Roasting your Star Wars fan theories

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@KingsandGenerals 2 жыл бұрын
You can't bully me, Mara Jade>Darth Talon, no matter what you or Lucas might say about it.
@jorikrouwenhorst7220 2 жыл бұрын
Yes inquisitor that's him, that's the jedi sympethiser!
@murasame5071 2 жыл бұрын
good to see you here .
@nyxknight7555 2 жыл бұрын
Definitely true tho
@aaravtulsyan 2 жыл бұрын
Kings and Generals Star Wars battle analysis when?
@myduckisonqauck7227 2 жыл бұрын
@battledroid3497 2 жыл бұрын
I always thought Luke was choking them mainly because in the original Lego Star Wars games Luke could force choke the gamorrean guards while other Jedi couldn’t
@moredac2881 2 жыл бұрын
Omg I never realized that but you’re right. The other Jedi just force push them. Wow what a great game
@synthilein 2 жыл бұрын
rodger rodger
@alyshasemler-baltzer6754 2 жыл бұрын
WRONG! Anakin Skywalker can force choke
@eomoran 2 жыл бұрын
@@alyshasemler-baltzer6754 yes but he’s not “another Jedi”
@Sephiroth144 2 жыл бұрын
The Gamorreans put their hands up by their throat, they fall back in obvious distress... Also, the novelization is a tad more explicit: "Luke raised his hand and pointed at the guards. Before either could draw a weapon, they were both clutching their own throats, choking, gasping. They fell to their knees. Luke lowered his hand and walked on. The guards, suddenly able to breathe again, slumped to the sand-drifted steps. They didn’t follow." So yeah, he choked them out.
@Daniel_Huffman 2 жыл бұрын
But just as importantly, he didn’t kill them.
@Sephiroth144 2 жыл бұрын
@@Daniel_Huffman Depending if they were on the sail barge a little later... Also, let's not forget, even Vader left some fools alive after a little choking- Admiral Motti, for example. But as to the main point: Luke used Force Choke, the end.
@mondaysinsanity8193 2 жыл бұрын
@@Sephiroth144 i see no reason why a force choke is inherently darkside i think that was a thing from games mostly. Its just telekenisis same ability used for a saber throw. Also luke is clearly a bit edgy at that point
@Sephiroth144 2 жыл бұрын
@@mondaysinsanity8193 I mean, I always had a problem with sorting Force Powers like they were Black and White Magic; like, what, no lightsider could jump start a speeder without falling to the Dark Side?
@InventorZahran Жыл бұрын
@@Sephiroth144 In Attack of the Clones, Anakin did exactly that when he "borrowed" an airspeeder to chase after Zam Wessell. One of the visual dictionaries explained how he could somehow use the Force to just make it go... I don't know if the Jedi have a legal right to commander civilian vehicles (like police officers in some jurisdictions can), but Anakin seems to have taken that speeder from a parking lot when its owner wasn't there.
@khandimahn9687 2 жыл бұрын
Even as a kid I thought Luke used a Force choke on the guards. It was there to show that Luke was teetering on the edge, and could slip to the Dark Side if pushed just a little further . . . and Palpatine give that push. But Luke realized what was happening and rejected the Dark Side in the end.
@IcarusRuthven 2 жыл бұрын
It's good visual storytelling, especially following the warnings of falling to the Dark Side in "Empire," and the revelation that Vader is his father. He ignored Yoda's advice, almost got himself captured and killed, discovered Obi-Wan's "certain point of view" - and then shows up in all black, silent, forcing his way through guards by sheer power. He's acting like his father. We're supposed to see that and consider it a real possibility that he'll fall to that anger and arrogance.
@davidheitzenrater9027 2 жыл бұрын
Darth Bane, explicitly: Man, having all these super ego power hungry maniacs around is a recipe for disaster, better do something to limit that so the Sith don't kill themselves off. Everybody: OK, but what if it was all a super secret plot to gain power.
@sunyavadin 2 жыл бұрын
It's explicit in the third book as well that he only resorts to looking for Darth Andeddu's holocron with the secrets of essence transfer as a *last resort*. He believes Zannah is going to fail him and he doesn't have time to train a new apprentice to replace her. It's very clear in his internal monologues how he views the rule of two.
@adfdasdfadfadsfareae 2 жыл бұрын
Luke absolutely choked the Gamorrean guards. They grab their throats and make gurgling/choking sounds. I never even knew that was a debate, it's so obvious.
@callumpears1523 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. Eck is in denial lol
@Heavensrun 2 жыл бұрын
They're grunting like pigs. I never saw it as choking. The fact that the script describes it as a mind trick is pretty damn conclusive.
@seamusogdonn-gaidhligarain2745 2 жыл бұрын
@@callumpears1523 the take that he mindtricked them honestly seems even more dark side to me. He force chokes them in effect, but goes even further by violating their minds to produce that effect. That’s pretty fucking dark side, imo. But hey, what do I know?
@adfdasdfadfadsfareae 2 жыл бұрын
@@Heavensrun you realize you can go watch the scene on YT right now, right? they start gurgling and choking, and the second one grabs at his throat. go read the script- it says absolutely nothing about a "mind trick". "Two giant guards move to block Luke's path. Luke halts. Luke raises his hand and points at the puzzled guards, who immediately lower their spears and fall back. The young Jedi lowers his hand and moves on down the hallway."
@Heavensrun 2 жыл бұрын
@@adfdasdfadfadsfareae You realize I've seen the movie at least a hundred times. I DISAGREE with you, there's no call to be a dickhead about it. The script says nothing about choking or gurgling, and I don't agree that that's what they sound like. It describes a gesture, followed by them standing down.
@cioplasmmajic8327 2 жыл бұрын
My fan theory/headcannon: Ship (especially capitol ship) reactors/ shields create interference/ "white noise" and can somewhat act as soft jammers. This makes sensing and communicating more difficult, especially for larger, more shielded ships. This is why it seems like everything is visual and most capitol ships have exposed bridges - it's like a giant antenna.
@Sephiroth144 2 жыл бұрын
"Fear isn't something you intentionally use and rely on..." Sinestro has entered the chat.
@blackshogun272 2 жыл бұрын
*every demon in existence chokes on unholy cola*
@AugustAutumn 2 жыл бұрын
Crazy idea that came up: What if Darth Vader got his hands on a Yellow Lantern ring?!
@Sephiroth144 2 жыл бұрын
@@AugustAutumn And a follow-up- would it work on him? I mean, he lacks (biological) fingers and toes- and even, presumably, that OTHER appendage you could skootch a ring up on... Like, how would the interface work?
@AugustAutumn 2 жыл бұрын
@@Sephiroth144 Honestly I don't know. Let's say yes since the synthetic finger is attached to Vader. That said, for the fun of the theory, yes; it works. How OP would Vader be with that kind of power?! Scary thought, if you ask me.
@Sephiroth144 2 жыл бұрын
@@AugustAutumn But could he/would he maintain the fear if he knew he could defeat Palps... I'd say give him a Red Lantern Ring instead; anger seems more his forte.
@jonatandewaele637 2 жыл бұрын
I think the docking of the light cruisers to the ISD would be for quickly moving troops from one vessel to another, either to deploy those troops on a different planet or on a different part of the planet that they are at/heading towards
@SuspiciousKoala 2 жыл бұрын
Also for moving supplies/fuel, just like we do in real life with in-air refueling.
