How One Becomes a Psychopath: Antisocial Personality Disorder Revisited

  Рет қаралды 58,774

Prof. Sam Vaknin

Prof. Sam Vaknin

Күн бұрын

Antisocial Personality Disorder (AsPD, psychopathy) is not a clinical entity. It is a societal-relational mental health disorder, exactly like Narcissistic Personality Disorder. What predicts psychopathy and predisposes one to become a lifelong psychopath?
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@rebeccafay5338 Жыл бұрын
“When you pee on society, society gets wet. When society pees on you, you drown!” Well said! 🙂😉👍
@APMTenants 11 ай бұрын
In a litter of puppies, you will have different temperaments. Some might be snugglers, and one might be a biter. Humans are the same, in my opinion, but it is less obvious because we have one child at a time.
@BillyRankin-q5g 18 күн бұрын
Are you gonna bark all day little doggy or are you gonna bite?.
@unknownperson6838 Жыл бұрын
This is very interesting. I find it interesting that some of the greatest men in history where non-conformist types and we're often hated by their contemporary peers. Some people may have said they were mentally ill as well
@titillation Жыл бұрын
People often think that something might have traumatized me. But as far as I remember... I was much more unhinged during my younger years. I got kicked out of 8 schools before I was 12, but I had loving parents and a great family life, nothing was traumatizing me. I wasn't just bullying, I would punch teachers in the face, burn furniture, vandalize property and mess with girls just because I was bored in class. My behaviour changed when I was hospitalized for a year because of an accident. That accident made me much more reserved and calculated than I would have otherwise been. I'd say that accident trauma helped me to become colder instead of fly-off-the-handle angry I used to be. After that, the only times I got uncontrollably angry was whenever police got in my way. That too is rare now. I made up my mind at age 25 to intentionally leave my criminal career that was a source of great power for me. I know that I might be easily triggered to do something criminal again if I hit a low again... but other than that, if everything remains as expected, I think I can control myself. After watching this video, I am glad that accident happened.
@titillation Жыл бұрын
@@kausamsalam8543 You are assuming suff here. First of all, prayers? Who gives a fuck. Secondly, I am still sadistic. I laugh at my previous exploits but avoid any new ones. Thirdly, I avoid it all to keep away from the overly eager prison system.
@memecathar1263 Жыл бұрын
@@kausamsalam8543 No offense, but your presuppositions are offensive and the lack of actual knowledge about the topic (which is right here in the damn video) makes it all seem arrogant and self-serving. Like Jung said, if you’re a psychopath you CAN NOT help directly. You must serve yourself and your community INDIRECTLY, cuz you’ll always eff it up, subconsciously, intentionally, like what you said up there^ its complete Bullshizer
@alisachaise3 Жыл бұрын
Yeah! Salam seriously- Prayers?? 😮 Really offensive! & ya all you did was make assumptions and read into things not for you to do…
@100percentweem Жыл бұрын
I can relate a lot to this. I was very similar as a child, my most problem years being from aged around 8-20. It was most severe between 12 and 16. I have improved since then and similarly I am now far more calculated and deceptive where I used to be reactive and had no control over my behaviour/impulses. I make a conscious effort to steer clear of crime as I do not want to be incarcerated and value my freedom but it definitely isn’t easy and I often get bored and am drawn back to risky pursuits and behaviour.
@HighFrequencyGuru Жыл бұрын
That sounds like brain issues
@Z-ez5xx Жыл бұрын
I absolutely agree, that Anti social personality disorder shouldnt be a diagnosis, but they should be filed in court whenever they commit crimes. You have many very good points in this video.
@badbeachindustry1615 Жыл бұрын
What about help for the ones that don't commit crimes......are they supposed to lock themselves away from society???
@tanjakosonen7259 Жыл бұрын
Yuo shoulndt dignose shit becouse there arent Any ilness of Any kind ANYWHERE
@BIackDynamite 11 ай бұрын
2/10 take I don’t think you understand what these diagnoses really mean. If you did you would understand why their called disorders these people act this way because of the way they think BUT the way they think doesn’t actually fit the social norms. Which is why they get these diagnoses in the first place.
