Rupert Sheldrake in Oslo 23.10.18 - Science and spiritual practices

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Flux Forlag

Flux Forlag

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Presenting his new book "Science and Spiritual Practices" at Litteraturhuset in Oslo. Invited by Flux Forlag.

Пікірлер: 93
@brfc4454 3 жыл бұрын
Inspiration from start to finish
@RawanShenasi Жыл бұрын
Love this man ❤
@theonlymeaning 4 жыл бұрын
He is quite charming and I think I do love him. I love his mind, his depth, his manner of communication, his beautiful, flowing, natural use of the English language.........I listen to him when I fall asleep. As Sheldrake would say "The effects are quite pronounced".
@piccalillies 2 жыл бұрын
This was my method of teaching my youngest to pray -- sharing her "thankfulness" each night after reading, before going to sleep. I let her decide what that was & didn't prompt her what she should be thankful for.
@Pittsburghestatesale 6 жыл бұрын
I find Rupert so profound. Some scientists have scoffed at his work but as he says, its about the experience. There are some really good videos on youtube with Rupert when he was young alongside Terrance McKenna, who needs no introduction. I also recommend Rupperts newest book which he is promoting on this talk, Science and Spirituality. Peace to all.
@nzmpa1 5 жыл бұрын
Have you also enjoyed his talks with Jiddu Krishnamurti and David Bohm they are very mind opening.
@nickolasgaspar9660 5 жыл бұрын
Experience has nothing to do with scientific evaluation. He is a charlatan preying on gullible and existentially anxious individuals by offering comforting ideas as knowledge. This is really sad...
@rblibit 4 жыл бұрын
@@nickolasgaspar9660 - You are obviously one who buys into the Big Bang, you believe the sun is a nuclear furnace, you look for Dark Matter under every rock, you believe that consciousness is a product of and resides only in one's head, and you know that the universe is matter based, and is a big accident. You believe in the religion of anthropogenic Global Warming, you are sure that Alien beings are only found in movies (and could never be with us right now, or YOU would know it), and you surely don't think that the Main Stream Media is intentionally lying to you (or you would detect it with your superior intellect). Sadly, you have been well trained by those who control and run this world. You are a perfect part of the their herd - you think and do as you are told, and you never question Peer Reviewed science since that would be sacrilege against your atheist god. Sadly (for you) In the very near future, your matter-based world is about to be shattered before your very eyes. You will hear about and see things that will not make sense to you. It will scare you to your very core. I am telling you this out of kindness so you can, at least prepare a bit by expecting a major paradigm shift in your shallow world that has no real answers to the difficult questions. You will never have the truth if you do not know what questions to ask, but then, when you know everything, why should there ever be any additional questions to which you don't already have the answers? Right? I'll give you a small hint at the magnitude of what you are about to learn. Over 200 million beings live on the moon, and they are not human. Oh you're laughing now, but I recommend that if you own a handgun, sell it right now so you are not tempted to escape the fear that will grip you when the truth comes out. And please remember that you were warned.
@nickolasgaspar9660 4 жыл бұрын
@@rblibit "You are obviously one who buys into the Big Bang, you believe the sun is a nuclear furnace, " -Yes, this is also known as scientific education. I don't just accept the "narrative" of those scientific frameworks, I am also informed of the observations supportive of those theories, the predictions and the technical applications made possible by their principles. "you look for Dark Matter under every rock," -No Dark Matter is not some kind of a worm, Its an observable phenomenon which we can quantify but we currently can not identify the responsible causal mechanism of it. "you believe that consciousness is a product of and resides only in one's head" -conscious states are a product of specific brain states. We have Strong Correlations, we have meaningful descriptions, accurate predictions and technical applications that support this conclusion. A functioning brain is sufficient and necessary for the emergence of those specific brain states. We have identified the minimum area needed for that state to emerge (the Ascending Reticular Activating System) , we have the technology to read complex thoughts by just looking at brain scans and we can make diagnosis and operate or medicate a brain in order to improve our conscious states. All those things are impossible from all other magical explanations that are out there. "and you know that the universe is matter based," -I can only say that we have the methods and tools to observe , quantify and talk about the physical aspect of the universe and we can make zero claims about any other aspect of reality. "and is a big accident." We don't know that, as far as I can think...maybe this is what the Cosmos produce universes. We can not talk about an "accident" because we are unable to make observations and calculate probabilities. "You believe in the religion of anthropogenic Global Warming" -I don't believe, I accept the best available data. I hold an educated position ...not a faith based denial The same "objections" were made by people like you about a global you are all served. "you are