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@metalmagerin3 5 ай бұрын
Yo Bob. There's a strat where Quinn takes Synchronized Souls for an enhanced level 6 recall, so she can get free ultimates every 4 seconds. Why don't you use this to roam through the jungle and nuke everyone?
@Do_NotSubPlz 5 ай бұрын
R button be like....
@petronavt 5 ай бұрын
@@Do_NotSubPlz If I'm not mistaken, there is a bug or a feature, which allows Quinn to deal double damage with her ulti after recall
@asuryan 5 ай бұрын
You should fix your grammar. It's: "Dear Bob..."
@JustCC6057 5 ай бұрын
Dope! But fix it in the format or the text search won't work.
@carnivorouscube4142 5 ай бұрын
@@petronavt it was only after death, and got fixed already :c
@erich_ika 5 ай бұрын
Fun fact: the unit of distance mentioned by the Symbiotic Soles is arbitrary and not really based on anything, but is used throughout the game. Many people use Teemo as a reference, as Teemo is roughly 100 units wide. I like to call it "cenTeemeters"
@erich_ika 5 ай бұрын
PS: Teemo is actually 110 centeemeters wide. that doesn't actually matter because his model (the actually visible part) is narrower than his collision box. Also, all kid and Yordle (except Corki, Kled, Mega Gnar, Nunu, Rumble and Smolder; including Yuumi) champions have the same size as Teemo, and no one is smaller than them. Both of these points take away a bit of the magic but I think I should mention them
@ShiroiYomu 3 ай бұрын
CenTeemeters for the win
@paolobottecchia976 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play TANK SENNA TOP, I heard it's a very good strategy. You go beefy and tanky, shoot them from across the world and have a nice time
@yeetyourmeat7455 5 ай бұрын
Sadly that's not perfect grammar.
@gtoktas83 5 ай бұрын
ah the people I tortured with this build, with the correct opponent the lane phase becomes hell for them.
@evanfrench3040 5 ай бұрын
@incorect63 5 ай бұрын
Comma after world? I don’t think it’s required
@goldarch7269 5 ай бұрын
I think the grammar was off with the commas. Dear Bob, you should play TANK SENNA TOP. I heard it's a very good strategy. You go beefy and tanky; shoot them from across the world; and have a nice time.
@briacjamoulle7451 5 ай бұрын
@gregg2321 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play remote control full on hit ivern. This strategy involves building full on-hit items which can apply on daisy and then sit in a bush and remotely control her.
@Turnups27 5 ай бұрын
Daisy and Ivern are proper nouns meaning you should capitalize them.
@togashi-azul 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play full AP Nunu mid and apply the Mad Donnut™ strategy according to the Glorious guide to Ap Nunu from Darkk Mane! I'm sure you'll be able to get enough souls to save Christmas!
@bungercolumbus 5 ай бұрын
Oh this is such a cool idea. I want this
@ThePaceMaker127 5 ай бұрын
Pianta will save Christmas, and Nithin will save Darkkmas with his AP Nunu/Fiora/Hecarim/Nasus
@Sandaylmao 5 ай бұрын
I did not know it's possible to pronounce symbiotic in so many different ways.
@wulsibeyin6362 5 ай бұрын
My Malignance ptsd is coming back 😂
@thaibui5531 5 ай бұрын
symBOIC boots
@pyroplays_lol6581 5 ай бұрын
hearing him pronounce it made me laugh so hard
@tomv89 5 ай бұрын
best part of the video
@anastasiskalapodis1826 5 ай бұрын
Dear bob, you should try tank zed support. It's a really good strategy
@Zoifersan 5 ай бұрын
finally, someone suggested a real fun
@skkytrmt9730 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play brand mid but NEVER go into the river since water puts fire out
@JasonAtlas 5 ай бұрын
Creative and funny. I like it.
