Rm- Come Back To Me // Musicians REACTION

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@jenniferrassart3054 5 ай бұрын
It's about feeling an outsider, struggling with life and being depressed and not wanting to comply to societal expectations, what people expect from him (drinking, smoking, being a husband, a father, a partner, an outgoing child). First he was unhappy/depressed/confused in every situation because he felt he was not fitting in. As the title says 'Come back to me', he's asking himself to come back to him (mentally). He recognizes himself in the third woman (she's also confused about life, just as him). She represents the female version of him. When he realizes he's not the only one with these feelings, that a lot of people are struggling with life, he starts to accept himself. Now he can be happy in every situation (he found his Spring). Now that he's confident he can face the endless choices to make in life and the different consequences that these choices will have (his search for what he wants in life on a professional and personal level). This is represented by the maze of rooms at the end. The overall theme is self-acceptance and his journey to self-discovery.
@deepafrancis5107 5 ай бұрын
That's a very plausible explanation 👏🏼
@angelicar2901 5 ай бұрын
This MV was directed by Lee Sung Jin, the director of Beef. One anecdote about the MV shooting is that the first day RM hit his face with a camera. He had to go to the ER and get some stitches. If you look closely you can notice the wound. Lee Sung Jin was so worried! He said: I'm going to be deported, I have scratched a national treasure. 😅
@Taekook0t7snty 5 ай бұрын
Kim namjoon best Leader,rapper,songwriter,producer,singer,idol,father of kpop,best actor ,most beautiful dimple boy ,lil clumsy baby,most cutest boy to ever exist im already in love with his voice
@Ipekarsln33_ 5 ай бұрын
Mv'de namjoon'un anlatmak istediği; Her durumda kişi yanlışsa, ne kadar doğru ve mükemmel görünürse görünsün bir sonu olmayacaktır.... ama sonunda doğru kişiyle tanışınca her şey tersine döner ve hayatın düzelir...... Senden "beklenen" yolu takip etmek zorunda olmadığını ve seni anlayan insanlarla tanıştığında kapıların kendi zamanında açılacağını hatırlatan bir konsepti vardı. Son kapı sahnesinde ise kapıyı açmaya çalıştı ama hep kapı kapalıydı. Sonunda kendine dair tüm şüphelerinden kurtulduğu ve özgür olduğu 'mutluluğu' bulduğu kişi ile denedi ve açıldı. Zaten bu albümü hakkında çok derin bir albüm olacağını söylemişti bu yüzden mv'ye çok geniş perspektiften bakılmasını olağan kılıyor.
@mrn2634 5 ай бұрын
RM’s deep lyrics never cease to amaze me.
@btsarmy-sz7br 5 ай бұрын
Namjoon A wonderful and genius artist I felt every moment in the song, as if the person was in a state of searching for himself, and how this feeling takes over in many situations and stages of life, and he tells himself and those around him that he is fine, until a moment comes and he finds peace for himself and life shines in his eyes. نامجون فنان رائع وعبقري شعرت بكل لحظه في الاغنية وكان الانسان في حالة بحث عن نفسه وكيف يسيطر هذا الشعور في كثير من الحالات والمراحل العمريه ويخبر نفسه ومن حوله انه بخير حتى تاتي لحظه ويجد راحة نفسه وتشرق الحياة في نظره من جديد وهي حين ينتهي من الضغوط وعدم الراحه من حوله ويجد انها مجد اوقات صعبه ويجب ان نتخطاها وان الحياة ستشرق من جديد
@jeontaehyung2604 5 ай бұрын
Bts askerdeyken bile fanlarina değer verib arkasinda güzel şarkılar birakan tek grub 💜💜💜💜
@altarehkugler4675 5 ай бұрын
I think the woman who he becomes happy with, represents a part of himself that he has been missing. Finding her gives him the Peace and Strength to go out and face the many realities that life presents. I saw someone suggest that the woman represents Army (with the purple dress), and that makes sense to me too.💜 Love the song, and can't wait for the album!!!😊💜