@jonatandewaele637 2 жыл бұрын
@@SuspiciousKoala yeah, hadn't even thought of that myself
@benl4198 2 жыл бұрын
Seconding this. We did this in the navy with small boats all the time, nudging them together (though we did it at speed) and moving things and people from one boat to another
@92HazelMocha 2 жыл бұрын
​@@SuspiciousKoala Fuel wasn't canon when they were designed.
@SuspiciousKoala 2 жыл бұрын
@@92HazelMocha by that logic, neither were the light cruisers. Though I do remember some books in the old EU which had mentions of fuel being a thing, so eh. Either way, the ability to dock vessels is perfect for moving *stuff* around.
@ryanpennington9592 2 жыл бұрын
Vergere technically didn’t say the dark side didn’t exist; that was something later authors put in because they didn’t understand what Matthew Stover was trying to say. Her words to Jacen were, “ The only dark side you need fear, Jacen Solo, is the one in your own heart.” In other words, it isn’t the dark side that makes a person fall; it’s their own choices, their own weaknesses. That it is possible for someone who is in absolute control of themselves to use the dark side without doing evil; that darkness is not evil, because evil is a choice made, while darkness is part of nature. That it isn’t the dark side that makes you evil, but what you choose to do. Vergere was always big on choice and free will. She thought that the nature of the Force was subordinate to the choices of its wielders, and that what you chose to do mattered more than what label you did them under. There’s wisdom to be found in that, even if you don’t agree with her.
@benjaminvega7186 Жыл бұрын
If I recall correctly, in the end, she admitted to lying about all of that to get jedi to fall, and that the dark side was in fact responsible
@ianjankus8090 2 жыл бұрын
Fan Theory time. The Empire's biggest problem was not being sure the Death Star was OSHA compliant with secure grating over all exhaust ports. The biggest issue with the First Order Fleet was that the Supremacy and attendant fleet did not combine to form a Dark-Side Voltron.
@notoriousblt1038 2 жыл бұрын
And also the lack of railings
@Gigas0101 2 жыл бұрын
Unicron VS Death Star, super laser VS "can only be killed by the matrix of leadership"
@92HazelMocha 2 жыл бұрын
​@@notoriousblt1038 More OSHA violations lol
@BG__123 2 жыл бұрын
@@92HazelMocha OSHA violations more like how to get the job done faster
@Snowthree 2 жыл бұрын
I personally like the Dorkly response. That the engineer managing to reduce the exhaust port of a vessel the size of a moon down to a whomp rat was actually an engineering marvel and he hadn't installed further counter-measures because the required shot was literally impossible to pull off unless you were a Jedi.
@brunozeigerts6379 2 жыл бұрын
One fan theory I'd heard was the entire Star Wars saga was just R2D2's rendition of history. Explains why he's so prominent in it.
@bigwitt187 2 жыл бұрын
I believe the scripts that Lucas wrote were supposed to be from the POV of the droids.
@brunozeigerts6379 2 жыл бұрын
@@bigwitt187 Yes, inspired by the Hidden Fortress, where the point of view is two bumbling servants. Worth a watch, if you haven't seen it. The point of this theory was it was similar to 300, where the story is told by a survivor who might have SLIGHTLY embellished the story.
@bigwitt187 2 жыл бұрын
@@brunozeigerts6379 My point was, it isn't a theory. Lucas has said as much.
@brianlara6451 2 жыл бұрын
The reason the beginning scroll exists is because originally Lucas wanted the story to be told from a point in the far future. It’s being told by beings who use the force to create a religion. The ot was story being told in a story. He went a way from that but that is why the beginning crawl wxists
@dodopod Жыл бұрын
One issue of Star Wars Tales had C3P0 telling the story thousands of years later.
@wesleyrussell8386 2 жыл бұрын
"the gamorreans were crossing their arms to let luke pass" what! Don't wanna end up choking on something next to you in a restaurant if you don't recognize the universal sign for choking. I might buy that luke is mind-tricking the gammoreans into thinking they're choking rather than actually using the force to squeeze their throats shut but you have to use occam's razor here. Which requires you to also not buy into the thought process that you can only unlock force choke unless you've traveled four levels down the dark side tree.
@chipgw 2 жыл бұрын
If the EU/legends were the stories Rey grew up hearing, then wouldn't Han saying "it's true, all of it" make them canon again? 🤔
@f-zilla7347 2 жыл бұрын
The worst theory I’ve ever heard. If anything the Sequel Trilogy would be poorly written comedic historical fiction holo-films in the Legends universe that the REAL Luke, Han and Leia thought were garbage.
@twrampage Жыл бұрын
@@f-zilla7347 The 'it was all a dream' cliche feels so very fitting for how poorly the sequels were constructed.
@infinitespace2520 Жыл бұрын
@@f-zilla7347 So they're poorly made b movies, sounds about right.
@advena996 2 жыл бұрын
I love how the video says "roast" but Eck just basically gently disagrees.
@jonatandewaele637 2 жыл бұрын
I thought Luke used force choke against the guards , but as a kid, I just saw his entrance as a badass who's learned the ways of the force, not connecting Force Choke with the Dark side (also since Ahsoka and some Jedi younglings used it in the CW) but more as a faster, less risky and more efficient ability to use than mind control
@Charolette21 2 жыл бұрын
That's correct, Any compitently trained force user can all do telekinetic (or even lightning, I dare say) shenanigans, it's a question of what you want to do with it. Do you do lightly shove them against the wall or dash their head against the wall? Lift of choke? Fry or tazer? push or yeet them to their violent, pasty death? I also genuinely believe that, if the force were given a body and a voice to speak their genuine mind, they'd be a salty, capricious bitch by the time of the Clone Wars. The 2 dominant cults of magic space Samurai have been doing the holiest of holy wars for MILLENNIA, ruined perfectly fine planets, trashed civilizations by the millions, and have more than overstayed their welcome. The force was absolutely being petty when they personally made or allowed Higo Demasqe to make Anakin, with the hope this endless war will finally end.
@rodneykelly8768 2 жыл бұрын
There is also the idea that the guards "Thought" they were being choked, or there's the "Robot-Chicken" idea where they let the force user think they are choking the guard, so that they don't do something worse.
@erickpoorbaugh6728 2 жыл бұрын
Had it even been established at the time of RotJ that force choke was an inherently dark-side ability? Really, if you don’t actually kill the person you’re choking, it seems like a more pacifistic ability since it provides a non-lethal alternative to using a lightsaber.
@basedeltazero714 2 жыл бұрын
​@@erickpoorbaugh6728 The idea of 'inherently dark side abilities' wasn't for a while. I believe the idea that Palpatine's lightning was inherently dark side (because it's literally a manifestation of his contempt) was there, in the concept, but it wasn't explicitly stated anywhere that there's such a thing as like... light/dark only force powers. (Or really reified force powers for that matter). That's more of an EU idea.
@brunozeigerts6379 2 жыл бұрын
Fan theory? The entire Star Wars franchise is a series of programs in the Enterprise D holodeck!
@jimmyseaver3647 2 жыл бұрын
... Screw it. Fair take.