@skkytrmt9730 5 ай бұрын
​@@JasonAtlas Thank u sir
@_mishi 5 ай бұрын
we need this eventually
@skkytrmt9730 5 ай бұрын
@@_mishi i will stay vigilant
@Zoifersan 5 ай бұрын
If he steps on water he must immediately recall, as if he died. Or if he gets water on him from enemy or ally ability (ban Nami lol).
@_ScarCrow 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play ad Neeko support. Every time you get the chance, invade enemy jungle and copy enemy raptors, to kill enemy jungler as a raptor.
@Burning_DK 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should try full AP/movement speed Lillia top, for it is a most hilarious experience.
@Zoifersan 5 ай бұрын
Just usual Lillia? That's not what this series is about.
@Burning_DK 5 ай бұрын
@@Zoifersan But she's usually played jungle, not top
@AndrewPick6 5 ай бұрын
@@Burning_DK pretty commonly played top tho
@Turnups27 5 ай бұрын
Add a period at the end.
@Burning_DK 5 ай бұрын
@@Turnups27 Done, greatly appreciated.
@orionmetaloe-maker3943 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play Zoe support. When you are playing Zoe support, you should level up your Sleepy Trouble Bubble first and then your other skills to your own accord. For your build path, you will need to buy the support item first, a control ward and a sweeper. You will then go for a Sorcerer’s Shoes rush. after you have them, you will go for Luden’s Companion, and then buy Seeker’s Armguard followed by completing this item and then a build of your own accord. You MUST be buying at least one control wards every time you base, or else you will lose the challenge. Play around your Sleepy Trouble Bubble and walls in the bottom lane. For your runes you will go Glacial Augment, Hextech Flashtraption, Biscuit Delivery, and Approach Velocity for the support tree. For your secondary tree line you will go Domination. The runes you will go are Zombie Ward and Treasure Hunter. For the last ones you will go for the AH, AF, and the BH. You will go for many roams once you hit level 6 and upgrade your ultimate as you can hit your Sleepy Trouble Bubble more effectively this way. I heard it is good.
@ZMDoom 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should try 6 burns Morgana top. I hear from RELIABLE SOURCES that it's pretty good.
@ellthing7579 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, I heard Jungle Kayle with full attack speed is pretty good, I think it was used in a worlds tournament once.
@laserr_0849 5 ай бұрын
Slide me the build big bro
@AidanStewart9 5 ай бұрын
Sounds fun
@macmac1373 5 ай бұрын
It’s so refreshing to see Brian have so much fun with league, never change lil buddy ❤
@THEMAN-fi4jp 5 ай бұрын
Dear bob. You should try playing fiddlesticks. Every time you do a sucking noise when you press W makes it do more damage as well as screeching when you use ULT. I heard its pretty good.
@tyman4651 5 ай бұрын
It must have the birthday skin!
@Colaschnittchen 5 ай бұрын
I remember that. Wasnt it a magicarp video?
@pwl2992 5 ай бұрын
​@@Colaschnittchen i think it was, many years ago
@Turnups27 5 ай бұрын
Bob and Fiddlesticks are proper nouns meaning you should capitalize them. After you say "press W" the sentence falls apart, try adding a comma and saying "it makes it do more damage". Bob requires grammar to use a strategy.
@морг-з7щ 4 ай бұрын
I used to get drunk and do this, my neighbours weren't happy
@tayfuntoker6757 5 ай бұрын
Hey bob, there is an ancient top lane strategy. Full AD Soraka. The build contains various On-hit items with a spice of Guinso. Trust me, you will be surprised...
@venomia227 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play Sion support with smite, teleport, and a jungle item where you steal enemy camps the entire game while your jungle takes his side. I heard it's great!
@Warnando_ 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, at 12:26 you write in chat "drag first". You break the rule of playing River Shen. Our River Shen community wants you to apologize in next video. Sincerely, River Shen community
@joansonbaptiste-james3649 5 ай бұрын
Bumping so he sees it lmao
@violala8053 5 ай бұрын
River Shen
@gamera5160 5 ай бұрын
You did not express your objection in the form of “River Shen”.
