SAOFD Tips & Tricks for Matchmaking, Combat, Progression! | Gamerturk SAO Fractured Daydream

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@Gamerturk 3 ай бұрын
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@Firestrike_09 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the vid ❤
@Gamerturk 2 ай бұрын
Glad to help!
@plains7000 3 ай бұрын
I'll be sure to keep this all in mind GT when I get this game for Christmas later this year.
@Kinrian2797 3 ай бұрын
For the Silica Players Out There: (Advanced technique at the end) *When using Ground Hold Heavy as silica & leafa does a upward dash stab attack. You can enter flight mode after doing this letting you enter flight mode much faster, higher elevation and save on flight time. *Silica empowered state which give movement speed and atk up when activating it also gives you a long invinsibility frames. This can save you when the lobby is unable to complete a counter which allow the boss to use near instant kill aoe or beam or when there a attack rotation your not comfortable perfect dodging. *Her hold dash can be cancel at any time I highly suggest ending it slightly prior to your target such as a down player. It doesn't end immediately and you slide more forward than your intended distance. Same applies to dash flying then pressing jump to exit it. *Pina atks such as the end of silica empowered state and the 2nd ability is water damage which inflict increase damage to most reptiles. For particular bosses it not all that helpful as the hitscan of the attack is usually behind your initial hit location which only does resist resist. Use it situationally either it be to remain airbone or for super armor when you know you cant dodge or block an attack to remain glued to your target vs being knocked back. *Frequently toggle lock on and lock off. Sometimes the lock on is not the best nor the safest place to attack or is reletively low to the ground. Lock on when needed or when needing to correct your attack. You can lock on even in the process of using her hold dash (cant be done with flight hold dash) and her skills. Both her skills is two phased so if done right you can correct the skill for the 2nd half if you miss. *Dont underestimate flight mode lock on. If your from a distance, locking on makes silica charge forward from a distance. When boss are at the near down state lock onto their head and you help down the boss. * When attacking airborne don't forget you can use a dash at the end of your normal atk rotation to continue doing another attack rotation. * Flight time only recovers when your not attacking or freeze when attacking when off flight mode. - - Advance Due to silica nimbleness & kit she has perhaps one of the best airtime in the whole game. I highly suggest getting leafa flight master passive to maximize these following tips. *At the end full tap attack rotation especially in the air where you can no longer do an attack. You can use a hold normal or better a hold heavy. Afterwards dash then proceed to do the whole rotation again + a hold heavy. *This is where it get wild. Remember the first tip I mentioned where you can enter flight mode after doing a hold heavy. This applies to both when on ground and when in the air. *Not only you did two full atk rotation + two hold attacks you also enter flight mode to continue attacking without touching the ground. *This is where it get fun. Either you continue attacking while in flight mode using up flight time or Cancel flight mode then resume attacking airborne in the normal state. This way your flight time/meter isnt used AND it resets yout attacks thus you can do full rotation hold heavy, dash , full rotation, hold heavy then flight, exit, repeat while in the air. Your never gonna touch grass. *Here where gets more ridiculous. The dash you can have the option to hold it when the boss leaves the general area. Note: you can't use a normal or heavy attack after the hold dash. *Remember you can mix it up there some scenarios where hold heavy isnt ideal as it makes you go upwards so doing normal rotation, dash, normal rotation , hold heavy to flight be ideal. *I haven't address skill in this yet in where to put it in the rotation. Did you know right after using a skill you can use a hold heavy. Which also resets your dash , which also lets you continue doing a full atk rotation to yet another hold heavy to flight mode or to use another skill, hold heavy, dash full atk rotation hold heavy flight. Note: you cant dash, use normal atk you have to use a hold attack after the skill then you can dash right after to do normal atks. *Note: you don't have to do a full attack rotation of several normal especially when your target have very small windows. You can do air heavy hold (can do normals prior), dash, hold heavy (can do normal atks prior), skill, hold heavy dash hold heavy(can do normal atks prior) flight then resume atks in flight. It can also be use as very bizarre mobility option. Hold heavy, hold dash, 2nd skill, hold heavy (either flight or hold dash again). Or hold heavy, dash, hold heavy, 2nd skill, hold heavy, dash , hold heavy flight exit flight , hold heavy dash, hold heavy. Silica at first glance is subpar as a support but once you learn her kit and how to utlilize her. She is a nimble boss airborn fighter.
