Robocraft 2 Its back, again. A look at an early playtest version of Robocraft 2

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20 күн бұрын

Freejam have started over with a new version of Robocraft 2. This time similar to Robocraft back in 2015. Will players like this version better. In this video I take a quick look at the playtest version of Robocraft 2 and talk a bit about how it compares to Robocraft 1.
If you want to apply for access to the playtest you can do that on the storepage for Robocraft 1
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@billcar50 13 күн бұрын
I'm a 2014/2015 player. Would like to play this!
@afterthefact6708 16 күн бұрын
Would love for there to be megabots. Its also remarkable how quickly they are able to shit out versions of RC, the kicker is if they continue any real support.
@Ketmo785 16 күн бұрын
I think this is pretty much the last chance for FJ. They have to stick to this or it' over for RC. If they abandon this project too then they will lose the little trust they have left in the community. Also where do they go from here if this does not work? They already tried to do something different, something new, did not work out. This is the complete opposite. Keeping very close to the original RC. If this does not work out for them either I have a hard time to see a way forward for the franchise for FJ.
@plasticfrank 2 күн бұрын
@@Ketmo785 I can't imagine they even have a chance. Sure there are people pining for old school RC. But I don't think the group is big enough to propell a game to success. And this group of people aren't going to be particularly forgiving of any problems. They're already jaded by years of putting up with years of FreeJam's nonsense.
@Morality9 19 күн бұрын
The legend has returned to Robocrafting.
@Ketmo785 19 күн бұрын
I'm not nearly a legend and I'm not sure I 'm really back either.. but I will follow the development at least by checking in once in a while at the current state of RC2. But this won't be an RC2 channel. I'm probably going to stick to more mixed content even inf youtube alogarithm hates when you mix content :)
@TriloGStudio 4 күн бұрын
The map is indeed different. It looks very similar tho.
@TriloGStudio 4 күн бұрын
I thought I was the only on asking for them to go back. They def went back BUT they have all types of quality of life changes and changed how things work which I love (like removing the shields) I absolutely love how they put the shields on the blocks now.
@Ketmo785 4 күн бұрын
I have not really made up my mind about shield on the blocks. I don't dislike it. That said I did like the old electro shields as a build feature
@davidtitanium22 2 күн бұрын
as long as they get right the core gameplay of build-drive-fight, i think they'll at least have a stable player base, then they can move to adding their new ideas without taking away from the core. I personally think the idea of being able to leave your robot was a pretty cool one, could be its own tech tree up to something like an ejector seat when you're losing the fight, maybe you can go walk back to base to summon a new bot or continue the fight on foot like a maniac
@Ketmo785 2 күн бұрын
The tech for leaving the robot is there. The rebuild is using the same codebase. They re used as much as they could so it is just a matter of if they want that to be a thing or not and if they can come up with gameplay ideas that makes leaving the robot a useful gameplay mechanic. Right now they seem to be very afraid to stray top far from the RC1 2015 something gameplay so I doubt it will happen. At least not anytime soon.
@gamersandgames 19 күн бұрын
Thx for the video. 😊
@lmaogottem5984 5 күн бұрын
this looks much better than the original rc2, i still hope theyll make buildable turrets because that was the one thing in rc2 i really liked
@Ketmo785 5 күн бұрын
I feel like that won't happen. For that they need joints and it seems like they have gone back to the basics so I don't think they will really bring any thing from that version over. Unfortunately. Personally I would have liked them to not backtrack 100% but rather find a middle ground where some of the interesting things with building stayed but combat and damage system more like RC,1clientside and block by block damage.
@plasticfrank 2 күн бұрын
​@@Ketmo785the compromise would have been saving primitives. Some players didn't like building suspension mechanisms? Turret assemblies? Saving primitives would mean you only have to design those parts once and you could use them ad infinitum in all of your subsequent builds. The Hello Neighbor racing game allows you to save primitives ffs. It's embarrassing that RC doesn't. It's ridiculous that RC2A added premade turrets instead of a system for saving primitive assemblies.
@Ketmo785 2 күн бұрын
@@plasticfrank They actually did, they had the precon system. you could create pre cons (a copy of a section of you robot) to paste on to any of your new builds. The issue was that the game was changing so fast with every single update that the pre cons would be obsolete after just one update. But they had the system in place.