@Connor_Top_Lad 2 жыл бұрын
My god what a genius
@atlas5007 2 жыл бұрын
Vravo Bince
@DarkSapiens 2 жыл бұрын
Okay, here I have to recommend this Spanish fan film, haha (has English subtitles)
@brunozeigerts6379 2 жыл бұрын
@@DarkSapiens Cute. Good video, actually. Makes sense that I wasn't the first to think of it.
@OllamhDrab 2 жыл бұрын
I totally always figured Luke either Force choked those guys long enough to get by them, or just mind-tricked them into *thinking* they were being strangled, to much the same effect. Seems pretty clear he didn't really hurt em, though.
@Arashmickey 2 жыл бұрын
What makes it look very weird for a force choke is them jogging backwards in response to getting choked. Crumpling down or struggling forward, or trying to turn and run all seem more likely reactions. Maybe it's a Gamorean thing, but I'm on camp mind trick.
@maxblake5564 2 жыл бұрын
You bring a good point, OllamhDrab. Especially since Gammoreans are just about the stupidest sentient species in the Galaxy.
@seamusogdonn-gaidhligarain2745 2 жыл бұрын
He basically did the same thing as force choking them, but he went even further and violated their minds to do it. That’s pretty dark side, imo. I actually emailed Justin and Corey about this for Tapcaf Transmissions yesterday. Like, Luke could have just mind tricked them into letting him go, if he did use a mind trick. But no, he used the mind trick to inflict suffering. That’s very dark side
@granatmof 2 жыл бұрын
the name Skywalker should be used more in the expanded content to denote a generic last name like Smith or Walker to make it less obvious that Luke Skywalker would be the son of Anakin Skywalker
@creed8712 2 жыл бұрын
Does Revan have a last name?
@NuteGunray 2 жыл бұрын
@@creed8712 Yes & no, you can give him a name in kotor as he is the playable character, & in the canonical light side ending he takes that name instead of Revan. But then SWTOR happens and he’s just Revan again
@creed8712 2 жыл бұрын
@@NuteGunray my main point with that was to say i find it surprising especially in legends that we never saw any of his descendants in the galaxy after the old republic wars
@matthewbreytenbach4483 2 жыл бұрын
@@creed8712 To be honest, so much time would have passed that it would be harder to find someone who isn't a descendant of Revan and Bastilla.
@creed8712 2 жыл бұрын
@@matthewbreytenbach4483 but like Star Wars has never been original in its ideas (see the 4,000+ years of the same organizations wearing the same style of armor in legends) in just shocked nobody was ever like “And this new character is a descendent of Revan” or really anyone from the old republic
@oftengruntled5432 2 жыл бұрын
This could absolutely not be the case, but I think the Rule of Two theories, especially Bane's idea about the Force being a limited amount of water, stem from the storytelling trope of the "conservation of ninjitsu" where the more villains a hero has to face, the weaker those individual villains are, while the fewer villains, the more powerful they are, in total both equaling the same amount of total power. Thus two Sith Lords (few) have the same power as hundreds of Jedi (many). It's a storytelling idea to make it more believable that the hero could win or, in this case, that the heroes hadn't won yet. Overly Sarcastic Productions has a trope talk about it.
@FHT1883 2 жыл бұрын
[disclaimer: I like OSP's content a lot!] yeah but it doesn't gel with how the Force is set up in relation to the universe. Also, it's bad storytelling just to create villains with power levels perfectly scaled for our hero to defeat. That's just not how SW has ever worked. Plenty of times, "weaker" characters have triumphed over stronger ones. The Sith from Darth Bane up until the prequels also don't work with brute strength, but with political machinations and deception. If the Jedi Order had known about Plagueis and Sidious, and all Jedi Masters together had ganged up on them, the 2 Sith would have gotten curbstomped.
@MannyXVIII 2 жыл бұрын
As long as it is unabridged you can never go wrong with Timothy Zahn
@fanusobscurus 2 жыл бұрын
*sees thumbnail* No, she's the stories Luke hates in Shadows of Mindoor
@hunterkiller1440 2 жыл бұрын
Force lightning theory: Force user moves the electrons within the molecules of the air so quickly which creates electric currents.
@rossburney8713 2 жыл бұрын
That was 100% a force choke. How they stagger backwards. That's no mind trick. And Luke is just so awesome he doesn't need to close his fingers like Vader does
@haydenrcarter 2 жыл бұрын
Just call it #EckRoasts... Simple and communicates the video content
@dragonclaw4159 2 жыл бұрын
That's a good idea.
@Pure_L18 2 жыл бұрын
I don't really understand sometimes why something is considered to be a "Dark-Side Power." Things like force choke just seem like extensions of the normal force telekinesis. One that is just focused on the neck. It is dark side in that it is a cruel and, well, dark thing to do, but not that it is something that is inherently "Dark-Side." I understand things like force lightning being exclusively dark side as it is clearly a distinct power that does not seem to relate to any other more common force power. However, things like the various mental powers that are used by dark side users seem to be the same as a Jedi mind trick, but more specific or more powerful. Like, light side users could use some of these abilities but don't, not because they can't due to some rule of the Force, but instead because they are against their ethos and morals. For example, when the Jedi are interrogating Cad Bane, that seems like that would be using the dark side of the force, but is never directly called out as such.
@Linkman95 2 жыл бұрын
My headcanon is that in addition to being force sensitive, force sensitive users are more sensitive to the influence of the dark side. They can more easily fall down a slippery slope, which is why Jedi rules are so strict.
@FHT1883 2 жыл бұрын
@Pure exactly right, a lot of people fail to understand this. They think of Force powers like Videogame skillsets/abilities, which is absolutely not reflective of how they actually work in-universe
@the_corvid97 2 жыл бұрын
@@Linkman95 You nailed it on the head, there's a reason so many Jedi turn into genocidal maniacs when they fall to the dark side. Force sensitives just simply are a threat that needs to be controlled.
@erickpoorbaugh6728 2 жыл бұрын
But why is using the force to choke someone more dark-sided than using it to guide your lightsaber to cut them in two-or guide your photon torpedos to blow up a battlestation? At least the choke can incapacitate your opponent non-lethally and mostly harmlessly.
@FHT1883 2 жыл бұрын
@@erickpoorbaugh6728 killing in self-defense, while not something a Jedi does lightly, is not a dark-side act. With the choke, you're basically torturing them/making them suffer, so that's a dark side act. There's easier and less painful ways to incapacitate someone with the Force
@JusticeFrogs 2 жыл бұрын
My theory: The will of the Force and a person's sensitivity/attunement to the force are both factors that, when working synergistically, produce the most impactful results. Example 1: A very force attuned individual doing the direct will of the force: Luke/Anakin creating the massive changes in the galaxy that bring the force into balance. Example 2: A not force attuned individual doing the direct will of the force: Basically everything in Rouge One. The force was working through these individuals, but once they had completed their job, they pretty much immediately died. Also Han Solo, pretty much constantly. Example 3: A group of very force attuned individuals not doing the direct will of the force: Pretty much the entire jedi order in the prequels, or in the Kotor era for that matter. Large groups of jedi are never as effective as a small group with like 1 jedi on a mission. Even Yoda, despite his extreme force sensitivity, failed to accomplish much of anything directly throughout the series.