@BIackDynamite 10 ай бұрын
@@colorfulanimations1130 a little late but it’s definitely is the way they think dude it’s not even something you can argue about. They choose to make those bad decisions. Which I agree with you on but most of the time they find a way to justify it in their head. That was what I was trying to get at but I definitely agree it’s all choices.
@aurora8749 10 ай бұрын
​@@colorfulanimations1130you are absolutely correct and I hate when ppl claim narcissists or psychopaths can't control their evil acts. it's simply not true. They plan to do evil and they know it's wrong because they don't do their evil behaviors in front of other ppl. They have enough control over themselves to not do it in front of others and they know that it's wrong which is why they don't do it in front of other people. I personally believe they are all possessed by the same group of demons.
@jackiesimkin8661 Жыл бұрын
Finally, someone intelligent who isnt living in cloud cuckoo land! Consentrating on childhood/parenting skills. Prevention is better then 'trying' to cure at a later date. The damage is already done!! This should have been the priority. Its just common sense. Not alot of that about though, thats the problem! Thank you Sam, this topic has frustrated me for years. If only we had stricter rules to become parents. If we were to have to abide by the adoption regulations. We would see a deamatic decline in mental health in future generations. Mental illness/health produces more mental illness/health. Common sense!! When will the officials get into the real world! Rant over! Thank you for your comon sense and your high intelligence ❤
@MoonlightMacaws 4 ай бұрын
Your opener’s are always so great- the sarcastic humor is spot on… and much needed around heavy topics like this 🙏🏽
@HenryVogel-c4g Күн бұрын
Hello Sam. Great video I am a part of 3 genrations of ASPD and ADHD.........I can see it is highly genetic. No drug abuse from my side (the rest of them is death because of it). I am 55 and not in it anymore, but not as the norm. I am born that way...... And now, I am "something diffrent" The work of "the forth way" (=Self-Remembering. A practice of continuous inner self-awareness). This was (is) my way inner revolution. Look at it in this way Sam. I see it now (ASPD) as a path (of hard lessons) for delopment. So I don't see it as bad, ore wrong. I am what I am (also in my inner work), because of it. It is my way in life. And no regets at all, from my be it.
@debrahalpren634 Жыл бұрын
You are an amazing man a wonderful teacher. You have changed my life forever and I cannot thank you enough❤
@sounddesign777 Жыл бұрын
Saturday fun! Thanks so.much!
@Mllascelles1 Жыл бұрын
You’ve made some absolutely solid points in this video. Every bit of this discussion makes complete sense.
@sashakelly2025 Жыл бұрын
You mentioned something at the beginning of the video about the actual anatomy of the brain being different in psychopaths? And then towards the end you briefly mentioned the group of psychopaths that have no conduct disorder behavior in childhood. I'm wondering if you can do a video and discuss the relationship of psychopathy and the issues I just mentioned. Along those lines, I'm wondering about brain injury (like some type of accident that physically injures the brain) during childhood possibly being related to the development of psychopathy later in life. Thank you
@breemorrison901 Жыл бұрын
If every person was a psychopath, there wouldn't be any society.
@GenZMother 11 ай бұрын
As someone diagnosed ASPD at age 50, I couldn’t agree more! The only reason I got the diagnosis in the first place was because my family ordered a police welfare check on me (I wasn’t answering their phone calls) and when the cops came through my back door and found me smoking weed, they started to go through the process of confiscating my stash charging me with drug possession. A criminal record for drug possession would effectively ruin my government career so I was furious. I verbally abused the cops while they were on the phone to my family who were telling the cops that I was behaving completely out of character bla bla bla so they had me involuntarily committed to a psych ward for 30 days. I was so angry at having my career ruined, my freedom stolen, a drug charge on my criminal record and my weed destroyed, I gave them hell in the psych ward. They refused to acknowledge I was angry for a valid reason. They claimed I had no insight into my behaviour when imo it was the damn psychiatrists who had no freaking insight! I now refuse to mask up anymore and my family has disowned me thinking I’ve destroyed my mental health with drug abuse LOL all because I spent a lifetime choosing to not be anti social. It seems to me it’s the so called average intelligence neurotypicals who are the issue with the world. They’re the ones who need laws to give their own lives meaning and direction. I wish I could give your video a million likes, you’re spot on.