@plasticfrank 2 күн бұрын
@@Ketmo785 I'm interested in when that was. But I guess it doesn't matter now 2A is forever gone. A new version of RC that is just as limited as the original doesn't seem like progress to me. I think a new RC needs deeper levels of creativity but I guess I'm not the demographic FreeJam is listening to.
@Ketmo785 2 күн бұрын
I'm not really either. I like games like ONI and space engineers way to much to be part of the core demographics for the new version :)
@Nullpersona 19 күн бұрын
The tab menu is only one option, as the different stations around the garage provide similar navigation control with a bit of aesthetic flair.
@Ketmo785 19 күн бұрын
yep.. there was a lot of small stuff I skipped talking about because I wanted to keep the video rather short, so for example I didn't say much at all about the UI, but I think it's a lot better than in old RC2
@toxitron7385 10 күн бұрын
Looks fun, but i really liked the versatility of old rc2 building system. Im a rc1 player too, really like to play with my friends and clan.
@Ketmo785 9 күн бұрын
Yeah. I also really liked the old RC2 building system. I will miss it. This one, being true to old RC1, has rather boring building in opinion. And combat and health system is a lot better. For someone who do not care that much for building this version will most likely be a lot more fun than the previous. For those however who really like building, toying with logic and all that, then the building in this new version of RC2 will feel very much dumbed down.
@Silhohen 19 күн бұрын
RC1 Vet here, I'm defs givin this a go, all the parts falling off is actually a really cool addition that doesnt effect gameplay balance. My main issue with RC2 was the large block building and the movement was way too slow and clunky. Also some AUS servers would have made it playable for me... Interested to see how they handle T10 and megas cuz the progression was one of their issues around the time they're rolling back to... They could pivot and try like a PVE with raids and shit, get a bunch of T10 bots and go fight a buch of well programmed mega AIs. PVP live services don't really work very well financially, especially creative ones and indie ones, so their market is probably on a knifes edge to begin with.
@Ketmo785 19 күн бұрын
I am not sure they will ad megas. It's not a pure replica more like a very close to re-build. So, especially since megas had some issues, they might decide to skip it. Will be interesting to see what stuff they will include and what they will leave out.
@-lijosu- 19 күн бұрын
Funny you mention that. There actually was an Aus server but no one could connect to it because FJ’s matchmaking system was so dreadful. We told them about it and they seemed to insist on tweaking wait times instead of fixing it.
@rezz77s 3 күн бұрын
@Mallchad 2 күн бұрын
Eh, I can already see the fissures in "lets make the game from 2014/2015" promise. Healing was a later addition, blocks look different which I don't mind but in theory but this look blocky and weird. That's one thing I didn't like about the OG either, it made making sleep bots hard and everything was cartoonish. This resource system is new I only remember basic credits and stuff. I don't mind a new resource system just please don't lie and say "we're going to remake Robocraft 2014/2015" because that's nearly not happening. Hellion crater I don't remember well but this looks very close to what I remember. Close enough to not care. Also in general I don't mind having new game features. I just get the lingering impression freejam doesn't really know how to make games and lucked out with the original game. And if they can't make new mechanics well then... Well. I'd rather they just reimpliment the original exactly as it was and leave it. because that was fun. and it worked.
@Ketmo785 2 күн бұрын
Its that last part that worries me quite a bit. I really liked the original physics based RC2 and I have the feeling that maybe another developer could have actually pulled it of and made an amazing game out of that idea but FJ just made too many bad decisions along the way. The new RC2 is a lot simpler game so probably easier to pull off. But their track record after RC1 has not exactly been great.
@Mallchad 2 күн бұрын
@@Ketmo785 yeah. even the original game had telltale signs. like permadeath only leaves a lot of people left it because they die at the beginning of the match. but I enjoyed it. Tying colouring options and shield shapes to tiers was terrible and rigid. but I enjoyed it. Making it so that parts stick out so much and are so fragile that a few pot shots will immobilize anyone doesn't feel that great- oh... wait...
@Ketmo785 2 күн бұрын
@@Mallchad lol
@drkreuzer670 15 күн бұрын
Eh. Still better than crossout
@drkreuzer670 15 күн бұрын
I'm still gonna play from the depths more than robocraft, since from the depths is an awesome game
@Ketmo785 15 күн бұрын
I probably should try that game at some point. I have a feeling I might like it :)
@Pizza-xi3fs 13 күн бұрын
This is literally rc1 but with rtx at this point lol.