@FattyMcFox 2 жыл бұрын
I think it is perfectly fine for luke to have force choked the gammorians. It is a set up for the later scene, in which he looks at his own prosthetic hand, then at vaders severed prosthetic, and decides to take a different route. He course corrects in that moment. Vader and Palpatine would have gone to all the effort to turn him because they sensed darkness. In the moment luke refuses the darkness within him, and throws down his weapon, Palpatine is visibly angry. The darkness he sense was gone. The choice to remain in the light made. I think that makes the scene stronger.
@mobgabriel1767 2 жыл бұрын
"the legends are the history that Rey grew UP with" wrong,the sequels are actually a dream that Luke skywalker had
@johnnygyro2295 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe Luke had a vision after the wild party on Endor? When he asks Yoda, Obi-Wan and Anakin's ghosts what it might mean, Anakin realizes "oh shit, how could I forget that" and tells them about Exegol and the Wayfinder at his Mustafar castle. Luke meets up with Ahsoka, they finish Leia's training and get said wayfinder, then absolutely destroy Palpatine and his cloning lab.
@lukediehl1210 2 жыл бұрын
I'm actually waiting for this to become canon. The entire sequel trilogy is just a convoluted vision Luke saw when he was standing over Ben's bed. It made him realize he has to do things differently, or the entire franchise... er, GALAXY... is screwed.
@billybob7135 2 жыл бұрын
I kind of like Generation Tech's take. He compared Legends vs Disney as like hearing a grizzled old sailor sitting in a pub telling tales. They sound made up, but the twinkle in his eye and the scars on his face imply there may be some truth to them and you can't help but believe his emotions. Disney Star Wars may not be totally non-canon, but they may be exaggerated tales. Maybe Andor really did run missions for the Rebels, but he was somehow mythologized into becoming the guy who stole the plans rather than Kyle Katarn by a former associate? Maybe Thrawn didn't actually get taken by Purgils before Yavin, but maybe he did go dark for a bit before resurging and the tall tale was made to explain how a legendary admiral seemingly disappeared? It's like tales of ghost ships in the age of piracy. They didn't exist, but being hit by a raider who vanishes before help arrives was a real concern.
@phalamy9180 2 жыл бұрын
It's actually Luke meditating and seeing visions of the worst possible timeline
@macewindu3492 2 жыл бұрын
Even better, they're a fever dream Cade had while high on deathsticks
@SeventhSwell 2 жыл бұрын
If it's ok for Luke to kill dudes and not be dark side then it's ok for him to choke a couple guards for a few seconds.
@Millennial-Boomer 2 жыл бұрын
Great takes! That was a fun thread to read through and be a part of. (Also fun seeing mine make the cut!)
@cd5sircoupe 2 жыл бұрын
Denying the fact that Luke was force choking the guards is definitely a hot take using some mental gymnastics. He was clearly using choke, they were staggering back in pain. The point about crossing their arms as a sign of submission is pretty outlandish. And for what it's worth, how many times have alien species been shown being force choked vs humans? Oh, same goes for the missing sound effect... there were plenty of mess ups during the OT. One that comes to mind is the "Tector" SD all because the ISD model was used upside down or whatever in the shot. The black outfit was meant to illustrate his darker methods/outlook (just as he started in white in anh, grey in esb, black in rotj). The OT is full of this basic level symbolism, look at Luke in the throne room battle where his face is half dark & half light as another example. This particular roast felt like a huge reach to me.
@callumpears1523 2 жыл бұрын
The sound effect Eck mentioned was first used in TCW. It didn't exist when the OT was made.
@cd5sircoupe 2 жыл бұрын
@@callumpears1523 Perfect, thanks for that.
@redeye4516 2 жыл бұрын
I remember that "theory" regarding SW humans coming from the Milky Way, and while I don't remember the name of it, I'd go further and say it probably belongs in the EU somewhere (perhaps not as canon). It tried connecting Star Wars to THX-1138, which was an earlier George Lucas film from 1971. In it, some humans managed to escape the dystopian regime that existed on the future Earth of the movie and somehow accidentally were transported to the Star Wars universe. Upon doing so they were immediately enslaved by a buglike race of aliens, and as I recall the first instance of a human using the force ended up helping them escape that planet. He dies in the process, but the other humans name him and his descendants "Skywalker" as an eternal commemoration of his deeds. It's sort of just merging THX-1138 and Star Wars with a sort of Exodus story, but I like it. I forget who made it, but I was sure that it came from an author in the early days of Star Wars writing rather than being a random internet theory. Correct me if I'm wrong on that though. If anyone has a link to it at least, I'd appreciate it.
@f-zilla7347 2 жыл бұрын
That wasn’t a theory.. it was an actual book that was going to be published in the mid 1990s called “Alien Exodus”. It also attempted to connect ALL of George Lucas’ films, including Taxi Driver.
@BoogieManFL 2 жыл бұрын
Regardless of intent of the writing or anything else, the actors portraying those Gamorrean guards were absolutely acting as if they were being force choked.
@Ptaaruonn 2 жыл бұрын
Kyle Katarn said, in Jedi knight, jedi accademy, that "the Force is not inherently good or evil, it's how you use it", or something like that. i kinda liked it.
@FHT1883 2 жыл бұрын
that's video game logic, in order to allow the player to use the cooler powers without having to think about the implications - and it's wrong. The Force is inherently good (that's why " light side" is a term often used by fans, but not in George's movies). The dark side is a corruption of the natural state of the Force by individuals who want to exert dominance over other beings and over nature. Intent matters, yes, but your actions matter more. Killing someone in self-defense or even in combat is not a dark side act. If for example, good intent causes you to commit mass slaughter, that's a dark side action regardless of the intent. And the slippery slope of a Jedi falling to the dark side usually mostly consists of them justifying gradually more heinous acts to themselves as necessary for the sake of peace or some other ideal. The reason why Jacen Solo's fall in LOTF doesn't make any sense is that he does a full 180 on the most central lesson he learned from Vergere: that the ends can never justify the means. What I explained at the beginning is also a reason why Grey Jedi don't exist in SW, they're a fanon creation by and for fence-sitting enlightened centrists and/or edgy teens who want to imagine themselves as good guys while using what they perceive to be the more visually appealing and "cool" powers. You can't be a Jedi and use "both sides" of the Force. A non-Jedi, non-Sith, non-dark-side force user is just a force user, not a Grey Jedi. Qui-Gon also wasn't one, just a rather unorthodox Jedi.
@rance-jacksonprojects193 2 жыл бұрын
My take on the Holdo maneuver was that the first order ship wouldn't have had the mass to pull the resistance ship out of hyperspace and a non relativistic collision wouldn't have seriously damaged the former. What happened was a million to one desperate gamble (kind of like a torpedo in a thermal vent), that paid off because the smaller ship reached relativistic speeds before the impact but hadn't yet left real space.
@awesomeewok733 2 жыл бұрын
With the Luke Force choking theory personally, I always thought he was just using shatter point
@derrickdinwiddie8759 2 жыл бұрын
Regarding the Gamorians, in one of the EU Thrawn books, Luke makes mention of that and states that it was a mind trick to make them think they were. He also said he felt bad about that and wondered if that was using the dark side of the force.
