Robert Saucy - Does Consciousness Have Purpose?

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How has inner experience radically emerged from cosmic dust? How has our vibrant private awareness developed in what seems to be a wholly physical universe? Is consciousness only an accident of biology? Or does consciousness have deeper meaning? We best be careful not to come to final conclusions based on early science.
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Robert Lloyd Saucy was an American Biblical scholar and professor of systematic theology.
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Closer To Truth, hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn and directed by Peter Getzels, presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.

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@schleichface 3 ай бұрын
Both in this interview and in the comments, there is a lot of reference to the heart as the core of someone. "Core" is itself from the Old French (and ultimately Latin) word for heart. So we're just explaining one metaphor by the same metaphor from another language.
@thomasridley8675 3 ай бұрын
We wouldnt be where we are without it.
@ddmr44 3 ай бұрын
Not that anyone cares about my opinion, but this is what I believe: The heart is emotion and, therefore, directs us in the 3D. Consciousness is in the 5D - that which is not easily described with our 3D language. It is our essence, our Soul, our Being and is the Awareness/The Observer of all our thoughts and emotions. Being AWARE is of UTMOST importance if the human race is to survive going forward. So, yes, Consciousness has a critically important purpose.
@anywallsocket 3 ай бұрын
Then what is the 4D? And how then do these different Ds interact?
@Ekam-Sat 3 ай бұрын
Asking if 'consciousness has a purpose' is like asking if 'God has a purpose.' There is indeed a purpose: love. As 1 John 4:8 says, 'Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.'
@arthurwieczorek4894 3 ай бұрын
Is it not written that God punishes the wicked? If that were so, it seems to me that God might be more about justice than love. How would love deal with the wicked?
@thomasridley8675 3 ай бұрын
Your god isn't about love. It's about controlling every aspect of your life. Even attempting to kill off the concepts of individuality and free will. And what's worse is that it's all totally voluntary. They chose what cage fits them the best. A way to validate their ego generated fiction of a moral and cultural superiority.
@pandoraeeris7860 3 ай бұрын
Consciousness IS purpose. It is the Telos!
@sxsmith44 3 ай бұрын
Could you please expand on that notion a little bit?
@anywallsocket 3 ай бұрын
I’ll try: consciousness does have a purpose, namely for us to decide what aspects of our sensory input we should attend to more, or focus on, given any given situation.
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 3 ай бұрын
@anywallsocket 3 ай бұрын
@@MasterofOne-zl6ur ok, sure but how doe you explain behavior? Is it from purely contextual circumstances or from the will of the ego itself?
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 3 ай бұрын
@@anywallsocket Survival in orientation or the will to survive as a biological life form. No requirement needed of soul, spirit, consciousness, God or the after life. All are invisible postulates or cannot be visually or descriptively seen or observed they all share this common issue or problem however survival does not lack this issue as it can be seen through behaviour or orientation and is also a disposition of biological life. It is a force which one a biological structure can partake in and furthermore it can be seen in behaviour of structure or biological life which spirit, soul, God, consciousness, the after life lack. We have no comprehension of visual causation or experience to express its value or truth but survival does not as we can see it . All behaviour of a biological structure has a survival tenacity automatically attached to it because all the constituted extensions or creations or formations within the given structure support survival of self the brain controls the behaviour or the parts. Souls ,spirits, consciousness, God the after life have a common lack which is no coherent measurement can be made to distinguish by definition what it represents. Survival describes all these other postulates with ease.
