Sabbath Delight | Toby Sumpter (Reformed Basics #14)

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Christ Church

Christ Church

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When Christ saves a man, woman, or child, one of the fundamental gifts He gives is rest. Instead of striving on the treadmill of human performance, Christians are seated in Heavenly Places in Christ Jesus. They are seated at a great banqueting table full of bread and wine and every good thing, and they hear the words: eat, drink, and be merry, for your works have already been accepted.
Far from being some Puritan anomaly or Pharisaical vestige of legalism, the Christian Sabbath is the great symbol of Christian rest. In the ancient world and in many impoverished societies, a day off is unheard off. Only the most wealthy, the nobility, royalty get days off, days of rest and leisure. But when Israel was set free from bondage in Egypt, God commanded them to live as free men and women. He called them His royal priesthood, His nobility. The sons and the daughters of the King gather with their Father weekly to feast at His table, to commune with the King, and to rest in His sovereign grace.
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@frankcastelo6980 11 ай бұрын
Excellent. Thank you.
@protestant77 6 ай бұрын
JESUS says keep Sabbath holy. POPE says keep Sunday holy! “The Bible says remember that thou keep the Sabbath day. The Catholic Church says, 'NO!'. By my divine power, I abolish the Sabbath day and command you to keep holy the first day of the week. And, lo, the entire civilized world bows down in reverent obedience to the command of the holy Catholic Church." -Father Enright, American Sentinal, June 1893. 7th day Sabbath = (Exo.20:8-11) 1st day Sunday = (Mark 7:7) The WORD teaches 7th day is holy! The WORLD teaches 1st day is holy! 🤔WHO DO YOU OBEY???????????
@simmo5016 2 жыл бұрын
This is brilliant and has helped me think more about how I approach Sundays.
@ChristKirk 2 жыл бұрын
Blessings Simmo!
@gummo15 2 жыл бұрын
Honoring the seventh day Sabbath is the reformed position.
@protestant77 6 ай бұрын
JESUS says keep Sabbath holy. POPE says keep Sunday holy! “The Bible says remember that thou keep the Sabbath day. The Catholic Church says, 'NO!'. By my divine power, I abolish the Sabbath day and command you to keep holy the first day of the week. And, lo, the entire civilized world bows down in reverent obedience to the command of the holy Catholic Church." -Father Enright, American Sentinal, June 1893. 7th day Sabbath = (Exo.20:8-11) 1st day Sunday = (Mark 7:7) The WORD teaches 7th day is holy! The WORLD teaches 1st day is holy! 🤔WHO DO YOU OBEY???????????
@auntieanna 6 ай бұрын
Appreciate the Spirit & quality, thankyou. Fyi, Acts 20:7 follows Acts 20:6. It was the "first of the Sabbaths". They were counting weeks from unleavened to pentecost. Too, He was resurrected on the annual firstfruits.... seems to get lost in the mix. And, my only 'gripe', which I know y'all are very intentional.... Xmass 🌲 Prob too big a pill to swallow in this life. Blessings.
@protestant77 6 ай бұрын
JESUS says keep Sabbath holy. POPE says keep Sunday holy! “The Bible says remember that thou keep the Sabbath day. The Catholic Church says, 'NO!'. By my divine power, I abolish the Sabbath day and command you to keep holy the first day of the week. And, lo, the entire civilized world bows down in reverent obedience to the command of the holy Catholic Church." -Father Enright, American Sentinal, June 1893. 7th day Sabbath = (Exo.20:8-11) 1st day Sunday = (Mark 7:7) The WORD teaches 7th day is holy! The WORLD teaches 1st day is holy! 🤔WHO DO YOU OBEY???????????
@auntieanna 6 ай бұрын
@protestant77 did Jesus say Saturday? Is American Sentinal 1893 an authority? Here's my riddle: how is it that the Israelites arrive at Egypt on the 15th of the third month after two months of travel (Ex 19:1), knowing that the Golden Calf was yet a ways off? Hint: you need to resolve the count to Pentecost.
