Sandy's Story of Success

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Healing Chronic Somatic Symptoms- The Pain PT

Healing Chronic Somatic Symptoms- The Pain PT

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Sandy's Story is inspiring and hopefully will help you get going on your recovery. Reach out if you need help or guidance on YOUR journey to heal. You can find me at:

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@claremckenna4225 Жыл бұрын
Sandy I am smiling ear to ear. I am so happy for your recovery and realization/awareness. Jim, you are a gift to the world. I am healing so much from your videos. Much love from Ireland ❤
@RickRowan Жыл бұрын
Thank you Sandy and Jim. That's an amazing story and I can relate to so much of it. Raging abusive father, etc. Fear of everything. I'm pretty much at the bottom of my life right now and I needed to hear something hopeful like this. This is so inspiring.
@thewaterprophet6880 Жыл бұрын
You are loved even if you don’t know it x
@randellduncan8938 Жыл бұрын
I’m sitting here in shock because you are telling my story! The same sensations right down to the recalled mesh, leg and glute sensations and Tarlov cysts. I’ve been a worrier and suffering from anxiety my entire life. I’ve had injections and seen every specialist I can find without any results or relief. My world became smaller in 2020 when bending to get a baking sheet and experienced the worst sensation in my lower back that I’ve ever felt in my life. It still comes and goes and the fear of when or if it’ll come back is crippling. I only leave my home to go to doctor appointments. My home that three years ago was my dream home I can no longer take care of. I’m a retired interior designer and my hobby was this home and it’s care. Now I fear even lifting a dust rag may bring on the sensations. My husband does everything and I feel like a burden to everyone. Your story gives me hope. It’s Xmas today and finding your story is the best gift of all! I have been dreading today as it’s the first holiday dinner I’ve had here since 2019! I’ve been fearing my sensations coming on today and having to cancel the dinner and disappointing my children and grandkids once again. Your story has given me courage and hope! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! And thank you Jim for your channel and helping those of us that have lost hope! I will be reaching out to you!
@kimholcomb8276 Жыл бұрын
I really appreciated Sandy saying she started doing things she enjoyed. I had almost exact upbringing as she did. Raging father. Raging mother. Divorced parents when young. Sexually abused at 5 years old. A regular dose of abusive people in my life. I had symptoms all my life. It got very bad after I lived with my father for a year with his abusive wife. A lot of abuse and trauma. I worked as an RN for 32 years ...and now work at a Bible college in custodial. A lot of pressure to be " on" bc I'm right out in the open. I am very weary of people. I was oldest child. For 3 weeks I've had a terrible flare and had to leave work. I'm out of work for 2 weeks. So scared to return to work. I don't enjoy the job.
@thepainpt Жыл бұрын
Hey Kim do what you like if you can find the job. Something with a purpose for you. The one thing you do need to keep working on confronting and standing up to and getting stronger against the fear and wherever that appears in your life. whether it’s around people, places, etc. The story for a lot of people with TMS is that they have been abused and beaten down, and we need to get Regain our strength empowerment and assertiveness that we’re not gonna be pushed around anymore or be scared and run the other way. Keep going you’re OK you need to hold that against the limbic brain pattern that says something different.
@liannevalle Жыл бұрын
Wonderful success story! I relate so much with Sandy. Parents with tempers, past trauma, strained marriage, etc. Sandy, I am inspired by your authenticity and grit. Thanks for your work Jim!
@annette6017 Жыл бұрын
Thank you So much Sandy and Jim for this wonderful success story. What an inspiring story after all you went through Sandy - you give me and others such great hope. Thank you!
@gretchenward4851 Жыл бұрын
This was SO relatable! Thank you for sharing your story, Sandy!
@ksanClain Жыл бұрын
Very helpful. Thank you both❤
@blackthornsloe8049 Жыл бұрын
This could be me . Ok . Now halfway through the video i can say its not this bad for me . So glad you have relief Sandy 🌻
@CF-hp2bu Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your story Sandy and your honesty. I can also so relate to your journey. Some of your experiences are so similar to mine ... even the house decoration. You are doing an awesome job and working so hard. Keep on, keeping on. Working with Jim has also been the game changer for me. Thank you Sandy and Jim for continuing to give hope and encouragement.
@kaylabryson1932 Жыл бұрын
She’s is so inspirational. I’ve been discouraged but now I’m grateful.
@melanieparsons7408 Жыл бұрын
Great story, thank you for sharing. Sadly I can relate to how bad you've been, which gives me hope too!
@charissastanley7243 Жыл бұрын
What a difficult life sandy had but glad she is on the mend, I can relate with everyday pain (mine is in my face and ears) always having to be at home, stuck at home, seeing so many doctors worst cycle to go thru… and I hope Jim is ok he didn’t sound 100% well with a cold
@thepainpt Жыл бұрын
I’m fine had a little cold but gone!! Yes get out of the house you need to start moving forward to heal!