sure that Alien beings are only found in movies (and could never be with us right now, or YOU would know it)," -I don't know that. I can only say that ALL existential claims need to be supported by objective and sufficient evidence. I am open to facts. "and you surely don't think that the Main Stream Media is intentionally lying to you (or you would detect it with your superior intellect)." -I don't follow main stream media. "Sadly, you have been well trained by those who control and run this world." -No I am not a Theist and I reject cultural indoctrination that isn't supported by objective facts. You should do the same. Gullibility is a vice. -"You are a perfect part of the their herd - you think and do as you are told, and you never question Peer Reviewed science since that would be sacrilege against your atheist god." -You are using a technical application to post all those straw-man and reproduce all this ignorant bovine manure about science. You can not even live according to your beliefs dude...I bet you reject the relative nature of time but still use your GPS device. You need to follow your preaching...cherry picking is a fallacy. "You will hear about and see things that will not make sense to you. It will scare you to your very core. I am telling you this out of kindness so you can, at least prepare a bit by expecting a major paradigm shift in your shallow world that has no real answers to the difficult questions." -Sure...try to provide solid, objective sufficient evidence with those scary things... Without evidence all are just hot air mate. -"You will never have the truth if you do not know what questions to ask, but then, when you know everything, why should there ever be any additional questions to which you don't already have the answers?" -Nice deepities...can you offer evidence that confirm the truth value of your answer that you gave to those correct questions of yours? I guess not..just woo woo hot air and conspiracies about the scientific establishment. You don't even know that science is a method ..not a set of declarations by high priests....ignorance man. " Over 200 million beings live on the moon, and they are not human. Oh you're laughing now, but I recommend that if you own a handgun, sell it right now so you are not tempted to escape the fear that will grip you when the truth comes out. And please remember that you were warned." -No I am not laughing.....evidence????? Just provide the evidence mate...that simple.
@nickolasgaspar9660 4 жыл бұрын
@Mr Phillips you should never do that. That is a magical approach to a descriptive Naturalistic explanation of quantum mechanics.
@CjandPepe Жыл бұрын
I thoroughly enjoyed this talk. I’m grateful to have heard this and am grateful for its inspiration. 💕
@pappapiccolino9572 5 жыл бұрын
Such a beautiful person. I only discovered him in the last few months. I wish he was 20 years younger. He's now 76 and I feel a certain sadness watching this video, because (at least to me) it seems like age is starting to slow him down a little, and I wish he could live forever.
@jamesduggan5919 5 жыл бұрын
One of the best lectures I've listened to and I have listened to many.. My main practice now is Inner Engineering as prescribed, if you will, by Sadhguru, and listening to his talks on You Tube. However, Rupert here encapsulates a wide range of important ideas that anyone can integrate into their spiritual practice and while continuing along their path from listening to this talk get more out of their practice through deeper understanding. At least that is how I feel now having had the experience. Thank you Rupert. Namaskaram
@techwg 5 жыл бұрын
Nice. Although he always looks stoned. Very relaxing to listen to. He could be talking about cheesecake recipes and I could probably listen to it in the background and it enrich my physiological state.
@axeman2638 5 жыл бұрын
I just love listening to Rupert's voice as much as what he has to say.
@12th-House 5 жыл бұрын
Another excellent presentation by Rupert Sheldrake who (imho) is ahead in this field. What I found particularly well is the emphasis on personal spiritual experience being more important than any practice (religion, science etc) that tells you what rules to follow. Enjoyed it.
@TheSonicDeviant 5 жыл бұрын
It’s always a pleasure to listen to this human!
@futurecaredesign 5 жыл бұрын
The thing I got from his section about pilgrimage was that it must be part of having a real sense of place. And people sharing a sense of place in a positive way gives rise to a positive feeling about the place that you live in, a shared experience. It opens the way for people to get out of their isolated mindsets in which they believe to be the island around which everything revolves and into a shared experience in which everything revolves around everything else. Going from me, to we.
@futurecaredesign 5 жыл бұрын
To some degree a pilgrimage lets you tap into a shared experience that allows you to identify with a very large group of people. But not just in your mind and with the folks of your church, in your current moment. But in a very embodied sense with all the people that came before you.
@devonseamoor 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for publishing this video, I find Rupert always calm and balanced, with a down to earth clear expression of his views and thoughts, not in the least... his experiences. I'm amused by his bridging of politeness with determination, showing up in his presentation. There's a humourous glint in his eyes and a reverence for the audience, all the time, allowing for human nature to be present, I find that hugely skillful.
