was still alive - Joseph Stalin gently confirmed that Hitler did not really die. " . Some have claimed that Nazi leaders fled to South America with a treasure. "What we are doing is re-examining history, history that we thought was settled that Hitler died in the bunker but the deeper we get into it, it's clear to me we don't have any facts for it."
@chaunceychappelle2173 Жыл бұрын
I think this social phenomenon has captured my imagination since childhood in one way or another. I knew I would join the military one day when I saw images of the DDay landings; I just knew. The irony for me is living in Germany in the early 2000s was one of the best experiences I had while in the military. Because of the small town I lived in and how kind and respectful people were. But, what and how this happened has to always be taught; in a way that should not reflect negatively on current Germans. If we don't understand this, it will happen again.
@Alex-hd6ek 9 ай бұрын
It has already been happening once again. Not in Germany though.
@phoenixmodellingphotography 5 ай бұрын
It's going down in America as we speak brother, you're livin it
@greasercody01 5 ай бұрын
I didn't know that this would be a sing along... Whatta twist. 😅
@mitsuri1165 2 жыл бұрын
Atraves de la historia cuantos pueblos han dominado a otros pueblos por corto tiempo siempre por la codicia de lo que tienen pero el tiempo pone a todos en su lugar ,,,,,todos tenemos el derecho a la vida y a la libertad ,,,,es un derecho que el CREADOR nos dio a todos sin exención de ninguna raza o color ,,,todos esos imperios se caen por su propio peso
@jackrussell3755 2 жыл бұрын
Also it wasnt England and France that declared war on Germany its was the whole of the United Kingdom and France who declared war on Germany, good documentary but there is a lot of small bits that are incorrect
@deedt8279 2 жыл бұрын
Hitler arrived in Argentina two and a half weeks after the fall of Berlin. Two submarines were reportedly on the coast of Argentina before their occupants were brought to the foot of the Andes. Researchers have often claimed that Hitler survived because of the strange circumstances surrounding his death. Just two years ago, a huge Nazi treasure room was discovered in Buenos Aires, including a bust of Hitler. Researchers say the discovery "could be indisputable evidence" of the presence of "important leaders" hiding in Argentina after World War II . The FBI documents provide a fascinating insight into the very real fear that Hitler managed to survive World War II. Russian authorities have also claimed that Hitler was still alive - Joseph Stalin gently confirmed that Hitler did not really die. " . Some have claimed that Nazi leaders fled to South America with a treasure. "What we are doing is re-examining history, history that we thought was settled that Hitler died in the bunker but the deeper we get into it, it's clear to me we don't have any facts for it." Bob and US special forces sergeant Tim Kennedy, who was part of the team that caught Bin Laden, were given access to 700 pages of newly declassified info. One document states: "American army officials in Germany have not located Hitler's body nor is there any reliable source that Hitler is dead." This document was found way later after Hitler Died in 1962. Bin Laden attack happen on 9-11-2001. So Tim Kennedy found those documents around 2001. And if all that isn't enough for you, the team managed to find an alleged witness. Former UN war crimes investigator John Cencich speaks to a Greek man who used to work in construction and he tells him that in 1945 he was tasked with building "a secret construction inside the monastery in Samos." He says: "I had to build secret tunnels and compartments for Germans," he continued. "Yes, the Germans were Nazis and one of these guys was Adolf Hitler. He was right there, he wasn't wearing a moustache or anything. This was May 1945." Cimelody told them that Citroen - who by this point was living in Venezuela - claimed to be in contact with this so-called Hitler about once a month on his regular visits to Columbia. Adolf left Colombia in 1955 and went somewhere unspecified in Argentina. It could be true because America did help him [Hitler] escape and kept his secret for many years. I also learned that Marilyn Monroe found some of that type of classified info from her former boyfriend JFK and that is why Kennedy brothers have killed her. And later majority of all JFK Families were killed somehow, Assassinated in a surprise attack for political or religious reasons. All Nazi who escaped were keeping low profile. Everyone was told he is dead. But no one knew that they actually never found solid evidence that it was his body. By the time those documents were found it was already end of 19th centuries. Some of the news channel did go after remaining Nazi and they did find few of them. But Hitler was long dead in 1962. Bob and US special forces sergeant Tim Kennedy, who was part of the team that caught Bin Laden, were given access to 700 pages of newly declassified info. One document states: "American army officials in Germany have not located Hitler's body nor is there any reliable source that Hitler is dead." This document was found way later after Hitler Died in 1962. Bin Laden attack happen on 9-11-2001. So Tim Kennedy found those documents around 2001. Hello My POST is based on that time of the era News Papers and some research of mine. Hitler was a fighter and that is why he had many nick name " Fuehrer" and his title was Chancellor of the German Reich. He never attempt to do suicide so HOW can you say that his personality was like a suicides' - As if you knew him personally. My post is without any assumptions and opinions or advice of mine. He was portrait wrong by many of his close circle. I can see that it is possible. Because in general people do not discuss the fact they only discuss their personal opinions and wrong assumptions of theirs which carries out and it becomes big and general public starts taking laws in their hands. and blames Hitler. Jewish people must have hated him and that is why they must have given him wrong accusations. WATCH Video about - " Rise and Fall of the Third Reich | Full Movie " on youtube.. They have never found any documents where Hitler is giving Those Cruel or extreme Orders. NO EVIDANCE FOUND.
@jackrussell3755 2 жыл бұрын
@@deedt8279 dont talk pish😂
@davidpowell3347 2 жыл бұрын
Should have made mention of General Georgy Zhukov's successful campaigns and perhaps the role of Nikita Khrushchev at arranging the movement of USSR/Russian industrial operations to beyond the reach of the invaders also glossed over the importance of actions in front of Moscow and the hideous conflict at Stalingrad which began the total defeat of the German ground forces also very early into the German invasion of the Soviet Union they(Wehrmacht) were beginning to take casualties like never before in the war
@corbinmcnabb 2 жыл бұрын
The Rise and Fall is going to leave out a lot if you try to tell it in one hour, one minute and twenty-nine seconds. Shirer's book, if I am not mistaken, was nine hundred pages.
@henrysantos121 Жыл бұрын
Matatan.🔥🐎🔥. Ribirin HS, Excellent documentary well done,
@johnmc3862 2 жыл бұрын
I Thought Germany invading Russia just wasn’t Reich.
@patprr1756 Жыл бұрын
A fatal mistake.
@DBEdwards Жыл бұрын
You are so right. It wasn't Reich. The greatest mistake Germany made in the war. Devastating. STUPID. STALINGRAD!
@patprr1756 Жыл бұрын
@@DBEdwards They're trying to make up for it now big time .
@johnmc3862 Жыл бұрын
@@patprr1756They did n@zi the winter coming.
@patprr1756 Жыл бұрын
You may have a point there , same with America
@douglasanderson153 2 жыл бұрын
Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few. - Sir Winston Churchill.
@cagg2927 2 жыл бұрын
The same Churchill that starved to death over 5 million in India and condemned the Levant to endless conflict? With the death count he provoked intentionally or by incompetence, he is in the same category as Hitler or Stalin. Hollywood has brainwashed so many
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