@rosanneparimuha1214 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for posting this wonderfully inspiring story. I am grateful to you!
@Daffodil729 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Sandy and Jim - this resonated greatly with me. Sandy - I want to say how happy I am for you. I know how hard all this is, as I too have experienced the despair, fear and turmoil. But the great thing is- we have learnt so much and are now all the stronger for it. (However -- I have also said more than once - 'I wouldn't wish this on my biggest enemy '). I'm about 18months into my TMS journey - so much better than before, though sensations constantly around. The difference is that whilst being impossible not to notice them, I don't dwell on them at all. Success stories like yours are wonderful to hear - thank you for sharing.
@Conquerchronicillness Жыл бұрын
Such a great recovery story! Thank you for sharing!
@kimholcomb8276 Жыл бұрын
I have been working while dealing with this for 6.5 years. I finally left nursing for a season 8/2021.
@karenina815 Жыл бұрын
You are my hero 💛 So impressive that you succeded to get up from such a low place 🌟🌟
@rlabarbera 11 ай бұрын
Oh my gosh I went to Rhode Island too and stayed in the same hotel I'll bet! It was a fortune!! Did nothing of course lol...I had the label of crps but I'm totally fine now. So thrilled for Sandy's recovery and success story!
@aprilb.7200 3 ай бұрын
I really relate to Sandy story. I'm wondering if there's anyway to get in touch with Sandy and find out the name of her physical therapist? I don't live that far from Boston Area and have been looking for a physical therapist to work on my fear of movement.
@treefrank1376 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. I was wondering if you happen to have any Facebook groups for your clients to encourage one another. Also wondering what kind of Physical Therapist you have. That sounds wonderful.
@thepainpt Жыл бұрын
Yeah, would be a good idea. I’m just not sure how to do that. A lot of people move on with their lives once feeling better. if you can find a physical therapist who will encourage u to keep moving forward and doing more and more if that’s what you’re looking for.
@laughwithlynne3057 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Sandy and Jim, your struggles resonate greatly with me Sandy. Congratulations on your success. You mentioned the hEDS diagnosis - how do you know whether a pain is TMS rather than eg a subluxation or slow healing due to EDS? Or do you not acknowledge that diagnosis any more? 🙏😊
@thepainpt Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I don’t think you wanna acknowledge that unless you know for sure, it’s something you did. It is one of the common diagnosis that we can see with this stuff
@lynnecarruthers3875 Жыл бұрын
@@thepainpt thanks Jim. It often seems to be something I did, so that's why I'm unsure. I'd like to be able to tell the difference. Working in it! 😍
@painless2809 4 ай бұрын
I can relate to your journey. I have been in pain for 5yrs and now it's extreme and I spend most of my time in bed. Desite having spinal rods and being fused from C2 to T7 I am convinced it's TMS. I have read many books and watched ma y youtube videos. I have followed the self psychoanalysis trying to remove buried emotions. My husband dies 14yrs ago and I wonder if it's repressed grief and anger. All this does though is make me cry at the drop of a hat and after days of weeping it just leaves me tired, even more sad and with increased pain. Do you neeed to spend months of regurgitating painful emotions before you can heal?
@jossjekraayvanger7131 Жыл бұрын
For me quite hard to really hear what she says, being Dutch. But I think I get the overall message/idea. It's all about emotions and fl
@jossjekraayvanger7131 Жыл бұрын
Flipping the switch from fysical to emotional AND getting STRONG. Jim I can allways understand your speaking, allthough it's a bit harder in the classes, where you seem to speak a bit faster. I want to be like this woman. I am really proud of you, girl!!!!
