We are going to Arizona during winter break to stay mother- in-law's house. Our most important To-Do list is.....Have a Burger FEAST In-N-out!!! So now we need to add one more thing.." The Habit" :-)
Hi jun!! you post very practical lessons so i also including others could learn things a lot from you !!!! so could you please tell us the difference of various *because*.I make essays often that`s why kind of expression *becuase* is enevitable...could you explain the difference between Because (of), since, as ,due to, owing to, for the reason something and on account of something よろしくお願いします!!!
@Hapaeikaiwapage5 жыл бұрын
Hey there! I'm glad you hear you find my videos useful. Thanks for your suggestion. I've made note of it and hopefully I'll be able to post a video lesson on that topic next year! Cheers 😄
@ImagePower3585 жыл бұрын
@AnnieWayTrilingirl5 жыл бұрын
@Hapaeikaiwapage5 жыл бұрын
@shrimpster3115 жыл бұрын
JUN さんの Food Channel いつも楽しみにしてます パサデナにも良いお店ありますよー IN-N-OUT は、パサ店がもっとも老舗にあたるので def. 作り方からして、塩辛くないですし チェーン店的な雰囲気と味が全くないんです この店舗がベステスト 😂 (the best of rest) です on 2114 E. Foothill Blvd パサデナでチャーと言うと 創業1973年の Lucky Boy 1号店ですかね ジャンク度が高いので the Habit のサンタバーバラ時代みたいに チェーン店っぽい味がしないチャーなんです on 640 S. Arroyo Pkwy 以上、英会話じゃなくて この2つ未開でしたらおススメです Local Food の分野でスポンサーつくかもよ 😆 パサデナにお越しの際は 立ち寄ってみて下さい...‼️