I only did enough after the 3 chapters for most of my characters to learn the rest of their techniques. I think compared to all those people who grind out 999 HP and 30+ skill level before the endgame, I'm nowhere near that.
@killerb2554 жыл бұрын
Now Balmaint's got some variants as well, but his are kind of weird since his second common quest (what would normally be Chapter 3 for Urpina and Taria, but are "intermissions" for Bal) does not blend into his endgame events EXCEPT in one situation: (Since ending videos are spoilers in of themselves, these spoilers will be unmarked, so fair warning): -- Earth Serpent selected during the second Common Quest/Intermission AFTER fighting Sigfrei in the Northeastern Boundary, Urpina Rescue Route = You think Taria's marathon is bad?!!!! OMG! If you don't include the optional ("I will fight the gods" or "The gods have nothing to do with this") choice, you get Urpina, then Savnok, THEN Sigfrei (or Arthur if you didn't have him in your party during the final Earth Serpent boss fight), THEN the triplebringer! -- Did NOT do the Urpina rescue route above, Arthur was in your party during the last boss fight before the endgame (either Northeast Boundary Sigfrei or the 2nd Intermission boss fight, whichever came last), and picked the Scarlet Shards quest for either Intermission = Sigs + 3bringer, except Sigfrei is more like "NO U" instead of his...arousal...in this video. -- Did NOT do either of the above and Arthur was in your party during the pre-endgame boss fight (no 2nd Intermission Earth Serpent (1st Intermission is fine), no Scarlet Shards at all)= "A Little Too Aroused by Resurrection Sigfrei" = this video, lol. -- Arthur was not in your party during the pre-endgame boss fight (again, Sigs in the Northeast or 2nd Intermission boss fight, whichever came last) and NOT on the Urpina rescue route (Common Quest combination doesn't matter other than that) = Arthur + triplebringer. Ending changes depending on whether or not he was one of your top 15 used characters.