Daniel 12:1 to 13 The Time of the End Proving Pre-Trib Rapture Date of Rapture?

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Robert Breaker

Robert Breaker

Күн бұрын

Verse by Verse Bible Study on www.thecloudchurch.org through the book of Daniel, covering chapter twelve and verses 1 to 13, by Robert Breaker.
In this video he talks shows how this chapter shows that the book of Daniel CLEARLY speaks of future events. It's a book that's sealed until the time of the end, so when the rapture comes, ALL will be revealed to the very day!!!

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@petdemrabbits5103 Ай бұрын
I just lost my job of eight years last week. I'm scared to death because of the impact on my family and the nervousness of starting over. After reading other comments asking for prayers I realized my problems are miniscule in the grand scheme of things. This experience has opened my eyes to what is really important in life and makes me upset that I was lost in sin for so long. (Alcohol, pornography addiction). Thank you lord for opening my eyes. Please help me land on my feet and be able to provide for my family.
@Elizabeth-ie5fz Ай бұрын
At least you're trying. My husband decided to retire. He also struggled with pornography and just " checking out". In the marriage, but not here. If I didn't have 33 years with him and during the marriage became a Christian, I wouldn't have stayed. Did you apologize to your wife. He never did. He said, Jesus forgives. Yes, I deserve a personal apology. 💔🙏🏻
@Elizabeth-ie5fz Ай бұрын
I should pray to land on my feet as well. Well done.
@RuaWaterwalker Ай бұрын
Be not afraid, fir the Lord Your God is with you, trust in Him and get yourself plugged in a Bible preaching church, and trust in Him.
@thesoulthatburns Ай бұрын
We're all in God's Hands. He won't drop anyone anytime soon.
@RobertBoyette Ай бұрын
@maoristreetevangelist Ай бұрын
I'm ready to go home to be with JESUS.
@bronzewing1965 Ай бұрын
This Moko too 🤠🇳🇿❤️🇦🇺❤️🇮🇱❤️🇺🇦🤗
@WatchmanEvanLovesJesus Ай бұрын
Amen ❤️✝️🌅
@maoristreetevangelist Ай бұрын
@@bronzewing1965 Not long to go friend, keep your eyes on JESUS.....Blessings!
@maoristreetevangelist Ай бұрын
@@WatchmanEvanLovesJesus Amen!
@dennisniswonger9833 Ай бұрын
Me too
@steveguti6452 Ай бұрын
Urgent emergency please join me in prayer for neighbor Debbie she is suffering from brain tremors she desperately needs your prayers please pray for her and family God bless you all
@cherjohnson5807 Ай бұрын
@LarryG-i7s Ай бұрын
Please look at Dr. Sebi cures for all diseases. Yes he found the cures and went to court to prove it. He believed there was only 1 disease caused by mucus. He even cured blindness. Some believe he was killed because of his cures because no money can be made from cures, His videos are still on youtube. If you want to trust pharmacy meds look up the definition of PHARMAKEIA. MAY GOD BLESS YOU IN YOUR SEARCH FOR TRUTH
@tjayebranham2025 Ай бұрын
Praying 🙏
@christophercyarn Ай бұрын
@robinkleinsteuber5217 Ай бұрын
@777-v7u Ай бұрын
If any of you folk have the time, would you please pray for the salvation of my mother Maureen, my brother Garry, my son Mathew, and my grandchildren, Deakin and Jamie.
@LifeasaLEOWife Ай бұрын
Prayed! If you could pray for my daughter, Jory, as well, I would appreciate it!
@CharlesScott-wo8dr Ай бұрын
I pray for your family to be safe, healthy and accept the Lord as their savior.
@Strongholdanddeliverer Ай бұрын
I prayed for the salvation of your family by name. God bless you.
@777-v7u Ай бұрын
@@LifeasaLEOWife Thank you.
@777-v7u Ай бұрын
@@CharlesScott-wo8dr Thank you.
@Elizabeth-ie5fz Ай бұрын
Bless the lonely and 💔😭 broken hearted. So much pain. We are awaiting your return Lord. Amen 🙏🏻🙌🏻
@56username Ай бұрын
Seek Jesus While he may be found this Includes DOJ , DA , Good Police and bad cops and Auditors & Free AMERICANS ( free in PUBLIC) Pray for the Lost , and for those of this horrific event . This person was lost. Don’t Do , Have you thought about Suicide , is there Somthing missing from your life ? Is your Religion holding you Back 🤔😳 whats missing ? Something , are you confused, are your leadership leaving you high and dry with out answers , Jesus wants a relationship with You . Jesus is Not a Religion He is the Hope of Glory Mystery hid from ages and Generations Col 1:25-28 But why does he let Peoples Children Die ? I don’t believe because , My Mom Died , My Dad Died , My Sister or Brother Died , Child Died Do You Not Know God The Creator of Heaven and Earth can raise anybody from the DEAD 😳😃 You Heard me Right Jesus Will Raise All From the Dead . If you want to be with that love one again 🤔😲 SEEK JESUS WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND Jesus Loves You BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Your born in the Spirit Now Your BORN AGAIN Jesus Told Nicodemus you must be born again 🤔 what does that mean 🤔 BELIEVE ON JESUS Rapture very Soon SHARE THE GOSPEL See you On the CLOUDS He Loves Sinner You have done nothing so bad that Jesus would not forgive you For 😃🤔😳😇😃😃😃😃😃😃😇😇😃 About the Rapture 2024 Control Date August 27, 2024 11:05 PM Control Date Rapture Soon Don’t Believe Aliens took us, Government Cover-up If your still Here after Rapture Your in TRIBULATION Hell on Earth 1st 3.5 years. 2nd 3.5 years Very Very Bad , worst time in Human History , Hell On Earth 3.5 years Read In the Bible , takes 1.5 Hrs Revelation Explains everything 120 LB Hailstone the Will break roofs in and kill many People , and Animals Something that looks like a grasshopper with long hair and a tail like a scorpion Rev 9:10 To sting men Months
@ProphetessLalla-RookhSky Ай бұрын
@theodorebradshaw9352 3 күн бұрын
Heal us Lord Jesus..from sickness,pain and suffering.🙏🙏🙏❤️
@bryanharen8212 Ай бұрын
Thank you brother Breaker for all your hard work in getting us the Bible accurately. You are such a blessing for many of us. God bless you 🙏🙏🙏
@RandyRoth-mo3lz Ай бұрын
There is nothing accurate about someone who teaches the opposite of Christ. The term "rapture" was created to suggest the opposite of what Christ directly states... that He comes after the tribulation... Matt 24:29-31. So if we are going to entertain an idea that suggests the opposite of Christ...(antichrist... 1 John 2:18,19) there should actually be Scripture that states the opposite of Christ. Let's take a look at the claim of "two comings" We are told that these "comings" have names of "rapture" and "second coming"... yet this terminology is not used in Scripture, and Paul directly calls the event "the resurrection of the dead"... 1 Cor 15:42-55.. see verse 42, and what happens to the dead is what he doesn't want us ignorant about in 1 Thess 4:13-18. So Scripture gives it a name... and you don't use it... WHY? So if Paul directly calls it one thing... why is it so important for the rapturist to CHANGE the name? The term "the resurrection of the dead" maintains the focus on the dead.. whereas the new term "rapture" redirect the focus to the living. As any good magician knows, the art of deception is redirection. Jesus, Peter and Paul all warn us of the deception concerning His return... Matt 24:3,4, 29-31, 2 Thess 2:1-3, 2 Peter 3:15-17. Why do you think Peter pinpoints Paul's teaching on this matter and not his own, or Christ's or John's? So what's really happening to the dead that Paul doesn't want us ignorant about? The dead are returning WITH Christ...1 Thess 4:14, Rev 19:11. They are currently in Heaven with Christ... absent from their terrestrial realm bodies (2 Cor 5:8,1 Cor 15:40,44, 50) and present with the Lord in their celestial/'glorified bodies.... 1 Cor 15:40,44, Phil 3:19.20. When they return with Christ, they are getting their terrestrial realm bodies returned to them "RESURRECTED FROM THE DEAD. They "rise first" out of the dust of the Earth... 1 Thess 4:15.16. They need these physical earth suits for the purpose of ruling and reigning with CHRIST for 1000 years in the terrestrial realm of Earth. Without these bodies they would be ghosts or disembodied spirits unable to accomplish the task in the physical realm. Paul directly states that these bodies do not go to heaven... 1 Cor 15:50... why do you think the rapturist starts their narrative with the next verse and ignores this one? They mystery that Paul revealed was how people are CHANGED at the event he directly called "the resurrection of the dead", nine verses prior. It's important for the rapturist to ignore the fact that the resurrection of the dead occurs... remaining ignorant to the fact that the dead just came from heaven to get their terrestrial realm bodies returned to them destroys the rapturist narrative. No Scripture ever suggests that the raptured go to heaven, but Zech 14:4,5 indicates that Jesus continues to the Mount of Olives "with all of His saints". The resurrection of the dead is not some NEW event that had never before been revealed prior to Paul. Job tells us "Man dies and does not rise again until the heavens are no more... JOb 14:12. Jesus then repeats Job and tells us that the heavens will be destroyed..., AND OF THAT DAY, no man knows the day or the hour... Matt 24:35-43, Mark 13:31,32. Why does the rapturist constantly lie to us and tell us that this passage state that no man knows the day or the hour of their conjured event that is supposed to occur 7 years prior to the heavens being destroyed? Peter then repeats Jesus and tells us that Jesus comes "like a thief in the night" when the heavens are destroyed with a great noise... 2 Peter 3:10. In order for there to be "two comings" the element of surprise of "like a thief" and "No man knows the day or the hour" would have to fall on the first coming. Yet this element of surprise is given to the timing in which the heavens will be destroyed. A rapture would create a 7 year countdown to when Christ is coming "Like a thief" when the heavens are destroyed. Jesus declares that He is still coming "like a thief"... Just prior to the 7th bowl judgement... REv 16:15 John tells us that those martyred for not taking the mark are resurrected at the FIRST resurrection... Rev 20;4-6. These passages destroy the idea of multiple returns. Every argument for a rapture is birthed out of deception... God Himself puts a strong delusion over those who do not love the truth... 2 Thes 2:10-12
@echoofthevoiceinthewildern3008 Ай бұрын
Hi friend Not attacking you But when the pretrib rapture doesn't happen I won't blame you for thanking Robert's for this deception Friend Look up these dates This will help you understand where this pretrib rapture doctrone came from 1517ad Martin Luther exposed the papacy and the pope, who they really are 1540 Jesuits are created in the Catholic faith 1545 council of trent comes to the aid of the papacy to battle against Martin Luther exposure and his protest 1563 The council of trent, which is made out of Jesuits, has their answer to Martin Luther exposure They created a gap theroy for the 70th week of Daniel to be at the end of time Why did they do this ? Because people were leaving the Catholic Church in masses because they believe in Martin Luther truth of the Bible Now, why didn't these folk need Martin Luther to discover this truth about the papacy? Because the word of God was for bidden to the eyes of society only the leaders of catholicism could read the Bible The Bible was out law to society But Martin Luther was given access and the holyspirit could work thru Martin Luther to exposure the papacy and their falsehood By 1590ad a Jesuit Catholic priest who was Francisco Ribera started to push this 70th week of Daniel who the antichrist would then come upon the world at the end of time and not during the time of Martin Luther that took place 500-year ago. By 1800 another Jesuit Catholic priest who was Manuel lacunza he added this pretrib rapture doctrone to the 70th week of Daniel so that way the catholic church would be gone before the tribulation begins And the antichrist would take the pontif seat in Rome and rule with his religion By 1825, John derby Nelson, who was inspired by the Jesuit, gave this pretrib rapture and the 70th week of Daniel to the protestant faiths This pretrib rapture and 70th week of Daniel at the end of time became a failure for the papacy for more reformers came upon the scene, and more people left the Catholic church By 1980, another man who also was a protestant Hal Lindsey started to push this ideal of a pretrib rapture to the protestant faiths Friends who has control of the theaters Answer the Jesuit have control Hal Lindsey movie great great planet earth made it to the movies in the early 1980 Oh what a great ideal let's move this pretrib rapture with force now The Jesuits couldn't resist this movement I remember I went to that movie as a young boy Now the pope dreams are coming true for what was a failure to stop the protestant from looking at the papacy as the antichrist they are in an agreement with the Jesuit that there's a new antichrist on the rise Martin Luther exposure has fail the Protestants of today because in the eyes of protestantism they have no clue who the antichrist is anymore Let's get up to date 2017 0ct 31 pope Francis has noticed that these protestants churches are no longer pointing fingers at him or his religion as the antichrist anymore So pope Francis has a door opened for him to make an announcement to all protestant faiths This was his announcement The 500-year anniversary of Martin Luther is over and its time for the daughters of the mother church of Rome to return back home to Rome Since your protest has ended pope Francis is absolutely right there's no more reason to be separate from his church of catholicism There's a pretrib rapture waiting for protestantism but it's not home with Jesus before the tribulation But home to Rome If the protestant faith don't wake up to what's really going on You still have time to wake up out of your sleep
@cieramist1 Ай бұрын
Yes...He Love his teachings!! He sticks to what the Bible teaches and explains it so well, that I could sit and listen to him all day long. My second favorite is Pastor Jack Hibbs. He teaches the same messages but he's so funny, and just love listening to him as well. I do know this: IF ANYONE ever tries to tell me that there is no suck thing as Christ or the Rapture, I know they are of the Devil and are trying to mislead me.
