Amhara lalametfat FANO hono sigadel dula siyakeblu yeneberu, zarie tegadelow dar liders metadu sisema ye 'Kefu gubae' terekmoch (Eskender,Gedu, Debre-Tsion,Lidetu,Andargachew,Jawar, Lema, 'Shenie, deadly ADPs lelochem jelie 'Ye KEBERO BAHETWEYAN' ) Amharan ena ye semetatun dem mene yahel beteneku new teglun 'hyjack' lemadereg yasefesefachehut. FANO along with yourJustified vigilant military struggle vigierous political preparedness should go hand in hand (at par). This is z order of z day. You should stand in z fore front, spearheading z oppressed Eth. People, no matter what. Because you deserve it. It has become crystal clear that Ethiopia's fate is in your hand. Think locally. Act globally. Watch out! No space for mistake. Come on! No time! Get united! Move ahead. May God, as allways , be with you.