This guy can't name someone BUT I CAN "name some dude who goes through male puberty and was someone who was not elite and then became successful in women's sport" : AUSTIN KILLIPS was not an elite cyclist before he started racing in the women's category. His first season racing... he raced as an elite woman and placed 10th in his first race of the season which happened to be a UCI CX race, the year before his next year WHERE HE PLACED 3rd at Nationals, knocking Hannah Arensman off her rightful spot on the Elite Women's USAC podium. He was on the podium in European Pro CX races.... HE JUST WON THE TOUR OF THE GILA... HE WON THE BWR in Asheville... and he just GOT 9th AT USAC/UCI Pro nats two days ago with us world tour female athletes. Again, Pielke is either not informed or is just ignorant- have this conversation with someone who is more educated and aware.
@cincydooley Жыл бұрын
He’s aware. He’s willfully ignorant. Come on now.
@irondoc99 Жыл бұрын
From a competitive fairness standpoint, the "hard line in the sand" MUST be that no transgender male may compete in a women's event once said athlete has begun or completed puberty. It is either this OR you allow biologic females to use anabolic steroids (which will not happen) the correct choice is easy.
@FrozenSurf Жыл бұрын
Sensible comment.
@CaryCotterman Жыл бұрын
I'm not surprised Pielke comes down on the side of inclusion, but I didn't expect Armstrong to be so wishy-washy. Pielke is full of shit about needing scientific studies to determine if there's an unfair advantage. When you have men who were mediocrities, nonentities in their sports winning the same events when they switch to competing against women, it's obvious to anyone with a brain that there's an unfair advantage, a grossly unfair advantage. And it's not just a matter of testosterone levels. Regardless of testosterone, there's muscle size and mass, bone density, lung capacity, heart capacity, height, reach, length of stride, and men's higher psychological willingness to take risks. In a sport like swimming, even larger feet and hands are an advantage, because those are the body parts used for propulsion through the water. Men in women's sports must end not only at the elite level, but at all levels. Girls in high school are competing for scholarships to universities. Women at universities are competing for notice by professional teams. Women in professional sports are competing for better positions, money, and endorsements. They don't deserve to have those opportunities taken by men. And they don't need to have men in their locker rooms. Pielke says just to change the way we build locker rooms. Okay Roger, you pay for it. Better yet, to use his metaphor, turn it up to 11 now. Get men completely out of women's sports. It's not a gray issue. It's pure black and white.
@noxskuses Жыл бұрын
I think what you are missing is that there are certain circumstances. Lia is a special case as a biological male who competed as a swimmer AFTER puberty and then transitioned. Is every trans female out-performing their biological female competitors, No. Example: I am a 50 year old recreational cyclist in decent shape. (I stopped riding in 2013 and just started up again) If I transitioned and competed as a female, the women would most likely destroy me. If you follow cycling, a lot of female cyclists compete at an older age, I would say more than males so I could fit into the demographic of being older. So I agree with you that in the case, there is an unfair advantage, but in the overall picture, its not that clear cut. I'm just throwing an arbitrary number out there, but if 1% of Trans women athletes are dominating, it doesn't make sense to ban all trans athletes based on such a small number.
@huttonsdubai411 Жыл бұрын
100% agree @cart and @noxskuses if donkeys were unicorns We’d all get popcorn for free.
@noxskuses Жыл бұрын
@@huttonsdubai411 That's the best you can come up with?
@markruscoe6228 Жыл бұрын
Noxskuses, as long as you can stay out of girls’ locker rooms, we can be friends. And please don’t go taking money and scholarships from women either. Thanks in advance.
@noxskuses Жыл бұрын
@@markruscoe6228 Don't worry, I would never want to be your friend.
@suzetri Жыл бұрын
As a former world class triathlete and still competitive at an older age, must share my voice re this topic. Women were not even able to compete in sports a century ago. When we were finally given the ‘right’, we were also given our OWN category-WOMEN. To make it fair. Because we weren’t men. And men have always been the dominant physical force. Think about this fact before you start discussing taking women’s sports category away. There is no such thing as trans. A man can not be a woman, especially in sports. Rational men need to do some research on women sports to see our struggles just to be allowed to compete in sports. Please, for our young girls coming up the ranks, save the female category for women only. DNA testing if needed. Because you won’t see girls competing as males and kicking ass. It’s never going to happen because they can’t. This Trans nonsense only goes one way. Men destroying women and their category. Even on Zwift, training indoors, the men can compete in the women’s category. It’s rare that I can ever win the sprints. The men win both categories. Again, please understand that women need and deserve their own category in sports. Suzan Mitchell
@phyllislebard9191 Жыл бұрын
Preach it sister!
@laurascott9484 Жыл бұрын
High school and college female athletes also deserve fairness, not just athletes at the elite level. The doctor seems to completely discount the fact the many high school boy swimmers and sprinters (sprinters in almost every category) put up times that would beat olympic level women. Female athletes should not have to shoulder the burden of a few men's gender dysphoria.