@Warnando_ 5 ай бұрын
@@gamera5160 River Shen
@ShiroiYomu 3 ай бұрын
​@@gamera5160 let me traduce that for you : river shen
@obiwancannoli1920 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should try AP/tank hybrid Pantheon. Since the buff, his Q throw scales with 50% AP, his W deals %max health scaling with HP and AP, and his enhanced E also grants resistances scaling with HP after breaking it. Runes would be Grasp, Dark Seal (with possible Mejai's) start, into Heartsteel, Riftmaker, and any tank item (preferably with AH). Also, max W first or second.
@mikardinho9053 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, I've heard there is a secret champion called "Beemo". Sure finding him and playing him is a good strategy.
@claymre346 5 ай бұрын
Dearest Bob, I hope this finds you well. From my experience there is but one build that will guarantee your success, AD Fizz Topline. The build is quite simple It is as follows, Begin with Press the Attack, Triumph, Legend: Haste, Coup De Grace, Manaflow, and Scorch. Itemization is fairly simple start by building Blade of the Ruined King, Defensive or CD boots, Trinity force, Eclipse, and Sundered Sky, and ending with either Death's Dance or Maw depending on situations. Alternatively instead of Blade you can build Kraken Slayer, or Exchange Trinity force for Manamune. You should start with E, but follow up by maxing Q,E, then W (and R when available). With Care, -Clay
@Trombonas 5 ай бұрын
This is Bob watcher, Bob watcher is on a journey watching Bob try new strategies one comment at a time, Bob watcher is watching Bob utilize any strategy five times suggested by the fans with perfect grammar before it is banned forever. Bob watcher is watching Bob trying to make it to masters, welcome to Bob watcher. (Ep. 5)
@leisuregamer1419 5 ай бұрын
we got tenmo watcher clone before gta6 😭
@Trombonas 5 ай бұрын
@@leisuregamer1419 true
@lucaioanmatosan7194 5 ай бұрын
What about a bobwatcher watcher
@brunomacias460 5 ай бұрын
brob watched the bob
@Trombonas 5 ай бұрын
@@lucaioanmatosan7194 you can be him
@tori4730 5 ай бұрын
I was NOT expecting river shen to work
@JungleSamira 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, this is day 4 of asking for jungle samira. You go ravenous hydra, then either merc treads or ninja tabis, and after that you can go for the collecter. The rest of the build is up to you. Please try this strategy, I heard that it's a very good in the Syrian community. Yours truly, Jeff.
@MattMan 5 ай бұрын
What it do Bobby. I think you should try Jungle support! How the strategy works? Queue up for support, pick a highly aggressive early game champion such as Nocturne. Assist your jungle in dominating the enenmy jungle. Run to enemy top side level 1 and clear all of his camps. Come back and gang top side level 3. You will then decide the rest of your fate.
@LateBobWatcher 5 ай бұрын
Hello everyone, I am the late BobWatcher. Will I watch Bob succeed with River Shen, or will I not watch Bob succeed with River Shen? This, is BobWatcher ep. 5
@JasonAtlas 5 ай бұрын
Omg the real latebobwatcher
@LateBobWatcher 5 ай бұрын
​@@JasonAtlas for now, but soon, we will ALL be BobWatchers.