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 3 ай бұрын
@@anywallsocket I find one major issue which is for souls, spirits, consciousness, God the after life I cant postulate a definition to all these invisible notions so it seems rather weak or lacking in support somehow plus you have an issue of souls or spirits being attached to all biological life that have existed in the past coupled with the behaviour problem or availability of after life in reference to the behaviour of historical biolife forms. Meaning if the after life is eternal or has always existed then humans are later structures in Evolutionary terms so Id have to say that earlier life forms had souls or spirits and would be in the after life or none would be based on behaviour scales, and there is an issue with when souls or spirits first came into fruition on the time scales and if all historical life if having souls or spirits would be in heaven or the after life. I think without souls or spirits you can say that the after life doesn't exist in these terms. However this is why survival is seen or you can see it in real time I think what soul and spirit tries to define to save the postulate of the after life is really nothing more than biologicals life survival disposition or character or capacity and this is why we have confusion because of the need to hold onto soul or spirit because it keeps the after life true. However I think survival in behaviour evolves and is a more comprehensive understanding of what we mean or try to define as what we are.. Like I say You cannot see soul or spirit or Consciousness or God or the after life so I pay strict attention to this and try and formulate what I can see with those other invisible expressions which is 'Survival in Behaviour' orientation or by example. The dinosouls and biosouls are waiting for you to arrive. It could be much different then we have postulated so far. I like to include historical souls and spirits and all biological life because God would want this. The other way seems so human or man made self absorption or postulations arrogant in fact. I like to highlight this obviously.😂 Better luck next time.🤥
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 3 ай бұрын
@@anywallsocket So no soul, spirit, consciousness, God, after life as all are invisible in character or are abstract in composition and I have replaced it with the true nature or character which these represent which is 'Survival' as one cannot exist without a soul, spirit, consciousness , God or an after life once you perish that is. Now what you will find is a problem when this occurs meaning traditional problem or historical problem or postulation issue and a now issue or problem because we have now determined that 'Survival' or the correct expression for why one exist or is conscious so to speak. Political issues and traditional issues with this new postulate or correct definition expression. That means we have mis information, or lack of knowledge and understanding, and competition to continue this lack of understanding because it highlights faults in posture language, law and truth. Some like to remain ignorant and others do not they have a vested or self interest to continue the delusion for many reasons. Do not be fooled my friend. We don't choose survival it chooses us. When you move when you behave own the survival method or postulation from within then express it via control or behaviour. Ask your mind or brain or tell it what you are yourself re enforce it then act accordingly. This should give you much strength from within which is to make you cherish survival now and leave the souls and spirits or consciousness or God or after life to the invisible realm or abstract and concentrate on more important things this worldly. You can never explain or have an answer for why you exist or why you cannot delve further from survival in language all you can do is postulate survival in other abstractions or arenas such as the after life ,soul, spirit, consciousness and last but not least God. I hope you get enlightened.
@evaadam3635 3 ай бұрын
"Does Consciousness Have Purpose?" Consciousness is the essence of God the Holy Spirit who has no beginning and no end... other words, no one or nothing created Consciousness for a purpose but, rather, it was Consciousness that created a purpose when God split Himself into free souls just to have a free family to love and to be loved freely... ... when many lost souls ended in a cold dark emptiness (hell) for losing faith in God's love, a lot asked God for a chance to return Home... ...and this is why we are all here using human physical vessels for a chance to return to Heaven by regaining our faith in a loving God without knowing Him... ...these physical human vessels have shielded us from our spiritual pasts so for us to be able to FREELY BELIEVE for our salvation.... if we blow away this chance, we will all return to hell... ...the boredom, depression, guilt that Atheists are suffering due to meaningless Godless life, claiming they are just products of random evolution, emergence or accident without purpose, are all hints of the existence of hell where their souls will return to...
@MJ1 3 ай бұрын
Looks like someone failed epistemology
@anywallsocket 3 ай бұрын
Personally I think god is a woman, Mother Nature, and the one thing I can’t for the life of me get out of my brain 😂
@Ekam-Sat 3 ай бұрын
You are too smart for this channel. You are right though. Wish you could say more about God's purpose being Love.
@Ekam-Sat 3 ай бұрын
@@anywallsocket Who knows... maybe God is Man and Woman.
@Ekam-Sat 3 ай бұрын
@@MJ1 Matthew 13:16-17 (NIV): "But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it."
@Arunava_Gupta 3 ай бұрын
I really enjoyed this conversation 👍. I also found it to be very useful. Thanks for uploading.
@kallianpublico7517 3 ай бұрын
Great, great discussion!
@sxsmith44 3 ай бұрын
Yes! Consciousness has a purpose. if it didn’t, it wouldn’t “be”!
@peterjeffery8495 3 ай бұрын
If adaptation of living things isn't evidence of a universal consciousness then what is it? Also, who or what is writing "the code" for evolutionary adaptation?
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 3 ай бұрын
Survival not spirit not soul and nor consciousness. 'Behaviour'
@anywallsocket 3 ай бұрын
What is your distinction of consciousness of human, ape, dog, cat, rat, bug, slug, and sea sponge? Or are you calling everything conscious? If so, it loses its meaning no? Like calling everything energy, okay, now how does that change our models?