@JimmyDozer Жыл бұрын
Three big Questions that need to be answered before the discussion gets too complicated in the conversation of “unfair advantage”: 1- Why was Title IX established? 2- Are there transgender men (biological women) who are competing in competitive, college or pro men’s sports? 3- What happens to the female athletes who lose their scholarship opportunities or spot on a team because of a biological male? Just because a biological male doesn’t dominate, doesn’t mean they don’t still have an unfair advantage.
@jaws392 Жыл бұрын
@JimmyDozer: Yeah lol. Your right . But I hate to tell you that the trans cult will never answer those questions. Trust me, the last thing they want is a debate. They just want you to conform to their beliefs.
@igmegalingan Жыл бұрын
i believe the best question is number 2. If former women cannot compete in the men's sports, then former men should not compete in women's sports.
@Remi116 Жыл бұрын
This was interesting, but all academic. 3 questions Lance should have asked. 1) Why do we currently have separate male/ female Categories? 2). If there are so few trans athletes, why do their rights over take the rights of others? 3). Athletics starts in grade school high school. Its fio self esteem, scholarships etc... that was whole reason for title 9. Only so many can make a team. Just because you don't think trans woman belong in women's sport does Not mean you don't support LGTBQ+ humans. It's the classic strawman argument. I applaud Lance for having these conversations.
@robws007 Жыл бұрын
The fact that Pielke leads with a discussion about Caster Semenya, an intersex athlete, when discussing the inclusion of trans women in women's sports is extremely misleading. These are two separate issues! He also paints the Semenya case in a very particular light, as if the IAAF (now World Athletics) had a particular axe to grind against one athlete rather than the fact that between 2009 - 2020 the Semenya situation drew huge international attention resulting in multiple rule changes to various disciplines in athletics and a court case with multiple appeals to the highest arbitration panel in sports. Pielke also fails to mention a pretty basic & undisputed fact: Caster Semenya's DSD was androgen insensitivity syndrome and she has XY chromosomes (male typical). This syndrome affects males at conception who do not respond to the in utero testosterone surge and since the "default human" is female, they do not develop typical male anatomy at birth. However, they have internal testes and no uterus and produce testosterone during puberty, which is why they are often taller and more muscular than average females... they are not, as is often said during mainstream media reports, just "females with elevated testosterone". All three podium finishers at the Rio Olympics in the women's 800m were DSD athletes, so the downplaying of advantage was either due to ignorance or outright deception. What this has to do with the case of trans women in sports - natal males who identify as female and once they have gone through typical male puberty have significant advantages over natal females - is beyond comprehension?! This is "Obfuscation 101" and a troubling example of how someone can make a blatantly bad faith argument and dress it up with a lot of pseudo scientific jargon. Furthermore, Pielke is a political scientist, not a biologist, not a geneticist, not a specialist in sports performance, so he speaks with zero authority on the topic. Why Lance Armstrong interviewed him is curious in and of itself, and why he didn't at least inform himself a bit beforehand to be able to push back against Pielke's conflations is extremely disappointing. This trainwreck interview of "the blind leading the blind" makes me question the value of continuing to listen to this podcast series when there are other KZbin channels with much more informed interviewers who invite guests with much more integrity.
@phyllislebard9191 Жыл бұрын
Excellent points! I want to see pushback lance!
@joydot7620 Жыл бұрын
Caster is male. Caster lives as male. South Africa deliberately set up this straw man argument & only lunatics fall for it. HE is male. His 2 teammates with same Health issue are also MALE.
@kl11729 ай бұрын
Yeah I was fuming with the downplaying of the caster case. No shit Roger she hasn’t a wr, the wr for women in the 800 m. was run by an athlete in 1983, one guess why it still stands…
@bejo-108 Жыл бұрын
Roger Pielke Jr. does not know what he is talking about. He needs to check the science and also there IS an unfair advantage when a male has gone through puberty and then decides to transition and compete in women's sports.
@ShawnStradamus520 Жыл бұрын
I raced at a club level under USA Cycling rules for a few decades, and I’m not sure if it is still the case, but I remember women’s races were exclusive to natural born women, but the women were allowed to race with the men and race down a category or up an age group if they wanted to. This system seemed fair and to work pretty well. So I don’t see why it’s a problem for women’s sports to be exclusive to natural born biological women, and everyone can race in an “open” category that is open to all if they want to. Everyone gets to compete and the integrity of women’s sport is protected. Problem solved…it doesn’t seem that complicated to me, am I missing something?
@cincydooley Жыл бұрын
Of course that makes sense. But they don’t do it because there’s no advantage. As a reminder, Thomas was ranked somewhere in the 500s when swimming against men.
@fredthompson9814 Жыл бұрын
Remember the wrong side is crazy. Their feelings get hurt easily.
@jobispot Жыл бұрын
For those of us who have been paying attention and involved in the issue for a long time, this was infernal to listen to. And, btw LA, non-pro/elite athletes work just as hard and deserve the same fair playing fields. If LA would interview an actual woman ... he might get one of the smarter people in the room.
@angelahope7521 Жыл бұрын
I actually agree, I couldn't stand this blow hard. He kept referencing the current rules set forth by MEN! BULLSHIT!! HS athletes hoping for a scholarship deserve fair play, ANY woman playing a sport at any level deserve fair play....and to not see cock and balls in the locker room.
@farty81 Жыл бұрын
Yes, it was maddening to listen to.