@Charolette21 2 жыл бұрын
That sounds like too much mental gymnastics to make Luke look as good as possible.
@derrickdinwiddie8759 2 жыл бұрын
@@Charolette21 not really. In EU Corran Horn was able to use the ability "Alter Mind" to make people see things that weren't happening or not see things that were. Its not a big leap to think you can make someone THINK they are choking but not actually choke them. Not to mention Luke made the same hand gesture as Ben did when he was talking to the troopers.
@Charolette21 2 жыл бұрын
@@derrickdinwiddie8759 Hmm...still sounds far lamer than just doing the thing, also more morally dubious than magical telekineses to choke a bitch (still bad, but not nearly as bad as instantaneous gaslighting). Luke would be more of a chad if he said, "I did choke those Gamorians with the force, what are you going to do about it?"
@Tredlex 2 жыл бұрын
@@Charolette21 instantaneous gaslighting 🤣🤣🤣
@Charolette21 2 жыл бұрын
@@Tredlex Well...yea. If the mind trick is that convincing to the brain, it's in the same ballpark as gaslighting.
@Vincent_Kouri 2 жыл бұрын
Theory regarding Darth Vader’s Breathing: If he breathes slowly, Vader is in control If he breathes fast, there is a conflict If his breathing is broken, Anakin has a chance to redeem, as Vader is defeated.
@snow-in4zp 2 жыл бұрын
I kinda like the idea that the creation of snoke coincided with the births of Ray and kilo and they only had the dyad thing because the force was trying to create a light against snokes darkness. Idk if that works but I like it.
@royblack27 Жыл бұрын
As others say, the Gamorreans clearly reach for their throats and make sounds, and they also stumble backwards. That's not even a normal mindtrick let alone normal procedure. As you say, Luke comes in hooded up and in black and makes more or less the choke gesture. He's then also overly assertive and aggressive; he gives orders to Bib, tells Jabba not to underestimate his powers, and gives Jabba two separate cooperate-or-die ultimatums. I took this as further showing where Luke was at. We heard Yoda warn about that kind of behavior/mentality, and we saw/heard similar stuff from both OT Vader and PT Anakin. This all helps build the case for his vulnerability going into the Battle of Endor rather than him cracking suddenly (as Anakin is accused of doing, tho falsely), and better highlights his success in contrast to Anakin's initial failure.
@royblack27 Жыл бұрын
About the poison vs fire theories of the Force: I always took that as both being true. When you spread fire, it grows to create more heat and light. When you spread poison, it becomes weaker. I do think that the light side is empowered by a big Jedi Order, and at the same time that the dark side is most effective focused through the Ro2.
@robertb7293 2 жыл бұрын
Here's one I've seen floating around; Ahsoka being alive in the Mandalorian means the current TV series occur in a different cannon timeline to the Reylo Trilogy. Anyway. A lot of star wars ships visibly have large scale docking ports for connecting large modules together. This is a useful feature on many real world space ships and stations, as it makes transferring crew and cargo much simpler. Having a chonky sized parasite is also a way less hairy way of dealing with damage or emergencies. You don't want to have to slice more holes in the hull when trying to rescue crew, and trying to get mass casualties to suit up for a space walk is just an unnecessarily complex, expensive and sadistic way to conduct triage/roulette. An aggressive large ship docking manoeuvre is the very first scene in ANH. So I always gathered that a whole bunch of jank looking composite configurations were possible.
@KirksMerkin 2 жыл бұрын
Here’s one for you: During the period when we only had 3 Star Wars films, Yoda never had a lightsaber and neither did the Emperor. I always assumed it was because masters of the Force would never NEED one. Obi Wan never claimed to be a master in those films either, just a Knight.
@seamusogdonn-gaidhligarain2745 2 жыл бұрын
Eck, I don’t get why him using a mindtrick is any less dark side than force choking them outright. If he was mindtricking them into being force choked, he violated their minds to inflict suffering. Luke could have used a mindtrick to tell them to let him pass in peace, no torture be necessary. But no, he went out of his way to make them suffer. That’s just as Dark Side as force choking them outright, imo, when he could have done it much more ethically. I emailed you yesterday about this for Tapcaf, curious to hear your response ;)
@Beedo_Sookcool 2 жыл бұрын
Theory 1: Similar species around the galaxy not previously already mentioned (like the Xexto / Quermian connection) came about because the Rakata were trying to create more useful and "domesticated" slave species, such as taking the larger, clumsier, more savage Trandoshans and creating the smaller, more dextrous Saurin. Theory 2: Like the planarians they're based upon, Amanin can literally "digest knowledge" form those they eat. It's most effective if consuming another Amani's brains, but eating the brain of someone from another species could lead to an enhanced ability to learn that species' language, recalling some of the victim's secrets, or knowing how to operate a device or vehicle.
@MisterSouji 2 жыл бұрын
I dont mind the idea of time travel being the reason for the legends/canon split. Possibly someone in Legends from 0 Bby traveling back as far as canon goes to change the future, but the force activly tries to heal the timeline. This is why the closer you get to 0 bby the closer the two timelines become.
@maurofernandez9053 2 жыл бұрын
Han said that Starkiller base had some kind of shield that stopped anything slower than hyperspace going through. Isn't it possible that Supremacy's shield had that same tech? I mean, isn't it possible that the First Order's shields didn't work because of this? I am not a sequel fan, but this has been rounding my head a long time.
@calebpace8788 2 жыл бұрын
I always figured the reason the EU and everything pre-disney was made "legends" was to make sure they didnt have to pay royalties to the original creators while being able to rip off any character(s) they like without paying for them as a "tribute" version of each character to say they are for "legends" and "respect" legends.
@mr_h831 2 жыл бұрын
Yoda also says from the prequels, "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering." Emotions can fuel your intentions, if you let them. Emotions are clearly tied to the force as is shown in several different sources of starwars media, including canon with the clone wars TV show. (Maul being a vengeful and hateful person generally refers dark side force moves. Such as force choke.) Legends makes the connection more than canon has thus far, unless you count the sequels, which nobody should or does, because- you know wha I wont turn this into a sequel argument at the moment. Actions are supposed to dictate emotion, but sometimes emotion can dictate actions. The force to me, is clearly tied more of to the person than to any one side. If you are emotionally unbalanced, your ability to use the force will be hindered or changed. Canon leans into this aspect with the advent of PTSD being able to effect the way you use the force via jedi fallen order. But anyway, I think personally there is presidency for the theory that the force has no dark or light side. Hell even grey jedi exist in legends. Qui gon being commonly associated as the best example of a grey jedi. Qui gon's words in episode 1 would also imply there really isn't one side or another, he's always talking about the will of the force and not the light or the dark. The presidency for this theory is all there.
@dakkarnemo1094 2 жыл бұрын
I have to admit, I would love for the one about Plo Koon to be true.
@millenniumf1138 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think Luke was mind tricking the Gamorrean Guards in RotJ. Mind tricks always involve speech, such as a few minutes later when he tries to mind trick Jabba or when he mind tricks Bib Fortuna. When I was a kid, I always thought it was a combination of him Force-pushing them back and making them fall asleep (you can see them collapse against the wall behind them and their eyes close).