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 3 ай бұрын
Spirit, soul, consciousness, god are all the same category or un observable, rely on survival because it is both unobservable but its something you can define or distinguish. Otherwise your left with random postulations or speaking of nothing in particular. As you can see with each discussion.LOL Dinosouls. Do not be fooled with the manipulation my friend overcome it and if you cant think for yourself at least find someone who can.😊
@Ekam-Sat 3 ай бұрын
@@MasterofOne-zl6ur ?
@Ekam-Sat 3 ай бұрын
Well. I guess the purpose of God is Love but one has to transcend the ego of sorts. But to answer your question. The adaptation of living things and the intricate processes of evolution (which interestingly enough means "in action for love", while appearing to suggest a guiding intelligence or 'code,' ultimately find their origin in God's providential design. God, as the Creator of all things, endowed the natural world with inherent principles and laws that govern its development and diversity. The apparent order and purpose seen in evolutionary adaptation reflect God's wisdom and creative power, guiding living organisms to thrive and adapt within their environments according to His divine plan. Thus, adaptation in nature is not evidence of a universal consciousness but rather points to God's ongoing providence and governance over His creation."
@Arunava_Gupta 3 ай бұрын
In the ancient philosophico-scientific model, the soul was viewed as stationed within the heart, representing God as the primary cause of the world. Just as the heart actuates the blood in the microcosm, so also in the external universe the supremely conscious mind (God), actuates primal matter.
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 3 ай бұрын
There is no soul or spirit or consciousness or God or after life that what you describe by those words is actually a reference to survival itself especially soul, spirit and consciousness. They all have one thing in common which survival does not, they are all empty descriptions or definitions of something which has no material acquisition or it cannot be visually demonstrated or measured which survival of biological life has or can be visualized or measured and we can define it where as soul, spirit, consciousness, God, the after life cannot as we have no direct correlation so the postulation is empty in tis respect or you cannot see soul, spirit, consciousness, God and the after life but you can see survival of organic material and it is both an articulation of abstraction and it is physical and we can define it and see it in action the others you cannot not. Everybody structure contributes to survival or is a representation in form of survival. I can also define survival and categorize it and attach it to biological life because we follow or partake in it here in real time on earth we are all survivalists in this regard. Soul, spirit ,consciousness, God, the after life are postulations or inaccurate definitions or descriptions of survival itself as you cannot survive without a soul, spirit, consciousness and God or the after life postulates either eternal being which is survival or immortal and the after life postulates survival after death but again has no real meat to the postulation where as survival has the meat and the abstract and it can be correlated or classed and shown to exist or be a true postulation or indeed a fact and reality. Survival has vigor and attitude souls and spirit are empty or shallow friend and I think you know it to.[God actuates prime matter] How do you know that did someone tell you or did you just make that up because it sounds that way? So in summary soul, spirit, consciousness, God the after life are circular in connotation and are merely postulations about survival or poor definitions or descriptions about what controls or is within the human or biological life's material qualia, survival however does not have this issue it is abstract and the physical side of survival can be defined, described and seen with behaviour of structure or material objects like dinosouls or biosouls all biological life. The soul, spirit, consciousness, God and the after life are postulations of survival or attempts to describe survival and to support the notion of an after life and God with soul or spirit not survival itself which is actually the only component needed to describe what soul and spirit cannot. Soul, spirit, consciousness, God the after life are invisible, empty, false, abstract or don't exist we cannot measure it and we cannot correlate it and we can not most importantly define soul, spirit or consciousness but survival has no problem or issue in this postulation. Those ideals or descriptions or definitions or words have no meat or weight behind them and are from like 500 years ago whn they new very little about Evolution and biological life and can be dismissed rather quite eloquently and easily with pure survival and behavior reflection and expression. Otherwise the postulation of soul or spirit must be applied to all historical bio life that has existed in historical context which dates to millions of years before humans existed or evolved then you have to postulate introduction time to soul and spirit to biological life historically and then postulate 'Availability' for the after life using behaviour of those historical bio life forms in reference to heaven or the after life. Again survival does not have this issue which soul, spirit, consciousness, God and the after life have. Humans would actually be later additions to the after life or heaven in this regard as we evolved later in time. Now is it more likely that survival is the correct criteria to describe the biological essence or qualia of what we are or what pushes us along which is both observable and abstract or is it more likely that soul, spirit, consciousness, God and the after life are postulations of survival. Who wins in a battle, soul, spirit or consciousness and why do we have different terminology for the identical thing we wish to describe? All are false or all are true. If you cannot survive without one of them is the answer. Soul, spirit, consciousness, God and the after life, you need them to survive but survival doesn't need you to exist.😇 You have been brainwashed sorry to tell you by the ignorant and deceivers. What I have said here is reality your one sounds like its untrue, false or just genuine made up stories or make believe. No offence. Consciousness, spirit, soul, God the after life are linguistic traps and intentional, do not be fooled. I can see straight through them like a lazer.