@JimmyDozer Жыл бұрын
If you watched the interview with Caitlyn Jenner: you hear that they are each aligned in their stance on this issue. I think LA is being semi- reserved in this interview and trying to be in the middle. But we know around his buddies with a few beers in him- the opinion is strong.
@sarahkinum9900 Жыл бұрын
Yes, let’s bring some women into the conversation, please. I hope LA is planning to meet with some bio. female stakeholders such as Riley Gaines, Megan Rapinoe, Inga Thompson, and / or Martina Navratilova. I recognize all have different opinions but LA and his engaging communication style will help to bring people closer together than further apart. Dig and build resilience! Thanks Lance! ❤
@cincydooley Жыл бұрын
@@sarahkinum9900Lol. Why in the hell would you include Rapinoe. She’s a washed up activist that has no skin in the game and zero to add to the convo.
@evieedwards4414 Жыл бұрын
This is not a complicated issue. Male bodies do not belong in female sport at any age. When a male alters their body to attempt to assimilate into female spaces, they are not female and therefor should not be allowed. Women cannot take drugs and compete- not even to replace the hormones they are born with and loose from health issues. As well, "cis" is not jargon it is a slur- created for men to grab a foothold in the the realm of "women." This is also not about trans-identified athletes' "Dominating success;" it is about an unfair advantage that degrades female sport. THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN IN MALE SPORT. As well, great you're having this conversation about women with biological men. Where is the female athlete's perspective. Do better.
@cincydooley Жыл бұрын
They have women lined up for these conversations. Relax.
@evieedwards4414 Жыл бұрын
@@cincydooley not female athletes. NOT A SINGLE FEMALE ATHLETE... there are plenty out there, who have competed, who are competing, and whose voices have been silenced... Relax? Ha!
@cincydooley Жыл бұрын
@@evieedwards4414 They’re. Doing. A. Full. Series. Of. These. Conversations. With. Females. Included. Additionally, very few female athletes will even speak about it, period. We are on the same page here, but you need to chill out in this instance. They have more interviews coming.
@evieedwards4414 Жыл бұрын
@@cincydooley they do not have any female athletes lined up to talk on this issue. Talk to me more about the female athletes who aren’t speaking up about it. I spoke on Fox News about it just last week… as a female athlete.
@cincydooley Жыл бұрын
@@evieedwards4414 I said there are very few. I’m not saying they don’t exist. But again, as we saw with Thomas, they whole of the UPenn team (at the very least) was threatened. And again, with Paige’s statement, it’s very clear that she was afraid to really say what she felt. I applaud you if you went on Fox News, we need more of that. But active, high profile female athletes have a lot to lose if they go against the mob. But sadly, that’s the inky way it stops.
@emetzger Жыл бұрын
it's no more of a complex issue than whether an unfair advantage is gained in cycling by doping.
@BC-th3mx Жыл бұрын
And in both cases, the answer seems obvious, but probably more so in this case
@evieedwards4414 Жыл бұрын
Female sport is not about making special rules and special policies just so that biological males can have access to women's spaces. Where are the special rules and policies for trans identifiying women in male sport? Why are we not talking about handicapping men so that transwomen can have more representation? Let's make it more fair for them... lets just change male sport. oh, right- THAT WON'T HAPPEN BECAUSE THE ISSUE OF FAIRNESS ONLY AFFECTS WOMEN.
@samstraughan9054 Жыл бұрын
before you make the case that there should be a more fair evaluation process...Can you please first make the case why people born male, who went through puberty, should be allowed in womens sports.
@annas4843 Жыл бұрын
I don’t also understand why he claims there is no place for them, they are males, replacing their testosterone with artificial oestrogen was their decision.
@OakleafOrganic Жыл бұрын
Because feelings.
@BobothePirate249 ай бұрын
32 👍 vs crickets...
@suzannemccaffrey3814 Жыл бұрын
I am a Hall of Fame Women's Basketball Player. Title IX opened doors for me to attend college on a full scholarship. I worked HARD for years to rise to the top. Where are women's sports going? I do not care who you love. I care who competes against whom. Where are the WOMEN? It’s so sad that a few voices must speak for so many! How many women are asking to play in men’s games? ???? This shouldn't even be a conversation. Testosterone for men starts in the womb. Do your research! Look at the scientists who lost their jobs because they spoke out and stated the facts. (Carole Hooven)- she was teaching at Harvard. Men athletes "Took A knee" to have their issues addressed. And change happened. It was done in men's sports, so why not WOMEN! I have three amazing sons. This isn’t about hating sexes; it’s about fairness. "Women, please don't lay in any game where women aren’t playing against another woman. “Let’s call it take a KNEE.” “Women Take A Knee.” Bring your VOICES!
@hhstew Жыл бұрын
It's infuriating that an expert says something is fair because it followed the current rules... the rules are unfair and must be changed in order for women's sports to survive!
@jvogel431 Жыл бұрын
Lance, please interview Dr. Emma Hilton and Dr. Ross Tucker. It’s not nuanced. It’s simple. People want things to seem complex and hard to discern precisely because it gives space for activists to stay in control of these matters.
@madmarj4277 Жыл бұрын
These conversations are so valuable and thoughtful. Lance, thank you for having them - and for being so open and honest helping that us to learn more on this topic.