@TrulsPen 10 ай бұрын
Weed is illegal ?
@GenZMother 10 ай бұрын
@@TrulsPen In Australia, yes it is.
@Doidao-xx5vf Жыл бұрын
Been learning about my mother with your videos appreciate it!
@nv_chino 9 ай бұрын
Sorry you had to go through that.
@JNC07 Жыл бұрын
Appreciate the long videos 🙌🏻
@ljgfb 11 ай бұрын
Real good stuff. Glad there some good info on the disorder on KZbin. Me and my 5 siblings have it. Raised by 3 different families. ( adoptions) it's VERY genetic
@nv_chino 9 ай бұрын
That was some sick adoptive parents you had. I’m sorry
@chrislawuk Жыл бұрын
Another banger, and you know I swear there’s something about the thumbnail, like the guy looks sooo 😊familiar I just can’t quite place him… haha
@Jean-PaulLaBrecque-ll5ge Жыл бұрын
I was once diagnosed with Antisocial disorder,bipolar with psychotic features,Schizophrenia,Severe depression,adhd and ptsd in my early 20s,yes more than 5 mental disorders but yet im not actually mentally ill enough to require constant medication,although ive used marijuana to self medicate for many years,after 1.5 years on meds that had terrible side effects and allergic reactions to,almost killed me i refused to take them anymore.
@nv_chino 9 ай бұрын
Hope you get better. I wouldn’t recommend taking medication. It’ll leave bad side effects on you and can alter your brain. How was the weed doing for you? If it was ok I would say continue with that.
@Jean-PaulLaBrecque-ll5ge 9 ай бұрын
@nv_chino oh yeah I'm good man 25 years later I've mostly changed my whole life around and used marijuana for most of that as a medication,but I've also been a Christian for 10 years as well,it was too late to go back to a completely normal life,but I'm good I work when I can and just stay in my own lane still for the most part.
@hectormunoz7009 5 ай бұрын
bro... how is that possible????
@katerinanova4738 2 ай бұрын
​@hectormunoz7009 The answer probably lies in the last mental illness OP listed, PTSD. Trauma is known to trigger the development of serious mental illnesses, even more so if the trauma is from childhood. Speaking from experience, as a person diagnosed with over 5 mental illnesses/neurological disorders (a personality disorder being one of them), childhood trauma deeply changes ones brain structure. Idk if the original commenter has childhood trauma but this is just me speaking from my own experiences
@peterwiles1299 9 ай бұрын
The valuable tool that we have now, compared to decades earlier studies is MRI and specifically functional MRI scans which show brain abnormalities and what activity is taking place and where. Extraordinarily valuable tool - but expensive.
@Torreighh Жыл бұрын
Hey Sam, I’ve noticed in a lot of online spaces with younger demographics (i.e tiktok, instagram, tumblr, etc.) there is an idea that BPD/NPD does not make a person abusive. The argument is that a diagnosis does not make someone abusive, but the person with the disorder is just a bad person. I am philosophically opposed to the idea that people can just be “bad”, or abusive for no apparent reason. That leaves me with the sticky situation of over-generalizing a group of people suffering from a disorder. I don’t necessarily like that either. Id appreciate hearing your thoughts on this. Wonderful video, as always!
@LizEarthAngel3 Жыл бұрын
This was great, married to one for 20 years, and this makes so much sense, picking up the pieces of mine and the kids lives not so much fun, it’s definitely a tornado even 5 years after leaving he doesn’t stop, it’s the same as the day I left if not worse trying to destroy me still even with all my walls, as less contact as family court allows etc 1500 kms away, doesn’t stop him
@LizEarthAngel3 Жыл бұрын
Funny all the neighbors did not like him either, he targeted them and me
@nv_chino 9 ай бұрын
You need to relocate again. Drop your social medias. Don’t tell anyone where you’re at and idc how close you may be with the other people in your life. Don’t post pics that may give away your location. Idk how he keeps bothering you but I’m sure you’ll figure a way
@doktor_ghul Жыл бұрын
I haven't found a drug yet that can get you anywhere near as high as a sitting at a desk writing, trying to imagine a story no matter how bizarre it is, or going out and getting into the weirdness of reality and doing a little time on the Proud Highway.