@TenmoWatcher 5 ай бұрын
@ryanperez3251 5 ай бұрын
It's amazing how he couldn't remember the word "taunt" until the thrill of the fight rushed through him
@boonschannel5729 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, You should play Shaco Ap Support. I actually started to play with it 4 years ago, and it`s pretty symple. Ideally you will have a duo AD, or tell him to play safe. Resume: If you have a ad with poke you go more for a squish damage, and if not, it's a tank map controller. Runes: AD with poke: Pick Comet, Mana flow, Transcendence, Scorch. In seconds, Yellow: Presence of Mind, Legend Haste. Without: Glacial Augment, Cash Back, Biscuit and Approach Velocity. In Seconds, Green: Font of Life, and flex, choose one. Spells: Flash, Ignite. Will explain why flash on combos. Skills: W -> Q -> E (Both focus, and start). Items: Adc with poke: Start normal, first back Tear, then Ionian Boots. Pass to Imperial Mandate, Sup item is Zak'Zak's. Then you can build rilai`s against fast champions or hard engagers, against squish teams you can build Malignance for hard engages. Third you can build Oblivion Orb, and not finish it. After 3 items you can sell your tear whenever you need. Finish it Againts squish with: Blackfire Torch, Rylai's, Shadowflame. Finish it More Space Controll: Frozen Hearth, Zhonyas, Close Winter's Approach or Solari (Order is suitable here) Without poke: Here you will use Font of Life to get the buffs from healing items. So the build starts normal. First item will be Ardent Censer or rarely Flowing Water if your adc is something exotic (in this case you can build a Abyssal Mask too). Sup item is Celestial Opposition. Then Rylay and Solari. To finish the build: Rylai's, Frozen Hearth Start: If your jungle is going bot-side, put two boxes on the two bot-side entries, then one box to leash(This box should be put after 0:50) and go base, then back to bot fastest you can. Otherwise, put a box on the enemy three bush at (0:50), and another 2 forward in lane, one in the slope from three bush to river, and another in the most advanced bush, lefting a straight edge to minnions pass throught, but the enemy will fall when coming to the lane. Lane Phase: Just put boxes on bush and others to prevent ganks, use the box on the wave to push if you need to crash it. You can use the box to freeze the wave where you want to, first take agro from minnions, than put a box above them (everything while walking back). Your goal is to protect the AD to not die, and not die too. After you get level six, if your AD is stronger than the enemy, you can make the first combo Q toward enemies, or little bent to avoid skill-shots, Then you Ult, when animation ends you put a Box and walk back, enemies will focus the clone (unless you did it too many times), then take the fear from box, taking stun for a lot of time and open a window for your AD. When going back just focus on split target with adc, and put Box under him whenever possible. If you are on tanky mode, you can take some hits before using your Q if you already have it, to open more window for your adc, and bait the enemy to follow you. Mid Game: You can either controll objectives before they spawn, around 1:30 before they spawn you seed your enemy jungle with boxes in all enters. Always when you are entering enemy jungle to Box it, you Box back to Front, if you face some enemy, you run back the same path you did, and they will fall on the boxes. If the objective is spawning soon, it's better just try to run besides some wall with your Q. To preserve the boxes. They will slow enemies and give all information you need to TF or not. If you are more damaging, you can contest objectives solo, until 1v3 depending on the champions. Enter the pit with Q, Then R + W, and run fast. Then put some Boxes back and try to bait enemies from the objective to kill you, when they fall on the box, you tackle the E and run again. If they turn back, you go back with it and repeat, if they persist, you can't do much, just box in front where u are running and flee. Late Game: You can start fights with your ult, works better the less life you have, because enemies will always stop hit clone after some time. You can protect splitters with box on entries of their lanes. You can protect your AD warding and putting boxes on the mid lane sides. You can push tower whit Catapults(? in Brasil is, the large minnion). Wait till tower focus it, then put a box on the tower. Ult can help if is a fast push, when it dies it also damage the tower with the boxes, and can tank minnions while you hit the tower. Combos: Invisible-Clone-Box: Q -> Walk close to enemies -> R + W -> run from enemies. Less time spend getting close, is more time invisible to run! Fake-Stopped-Q: R + Flash. You must be close to a wall, you will imediatelly flash after trought the wall after pressing R. Your flash animation will be canceled by the ult animation, and since the ult VFX is so close to the Q VFX, will look like you missed your Q in the wall, and stayed on place, but it will be te clone. Triple-Fear: W + Q + W + R + E -> Wait -> E + Q. So if you have a box on a path, and is in fog for the enemies, and have less than 50% HP, if they fall on the box you can Q + W on him then R. The first box will settle while your ult is animating (Second fear). When it finish animating, you E, than you clone will animate the knife, and yout enemy will think it's you (mostly) therefore they combo the clone and it explode (Third Fear), Than you can go back and just E + Q, or if you gone too far, Q + E. Base-Combo: W + E + Q, usally during the game, you will put the box where enemy cant hit and will walk, E him for slow, then Q back. Notes: -Mana should be a problem until the third item if you not build full suport (without poke). So Tear comes to save you, after 180 stacks, your mana will stabilise to use frequently W, and when needed Q. -You NEED to dodge stuns, because you can't ult while stunned. But Snares, permits you to negate a lot of damage with your ult. -You can negate turret hits with your ult, and left the target. You need a little timing, but it's not that hard. Just ult when the turret hit border hits your character border. Sorry for the size.
