Roland Fantom VS Yamaha Montage Quick Comparison.

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Synth S

Synth S

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@Steveturnel-nh3ig Жыл бұрын
I would say having both myself the Roland is a brilliant synthesiser for sound design (forget the guitars and e:ps etc) Where as the Yamaha has better sampled natural sounds ;guitars e:ps etc but it doesn't excel like the Roland re synth sounds .The pad sounds on the Fantom are far superior than the Montage & to boot the Roland has an analog filter - but they both compliment each other. Great vid btw ...
@jeremyfrey5589 10 ай бұрын
Love you videos keep explaining things cuz you know what you're talkin about
@semectual 11 ай бұрын
Great Review! I personally own both of these mentioned machines in the 88 key version. As for the Yamaha Montage 8, I have the white version! Definitely as for sound is concerned, the Yamaha Montage you can esily immerse in the sounds of it for hours and don't even realize time can pass you by! What I love about the Roland Fantom 8, the interface is much easier and you don't even have to memu dive compared to the Yamaha Montage 8. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
@robson969 Жыл бұрын
Congratulations on the video. I have Yamaha montage 7 and fantom 7. I was a little disappointed with Roland's way of working, with the polyphony management and especially with the "Group Select" scenes. Yamaha's construction is ahead of Roland in terms of sound quality, except for the synth sounds. Roland could solve this by doing a launch like Korg does with the KAPRO company.
@itsrob2321 Жыл бұрын
It all depends on the user’s workflow needs. The goal is to create without technology slowing you down. Every brand has sounds and programming that either inspires or frustrates depending on who is using it. For me, nothing looses the vibe more than deep diving through endless menus. I have a daw that can do anything, but I tire of the workflow.
@williamshaneblyth 11 ай бұрын
po deep dive cause the real old is often down deep thats why massive concerts tend to always use Montage
@dvamateur 11 ай бұрын
Good high-level comparison. I usually go through a lot of analysis before purchasing a keyboard instrument. Money comes very slow to me, so I have a long time to analyze before purchasing anything. Eventually, I went with Roland Jupiter-X, and Korg Nautilus. They are both amazing machines in every way. Curiously enough though, both keyboards ended up leaning against the wall now, all covered up with the black dust covers, while I am practicing Hanon on the Korg T3. I gave up on bass classes, and started with a guitar instead. That really tells me that perhaps I am not ready for any advanced instrument, since I don't even possess basic skills playing music. The guitar player Greg Koch once said that the instrument is just 1% of music, while 99% is hands. After over 30 years of me focusing on music technology instead of music, I must say that Greg Koch is probably right.
@synth.s 11 ай бұрын
These are all great music instruments. All the enjoyment is just playing as a musician, the brand or features that you get doesn't matter that much, I get the same feeling with my guitars sometimes, anytime I purchase a new gibson, I just blame myself that I've wasted money on it since I just keep playing some of my older midrange guitars and honestly it feels even better to my ears!!!
@dvamateur 11 ай бұрын
@monarchheatingairinc.413 I think it's good to buy new instruments. It makes the manufacturers motivated to do finer and finer things, and it not only keeps world go round, it also makes the civilization grow. And growth is what we want, we don't want mediocrity and stagnation. We want progress, but also progress in the right direction. So, I not only applaud manufacturers like Yamaha, Roland, Korg, Gibson, and Fender for releasing all this beautiful gear, but I also applaud the students who graduate with virtuosic musical skills from Berkeley College of Music. Even if those tend to favor acoustic instruments versus the electronic ones. Me, myself, I still have a lot of growing up to appreciate acoustic guitar, acoustic bass, and grand pianos.
@geoffk777 Жыл бұрын
I agree that the Yamaha generally sounds better and the Superknob and scenes are great. But the panel design on the Roland is brilliant, you can sample with it, and the internal sequencer is better. I also has dedicated organ and virtual synth engines.. Also the DAW integration is better and it supports more DAWs like Logic and Ableton. As a MIDI controller or the centerpiece of a studio, the Roland is great. Just for internal sounds and performances with the internal sounds, than Montage. I use both, and I'd encourage anyone considering them to try out both in person, as both have strengths and weaknesses. Try a Kurzweil K-2700 too, if you can.