@RandyRoth-mo3lz Ай бұрын
@@cieramist1 So if Jesus directly tells you "take heed that no man deceive you"... concerning the question of His return.... Matt 24:3,4 and then He directly tells you that He comes after the tribulation... vs 29-31....and then someone else comes along... like Jack Hibbs or Robert Breaker and tells you the opposite... that Christ comes prior to the tribulation.... you think Christ has a devil and is trying to misled you? To teach the opposite of Christ is to be anitchrist... as 1 John 2:18,19 informs... NOTE how John tells us that there are many and that they come from within the church? Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice and the voice of another they will not follow"... John 10. Which voice told you the opposite of Christ... that He comes prior to the tribulation? No Scripture even remotely offers a rapture prior to tribulation... thus the term had to be conjured out of thin air to replace what Paul directly called the event in 1 Cor 15;42... "the resurrection of the dead". The resurrection of the dead doesn't occur until the heavens are destroyed... Job 14:12, 2 Peter 3:10, Matt 24:35-43, Mark 13:31,32. Those martyred for not taking the mark are resurrected at the FIRST resurrection... Rev 20:4-6. To ignore these passages is to be willfully ignorant. The foolish virgins choose this path... Christ tells them "I know you not", and the door is SHUT to them... Matt 25
@56username Ай бұрын
Seek Jesus While he may be found this Includes DOJ , DA , Good Police and bad cops and Auditors & Free AMERICANS ( free in PUBLIC) Pray for the Lost , and for those of this horrific event . This person was lost. Don’t Do , Have you thought about Suicide , is there Somthing missing from your life ? Is your Religion holding you Back 🤔😳 whats missing ? Something , are you confused, are your leadership leaving you high and dry with out answers , Jesus wants a relationship with You . Jesus is Not a Religion He is the Hope of Glory Mystery hid from ages and Generations Col 1:25-28 But why does he let Peoples Children Die ? I don’t believe because , My Mom Died , My Dad Died , My Sister or Brother Died , Child Died Do You Not Know God The Creator of Heaven and Earth can raise anybody from the DEAD 😳😃 You Heard me Right Jesus Will Raise All From the Dead . If you want to be with that love one again 🤔😲 SEEK JESUS WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND Jesus Loves You BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Your born in the Spirit Now Your BORN AGAIN Jesus Told Nicodemus you must be born again 🤔 what does that mean 🤔 BELIEVE ON JESUS Rapture very Soon SHARE THE GOSPEL See you On the CLOUDS He Loves Sinner You have done nothing so bad that Jesus would not forgive you For 😃🤔😳😇😃😃😃😃😃😃😇😇😃 About the Rapture 2024 Control Date August 27, 2024 11:05 PM Control Date Rapture Soon Don’t Believe Aliens took us, Government Cover-up If your still Here after Rapture Your in TRIBULATION Hell on Earth 1st 3.5 years. 2nd 3.5 years Very Very Bad , worst time in Human History , Hell On Earth 3.5 years Read In the Bible , takes 1.5 Hrs Revelation Explains everything 120 LB Hailstone the Will break roofs in and kill many People , and Animals Something that looks like a grasshopper with long hair and a tail like a scorpion Rev 9:10 To sting men Months
@esmawoods6272 Ай бұрын
May I please ask you all to pray for the salvation of my five children, Armand, Valerie, Jeanette, Vivienne and Catherine , and my two grandsons, Wesley and baby Isa . God bless us all 🙏✝️🩸📖❤️‍🔥🕊️🛐
@amarachinkemjika-d5v 27 күн бұрын
@LwmsMo 24 күн бұрын
In Jesus' Name, Amen. Please Lord remember the unsaved of my family, too, in Jesus' Holy Name, Amen.
@marcellebotha1676 Ай бұрын
Pastor Breaker we thank God for people like you who He is using to teach us how to walk with Him in this end times and its such an inspiration to know that God will fetch us soon. Thank you for the encouragement of the word and making us to understand the prophecies. We will see each other in heaven soon. Remain blessed 🙌
@vinnyparrillo Ай бұрын
Thank you Brother Breaker your videos are amazing and I appreciate your work and I appreciate the way you are able to present everything in a way I understand
@56username Ай бұрын
Seek Jesus While he may be found this Includes DOJ , DA , Good Police and bad cops and Auditors & Free AMERICANS ( free in PUBLIC) Pray for the Lost , and for those of this horrific event . This person was lost. Don’t Do , Have you thought about Suicide , is there Somthing missing from your life ? Is your Religion holding you Back 🤔😳 whats missing ? Something , are you confused, are your leadership leaving you high and dry with out answers , Jesus wants a relationship with You . Jesus is Not a Religion He is the Hope of Glory Mystery hid from ages and Generations Col 1:25-28 But why does he let Peoples Children Die ? I don’t believe because , My Mom Died , My Dad Died , My Sister or Brother Died , Child Died Do You Not Know God The Creator of Heaven and Earth can raise anybody from the DEAD 😳😃 You Heard me Right Jesus Will Raise All From the Dead . If you want to be with that love one again 🤔😲 SEEK JESUS WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND Jesus Loves You BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Your born in the Spirit Now Your BORN AGAIN Jesus Told Nicodemus you must be born again 🤔 what does that mean 🤔 BELIEVE ON JESUS Rapture very Soon SHARE THE GOSPEL See you On the CLOUDS He Loves Sinner You have done nothing so bad that Jesus would not forgive you For 😃🤔😳😇😃😃😃😃😃😃😇😇😃 About the Rapture 2024 Control Date August 27, 2024 11:05 PM Control Date Rapture Soon Don’t Believe Aliens took us, Government Cover-up If your still Here after Rapture Your in TRIBULATION Hell on Earth 1st 3.5 years. 2nd 3.5 years Very Very Bad , worst time in Human History , Hell On Earth 3.5 years Read In the Bible , takes 1.5 Hrs Revelation Explains everything 120 LB Hailstone the Will break roofs in and kill many People , and Animals Something that looks like a grasshopper with long hair and a tail like a scorpion Rev 9:10 To sting men Months
@steveguti6452 Ай бұрын
Urgent emergency please join me in prayer for all those affected families children animals massive suffering hurting all around the world having all medical problems having difficult situations paying rent bills evictions homeless hungry alcoholism drugs prayer for the lost to get saved facing all difficult situations fighting to survive keep the faith God will show you the way in the end we will be victorious with the Lord praise God praying for everyone Everyday God Bless you all
@royluster3200 Ай бұрын
Amen, Praise the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth! Hallelujah to the Highest Heavens Father Yahweh! All Thanks to the Highest Holy Spirit!
@bubbasouth69 Ай бұрын
@shekina9473 Ай бұрын
Rofl 😊
@gerardmoloney9979 Ай бұрын
Was it not Jesus who put an end to sacrifices? Wasn't his ministry 3 and a half years? Doesn't that mean there is only 3 and a half years left for tribulation? ! Is there dual meanings to the prophecies? Jesus said it is finished meaning no more sacrifices required! Why should the 70 week prophesied stop before Jesus said it is finished. Can I be right thinking that the tribulation period is 3 and a half and not 7 years?
@truepeace3 Ай бұрын
@@shekina9473 ???
@krystallynn3198 Ай бұрын
Thank you, Pastor Robert, for sharing this teaching. I was raised believing in the pre-tribulation rapture, but also to always walk right with the Lord because we never know when the Lord can call us home. I learned something new today from your teachings. God bless you! I look forward to more of your videos.
@iceman_fox1 Ай бұрын
my own pastor in my church whom I love started preaching about a post-trib rapture recently and it got me all confused. The posting of your sermon today is good timing. thank you
@ChrisPerkins-i7h Ай бұрын
Matthew 24 is a post trib rapture for the jews but its done by angel's
@ChrisPerkins-i7h Ай бұрын
The 7 year's of tribulation are a time of trouble for the jews
@56username Ай бұрын
Seek Jesus While he may be found this Includes DOJ , DA , Good Police and bad cops and Auditors & Free AMERICANS ( free in PUBLIC) Pray for the Lost , and for those of this horrific event . This person was lost. Don’t Do , Have you thought about Suicide , is there Somthing missing from your life ? Is your Religion holding you Back 🤔😳 whats missing ? Something , are you confused, are your leadership leaving you high and dry with out answers , Jesus wants a relationship with You . Jesus is Not a Religion He is the Hope of Glory Mystery hid from ages and Generations Col 1:25-28 But why does he let Peoples Children Die ? I don’t believe because , My Mom Died , My Dad Died , My Sister or Brother Died , Child Died Do You Not Know God The Creator of Heaven and Earth can raise anybody from the DEAD 😳😃 You Heard me Right Jesus Will Raise All From the Dead . If you want to be with that love one again 🤔😲 SEEK JESUS WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND Jesus Loves You BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Your born in the Spirit Now Your BORN AGAIN Jesus Told Nicodemus you must be born again 🤔 what does that mean 🤔 BELIEVE ON JESUS Rapture very Soon SHARE THE GOSPEL See you On the CLOUDS He Loves Sinner You have done nothing so bad that Jesus would not forgive you For 😃🤔😳😇😃😃😃😃😃😃😇😇😃 About the Rapture 2024 Control Date August 27, 2024 11:05 PM Control Date Rapture Soon Don’t Believe Aliens took us, Government Cover-up If your still Here after Rapture Your in TRIBULATION Hell on Earth 1st 3.5 years. 2nd 3.5 years Very Very Bad , worst time in Human History , Hell On Earth 3.5 years Read In the Bible , takes 1.5 Hrs Revelation Explains everything 120 LB Hailstone the Will break roofs in and kill many People , and Animals Something that looks like a grasshopper with long hair and a tail like a scorpion Rev 9:10 To sting men Months
@taekim7002 Ай бұрын
Run from people who support post tribulation rapture. Run
@dd87127 Ай бұрын
Then let him stay for the trib...hes not looking up
@TraciMarc Ай бұрын
Please pray for Matthew, a young Christian man, who is grieving the loss of his grandparent’s who recently joined his father in heaven. Also, that all that has been stolen from him to be restored. Thank you and blessings to you all!
@lisad6537 Ай бұрын
Greetings from a Jewish believer in Australia 😊
@wideawakeandaware-22 Ай бұрын
Hello! Welcome to the family!!! See you soon dear sister!
@lilacasabella6634 Ай бұрын
God bless u bro❤ praying for u always and your fam
@emilcruz5923 Ай бұрын
Please pray for me, im struggling with lust addiction, I’ve been struggling with it for years and I want to be free from it in Jesus name.
@Audrey41915 Ай бұрын
Oh Jesus, please help this one in their struggle! I am reminded of the verse that says, that you have not yet resisted to bloodshed, striving against sin. Hebrews 12:4 Hold on! Keep turning your thoughts to what is lovely, good, pure, righteous and virtuous!! 🙏🏻 for you.
@osmonfrances2407 Ай бұрын
Prayers coming your way!!