@Holden2090 Жыл бұрын
This is not that difficult. You have XX and XY. What is so painfully obvious to all but Pielke is this: You can individually analyze and test each athlete and every single chemical level in every body ad nauseum, but in the end, WHEN you have any biological male defeating any biological female in any sport, you have an outrageous outcome... and women's sports is ruined. Just STOP.
@cincydooley Жыл бұрын
It’s easy to make it black and white because it largely is black and white. Caster is an anomaly, and further did not CHOOSE. Males electing to transition is not the same. I think it’s pretty dishonest to claim it is.
@patrickbateman7444 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. This guy is trying so hard to move the overton window somewhere to the middle...where it never belonged. This is a black and white issue, and he talks in circles attempting to muddy the waters.
@samstraughan9054 Жыл бұрын
Agree..this is not about Caster...a person who was a woman, and identified as a woman. It isnt even a particularly interesting analogy...
@farty81 Жыл бұрын
@@samstraughan9054 the thing is Pielke is lying about that. Semenya is a 46XY male, who has fathered 2 children with his wife. He's a much a male as the 2 men in this video.
@jobispot Жыл бұрын
@@farty81 yeah, I was really taken back by the misinformation here about Semenya; thanks for correcting Roger
@cincydooley Жыл бұрын
@@farty81oh damn. I didn’t actually realize that. Thanks for the clarification.
@terrykingston104 Жыл бұрын
When Serena was asked if she could beat a male player,.she said she'd lose 6-0 6-0
@andrewlabat9963 Жыл бұрын
And she is the GOAT of GOATs for her class and sport. Says a lot...
@uberkloden Жыл бұрын
Respect for Armstrong for tackling a difficult subject. Which effects athletes, and civilians.
@jirijanecek8126 Жыл бұрын
@michellevey9608 Жыл бұрын
Lance, l hold you up as the highest standard for someone 'reinventing' themselves! I had to do it. Many of us do! But we lack the ability to 'go public' like you. I believe you've found your true gift. The bike was just the beginning of your journey!
@leenpels7646 Жыл бұрын
This guy is as slippery as an eel.
@kathrynchamberlin3405 Жыл бұрын
There is a difference between a “fair” result and a legitimate result. Lia Thomas’ win was legitimate by the current rules. One cannot make the case that it is fair.
@GV-of5ni Жыл бұрын
Your point right at the end is important. Is transgender really the most important thing to be focusing on. It is so small. There are far bigger impacts. Let’s start with the unfair advantage that athletes from rich countries have over those from poor countries. The impact of poverty on athletes is massive. Yet that is ignored. Then let’s talk about how underfunded female sports are. Followed by how little research there is into female athletes to work out how best for female to train. Not to mention the rules that currently say woman are tested on the basis of how they look, which is precisely why Caster and many other black woman are banned and yet there are hardly any white woman who are banned because of DSD.
@phyllislebard9191 Жыл бұрын
You’re missing the fact that African athletes r making mincemeat out of white western athletes. Look at most distance events on the track road and cross country. The front pack is all African followed by white westerners bringing up the rear. We westerners r fat and spoiled. Africans grew up running a marathon back and forth to school barefoot.
@phyllislebard9191 Жыл бұрын
I wonder too about why all the DSD women I see in spots r African. Maybe it’s because in western cultures when a baby is born DSD the doctors take care of it right away. Does anyone know?
@GV-of5ni Жыл бұрын
@@phyllislebard9191nope that isn’t the case. A lot of DSDs can’t be “taken care of”. The reality is that the rules currently say these athletes have to be reported first. So it is done on how someone looks. As we know from many examples in Sport Black African Woman are often picked on because of their body shape. As a result they are the ones reported.
@phyllislebard9191 Жыл бұрын
@@GV-of5ni that’s very interesting thanks for the info. I don’t recall seeing a western woman whoever looked so much like a man as the African DSD women do. So do u think there r western DSD women competing and no one knows? I wonder if a DSD girl would start appearing different in youth and the parents would take the girl to the doctor. Can’t they surgically remove internal testes?
@adjake1 Жыл бұрын
Very fair interviews so far. I will keep listening. You give yourself less credit that you deserve for smarts. One thing you missed when talking about it only matters when lots of money and tv deals are involved. You said you didn’t really care about younger athletes, not a quote but its what i heard. My niece is a really good gymnast, wicked smart wicked strong etc. I think she is definitely good enough to compete at a college level if she wanted to. Id be really pissed if she lost out on a scholarship because she had to compete against a male that went through puberty.
@ilovechaos3 Жыл бұрын
Lance, have you interviewed or tried to interview Lia Thomas or Austin Phillips?
@evieedwards4414 Жыл бұрын
Was Ross Tucker not available? Roger is uncertain, doesn't know, or clearly hasn't looked at the actual science (22 peer-reviewed studies that actually exist and have been used to determine policies for World Rugby, World Athletics, World Aquatics and UK sport guidance).
@basedgodstrugglin Жыл бұрын
Just because he doesn’t agree with your viewpoint and he’s bringing nuance you think he’s uncertain and uneducated. I don’t agree with the guy but wow you’re blinded by your beliefs.