@user-xt7rs8md7p 9 ай бұрын
Very helpful
@ivo4357 9 ай бұрын
I had a chance once to buy the Montage (white version) for 2968 €, completely NEW (I remember because I always add the price in the link when I save that link, so I'd know when I'm getting a good deal). The exact same version now sells for 5145 €, in the same store. I'm still mad at myself for not buying it back then, as I own a Roland FA08 and figured I didn't need it.
@synth.s 9 ай бұрын
The New Yamaha Montage M Series is coming out next month with more features, including ANX sound engine. Now, you may buy that one, I have some videos and pictures and sound samples on my channel about the upcoming Montage if you haven't watched yet .
@DagToreLarsen 6 ай бұрын
Interesting video and pov. On a live gig I think the strength of Yamaha Mpntage/Modx+ is the FMX engine. I go with the MODX6+ On Roland side I would choose Roland RD2000 that have the same keybed as the Fantom 6and the V-Piano engine, and also bring Jupiter X, Jupiter Xm and Juno X. All with the JD-800 expansion. Is where Roland really shines, the Juno and Jupiter sounds. Also, I would add Korg Nautilus and an Akai MPC Key 61. Oh and for organs I will offcause use the Hammond xk4. Hammond does Hammond best I think. No need to use a clone when you can use the real deal. Everything will be connected with midi through Camelot Pro for program changes to all keyboards and also it have backing tracks. Sp the only things I touch during performances are the black and white keys )))nothing else.. It will be done automantic by Camelot Pro. The sequencing will be done on the Akai MPC as it is way ahead of any other brands when it comes to sequencing. Genos and Pa5x or what its called is not comming anywhere near my stage 🤣 but whatever floats your boat.
@xp50player 11 ай бұрын
The Montage is more like an arranger because it has 8 simultaneous arpeggiators, 10,000+ patterns, and the possibility for user patterns. Some of the patterns switch articulations, as arranger keyboards do. The Fantom doesn’t do any of that. It has a single arpeggiator, 128 patterns with variations and no user patterns from MIDI data. The Fantom is batter and simpler for VA synthesis, user sampling, organ modeling, more live parts, the V-Piano engine, and beat making with all the Roland drum machine sounds.
@adinek28 Жыл бұрын
Montage the best !
@jeremyfrey5589 10 ай бұрын
I've seen videos about this keyboard it sounds dry with no Reverb another thing I heard that sounds will drop out after just using 3 sounds at one time you please answer any of these questions is this keyboard worth buying for three to four thousand dollars when it drops out notes only using three sounds at one time that seems pretty ridiculous considering I had the Montage and sadly got rid of it I never had one problem with that machine I had the Rowland V Syinth and I can tell you on the 61 key version of this keyboard the Roland fantom 2019 is not nearly as good so my question is should I get this keyboard sounds are not that complex compared to Roland's old stuff lost here need a little help????‽‽
@jeremyfrey5589 10 ай бұрын
I just want to make music off this keyboard with a sequencer and no computer is this possible to make a song
@Javidshah44 5 ай бұрын
Please help me out , I would like to change sounds to wave sounds witch one has better options and easyer to give sound a another level.
@synth.s 5 ай бұрын
Roland fantom is definitely a king when it comes to wave sound with enzyme sound engine.
@Echochamber79 Жыл бұрын
I think your missing the point. It’s really nothing to do with what is better. Each brand has its own heritage and are famous for different reasons. They all have a different sound set known for that and used for that.
@WayneMusicianUK 11 ай бұрын
Which of the keyboards has a nicer Keybed? I bought the Montage 8 as the sounds were superior, but I still preferred to Fantom 8 Keybed feel - the Fantom just sounded like all of the old Roland keyboard sounds just put in a nice sturdy case 😂🫣 I also bought a Kronos 2 88
@synth.s 11 ай бұрын
Fantom has wooden hammer action key bed, so it definitely feels better.
@synth.s 11 ай бұрын
@WayneMusicianUK keep the montage. It is for sure a magical music machine!!