@gudeezo746 5 ай бұрын
Dear bob, I have thoroughly tested a strategy the last three to four years that consists of Cassiopeia playing in the ADC role. Level 5 and afterwards becomes the most exquisite experience. Maybe mechanically challenging to pull of, but if anyone can achieve greatness that would be you. A delicate detail this strategy contains is making snake sounds while hiding in bushes. Regards, McAhri Carrykino.
@Star11954 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, I’ve heard that jungle Lulu is pretty strong. Phreak even plays it in the official champion spotlight!
@PurpleJuiceProd 5 ай бұрын
Hey Bob, I'm pretty sure River Shen without Water Walking is just... Shen.
@leo-nb4tj 5 ай бұрын
@BananaTree132 5 ай бұрын
It was no way near resembling river shen. It was just basic roaming shen support lol
@alexdelbagno8533 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, the strategy I wish to suggest is the "tri-investment hp strategy". In which you purchase the items Heartsteel, Riftmaker, and the new Overlord's Bloodmail. Maximizing hp to give you damage. My personal recommendation for a champion is Shyvana.
@PykeTyson2222 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should try strat called "typical yasuo main". In lobby choose random role and doesn't matter what role you get just pick yasuo. I've heard that this strategy is amazing!
@Babuelo 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play surprise party fiddlesticks. I know it's a name skin, but it's also a strategy. You play fiddle jungle with the surprise pary skin on, and each time you are ulting someone from a hidden place, you have to type in /all chat: " Happy Birthday!!!"
@koenigle267 5 ай бұрын
Hi Bob, you should play Zoe support. It's pretty annoying for the enemy when paired with a high-ranged adc.
@KazuNEET 5 ай бұрын
Wsg Bob, keeping in line with river strats, you should definitely play ambulance Soraka again!
@EonLess 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play Ahri, just don't use a skin to honour a certain player. I heard it's pretty good.
@Angelm-le7lw 5 ай бұрын
That Lux who like never missed an ult was kinda cracked
@PykeTyson2222 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should try ad mages strat. Queue up on mid, pick any mage you want and build ad items. I've heard this strategy is wonderful!
@stevensharker7681 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, try out barrier/flash tanky Warwick top. The healing from your q and passive make it so in the aftermath you win every smalltrade, and when the difference in health is high enough, you just dive the enemy under tower
@user-hb6tv8yt9d 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should try Frozen Heart and Unending Dispair Teemo. The goal of the build is to stand around invisible and have Unending Dispair slowly damage your enemies when they are unable to hit you. Frozen Heart is required because Unending Dispair only works in combat. You can add Liandry's for extra damage.
@tinejoan 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, play stacking veigar, it could be fun! - Grasp (or dark harvest) - Heartsteel - Tear item - Mejai's - Hubris - Symbiotic Soles (bonus points if u get the fire soul too)
@TheRealAaahso 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should try AP Hecarim mid. I heard its really good.