@yourvette Ай бұрын
Emil please let God be your deliverer. Go to him in prayer and present your thoughts and sinful acts to him, he already knows what you are struggling with. Repent and ask him to give you his forgiveness and start walking in the strength that he has already given you. Read the word every time you can and listen to good preaching about deliverance.! When you fall again come back quick to him until you are fully healed. Praying that he gives you wisdom
@mandyhauser5280 24 күн бұрын
Please look into a parasite cleanse, there are many who believe because of a parasites ability to influence behavior, and certain statements from Jesus, that parasites are a demonic manifestation.
@LwmsMo 24 күн бұрын
@steveguti6452 Ай бұрын
Jesus Christ died for our Sins according to the scriptures and that he was Buried and he rose Again the third day praise God praying for everyone Everyday God bless you all...
@chessnecessary8619 Ай бұрын
Brother Steve is always active in the comment section wielding that 🗡️ God bless you sir
@jimestrem6010 Ай бұрын
Computer 🖥
@amypope878 Ай бұрын
He did! But, He commands us 10 tablet laws written TWICE! 1 John 2:4-6 Rev 14:12-13
@mattmiller5014 Ай бұрын
Nah! Jesus's body died on the Cross and was buried. Jesus went to Paradise and took the theif next to him with Him. His body was placed in the tomb for 3 days and then He came back and Reclaimed it and rose it from the dead and went and visited His desiples for 40 days. Then He accended to Heaven with His body.😊
@chessnecessary8619 Ай бұрын
@@mattmiller5014 brother Steve is literally quoting the Bible, are you claiming you know better? 1 Corinthians chapter 15 Verses 1 through 4 Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, 2 by which also you are saved, if you hold fast that word which I preached to you-unless you believed in vain. 3 For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures...
@williamgibson8499 Ай бұрын
First off I would like to pray for all those who have asked for prayer here... So father right now I thank you For watching over your children and comforting us in our times of trouble...just as you say you will father.. and your word is always good thank you Lord for all our blessings everyday. In Jesus name i pray
@LwmsMo 24 күн бұрын
Amen. My health of my siblings to be blessed and all the unsaved in my family be saved; and all of our names be written in The Lamb's Book of life in Jesus ' Name, Amen.
@bonniechristensen6527 16 сағат бұрын
@LwmsMo 15 сағат бұрын
@@williamgibson8499 Amen.
@chris.asi_romeo Ай бұрын
Excellent explanation💯👏 You explain it very well. This is the best explanation I've watched.
@VSFilly Ай бұрын
Here in Ohio we are experiencing historical drought conditions. We have cattle and so far, we have hay but many of our neighbors are selling their livestock. If you feel led, pray for us here in Ohio. Thank you.
@HiTechOilCo 22 күн бұрын
@VSFilly - I read an article written by a scientist that pointed out that wind turbines disrupt the natural air currents that take moisture from lakes, ponds, rivers, puddles, etc. to the clouds where it returns as rain. When those natural air currents are interrupted by huge wind turbines, that natural process is interrupted. This is why many places around the world are experiencing droughts.
@DavidMiller-f6p Ай бұрын
Amen finally finished Book Daniel study was excellent thank you Sir I'll continue keeping you and your ministry in my prayers 🗡️🛡️🙏
@freeindeed77 Ай бұрын
Brother Breaker, thank you for answering His call on your life. Thank you for loving God, and His Word! Thank you for teaching it to us!!
@jettnee4513 Ай бұрын
God Bless Robert Breaker!
@Sapphireprincess8 Ай бұрын
@RuaWaterwalker Ай бұрын
Take your caps off
@lilacasabella6634 Ай бұрын
Thank u so much bro breaker i appreciate u so so much 💓 and all u do i pray for u and your fam and all bros and sis and their families everyday ❤️ 🙏 💙 ♥️ 💜
@Ginny-x7m Ай бұрын
The rapture is our blessed hope, not contempt. Agree with you.
@SavedByTheBloodOfJesus. Ай бұрын
Amen! Brother Breaker! Pre-Tribulation is to come! We're going home soon! It was one of the mysteries in the KJB! Thank you Jesus! I love your truth!!! 🇮🇱🙏🇺🇸❌⭕🕊🩸👑✝👏
@Lizz.jo37 Ай бұрын
How do you explain the wording last trump?
@moniquestockett5431 Ай бұрын
​@@Lizz.jo37Did you watch the video? He talks about that at about the 1:02 mark.
@Lizz.jo37 Ай бұрын
@moniquestockett5431 the bible should take first place over what anybody "talks about" .. be careful who you listen to, type on Robert Breaker exposed into youtube
@wideawakeandaware-22 Ай бұрын
@@Lizz.jo37 Trump can be described as the voice of God….. or at the FOT when they blow the trumpet 100 times.
@Lizz.jo37 Ай бұрын
@wideawakeandaware-22 this guy thinks a person can still be saved after taking the mark of the beast if they cut off their right hand.
@suesmith2398 Ай бұрын
The BEST preacher EVER. I love listening to your sermons. Truly gifted by God for discernment of His word. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication. There will be a special crown waiting for you. I’m positive of that.
@the7tongardengnome Ай бұрын
Whether someone gets more rewards than someone else wont be a problem because there's no envy or jealousy in heaven.
@ScripturesAndScience Ай бұрын
LUCIFER was in heaven, and jealous of mankind and envied God God in heaven is jealous when man worships false gods Exodus 34:14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God Not implying there will be any man that has envy or is jealous, however, you are making an assumption that the Bible shows contrary information.
@the7tongardengnome Ай бұрын
@@ScripturesAndScience Good point i forgot about that. If there is wouldn't there be a chance man will ruin things again. Isn't those emotions bad. Idk just saying.
@jsteele650 Ай бұрын
@the7tongardengnome You have spoken correctly because it is no longer I that liveth, but Christ liveth in me. It is not about us. It is about HIS PERSON, HIS WORK. We reckon ourselves dead, and as we take in HIM, it is HIM That MANIFESTS HIMSELF IN THESE EARTHEN VESSELS. We become his workmanship, so we can boast about nothing. This is why the bulk of the apostate church is left behind because they are transforming themselves into an angel of light. It is all about SELF WORKS. They have built with hay, wood, and stubble, and these self works will not be able to stand in this fiery trial we are headed into. The Word says, "Be mindful of how you build!""The bridal remnant has made herself ready by building with gold, silver, and precious stones. These materials will stand and go through the refinery process.
@bugsocsollie1694 Ай бұрын
​@@jsteele650 No one in the Body of Christ Church will be left behind. We all will be changed in a moment. That's what Paul told the Corinthians, who were extremely lukewarm (full of some serious sins, carnally minded, stagnant in their growth), Paul told them that we all get changed in a moment. And we are not headed into Israel's 70th week. Those who are not in the Body of Christ Church when this Dispensation of Grace ends, they will be left behind to face Israel's 70th week.
@jsteele650 Ай бұрын
@bugsocsollie1694 keep digging because that is not true. Enoch WALKED with God, and he was taken. Redemption does not determine the order you are caught up to heaven. Redemption determines that you will, in fact, go to heaven, whether it be by the grave or be caught up alive at pretrib. Going ALIVE at pretrib is an award that is only granted to the Philadelphian bridal saints. Scripture says the bride hath made herself ready. How did she do this? The bride hath LABORED TO ENTER INTO HIS REST!!!! This work IN HER is not of her own. She became HIS WORKANSHIP BY RESTING IN THE POTTER'S HANDS. The visible church is apostate. This a SPIRITUAL PROBLEM! They are saved, but they have spots wrinkles in their robes. We serve a jealous God, and his church has left their first love. We get blemishes on our skin to alert us something is not right inside. We are consuming something that isn't good for us.....usually a bad diet. The bulk of the church is in the wrong field, so they are eating the wrong food. They also have wrinkles in their robes!!! How did those wrinkles get there? The church (Adam) is in a DEEP SLEEP. When you are sleeping in your robes, you will surely wake up with wrinkles. While Adam (the church) slept, God was forming a bride from a rib ( a remnant AKA a rib portion) ***OUT OF*** that body of believers. The bridal company will be a very small remnant!! The BIBLE warns us not to sleep as others...OTHER BELIEVERS!!!!! Isaiah 1:9 [9]Except the LORD of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah.
@tamisams3536 Ай бұрын
I will be with Jesus WHEN THE Tribulation Starts...
@ameebedford9555 Ай бұрын
Amen thank you for this teaching.
@FelixFloruis Ай бұрын
Amen! Me too.
@staciemyers4718 Ай бұрын
@jennifervanrensburg1415 Ай бұрын
Tribulation is after the Rapture. The bride is fetching to heaven. Be ready!!! I pray for every one .😊❤❤
@Krullmatic Ай бұрын
I frankly and honestly don't care if it's pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib, up-trib, down-trib and all around-trib! Just as long as I'm with my Lord and Saviour when He comes back, I'll be ecstatic! I love your preaching and teaching Pastor Robert! God Bless 🙏❤️❤️🙏
@jsteele650 Ай бұрын
You should care. Going alive at pretrib is part of your reward. Not all believers will receive that.
@SpencerLionheart-l9p Ай бұрын
​@@jsteele650 If so, great!
@jsteele650 Ай бұрын
@SpencerLionheart-l9p You must believe all believers go at pretrib, which is what this pastor teaches. Only a bridal remnant leaves at pretrib.
@fazole Ай бұрын
God pours out His spirit, Acts 2 Gospel preached throughout the world, then the End shall come. Rev. 9 Japan is only 2% Christian, N. Korea is closed. Many places have not yet heard.
@berean65 Ай бұрын
The trinity is not biblical. God is not 3 persons of a pagan / catholic trinity. God is 3 parts, consisting of soul, body and Spirit.
@CharlesScott-wo8dr Ай бұрын
I love you Lord. I prayer for everyone who hasn't found the Lord yet.
@56username Ай бұрын
Seek Jesus While he may be found this Includes DOJ , DA , Good Police and bad cops and Auditors & Free AMERICANS ( free in PUBLIC) Pray for the Lost , and for those of this horrific event . This person was lost. Don’t Do , Have you thought about Suicide , is there Somthing missing from your life ? Is your Religion holding you Back 🤔😳 whats missing ? Something , are you confused, are your leadership leaving you high and dry with out answers , Jesus wants a relationship with You . Jesus is Not a Religion He is the Hope of Glory Mystery hid from ages and Generations Col 1:25-28 But why does he let Peoples Children Die ? I don’t believe because , My Mom Died , My Dad Died , My Sister or Brother Died , Child Died Do You Not Know God The Creator of Heaven and Earth can raise anybody from the DEAD 😳😃 You Heard me Right Jesus Will Raise All From the Dead . If you want to be with that love one again 🤔😲 SEEK JESUS WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND Jesus Loves You BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Your born in the Spirit Now Your BORN AGAIN Jesus Told Nicodemus you must be born again 🤔 what does that mean 🤔 BELIEVE ON JESUS Rapture very Soon SHARE THE GOSPEL See you On the CLOUDS He Loves Sinner You have done nothing so bad that Jesus would not forgive you For 😃🤔😳😇😃😃😃😃😃😃😇😇😃 About the Rapture 2024 Control Date August 27, 2024 11:05 PM Control Date Rapture Soon Don’t Believe Aliens took us, Government Cover-up If your still Here after Rapture Your in TRIBULATION Hell on Earth 1st 3.5 years. 2nd 3.5 years Very Very Bad , worst time in Human History , Hell On Earth 3.5 years Read In the Bible , takes 1.5 Hrs Revelation Explains everything 120 LB Hailstone the Will break roofs in and kill many People , and Animals Something that looks like a grasshopper with long hair and a tail like a scorpion Rev 9:10 To sting men Months
@adamlowe1934 Ай бұрын
This has been a super excited study on Daniel. Praise God!