@MrPudd420 5 жыл бұрын
Mans natural state is one of contemplative prayer, even when he is lamenting how difficult meditation is.
@paullemay9895 5 жыл бұрын
Excellent overall thesis Rupert. I very much enjoyed your talk and have shared the link on my Facebook Page.
@daseladi 5 жыл бұрын
I love the guy. What is more to say. Still I ll say a couple of words more. There is a kind of an normal personality evolution in our culture, the kids have to form their strong feelings of identity, egos. Materialistic views are natural at this young age. As the years pass, the growth goes on, and evermore you get confronted with the untruth of your own specialness. It was exactly the Mr. Sheldrakes 'New science of life' that has been a profound catalyst for me personally, a quarter of a century ago, to connect this growing feelings of being part of something larger into a whole. This first contact with Mr. Sheldrakes work has been a turning point in my life.
@legionjames1822 5 жыл бұрын
I cant pass on ruperts new work whenever it appears.
@meestermeesterhastings.3159 5 жыл бұрын
Today I start a "Thank you Book" and my first Thank you Rupert Sheldrake for giving me this idea, more people should listen to this man, oh and Thank you for telling me about Auxin a plant hormone many years ago.
@rhondalove8238 5 жыл бұрын
If humans have been practicing these things down through history, then how can this be a new evolution? Thoroughly interesting.
@Simonet1309 5 жыл бұрын
Dec 2018. Three dislikes. Dawkins, Dennett and Harris? Lol
@nickolasgaspar9660 5 жыл бұрын
I am not sure that those three bother to down vote charlatans like him self....
@anthonymccarthy4164 5 жыл бұрын
I think one of the rare instances when I can't agree with Rupert Sheldrake is around what he concludes about John the Baptist. I'm not greatly bothered by his theory of John the Drowner but I think he has an all too modern, casual idea of how seriously John's followers took their religious experience. They would have had to be seriously prepared, mentally, spiritually, culturally to come to such an experience in ways that Westerners in the modern period seldom are. John, himself, said his baptism with water was inferior to the Baptism of the Spirit which the one who was to come would administer. I don't think there is any mention in the literature of people being drowned while being baptized in the ancient or modern periods. Paul, the quintessential example of a conversion experience in early Christianity didn't seem to place that much stress it, he said he had seldom baptized people.
@Kaliashdevi 5 жыл бұрын
What really saddens me today is that spirituality (new-age style) always seems to be about doing practices to enhance one's own sense of well-being rather than giving/spreading love. Love - kindness/care/empathy/sensitivity/playful-communication etc, is obviously the engine of existence without which life would self-destruct, as it is on Earth now because of the lack of it. So it's interesting to find forgetting our own problems for a while and reaching out to help/care is not a priority on your list, because gratitude is for something personally gained. Science puts love down to being a survival instinct. The media has grossly sentimentalized and sexualized 'love' and new-age seems to be saying 'love your self' when more ancient esoteric teachings talk about reaching 'enlightenment' via self-less-ness. ‘Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder. Help someone’s soul heal. Walk out of your house like a shepherd.’ Rumi At a time when so many people need kindness/love/generosity, when the suicide rate (especially for the young) is off the scales, when the world is collapsing through greed born from me-me-me, it seems we need another Martin Luther King to appear, or another Gandhi to get us back on track; "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.' This is proof for the scientific; %)
@cx777o 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for writing this! As you said we need that focus on love and change our perspective of it drastically! Materialistic views on emotions like love is way too reductive. It misses the bigger picture and does not value the feeling and concious effort behind what it means to love! Science has its place and usefulness, but it cannot help people live happier and meaningful lives. Spirituality and its practices are key here!
@edenlinux6587 5 жыл бұрын
Amasing... Thans
@shivaramsahu4000 5 жыл бұрын
rupert has only elaborated the Hindu way of life , meditation or japa done daily,all our hymns to deities is simply being thankful and show gratitude, we consider divinity all around and hence are thankful to nature and care for it with devotion, burn incense ,offer flowers to dieties, singing bhajans in groups and chant the gods name in japa or meditation, ritualistic ways are practiced in havans (propitiating various forces through fire as the element in yagna ) and finally pilgrimage is the reason for 80 % tourism that takes place in India by Hindus. these are ideas from Hindu way of life that we observe daily.
@Simonet1309 5 жыл бұрын
Not only Hindu. These practises are also entirely Christian, and certainly practised one way or another by the Holy Orthodox Church.
@intuitiveself-love9513 5 жыл бұрын
When are you coming to Stockholm?