@jeontaehyung2604 5 ай бұрын
BTS'in şarkıları o kadar derin anlamlar taşıyor ki bir tane mv'dan binlerce fikir ortaya çıkıyor 💜💜💜💜
@nurbiyenur773 5 ай бұрын
Bts'in solo çalışmalarında da tema olarak çok önemsedikleri bir konu "insanın kendini bulması" dır. Burada Namjoon o kadının peşinden gidip arkasına döndüğünde karşısında kendini görüyor ve ondan sonra karşısında o kadını görüyor ve tamamen değişerek aynı sahnelerde keyif almaya mutlu olmaya başlıyor. Yani doğru yerlerde bulunuyorsan bile sen yanlış insan ise mutlu olamazsın ister arkadaş, ister sevgili, ister eşin ve çocuklarınla ol fark etmez. Yani kadından ziyade Namjoon kendini bulduktan sonra doğru yerlerde doğru insan olmaya başladı ve hayatı güzelleşti. Namjoonun kendini bulmasında da o ortada giren en son kapıdan beraber çıktıkları kafın etkili oldu, onun peşinden giderken kendini buldu. Kendini bulmadan önce de kadını karşısında görememişti. Yani sen doğru insan olmadığın sürece karşına doğru insan çıksa bile ona kavuşamazsın. En son kapıdan çıkmaları da, sen doğru yerler ve kişiler doğru olsa bile hayat bi labirent gibidir devam eder, sen o labirentte hep doğru olan kendini ararsın. Namjoon ilk başta tek başına o doğruyu ararken en son kapıdan kadınla girerek o labirent hayatta artık bir dost yol arkadaşı ile kendini belkide birbirlerini aramaya gittiler life goes on yani😅 bunlar benim teorilerim. Namjoonun ropörtajlarından bts in temel düşünce yapısında en çok Namjoon un canlı yayınlarında sıkça sorguladığı kendini arama konusundan bu teoriyi kendimce mantıklı buluyorum. Zaten klibin sanırım yönetmeni olmaıs lazım ropörtajında Namjoon un sanatsal ve tamamen yoruma açık bir çalışma olması için kafa yorduğunu ve ortaya bu çalışmanın çıktığını söylemiş. Yani hepimiz anladığımız şekilde yorumlayabiliriz😅 tabi Namjoon ne düşünerek çekti klibi ve söyledi şarkıyı onu da öğrensek süper olurdu.
@beyzanurkeceli3850 5 ай бұрын
Lütfen artık bts evrenine geçiş yapın olay örgüsüne vereceğiniz tepkileri çok merak ediyorum sırasıyla ı need u, run, on: the prologue ve euphoria mvlerini izleyin lütfen bu btsin oluşturduğu bir hikaye hatta bu hikayenin şu anda dizisi var güney korede ayrıca ı need u btsin ödül aldığı ilk şarkısı
@Just1Peek 5 ай бұрын
He’s such a good storyteller. A poet. Love his style
@igocean 5 ай бұрын
5:29 Lafı geçmişken olabildiğince kısa şekilde açıklamaya çalışayım🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️ klipte matt haig’in gece yarısı kütüphanesi kitabından esinlenildiğini düşündüğümüz olaylar var. Kitapta baş kahraman yaşadığı hayatta en ufak seçimlerin bile hayatını tamamen değiştirebildiğini gördüğü bir deneyim yaşıyordu yani kısacası her olasılıkta hayatı değişiyordu; hayatlarından birinde evli ve mutluydu, birinde sevgilisiyle bir dükkan işletiyordu, birinde rekortmendi. Klipte de bundan var, ne yaşanırsa yaşansın ya da ne olursa olsun insanların/ toplumun bize dayattığı şeyler olmak zorunda değiliz mesajı var gibi. Şarkı sözlerinde şey geçiyor hatta “Gördüğün herhangi bir şey olmak zorunda değilsin/ denizdeki bir şey olmamaya çalış”. O kapıdaki üç farklı renkli yuvarlaklar da muhtemelen bir anime filminden. Adı howl’s moving castle, filmde kapının kenarında o renklerden vardı ve her renkte kapının arkasından başka bir mekan çıkıyordu. Bunların hepsi bizim çıkarımlarımız ama Rm daha öncesinde bahsettiğim şeylerden bahsetmişti zaten, buraya kadar okuduğunuz için de ayrıca teşekkür ederim🫶🏼 keyifli dinlemeler!! Sonrasında da fark ettiğiniz gibi yaşadığı her anda mutlu olmaya başlıyor, sözlerde de bahsettiği gibi. Albümün adı Right Place Wrong Person😭😭😭
@anitralarae_mahjacat 5 ай бұрын
So his Piano Recitals were HINTS???