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 3 ай бұрын
You have either not done your research and are ignorant intentionally or you have been brainwashed by others with all due respect. After you read this you will find yourself to be enlightened by truth. And your welcome.🤥 My dinosoul method is not required in this instance. 🙂You don't want the dinosouls.
@CsillaMolnar-vj5ce 3 ай бұрын
Intellect is a knife on the mind. It divides with the purpose is to achive wholeness. Existence is one. Only the view in a perception parts.
@dondattaford5593 3 ай бұрын
Imagine you experiencing all the realities that were experiencing and imagined when you die no telling what you will be that's the beauty of it you just don't know
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 3 ай бұрын
Correct you just don't know because you are confused and have been confused because of centauries of brain washing and language postulations. It will be what it will be regardless of someone's opinion or false postulation about how things operate or are. Do not be fooled.
@nuqwestr 3 ай бұрын
In linguistic terms, "heart" then is a hypernym (a more general term) compared to "mind," which is a hyponym (a more specific term within a category).
@anywallsocket 3 ай бұрын
That’s a good point, be it semantic: the heart can be considered the essence of the object, and the mind perhaps its surface.
@kallianpublico7517 3 ай бұрын
Consciousness itself has no purpose. From the statement: "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh", one can infer that thought and, therefore, rational will is "guided" (processed)by the heart, if not controlled or lying within it. Have you ever had the experience of saying something, that, after the fact, "you" regretted saying? "You" just blurted it out without thinking? Similarly have "you" ever had an emotion "you" couldn't repress? Not just anger, but an involuntary emotional reaction that seems to control "you" more than "you" can bring under control? It is said that women are more adept at "matters of the heart". Do women correlate information differently than men? Is there information "of the heart"? Of what does it consist? Certainly not that pseudo-scientific jargon called emotional intelligence? What fundamental, insecurities roil the heart?
@woofie8647 3 ай бұрын
Could you explain your point a little more clearly? Thanks.
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 3 ай бұрын
There is no soul nor spirit nor consciousness these descriptions are outdated for this day in age what you refer to is the ability to survive in environment by 'Behaviour' There is a reason why you cannot see soul, spirit or consciousness because what you refer to is actual real life survival of a material object. You cannot see survival it must be a participation process which structure adheres to. Each extension or new creation of a biological life represents survival in a new context from hearts to lungs to eyes to ears to teeth to bones to blood to tendons to veins to brains. All represent not soul nor spirit but survival. You could class the structure disposition as survival oriented in character or all compositions are survival in form or representations.
@kallianpublico7517 3 ай бұрын
@@woofie8647 Ask a question. Your inquiry is vague and nebulous
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 3 ай бұрын
If consciousness were a thing and not just 'Behaviour' thing you could describe it as soul or spirit and it will have the same definition attached to it or representation. However if it was a thing then it would be classed as survival of object or in structure. Without the structure survival can not exist.
@woofie8647 3 ай бұрын
@@kallianpublico7517I’m just not sure of the point you are making. I have no questions to ask.
@dean3084 3 ай бұрын
What about people who have had heart transplants
@sujok-acupuncture9246 3 ай бұрын
Great research. His research correlates with the classical texts of acupuncture medical science.
@arthurwieczorek4894 3 ай бұрын
Does consciousness have a purpose? Consciousness is the nexus of the receptor organs and the effector organs, as well as memory. I'd say its purpose is the preservation of the life of the bio-being it has developed in.
@aiya5777 3 ай бұрын
you're just using a teleological explanation in philosophy
@arthurwieczorek4894 3 ай бұрын
@@aiya5777 I am if evolution is teleological, which I regard as not being the case.
@aiya5777 3 ай бұрын
@@arthurwieczorek4894 first prove, that "if" of yours
@arthurwieczorek4894 3 ай бұрын
@@aiya5777 In my view, consciousness, which resides in the brain, is the result of a non-teleological evolutionary process. Part of its function is to coordinate receptor and effector organs.