@JeanDelgado-e5r Ай бұрын
God bless you Robert. Your research is fantastic ❤🌹
@mohanlimbu3476 Ай бұрын
Praise the Lord 👑🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻✝️🛐
@wewillworld522 Ай бұрын
Be safe be happy work hard play good
@56username Ай бұрын
Seek Jesus While he may be found this Includes DOJ , DA , Good Police and bad cops and Auditors & Free AMERICANS ( free in PUBLIC) Pray for the Lost , and for those of this horrific event . This person was lost. Don’t Do , Have you thought about Suicide , is there Somthing missing from your life ? Is your Religion holding you Back 🤔😳 whats missing ? Something , are you confused, are your leadership leaving you high and dry with out answers , Jesus wants a relationship with You . Jesus is Not a Religion He is the Hope of Glory Mystery hid from ages and Generations Col 1:25-28 But why does he let Peoples Children Die ? I don’t believe because , My Mom Died , My Dad Died , My Sister or Brother Died , Child Died Do You Not Know God The Creator of Heaven and Earth can raise anybody from the DEAD 😳😃 You Heard me Right Jesus Will Raise All From the Dead . If you want to be with that love one again 🤔😲 SEEK JESUS WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND Jesus Loves You BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Your born in the Spirit Now Your BORN AGAIN Jesus Told Nicodemus you must be born again 🤔 what does that mean 🤔 BELIEVE ON JESUS Rapture very Soon SHARE THE GOSPEL See you On the CLOUDS He Loves Sinner You have done nothing so bad that Jesus would not forgive you For 😃🤔😳😇😃😃😃😃😃😃😇😇😃 About the Rapture 2024 Control Date August 27, 2024 11:05 PM Control Date Rapture Soon Don’t Believe Aliens took us, Government Cover-up If your still Here after Rapture Your in TRIBULATION Hell on Earth 1st 3.5 years. 2nd 3.5 years Very Very Bad , worst time in Human History , Hell On Earth 3.5 years Read In the Bible , takes 1.5 Hrs Revelation Explains everything 120 LB Hailstone the Will break roofs in and kill many People , and Animals Something that looks like a grasshopper with long hair and a tail like a scorpion Rev 9:10 To sting men Months
@magnam6807 Ай бұрын
◄ Joel 2:28 ► “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.
@ShalomfromSherri Ай бұрын
It's also in Acts 2:17
@wideawakeandaware-22 Ай бұрын
Exactly! I don’t understand why brother Breaker said that? Maybe if they include “this sayeth the Lord.” ??
@kyleoxenham9099 23 күн бұрын
Yeah, God clearly says in His Word that, "young men will see visions", so saying God is done with visions, is against his Word and is a heresy like cessationism.
@MB-NC1967 Ай бұрын
Praying for the peace of Jerusalem✡️
@pepperpower1652 Ай бұрын
While we are not watching,😮😢😮😢 ,sometimes is coming! Watch: Stephen Gardner today ok
@wewillworld522 Ай бұрын
Street in peace is a way of peaceful society :-
@davidwilkins5932 Ай бұрын
It’s a nice and logical thought, but Jerusalem won’t find peace until the Millennium. Until then, matters will become worse.
@56username Ай бұрын
Seek Jesus While he may be found this Includes DOJ , DA , Good Police and bad cops and Auditors & Free AMERICANS ( free in PUBLIC) Pray for the Lost , and for those of this horrific event . This person was lost. Don’t Do , Have you thought about Suicide , is there Somthing missing from your life ? Is your Religion holding you Back 🤔😳 whats missing ? Something , are you confused, are your leadership leaving you high and dry with out answers , Jesus wants a relationship with You . Jesus is Not a Religion He is the Hope of Glory Mystery hid from ages and Generations Col 1:25-28 But why does he let Peoples Children Die ? I don’t believe because , My Mom Died , My Dad Died , My Sister or Brother Died , Child Died Do You Not Know God The Creator of Heaven and Earth can raise anybody from the DEAD 😳😃 You Heard me Right Jesus Will Raise All From the Dead . If you want to be with that love one again 🤔😲 SEEK JESUS WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND Jesus Loves You BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Your born in the Spirit Now Your BORN AGAIN Jesus Told Nicodemus you must be born again 🤔 what does that mean 🤔 BELIEVE ON JESUS Rapture very Soon SHARE THE GOSPEL See you On the CLOUDS He Loves Sinner You have done nothing so bad that Jesus would not forgive you For 😃🤔😳😇😃😃😃😃😃😃😇😇😃 About the Rapture 2024 Control Date August 27, 2024 11:05 PM Control Date Rapture Soon Don’t Believe Aliens took us, Government Cover-up If your still Here after Rapture Your in TRIBULATION Hell on Earth 1st 3.5 years. 2nd 3.5 years Very Very Bad , worst time in Human History , Hell On Earth 3.5 years Read In the Bible , takes 1.5 Hrs Revelation Explains everything 120 LB Hailstone the Will break roofs in and kill many People , and Animals Something that looks like a grasshopper with long hair and a tail like a scorpion Rev 9:10 To sting men Months
@kerrym2858 Ай бұрын
John 1.1 KJV In the Beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The same was in the Beginning with God.All things were made by him,and without him was not anything that was made.❤❤
@56username Ай бұрын
Seek Jesus While he may be found this Includes DOJ , DA , Good Police and bad cops and Auditors & Free AMERICANS ( free in PUBLIC) Pray for the Lost , and for those of this horrific event . This person was lost. Don’t Do , Have you thought about Suicide , is there Somthing missing from your life ? Is your Religion holding you Back 🤔😳 whats missing ? Something , are you confused, are your leadership leaving you high and dry with out answers , Jesus wants a relationship with You . Jesus is Not a Religion He is the Hope of Glory Mystery hid from ages and Generations Col 1:25-28 But why does he let Peoples Children Die ? I don’t believe because , My Mom Died , My Dad Died , My Sister or Brother Died , Child Died Do You Not Know God The Creator of Heaven and Earth can raise anybody from the DEAD 😳😃 You Heard me Right Jesus Will Raise All From the Dead . If you want to be with that love one again 🤔😲 SEEK JESUS WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND Jesus Loves You BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Your born in the Spirit Now Your BORN AGAIN Jesus Told Nicodemus you must be born again 🤔 what does that mean 🤔 BELIEVE ON JESUS Rapture very Soon SHARE THE GOSPEL See you On the CLOUDS He Loves Sinner You have done nothing so bad that Jesus would not forgive you For 😃🤔😳😇😃😃😃😃😃😃😇😇😃 About the Rapture 2024 Control Date August 27, 2024 11:05 PM Control Date Rapture Soon Don’t Believe Aliens took us, Government Cover-up If your still Here after Rapture Your in TRIBULATION Hell on Earth 1st 3.5 years. 2nd 3.5 years Very Very Bad , worst time in Human History , Hell On Earth 3.5 years Read In the Bible , takes 1.5 Hrs Revelation Explains everything 120 LB Hailstone the Will break roofs in and kill many People , and Animals Something that looks like a grasshopper with long hair and a tail like a scorpion Rev 9:10 To sting men Months
@Samuel-wd7sq Ай бұрын
Perhaps for me the GREATEST couple of verses in The Bible! Amen!
@tytuskiptoo9873 Ай бұрын
We should make our relationship right with God ,and He will glorify our bodies very soon GOD bless you brother Breaker
@56username Ай бұрын
Seek Jesus While he may be found this Includes DOJ , DA , Good Police and bad cops and Auditors & Free AMERICANS ( free in PUBLIC) Pray for the Lost , and for those of this horrific event . This person was lost. Don’t Do , Have you thought about Suicide , is there Somthing missing from your life ? Is your Religion holding you Back 🤔😳 whats missing ? Something , are you confused, are your leadership leaving you high and dry with out answers , Jesus wants a relationship with You . Jesus is Not a Religion He is the Hope of Glory Mystery hid from ages and Generations Col 1:25-28 But why does he let Peoples Children Die ? I don’t believe because , My Mom Died , My Dad Died , My Sister or Brother Died , Child Died Do You Not Know God The Creator of Heaven and Earth can raise anybody from the DEAD 😳😃 You Heard me Right Jesus Will Raise All From the Dead . If you want to be with that love one again 🤔😲 SEEK JESUS WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND Jesus Loves You BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Your born in the Spirit Now Your BORN AGAIN Jesus Told Nicodemus you must be born again 🤔 what does that mean 🤔 BELIEVE ON JESUS Rapture very Soon SHARE THE GOSPEL See you On the CLOUDS He Loves Sinner You have done nothing so bad that Jesus would not forgive you For 😃🤔😳😇😃😃😃😃😃😃😇😇😃 About the Rapture 2024 Control Date August 27, 2024 11:05 PM Control Date Rapture Soon Don’t Believe Aliens took us, Government Cover-up If your still Here after Rapture Your in TRIBULATION Hell on Earth 1st 3.5 years. 2nd 3.5 years Very Very Bad , worst time in Human History , Hell On Earth 3.5 years Read In the Bible , takes 1.5 Hrs Revelation Explains everything 120 LB Hailstone the Will break roofs in and kill many People , and Animals Something that looks like a grasshopper with long hair and a tail like a scorpion Rev 9:10 To sting men Months
@PaulChristopher4Christ Ай бұрын
God's way is perfect, God's timing is perfect, God's way is the only right way. For He knows exactly what we need and what we've been praying for. We must be patient for God is always on time. Trust, believe, receive, keep the faith.
@wewillworld522 Ай бұрын
History is a cycle like life… Sun and earth are Unique
@56username Ай бұрын
Seek Jesus While he may be found this Includes DOJ , DA , Good Police and bad cops and Auditors & Free AMERICANS ( free in PUBLIC) Pray for the Lost , and for those of this horrific event . This person was lost. Don’t Do , Have you thought about Suicide , is there Somthing missing from your life ? Is your Religion holding you Back 🤔😳 whats missing ? Something , are you confused, are your leadership leaving you high and dry with out answers , Jesus wants a relationship with You . Jesus is Not a Religion He is the Hope of Glory Mystery hid from ages and Generations Col 1:25-28 But why does he let Peoples Children Die ? I don’t believe because , My Mom Died , My Dad Died , My Sister or Brother Died , Child Died Do You Not Know God The Creator of Heaven and Earth can raise anybody from the DEAD 😳😃 You Heard me Right Jesus Will Raise All From the Dead . If you want to be with that love one again 🤔😲 SEEK JESUS WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND Jesus Loves You BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Your born in the Spirit Now Your BORN AGAIN Jesus Told Nicodemus you must be born again 🤔 what does that mean 🤔 BELIEVE ON JESUS Rapture very Soon SHARE THE GOSPEL See you On the CLOUDS He Loves Sinner You have done nothing so bad that Jesus would not forgive you For 😃🤔😳😇😃😃😃😃😃😃😇😇😃 About the Rapture 2024 Control Date August 27, 2024 11:05 PM Control Date Rapture Soon Don’t Believe Aliens took us, Government Cover-up If your still Here after Rapture Your in TRIBULATION Hell on Earth 1st 3.5 years. 2nd 3.5 years Very Very Bad , worst time in Human History , Hell On Earth 3.5 years Read In the Bible , takes 1.5 Hrs Revelation Explains everything 120 LB Hailstone the Will break roofs in and kill many People , and Animals Something that looks like a grasshopper with long hair and a tail like a scorpion Rev 9:10 To sting men Months
@rainewaters6371 Ай бұрын
Thank you for your close study of The-Word. 🙏🏽📖✡
@Nightingale34 Ай бұрын
Love you Mr. Robert B. Sir. Thank you for your truths about the rapture Sir. God bless you and your wife and family 🙏🙏✝✝💛💛💚💚
@56username Ай бұрын
Seek Jesus While he may be found this Includes DOJ , DA , Good Police and bad cops and Auditors & Free AMERICANS ( free in PUBLIC) Pray for the Lost , and for those of this horrific event . This person was lost. Don’t Do , Have you thought about Suicide , is there Somthing missing from your life ? Is your Religion holding you Back 🤔😳 whats missing ? Something , are you confused, are your leadership leaving you high and dry with out answers , Jesus wants a relationship with You . Jesus is Not a Religion He is the Hope of Glory Mystery hid from ages and Generations Col 1:25-28 But why does he let Peoples Children Die ? I don’t believe because , My Mom Died , My Dad Died , My Sister or Brother Died , Child Died Do You Not Know God The Creator of Heaven and Earth can raise anybody from the DEAD 😳😃 You Heard me Right Jesus Will Raise All From the Dead . If you want to be with that love one again 🤔😲 SEEK JESUS WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND Jesus Loves You BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Your born in the Spirit Now Your BORN AGAIN Jesus Told Nicodemus you must be born again 🤔 what does that mean 🤔 BELIEVE ON JESUS Rapture very Soon SHARE THE GOSPEL See you On the CLOUDS He Loves Sinner You have done nothing so bad that Jesus would not forgive you For 😃🤔😳😇😃😃😃😃😃😃😇😇😃 About the Rapture 2024 Control Date August 27, 2024 11:05 PM Control Date Rapture Soon Don’t Believe Aliens took us, Government Cover-up If your still Here after Rapture Your in TRIBULATION Hell on Earth 1st 3.5 years. 2nd 3.5 years Very Very Bad , worst time in Human History , Hell On Earth 3.5 years Read In the Bible , takes 1.5 Hrs Revelation Explains everything 120 LB Hailstone the Will break roofs in and kill many People , and Animals Something that looks like a grasshopper with long hair and a tail like a scorpion Rev 9:10 To sting men Months Seek Jesus While he may be found this Includes DOJ , DA , Good Police and bad cops and Auditors & Free AMERICANS ( free in PUBLIC) Pray for the Lost , and for those of this horrific event . This person was lost. Don’t Do , Have you thought about Suicide , is there Somthing missing from your life ? Is your Religion holding you Back 🤔😳 whats missing ? Something , are you confused, are your leadership leaving you high and dry with out answers , Jesus wants a relationship with You . Jesus is Not a Religion He is the Hope of Glory Mystery hid from ages and Generations Col 1:25-28 But why does he let Peoples Children Die ? I don’t believe because , My Mom Died , My Dad Died , My Sister or Brother Died , Child Died Do You Not Know God The Creator of Heaven and Earth can raise anybody from the DEAD 😳😃 You Heard me Right Jesus Will Raise All From the Dead . If you want to be with that love one again 🤔😲 SEEK JESUS WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND Jesus Loves You BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Your born in the Spirit Now Your BORN AGAIN Jesus Told Nicodemus you must be born again 🤔 what does that mean 🤔 BELIEVE ON JESUS Rapture very Soon SHARE THE GOSPEL See you On the CLOUDS He Loves Sinner You have done nothing so bad that Jesus would not forgive you For 😃🤔😳😇😃😃😃😃😃😃😇😇😃 About the Rapture 2024 Control Date August 27, 2024 11:05 PM Control Date Rapture Soon Don’t Believe Aliens took us, Government Cover-up If your still Here after Rapture Your in TRIBULATION Hell on Earth 1st 3.5 years. 2nd 3.5 years Very Very Bad , worst time in Human History , Hell On Earth 3.5 years Read In the Bible , takes 1.5 Hrs Revelation Explains everything 120 LB Hailstone the Will break roofs in and kill many People , and Animals Something that looks like a grasshopper with long hair and a tail like a scorpion Rev 9:10 To sting men Months
@randallcalkins Ай бұрын
We love you Debbie beleave that all things are possible to them that beleave.GOD be with you my sister he is greater then all.