@evieedwards4414 Жыл бұрын
@@basedgodstrugglin no, he is literally providing points that are untrue. I've been interviewed on tv, have spoken at press conferences, have testified, and use actual facts and life experiences as a woman, mother and an athlete. I'm not blinded by anything, i have an extremely sharp focus on this and hearing this person speak is painful.
@basedgodstrugglin Жыл бұрын
@@evieedwards4414 I just looked up some Ross Tucker comments, you’re clearly just mad that this guy isn’t defending your point. And that’s really ok. You had Ms Jenner speak very strongly against trans women in female sport, this guy gives a more neutral perspective and solutions that could help everybody be a bit happier. Focus on his words and don’t get upset about his standpoint.
@cincydooley Жыл бұрын
@@basedgodstrugglin His words are uninformed and disingenuous. That’s the issue.
@basedgodstrugglin Жыл бұрын
@@cincydooley which words are uninformed? I’m starting to think y’all just didn’t watch the video
@robertnunes4213 Жыл бұрын
Why are there no woman competing in mens sport??? Why is the trans issue a one way street, the answer is simple
@evieedwards4414 Жыл бұрын
"The science doesn't come up with single answers...." Yes it does. XX chromosomes= women/female. XY chromosomes= men/male.
@huntingsynth Жыл бұрын
We aspire as a human race to a world whereby all individuals “should” have equal opportunity to pursue their life of happiness…the truth is though that we are all individuals so by definition we begin our journeys from different start lines…the issue at hand is when it is not about rights but about competition either in workplace, sports or any other endeavor where our inherent differences make an unequal playing field…if we can compute that men are better at certain sports then women due to genetic/biological differences then it is “unfair” that they compete against each other if the outcome is monetarily or emotionally prized…I believe almost everyone would agree…if transgender vs male or vs female is computed to be similarly unfair then the same should apply…maybe the appropriate consideration is whether there should be a transgender competition although I can imagine depending on measures taken by the individual may still create potential for unfair advantage
@tybot1980 Жыл бұрын
We are seeing the Emperor’s New Clothes story play out in real life. Nobody is willing to just come out and say that the emperor doesn’t actually have any clothes on. Except for those high school girls runners or Riley Gaines who were willing to show their displeasure and call out the BS for what it really is. I guess it takes kids to point it out to the adults.
@phyllislebard9191 Жыл бұрын
Yeah we’ve seen the emperor without his clothes and he has man junk!
@markruscoe6228 Жыл бұрын
Roger Pielke is wrong on many counts and resorts to fallacies like the straw man and appeal to authority to make points. The one contribution he proposes-the cap tie idea-he says would solve 90% of the problem. What this completely ignores is the trauma trans women inflict on girls in high school and YMCA locker rooms. Applaud Lance for exploring this.
@АнтониоРодригес-ф4т Жыл бұрын
Leave women sport alone! If you're so concerned about trans people - create a category where they can compete! A man pretending to be a women is still a man! End of story!
@audiemurphy677 Жыл бұрын
Roger is as far from objective as a person can get. His premise is bad from the start.
@uberfu5 ай бұрын
33:00 Roger Pielke says "I can't of any elite athlete that transitioned after puberty that had an unfair advantage ..." BILL Thomas comes to mind; Terry Miller and Andraya Yearwood men competing as women in college track - not sure where PIELKE draws the line at "elite athlete" !!!
@kenparker9118 Жыл бұрын
What is with Roger. He seems to struggle to find a reason to allow men to compete against women. There is none!
@phyllislebard9191 Жыл бұрын
He’s woke and incapable of being honest or truthful.
@farty81 Жыл бұрын
More lies. Hey, Roger. Austin Killips was no where near being an elite male cyclist and just finished in the top 10 of the Women's US Pro Road Race champs. Oh and Lia Thomas was a garbage male swimmer and started beating Olympic level female swimmers.
@CaryCotterman Жыл бұрын
A male tennis player ranked hundreds below the top beat both of the elite-level Williams sisters. A team of thirteen and fourteen-year-old boys beat the U.S. women's soccer team. There are very few black-and-white issues more black-and-white than this black-and-white issue. Only an academic like Pielke could entertain the silly ideas he spouts here.
@lrebsten71559 ай бұрын
Semenya Castor had XY chromosomes and had a male genetic condition that did not let her develop male characteristics in utero. She had a condition that has 3 alternatives. I think she had PAIS. Partial androgen sensitivity. But we will never know exactly which one of the three or if surgery corrected any ambiguous genitalia. She never menstruated, had no functional uterus - she may have adopted children despite this, undescended testes. But the controversy comes from the fact that she had high levels of endogenous testosterone coursing through her body in blood levels; but no one could definitively say that her body could even use any of it. (Obviously she couldn’t use any of it; because she would have a penis, descended testes and we would never be having this conversation). But the governing body tried to force her to take medication to lower these levels and she refused and was banned. Kinda weird that if you could actually use the high testosterone levels in your body you would be a phenotypical man also. But forcing someone to lower testosterone that their body has shown an inability to use in the first place is a bit weird.