@MarkPatmos 3 ай бұрын
@@arthurwieczorek4894But the need to survive and compete is a form of teleology, which is the reason for a need to coordinate effector and receptor organs
@wthomas5697 3 ай бұрын
Of course consciousness has a purpose. It's an invaluable feedback loop. It's fundamental to survival. It's got nothing to do with the bible.
@AnnonymousPrime-ks4uf 3 ай бұрын
Does consciousness came from yourself?
@wthomas5697 3 ай бұрын
@@AnnonymousPrime-ks4uf It's brain and nervous system activity. So yes, it comes from your own body/mind.
@wthomas5697 3 ай бұрын
@Green-Dragon206 The part of the brain where the conscious input is processed.
@wthomas5697 3 ай бұрын
@Green-Dragon206 Google it. Educate yourself as to what parts of the brain do what.
@AnnonymousPrime-ks4uf 3 ай бұрын
@@wthomas5697 False. Consciousness can't be created from physicalism. The brain is only a recipient of consciousness not it's source. Consciousness is a property of the non terminal domain. We are in the terminal domain. Consciousness is not available for us to control as want. Federico Faggin tried that and found that it's not possible. Which this confirms CTMU and Chris Langan who affirmed that consciousness is not in this domain. Physicalism and matter can't create consciousness. That's an absurdity. A bunch of neurons or even circuits don't just became conscious.
@MarkPatmos 3 ай бұрын
Consciousness involves purpose, but also involves agency and awareness. The material universe has no need for our existence, agency, awareness and consciousness and is merely following a series of cause and effect without consciousness, agency and awareness that has no need even for its own existence. Without God our consciousness is a freak random occurrence that probably should never have managed to occur.
@realitycheck1231 3 ай бұрын
Because of God or spirit or love (call it whatever you want) our consciousness is a freak random occurrence that probably should never have occurred. But I guess it was inevitable.
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 3 ай бұрын
Thats correct what you describe as consciousness is the ability to survive in environment there is no need for soul, spirit, Conciousness, God or the after life postulations because these descriptions or definitions in there Acquistion or application have one thing in common, they are all abstract or have no visual contextualization attached to them or are see through or cannot be seen. Soul, spirit, consciousness, God, The after life all are postulations of survival but the difference is with survival which is also abstract and physical is that we actually partake in the process itself through Evolution and we can see it in others and other biological life historically, present and future. The problem with the other language or descriptions or definitions we have attached to life has no reference which survival does and so it is circular where as survival is not. Spirit, soul. consciousness, God the after life cannot be measured or observed but survival can and this is what individuals refer to when they speak of ,spirit, soul, consciousness, God and the after life all are postulations of survival as you survive after death with soul or spirit which is survival and God is actually the postulation of survival which man has given as it is eternal in nature or has existed or survived in retrospect or historical terminology. The problem was ancient man did not know of Evolution of species by survival and natural selection so attached Soul or spirit to coincide with God and the after life however it is not required to describe survival itself of biological life. Even the story of Christ at Its core is a survival story but it has posed many issues or problems when measured against real life survival now. You cannot see soul, you cannot see spirit, you cannot see consciousness, you cannot see God, you cannot see the after life but you can see survival as this is what you are by definition standards as is all biological life form that have existed dating to millions of years in history. Real this world survival is what we and they refer to as soul, spirit, consciousness, God, the after life represents survival of these fake postulates or descriptions. That is the confusion. I can see survival though and it is also abstract in its disposition or frequency.
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 3 ай бұрын
That is why when you lose soul, spirit, consciousness you don't survive this world or you may not partake in the survival process itself this world. Humans want to extend survival into the unknown realm of death but it is unknowable. Do not be fooled. It is a description or categorical error which has been used in language for hundreds of years so it is grained but none the less still false or inaccurate. Very simple and effective method, also 100 percent accurate. I could use my dinosoul method to extract comprehension but it is not required.
@minhucle9593 3 ай бұрын
Phải cố gắng hơn nữa, vẫn còn non
@jamesruscheinski8602 3 ай бұрын
divine will of Christ in New Testament takes over from human will in Old Testament
@johnhoward6201 3 ай бұрын
I think the function of consciousness is to solve general NP hard problems, general here means novel, nor seen before. While this sounds exotic but in fact the real world is full of such problems. But more importantly the mind presents the consciousness with such problems as part of living and procreation. As a result there can be no algorithmic version of consciousness, it is non-computable, as per Prof. Penrose.
