Samuel M. Green - Just Wait On The Lord (Sermon) Follow Samuel M Green: Website: www.samuelmgre... Instagram - / samuelmgreen_ X - Tik Tok - / samuelmgreen Threads -
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@grantcrowie20303 жыл бұрын
A true testimony so far, I prayed infinity prayers and waited for our marriage to be saved eternally, asking GOD in Jesus/Yeshua's name in faith hoping the Holy Spirit to guide me but instead my marriage just got worse... As if everything is simply just meaningless to GOD. I even one time at midnight in my desperation went out to a great big park and screamed at the top of my voice to GOD for HIM to appear so that I may wrestle with HM for my life and marriage plus family, like Jacob had to. I had no other choice I reached the lowest point in my life where my desperation pushed me so far to the point of risking my life to wrestle with GOD and sin. The mistakes, sins and desperation pushed me so far that I willing to risk everything. I waited for HIM a long time but HE never came. GOD said, call out to me and I will save you and answer you but nothing happened or changed. I knew then in my heart and soul that GOD did not love me, care or listen, even though he saw me at the height of desperation and pain. I then realized probably GOD wanted me to suffer and our marriage with my wife to end. I then realized that GOD could not save billions of marriages so how can HE save mine and why should HE save my marriage but not countless others... I knew in that moment that HE was limited but somehow I still have love for GOD. It was then clear to me that true reconciliation, forgiveness and restoration is a fantasy. Although what I learnt that is undoubtedly true is that GOD is still the supreme one forever and GOD is worthy. All the Glory to GOD only forever. I think even though I do not understand GOD or might not always like what HE does, although I know their is also so much goodness in GOD and that HE is eternally worthy to be praised. Even though I might not have much I still thank GOD for the little I do have... Glory to GOD, Yeshua and the Holy Spirit forever...
@grantcrowie20303 жыл бұрын
I put my life, marriage, wife, love, family, kids etc... and everything else in GOD'S hands and care forever in Yeshua's name through the Holy Spirit. Even through the strange things happening, I still praise you and wait on you GOD. All stand witness. Glory to GOD, Yeshua and the Holy Spirit forevermore...
@grantcrowie20303 жыл бұрын
we serve a Benevolent GOD. True without a doubt...
@grantcrowie20303 жыл бұрын
what use is it you lose GOD but gain your loved ones or you lose your loved ones but gain GOD, it is all meaningless but greater and truly divine is having both GOD and loved ones...
@grantcrowie20303 жыл бұрын
although i think it is still good to wait on GOD, despite the hardships that might be in the small print... Please do wait on GOD, regardless of all the crazy things that happens in life and beyond their is a supreme goodness in GOD and it's true. GOD is still and always be worthy to be praised in Yeshua's name through the Holy Spirit. All the glory is GOD'S...
@grantcrowie20303 жыл бұрын
in a sense i understand how Christ Yeshua must have felt when He said to GOD, My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.... Wow GOD does work in mysterious and awesome ways beyond our comprehension. Praise to GOD...
@ruthwilliams48774 жыл бұрын
You are so talented and I love how to preach the word and I watch your vidio where you preach about Jonah when you were 6 and I just loved it and I hope you counttiue to preach and preach and I hope and pray one day you can be on my podcasts well is Gods podcast is called Gods love Gods child and Amen I love this message so much
@d.l.33102 жыл бұрын
@grantcrowie20303 жыл бұрын
GOD can be to late at times... When GOD finally tried to reconcile my parents after their divorce after more than 25 years it was to late. My mother did not want him back and their were other complications involved. I waited on GOD but GOD hurt me. I still love GOD but that is where I learnt GOD's power was limited in saving my parents marriage and family. My mother waited on GOD to bring back my father when GOD finally decided to answer our prayer it was to late... My parents never got together again. GOD disappointed me and hurt me deeply, more than any has ever hurt me but I had to accept the truth. I waited on GOD until I was blue in the face, I gave up and completely destroyed, HE acted somehow but it was to late. Only a simple sorry came from that and then even more pain and confusion. It's a mess up and still is today. GOD's intervention was meaningless in the marriage reconciliation of my parents. Strangely enough I'm fighting a similar fight in my marriage or what's left of it and I prayed till i can't anymore and still nothing happened and it got worse instead of better. I came to the conclusion and undeniable truth that GOD truly hates me. I still love GOD and I hope I always do. I also understand that GOD does whatever HE so pleases and HE is worthy of this. I don't have much faith in marriages, prayers, forgiveness, restoration, the miracles of GOD or much faith in GOD anymore but I still have some love for GOD and I hope GOD willing I will not ever lose that little love I still have left for GOD in Yeshua's name through the Holy Spirit. I do not expect anything from GOD but probably longsuffering is what HE has instore for me, even though that is not what I asked for or wanted... I understand that the will of GOD is more important, therefore may the will of GOD be done. I submit to the will of GOD. I understand now through much learning and true life experiences that GOD can be to late at times and that sometimes unfortunately it seems as if there is limitations. I am not saying do not wait on GOD because it is good to wait on GOD. for those that HE loves I think HE will be on time for them. Glory to GOD, Yeshua and Holy Spirit.
@grantcrowie20303 жыл бұрын
that is the truth I am speaking and my testimony... GOD please dont hate me for speaking the truth about a real life experience...