Рет қаралды 258,083
These videos are constantly being translated. On my playlist "Forgotten history" you can see the topically translated videos. And I also sorry for the "poor english", but I hope, you will understand the most of theese informations.
Today's video reveals how many of the six Romanian betrayals can really be called betrayal, how many need to be quoted, and how many of them could not be called betrayal.
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Besenyei Barnabás
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Bodnár Zoltán
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Emmanuel Hoffmann
Kiss Krisztofer
KrumplisPogi 96
Gaben Beck
Kis-Deák Alfréd
Szabó Attila
Juhász Zoltán
Száraz Péter
The Preacher
Ésik Hunor
Bugyik Dezső
Németh Márk
Horváth Beatrix
peter soos
Sebák Valter
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Marș Triumfal Triumphant March Anthem of the United Romanian Principalities
Romanian Royal Anthem Trăiască Regele
The Battle Has Begun Bulgarian Patriotic Song Боят настана
Romania National Anthem Instrumental
Drum Bun Romanian March Highest Quality
Варшавянка Warszawianka Instrumental
The cross of iron [Ending Song] By Ernest Gold [Download link]
Echipa Mortii Remix Synthwave
Dacam plecat Ardealule din tine Romanian Irredentist Song
Anthem of the Romanian Peoples Republic 19481953 Zdrobite Cătușe
Románia, román , árulás , történelem , balkáni , háború , balkán , török , orosz , krími , háború , csata , győzelem , bulgária , első , második , I. világháború , antant , központi , hatalmak , tengelyhatalmak , szövetségesek , Károly , Codreanu, Antonescou , Mihály , király , uralkodó , diktátor , fasizmus , kommunizmus , puccs , rendszerváltás , Mackensen , Bukarest , Budapest , elfoglalás , 1914 , 1915 , 1916 , 1917 , 1918 , 1919 , trianon , Romania, Romanian, betrayal, history, Balkan, war, Balkans, Turkish, Russian, Crimean, war, battle, victory, Bulgaria, first, second, World War I, Entente, central, powers, Axis powers, allies, Charles, Codreanu, Antonescou, Mihály, king, ruler, dictator, fascism, communism, coup, regime change, Mackensen, Bucharest, Budapest, occupation, România, română, trădare, istorie, Balcani, război, Balcani, Turcă, Rusă, Crimeea, război, bătălie, victorie, Bulgaria, primul, al doilea, Primul Război Mondial, Antanta, centrală, puteri, Puterile Axei, aliați, Charles, Codreanu , Antonescou, Mihály, rege, domnitor, dictator, fascism, comunism, lovitura de stat, schimbare de regim, Mackensen, Bucuresti, Budapesta, ocupatie,