@protestant77 6 ай бұрын
@@auntieanna The 7th day is still the SABBATH‼️ -Encyclopedias = 7th day Saturday! -Dictionaries = 7th day Saturday! -Calendars = 7th day Saturday! 👆Although im aware of some FAKE calendars that begin with Monday! All the Jewish people still keep their Shabbat on the 7th day SATURDAY! In over 100 languages around the world the 7th day what we call Saturday is actually called the "SABBATH" FOR EXAMPLE: Arabic: Sabet = Sabbath/Saturday Armenian: Shabat = Sabbath/Sat. Bosnian: Subota = Sabbath/Sat. Bulgarian: Sabota = Sabbath/Sat. Corsican: Sàbatu = Sabbath/Sat. Croatian: Subota = Sabbath/Sat. Czech: Sobota = Sabbath/Sat. Georgian: Sabati = Sabbath/Sat. Greek: Savvato = Sabbath/Sat. Hebrew: Shabbat = Sabbath/Sat. Indonesian: Sabtu = Sabbath/Sat. Italian: Sabato = Sabbath/Sat. Latin: Sabbatum = Sabbath/Sat. Maltese: is-Sibti = Sabbath/Sat. Polish: Sobota = Sabbath/Sat. Portuguese: Sábado = Sabbath/Sat. Romanian: Sambata = Sabbath/Sat. Russian: Subbota = Sabbath/Sat. Serbian: Subota = Sabbath/Sat. Slovak: Sobota = Sabbath/Sat. Slovene: Sobota = Sabbath/Sat. Somali: Sabti = Sabbath/Sat. Spanish: Sabado = Sabbath/Sat. Sudanese: Saptu = Sabbath/Sat. Ukranian: Subota = Sabbath/Sat. Pretty interesting huh 🤔??? God bless you🙏🏽
@redeemedbychrist4025 Жыл бұрын
Luther and Calvin on the Sabbath by Martin Luther Luther criticized the Sabbatarian Carlstadt and certain Anabaptists for their Judiazing of Sunday: "that if Sunday were anywhere made holy merely for the day's sake or its observance set on a Jewish foundation, 'then I order you to walk on it, to ride on it, to dance on it, to feast on it, to do anything that shall remove this encroachment on Christian Liberty' " (p.17). Calvin "regarded the external observance of the Sabbath rest as a Jewish ceremonial ordinance and no longer binding on Christians." He said of Sabbatarians that they "surpass the Jews three times over in a crass and carnal Sabbatarian superstition" (p.19). For very practical reasons, Calvin wished to retain a stated rest day for rest and worship. "When Spirituals taunted Protestant as Judaizers for still keeping Sunday, Calvin replied that they celebrated it not scrupulously but 'as a remedy needed to keep order in the church.' " Solberg notes also that "in Calvin's Geneva, citizens were free to amuse themselves after Sunday worship, and they did so with military drill and bowling. Calvin himself bowled on Sunday and was buried on a Lord's Day afternoon" (p. 19). Taken from REDEEM THE TIME - THE PURITAN SABBATH IN EARLY AMERICA by Winton Solberg Martin Luther (1483-1546) was a German professor of theology, composer, Bible translator, and seminal figure in the Protestant Reformation. Published: Jul, 11 2004 Updated: Jul, 14 2019 Topics: Church Bulletin Articles Churchianity Author: Martin Luther
@NoKingButChrist1689 2 жыл бұрын
I'm reading Robert Martin's book The Christian Sabbath. Thanks for the video!