@mollymollymolly2 5 ай бұрын
Dearest Bob, In the current ELO you have found yourself in, many a times cheese strategies and stronger early off-meta picks can catch people off-guard and quickly secure leads in the early game. For this reason, I humbly suggest you attempt to use Garen Bot. Garen has lower mobility and range, but due to his regeneration he can sustain a lot of poke against many of the dangerous botlane duos, and due to his high burst damage his all-in is very strong, especially with an early game support. You may run bruiser if you wish, however I have the most luck with the crit build below; Start with Berserker's Greaves and then go Stridebreaker. Then, begin building crit with Stormrazor, Phantom Dancer, Infinity Edge, and then finish your build with either a tank item of choice or armor penetration with black cleaver and/or a last whisper item. I personally have had more luck personally with tank stats - if possible, Randuin's Omen feels very good. For runes, I like to use Phase Rush almost exclusively, with either resolve secondaries for sustain or domination secondaries for harder snowballing. I believe in you, Bob!
@weasel-rp7td 5 ай бұрын
River Jax. Fishing Simulator.
@shieldgenerator7 3 ай бұрын
22:07 the interaction between ww ult and shen e is so funny here first the ww ults away, but shen Es in front of him. the taunt didnt go off bc ww is unstoppable during his R jump BUT bc shen E'd in front of ww, ww hits shen with his ult, and shen takes the ult damage so even tho ww cant be taunted in his ult, shen E still effectively taunts the ww xD
@JimenoxStuff 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should try Braum jungle. Jungling with a Braum attitude, and only have shield items. You must protect every ally teammates at all cost.
@eltigreto7316 5 ай бұрын
Hey dear Bob. You should try lee sin support. Electrocute + lethality for aggressive. W max + ap with Guardias as they key rune, and support items to become the ultimate peeler! 1 game ad, 4 games ap. Its gonna be a really rewarding challenge !! Dont forget the vigilant wardstone!!
@SakuraTwo 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob You should play AP attack speed gnar top, You need to be the best budget vayne you can be
@Ehryen 4 ай бұрын
14:07 You know you're old when you see this and your first thought is "Dubstep Ignite"
@neongaminglp8071 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, did you know Gnar's W has a 100% AP Ratio? Just rush Nashors into full AP, sounds like a better Teemo to me!
@luiluuh 5 ай бұрын
Hello Bob. You should do a powerpoint presentation, showing off your new build, so your allies may know who they're fighting with (or against it)
@hassanalsafi8933 5 ай бұрын
This is not river Shen' this is just shen support
@frewbay 5 ай бұрын
@frewbay 5 ай бұрын
he doesn't get the lore
@oopsiedoopsieao 5 ай бұрын
i hope that xPetu is getting a tear of joy right now
@Minuano420 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, I hope this message reaches you well. The news of your adventures in the League of Legends have reached me, and as to support you, I believe you should play Jhin in the middle lane, relying on the keystone Dark Harvest while purchasing items that increase your lethality. Best of luck during these trying times.
@withoutlaughts 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, I heard that nautilus jungle full ap is back. He was a good jungler back in season 4, so I'm sure now he's even better.
@fil1361 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should try full HP Aatrox with the new E scaling. Try to reach 200% healing while ulting.
@toniborp4765 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob did u know that Jhin has amazing ap scalings on is E, I believe that you could do the magnificent job of recreating the oppenhaimer explosion on the rift with this amazing Jhin ap build
@hashirqureshi3052 5 ай бұрын
Dear bob, you should play forced power spiked Yasuo, its where you die 15 times before first attacking an enemy champion to optimize your Yasuo, doesn't matter how you die. I heard it's good
@tyrrant1374 5 ай бұрын
power spike is at 10, 15 times is troll
@tonyluiscomedy 5 ай бұрын
Pianta: Must have perfect grammar Also Pianta: COMMS ABOOS!?
@sito4026 5 ай бұрын
Dear bob, you should play the wizzard yone build by "way of the tempest", i heard it's pretty good.