@Mr.Nick_VT 3 ай бұрын
I grew up playing shooters on Xbox, and I currently play Genshin Impact on PC with Mouse and Keyboard. What I have done to enjoy my gameplay was that I play with a Controller with gun characters (Sinon, LLENN, etc.) but I play Mouse and Keyboard with sword characters. You don't have to worry going into the setting to change the play style, you can immediately switch from mouse and keyboard to controller by just picking up the controller. That's what I am currently doing on the story mode when I chance from Eugeo (M+K) to LLENN (controller). I also remapped the buttons on the mouse and keyboard to the functions I am familiar with from my experience playing Genshin so I don't have to worry about pressing the wrong button.
@heroboygamebase2286 3 ай бұрын
I got the game and it's gameplay reminds of Valkyria Revolution.
@Mr.Nick_VT 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for the tip with Aid Requests! I'm stuck in the 40's and need a serious solution to leveling up.
@Gamerturk 3 ай бұрын
Aid Requests wont help you with leveling up, since EXP rewards are still based on the quest itself. But it will help breaking the monotony and gearing up specifically with quick missions.
@gamemaster9690 3 ай бұрын
The grind is almost finished, rank 99 but still gotta grind 1 character for the platinum trophy. Will be one of my mains, either Eugeo or Kirito
@KingX 3 ай бұрын
Also unlock all the memories for a stat boost to all units up to 7.9%. Yes LLENN's running speed is unacceptable, at least make her as fast as Argo! The other issue I have with LLENN is the weakness of her firepower making melee the best DPS for her which is further complicated by her lack of lock-on for that. Perhaps give her a lock-on and simply disable guns in that mode but better still give her guns a buff. (Though I have seen some good LLENN scores, I've not yet figured out how they're achieving 25 million...) Personally I wouldn't upgrade anything below LV 90 (LV 99 with the exception of items with super rare skills). Yes your raids will be more mediocre during the levelling process but you're pretty much throwing resources at items you're going to replace quite quickly. Ideally don't upgrade anything except LV 99-100 gear. I also recommend not touching item creation until player rank 100 for the same reason. One MAJOR issue I have with the game is legendary accessory skill farming. Legendary gear is rare enough but due to the class system chances are that even if you find the skill you want, there's only a 1/6 chance it'll be for the right class. I've spent 3 days of hardcore farming "skill cooldown on crit" for Yui which (incorporated with a 100% crit build) makes Yui absolutely busted but so far I've only found the skill twice - for the wrong class. Now I could work with what I've got, forget Yui and make an epic build for a mage/ranger but that's a compromise I shouldn't have to make. Purple (epic) skill farming is easier, just head to Free Roam on the Asian server and chances are everyone's making a rush through the highest level area and you can just tag along and open the golden chests as they take down each boss in seconds. Expect 3-5 purple accessories in as many minutes then exit and repeat.
@Gamerturk 3 ай бұрын
On the topic of upgrading, if someone has not leveled to 100 already, I imagine they are not a hardcore player. They probably play a couple of hours tops in a given week. Such players will absolutely benefit greatly for enhancing until +5. The cost is negligible and above Rank 50, they will likely take a day or two getting a level up once or twice per day at most. At that rate, you may as well focus on what you have, since you are not ranking up fast anyways.
@KingX 3 ай бұрын
@@Gamerturk There's a case for casual players in principal though I don't think the game is very casual-friendly - albeit more so than most previous entries. It may currently seem generous to upgrade for 1 character because they expect you to do that with at least 5 plus I'm still paranoid after Alicization Lycoris whether they'd make us need more in an update.
@kitramika5137 3 ай бұрын
at lv 79 rn playing at my own pace. the grind has been decently fun apart from the ordinal scale map. hoping it gets a slight redesign like the mission at the seperated area not appearing until the previous 2 missions are cleared or so. it's just not fun with people bum rushing to the tower at lv 12 while you're alone trying to activate that last console
@SoupHeavenly 3 ай бұрын
it's sad when newer players are straggling behind and we've got 4 man's zooming. When impressing your friends becomes a detriment to everyone else
@SoupHeavenly 3 ай бұрын
Silica heals people outside the party with Pina. Her orb will heal over 500. Outside her squad. It depends. How nice Pina is that day. I love Silicia and Yui heals they are definitely the best. Yuna revives can also save a entire raid battle.
@Gamerturk 3 ай бұрын
I could mention that, but that is fully passive and seems random from what I could track, maybe just the lowest HP. So I just mentioned the clear examples that people can actually act upon.