@SasSas-fv9xx 8 ай бұрын
Verry interesting story. Thank you for this reading. See o lot off paterns and behavior in my toxic, relations because i m dealing with many toxic and mental people around me.
@ElianeJohnson Жыл бұрын
Would love to see more progress in the study and treatment of the 'ASPD
@judrawing 10 ай бұрын
Aah I wish I understood English better to understand everything, but with what I got, it's amazing
@judrawing 10 ай бұрын
Actually paying more attention, I understood better, I like to draw while listening, but in other languages is harder to do
@antoniabarradas Жыл бұрын
Thanks again for such an interesting talk
@thefirstroxy9687 Жыл бұрын
As a person born and living in Pittsburgh Pa, where one of the studies took place, I'm curious about that. What do they know, and is there a reason Pittsburgh would have more of them here? I've seen a plethora of psychopaths in my 52 years. There is something not quite right here.
@Chelzebelles 3 ай бұрын
@susanstewart3017 Жыл бұрын
Thankyou very much I agree 100%
@lukeloughlin18 Жыл бұрын
When you talk about having a lack of impulse control as a psychopath, can a psychopath learn to control his impulses or have some kind of discipline?
@lukeloughlin18 Жыл бұрын
@@Dalibansoldier 🥱
@HEDGme Жыл бұрын
@Sebastian Roussel Velandia 💯
@4helio214 Жыл бұрын
@Sebastian Roussel Velandia what do you know?
@danielimmortuos666 Жыл бұрын
Yes, but it’s really hard for us to do so. We need to stay on high alert all the time to try and control our impulses and we mostly fail anyway
@danielimmortuos666 Жыл бұрын
@@user-ey2ev2lv3l the impulses to do or say inappropriate and antisocial things. For instance, when someone pisses me off I’ll feel like hurting them and sometimes I do so because I didn’t think things through and acted on an impulse. It sometimes feels like you literally have no free will
@watchreviews4k Жыл бұрын
Interesting content. Keep up the good work on your channel. Regards, WR4K.
@breemorrison901 Жыл бұрын
I love the way you say "marijuana." ❤😁
@elodiedupont9672 Жыл бұрын
Great video Sam. What is a highly functional psychopath ? Thanks
@Itfeelsmoist 6 ай бұрын
Was diagnosed with aspd. She said to describe me the best she could, that I would rate high in factor 1 psychopathy. I was always real charming. But some people could see tight through me. A mask or social camouflage is always something we have to work on.
@annikalindevall3862 Жыл бұрын
There is a swedish-norwegian documentary from 2021 called Psykopaten and it's very interesting, tragic and telling.
@nv_chino 9 ай бұрын
Thanks I’ll have a look later
@noobpullup Ай бұрын
Link pls
@TomasioTV Жыл бұрын
I did not expect to hear Hebrew. Lekavod Li.
@127-u4l 9 ай бұрын
best video on this topic
@beautifulbutterfly5578 Жыл бұрын
It was found about ten genes connected to psychopathy, so it might be genetically predisposed.
@samvaknin Жыл бұрын
These genes predispose to antisocial behavior. But should we regard antisocial behavior as a mental illness? Not in my view.
@APMTenants 11 ай бұрын
@@samvakninwouldn’t it be akin to autism? If not a mental illness, a behavioral challenge
@jeannfav2921 Жыл бұрын
I really like your persona😊!
@annabelle_michelle 2 ай бұрын
Always fun shadow dancing with Sam Vaknin!
@juliesheard2122 Жыл бұрын
I was under the impression that psychopathy could be identified by a particular gene. Not so?
@samvaknin Жыл бұрын
Not so.
@folaback46 10 ай бұрын
Can ptsd as a adult combat veteran cause anti social disorder due to extreme dissociation.
@samvaknin 10 ай бұрын
Antisocial behavior, yes. Disorder, no.
@folaback46 10 ай бұрын
@@samvaknin thanks for your response!