@farty81 Жыл бұрын
Hey Roger, women athletes would be delighted to bring back chromosome testing if it eliminated male advantage. That way no one would have to be suspicious. The only people it would 'harm' is males - and that's fine because there's a male division for that. There was female chromosome testing up until 1996. Only cost a couple of hundred grand. A bargain compared to this nonense.
@brandonmiller5766 Жыл бұрын
Regardless of one’s depth of transition, if you currently have or had a penis at birth, you do not compete at a Middle School level or beyond with those who currently have or had a vagina at birth. I feel deeply for those who think they are in the wrong body.
@tybot1980 Жыл бұрын
Just let men and women compete with each other in every sport and see how it works out. Where are all the feminists who have spent years fighting for the rights of women. Why are they silent now?
@glennoc8585 Жыл бұрын
If they don't participate or care for sport they'll stay silent for the cause. This is a cowardly stand
@evieedwards4414 Жыл бұрын
we're not silent. Instead men with power continue to speak over us, or without us, about issues that affect only us.
@uberfu5 ай бұрын
36:30 Geez !!!! Oops Paralympics. I stubbed meh toe. I was an elinte athlete in the regular Olympics but since my toe stubbing I am now "disabled" so I should get to compete with others that have disabilities even though I would likely smoke them because my toe stubbing injury isn't that bad. /s
@scotth3354 Жыл бұрын
An interesting discussion, but there were a few points made that seem out of whack. One, just because a trans athlete was playing within the rules doesn't make it fair, it just means it was 'within the rules'. Two, assuming various governing bodies go to the effort to develop test standards for individual athletes, the default should not be inclusion prior to those conclusions being made, as the damage is done to those females competing against genetic males who will eventually be ruled ineligible. And, three, what about safety? It may not apply to all sports, but for contact, collision, or combat sports, safety should be an even bigger issue than inclusion or fairness.
@misspollyanna Жыл бұрын
The "Cap" idea was interesting but I can think of trans athletes who have only competed as transgirls in High School level - Terry Miller and Andraya Yearwood come to mind... so that throws that idea out the window!
@CaryCotterman Жыл бұрын
Yes, it's an interesting but ultimately stupid idea. Girls as early as high school are competing for college scholarships. Even before that, they're competing for opportunities and advancement that will lead to success in high school sports. They don't deserve to have those chances taken by boys, and they sure as hell don't need boys in the girls' locker room.
@andreasmaher8749 Жыл бұрын
Making a not complicated issue complicated.......
@uberfu5 ай бұрын
Caster Semenya DID NOT have different or mixed up chromosomes - He has XY like every other male on the planet. He has a medical genetic condition (*enzyme deficiency* that affected one specific gene across his entire chomosomal range) that suppresed his genitals to the point of ambiguity while retaining his gonads and continuing to produce testosterone throughout his life.
@Jamarshallauto Жыл бұрын
Hey Lance if you see this could you send a shout out to my Dad Paul Marshall who is going through Chemo and Radiation for Glioblastoma in his temporal lobe of his brain. He mentioned you quite a bit as you are an inspiration to him.
@jenniferward5999 Жыл бұрын
I’m disappointed in a couple of comments Roger made: 1. He was dismissive about the issue of mixed genders in locker rooms. I agree with Lance. Thomas changing in a swim team locker room with no communication with the female swimmers was disgraceful. 2. Modifying locker rooms to include separate showers/changing rooms was also dismissive and budget-wise totally unrealistic. 3. The biggest issue was that following rules that are unfair creates fairness.
@henryoddsball2164 Жыл бұрын
Good conversation. I think the case of Austin Killips is the best example we have of why regs need to be changed. Let’s look at it with a critical lens. Austin is a trans woman who is only a few years into the sport. She kept her “dead name”. She kept her male genitals, it’s visible in cycling clothes. She has been prescribed transition meds, but who knows if she takes them. Do they just show up one day to test her testosterone level? I doubt they want to risk the PR if someone were to say they were targeted for testing…so I’m sure that test was prearranged. So the only real step she’s taken to transition is to pick up a prescription. I think Lance would agree it wouldn’t be impossible to bring testosterone down to an acceptable women’s level with some time to prep. I don’t know if Austin is knowingly exploiting the situation, but operating within the current rules is obviously allowing her a maaaajor advantage.
@casualvalkyrie1938 Жыл бұрын
Of course Killips is knowingly exploiting the situation. He is a cheat.
@kenparker9118 Жыл бұрын
Austin is a man.
@phyllislebard9191 Жыл бұрын
Henry lowering testosterone levels is not enough. There is so much more involved in the male advantage.
@semilog643 Жыл бұрын
Among all the topics Lance Armstrong should probably not be talking about, the relative fairness of hormone use in sport is not at the top of the list.
@roadglide Жыл бұрын
7X never forget!
@dfinma9 ай бұрын
This isn't even a discussion -- males compete with males and females compete with females. Make new divisions if you want but it's just that simple.
@Luckysgaybar Жыл бұрын
It took almost 8 mins for LA to let the expert finally speak, if you need to says your not transphobic the may having this discussion isn’t the best idea. I’m not sure what his pilot has to do with anything.