@McAtomica 5 ай бұрын
Your Magnificence Robert. With all due respect may I suggest you try to employ a strategy, where you acquire a champion named Azir, and to great effect exploit his 'hitscan' autoattack by erecting upon his equipment only critical chance inducing items. I thereby wish you luck and whole lot of fun. Best of wishes to you sir Bob.
@Alge_Algae 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play FULL ATTACKSPEED DARIUS TOP, I heard it's a very good strategy. Try to make them bleed and run home to mommy. But wait! Ghost + Exhaust will make sure their mommy only hears them scream for their life right before you DUNK ON THEM HAAARD.
@badaya7162 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob... you did played River Shen in day/video 288 you did played River Shen. Thank you for realizing my dreams.
@gea5401 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, I think you should play Minion Neeko. Where you go full AD with energized items and auto the enemy to dead as a minion - I heard it's a very good strategy
@diefaust2 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, I have an exquisite strategy for you. You play Nunu Midlane and roaming is your priority. Two things you have to do: First is to always push out the mid wave so that the enemy laner can't get an advantage. Second is roam top or bot to help the team, you can also roll into the enemy jungle that's up to you. If you see that Midlane is also killable, then you can also pressure mid but roam should still be your priority. Item build: Dead Man's Plate for movement speed is key. The rest is up to you, AP or push power with Hollow Radiance for example. Roll em down, and then you dance on their grave but don't miss any cs Mid
@evilbob51 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play Taric Top/Jungle. I hear it's truly outrageous
@peerolav.bormann9428 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, I really appreciate your tierlist! Not only are tierlist generally awesome but we also get to know how u liked the experience :))
@kaminaridenki._. 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play impregnator Gragas. You go mid, build full ability haste and maximize your E to stun-lock everyone. It should be fun!
@clashinglegend4967 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, I think you should play mid lux with only her ultimate ability. No other abilities can be used between Q.W.E. I heard it can be pretty great strategy.
@LiljaInAPot 4 ай бұрын
good job on playing shen! you are good with him! good luck with the series!
@fab_852 5 ай бұрын
Dear bob, you should try tank veigar, with grasp of undying, heartsteel and rabandon, so you can tank a lot and deal a lot of damage
@Fabi-te4nf 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob. You should be the nicest person in the LoL community. Play Soraka Top and When you or your team scores a kill, say something like, “Thanks for the exciting duel! GG!” If an enemy makes a daring play, acknowledge it with, “That was a brave move, well played!” When a teammate dies, encourage them with, “Nice try, you’ll get them next time!” And if you get killed, thank your opponent with, “Thanks for the duel, I’ll come back stronger!”
@felixclarke1601 Ай бұрын
Dearest Bob, there's a really good strat where you build all items that give you shields on nautilus, and whenever your low health you go and emote at the enemies to bait them in, then use all the shields so they can't kill you and cc them in place while the allies jump on them. Best as support or mid. Call it fishing naut maybe?
@cazualreixis 5 ай бұрын
Dear Mr.Bob, you should try Malzahar jungle. I tried it yesterday and it has a fairly good jungle clear. You go E first get raptors and then move your way to Red and Krubs Then Wolves and Blue. You can just AFK farm until you have your ultimate then spam ganking mid. I promise you'd have a good time playing this because I did. Thank you!
@MegaMozozo 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play full AP Garen where you win the game with 0 CS. I heard it's a really good strategy.
@The_Ottoman_Lobster 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play the Hooker Darius (some people also refer to it as "Hoerius" (i believe the ho comes from hook and e refers to the hook skill being on e)). As far as i have heard, it consists of being a peaceful fellow that shows off his costumes to his opponents to get a compliment, but when their opponent shows aggression, he hooks them up and butchers them in the quickest way possible. He has no regard of safety for himself or his teammates, and never calms down unless anyone who slandered his awesome collection of costumes is dead alongside those who support them.