@avisswope6495 Ай бұрын
I am praying God will take me home I cannot deal with my homeless situation any longer. Enough is enough I am ready to go. I am also sick in my body as well. God please just take me home please
@56username Ай бұрын
Seek Jesus While he may be found this Includes DOJ , DA , Good Police and bad cops and Auditors & Free AMERICANS ( free in PUBLIC) Pray for the Lost , and for those of this horrific event . This person was lost. Don’t Do , Have you thought about Suicide , is there Somthing missing from your life ? Is your Religion holding you Back 🤔😳 whats missing ? Something , are you confused, are your leadership leaving you high and dry with out answers , Jesus wants a relationship with You . Jesus is Not a Religion He is the Hope of Glory Mystery hid from ages and Generations Col 1:25-28 But why does he let Peoples Children Die ? I don’t believe because , My Mom Died , My Dad Died , My Sister or Brother Died , Child Died Do You Not Know God The Creator of Heaven and Earth can raise anybody from the DEAD 😳😃 You Heard me Right Jesus Will Raise All From the Dead . If you want to be with that love one again 🤔😲 SEEK JESUS WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND Jesus Loves You BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Your born in the Spirit Now Your BORN AGAIN Jesus Told Nicodemus you must be born again 🤔 what does that mean 🤔 BELIEVE ON JESUS Rapture very Soon SHARE THE GOSPEL See you On the CLOUDS He Loves Sinner You have done nothing so bad that Jesus would not forgive you For 😃🤔😳😇😃😃😃😃😃😃😇😇😃 About the Rapture 2024 Control Date August 27, 2024 11:05 PM Control Date Rapture Soon Don’t Believe Aliens took us, Government Cover-up If your still Here after Rapture Your in TRIBULATION Hell on Earth 1st 3.5 years. 2nd 3.5 years Very Very Bad , worst time in Human History , Hell On Earth 3.5 years Read In the Bible , takes 1.5 Hrs Revelation Explains everything 120 LB Hailstone the Will break roofs in and kill many People , and Animals Something that looks like a grasshopper with long hair and a tail like a scorpion Rev 9:10 To sting men Months
@Bruce-k2h Ай бұрын
I pray God helps you triumph in the time we have left on earth. May God bless you mightily!❤
@jjwaga23 Ай бұрын
The curses have reversed for the torture and mistreatment of the true children of Isreal , now you beginning to taste hell
@AngeLola1003 Ай бұрын
I rebuke that statement. God will not allow that to happen to you, you're not done completing his plan, you're going to be rich and healed. You have a story or movie or book to write. Get your pin ready.. God bless you
@Lauren-vd4qe Ай бұрын
no spouse? no kids? no relatives? where are they now?
@pattif192 19 күн бұрын
Thank you for everything and all of your work on here. ❤
@sarahfarrell6130 Ай бұрын
Please pray for my friend carl to be saved. He is in hospice and towards the end of his life. Pray for billel to be saved as well. He is a Muslim.
@LivTruth1 14 күн бұрын
I thank you YESHUA that I found this gifted teacher!
@Ginny-x7m Ай бұрын
I believe the ones who die during the tribulation will be resurrected, and never die again.
@Ayala130 Ай бұрын
Dear Brother and family I thank you very much for all your verse by verse studies in your app. May God bless you and family and everyone ❤🙌 in Jesus name Amen and Maranatha.
@UnknownName-s8g Ай бұрын
Oh my you just blowed your testimony with me . When I got saved I say myself on a white cloud and falling back on it I put my hands down to catch myself and my mother and the person that was leading me in prayer lifted me up . I was 14 . I know I'm saved and filled with the Holy Ghost . . God has shown me many things . And the bible does say he will give us dreams and visions . 😮 you may need to study a little more . Or maybe ask Jesus to show you the truth . ❤
@fightinfetus Ай бұрын
Amen! “Your sons and daughters will prophesy and your led men will dream dreams”(no single prophet, either, and in the OT, both men and women were esteemed prophets, but calling oneself one today, and by that I mean preceding their name with the title, such as “Prophet(ess) John/Jane Doe”, rather than others calling oneself a prophet, is often more done by title-seekers who want to look important, totally of the flesh. There is NO expiration date on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. God is no respecter of persons, and he confirms his involvement to his children and the world both (we are NOT “all God’s children, either, as the entire Bible is about the children of God and everyone else Lee from beginning to end, lying about it gives the lost a false sense of security, as if they can manipulate God as they do their earth parents, but he is their creator, not their father, it is a privilege, not a given, and people need to know that. It’s a privilege, as we should act like it is the privilege that it is). Nor on John 14:12. No expiration date there, either. It is not just giving permission, but it is much greater than that-it is an expectation. Jesus is expecting us to do all he did except the crucifixion, because it is finished. The 4 Gospels are not just nice Jesus stories, they are *instructions*, Jesus showing us what is possible, never begging avid to do anything, but thanking him, reminding us the power of life and death are in the tongue, and to set a watch over our tongues, to more often speak to our problems about God than the other way around. God already knows our problems and told us what to SAY to our problems-such as with the mountain being cast into the sea, or the cursed fig tree, he talked to everything and we were always meant to do the same. Imagine how we have all ignored every living thing, not speaking to any of it other than pets, collectively, that is, some of us do talk to everything. He spoke everything into existence. Then he gave only us the privilege of conscious speech, and said the power of life and death, blessing and cursing are in the tongue, therefore set a watch over our tongues and not to curse ourselves as they did in the wilderness, robbing themselves of 40 years and the right to go into the promised land. That was their big, fat mouths that did that. God honored their speech. Christians need to end death speech now. We are also told to speak what is not as though it were, say what we want, NOT what we do not want. Paul said he would have all pursue the gifts of the Holy Spirit, in his opinion, paying closest attention to prophecy and tongues. No question. God confirms his word even now. He gives us prophecies that apply to now, to comfort and edify that yes, he is still at hand, watching over us and giving us things we can confirm. This helps the lost see he is still as present as ever, and edified and comforts his people, too. And as long as new prophecy does not contradict or attempt to change what is written, and one confirms it is from God, it is all good. God never stops talking to his people when they are in his will, but they do need to learn to listen. He has been known to turn his face when a child if his has been unfaithful, usually unrepentantly so. Otherwise, he has been communicative. And yes, there are details given now about now, to confirm he is with us even now. Nothing contradicts what he has already said for end tikAmen! “Your sons and daughters will prophesy and your led men will dream dreams”(no single prophet, either, and in the OT, both men and women were esteemed prophets, but calling oneself one today, and by that I mean preceding their name with the title, such as “Prophet(ess) John/Jane Doe”, rather than others calling oneself a prophet, is often more done by title-seekers who want to look important, totally of the flesh. There is NO expiration date on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. God is no respecter of persons, and he confirms his involvement to his children and the world both (we are NOT “all God’s children, either, as the entire Bible is about the children of God and everyone else Lee from beginning to end, lying about it gives the lost a false sense of security, as if they can manipulate God as they do their earth parents, but he is their creator, not their father, it is a privilege, not a given, and people need to know that. It’s a privilege, as we should act like it is the privilege that it is). Nor on John 14:12. No expiration date there, either. It is not just giving permission, but it is much greater than that-it is an expectation. Jesus is expecting us to do all he did except the crucifixion, because it is finished. The 4 Gospels are not just nice Jesus stories, they are *instructions*, Jesus showing us what is possible, never begging avid to do anything, but thanking him, reminding us the power of life and death are in the tongue, and to set a watch over our tongues, to more often speak to our problems about God than the other way around. God already knows our problems and told us what to SAY to our problems-such as with the mountain being cast into the sea, or the cursed fig tree, he talked to everything and we were always meant to do the same. Imagine how we have all ignored every living thing, not speaking to any of it other than pets, collectively, that is, some of us do talk to everything. He spoke everything into existence. Then he gave only us the privilege of conscious, self-directed speech, and said the power of life and death, blessing and cursing are in the tongue, therefore set a watch over our tongues and not to curse ourselves as they did in the wilderness, robbing themselves of 40 years and the right to go into the promised land. That was their big, fat mouths that did that. God honored their speech. Christians need to end death speech now. We are also told to “speak what is not as though it were”, that is to say-say what we DO want, NOT what we do not want. Paul said he would have all pursue the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and in his opinion, paying closest attention to the gifts of prophecy and tongues. No question. God confirms his word even now. He gives us prophecies that apply to now, to comfort and edify that yes, he is still at hand, watching over us and giving us things we can confirm. This helps the lost see he is still as present as ever, and edified and comforts his people, too. And as long as new prophecy does not contradict or attempt to change what is written, and one confirms it is from God, it is all good. Also, for those also confused about spirits and angels, we wouldn’t be told to test the spirits if they were all demonic, would we? No, we would not. But we are to test them, and if they come preaching another Gospel, as some do, they are accursed. I can think of a few right off the top of my head, with large memberships, allegedly. Not born again, they do not even know what that means, and none teach Revelation, so right off, we know they violate that book, and they take away from it, which strikes the name from the book of life, which results in a permanent residence in the lake of fire. . Also, for those also confused about spirits and angels, we wouldn’t be told to test the spirits if they were all demonic, would we? No, we would not. But we are to test them, and if they come preaching another Gospel, as some do, they are accursed. I can think of a few right off the top of my head, with large memberships, allegedly. Not born again, they do not even know what that means, and none teach Revelation,so right off, we know they violate that book.