@JL-rp7hf Жыл бұрын
Always insightful when a couple of dudes discuss fairness in Women's sports. Rodger is out of his lane on this one and as beige as you can get - playing both sides. No skin in the game. Do the right thing and test everyone if that is what it takes. There are solutions that aren't that hard. In the past in cycling, if your age category did not have enough participant to field a separate race, one race with the combined women's group was held. The results of the individual categories would be pulled out for awards. Go back and watch Katlin Jenner. Much better information.
@benjaminfranklin8412 Жыл бұрын
Gays and lesbians are not misogynistic and want women to have single-sex categories in sports.
@RobertBinedell8 ай бұрын
Have to say(no joke) Lance has some balls ,having a show like this,talking about fairness.Interview just about anyone on any subject but to talk about a unfair advantage like the Pope is a bit rich.🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓
@bryanhughes9239 Жыл бұрын
Very interesting discussion - but it's predicated on a foundation that suggests that our chromosomes don't naturally make males different from females from a strength/endurance/performance perspective. That very premise is flawed, as we all know they do. The "research" Roger suggests has been done for thousands of years. We don't need more research or more science - we need to apply what truly should be common sense. Those with chromosomal abnormalities, relative to their physical gender (in other words, someone who has "transitioned" to a physical condition that doesn't match their genetics), must compete separately. If you try to define "fairness" based on each case, you'll perpetually chase your tail and wrong many participants in the meantime.
@CaryCotterman Жыл бұрын
Exactly. In any sport that can be measured in time, distance, force, or height, men's statistics significantly outstrip women's, without exception, throughout time. Regardless of testosterone levels, men have bigger, denser muscles, greater heart and lung capacity, greater height, longer reach and stride. It's a black-and-white issue, and "scientific studies" to determine whether men have an unfair advantage in sports are superfluous and silly. Only an academic like Pielke could come up with such foolishness. I'm a bit disappointed with Armstrong for being so wishy-washy.
@Gsp_in_NYC Жыл бұрын
not impressed. a very straightforward issue.
@bluechipBBN Жыл бұрын
Lance my guy it’s almost TDF time! hyped for THEMOVE!!!!
@kevindavis4837 Жыл бұрын
Gosh what a disappointnent. I feel Lance has started cleansing himself and I enjoy his shows but this conversation lost me 30 minutes into the show. Way too much talk on a very simple subject. If a birth certificate reads 'Male' or if it reads 'Female' the subject is closed. Period.
@noxskuses Жыл бұрын
You do realize that Trans females when they transition have Female on their birth certificate don't you?
@mihaelginghina6820 Жыл бұрын
I was an average cat 2 with a good sprint. Raced against many pro women over the years. They would do it for training as there were so few women races that challenged them. They never came close to a top ten. This conversation is silly, the evidence is out every time some average dude goes trans and gets to very top of women sports.
@stargazerh112 Жыл бұрын
That “captide” shit isn’t fair either. A healthy male getting out of bed at 20 has an advantage of a woman who started sports at a young age.
@beth3535 Жыл бұрын
Such a long preamble before your guest spoke a word. Please re-evaluate that format.
@Waz8 Жыл бұрын
Won’t the cap tied theory not just cause people to identify at a younger age
@stargazerh112 Жыл бұрын
Why can’t sports be segregated based on sex? That was the original intent and reason for woman’s sports. It isn’t a “gender” thing it is a sex thing.
@phyllislebard9191 Жыл бұрын
Lance I wish u would hold these peoples feet to the fire and not let them get away with lies like pielke saying semenya was born a woman.
@glennoc8585 Жыл бұрын
This is two men with too much time. Lets cut to the chase and interview women in sport that are being robbed, have been or will be robbed of their hard work wnd natural ability. Many of us give Lance a voice because we know he was a sportsman in a contentious time in cycling. If we say trans men in female sports is ok then the parameters will be so defined and regulated its not really feasible for most clubs andbteans. Then we have issues of the whole team environment for women eg showering and changing.
@IoanSaid Жыл бұрын
Weird one: Lance is banned... but would "Irene"?
@marcvera5793 Жыл бұрын
I live in Europe and miss Flagstaff so much!! ❤❤❤❤😢
@shannonmalmquist3766 Жыл бұрын
If you want to evaluate plenty of data just look at the times of women vs. men in any time trial on any level in any city at any time. 99.9% of the time men's times will be faster. So if you were a man and became a trans woman that is certainly an advantage.
@CaryCotterman Жыл бұрын
True. Men's times, distances, weights lifted, heights jumped, etc. in every sport that can be measured, that both men and women participate in, are significantly superior to women's. A male tennis player ranked far down in the hundreds from the top beat both Williams sisters. A team of thirteen and fourteen-year-old boys beat the U.S. national women's soccer team. It's clearly an unfair advantage to be a man competing against women. It's a pure black-and-white issue--we don't have to wait for Pielke's scientific studies.
@glennoc8585 Жыл бұрын
Even in female sport there was or is a set level for testosterone whether natural it from banned sources. A trans male even with hormone or surgical castration will often go over the set limits.
@FrozenSurf Жыл бұрын
1:16 climate change is edgy and controversial?
@CaryCotterman Жыл бұрын
Yes, because anthropogenic climate change hysteria is pure bullshit, yet it continues to be used as an excuse to destroy economies and grasp power.