@sergeytsibenko5964 Жыл бұрын
Ох уж этот бесконечный выбор лучшей рабочей станции... :) Пока это нерешаемая задача. Yamaha традиционно берёт своими развитыми арпеджио созданными для megavoice тембров - ничего лучше для имитации реалистичных гитар я не слышал. Неплохой паттерновый секвенсор. Слабые струнные, не гибкая секция эффектов, нет сэмплирования и аудио треков. Сам движок AWM2 неплох, но набор сэмплов, в большинстве своем - наследие предыдущих моделей, включая их объем и качество. Маскируя низкое качество Yamaha любит обильно сдобрить инструменты реверберацией. Зато честная полифония. Фантом выглядит очень удобным с точки зрения рабочего процесса, есть микрофонный вход с фантомным питанием, сэмплирование, TR-секция, piano roll. Паттерновый секвенсор не хуже чем на Montage. Но про звук живых инструментов (кроме клавишных) говорить серьезно сложно. Проблемы с полифонией и аналогичная проблема с эффектами. Оба звучат откровенно слабо по сравнению с древним Kronos. Сколько не пытался себя убедить, что надо попробовать что-то более современное, послушав как они звучат на youtube снова возвращаюсь к нему. За меня всё решили мои уши. Да, у него долгая загрузка, тоже проблемы с полифонией, у него тоже смешные живые инструменты из коробки. Но если расширить его симфонической коллекцией KAPro - оторваться от творчества невозможно. Синтетика и клавишные инструменты - это тоже его сильные стороны. Сложный рабочий процесс (много непродуманных мест), смешная Karma по сравнению с арпеджиатором Yamaha, но отличные insert-эффекты (можно выстроить цепочку из 12 эффектов или коммутировать их произвольно) + аудио дорожки для сэмплирования как своих собственных MIDI, так и внешних инструментов (мне проще сыграть партию гитары вживую) и вокала. Это почти полноценная студия автономная от DAW. OASYS сильно опередил своё время. Жаль, что с тех пор что-то пошло не так и все производители топчутся на месте, но упражняются в изготовлении рекламные материалов, демонстрируя сильные стороны новинок :)
@synth.s Жыл бұрын
I completely agree with you.
@jeremyfrey5589 10 ай бұрын
Since 1999 keyboards went from 128 to 256 as should be at 5000 or more PPP]]
@jeremyfrey5589 10 ай бұрын
Yamaha Montage hands down I was able to achieve many songs with 8 scenes and 16 tracks over 8 with no problem the problem with the new Roland is that one they say it's a metal chassis it's not another thing is the Zen c🎉ore processor some sounds take up more telephony and I have seen videos where this keyboard clogged up over 8 sounds . And sounds pretty dry to a Yamaha . Not to mention I haven't seen someone make a serious video on this keyboard with a sequencer although I haven't with the Montage but I own the Montage and I could make a serious video this is pathetic on how some people use their equipment and show it off I would like to see somebody make a full song Through the pattern sequencer which goes up to 32 measures do you get 16 tracks / scene or is there extra prolifically tooken off by some of these sounds and is this seemed like a reliable machine it seems like to me at least a fingerprint every 5 Seconds you have your finger even on the board how is this a metal chassis when it's leaving fingerprints metal does not do that the outside of the keyboard is metal not the top like the Montage plus the Montage is built like a tank compared to this thing way more expressive sounds than just if 80s overdubbed sounds or recycled sounds the Montage brings things more closer to nowadays sadly I missed my chance and have to wait till October and see what Yamaha comes up with it will be broken down Montage with no sliders like the Nautilus compared to the korg Kronos. Coming up with a new Nautilus with aftertouch that should have been done from the beginning and they could have done it for free. A cheap rip-off from Kronos that had sliders wooden sides and a metal body this is supposed to be their new fandship keyboard , not saying it's not good but this is ridiculous us old school people depend on knobs and Sliders not a stupid touchscreen display that's the least of my worries but more focused on sound and quality of the keyboard itself I've been working with keyboards since the early nineties I know what's good and what's not unfortunately a lot of our older keyboards sound a bit better than the new age digital keyboards
@YipengLuo 3 ай бұрын
Which keyed is better?