@TheShrimpWizard 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should try Jungle Fizz, I heard its a really viable strategy and just got a secret buff
@dracorpl392 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, I believe that you should try playing tank Bel'veth support. She seems to work very well with close range ADC's as she can not only engage for them, but also tank a high amount of damage while healing and wounding her opponents. What truly makes Bel'veth support shine lighter than other engage supports is her scaling attack speed that works extremely well with the Titanic Hydra item.
@bluhoovy207 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play Peemo top, I heard it's good. (Beemo top with only yellow items (or yellowish items (you can buy items like Guinsoo)) and spells (if you really can't play with those spells you can play with ignite) every kill/death say something like "piss off" or "get pissed on"
@bucketato5195 5 ай бұрын
Greetings, Bob! I hope that your journey is pleasant so far. After seeing you pilot River Shen so masterfully, I am once more longing to see you perform with Maximus Jaximus. The rules remain the same as before: You are to only purchase Items, which have a direct scaling with your bonus HP. However, I will admit that last time, I forgot to include the exception; for the true Maximus Jaximus may master the Rageblade of Guinsoo's, as well. I heard, this strategy was actually quite good. So I would love to see you try it.
@kusmarii9922 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play Lillia top with aery, manaflow and speed, secondairy being presicion (mana and coupe the grace) Items of your choice, i heard is good
@mayynophobia 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, I think you should play heimerdinger jungle, I heard someone got to challenger with it...
@leogr1003 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should try illaoi support! She’s a great champion, and her E is basically the same as blitzcrank Q, making her viable as a support! :)
@professorfizz1948 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, there was once a player named tenmo player who reached challenger in a sweep! You should try to play his strategy! I get a feeling it will suit you.
@RenanElifas 5 ай бұрын
So glad you didn't just stay in the river and actually helped your team. That was awesome!
@Bashame_Meme1 5 ай бұрын
My dearest Bob, you should try Piantwo's sextuple burn Morgana build in the top lane.
@jplenny8885 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, I have heard that tank Veigar is S tier in Korean meta at the moment (Trust me), and also very fun (can confirm). Heartsteel = Infinite HP. Passive + Riftmaker = Infinite damage. You live longer in fights = more passive stacks. It's basically cheating. Free wins.
@ArchdrakeVEVO 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, the kidnapper Skarner is coming. You need to run.
@joaolobao6680 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should try piantwo's last five videos' strategies, he told me they are really good.
@bernardo1938 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, I believe you should attempt the "Ornn Jungle" strategy. The mentioned strategy enables one to always be ahead when it comes to the matter of items, guaranteeing early eliminations. With love, Bernardo
@leviwright9493 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should try exclusive attack speed Teemo. Every item has to have an attack speed component, and your runes need to be maximized for attack speed. My inside man at Riot HQ said it’s broken. “ It’s super broken.” Said some Riot employee.
@chinhead7390 5 ай бұрын
Dear bob, you should play ADC attack speed Kennen. The stuns are infinite and free.
@octocreeper8182 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should play Bel'vertical. You play belveth jungle and avoid clearing your bot side. Instead, you clear your top side aswell as the enemy's top side, setting up vision and prio for grubs and rift herald while ignoring dragons. Every time you get your void form, you join the top laner to try and take as many towers as possible.
@nikki-rassa 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, I know that all these Items can get a little confusing so I recommend you to build the exact same items as your lane opponent and play sylas to have their ultimate for their Build. Good Luck!
@MPat-u4k 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should use ad crit milio jungle. I heard it’s pretty good
@MilesEasler 5 ай бұрын
Bob, I've heard of this strategy recently called "no cannons laning Senna." Basically, since missing a cannon guarantees a soul drop, you purposely lose cannons to farm souls faster.
@ddelkano333 5 ай бұрын
Dear Bob, you should try full ad/crit neeko adc , that way you can disguise yourself as a minion and bonk them while they don't know what is hitting them.
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