@protestant77 6 ай бұрын
JESUS says keep Sabbath holy. POPE says keep Sunday holy! “The Bible says remember that thou keep the Sabbath day. The Catholic Church says, 'NO!'. By my divine power, I abolish the Sabbath day and command you to keep holy the first day of the week. And, lo, the entire civilized world bows down in reverent obedience to the command of the holy Catholic Church." -Father Enright, American Sentinal, June 1893. 7th day Sabbath = (Exo.20:8-11) 1st day Sunday = (Mark 7:7) The WORD teaches 7th day is holy! The WORLD teaches 1st day is holy! 🤔WHO DO YOU OBEY???????????
@johornbuckle5272 Жыл бұрын
The church began with jews. These jews observed the sabbath and continued going to the synagogue. They evangelized jews and gentiles. When the sabbath finished in the evening, jews such as Paul would have rushed to teach bible doctrine to gentile converts on saturday evening, technically the first day of the week. Everyone had work on sunday
@Dylan-c9d1g Ай бұрын
Technically the Sabbath began at creation. God intended this to be a day of rest for all humanity before there was a Jew, Greek or anything. God created the world in 6 days and on the Seventh day He rested and hallowed it, as stated in Genesis
@protestant77 6 ай бұрын
JESUS says keep Sabbath holy. POPE says keep Sunday holy! “The Bible says remember that thou keep the Sabbath day. The Catholic Church says, 'NO!'. By my divine power, I abolish the Sabbath day and command you to keep holy the first day of the week. And, lo, the entire civilized world bows down in reverent obedience to the command of the holy Catholic Church." -Father Enright, American Sentinal, June 1893. 7th day Sabbath = (Exo.20:8-11) 1st day Sunday = (Mark 7:7) The WORD teaches 7th day is holy! The WORLD teaches 1st day is holy! 🤔WHO DO YOU OBEY???????????
@pierrequeripel183 2 жыл бұрын
Question: From where do we know that Jesus appeared to his disciples on subsequent Sundays?
@ChristKirk 2 жыл бұрын
Great question, Pierre. Jesus was resurrected on the first day of the week (Mk. 16:9) and appeared on this same day to His disciples (Jn. 20:19). His next appearance to them was a week later, on the following Sunday (Jn. 20:26). Fifty days later the Holy Spirit was poured out on Sunday (Acts 2:1).
@protestant77 6 ай бұрын
@@ChristKirk There’s NO scriptural evidence that God’s Sabbath has been moved to Sunday! All you have is CONJECTURE!
@protestant77 6 ай бұрын
@@ChristKirk JESUS says keep Sabbath holy. POPE says keep Sunday holy! “The Bible says remember that thou keep the Sabbath day. The Catholic Church says, 'NO!'. By my divine power, I abolish the Sabbath day and command you to keep holy the first day of the week. And, lo, the entire civilized world bows down in reverent obedience to the command of the holy Catholic Church." -Father Enright, American Sentinal, June 1893. 7th day Sabbath = (Exo.20:8-11) 1st day Sunday = (Mark 7:7) The WORD teaches 7th day is holy! The WORLD teaches 1st day is holy! 🤔WHO DO YOU OBEY???????????
@93556108 2 жыл бұрын
Christ Church, your statement "Christian Sabbath" is an unbiblical word as the Sabbath is not binding on Christians thus it has become obsolete.
@auntieanna 6 ай бұрын
They should be applauded. Isaiah's New Heaven & Earth promotes it.... future! And fyi, the 10 Commandments were the failed Covenant of Ancient Israel, that land them the 'law of Moses'. Maybe you're missing lots of details.....
@protestant77 6 ай бұрын
JESUS says keep Sabbath holy. POPE says keep Sunday holy! “The Bible says remember that thou keep the Sabbath day. The Catholic Church says, 'NO!'. By my divine power, I abolish the Sabbath day and command you to keep holy the first day of the week. And, lo, the entire civilized world bows down in reverent obedience to the command of the holy Catholic Church." -Father Enright, American Sentinal, June 1893. 7th day Sabbath = (Exo.20:8-11) 1st day Sunday = (Mark 7:7) The WORD teaches 7th day is holy! The WORLD teaches 1st day is holy! 🤔WHO DO YOU OBEY???????????