@michaeldooley5331 5 жыл бұрын
I dropped in on an enormous Baptist church recently in hopes of rekindling an interest in religion. The pastor talked about what was wrong with various other churches, made fun of other practices and peoples. I just left disappointed.
@JillFreeman-kb4ih 2 ай бұрын
do atheists sing hymns to the glory of self-- or group? i just don't understand why it is spiritual.
@xwsftassell 5 жыл бұрын
What a guy.
@science1941 5 жыл бұрын
I listen to every word. This whole world is either Material or Spirit, you get to pick which one you want to attach yourself to, what 'Game' are you going to be in. I choose Door #1 *Jesus, that's the easy door, his 'Yoke' like Jesus says is easy. Ta-da. Peeps just get through this earth age in one piece. The easy doorway, if not why not.
@alfredphillips2057 5 жыл бұрын
I too I find Rupert so profound but mediation is not actually Godly, for as I tweezered from what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 12: 3, namely that no man can have spiritual experiences unless some spirit outside himself whether God or Satan, inspires it. It seems that Rupert and other atheist strive to embrace a universalism that encapsulates the moral injunctions and ethical precepts of Christianity while leaving behind the faith-based beliefs and the Biblical accounts which they rested upon. But imagining this will suffice as a secular religion in our world is, naïve. For it seems an undeniable anthropological fact, that human groups rely on mechanisms of exclusion, to maintained differences and the hostilities they generate, to cohere and perpetuate themselves, and religious beliefs are a - perhaps the - principal source of such mechanisms
@TripcussionShorts 5 жыл бұрын
living in a failing western world is a big tragedy for mankind even more tragic than his existence in the first place at all.
@funtime-gg8fb 5 жыл бұрын
Local Apparent Sidereal Time WILLARD , MO Longitude -93.42 degrees 00:-58 LST
@mortalclown3812 Жыл бұрын
Strident materialists are akin to evangelicals: lo! Irony stomps through the tender night.
@lindaklase3821 4 жыл бұрын
July 26, 2020
@konacreator 5 жыл бұрын
Folks of like Minds, there is a science of Being. It is not what you surmise from what exists on Earth today, as Sheldrake and others try to affirm. It is a tried, tested and true process, that is not evolutionary, it is a maturing process. This science is described in only one set of texts that I am aware of, although there are older practises that assist in this path, there purpose is/was not the same purpose as this process. The texts were received by Alice Bailey from our Planetary Logos called Djwal khul. Most of what is going on in this sciene is still only guessed at, and the process I refer to is much larger a picture than is refered to even in Master DK's instruction. This tried, tested and true process is not what Sheldrake presents. I wonder why people still listen to the guessing teachers, rather than finding a guide who is familiar with the ACTUAL process!
@sterlingarcher5698 5 жыл бұрын
The purpose of existence is to experience; nothing more. Good or bad, individual subjective experience is the only goal of the soul. I only disagree on one point with Sheldrake's hypothesis so far; the soul does not grow the physical form, whether it be an atomic particle or a star. The physical form grows and when ready, the soul inhabits to create the Mind. And through the Mind, we Experience. Emotions are feedback from the Soul, as is intelligence, intuition, creativity etc. The 'higher' the lifeform, the more undiluted, the more profound this feedback is. The Soul is defined in regions, which are defined by the energy the Soul inhabits. Think of it as light being refracted. The physical form defines the scope of its Mind, which then refracts the soul into a specific subjective experience; atomic particle or molecule, metal or stone, plant or animal, or human.
@shannonhingst4286 5 жыл бұрын
And what do you think is the source of the soul? Where are the soul's residing until they inhabit the body? Also where does the "stuff" of the body come from, or rather where did they come from initially? The first bodies....
@sterlingarcher5698 5 жыл бұрын
@@shannonhingst4286 I think of it as Inside and Outside. Inside is the physical Universe, a resonating energetic Medium; the sphere of what we can percieve through any technological means. Outside is totally void of energy; the source of the soul. Does resonance need an energetic Medium? Or can resonance exist regardless and is shaped and inturn shapes as it meets an energetic Medium? Resonance meets the energetic boundary to varying degrees and creates ripples. The ripples collide, collapsing into standing waves and inteference patterns. The more complex the structure, the more complex the matter. I am in no way saying all this is right and true. Just ponderings in idle moments.
@stvbrsn 5 жыл бұрын
God, I only hope he is precisely as stoned as he appears to be! Because I sure am.
@primatejames 5 жыл бұрын
Just because someone has some nice ideas does not in anyway make it true.I thought his ideas were interesting but I did not in any way find them truthful. Listen as entertainment as you do Hancock.
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