@wernerkarl Жыл бұрын
Yes, I agree - your intro is funny
@streaming5332 Жыл бұрын
How do you know whether someone is a psychopath. I wouldn't know a psychopath unless they had a sign on their head saying 'psycho'
@LizEarthAngel3 Жыл бұрын
You would struggle at first to identity one, it takes time as the mask slips and repeated behaviours etc
@Jean-PaulLaBrecque-ll5ge Жыл бұрын
Many of them you can tell just how they look and carry themselves,I'm a diagnosed psychopath.
@Jean-PaulLaBrecque-ll5ge 9 ай бұрын
@caligirl9403 that sounds way more like a narcissist, psychopaths are no victims they mightve lived a really hard life but they would feel weak if confronted about blaming anyone else for thier problems,and they hate weakness so they would rather take ownership than blame anyone,they mightve went through something bad that they see as a key factor that lead to thier condition but are more antisocial than anything.
@veronicablandon5085 Жыл бұрын
Excellent 👍❤
@trulysovereign7837 Жыл бұрын
Love his haircut. Super handsome!
@lindaschubert5459 Жыл бұрын
Is narcissism associated with psychopathy?
@samvaknin Жыл бұрын
Like narcissists, psychopaths are grandiose. The two disorders are often comorbid (diagnosed in the same person).
@ddtafricangirl2583 Жыл бұрын
Yay for red wine 😊xxx
@HEDGme Жыл бұрын
Oh an episode about me ❤❤❤😂
@DanChad-er9lh 25 күн бұрын
I’m practicing to become a psychopath by listening to Huey Lewis and the News.
@maevey3 Жыл бұрын
Sam is good craic!
@salibacchus7197 Жыл бұрын
You are the nicest ❤
@PoisonelleMisty4311 Жыл бұрын
Great video😊
@Whatsnormal637 5 ай бұрын
The nonexistant remorse of to for exploiting one, stuff... 🤺💐
@NObodDEE Ай бұрын
I would like to know more about the specifics of a female psychopath.
@samvaknin Ай бұрын
Same as a male psychopaths. There are no gender-specific diagnoses.
@CoachWhillock 5 ай бұрын
This was unfortunate to hear haha. But very well done
@pberPSR 10 ай бұрын
everything i wanted to know happened in the first five minutes of this video
6 ай бұрын
Could it be that the brain of a child makes an assessment of “is the society and/or family in which I live based on love or something else?” If the community is based on love, the child develops “normally”. If the community is based on something other than love, the child is inclined to develop a personality disorder, one that helps them fit better into their unloving environment.
@samvaknin 6 ай бұрын
Watch the From Child to Narcissist playlist. Narcissism is indeed an adaptation to the environment.
@pappaprosjektet Ай бұрын
Handsomme you are
@monishafrost7295 2 ай бұрын
Can you have antisocial personality with narcissistic personality too so a mix of them both?
@samvaknin 2 ай бұрын
Search the channel for "malignant narcissist".
@memecathar1263 Жыл бұрын
This guy is punk rock as fuuuuu
@kittencakes9836 Жыл бұрын
Thank you 40:00
@ProAutoBodyShowcase Жыл бұрын
Whoever is in control of this channel just hacked into my playlist. This video was not supposed to be next. This guy is Fake the background is fake and the person face doesn't even exist. A thief manipulating ruining some people. Most of these posts are faf. I'll have more posts coming if this man/woman allows investigation and doesn't remove Posts of mine or his. Also maybe he has just been hacked. Some of these people are hacked and channels hijacked. I've seen people I know and exposed superimposing their images over the channel owners face
@lmc8114 Жыл бұрын
Why isn't bipolar included in the ASPD category? you mentioned that people with ASPD also have diabetes, but then again, a lot of people with bipolar disorder have diabetes too. I almost can't tell the difference between the 2 conditions, because many of the behaviour symptoms of ASPD and bipolar seem like they are the same. I'm somewhat confused.
@samvaknin Жыл бұрын
Search the channel via
@paulflint6254 Ай бұрын
Wow that's a high IQ
@VinayakJ-w2u 6 ай бұрын
How to be a psychopath
@AmanKhan-kk8cq 4 ай бұрын
I am pyscopath
@delightful_universe 2 ай бұрын
Why would you want to be a psychopath ?
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