@moneygetten Жыл бұрын
Kijk ook eens op Pain free you/youtube... Dikke aanrader
@moneygetten Жыл бұрын
Brein medicijn is ook een goede Nederlandse tms plek... Veel succes
@moneygetten Жыл бұрын
1: er niet over praten. 2: er niet aan denken. 3: niet "fixen" lichamelijk. 4: niet catastroferen maar doe juist het omgekeerde, vertel jezelf positieve dingen. 5: winnaars mentalteit. 6: niet blijven hangen in symptomen. 7: geen freaking out meer. 8: hoe je reageert op symptomen bepaald of je voor of achteruit gaat. 9: 100% in TMS/perceived danger geloven. 10: zeg niet dat het nooit meer goed kan komen. 11: vergeet diagnoses 12: relax, alles komt goed. 13: leef/denk in het nu. 14: vergeef iedereen. 15: wees aardig tegen jezelf en anderen. 16: schrijf elke dag een kort verslag over wat er gelukt is en wat er beter kan. 17: mediteren. 18: gezond eten. 19: shift focus back to living your life. 20: vertel jezelf een positiever verhaal elke dag, val niet terug in negativiteit. 21: zie je symptomen als emoties, blijf er niet in hangen maar laat ze door je heen gaan. 22: er is lichamelijk/mentaal niets mis met je, je brein opereerde jaren op missinformatie van gevaar. 23: dit is een mind game, positieve mindset is het belangrijkst. 24: met het bewuste brein blijven we constante berichten van veiligheid uitzenden, zodat uiteindelijk het onderbewuste brein geloofd dat we veilig zijn. 25: de fight/flight stand omzetten in de rest and digest stand, zo veel mogenlijk ontspannen. 26: lage buik ademhaling. 27: gezonder eten/veel groente. 28: veel bewegen/sporten.29: vaste tijden naar bed, en meteen opstaan(ritme).30: hobby's . 31: focus je op de goede dingen in het leven, niet de slechte. 32: probeer emoties te voelen en leer dat ze ok zijn/blijf er niet in hangen. 33: gebruik slaap medicatie niet meer dan 1 keer in de week. 34: meer wandelen met aandacht voor de omgeving. 35: zoek de natuur vaker op. 36: sporten/verbeter conditie. 37: stop met roken. 38: zeg niet dat je ziek bent en zie jezelf ook niet zo. 39: kleine stappen dagelijks zorgen voor grote veranderingen op lange termijn. 40: boek je progressie en val je daarna terug, ga dan terug naar de mindset waarmee het beter ging. 41: geen forums. 42: plezier. 43: muziek. 44: gamen. 45: Journaling over negative gedachtes/ en gemaakte fouten/doe het de volgende keer beter/ stel jezelf bijv. Vragen: wat is stressvol in mijn leven nu/wat gebeurde er in je leven toen de pijn begon? 46: ga er vanuit en geloof echt dat het goed komt, een positieve uitkomst verwachting is zeer belangrijk. 47:bij slecht of niet geslapen NIET MENTAAL instorten, wees er op voorbereid dat het een moeilijke dag word. 48: word weer vrienden met je zenuwstelsel. 49: bekijk je klachten met nieuwschierigheid. 50: probeer de cirkel te doorbreken, er is duidelijk een relatie tussen stress en klachten verergering. 51: 7 sec. In ademen 8 sec uit. 52: intermediate fasting, 8 uur eten 16 uur niks eten. 53: negatieve gedachtes niet zo serieus nemen 54: totaal geloven dat je beter kunt worden en beter zult worden 55: doe het emotionele werk/voel je emoties 56: heb geduld en wees lief tegen jezelf en kijk niet naar de tijd. 57: paradoxical intention (bring it on pain/symptoms) kom maar op met die pijn/symptomen. Ik wil meer pijn/ik ben niet bang. 58: angst en attentie voor klachten houden de klachten in stand/dus calm blijven en er niks om geven 59: het onderbewuste brein opereert op habits/gewoontes, ben je vaak negatief, depressief, en focus je je alleen problemen... Dan krijg je problemen... Ben je vaak positief, en vrolijk en focus je op leuke dingen... Dan ga je je goed voelen. Het onderbewuste brein crieerd het goed of slecht in ons vel zitten door de gewoontes die wij zelf kiezen. 60: het is echt 100% een mind game, geloof dat je beter word en je word beter van chronische pijn/symptomen. 61: als jij maar lang genoeg zegt: er is iets heel ergs aan de hand wat nooit meer goed komt, je leven is voorbij, die klachten gaan nooit meer weg etc. Door die habits/gewoontes programmeer je dan je onderbewuste brein op die manier. En je onderbewuste brein geeft je dan slaapproblemen, angststoornissen, chronische pijn, depressie etc. Tijd om het onderbewuste brein te her programeren. 62: het doel van de pijn is om je af te leiden van je emoties, krijg je pijn denk dan juist aan emoties, val niet voor de truc van het brein. als je je pijn je niet meer laat afleiden dan heeft het geen doel meer en gaat de pijn uiteindelijk weg. 63: boek healing back pain Dr Sarno. 64: alle klachten zijn tms/niet alleen de rug. 65: breng herinneringen op van de tijden dat je geen klachten had/visualiseer hoe je je toen voelde, dit is de onbezorgde mindset waar je naar terug wilt. 66: zelf compassie/suiting/geen druk opleggen om snel beter te worden. 67: ik ben al ok /voel het in heel je hart. 68: emoties zijn ok/voel ze/het is normaal en veilig. 69: klachten zijn geconditioneerd/het brein crieert ze bij activiteiten/de activiteiten creëren de klachten niet. 70: praat positief tegen je brein. 71: stop met pijn monitoren. 72: twijfel in tms vertraagt herstel.
@fifiearthwanderer 10 ай бұрын
How long do clients take to recover? Also, does this work replace therapy?
@TE-7302- 4 ай бұрын
Still on Gabapentin?
@asksimon81 Жыл бұрын
this was painful to listen to. either too low or too loud. If you have chronic pain trying to listen thru this was frustrating and not well thought out
@TE-7302- 4 ай бұрын
Can Sandy share the Boston doctors she found? Totally need them. Thank you. 🩷
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