Рет қаралды 431
I visited Aizu-wakamatsu, Fukushima, one of the last strongholds of Japan’ s Shogun government. If you liked Tom Cruise and Last Samurai, you should check it out. You’ll learn how the Aizu War and the castle seize symbolize the closing moment of samurai culture -- warriors who fought and died with honor for their lord! If you like green tea, this video is for you, too! Watch until the end -- I’ll introduce the next episode on sake!
#samurai #castle #aizu #warrior #women #seize #garden #tea #macha #architecture #Fukushima #sweet #sake #Japan #imperial #Edo #modernization #snow #battle #fight #honor #culture #timekeeper #history
My channel shows how and why visiting Japan is such a curious and exciting experience. One key aspect is of course, food and drinks. Local products, history, and beautiful scenery is also important! But where should we go get rare, good ones? Watch my videos.
Useful information
◉ Aizu-wakamatsu (Tsuruga) Castle & Museum 若松城(鶴ヶ城)& 天守閣博物館: www.tsurugajo....
◉ Aizu Women’s Texts (Translated into English): Walthall, Anne, and M. William Steele, eds. Politics and Society in Japan’s Meiji Restoration: A Brief History with Documents, Bedford/St. Martin’s. Boston, New York, 2017, 137-141.
Inserted Images:
◉ Taiseihōkan 大政奉還: 邨田丹陵, Tanryō Murata - 明治神宮聖徳記念絵画館, パブリック・ドメイン, commons.wikime...
◉ Aizu-wakamatsu (Tsuruga) Castle site: Copyright © 地図・空中写真閲覧サービス 国土地理院, Attribution, commons.wikime...
◉ Aizu War: 月岡芳年 - Touken World - www.touken-wor..., パブリック・ドメイン, commons.wikime...
◉ Boshin War-1: Utagawa Yoshimori, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
◉ Boshin War-2: 不明 - Pinterest.com, パブリック・ドメイン, commons.wikime...
◉ Damaged Tsuruga Castle: unknown?, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons, commons.wikime...
◉ Writing with brush: 国民礼法研究会 - 昭和の国民礼法 文部省制定 国民礼法研究会 編著 (帝国書籍協会, 1941), パブリック・ドメイン, commons.wikime...
◉ 走り回る江戸の少女: by cocoanco_IllustAC.jpg
◉ おにぎりを握る: byゆゆゆ親方_PhotoAC
◉ お椀を両手で持つ子供: by kodoira.com
◉ 米粒: tsukatte.com/k...
◉ Tsuruga Castle: www.pakutaso.c...
◉ Edo toilet: DryPot - 投稿者自身による著作物, CC 表示 2.5, commons.wikime...
◉ Niijima Yae photo: By Unknown author - Doshisha University (同志社大学) - Doshisha Archives Center. www.japantimes..., Public Domain, commons.wikime...
◉ Moon over castle wall: by マルムギコウジさん, www.illust-box...
◉ 侍シルエット: by tameX, IllustAC
◉ The bell in the belfry: access11.seesaa...
◉ Wakamatsu Castle (廊下橋): WatFumihiko Ueno, CC 表示 3.0, commons.wikime...
◉ Castle with face: e.hobiwo.com/e...
◉ Castle, grass, crane: いらすとや, www.irasutoya....
◉ Pine tree: illust8.com/co...
◉ Sen no Rikyū: painted by 長谷川等伯, calligraphy by 春屋宗園 - 1. Brill.com [1], 2. Omotesenke.com [2] , Omotesenke Fushin'an Foundation, パブリック・ドメイン, commons.wikime...
◉ Toyotomi Hideyosi: Kanō Mitsunobu (狩野 光信, 1565-1608) - Osaka City Museum of Fine Arts (大阪市立美術館) - ocmfa.official..., パブリック・ドメイン, commons.wikime...
◉ 薯蕷まんじゅうJōyo manjū: あんこラボ, ukishimania.ne...
Music & Sound Effects:
◉ 夏休みの体験: amachamusic.ch...
◉ 雨に消える声:by のる, dova-s.jp/bgm/...
◉ 夏から秋へ : by Fukagawa, dova-s.jp/bgm/...
◉ 夜桜ひらり朧月 written by こーち, dova-s.jp/bgm/...
◉ 薄雲 by Fukagawa, dova-s.jp/bgm/...
◉ 宵祭りの風:by秋山裕和, www.hmix.net/mu...
◉ 風切 written by ゆうり, dova-s.jp/bgm/...