@captainfach 2 жыл бұрын
I would love for you to do a bunch more Theory trashing or even Theory agreeing. I just want to hear more of people's theories and you talk about them and how you feel
@cubearts1 2 жыл бұрын
11:25 Counter point, Luke chokes the guards in lego star wars II the Original Trilogy (2006)
@CommanderSummit 2 жыл бұрын
One head canon I have is clone voice changes within different games/shows. There’s the obvious Temura and Dee Bradly ones, but also the actor for 2003, Battlefront 2, and republic commando. I just think it could be a mechanism installed within the clone helmets to show more individuality.
@RavenProton 2 жыл бұрын
Problem with that is there are instances of clones with these voices (at least Baker and Morrison's, to my knowledge) talking with their helmets off
@thegodofallidiots. 2 жыл бұрын
Bullying my viewers for money lol
@AlexSDU 2 жыл бұрын
About Luke's Force Choke, I think he didn't use it BUT he use Mind Trick on the guard to think that they are choking or can't breath. Force Choke is work by directly choking the victim using the Force, but Mind Trick only tricking the victim to think that they are choking.
@AlexSDU 2 жыл бұрын
@YourFriendlyNeighborhoodItalian Yeah, I'm with you on this too. At first I also thought that he use the Force Choke, but since many people said that Jedi don't use Force Choke, so my conclusion is that he do something similar like Force Choke, which in this case Jedi Mind Trick is the possible candidate/suspect.
@murpheyholloran1067 2 жыл бұрын
The humans moving from the Milky Way to the Star Wars Galaxy can work from a physics standpoint if the universe is infinite. In an infinite universe it's not only possible, but technically fact that physics is different in different far flung parts of the universe. An infinite universe is basically a multiverse, but there's just one. Everything happens.
@thewinterprince1731 Жыл бұрын
I have a couple theories of my own regarding the Star Wars universe, particularly the most controversial aspects of lightsabers: How they are used in Legends vs Canon. In modern Canon, we have infamous examples of lightsaber wielders using their sabers seemingly more like baseball bats at times, with a favorite being that time Obi Wan struck a stormtrooper in the same place twice seemingly without actually cutting into him. I have two theories on this. A) He was just trying to incapacitate the trooper without outright killing him, but was out of practice and his first cut was bad. B) As has recently been made more clear, lightsabers are difficult to use effectively without some stability within the force. I'm thinking maybe Obi Wan's more unstable connection at the time of his show, combined with the likely bad condition his lightsaber was in after being buried in sand in a wooden box for ten years (which likely resulted in the lightsaber itself being either unstable or low in power), resulted in its ability to cut through things being severely hindered. It was essentially like a meat cleaver being dulled to an oversized butter knife or attached to an imbalanced spinning weight. This meant that Obi-Wan would occasionally have to apply either more physical force or reorient his flow of the Force through his lightsaber to get the lightsaber to cut properly, which also meant he wasn't able to be as fancy with it as he used to be. My second theory on lightsabers revolves around those fancy maneuvers we see in the prequel trilogy. What's with all the dancing and spinning and flailing about? Well, it's actually like high-speed chess. Of course there are those that were just showing off and enjoying themselves (which Anakin was canonically stated to be prone to doing), but then there are those situations like Anakin vs Obi Wan or Obi Wan/Qui Gon vs Darth Maul, where the characters involved are so steeped in the force in their attempts to outwit their opponents that both sides are thinking multiple steps ahead in a seemingly endless chain of reactions. What would normally be a simple strike to the head would turn into a spin or whirl as a result of the force showing them their opponent's counterswing, which they'd then adjust for, only for the opponent to predict THAT and adjust for it, and so on. When Anakin and Obi Wan were needlessly spinning their sabers around in front of each other, they were actually preemptively positioning their lightsabers multiple times in preparation for multiple attacks that never came because of those constant predictions. This is also why sometimes a clear opening is missed, or why they will attack the opponent's weapon or even just swing wildly around them: to prevent an action that hasn't yet happened rather than to simply go for the kill. It's essentially a case of either showing off, or a two-second mental cold war between masters. And if you want to bring up the mostly unrelated "spin and then shoot" that one guy did with his blaster at the end of Boba Fett...I blame that on him briefly checking around for any unseen immediate threats before attacking a distant enemy that hadn't spotted him yet.
@joppalowe3870 2 жыл бұрын
For a title of this series, how about Mustafar Marshmellows? Because... ya know... all the roasts?
@startrekfanman 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t believe the force choking gamorian guards can even be debated. I think if you see people choking, and a hand up in a force choke manner, the director laid out on a silver platter what happened
@ZacharyDietze Жыл бұрын
My theory for Snoke was that he was a failed attempt at making a Palpatine clone, and also has some inspiration of Plagueis sprinkled in, but ultimately gave up on that idea because it was either too hard or because Palpatine changed his mind for wanting to look like his original self again.
@135forte 2 жыл бұрын
I saw one (maybe on this channel) where Palpatine is afraid if Force ghosts and that is why he avoided natural areas. Then the other day Geestly posted a thing about Plagius arguing with a ghost he didn't believe in.
@BierBart12 Жыл бұрын
I just love the idea that canons like Star Wars are all just retellings or historical records made by people who can and will make mistakes, add things for entertainment value and such. Perhaps even making certain factions seem much crueler than reality. The movies we watch might be based on true events, but did they REALLY happen that way?
@madrabbit9007 2 жыл бұрын
I tend to agree with Lex, the Jedi forbid marriage out of fear of what MIGHT happen. If Anikin and Padme didn't need to hide their relationship might things have been different? In their case it became a self-fulfilling prophecy because it had to be hidden.
@blaineishere3851 2 жыл бұрын
it's definitive canon that star wars takes place in our universe. it's the first thing the movies ever tell us. "a long time ago *in a galaxy far, far away*" far away from what? well, obviously the place of the viewer. AKA our earth
@Linkman95 2 жыл бұрын
Another dimension is even further away.
@Atelierwanwan 2 жыл бұрын
The way I see it when it comes to the dark side and the light is that they aren't concrete like many treat them, especially the Jedi order. You do bad things you feel the dark side and it influences you to do more but it's not absolute. Vader saved his son despite how far he'd fallen. My favorite example is Galen Marek, in the games at least. He starts out being trained in the dark side but ends up choosing to be good. I don't have a big issue with things like light side force lightning but I see it more as a dark side power that they carry over, like they still know how to do it, maybe it even still influences them as it's a dark side power. That is if you believe the force has specific "powers" and not just what you need it to do. Vader choked people to make them suffer and die without leaving a mess, Palpatine has so much raw power he's able to physicalize it into lightning, etc. Doing evil things with it makes you more dark, not being dark gives you access to more abilities. I've just never been a fan of the binary nature the force is portrayed as so I always like characters that can come back from the dark or aren't defined by either side. Grey Jedi don't count in my books because despite what it says they are nothing but contrarian light side users with their own code. Correct me if I'm wrong though as I don't have much knowledge about actual grey jedi. I can't look at the Gamorrean scene and not see them choking. They are stumbling backwards and clutching at their necks (as best they can in those costumes). It could be a mind trick, making them think they've been attacked in some way or fearful that they might be, like they feel an instinct to protect their necks. I don't believe the force is like water that is lesser from being drawn upon more. If you think of the old republic as canon then it makes even less sense as jedi and sith back then were a whole hell of a lot more powerful and there were a whole lot more of them too. Even in the movies they talk about the jedi losing their ability to wield the force, implying they are getting weaker but there are far less of them and the sith aren't a huge force like they used to be.