@Ketmo785 12 күн бұрын
IT is most certainly a very close adaptation. There are some new stuff. Like having a variety of materials and not just robits but those are all minor things and not really core gameplay.
@V0lcan000 12 күн бұрын
robocraft is like a zombie at this point, back from the dead, but never really alive either. Freejam have lost all their good faith with their constant changes and reboots so at this point, the bigger miracle is if they can stick to something.
@Ketmo785 12 күн бұрын
We will see this time around. But yes. It is probably the last chance for them.
@uno2326 19 күн бұрын
@plasticfrank 2 күн бұрын
FreeJam has been ruining RC for years listening to the loudest players. They are never going to recapture their previous glory. There are so many more games now in the genre FreeJam pioneered that are doing it better. If suspension and steering mechanisms aren't user made, if turets aren't user made, if maps aren't user made, if game types aren't user made, what are we doing here? FreeJam is stagnant af. I'd rather play pvp Scrap Mechanic or pvp Trailmakers. If Instruments of Destruction added pvp it would blow RC out of the water. The early access version of Screwdrivers is breaking more ground than FreeJam has in a decade.
@Ketmo785 2 күн бұрын
Made me lol. They went from trying everything new compared to old rc1. I mean the idea of original rc2 was to give players mapmaking tools and have tons of user creation. But since it ended they way it did they reverted to not daring to try anything new and just make something super close to old rc1. In their defense. That was what most of the bad reviews for the first rc2 was calling for. but yes. kind of sad considering what a good old version of rc2 could have been given a lot more dev time
@Anti-Smart 18 күн бұрын
I liked the "old" robocraft 2 a lot more than this. The "old" robocraft 2 was my first experience with the games and I was immediately disappointed when I saw that they've just gone back to a boring block based system, the system I came to the game to avoid.
@dukezero5074 18 күн бұрын
It's very obvious that you never played the original Robocraft then haha
@-lijosu- 18 күн бұрын
I played RC back in 2015 and I prefer the old RC2. The idea that RC1 was objectively better is ridiculous.
@Anti-Smart 18 күн бұрын
​@@dukezero5074 And I'm getting sick of block based 90° grids being the only option.
@Ketmo785 18 күн бұрын
I liked the old one as well, it had some problems that was probably hard to solve. But I liked it. Wish some other company would do a physics based arena fighter at some point. Despite being sad to see that version scrapped I do think that this version is probably more commercially viable so from a purely business point of view I understand the change
@BanjooFandublagens 17 күн бұрын
I prefer the RC1
@Jagaman 19 күн бұрын
After leaving the game in 2016, I hope they just focus on making the game and not keep adding gimmicks or crazy ideas.
@Ketmo785 19 күн бұрын
So far it's just the basics and I guess they will start by adding obvious things like plasma, maybe mech legs, the question is where they go once they run out of content just replicating the stuff back from RC2015. Since it's free to play they can't just stop adding content. They will need to keep pushing stuff out.
@-lijosu- 19 күн бұрын
It looks so shit.
@Ketmo785 19 күн бұрын
It looks and plays like RC2015. I mean they went pretty all in in terms of making it close to the original. A few new ideas like variety of materials, not just robits and a bit different UI.. but like 99% the core gameplay and looks is RC2015/2014. it looks like a 10 year opdl game I guess :)
@-lijosu- 19 күн бұрын
Yeah lol It’s kind of cool how close it looks to an actual, modern RC 2015. But every time I see the block by block placement with the goofy, over-the-top placing and destroying animation (that the stans are probably eating up) I groan out loud. I also find it very amusing how it has autoheal. I wonder if they’ll remove that after adding nanos again. I can see it getting better with time, but I probably still won’t play it and it’s pretty gross what they had to sacrifice just to get less and satisfy a hoard of self righteous, insane bigots that can’t let go of the past. I don’t think it’ll take off even if everyone wants it to. As one last note. FreeJam have started muting anyone in their discord who says they don’t like the game, as well as people who mention their history with cancelling games. They absolutely seek to control as much information as possible and destroy any easily accessible evidence that any of this happened. I used to think FJ were the little guys but they somehow managed to make me feel smaller.
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