@igocean 5 ай бұрын
@@anitralarae_mahjacat OOOOHH i never thought of it like that, it could be hints omg
@Department_of_Justice 5 ай бұрын
The woman is his Jungian "anima" from the map of his soul. It's about dispelling expectations and accepting your own take on life.
@chaewonshi 5 ай бұрын
It's the book "The Midnight Library" He's going through each phase/regrets of his life again. They're bitter and happy. His parents, love life, unhappy wife, child, the drinking life with friends n the DOOR
@marien6028 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for your reactions❤ Namjoon is so unique and i love his mindset growth from debue until now
@jasminee613 5 ай бұрын
Klibin bir yerinde rm kadına bakınca kendini görüyor sanirim orada kendi benliğini buluyor sonrasinda da önceden mutsuz olduğu hayatlarını tekrar yasiyor ve bu sefer mutlu. Yani icinde bulundugun yer ve birlikte oldugun insanlar doğru olsa da senin mutluluğun yine sende başlıyor. Şarkı da klip de tam beklenildigi gibi cok güzel💜
@jjane9548 5 ай бұрын
I see this video as a kind of retrospective of RM's life. And the girl he walks through the door with at the end as his life/death. In the first part of the video, it seems like RM sees his life as being the wrong person in the right place. Not a good enough friend, not a good enough husband and father, not a good enough boyfriend, not a good enough son. The door, to me, represents the end of life. When he first tries to walk through it, it's locked, it's not his time yet. When he meets the girl, I can also see her as the Grim Reaper, and talks to her, suddenly we see the same scenes as at the beginning. Only they have a happy vibe. It's like RM has come to the realization that his life was worth it, that he was the right person in the right place. And now he can leave. That breath before he opens the door.... like when we take a breath before something important, when we want to give ourselves courage. But at the same time, he doesn't look scared or confused, but resigned. And then they just go through the door and all those phases of life... I love Namjoon. I love him because of his personality. In the lyrics of this song, it says he's not "trying to be that something in this sea". A 5:41 minute song in the current TikTok era? And the Spotify version is even longer, over 6 minutes. It's like - screw today's trend, I'll do what I want! :-) Thank you for the reaction
@ismotjahan9769 5 ай бұрын
Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts on this. This also makes sense .❤
@paulagrave9516 5 ай бұрын
RM doesn't want to follow what society expects from him to be or do. The last girl represents his inner true voice and helps him getting out of all those normal life sceneries and live his life the way he wants to. Many years trying to fit in everybody's expectations became very tiring and heavy to him.
@mariannisuarez7169 5 ай бұрын
Ahhhhh me encanta sus reacciones ❤ Namjoon es todo lo que está bien en este mundo es perfecto puede hacer cualquier género sin problema Lo Amo 💜💜💜
@OurCiana2144 5 ай бұрын
RM's new album Right Place, Wrong Person is set to arrive on May 24, and will feature 11 tracks “infused with alternative music and rich sounds,” according to the press release. The K-pop superstar also helped write the “frank, honest lyrics” for each song. The album captures feelings that most people are familiar with, including “the feeling of being an outsider who doesn’t fit in.” Please show support to his new album. 💜
@rhymebts 5 ай бұрын
뮤비에 대해 토론하고 가사를 살펴보는 점이 좋네요. 리액션 잘 봤습니다!
@vantesyi 5 ай бұрын
begins ≠ youth dizisini de izleyebilirsiniz kalan son dört bölümü de bu hafta içinde türkçe altyazılı olarak yayınlanacak
@porc13 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for this wonderful and thoughtful reaction! I also had to sit and think for a while after watching this. Namjoon always has very thought-provoking music and he makes you wonder and discuss. Can’t wait for the next reaction!