@GrouchierBear Жыл бұрын
"Luke's missing hand has been up in the air for a long time..." Well yeah, gas giants are like that.
@granatmof 2 жыл бұрын
9:05 "Luke's missing hand has been up in the air for a long time"
@jcool0122 2 жыл бұрын
My favorite wacky theory is that Admiral Ozzel was a secret rebel sympathizer and not just woefully incompetent.
@MessagesFromEarth 2 жыл бұрын
I'd never heard of Luke not choking the guards before watching this video. Honestly, I can't see how you can possibly see it as him doing anything BUT choking them. Their hands go to their throats, they stumble backward, and make gurgling noises like they're in distress. It's my theory you threw that one in just to generate comments on the video lol Also, that jedi in the video holding his lightsabers backwards makes me crazy. Why would you ever hold a sword that way?
@matthewbreytenbach4483 2 жыл бұрын
There are techniques in swordplay where you reverse your grip but they are hilariously uncommon, what are far more common are methods where you reverse _one_ hand on a two handed sword for leverage purposes. At least in European styles. However, no one told that to whoever it was that came up with the idea of Shii'en (aka the _other_ form V) having a reverse grip.
@thewinterprince1731 Жыл бұрын
Regarding that theory about humans being from the Milky Way, what if the different physics is a result of being in an entirely different star system? While we have observed that other galaxies exist, we have absolutely no clue what things are like within them beyond the most obvious/discernible. It's wild to consider, but there is the tiniest possibility, to me, that different materials and such within those galaxies could result in entirely different physics. Maybe the galaxy from Star Wars harbors a hidden energy field of some sort emanating from the galactic core that results in a lack of time dilation or something, but since time dilation was something never observed in their universe, nobody ever knew that energy field was abnormal, and thus nobody knew it even existed.
@undrachvrsage 2 жыл бұрын
Off topic but there was a "go down for democracy" ad previd... And it took me through the whole intro you did to stop laughing.
@thatScoutdog 2 жыл бұрын
I have done excruciating Mental gymnastics when I was a kid to keep my favorite jedi alive including Master Plo
@thes7274473 2 жыл бұрын
I can't remember if you've covered this yet but the idea that Palpatine created the Empire to protect the Galaxy from the Yuuzhan Vong is pretty popular. Yes, Palpatine was aware of the Vong by 27BBY, yes, protecting the Galaxy from threats from the Unknown Regions and beyond was the big reason Thrawn served the Empire, and yes, superweapons like Death Stars would be very helpful against Vong worldships. But all that being said, I think it's ridiculous to say that protecting the Galaxy from the Vong was Palpatine's motive. Palpatine committed countless atrocities that were completely unnecessary for such an end, and he did a lot of things that actually made the Galaxy worse off against the Vong, like getting rid of the Jedi and the Droid Army. He didn't see the Vong as a threat to the Galaxy, he saw them as a threat to his rule.
@philm7758 2 жыл бұрын
I do believe Eck has several video covering that idea, and ultimately, like you, he wasn't entirely convinced. But it certainly has enough of a foothold to be included in this series.
@nuggetdoozy7831 2 жыл бұрын
I love your dog at the end so much I always watch it
@jetseekers 2 жыл бұрын
"why would you wanna attach two very large vessels together?" To easily and quickly recover/capture one if the need arises. Or even just move it without needing some kinda complex tug setup.
@Akutenshi1990 2 жыл бұрын
Would be an interesting story to tell. Could take place in the High Republic tales as a dark side force user who sees the will of the force and does everything possible to stop everything from happening (let's say it's during the time when a Sith Empire and High Republic are at war. Sith Army is starting to lose ground.). He foresee's the future with the dark side of the force and we see him start his plans to stop it all. Of course, the Force being the Force, finds a way to foil him. IDK, more thought needed for a story like that, but it would be interesting to see a Dark Side force user actually seeing the future and doing what they can to stop it from happening to ensure the Sith Empire remains in ultimate power. Only to fail by the will of the Force.
@TheTruthIsGonnaHurt 2 жыл бұрын
Great explanation with the Mind Probe. If you can just mind probe people it’s faster, easier, and intrusive. Hence, Darkside in nature. Even if you Mind Probed a person for good, the act is evil. Talking to the person takes longer, and may result in a person lying, meaning you may not know the truth, but it adheres to the rules of the Lightside. Once you start relying on the quick and easy path, then you will start using it all the time in all areas of life.
@liquighost7988 2 жыл бұрын
Haven't watched any eckharts lately so I thought I'd check out your vids again and now I can see 4 different videos all about roasting bullying and destroying peoples ideas wtf who hurt you lmao
@danielmcelroy4505 Жыл бұрын
My wild headcannon is that the knights of Ren are the escaped Rogue one, disillusioned with both sides of the civil war though still sending the beacon, escaping, and falling into a dark side cult because they've learned might makes right and Chirrut leads them to the most powerful force user(s) outside the known galaxy. I like the idea that, with the original script for Duel of the Fates, Rey could come across them and he could tell her yeah well the be one with the force and the force will be with you (in that unifying force theory) bc I think Leia already has lines that yeah maybe there is more than the Jedi and Sith (Jedi'i stuff, if she's searching ancient texts though I don't love "lore" in the movies per se)
@TheBrickDudeStudios 2 жыл бұрын
Theory: Star Wars has futuristic technology, but it says that they take place a long time ago. I think that in the future, when we have expanded past living on earth, we tapped into the world between worlds, and go back in time.
@nerds4knowledge 2 жыл бұрын
Luke 100% force choked the guards.
@TheTrex9000 2 жыл бұрын
@basabromander2778 2 жыл бұрын
Personal theory, if you do these again: Rey exists because Palpatine survived Luke. I think whatever makes the skywalker lineage so strong is there by the will of the force to facilitate the balancing of the force by a sort of reset with scouring both sides. Aided by Anakin the Jedi were destroyed, then with Luke the Sith were destroyed, so with only somewhat unaligned forcewielders left the galaxy could balance, possibly beyond even being bound to light or dark. But when Palpatine survived, that whole thing was screwed. Now palpatine remained as a vestige for the dark side. With palpatine out of action and vader gone yet redeemed, the force was unbalanced and the Darkside seeped to the only major force user not dead or disabled, Luke. It couldn't corrupt him but tainted him a bit and led to both his fall as a leader and possibly Kylo's corruption. With a snag in its plan the force has to select a new vessel to complete the destruction of the past and balancing of the force, so it chooses a descendant from the other line of powerful force users at large: Rey Palpatine. Away from both sheev and Luke she was able to grow in power without a corrupted influence and FINALLY bring balance to the force. Her title at the end of Rey Skywalker is in show that while she may not be a descendant by blood, she is the inheritor of the force's favour in completing its great rebalancing.