@stargazerh112 Жыл бұрын
Why TF is it equally ridiculous to say that “gender” isn’t the distinction but sex is? You are way too smart Roger not to see this.
@LarsRyeJeppesen Жыл бұрын
Imagine Mike Tyson identifying as a woman. ... Nuff said. Even male chess players have much much higher ratings than women.
@stargazerh112 Жыл бұрын
Not “might be right”. It is right! Lia Thomas wasn’t fair!
@_rrwwcox9 ай бұрын
Wow, Pilke is so disingenuous and has really poorly defended arguments. "I can't think of a single case of an elite athlete having transitioned and been successful," mere moments after mentioning Lia Thomas. Also saying that we don't have the data about fairness because we haven't studied enough trans athletes is such utter BS. We don't need to wait for more data, we have enough already! When thousands of high-school boys can beat the women's world record every year, that's enough data! If that's not enough, what more would ever be good enough for you? And how many years or decades of women are you okay with screwing over until you're satisfied?
@stargazerh112 Жыл бұрын
It isn’t uncertain
@stargazerh112 Жыл бұрын
Sports are based on biological differences not sociological differences…don’t be intentionally ignorant
@MS-un9zq Жыл бұрын
Let's create transgender leagues...
@stargazerh112 Жыл бұрын
Why TF should society “celebrate” people who “transition”?
@marktoulmin231 Жыл бұрын
Big Fan ...but WTF are we having this conversation
@stargazerh112 Жыл бұрын
Bro!!! You don’t need a biology degree to realize testosterone and estrogen are not the only differences between males and females. You are NOT that stupid? You don’t have to do science, or get evidence. Intentionally ignorant…it is just as inclusive to let trans women participate in men’s sports. What is the difference.
@TrackerNeil Жыл бұрын
I don't buy the argument let's-just-make-more-opportunities-for-women, because I think it's a dodge. Let's say there is a women's athletic competition in which three prizes (whatever you consider a prize) for the top three competitors. Two of the total competitors are trans women i.e. biological men, and, unsurprisingly, they take two of those prizes. So to balance the slate, you add three more prizes, which go to cis women. All you've done is reset what would have been expected; that is, three prizes go to three women. The main difference is that you've ALSO given prizes to two biological men--in a women's competition. To extend the hypothetical, the next year the same competition finds four trans women entering; do you then add two MORE prizes, to ensure that at least three of them will go to cis women? So the number of prizes is dependent not upon the number of women who enter, but upon the number of *men*. Maybe Pielke thinks that inclusion outweighs the integrity of women's sports, but if that's the case I wish he'd just say that and we'd all know where he stands. Simply calling for more opportunities for women doesn't clarify the issue; instead, it throws sand into the air.
@aboveallexplore9165 Жыл бұрын
None of lances listener aren’t of his point of view. Kinda like joe Rogan… interesting 🤨
@TheMrbc74 Жыл бұрын
Or course Lance would come out in support of women losing the rights to fair competition, he happily helped to push fair competition out of pro cycling🤔
@KBella2324 Жыл бұрын
Easy solution, make an open category for anyone who self identifies as anything, let the biological sexes compete in traditional male/female biological categories. Or just let the male category be “open” to anyone who identifies as anything, leave the biological women’s categories alone.
@CrazyCanuck55 Жыл бұрын
Its hard to take any comment seriously that starts with "Easy Solution", that phrase was even referenced in this video.
@KBella2324 Жыл бұрын
@@CrazyCanuck55 that was my point, without the quotations.
@stargazerh112 Жыл бұрын
Nonsense! How does Roger jump off this cliff? 🤦♂️
@dickieblench5001 Жыл бұрын
Open the worm can
@leeboat Жыл бұрын
In many ways, it's none of our business. For some reason, Lance is obsessed.
@stargazerh112 Жыл бұрын
Roger is indoctrinated AF!!!!!????!!!!
@cisnerosigonda Жыл бұрын
CU Alumn!!!
@uberfu5 ай бұрын
Sorry I support MEN NOT cometing in Women's spolrts - But I don't think Lance gets to cry about or have much of a say over unfair advantages when it comes to CYCLING. HYPOCRITE MUCH !!!
@stargazerh112 Жыл бұрын
@stoicloic Жыл бұрын
Keep on grifting lance.
@sidhayes6168 Жыл бұрын
Lance Is wushy. I suspect .
@brippie Жыл бұрын
Does fair mean "Any genetic advantage that is not related to the ballsack"? I'm not in the loop when it comes to these buzzwords but the idea of sports being fair is quite hilarious.
@evieedwards4414 Жыл бұрын
Fair means having athletes compete with the same rules. Men are given special rules and policies that allow them to compete with females. They are allowed ti medically alter their body. HRT is a banned medical therapy for women who compete yet men are allowed it l. So no, it blatantly not fair. Otherwise let’s do a way with female sport and just have one big open category. Remember there is a reason sport is separated by sex and not just feelings. Bodies play sports. Not identities.
@brippie Жыл бұрын
@@evieedwards4414 Now I've been following women's cycling for a while now, but the ones dominating the scene are called Dutch, not trans. Can you point out a rider in the UCI rankings who is taking advantage of this blatant unfairness?