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 3 ай бұрын
Its the state of being in time or survival of a complex biological structure. Not soul not spirit but survival. Consciousness is an outdated extrapolation of definition and is similar to soul or spirit postulation but it still lacks complete clarity.
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 3 ай бұрын
Its function if its defined or classed as so would be to allow survival of an object. If you takeaway the ability to be conscious you can not meet the survival criteria and will therefore not exist as a result.
@Maxwell-mv9rx 3 ай бұрын
Neuroscience keep out how figure out consciousness so far. Are guys shows how figure out consciousness and propose? Absolutetly NOT. Consciousness it is Impossible figure It out so far . No sense and ridiculous.
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 3 ай бұрын
Its already done.
@este4955 3 ай бұрын
Talking with atheist about God is like talking with virgin about copulation. It's just a waste of time.
@S3RAVA3LM 3 ай бұрын
Heart - the quintessence of a being. Intimation of soul; ones center. Egyptian weighing of the heart(soul) to a feather; indicative of light - how pure is ones soul. The inner; Grounds of thy soul. Nutriment doesn't really come from something outside, but within, the substratum; referring not to bodies sustenance but inspirations, divine impulse, inner realizations, beautiful musics, such essence and power - some beings have a greater capacity. Some beings and souls are more near to the divine. Being true to heart is true in spirit. Maybe we can't measure it. It is most explicative in peoples actions. There is something higher. People don't know - there head only have up to channel 50. Some people are connected to channel 3000, and what they know, the regular materialists can never understand, long as they remain without, stated in various texts.
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 3 ай бұрын
There are no souls and no spirits what you speak of is the 'behaviour' Required for adaptation to environment for survival of self. All extensions or bodily creations including bones, muscle, tendons, veins ,eyes, ears, lungs, teeth, hair, toes, hands, feet, kidneys, and all other body parts are structure created to support the evolution of that particular stage of development of a bio logical life form The brain is no different it is to support the 'Behaviour' of that biosouls. Its called the disposition of survival which is non material but it can be seen in 'behaviour' you do not get this with simple soul or spirit it has no representation to show for it which survival does. It is old language or definition or descriptions used to support the unknown quantity or importance of this world survival with postulations needed of soul or spirit to support the after life fallacy or postulation. The spirit or soul is nothing more than survival interacting with the environment you can not see survival in this regard like you cannot see a spirit or soul this is where the confusion arises because they did not know of 'Evolution' by natural selection and survival of species. They did not know of the disposition of survival itself by 'Behaviour'
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 3 ай бұрын
All those body parts like blood, muscles, eyes, bones have been around for millions of years the only real change has been in the brain of biological life especially humans however it has not changed as much as one would like to think, language is the only real difference and structure formation. This is for short term and long term survival of species or self. Eventually we will have to leave the planet to seek survival we could actually have to live in space to survive. Eventually an asteroid will hit so if we are not prepared to survive we better start using our brains to make it happen and being aware of this fact will probably be of some need.
@markb3786 3 ай бұрын
Closer to Truth has lost its way. Robert, I think Santa Claus should be your next interviewee.
@anywallsocket 3 ай бұрын
You should be more willing to hear opinions you initially disagree with, if only to be more impartial. Personally I don’t disagree, but I simultaneously realize the utility of diversity in ideas, before one attempts a general opinion
@ingenuity296 3 ай бұрын
Closest to truth! 😂😂😂😂
@schleichface 3 ай бұрын
Based on RLK's physical appearance here, this actually appears to be from one of the earlier seasons.
@thomasridley8675 3 ай бұрын
That's the problem with religion. It's all just their opinion. With nothing factual to back them up.
@thomasridley8675 3 ай бұрын
​@@ingenuity296 All these episodes and still no closer to the truth.