@Unknown54124 3 ай бұрын
Seems to be under half hp it starts healing you
@Aqua-chan 3 ай бұрын
The character level 100 only grant 6% attack boost… I would argue it doesn’t matter in the long run, where most of the damage comes from is the gear level and the effects of the gear. If a character feels weak it’s not the 6% that will make a difference. Also I hope the devs rework the Ruins coop mission, the fact people skip enemies is obviously due to bad design to encourage it, maybe adding a guaranteed blue/purple/legendary gear drops in the gold chests would incentivise people to go for them.
@Gamerturk 3 ай бұрын
From my understanding, the attack power of the weapon and other bonuses directly scale from your base stats, so it should not strictly remain at 6%. Also, I find it hard to believe it's just 6%. On the top of my mind, just until Level 30, I received multiple Attack Up and HP Ups. Considering the attack starts fairly low, between 300-600 iirc depending on char, for it to remain only at 6%, all the Attack Ups should not amount to anything more than 20 or so ATK up, which I'm pretty sure is not the case. As for the OS Stage, I'd just make Tower Activation much more brutal. Punish players for going straight there without leveling up.
@DavidKing407 3 ай бұрын
Its about 6% really mathed out least from the spreadsheets and so on, but the main thing is char levels matter less so its easier to try to grind everyone to 30, although it only really matters if you’re trying to top damage in t3 content against some other monster players(not that its necessary but it does give you something else to think about outside of the grind)! As usual, gear is always the powerful option, and endgame at 100 when building is doable is when it can get real crazy! And yeah personally I don’t like the speedrun meta for this game specifically especially on maps like Ruins or Woods of Recollection. It can work in something like Hades and 20xx, but man it can feel bad with just how fast players wanna go. At least Ruins got addressed to do away with the kill enemies quests to reduce that a bit and change some spawns, but I do hope Dimps wont be discouraged from making maps like those just because Maze and Facility maps are easier to pull that behavior in. Map variety will be key in the future to surprise players!
@cy4n_knight_q8 3 ай бұрын
I'm still waiting for a discount. Knowing bandai, their greed is unlimited. I'll wait for a bundle including the DLCs for half the price of the current base game. Refuse to give in to their antics even myself being an SAO fan
@treebugg 3 ай бұрын
same, though doesn’t feel to late to play? like some will just “finish” playing while we just started?
@M4st3r507 3 ай бұрын
How do obtain cosmetics? Do you need to kill everything or just the final boss? Because I can’t drop anything Do they appear in field drops or after finishing the quest?
@Gamerturk 3 ай бұрын
There are two ways to earn cosmetics. Story cosmetics are earned from hidden bosses in stages, you can check mission details screen to see whether the stage has one or not. Multiplayer cosmetics, they drop from the boss. You don't need to do anything special, aside from watching the drops at the end and making sure you grab it.
@M4st3r507 3 ай бұрын
@@Gamerturk is someone grabs it I can’t obtain it or is a global drop?
@Gamerturk 3 ай бұрын
@@M4st3r507 It's fully personalized. If you see it drop, that means it only dropped for you.
@M4st3r507 3 ай бұрын
@@Gamerturk thanks for the tip, I’ll keep my eyes open
@Gamerturk 3 ай бұрын
@@M4st3r507 Good luck!
@cqclife5619 3 ай бұрын
I swear no one ever looks up and shoots the lightning orb or the fire torches.
@Gamerturk 3 ай бұрын
Sad truth T.T
@matirus1 3 ай бұрын
I have Tips & Tricks not to play this crap this game is just another scam on steamdb it's obvious that it's crap and I'm surprised that players still trust scamko
@CC-hz8ry 3 ай бұрын
😂 🤡 u play minecraft 😭🤡 stfu little b*tc*h
@matirus1 3 ай бұрын
​@@CC-hz8ryxD why are you jealous that I play Minecraft is more interesting than these games sao I'm waiting for a modpack that will take sao to the world of minecraft with all the mechanics and you're still waiting for scamko to release a real game sao maybe it's time to stop watching anime and go outside because after your comments I can tell that staying in the basement is bad for you
@TastyPudd1ng 3 ай бұрын
finaly reach player rank 90, now to 100. Dx
@Gamerturk 3 ай бұрын
Look on the bright side! You are now ready for Skull Reaper Tempest when it returns!
@TastyPudd1ng 3 ай бұрын
@@Gamerturk I hope they add more content
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