@Tamara-cj5lz Ай бұрын
Very informative and interesting Bible teaching! I love the mysteries revealed in the living Word of God Amen 🙏👰💕 Thank you so much Pastor Breaker and God bless you and your family Amen🙏
@PaulChristopher4Christ Ай бұрын
Heavenly Father, We come before You with humble hearts, seeking Your wisdom and guidance. In a world filled with confusion and unbelief, we ask for Your light to shine brightly upon us. Father, we know that the adversary seeks to deceive and lead us away from Your truth, but we stand firm in the power of Your Word. Lord, we thank You for the precious gift of being born from above, for the indwelling of Your Holy Spirit that guides us into all truth. We pray that this truth would take deep root in our hearts, dispelling any doubts and confusion. Fill us with a clear understanding of Your Word, that we may walk in the fullness of Your promises. Father, we ask that the fruit of the Spirit would be evident in our lives-love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. May these fruits be a testimony to the transformation You have worked in us, drawing others to the truth of Your New Covenant. Lord, strengthen us to stand against the wiles of the adversary, keeping our minds and hearts focused on You. May we always remember that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. We trust in Your power to conquer unbelief and confusion, knowing that Your truth sets us free. In Jesus' name, we pray, Amen❤️
@JennyLatimer Ай бұрын
Beautiful prayer…🙏🙌🏼
@56username Ай бұрын
Seek Jesus While he may be found this Includes DOJ , DA , Good Police and bad cops and Auditors & Free AMERICANS ( free in PUBLIC) Pray for the Lost , and for those of this horrific event . This person was lost. Don’t Do , Have you thought about Suicide , is there Somthing missing from your life ? Is your Religion holding you Back 🤔😳 whats missing ? Something , are you confused, are your leadership leaving you high and dry with out answers , Jesus wants a relationship with You . Jesus is Not a Religion He is the Hope of Glory Mystery hid from ages and Generations Col 1:25-28 But why does he let Peoples Children Die ? I don’t believe because , My Mom Died , My Dad Died , My Sister or Brother Died , Child Died Do You Not Know God The Creator of Heaven and Earth can raise anybody from the DEAD 😳😃 You Heard me Right Jesus Will Raise All From the Dead . If you want to be with that love one again 🤔😲 SEEK JESUS WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND Jesus Loves You BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Your born in the Spirit Now Your BORN AGAIN Jesus Told Nicodemus you must be born again 🤔 what does that mean 🤔 BELIEVE ON JESUS Rapture very Soon SHARE THE GOSPEL See you On the CLOUDS He Loves Sinner You have done nothing so bad that Jesus would not forgive you For 😃🤔😳😇😃😃😃😃😃😃😇😇😃 About the Rapture 2024 Control Date August 27, 2024 11:05 PM Control Date Rapture Soon Don’t Believe Aliens took us, Government Cover-up If your still Here after Rapture Your in TRIBULATION Hell on Earth 1st 3.5 years. 2nd 3.5 years Very Very Bad , worst time in Human History , Hell On Earth 3.5 years Read In the Bible , takes 1.5 Hrs Revelation Explains everything 120 LB Hailstone the Will break roofs in and kill many People , and Animals Something that looks like a grasshopper with long hair and a tail like a scorpion Rev 9:10 To sting men Months
@christophercyarn Ай бұрын
@@PaulChristopher4Christ Amen!🙏
@moparbaby4592 14 күн бұрын
This is where the falling away is going to come from. Believing God is coming before the tribulation and then it doesn't happen
@JPGola-n9w Ай бұрын
🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️Please pray for salvation for my husband ,Pete and two sons, Nick and Chris. I have posted this request many times. Some people accuse me of being a bot or a troll, it makes some people so angry at seeing it over and over that they get nasty at the nerve of me constantly asking for prayer. Many people have prayed for years for their loved ones until they get saved. That is what I am doing. If it bothers you, please just skip it and move on. I am not giving up until the rapture or they get saved.
@greggsuekel6738 Ай бұрын
Hang in there, friend. Keep praying and being a light for them to see.
@grainofsand7841 Ай бұрын
Had no one prayed for me, I probably wouldn't be saved. Prayer is so important. Besides, don't bots usually say, "I am so bless, thanks God I invested my money into this holy hills fund, and it's doubled my money. Ask me how you can do it too". Lol Pray for the Lord to draw them, as will I. Envision them clearing a path, softening their hearts to Christ. Seeking on tv, books, etc. It helps me so much to see it in my mind first.
@JPGola-n9w Ай бұрын
@@greggsuekel6738Thank you so much and God bless you.🌹
@JPGola-n9w Ай бұрын
@@grainofsand7841😂🤣😂I know, I’ve seen that a lot. I hope no one actually falls for that. They even have a lot of fake replies, as if all these people take them seriously. Thank you for your prayers 😇. I agree, prayers are so important and powerful.
@abaker4692 Ай бұрын
I'm praying for your boys and husband, dear. I'd want the same for mine if they turned away from the Lord.
@abnormalynn7885 Ай бұрын
Yes brother Feast of trumpets here we come🎉 I'm keeping my eye on the sky Jesus❤
@kimwashuta5042 Ай бұрын
Thank you Pastor Breaker. !!! Always a huge blessing. Great teaching. All glory to our great King Jesus!!!
@anniethomas6481 Ай бұрын
Please pray for my brother to be believer in Jesus , help him understd the gospel may God bless you 😅
@markeverson5849 Ай бұрын
I vote Jesus every time and no other! His term is indefinite! And soon all his enemies will be under his footstool
@56username Ай бұрын
Seek Jesus While he may be found this Includes DOJ , DA , Good Police and bad cops and Auditors & Free AMERICANS ( free in PUBLIC) Pray for the Lost , and for those of this horrific event . This person was lost. Don’t Do , Have you thought about Suicide , is there Somthing missing from your life ? Is your Religion holding you Back 🤔😳 whats missing ? Something , are you confused, are your leadership leaving you high and dry with out answers , Jesus wants a relationship with You . Jesus is Not a Religion He is the Hope of Glory Mystery hid from ages and Generations Col 1:25-28 But why does he let Peoples Children Die ? I don’t believe because , My Mom Died , My Dad Died , My Sister or Brother Died , Child Died Do You Not Know God The Creator of Heaven and Earth can raise anybody from the DEAD 😳😃 You Heard me Right Jesus Will Raise All From the Dead . If you want to be with that love one again 🤔😲 SEEK JESUS WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND Jesus Loves You BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Your born in the Spirit Now Your BORN AGAIN Jesus Told Nicodemus you must be born again 🤔 what does that mean 🤔 BELIEVE ON JESUS Rapture very Soon SHARE THE GOSPEL See you On the CLOUDS He Loves Sinner You have done nothing so bad that Jesus would not forgive you For 😃🤔😳😇😃😃😃😃😃😃😇😇😃 About the Rapture 2024 Control Date August 27, 2024 11:05 PM Control Date Rapture Soon Don’t Believe Aliens took us, Government Cover-up If your still Here after Rapture Your in TRIBULATION Hell on Earth 1st 3.5 years. 2nd 3.5 years Very Very Bad , worst time in Human History , Hell On Earth 3.5 years Read In the Bible , takes 1.5 Hrs Revelation Explains everything 120 LB Hailstone the Will break roofs in and kill many People , and Animals Something that looks like a grasshopper with long hair and a tail like a scorpion Rev 9:10 To sting men Months
@rhondasanders4323 Ай бұрын
So Cool! Thank You💐♥️ Glory to GOD♥️🙌♥️‼️
@davidbrock2829 Ай бұрын
hi Robert, people still have visions, and all the other gifts of the Spirit are still being given to men by God. Blessings to you!
@Robertbreaker3 Ай бұрын
Joel tells us that visions are for the JEWS in the last days (tribulation). Now, people can dream dreams, sure. But we can't take those above scripture!
@florencechemutai1846 Ай бұрын
Please pray for my son Collins Kipkemoi for the salvation of his soul. He has indulge in alcoholism and disobedience.
@CloudTenGuy Ай бұрын
Another great video from my favorite prophecy teacher.
@56username Ай бұрын
Seek Jesus While he may be found this Includes DOJ , DA , Good Police and bad cops and Auditors & Free AMERICANS ( free in PUBLIC) Pray for the Lost , and for those of this horrific event . This person was lost. Don’t Do , Have you thought about Suicide , is there Somthing missing from your life ? Is your Religion holding you Back 🤔😳 whats missing ? Something , are you confused, are your leadership leaving you high and dry with out answers , Jesus wants a relationship with You . Jesus is Not a Religion He is the Hope of Glory Mystery hid from ages and Generations Col 1:25-28 But why does he let Peoples Children Die ? I don’t believe because , My Mom Died , My Dad Died , My Sister or Brother Died , Child Died Do You Not Know God The Creator of Heaven and Earth can raise anybody from the DEAD 😳😃 You Heard me Right Jesus Will Raise All From the Dead . If you want to be with that love one again 🤔😲 SEEK JESUS WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND Jesus Loves You BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Your born in the Spirit Now Your BORN AGAIN Jesus Told Nicodemus you must be born again 🤔 what does that mean 🤔 BELIEVE ON JESUS Rapture very Soon SHARE THE GOSPEL See you On the CLOUDS He Loves Sinner You have done nothing so bad that Jesus would not forgive you For 😃🤔😳😇😃😃😃😃😃😃😇😇😃 About the Rapture 2024 Control Date August 27, 2024 11:05 PM Control Date Rapture Soon Don’t Believe Aliens took us, Government Cover-up If your still Here after Rapture Your in TRIBULATION Hell on Earth 1st 3.5 years. 2nd 3.5 years Very Very Bad , worst time in Human History , Hell On Earth 3.5 years Read In the Bible , takes 1.5 Hrs Revelation Explains everything 120 LB Hailstone the Will break roofs in and kill many People , and Animals Something that looks like a grasshopper with long hair and a tail like a scorpion Rev 9:10 To sting men Months
@randallcalkins Ай бұрын
Praying for Debbie in the name of jesus curse that brain tremor that it dry up and die for the glory of the LORD LET US ALL AGREE WE SPEAK IT SO IN HIS NAME IT SHALL COME TO PASS IN FAITH LET THIS COME OUT YOUR MOUTH SPEAKING THIS CURSE TO THIS Tremor beleave it shall be so we are in the last hour.much is comming apond this earth fear not you will be a voice to them that are fearful to give them the words of life being born again as it's written.
@jesuslovesyou8280 Ай бұрын
I Love Gods Holy Word Robert Breaker ❤❤❤❤
@RobertoChavezJr-os6rg Ай бұрын
Thank you for being the way you are.Plus your teachings I like watching you.✨😇📖
@pamelazanewich8267 Ай бұрын
Waiting for our Blessed Hope. Come Jesus Come. Great study Pastor Breaker.😇
@noahthegod77769 26 күн бұрын
Please pray for the salvation of Robert, Christina, and Noah my 12 year old grandson!
@pattyjacobson Ай бұрын
It says in Romans 11:25 that “He put a veil over their eyes (Israel) in part, until the fullness of the gentiles comes in.” The whole chapter is about their salvation. Paul calls it a mystery.
@SusanA1056 28 күн бұрын
I believe in a pretribulation rapture too. Our world is tumbling downwards. Crime is prevalent. There is no peace in any kingdom. War is upon us. Viruses are spreading world wide. Jesus must surely be coming soon. Thanks for your teachings Br. Breaker.
@HiTechOilCo 22 күн бұрын
You have eyes to see. God bless you. You are a scout, ordained by God. Share your ability to see, your vision, with others. That is why God gave that ability to us. Many can not see, so God sent scouts to warn others. :)
@droppedonmyhead3522 Ай бұрын
I stopped the video for about a minute to pray for everyone in the comments who said they are hurting in some way or said they need prayer. I do not know any of you in the comments, but just know that there is somebody out there praying for you.
@uhuistarcher6084 Ай бұрын
Every single human need word of God in there life and ❤🙏
@chris.asi_romeo Ай бұрын
Redemption is nigh.
@denisestacey3681 Ай бұрын
Where's there's faith,there's no fear. Where fear is,faith is lacking❤❤❤
@robinguertin574 Ай бұрын
Thank yoy, brother Breaker.