@anar2522 5 ай бұрын
Everyone please keep streaming the song and also buy it and watch the mv for hot 100!! And also pre save and order rpwp💜
@guadalupem.6943 5 ай бұрын
un gusto saludarlos chicos y ver su reaccion a la cancion de RM...como siempre , son tan lindos los 3...es fantastico ver como alnalizan cada cancion..me gusta mucho eso...sigan siempre con ese carisma.🤗
@Teamo.bora. 5 ай бұрын
Bts based drama BEGINS YOUTH also have been released & it is based on Bts album BU its really an amazing drama with 12 episodes form which 8 episode are already released. The 7 actors in this drama are so amazing and acted soo real like bts members, This drama made me soo nostalgic. Love this drama and members fictional characters as well. Please watch this drama as well. Missing bts a lot. 💜Borahae
@УмидаБердешова 5 ай бұрын
Merabalar ❤❤ cok guzal olmus 😊😊❤ RM best Lider
@melaniebund6833 5 ай бұрын
There are a lot of avenues to explore in this video. The references to Escher (the staircases artist). The scene with him as a child, the feeling that he has never been completely happy with himself ... still trying to find himself. The end scene, the woman who opens the door with the 3 coloured lights is his other self ( remember the scene when he turns into her) ... the door opens, she/he guides RM out and there are no dead ends so you can just keep on walking ... The tangerine thrown into the cot is another quandary as Suga loves tangerines ...
@anitaherbert1037 5 ай бұрын
Love this. Like BTS led the way to show a group of artists, industry outsiders can do the impossible and make it big not obeying the rules. RM proves you dont have to sell out. You can be the artist you want. My theory in RMs work every mix tape and album is different from the last. His first self titled mix tape the track DO YOU( the song that says clearly he refuses to be labelled or boxed into any genre). He is continuously pushing boundaries. In a way thats what is also happening in the mv. RM wanders around depressed confused and unhappy through all these potential different lives and expectations never being comfortable. We see this has been so since he was small. At some point he becomes more comfortable in each scenario after being united with his other half/ self, and he can be more comfortable with others. But he still doesnt stay, he moves on finds himself and accompanies the woman( his other half Jung or Plato?) out of the maze of societies expectations to find non of it's real. In the light he sees its all fake sets designed and created by someone else. However with RM there is always light at the end. Hope of better futures now he can see what life is about, he is free of those boxes. There are several clues for ARMY buried within the MV. Pain Devine. During a conversation piece with Pharrell Williams they discussed judging lyrics by how painful they are to produce ...pain divine, devine inspiration?
@Sherluck93 5 ай бұрын
The last scene changes colours. She's purple in the end. RM writes a lot about pain, su1c1de and despair. I think when Army turned up in his life, he could feel that another life was possible. In the next chapter, he plans to go out into the real world with us by his side. I think, he thinks of us as his truth, their PROOF. 🥳 💜
@HailToTheMeep 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for your discussion. Here is a comment for your algorithm.
@ShashoShasta 5 ай бұрын
Every time I watch this MV I think something different! What a testament to RM’s artistry! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜🇨🇦
@rema51095 5 ай бұрын
Love your reaction ❤ RM the most talented rapper, composer, songwriter, producer and human being ,every song he does has a different story and different emotions!!
@patriciabeatrizsanduay8867 5 ай бұрын
Muchas gracias por esta reacción 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
@JoSedunary 5 ай бұрын
Lovely to see all three of you reacting again !! Thank you ... for always being so supportive of our guys... and so unbiased... It's really nice to hear your thoughts and opinions because you are all always so respectful.....
@lili_0994 5 ай бұрын
Не могу перестать слушать эту прекрасную песню 😻.
@DimitriBit 5 ай бұрын
Şarkının kendisi, klibi Namjoon'un tarzını öyle güzel yansıtmış ki. Çıktığı günden beri sabah akşam bayıla bayıla dinliyorum. Şarkının prodüktörü çok severek takip ettiğim Koreli indie/rock grubu HYUKOH'nun kurucusu ve vokali Oh Hyuk. Arkadaş olduklarıyla ilgili söylentiler duymuştum fakat beraber bir şarkı yapmaları beni hem şaşırttı hem de inanılmaz mutlu etti. Namjoon'la tarzları öyle çok benziyor ki şarkı RM'in söylediği bir HYUKOH şarkısı gibiydi resmen (Hem Namjoon'a hem de HYUKOH grubuna bayılıyorum halimi siz düşünün.) Eğer şarkının tarzı hoşunuza gittiyse HYUKOH'nun şarkılarına da bir göz atmanızı öneririm. Çok populer olmadıkları için minik bir bilgilendirme olarak paylaşmak istedim. Sizi severek takip ediyorum💜💜💜
@zohreveliyeva3346 5 ай бұрын
Rm Armynin beynini çalışdırmayi ve kendimizden hikayeler uydurmamızı seviyo😅.Teşekkürler video için💜
@sena5715 5 ай бұрын
Ulan şu tipe, şu endama, şu yakışıklılığa bakkk yaa Kim NAMJOON❤
@richelledelossantos1538 5 ай бұрын
If you know the Book MIdnight Library, it is this. RM read that book and the MV is the life of it.
