As usual, I enjoyed this video very much. I have one question. If you are eating gourmet foods like foie gras and truffles, etc., in different cities all over Europe, at your young age, what is there to look forward to when you get older? I am happy that you are able to enjoy your life now. I wish I would have done that when I was at your age. I had a pretty good life traveling around the world for work, but you are doing it just for your pleasure. Keep doing it and keep uploading your videos.
@jeidelbergin11 ай бұрын
I am Spanish but i am so jealous that you have been to San Sebastián, i also wanna go! Nice video
マドリードに昔数年住んでてスペインは大好きな国の一つです。自分は下戸なのですが料理を目で楽しませてもらってます。スペインのバルはピンチョスで安く頼めるし地方ごとに食文化があるので色々楽しめますよね。 北部は海沿いの巡礼の町を旅したのですが(Leonから北上してSantiago De Compostelaまで主要都市点々と)サンタンデールとサンセバスチャンは行く機会を逃してしまったのでスペインまたいつか行きたいです。