@56username Ай бұрын
Seek Jesus While he may be found this Includes DOJ , DA , Good Police and bad cops and Auditors & Free AMERICANS ( free in PUBLIC) Pray for the Lost , and for those of this horrific event . This person was lost. Don’t Do , Have you thought about Suicide , is there Somthing missing from your life ? Is your Religion holding you Back 🤔😳 whats missing ? Something , are you confused, are your leadership leaving you high and dry with out answers , Jesus wants a relationship with You . Jesus is Not a Religion He is the Hope of Glory Mystery hid from ages and Generations Col 1:25-28 But why does he let Peoples Children Die ? I don’t believe because , My Mom Died , My Dad Died , My Sister or Brother Died , Child Died Do You Not Know God The Creator of Heaven and Earth can raise anybody from the DEAD 😳😃 You Heard me Right Jesus Will Raise All From the Dead . If you want to be with that love one again 🤔😲 SEEK JESUS WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND Jesus Loves You BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Your born in the Spirit Now Your BORN AGAIN Jesus Told Nicodemus you must be born again 🤔 what does that mean 🤔 BELIEVE ON JESUS Rapture very Soon SHARE THE GOSPEL See you On the CLOUDS He Loves Sinner You have done nothing so bad that Jesus would not forgive you For 😃🤔😳😇😃😃😃😃😃😃😇😇😃 About the Rapture 2024 Control Date August 27, 2024 11:05 PM Control Date Rapture Soon Don’t Believe Aliens took us, Government Cover-up If your still Here after Rapture Your in TRIBULATION Hell on Earth 1st 3.5 years. 2nd 3.5 years Very Very Bad , worst time in Human History , Hell On Earth 3.5 years Read In the Bible , takes 1.5 Hrs Revelation Explains everything 120 LB Hailstone the Will break roofs in and kill many People , and Animals Something that looks like a grasshopper with long hair and a tail like a scorpion Rev 9:10 To sting men Months
@allison6948 Ай бұрын
Robert thank you you made this so simple and clear. I knew most but you answered some questions in my mind...God Bless you ❤
@askdr.z4418 Ай бұрын
Hi Robert, I watch many teachers and have had my 1611 KJV Bible to study for 50 years. This last year I learn so much more. We are washed away our sins by Jesus and made white. We are glorified and receive fine white linen. Daniel is a great book and closely follows Revelation. Daniel like many of the prophets could only see some of the hilltops. The tribulation Saints that John saw cry out for justice, but are told to wait but awhile. They must wait because they still have more brothers and sisters yet to die in the tribulation to join them in Heaven. They are told to be quiet and wait and in the meantime they are given washed linen. Their linen is washed indicating they are tribulation saints. The Bride gets fine linen. The tribulation saints I believe don’t get their glorified bodies until the Kingdom begins I believe. They must wait for their brothers by the end of the tribulation.
@Howdoyoupurr Ай бұрын
Someone that actually doesn’t by into the pretribulation lie. Bible clear comes at. A trumpet. Another verse last trump and yet another john6:40 that says he shows up at the last day. Now could argue that a day is to god as if a thousand years making it a mystery, but with it saying last trumpet, it’s pretty clear when he shows up. Last person makes the choice to serve god or reject him he comes grabs his then the last battle Armageddon happens on the last day. Not all that hard. But people keep buying into the rapture lie from 1830
@56username Ай бұрын
Seek Jesus While he may be found this Includes DOJ , DA , Good Police and bad cops and Auditors & Free AMERICANS ( free in PUBLIC) Pray for the Lost , and for those of this horrific event . This person was lost. Don’t Do , Have you thought about Suicide , is there Somthing missing from your life ? Is your Religion holding you Back 🤔😳 whats missing ? Something , are you confused, are your leadership leaving you high and dry with out answers , Jesus wants a relationship with You . Jesus is Not a Religion He is the Hope of Glory Mystery hid from ages and Generations Col 1:25-28 But why does he let Peoples Children Die ? I don’t believe because , My Mom Died , My Dad Died , My Sister or Brother Died , Child Died Do You Not Know God The Creator of Heaven and Earth can raise anybody from the DEAD 😳😃 You Heard me Right Jesus Will Raise All From the Dead . If you want to be with that love one again 🤔😲 SEEK JESUS WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND Jesus Loves You BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Your born in the Spirit Now Your BORN AGAIN Jesus Told Nicodemus you must be born again 🤔 what does that mean 🤔 BELIEVE ON JESUS Rapture very Soon SHARE THE GOSPEL See you On the CLOUDS He Loves Sinner You have done nothing so bad that Jesus would not forgive you For 😃🤔😳😇😃😃😃😃😃😃😇😇😃 About the Rapture 2024 Control Date August 27, 2024 11:05 PM Control Date Rapture Soon Don’t Believe Aliens took us, Government Cover-up If your still Here after Rapture Your in TRIBULATION Hell on Earth 1st 3.5 years. 2nd 3.5 years Very Very Bad , worst time in Human History , Hell On Earth 3.5 years Read In the Bible , takes 1.5 Hrs Revelation Explains everything 120 LB Hailstone the Will break roofs in and kill many People , and Animals Something that looks like a grasshopper with long hair and a tail like a scorpion Rev 9:10 To sting men Months
@Beef5 Ай бұрын
Those in Christ will be raptured up pre tribulation.
@Howdoyoupurr Ай бұрын
@@Beef5 bible says Jesus comes at a trumpet, the last trumpet and the last day. That’s not last days but last day as in the very last day of life on planet earth. Still want to keep trying to sell the lie from the 1830s ?
@Beef5 Ай бұрын
@@Howdoyoupurr the Bible says we that are in Christ will be raptured up pre tribulation.
@ChristineBates-r5x 6 күн бұрын
It is important that we keep on watch, but what even matters is when that day comes , we are ready. 😊❤
@CoDGhosts619 Ай бұрын
From all the varying counts of 1,260, 1,290, 1335 days and also an extra 75 and 30 days added to the 1,260, these EXACT days can be added from Oct 2nd, 2024 (Rosh Hashanah) Feast of Trumpets, and you'll land on the exact days on the Lords Feasts fulfilling all the fall feasts that Jesus Christ would need to just like how he did with the Spring Feasts when he was ministering here nearly 2,000 years ago! Adding all these days ONLY works on Oct 2nd, 2024 to have a harmonious and EXACT landing on all the Lords Feasts. This doesn't work for 2025 or 2026 but ONLY starting in 2024! Take a look here and let me know what you think and if it's worth making a video on! Daniel 12:11-12 From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days. The daily sacrifice is the church, all believers in Christ right now. The day the Rapture occurs, Daniel says to add 1,290 days exactly from that day and it will be the day of the middle of the 7 year tribulation which is the abomination of desolation. We are the daily sacrifice. (Luke 9:23, Romans 12:1, 1 Corinthians 15:31) These prophecies deal with specific time periods associated with the 7 year tribulation. This is the TIMELINE according the Book of Daniel and Revelation properly exegeting the scripture not based on my own understanding. Nov 1st 2024 - Sept 26th 2031 is the 7 year tribulation. That is exactly 2,520 days. Rapture of the Church (Pre Tribulation Rapture) Oct 2nd, 2024. Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets) 30 days after Oct 2nd is Nov 1st, 2024, the day of the signing of the 7 year peace treaty by the Antichrist. (the start of the 7 year tribulation) (Daniel 9:27) BE AWARE of the Antichrist for he will SEEM genuine the first 3.5 years but he is NOT who he says he is. He will enforce the mark of the beast on either your right hand or forehead in order to buy or sell things, DON'T DO IT. It instantly condemns you to hell! Jesus warned about that. (Revelation 13:13-18) 1,290 days after the rapture Oct 2nd, 2024 is April 14th, 2028 which is in the middle of the week of Passover. Passover 2028 starts April 10, 2028 - April 18, 2028. Key timing that it's in the MIDDLE OF THE WEEK of PASSOVER because in Daniel 9:27 it says "And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease.." Even though ONE WEEK is understood as 7 YEARS, it's NOT coincidental that in the "midst of the week" of PASSOVER 2028, he breaks the peace treaty in the MIDDLE of the 7 year tribulation! This is PROPHETIC timing as this day LITERALLY lands in the midst of the week and midst of the 7 years! April 14th, 2028 is the Abomination of Desolation. The Antichrist breaks the 7 year peace treaty here and this is the start of the Great Tribulation and final 3.5 years/1,260 days. I pray for any of you in these final days, repent and receive Jesus Christ and don’t take the mark. The antichrist is NOT God even though it will be convincing. Satan will be ahold of him. (Daniel 9:27) Did an exact 1,260 days (3.5 years) from the start of the 7 year tribulation (Nov 1, 2024) land on the Abomination of Desolation? (April 14th, 2028) Yes! It lands exactly in the middle of the week of Passover 2028. April 14th, 2028. On this day, Jesus says whoever is in Judea to flee immediately. (Matt 24:15-21) The Final 1,260 days (3.5 years) later from April 14th, 2028 is September 26th, 2031, this is the same day as Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) which is the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ and the end of the 7 year tribulation. If it’s the end of the 7 year tribulation, then it has to be exactly 2,520 days after Nov 1st 2024 (start of the 7 year trib) and is it? Yes it is, do the math. (Read all of Matthew 24 but Matthew 24:29-31 is about Jesus 2nd coming) 75 days later from September 26th, 2031 (2nd coming of Christ and End of 7 year tribulation) is December 10th, 2031 which is when Hanukkah 2031 starts. 1,335 days after the Abomination of Desolation (breaking of the 7 year peace treaty, Apr 14, 2028) is December 10th 2031 which is when Hanukkah 2031 starts. Overall, all the numbers given from the Book of Daniel and Revelation were all fitted perfectly and only works with this year. Doing this with the year 2030, 2032, 2033 does not work because you won’t get the exact same harmonious results with 2031 being the 2nd coming of Christ with him fulfilling all the fall feasts and 2031 will be the start of the 1,000 year reign of Jesus Christ on Earth. And REGARDING Matthew 24:36 "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." This was Jesus telling a JEWISH IDIOM. The Jewish idiom “The Day and the Hour No Man Knows” refers to the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) because the exact start of the feast is unknown! Another name for this feast is “The Hidden Day” The Feast of Trumpets was the only feast day to occur at the start of a lunar month. The first day of the month and this day was not known until 2 witnesses confirmed sighting of the New Moon sliver to the sanhedrin. And this could happen at ANY hour of ANY day during the New Moon phase. Only the sanhedrin nassi had the authority to proclaim the first of Tishri which is Rosh Hasanah, the Jewish New Year. Because of this, the jewish idiom was made and the Feast of Trumpets became known as the Feast No Man Knows the Day or Hour! Hence explaining the context with Jesus saying in Matthew 24:26 “No one knows the day or hour” Also "That Day or Hour No One Knows" can refer to a parallel between Jewish Marriage Customs because the bridegroom on an unannounced night would gather his best man and groomsmen together going to the brides house crying with a loud shout that the bridegroom is here to marry the bride! They would typically use a shofar which is similar to a trumpet to signify the bridegrooms arrival which the bride NEVER knew the day or hour the Bridegroom would come and get her! So as you can see, that explains one of Jesus Christ's most FAMOUS saying "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."
@maryjaneocl Ай бұрын
@fazole Ай бұрын
Would the Lord rapture His church BEFORE the gospel is preached to the unreached? Much of the world is still barely reached, like N. Korea, for example.
@truepeace3 Ай бұрын
@@fazole I believe the passage you are referring to has to do with Jesus’ second coming. Jesus had just given the disciples a summary of events from the time of 70 AD to His glorious return. Mat 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. Mat 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. Notice too that Jesus says “gospel of the kingdom.” Tribulation saints who die, as well as those who make it to the end of the tribulation period, will enter into the Millenial kingdom. They don’t immediately go to heaven like believers do today (the Church). Those living in the tribulation period will still hear the gospel from the two witnesses, the 144,000 and the angel flying in the midst of heaven. Rev 14:6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Rev 14:7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. Some will also learn of the gospel through tracts, left behind letters, people who had heard the gospel before the rapture and Bibles (though I’m sure Bibles will be banned at some point).