@silviari71 5 ай бұрын
RM is very deep in his lyrics 😅and they make you think 🤯, he is a genius, he also has an incredible and super sexy voice😍. What you mentioned about the song being slow, well Namjoon has many registers, he can make a hard and aggressive Rap (Throy Away, Joke), like funk type music (Still life) and acoustic, on the Indigo album there are several too; Don't worry in the mixtape "Mono" it has for example Bycicle, Forever Rain or Seoul, the other mixtape "RM" is more Hip hop...; They define this song as "Indi,"🤷🏼‍♀️, I don't know 😅, but it's very relaxing like jazz, soul, I don't know, although RM has never liked labels😉..Also, you have to Keep in mind that at the beginning they were teenagers, now they are men of 30 years old or almost and their music and themselves have also matured and now they really make the type of music they want, he and the rest of the other members are now adults and now that they act separately they are defining themselves, that does not mean that RM, in his new album does not have different musical genres, I look forward to seeing how he surprises us... he is a great artist and my bias😍, you can tell right??? 😅😉 Greetings
@armymimi5485 5 ай бұрын
Right Place Wrong Person Namjoon'un 24 mayda cikacak olan albumunun ismi
@christinafreeburn1888 5 ай бұрын
I find the door with the stop light so clever and I love the song.💜🥰 Stream if you can!
@anitralarae_mahjacat 5 ай бұрын
The lemotif playing when he sees the woman in the matching garb is So Lovely. Bass is Kuo of the Taiwanese Band Sunset Rollercoaster 🤘🏽🪷💜
@LifeofGie_613 5 ай бұрын
Namjoon is a genius! I am loving all the interpretation of the MV
@yagmur3476 5 ай бұрын
bu sarkinin turu indie pop bu arada. Namjoon bu cikardigi sarkiyla rekorda kirdi😭 Son 10 yilda bu turde çıkan en yüksek streame sahip sarki Lana Del Rey'in şarkısıydi. Namjoon come back to me ile rekoru kirdi. 6 bucuk dakikalik sarkiyi armyler 15 saatlik takip suresiyle 3.3 streamle debutladi🥲
@ilaydacetin8348 5 ай бұрын
Tepkiniz için Teşekkürler 💜
@Just1Peek 5 ай бұрын
My kind of comfort song. It’s so calming
@raeavilez9936 5 ай бұрын
This mv is very open-ended and everyone has different interpretations. At first the mv made me really sad because he couldn't seem to find his place and he didn't feel like he belonged anywhere, but I couldn't figure out how to articulate what I was thinking. Until one army mentioned how Namjoon felt like he had lost his true self during the festa dinner and now I think that this mv represents that search. There is no right or wrong way to live your life. All possiblities are valid as long as you really live them true to yourself. The girl from the door with the 3 circles was his true self or a match to his true self and now what ever life he lives is good because he is being true to himself. I love the song so much! I feel like he is calling his true self back to him. It is all so amazing. I really liked hearing your guys' thoughts. You guys were so cute with your "hhmmm..." Even though they are in the military we are still so well fed. I can't believe it!
@entropyawylli24 5 ай бұрын
I think the girl represent Army that walk by his side in this maze called life...
@proyectobcr2982 5 ай бұрын
Hi. I feel that Namjoom chose not one concept but multiple ones as if they were parallel universes with different realities. This facilitates his always very artistic vision and enriches the narrative that still allows for multiple interpretations as always happens with many of the BTS MVs. The vibe is impeccably soft and even relaxed, which contributes to the narrative. I feel that the ending ends up exposing, in that absolute vision of all the sets that represent those lives in parallel universes, that no matter what universe it is or the version you choose, Namjoom is Namjoom, simply. Dear guys. Greetings from Argentina.----I would only add that the girl who repeats herself and crosses the door with him can be seen as ARMY, especially when he sees himself very serious and changes that look when he sees her gaze and he changes to a happy expression. Just as he says, he always feeds on ARMY to feel better and be better. He has said many times that ARMY taught him to love himself. ¨Come back to me¨ just at the moment when RM is enlisted and far from ARMY and BTS. Perhaps a wish from everyone for the reunion that occurs at the end of the MV and will be when everyone finishes their service.
