no,no, what he meant were two main points. First, u are suffering because what you achieved doesn't match what you targeted. Simply put, you have achieved something, but it is not what you expected, so you suffer. Second, don't cling to plans so much, establish your own goals and plans can evolve, things can change, but the goals in your heart will lead you.
Sadhguru老师好厉害。很多人都不懂怎么去感知感受世界,因为我们从小就接受逻辑思维,已经习惯了用大脑去思考和感受世界。用大脑思考只得利益关系,用身体感受可得整体力量。感受世界的方式就跟老师说的一样,用身体去感受,用感官去理解。身边发生的一切都只是对自己有意义,对他人没有一点意义。这些意义都在指引自己的人生方向。只有当身边发生的事情与自己的努力和欲望达成一致时,那才是属于自己的成功。许多人即使不择手段也要毫无顾虑地去达到自己的目标。这种成功看似成功,其实它毒害了自己和毒害了别人。如果每个人都在这么做的话,那么世界将会一团糟。但是如果每个人都做到为自己努力的同时也顾及到其他人的话,即使自己没有成功,但是每个人都给未来开启了很多扇门。这些门会创造很多机会给世人。一旦每个人都能达到那个境界,那么全人类将会进化成具有共情共鸣的生命体。什么金钱至上,黄金万两,在那个时候的人的眼里都是废纸一般。三个词:global cohesion, global unity and global perception. 有了对集体的共鸣,个人的私欲就会减少。私欲的减少就可以增加机会给他人。人类正在往这个方向前进,只希望这一刻赶紧到来。
Purpose is more important than the plan. Plans will happen to serve your purpose. Plan is an exaggerated version of today. There is a genius in everyone. You must spark like magic. Think through your body. You use deeper dimension, never have a headache. Success is a sure thing. Thanks Sadhguru. 🏝🏊♂️🍑🦁🤣🐘🌜🚀🎀🌸💪🤩🍁🐧🌷🍰
yes, true, thats why i never plan when I go travel, but i saw many HK ppl like to plan everythings before, like wake up at 8am, go to here, then go there; and they keep saying how can you not plan before go travelling? well... i never plan where to go because I dont even know who i met in the clubs at night... then we might drive to somewhere nice for lunch when up... i always like to evolve my plan, you can watch my videos too, i dont plan before making them, just relax and have fun when travelling... thanks for the video, good talk~
Brilliant wisdom formula for us 👏 Think through our body but not our brain. Just like lots can do under our subconscious mind effortlessly. Thank you so much Master.🙏
Our hidden talents unlock itself in stillness and miracles happen in silence. Our real identities are Life/ God itself ,thus we are omnipresent and omnipotent, million times more powerful than superman.