@93556108 6 ай бұрын
@@protestant77 fyi the Sabbath is a MERE SHADOW but THE REALITY, CHRIST had appeared. So, the mere shadow had lost all its religious significance thus it has been down away with. I obey Christ, the Lord of the Sabbath who invited my soul to rest in HIM. BUT you still obey the LAW and it will kill you ultimately. So repent before it is too late...............
@gregdavis2716 2 жыл бұрын
I love the work of Canon and Christ Church but this video makes me sad. This is not reformed teaching. Martin Luther specifically rejected the notion of Sabbath on Sunday saying it violates Christian freedom. Calvin also rejected Sabbath. Teaching Believers there is still a Sabbath is a very dangerous legalistic road. I ask as Paul asked the Galatians, why do you want to go back under the Law? Teaching Sabbath in the New Covenant is why the Seventh-day Adventist Church (a cult) wins converts. Seventh-day Adventist will say, "Show me where in the Bible it says the day was changed." And since they are correct, the Bible never says Sabbath changed to Sunday, they follow up with, "The Pope changed the day and that is why we are the only true Church following God's true Sabbath." The Hebrews Roots Movement makes a very similar argument. In truth, Sabbath is the symbol of a covenant that no longer exists. Exodus 16 and 31, Hebrews 8 and 9. So while it meant everything to Israel, it means nothing to Christians. We live in the rest of Christ everyday. When America declared independence from England, we were no longer under any of English law. None. The fact that America adopted much of English Law makes no difference. Likewise, Christians are not under the old law. None of it. Hebrews 7 tells us a change in priesthood requires a new law and Jesus gave it to us (Matt 5-7). No Sabbath. Sabbatarianism will always result in a list of dos and don'ts, just as it did in this video. Sabbatarianism will always result in one day being esteemed above the others, just like in this video. Advocate for Saturday night family meals, weekly Church attendance, taking a day from your job to give thanks. Great! Calling it Sabbath observance, not great.
@redeemedbychrist4025 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this comment. Thank you so much.
@johornbuckle5272 Жыл бұрын
We keep the seventh day. God sanctified it and blessed it way before the law. The first to receive the blessing of the seventh day were gentiles. It is a blessing for all mankind. God sanctified the seventh day and that sanctification does not cease with the law in the same way that the creation narrative does not cease. The sabbath command as given in exodus is given to Moses with memorial qualifications but the Jews kept the sabbath before being given the law. That said sunday sabbath is a travesty.
@auntieanna 6 ай бұрын
Spirit of the law folks ♡ Isaiah promotes it in the New Heaven & Earth. The 10 commandments spoken to Israel before they failed at Relationship. Written in with His finger, placed in the ark..... so many details to know.... No day or eve in the seventh day of Genesis. Always resting! And then Christ says His Father is always working. Both ate true for us too, always working, always resting.... yet celebrating His Sabbath. All of the above 🕊
@protestant77 6 ай бұрын
JESUS says keep Sabbath holy. POPE says keep Sunday holy! “The Bible says remember that thou keep the Sabbath day. The Catholic Church says, 'NO!'. By my divine power, I abolish the Sabbath day and command you to keep holy the first day of the week. And, lo, the entire civilized world bows down in reverent obedience to the command of the holy Catholic Church." -Father Enright, American Sentinal, June 1893. 7th day Sabbath = (Exo.20:8-11) 1st day Sunday = (Mark 7:7) The WORD teaches 7th day is holy! The WORLD teaches 1st day is holy! 🤔WHO DO YOU OBEY???????????
