The down side of lowering beacon/antenna range to avoid detection by enemies is that if you exit the ship and wander too far/chase an Unknown Signal, you can loose your ship. I was only thinking you might exit the ship to scout asteroids manually, not chase something down. A counter to that is to use an Event Controller. Set the range to whatever, and while you're in the cockpit the EC turns off the beacon/antenna, exit the cockpit and the EC turns it on. If you return to space with the Box Fish and keep that cockpit, try using a transparent LCD mounted just outside a window to display Spectrometry. That cluster of asteroids that has the Ice, Iron and Cobalt, seems a good place to build your Starter Depot, probably on the asteroid with the largest Iron deposit. Mining & refinery at the Iron, mining and O2H2 gen for H2 storage at the Ice deposit. Without the ability of wind power, you'll need to build some pretty large solar arrays, since your limited Ice at this time wouldn't support H2 engines for sustained power. Don't forget Magnesium mining for ammo production.