@aaronrobertcattell8859 3 ай бұрын
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 3 ай бұрын
Correct no soul no spirit but a need to survive in ones environment. Thats what is referred to as soul or spirit however it is not the correct definition or language or a true representation of what a bio logical life form is. You can actually do away with conscious awareness itself in this regard. Otherwise you have to offer soul or spirit to all biological life forms historically, present and future and then explain 'Behaviour' of all historical life forms and the availability for the after life based on the ' Behaviour' to survive in environment. You cannot see souls or spirits just like you cannot see God but you can know of survival. This is the most important fact. Do not be fooled by years of brain washing friend. There is a reason why you cannot see souls or spirits and survival itself is of the same representation which means you cannot see it as a material composition you must actually be able to participate in the actual process itself, or the human body in its composition, attributes bodily creations or extensions are in fact survival purpose in character. This is why there is confusion with soul or spirit the after life and survival itself what the human is or all biological life is a representation of survival in material from the disposition itself. The after life is eternal or is continuous so they say, and other biological life existed before humans even existed or evolved here on earth so if they had souls or spirits they would be in fact earlier editions to the after life if souls and spirits were true postulates otherwise you have a time scale issue and when soul or spirit first came into fruition in biological life. This is why it is not soul or spirit which we class or refer to as consciousness but its survival itself expressing itself as a biological structure both historically, present and future. It dates back to millions of years before humans existed to early water life then onto land then into the trees. In summary it is not soul or spirit or even consciousness which we refer to but its actually biological survival of material substance or object which has an innate character to survive or 'Behaviour' oriented .You cannot survive without being aware or being in time. The reason you cannot see survival like consciousness or soul or spirit is because it is a character or disposition attached to a material object but the soul postulate and spirit postulate is false or incorrect the true character of definition or language association is survival of biological structure or attitude based on behaviour. You need to extrapolate your postulation of survival. You can see survival though in the 'Behaviour' of biological life forms. Humans have alot to learn in this respect.😉
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 3 ай бұрын
Long held traditions or postulations in reference to Souls or Spirits needed for the after life postulation but lacks overall complexity in its diagnosis.
@NothingMaster 3 ай бұрын
That was a saucy answer trying to get to the heart of a corny concoction.
@ingenuity296 3 ай бұрын
The bible is the worst place to look for facts and scientific truths. 😂😂😂😂😂
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 3 ай бұрын
Correct. It does have some knowledge though of mans woes and postulations on reality at that time so we should have a bit of allowance for its story telling or make believe nature as critical thinking or knowledge of historical truths or how things work or operate was limited through no fault of there own. The story of 'Christ' is at its core ia a survival story and gave ancient man some hope to survive in death in relatively war torn times .However they did not know of 'Evolution of Species' or historical BioLife forms that existed in the past and so there is some issue with when soul or spirits first existed and to which bio life had soul or spirit which survived in the after life. If the after life is eternal or always existed then we can postulate since human evolution comes after that all bio logical life have souls or else we have a time scale problem. The dinosouls and biosouls will be waiting for you to arrive your soul of survival so don't be surprised to meet them later on.🤣
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 3 ай бұрын
You cannot see soul you cannot see spirit you cannot see consciousness you cannot see God but you can see survival in living biological life that is the difference. Don't be fooled with spirit, soul, consciousness always rely on survival and yourself by the 'behaviour' you use. Rely on you intuition. what are you?🤥
@Uprightness_Seeker_55 3 ай бұрын
Allah says in the Holy Quran in sura Al-Hajj verse - 46: "Have they not travelled through the land, and have they hearts wherewith to UNDERSTAND and ears wherewith to hear? Verily, it is not the eyes that grow blind, but it is the hearts which are in the breasts that grow blind."
@Uprightness_Seeker_55 3 ай бұрын
All this and more is in the Holy Quran.. believe it or Not.. Read the Quran...
@h.m.7218 3 ай бұрын
"Believe it or not" : not. "Read the Quran" : no.
@sciencefirst7880 3 ай бұрын
A biblical claim is no claim at all.
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 3 ай бұрын
No soul no spirit no consciousness no God no after life all are abstract or see through without substance. However survival is both abstract and also real because you can see the 'Behaviour' of biosouls or dinosouls and you can partake in survival itself. The others not so much and rely on the after life to much. Survival is real in this respect.
@h.m.7218 3 ай бұрын
"A biblical claim is no claim at all" : so that's your personal belief ? Your personal religion ? I respect that although mine is different.
@aiya5777 3 ай бұрын
​@@h.m.7218 dude, it's not even that worthy to be classified as a serious claim you believe in a talking snake 🐍 you know? you're simply watching Disney cartoons too much. seriously and I bet you're laughing at muslims and Hindus who believe in a flying donkey 🫏 and sun wukong 🙈
@este4955 3 ай бұрын
​@@aiya5777 Believe in talking snake? lol you don't even know what the Bible is 😂 you belive encoded information encodes itself without a coder, you know? you're simply watching Nickelodeon cartoons too much. seriously and I bet you're laughing at atheists and antitheists who believe that universe came from nothing 🤣
@Skiddoo42 Ай бұрын
@@h.m.7218 Says the man who criticizes others for having an "8th century mentality."