@synth.s 3 ай бұрын
If you mean keybed, Fantom is definitely the best.
@el-shaddaidanladi4044 9 ай бұрын
ooh I'm in need of a piano for my rehearsal if you could ship one for me to nigeria
@williamshaneblyth 11 ай бұрын
arps on Montage are a massive plus the Fantom is weak in comparison.t many options mean your not requiring the deep stuff multi million dollar acts require
@coscrupi 24 күн бұрын
How are these guys not doing a full research on these? Most dont even realize the Roland 16 pads x 4 banks of sample pads (48khz) which can be triggered in the sequenced tracks. The pads are multi functional for live.
@lilodickerson1781 8 ай бұрын
What? Yamaha makes more realistic acoustic instrument samples than Roland? What a shocker!
@kayodeemmanuel5090 Жыл бұрын
I pray to God ..give me one of these machines either new or used.. I will be so grateful
@thecoolestdad Жыл бұрын
I tend to disagree. These reviews are strictly according to the one uploading the video. Everyone is on different levels of playing and abilities. I just recently purchased the Roland Fantom and I love it. I am still learning how to use it. I have had a couple of Yamahas back in the 80s and a Roland, and then in the 90s I bought the Roland XP80. Roland by far, again, it's my opinion just like this video is the uploader's opinion; but to me Roland is by far more superior than Yamaha. Yamaha has its good points and negative points, same with Roland, Korg and Kursweil and all brands. All have good and bad about them all. I watch another you tuber that does keyboard reviews and he never says any of the negative about any of them. he also never gives his personal thoughts and preferences on any of them. he just reviews the keyboards, plays them and discusses the features. He allows the viewer to decide for themselves as to which keyboard they would get. I don't want to watch videos that try to persuade me either way. I like neutral reviews where the reviewer simply discusses the features and plays them and allows the view to decide.
@X22GJP Жыл бұрын
Bit hypocritical to say, "but to me Roland is by far more superior than Yamaha"...without stating why, which flies in the face of almost everything else you said in your comment. Sure, it's your opinion, but your statement adds nothing. In fact, your entire comment is a bit moot. When it comes to buying things like this, I do as much research as the next person, look at the specs, watch videos, listen to audio samples, go and try them out in person if I can, and generally solicit as much information as I can. Of course each has its good points and bad points, common sense prevails, but what is good for one person might be bad for me. However, a pure review that just says what something is or isn't, what something does or doesn't will only get you so far because it's just facts. With things like this there are naturally going to be comparisons made, so if somebody says "this sound is far superior to that sound", with a clear explanation and demo of why they think that (for example, a modelled piano vs a sampled piano), yes that's somebody else's opinion, but the "why" gives you more valuable information. Yep, the reviewer could just say "this has a modelled piano", but I know that...the specs told me. The issue here isn't with the reviewer, it's with you, the viewer. If you want to avoid such things, avoid the internet!
@thecoolestdad Жыл бұрын
@@X22GJP Thanks for being a hands down jerk with your comment. Your comment tells me you are simply a smart *** that thinks HE knows everything about other people and their comments. Buddy, you know NOTHING about me. Absolutely NOTHING! I comment from the heart with simple comments, none of the "supposed" highly intellectual comments that you attempted to portray. I laugh at you last statement. There are always people out there that have to comment just as you have because it makes them feel superior or more intelligent than others. I never come off as some highly intelligent keyboard guru that thinks they know everything about keys. I am a self taught player and I am happy with what I do. Goodbye.
@rikmid 7 ай бұрын
Do you trigger your Genos with the Montage?
@gmm1904 Жыл бұрын
I have montage and love it. Just the pianos sounds wish they where more real. But not a big deal they are still decent. I wanted to get the Roland phantom hoping the pianos are more realistic. If not I might have to look in to kurzweil
@synth.s Жыл бұрын
Montage CFX piano is super realistic and one of the best, in my opinion.
@gmm1904 Жыл бұрын
Yes that one is the best from all I need to get a good roland sound card. I have my montage connected to a pc sound card thats why i don't get the full sound quality from montage
@jeremyfrey5589 10 ай бұрын
Love you videos keep explaining things cuz you know what you're talkin about
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