@redeemedbychrist4025 Жыл бұрын
Not that Calvin and Luther 's views surpass anyone else's . But this is just to show how dangerous the sababtarian idea is, and how Apostle Paul, and most of the other fathers of the church fought against the sabbatarian's view. This is simply political, and not biblical. Sunday is not physical rest for many people. I am a woman, and with all the kids I have, Sunday is all but physical rest. I have the clean the kids, get them ready to go to church, drive 30mn from one city to another for church. At church, I serve in the nursery. Some other people serve with technology, to cast the videos live, some others sing, and some clean the church. Which rest are you talking about? On Sunday, we work unless, you are selfish enough or single, with nothing to do, and lives 2mn (walking distance) from Church. Then, you can say you don't work. Exodus 16:29 says, “See! The LORD has given you the Sabbath; therefore on the sixth day he gives you bread for two days. Remain each of you in his place; let no one go out of his place on the seventh day.” Numbers 35:5 commanded that the dimensions of a Levitical city should be 2,000 cubits (about half a mile) square. So, if you travel more than half a mile on Sunday, you are breaking the sabbath. Also, let's no longer cast our live videos on Facebook on Sunday, let's not use youtube, technology, or any sort of thing. Let's no longer have hospitals, police, firefighter on Sunday. I find it too easy to choose the activities that are beneficial for us, and say that they are permissible. If we want to observe the sabbath, let's go to the old testament, and see all the commands from GOD regarding the Sabbath. Choosing ourselves, our prefered activities, is simply legalism. ALso, in addition to legalism, We are going against all the principles that the Apostles, from which we heard the Gospel, and who are the foundation of our Faith, taught. Isn't it curious that the apostles never addressed how we should conduct ourselves on Sabbath? They never even mentioned observing it. They just said: let's no one judge you about the observance of Sabbath. Colossiens 2:16: 16Therefore let no one judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a feast, a New Moon, or a Sabbath. 17These are a shadow of the things to come, but the body that casts it belongs to Christ.… Some theologians say that Colossians 2v16 refers to a pagan sabbath.... If true, how can Paul say in verse 17 that these were shadows of Christ's work???? Are you implying that Paul endorsed pagan feasts are shadow of of the thigs to come? Of course NOT. The only things that were shadows of the thing to come, where the practicies from the old testament. therefore, the sabbath Paul is refereing to in Colossians 2v16 is the old testament sabbath. In the old testament, Isreal had to observe specific feasts and sabbath. that is exactly what Paul is referring to here. SO, if the only time PAUL refers to Sabbath, it is to say what he said in Colossians 2v16, then, sorry but nope, CHIRSTIANS ARE NOT TO OBSERVE THE SABBATH. IF THEY WANT TO, SO BE IT, GOOD FOR THEM. BUT, WE DON'T HAVE TO. What about Sunday, that other people refer to as the DAY OF THE LORD? A wonderful day when most churches on Earth meet to observe Christ' ordinances. Yes we should be at church on Sunday. Because we have to observe Sabbath? NOPE but because it is when churches started to meet since Jesus' ascension to Heaven.
@johornbuckle5272 Жыл бұрын
We keep the seventh day according to Genesis, starting and finishing in the evening. I rest and worship God. I do not collect wood and make sure i have what we need. No electric, no wifi or phone etc. I do not employ the services of anyone else , incl mains gas, petrol, electric or phones. It is very restful and we look forward to it.
@auntieanna 6 ай бұрын
I am a homeschool Mom of six who has been hosting Sabbath meeting in turn, when we are able, for about 14 years. It's a blessing if you learn to walk lock-step with the Spirit. The Sabbath day journey was before the luxury of vehicles, so if you wanna grind the letter, maybe measure it in time rather the distance & be thankful you have a comfy seat. I think you completely missed their point about Colossians.... the shadows being neither compulsory nor forbidden, but we walk in liberty. And note: shadows of things TO COME. So, unless you're post/a-mill, take note. In Isaiah's New Heaven & Earth promotes Sabbath & even slams those who feast on swines flesh (Isaiah 66:16, 22-23). I'll stick with him over Calvin, Luther, etc 😅. Good job working hard Mama ❤
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