@kitstamat9356 3 ай бұрын
It's interesting that in Chinese philosophy they also use the word "heart" (xin) to denote the subject of thinking, feeling and volition as the core of our being.
@arthurwieczorek4894 3 ай бұрын
So heart can be literal and heart can be figurative. Figurative based off the central location of the heart in the body. Lee's Elucidation: A finite number of words must be made to represent an infinite number of things and possibilities. Language Habits in Human Affairs, Irving J. Lee, 1941.
@kitstamat9356 3 ай бұрын
@Green-Dragon206 Who would care if not consciousness? Heart is the essence of consciousness and the universe is a green dragon.
@ready1fire1aim1 3 ай бұрын
Reconsidering the fundamentality of 0D objects over extended dimensions could have profound implications across physics, necessitating updates to many famous foundational equations. It may also catalyze advances in other fields like chemistry and computer science. Here are some potential examples: Physics Equations: 1) Einstein Field Equations (General Relativity) Rμν - (1/2)gμνR = (8πG/c4)Tμν If spacetime geometry is an emergent phenomenon from a more fundamental 0D "spacetime atom" substratum, the entire geometric tensor framework may need to be modified or derived from more basic 0D variables. 2) Schrodinger Equation (Quantum Mechanics) ihΔΨ/Δt = HΨ Quantum waves living on a 3D space geometry. A 0D-primacy reformulation could replace wavefunctions with discrete information processes on a 0D operator network or algebra. 3) Maxwell's Equations (Electromagnetism) ∇ × B - (1/c^2)dE/dt = j/ε0 Electromagnetism coupled to 4D spacetime. Novel 0D approaches could reveal EM as emergent quasi-particle from 0D information/geometry 4) Standard Model Equations Complex Lagrangians/group representations describing quantum fields and particles. These could get replaced by dynamical network models on discrete 0D geometries. Chemistry: 1) Molecular Orbital Theory Equations Hartree-Fock, DFT equations for electrons in molecular potential fields could be reframed as collective emergent properties of a more primary ensemble of 0D "quarks." 2) Quantum Chemistry/Molecular Dynamics Ab initio approaches currently rely on solving 3D numerical integration meshes and PDEs. 0D models could simplify to discrete information graphs/networks. Computer Science: 1) Complexity Theory and Algorithms The primacy of discrete 0D "information atoms" could reveal new insights into the mathematical limits of computations on such 0D networks. 2) Digital Physics/Universe Models Efforts to simulate the universe as a vast cellular automaton or discrete network could gain traction and become the primary paradigm. 3) Quantum Computing The circuit model of qubits may map more naturally onto fundamental 0D "space-time gases/liquids" rather than 3D wavefunctions. 4) Computational Geometry/Graphics 3D rendering being an approximation of more basic 0D "holographic painting" algorithms projecting dimensions from fundamental points. While highly speculative, reconceptualizing extended dimensions as emergent from a primary 0D substratum could necessitate revising virtually every major physical theory and framework we use across many fields. But the potential payoffs in terms of simplicity, unification, and removing infinities/paradoxes make it an intriguing possibility worth deeply exploring. It could catalyze powerful new geometric, algebraic and computational perspectives.
@endofdaysprophet 3 ай бұрын
Consciousness has the purpose of living in harmony the CREATOR!!! It is IMPOSSIBLE to be "conscious" without spiritually. YAHWEH has created humans this way!!!
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 3 ай бұрын
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 3 ай бұрын
No soul no spirit no consciousness no god no after life. All abstract in nature and no correlation or definition applicable. What you need is 'Survival' it is real and yet still abstract in disposition. Can you give us anything substantial or are these all abstract?
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 3 ай бұрын
Too many wars have been fought to prove an unprovable fact which is abstract. Survival is more important when shared around.
@endofdaysprophet 3 ай бұрын
@@MasterofOne-zl6ur that's what monkeys think
@endofdaysprophet 3 ай бұрын
@@MasterofOne-zl6ur you and the people who live 80 years have it figured out
@MJ1 3 ай бұрын
Robert so wants to believe the universe was created solely for him and humanity. It’s a wonder he ever graduated from medical school.
@Uprightness_Seeker_55 3 ай бұрын
If you do not consider reading the transaction of the Holy Quran you will never be Closer to the Truth..
@h.m.7218 3 ай бұрын
Said the man with an 8th century's mentality.
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