@proyectobcr2982 5 ай бұрын
Interpretation: kzbin.info/www/bejne/ep7JeWCgp9ljqLs
@Coly1234 5 ай бұрын
İ was waiting for this lol. Just in time💜💜 + cagin was right. That guy is from beef. Fun fact!!! The guy who directed Beef also directed this mv.
@anitralarae_mahjacat 5 ай бұрын
Having seen CBTM **First**, before *BEEF* the Creator hinted at a Similar Use of the Time Passing with Light ... AND THAT RAINBOW SHIFT AS HIS ARM COMES AROUND HER? IMMEDIATE, HYSTERICAL TEARS
@nmlklkn1403 5 ай бұрын
Harika bir şarkı çıkardı liderim yineeee
@Nixenji 5 ай бұрын
I suggest that you start with the old songs and react to them in chronological order. That way you can watch their development and evolution as artists. 💜💜
@ilaydacetin8348 5 ай бұрын
Suga SUCHWİTA programı tepki verin lütfen teşekkürler 💜
@silviamunoz6863 5 ай бұрын
I think that HE was the wrong person at the beginning, to all those options (father and husband, lover/boyfriend, son) and after finally finding himself, through findind his anima or soulmate, he would be the right person for any of those options.
@Teamo.bora. 5 ай бұрын
The whole album of RM 'right places wrong person' will be releasing on 24th may. So excited to look forward. He also did the live performance of this song 'come back to me' at suga concert as surprise...please do react to it as well.
@kookilitta 5 ай бұрын
Bebek olduğu sahne çok tatlı yicem ya KPQNDMSNQMSBAGQGS. Şarkı da çok soft, cidden mükemmel vokali olsun sesi olsun
@chaewonshi 5 ай бұрын
Finally I found a channel that only reacts to BTS, thank you
@lambertotrinidad 5 ай бұрын
the music is so cool and RM was so handsome BORAHAE 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
@parkluna498 5 ай бұрын
Yine harikasınızzzz❤❤ gün sayıyorum videolarınız içinn😅😊 Çok güzel olmuş yinee rica etsem 2020 mma performansını da izler misinizzzz? Azərbaycandan sevgilerr❤❤
@eglencelikardeslermb9856 5 ай бұрын
@patschwab4083 5 ай бұрын
In the first scene the actor trying to give RM a cigarette is Emmy Nominated supporting actor Joseph Lee (@joeyunlee) in the Netflix series "BEEF". He's also an artist. The director is Lee Sung-Jin who wrote & directed "Beef" & has won several Emmys. He brought other people there were involved in "Beef" onto the MV. Fun fact the director said he had never been involved in an MV. RM hit his head on a camera the 1st day of filming.and was rushed to the hospital for several stiches. He came back to continue filming.
@小松智子-p8j 5 ай бұрын
いつも楽しみにしています。朝起きて新しいコメントがあると嬉しいです。何回も見ています。 3人のリアクションをずっと追っかけて居られるようにnお元気いてください。 ありがとうございます。
@RamshaTahir-mx3zq 5 ай бұрын
Such a beautiful song 💜💜💜 obsessed with this song 💜💜💜
@imeldasyofyan8684 5 ай бұрын
RM is the best🥰🥰💜👍 and……jungkook golden live on stage reaction please……🥰🥰💜
@aminalamri6159 5 ай бұрын
Hello 💜I enjoyed sharing RM's new song and listening to your suggestions really RM lets us think about our lives and what we really want to experience he's stuck in a house He wants to go out but he can't until he finds a woman who is in the same situation as him and encourages her to go out and then he can open the door and go out together I think he wants Tell us that we are not obliged to follow the stereotype of society, get married, have children, have a beautiful house, everyone must follow their own happiness and shape their life as they want. Thank you very much 💜💜💜
@ismotjahan9769 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for your reaction!!