@linksapprentice726 2 жыл бұрын
Ok here’s mine… all three Star Wars timelines are connected, legends, sequel trilogy, and the mandoverse (I go into all the reasons that mando could not lead into the sequel trilogy at the end). let’s start with how legends can be cannon. Jason Solo and Tahiri both end up flow walking a lot in one of the legends series (the one directly before fate of the Jedi I think), and in the 4th Fate of the Jedi book Tahari talks about how Jason flow walked a lot without her to learn things about the force. Flow walking changes the past, so I believe that jason’s flowwalking created the Disney cannon because of the butterfly affect. At that point there was two timelines, but then due to Ezra saving Ashoka in rebels, the timeline split into a timeline where Ashoka died at the hands of Vader (the sequel trilogy timeline) and one were she survived the encounter (the mandoverse) So why can’t the sequel trilogy and the mando coexist? Simple in the sequel trilogy Kylo was Luke’s first padawan/Jedi in training (I don’t think padawan was a term used in Luke’s Jedi order I may be wrong though); however, in the mandoverse Grogu was Luke’s first apprentice, if only briefly.
@ranchoth 2 жыл бұрын
The world from “Willow” is prehistoric Coruscant.
@phalamy9180 2 жыл бұрын
My theory is the Holdo Manouvre was a complete freak ocurrance with almost non existant chances of occurring, essentially having to time the collision to jump on an exact fraction of a millisecond beyond even the calculation abilities of ai, that only worked because "The will of the force"
@MelodyTCG 2 жыл бұрын
"I don't like the idea of your avatar for good and avatar for evil being from the same entity" Haha...*looks at Kirby lore*
@DirkFalcon 2 жыл бұрын
Love the video! Did not expect my Rule of Two theory to make it. I have been loving this series!
@ryanhobson3267 2 жыл бұрын
I remember references to relativistic shielding even an article somewhere about time travel and pilot from born far in the past who made it to the current time because his failed. I always blamed fantasy technology for those things that didn't match up. Like an 'etheric rudder' for fighters banking in space or maybe a sensor that detects the sound of explosions and engines and simulates it int the cockpit.
@roguenine9LU 2 жыл бұрын
One of the fan theories that I used to have is that EU and Canon diverged during the events of Interlude at Darkknell. Basically instead of meeting with Aach, Garm Bel Iblis would have been killed in the same blast that killed his wife and children while he was meeting with Aach.
@funnelvortex7722 Жыл бұрын
Relativity and physics in Star Wars have been absolutely stated to exist, the seemingly vast differences in physics is likely just the result of the fact they’ve found new types of physics and technologies to skirt around currently known limitations. In hyperspace a ship isn’t really moving at a much faster velocity than in realspace, just that distances in hyperspace are shorter, meanwhile communication signals are sent at near C through hyperspace. Also with extremely efficient sublight drives and repulsorlifts Star Wars ships have nearly infinite Delta V and can opt to hover over a planet rather than orbit it in a Newtonian sense, although as we’ve seen in the Battle of Yavin they’ll sometimes opt for the Newtonian route since the Death Star was in actual orbit over Yavin. But when hovering over a planet via repulsorlifts “in orbit” is likely just common lingo like how we say a motorized ship in our world is “sailing”. Things like fighters “banking” I like to chalk up to them getting maneuvering assistance from repulsorlifts. To us it looks like magical BS, but gotta remember Clarke's Third Law. And IIRC there have been a couple cases of time dilation in Legends, though it’s something not commonly talked about or touched on. I do remember reading in one of the Legends EU guidebooks that there is a tech that projects a spacetime bubble around a vessel to prevent time dilation when traveling at velocities near C or around black holes, but I don't think it's a thing in Canon.
@sashabraus9422 2 жыл бұрын
13:40 The problem with this is that canonically Star wars takes place BEFORE our current time. "*Long ago* in a Galaxy far, far away"
@Quintus_Fontane 2 жыл бұрын
In regards to the gamorrean and the force choke, I always just thought Luke was using an advanced kind of mind trick to make the guard think he couldn't breathe until he passed out. The brain regulates everything.
@SquareLizard924.0 2 жыл бұрын
Ngl I was more focused on the force unleashed gameplay than the theory roasting
@AzraylPax 2 жыл бұрын
Regarding the last one, about Humans in Star Wars coming from the milky way. In the mid 90s Ace Books was trying to get the rights to Star Wars novels and contacted author Robert J. Sawyer to write a trilogy about the origins of the aliens in Star Wars. The first novel was to be called Alien Exodus and would connect Indiana Jones, THX-1138 and a mass human migration that would end up leading them to the Star Wars universe. Sawyer wrote a 10,000 word outline and 11,000 words in sample chapters that you can find online, but in the end Ace Books never got the rights to Star Wars so Robert J. Sawyer backed out of the project.
@jamesleduke873 2 жыл бұрын
On that last point, relativity does exist in the star wars universe. Ships merely have a relativistic shield that keeps you in sync with the rest of the universe. There's a Hypernet news article about a character who actually did experience time dilation because his ship's relativistic shields failed, and he arrived at his destination 2 centuries later.
@jamesleduke873 2 жыл бұрын
And pretty sure it was confirmed that Bane failed to take over Zannah, but some traits did make it through.
@SmallGreenPlanetoid 2 жыл бұрын
I'm more a fan of the Unifying Force and that only sapients apply the terms dark and light... but the Dark Side tree on Dagobah is a strong counter-argument. And Eck, I can't believe you don't think fear is a Dark Side attribute. After all, fear is the path to the dark side...fear leads to hate, hate leads to anger, anger leads to suffering!
@lightspeedvictory 2 жыл бұрын
Personal theory regarding physics in space in Star Wars: everything follows real world science BUT with things we have yet to discover IRL. Namely, the aether that is occasionally mentioned in lore, which I personally attribute to some IRL as yet undiscovered particle or whatnot that is present in space, as a form of cosmic radiation. Star Wars has some sort of tech that allows ships to ride this “cosmic particle radiation” like a planet’s atmosphere, i.e. utilize aerodynamics in space/vacuum, allowing spaceships to fly in space like they do in atmosphere with a vast delta-v if you will. However, this requires constant thrust and the destruction of the ship causes weird fluctuations with gravity fields, which is why ships, when they’re destroyed, tend to act like they’re sinking ocean bound ships. #askeck who is ultimately responsible for ordering the destruction of Alderaan? Was it Palpatine or did he just give the authorization for it? Lore ship Versus video request: Resurgent vs. Starhawk Tie Striker vs. New Republic V-Wing World Devastator vs. Vong Worldship Tie Silencer vs. X-83 Twintail Tie Silencer vs. Tie Defender (legends version) Keldabe vs. ISD II MC90 vs. Nebula class star destroyer Nebula class vs. Pellaeon class Majestic class vs. Bothan Assault Cruiser EAWX: FOTR’s Mandator II portrayal vs. Subjugator Praetor vs. Subjugator EAWX: TR’s Mediator portrayal vs. Resurgent Starhawk vs. Bulwark MK III
@uppishcub1617 2 жыл бұрын
I really like the idea of a jedi mind tricking someone into thinking hes choking. Thats just a cool concept.
@DanBen07 2 жыл бұрын
6:57 I heard that there was sequel trilogy concepts for a double-decker star destroyer.
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