@truepeace3 Ай бұрын
@@CoDGhosts619 Very interesting! The only part with which we might have a difference of opinion is the daily sacrifice being the Church. I see where you could interpret it that way. But I do believe the Jews will build their third temple (which can go up very fast) and begin sacrifices again. The Antichrist will defile that temple and enter into the holy place and blasphemously declare himself to be God. I do so hope you are right. Everything is pointing to things going very badly by the end of 2024. And common sense would tell you that the world cannot be brought under the rule of one man and a world government without something huge happening. Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!!! Maranatha!
@abaker4692 Ай бұрын
I appreciate that last paragraph. The rest is very good, as well. That's how I've learned it.
@dianeharris2358 Ай бұрын
Love this video, Brother Breaker. ❤
@kerrym2858 Ай бұрын
God is not done with Israel,a lot of Jews will be saved in the Tribulation.
@dennisneo1608 Ай бұрын
Absolutely! Behold, I show you a mystery.
@michaelseay9783 Ай бұрын
Daniel 12:11-12 proves that the teaching of a 7 year Tribulation is a bunch of malarkey. If they are not teaching the truth about the Tribulation, then what else are they lying about?
@FloridaGirl- Ай бұрын
Zechariah 13:8-9 8 And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein. 9 And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The Lord is my God. (Zechariah 13 & 14 Speak also of the Jews in the Great tribulation. The time of “Jacobs Trouble”)
@ruthpetetson3927 Ай бұрын
Anxiously awaiting to be home with our Bridegroom Christ Jesus and see Him face to face.
@susanjane2498 Ай бұрын
To be made white is to be made pure. As in their sins are washed away.
@jsteele650 Ай бұрын
To be made white means their religious garments are dirty. This has nothing to do with the sin that the Lord has paid the penalty for! This is a problem of the heart, a spiritual problem! These believers have spots and wrinkles on their robes. Spots are like blemishes. When you have a problem on the inside of your body, your skin will get a blemish. A bad diet can cause this. These believers are forever learning but never coming to the knowledge of truth. They are in the wrong field therefore they are eating the wrong food. A bad diet ( false doctrines cause blemishes). Also these left behind believers have wrinkles in their garments. How did those get there?!? The bulk of the church is in a DEEP SLEEP. When your sleeping in your robes, they get wrinkled. As Adam (the church) slept, God was forming a bride from his rib ( a rib portion or a remnant) ***OUT OF*** that body of believers. That is why we are warned in his Word to not sleep as others do. Going ALIVE at pretrib is part of the bridal remnant's reward!
@kennethmccree4363 27 күн бұрын
Where are you located brother, if possible I would love to come to your church, you teach real Bible. Thank you and God bless
@sherrytownsley5236 Ай бұрын
"Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked..." Daniel 12:10. That means they will be saved, they will not take the mark of the Beast, and will be tried and they will more than likely be killed as Martyrs for Jesus. Revelation 7:13-17.
@Invaderman440-pn7nb Ай бұрын
Google "project Sela".
@michaelseay9783 Ай бұрын
The truth about the mark of the beast is in Ezekiel 8 and 9. Read it very carefully.
@Invaderman440-pn7nb Ай бұрын
Michaelseay9783, yes the man in linen. He is in Daniel 12 as well, and says "time, times, and an half". Daniel 7:25-28 tells of a man made dominion that re-arranges times and laws to dominate the saints, but it ends with the "time, times, and an half". What an amazing gathering The Lord does at that point at the end of Daniel 7!
@jsteele650 Ай бұрын
@sherrytownsley5236 The apostle Paul teaches we leave by rank and order. 1 Corinthians 15:23 [23]But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward, they that are Christ's at his coming. ORDER MEANS RANKS!!! This is everywhere in the Bible as types and shadows. These types and shadows are patterns laid by God. God looks at his people as crops. In the natural, you can not harvest a crop until IT IS READY. Scripture says the bride hath made herself ready. How did she do this? She LABORED TO ENTER INTO HIS REST. RESTING is the hardest thing believers have to learn. We always feel like we have to do something or change something. The bride rested in his Word and made herself pliable in the Potter's hands. This is not about her, and she knows it!!! This is about HIS PERSON, HIS WORK. The Word of God is powerful, and it will transform you. Go read about his bridal company in Proverbs 31. The virtuous woman is his bride. Go read the entire chapter! She gets her food from afar (heavenly places through the Holy Spirit). She is up at night preparing food for her household and her maidens. This is very important because everyone else is ASLEEP. ...... As Adam (the church) slept, God was forming a bride from his rib ( a rib potion AKA a remnant) ***OUT OF*** that body of believers. The bride is made of a very small remnant. Isaiah 1:9 [9]Except the LORD of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah. Proverbs 31:29 [29]Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all. The true bride is the barley company, which is a very small remnant. This company will speak as we head into the Acts 27 storm. Go read Acts 27. The apostle Paul stands on deck in the midst of the storm. He is bringing meat in due season for the rest of the body of Christ. They will need this to escape to the heavenly shore by ranks!!! 1) swimmers first 2) Then some on boards 3) Then those that are still holding onto pieces of the ship. Acts 27:43-44 [43]But the centurion, willing to save Paul, kept them from their purpose; and commanded that they which could swim should cast themselves first into the sea, and get to land: [44]And the rest, some on boards, and some on broken pieces of the ship. And so it came to pass, that they escaped all safe to land. Barley company will be WINNOWED BY THE WHIRLWIND. The only company that departs ALIVE AT PRETRIB. The rem3aining companies need the threshing floor of tribulation to do a finishing work IN THEM. The wheat company is the bulk of the church AKA, the great multitude of Rev7 AKA virgins without number. The wheat is CRUSHED with a tribullum board on the threshing floor. The 144,000 Jews are the grapes, and they are TREAD on the threshing floor. (The wheat and the grapes are the 2 witnesses during the first 3 1/2 years of tribulation) This is judgment during the first 3 1/2 years!!! Peter tells us judgment must begin at the House of God. Israel is a rebellious house, and so is the House of God! 1 Peter 4:17 [17]For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? The final company that will be the last company left on the earth during the last 3 1/2 years of Tribulation is the OLIVE COMPANY. They are PRESSED on the threshing floor during the Wrath of God AKA The Time of Jacob's Trouble. The olive company is the Faithful Remnant.
@randyrondyhord1940 Ай бұрын
I use get ahead of my self, till I seen Luke 16:16 then I seen God was already there,thank you Jesus
@avisswope6495 Ай бұрын
I. Am homeless a elderly Christian lady 75 yrs old high rent increases eviction 4 4 2024 in ocala. Florida.. I have no place to lay my head or live. I live on a fixed I come it goes no where Everything is too expensive
@ShawnRKA Ай бұрын
Didn't Paul Mills at off grid desert farming get you some help? I thought you were staying with someone now?
@ginabrosman Ай бұрын
@SisterWendy2474 Ай бұрын
To and fro, through The Book; with Increased Knowledge and Understanding of it, As they, like Daniel, could Not understand it then….. We can now, because we see it Jumping off the Pages as we read it, going to and fro, in the scriptures 📖😊🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
@briana325 Ай бұрын
My wife and kids are all saved. Praise God! Hopefully my dogs don’t suffer after we are raptured.
@mjhawk73 Ай бұрын
This is the best teaching. I love it❤❤❤. Your hilarious. I love that you bring it down to my "allot less knowledge than you" or dumb it down me.
@justinplank6420 Ай бұрын
We just finished Hosea at my church great application to a New Testament Christian who is not living for God and a lot of prophesy for Israel in the tribulation
@JWHEdwards Ай бұрын
PastorBreaker, did you know Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu studies the book, "The Revelation to John"?
@KGraceSpeaksKea1335 Ай бұрын
Really? Why? He follows the Babylonian Talmud.
@Sapphireprincess8 Ай бұрын
@DevenaGrimes Ай бұрын
Please pray for me.
@NgoziKOka Ай бұрын
May God show you mercy in Jesus mightiest Name Amen
@bennie885 Ай бұрын
Please pray for my aunt Jennie to forgive her enemies. I can see the enemy trying to toy with her. I pray she lets go and allows Jesus to take over. I don’t really ask for prayer on social media but the spirit led me here, and time is short. Love y’all but God loves you more! ❤️🙏🏾 “where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20
@marcellebotha1676 Ай бұрын
We pray that she forgives in Jesus name. Forgiveness is such an awesome thing to do because it's sets you free from sickness and torment. Unforgiveness brings all sort of sicknesses.
@chevona Ай бұрын
Dear Brother Robert I only add this because I believe in Iron sharpening Iron. You say God does not give visions and yet in his word. . . . Acts 2:17- And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: This verse pricked my spirit when you said God is done giving visions. May God continue to bless and keep you and your family safe!
@Mediocre_JT Ай бұрын
I think that verse is what's happening now and what opened up my eyes and heart to the Lord. God woke something up in me and for the past couple of years I've had an overwhelming love and dedication to the Lord. I saw a UFO and drove directly under it, but I could only see the lights, 6 or 7 spinning lights on the bottom of a cloud, it looked like the lights were being reflected off of something, and since that day all I want to do is learn about God. I read Ezekiel recently and when I read the verse about the 7 spirits of God being passed back and forth from the Ophanims and God's throne having a reflective crystal floor, I couldn't speak for five minutes, my jaw dropped because I knew that was exactly what I saw, but it was only the lights since we can't see God or angels unless we're in their dimension or ours and they make themselves known. It only makes sense where this newfound thirst for the word of God came from the Lord pouring out his spirit on all. Something has been waking everyone up, I'm pretty sure it's that exact verse that you said. God is amazing, and it seems like understanding keeps growing. The signs pointing to the end times are overwhelming, especially so many being openly evil, calling good evil. There have also been millions of muslims that have had the exact same dream of Jesus and he has caused countless muslims to leave Islam and follow Jesus. There have been thousands of mosques that have closed because so many have woken up and found Jesus, it's amazing. God is definitely waking us up for something soon.
@chevona Ай бұрын
@@Mediocre_JT you have blessed me with your post! All praise and honor and GLORY TO GOD!!! God is the author and finisher of our faith and He calls to those that are HIS! Keep digging and finish the race STRONG! We are going home soon! ❤️❤️❤️
@LoiDivine Ай бұрын
the endis this year between Rosh Hashana and Succos
@LastDaySaintJames Ай бұрын
The end is at trumpet 7 we have not heard the first trumpet sound yet Rev. 8 7 The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up. .
@FishermensCorner Ай бұрын
Happy you were honest about believing in pre-trib right off the bat.
@desertrunner3277 Ай бұрын
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that the tribulation starts on the day of the rapture. The trib starts when Israel signs the seven-year peace treaty with "the many." Am I wrong?
@zippy2641 Ай бұрын
Your first statement is correct. The tribulation , begins in the middle of the week. There is no "7 year tribulation". The "7 years" pertains to Daniel's 70th week. The covenant is confirmed at the beginning of the 70th week, and broken in the middle.
@truepeace3 Ай бұрын
True. Brother Breaker never said it did. Around the 30 minute mark, he explains that. The timing begins when the Jews begin their sacrifices. Which probably aligns with the temple going up as a result of the signed covenant. I believe there will be a very brief time lapse between the rapture and the signing of a peace covenant.
@zippy2641 Ай бұрын
@@truepeace3 The rapture occurs after the tribulation when Christ returns, at the sound of the last trump. "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 👉And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other."👈 Matthew 24:29-31
@truepeace3 Ай бұрын
@@zippy2641 Here’s an excellent article by Thomas D. Ice, explaining Matthew 24:31. Just do a search for “Matthew 24:31: Rapture Or Second Coming?” I could condense his article, but it would still be pretty long.
@henripeshkatari8446 Ай бұрын
Pre-wrath not pre-treb dear pastor! How do you relate Mathew 24 with 2 Thessal 2:1-10
@allison6948 Ай бұрын
Please.pray for.my daughter Jamie...she was raised a Christian got indoctrinated in the collage system...and is being decived....politically and spiritually....she cut.off ties with her family ...also pray for.my Grand children Caleb who is autistic and Wyatt that has Aspurgers....I prayed with them when they were younger but the mother is so cold... Thank you God Bless ❤
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