@fatimahaldrwish8021 5 ай бұрын
Çok çok güzel olmuş MV'den ziyade kısa film olmuş yine mükemmel RM💜
@deboraalegria3231 5 ай бұрын
Kim Namjoon es puro arte ❤
@bulletproof_hope 5 ай бұрын
I had to watch multiple times and thinking about what he said in other songs and interviews to have an idea what this song and MV is about! 😊
@monicabalmaceda7163 5 ай бұрын
Una de las cosas que amo de BTS es que me hace pendar y repensar.... Me encanta la canción y el MV de Nam, genio!!! 💜
@سهادايوب 5 ай бұрын
Can you do please V tiny desk +run bts ep 146&147 it's herous 😂😂😂😂
@hilalll9775 5 ай бұрын
01:26 gelmeye yakın değil gideli çok bir zaman olmadı zaten 2025 in ortalarında dönecek
@silviassasoft857 5 ай бұрын
Entrance Ceremony with BTS please 😢😢😢
@reneevangelistafeitosadeba427 5 ай бұрын
Amo o Namjoon. Amo o BTS. Nosso líder é puro talento. Amei o MV e música. Vamos prestigiar e apoiar muito nossos meninos de ouro ❤
@simoneaparecidadasilva1918 5 ай бұрын
Muito obrigado por reagir ao nosso presidente do Brasil RM maravilhoso 💜💜💜🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
@Kett6363 5 ай бұрын
Love the conversation.
@christineyazzie4932 5 ай бұрын
Best leader love the song and your reaction 🫰🏾💜🫶🏾
@arielle2318 5 ай бұрын
Me encantó verla por 1 era vez con Uds. Interesante enfoque me gustó mucho más el tema musical que el video. RM actúa muy bien. Hsy una serie de historias donde cada uno actúa. V salecde granjero. Jimin de panadero. Suga de concertista. Jin de Conserje. Hope de bailarin y JK de estudiante de arte marcial. No sé como se llaman. Pero se que me reí mu😅😅cho co V y RM me impresionó haciendo un policia. Ando melancolica y expectante faltan menos 30 días para que Jin salga del servicio. Borahae😮
@JOELMAMUNIZ97 5 ай бұрын
MY leader is PERFCT ❤❤❤
@Ymccabe 5 ай бұрын
He's in the same scenes. He's the right person but it was wrong time. Then in these same situations he's happy. Right person, right time. Nothing was wrong with what was happened but his approach was different
@mavikayanyldz5767 5 ай бұрын
@beccal.5369 5 ай бұрын
Bookish Theories KZbin channel has an excellent explanation video for this song.
@aliseenc5555 5 ай бұрын
More suggestions. Crystal Snow live in Japan, Jin Epiphany Live, JK Euphoria Live So many! Thanks!
@joely_d 5 ай бұрын
Pls react to Vibe Live or Like crazy jazz version
@nataliacastillo1003 5 ай бұрын
Namyoon estaba en esa búsqueda cuando no los conto en el Festa 2022 depresivo y confuso, estaba como al inicio del MV, en el laberinto de la vida. Yo siento que la familia representa a Army, la mujer enfadada son los medios de comunicación lo acosan y mal interpretan y están molestos con el por sus decisiones, los padres con el niño son los que lo tratan como un chiquillo queriendo dar algo o manipularlo y el piensa ya crecí porque me tratas así? Y llega la Musa que le da paz, le cuenta que todo estará bien y empieza a componer y a ser creativo y al encontrarse a si mismo abre la puerta del futuro mas relajado. Al final la vista del set desde arriba somos nosotros los espectadores de su vida...
@marien6028 5 ай бұрын
I miss you guys.please do longer reactions for thursday😂😅🤭
@nurathirah1097 5 ай бұрын
♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️.... Please make more reaction on bts♥️.. kindly suggest u all react jhope dance fancam
@jenniferrassart3054 5 ай бұрын
Bookish Theories made an explanation video...
@ЛидияБуражева 5 ай бұрын
React to "Like crazy" dance practice jimin
@Rosh-1-v9w 5 ай бұрын
Hay una teoría que había escrito una army pero no recuerdo el nombre que era algo parecido al castillo ambulante, que la verdad es muy coherente con la letra y en mv
@Duanur_Kaya2007 5 ай бұрын
00:14 İlkim😅🤞💜
@caropvillar 5 ай бұрын
@ЛидияБуражева 5 ай бұрын
"Like crazy " dance practice jimin
@anitaherbert1037 5 ай бұрын
3 circles look like a british traffic light.
@chelsauadriana2089 5 ай бұрын
Felicitări ❤❤❤
@margaritarestrepo5961 5 ай бұрын
@Kokolojis 4 ай бұрын
Gece yarısı kütüphanesine atif var Mv de
@mennayoussef9445 5 ай бұрын
Jin epiphany and astronaut
@pchs144 5 ай бұрын
Thank you.
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