This Talk Will Trigger A Lot Of Classic & Retail Players

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Savix Clips

Savix Clips

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@ZblockWoW 6 күн бұрын
Transmog is one of the best parts of WoW. They should add it to Classic, but add an interface option to disable it so people can still have the authentic Classic look and feel in their client.
@johng2794 6 күн бұрын
i can get behind that idea
@anthonyvelez8002 7 күн бұрын
I've said this for too long. It's those little Andy's that want you to be as miserable as they are. I hate looking the same as everyone.
@timmmaaah5333 7 күн бұрын
Lol people get mad about anything In this game.
@nineeerie6518 5 күн бұрын
True! So fk em
@Hapkins-le6xf 6 күн бұрын
Classic and retail being different is good. Different audiences, different wants.
@ISesseriI 7 күн бұрын
I honestly can't believe so many people would be against transmogs. "Everyone looks like a clown" and then in classic everyone is a clone with zero personality. Mfas will spend every moment of their lives farming Shadowmourne and then they literally can never use it after wotlk or ever show it to anyone because its too low ilvl. I also agree that people just are afraid of change or they just hear about how bad it is from someone else and then base their entire view of the game on that. I have to regularly explain to ffxiv players that wow is more alt friendly, or that the community isn't some gigatoxic cesspool like league of legends, or that class balance has generally been ok outside of a few outliers that are underperforming (like affliction lock last expac). It's not even like I'm some wow boomer, I started in 2019 playing classic and moved on from there to retail. Now I enjoy both FFXIV and Wow because they offer me different things that are done very well in their respective games.
@Element_Doom 7 күн бұрын
@@ISesseriI retail had an event some time ago i believe, where people could put on old weapons like Smourne and they would scale up. (Maybe it was underleveled players queueing in arenas/dungeons or something, as your gear doesn't even matter in retail anymore, and people with lower level and worse gear get scaled up, to the point where they even outperform everybody else, because the scaling is that over tuned) If everybody is a Unicorn, nobody stands out. That's what made R14 gear, Hand of Rag and Shadowmourne, etc. so special. (Because you actually had to put in effort to obtain them) In classic you're not the Champion who has both Thrall and Jaina on Speed Dial, you're just a mercenary of the Horde/Alliance, one of many, so there isn't anything wrong with looking like a "clone", it's essentially your battle uniform. I also think you're operating under a misconception, climbing from Pre-Raid BiS, to T1, to T2 then to T3 has always been a huge deal. It didn't really matter you looked the same as somebody else, what mattered was progressing. You'd see other people that are ahead of you and inspire you, to look as cool as them.
@opbolny 7 күн бұрын
@@Element_Doom idk if it does anymore but you used to could wear your old legendaries in timewalking dungeons and they would scale properly
@ISesseriI 6 күн бұрын
@@Element_Doom Climbing the armor tiers was cool and inspiring when everyone was 12 years old playing through vanilla 20 years ago. Vanilla armor does not impress me, the stats and what someone went through matters way more to me than the appearance of what is honestly some bland looking armor. Thats not to say you can't look cool in classic, you just literally cannot stand out because everyone is wearing the same BiS, you dont look different from the other warrior in your guild, and god forbid if your set looks ugly. Have fun looking like an bargain bin action figure.
@Bubajumba 3 күн бұрын
@@ISesseriI I agree with him 100%. Transmog is fun but it takes away the soul, looking perfect all the time is cool and all but it gets old real quick. The real difference between 20 years ago and now is people care only about themselves, back then its was more about the collective, how other people looked now people just want to look good for their own enjoyment and don't care about other peoples process etc.
@AkanAsse 7 күн бұрын
I would love some transmog in classic. Would be nice instead of a clownsuit. Red gloves, green boots, blue chest and pink shorts.
@MrToastyTank 7 күн бұрын
Savix is right, I agree with him 1,000,000%
@Scionofgreyhaven 6 күн бұрын
Back in the day we didn't need it because geared people were harder to come by so it was a badge of honour to have endgame gear to look cool, Also BiS wasn't such a big thing so people would have mixed matching outfits with different pieces.
@seanhaggerty9 7 күн бұрын
I'm down for transmog in sod. tired of being a prot pally looking like a blue popsicle. iconic looks are gone
@DominicanHater2375 7 күн бұрын
Full Tier 1 with hardened frostguard looks so cool tho.
@hoodymcmayhem275 6 күн бұрын
I’m a real classic Andy, so I’m qualified to make a comment. tmog is not as bad as most of the classic players say it is. They are just scared of change lmao. Tmog wouldn’t change the game in any negative way. And for the people who say “I wanna know if I see a t3 player” well that translates to “unobtainable” items. So people are are like ohh man look that dude got elite glad, “ he’s prolly a beast” or he swiped lmao. It’s literally the same thing. I think tmog should open up at lvl 60 for SOD. Savix is not wrong here. Again im a classic Andy and I approve of tmog. I agree, the no changes people should be in era. Let classic+ be something fun and new. Cheers sav, you a goof ball but a real one and I think we all appreciate that. Take care dude
@PSNItsHotspitta 6 күн бұрын
Sheesh savix. Barely recognize you lol. Seen your thumbnail and had to click it lol. Glad you’re still going!!
@g0gool_ 6 күн бұрын
My dwarf looks like a citizen of rome since earthen look like them and you get the transmog for earthen after introduction and now im addicted to transmog
@rickeh173 6 күн бұрын
Hello there, Mr. Savix, Whats that Mouse Cursor glow thing? Addon or WA? Nice content, keep it up!
@mariusquam2410 6 күн бұрын
i always wanted classic ' to be a complete version of classic, no new specs or anything but fix the classes that sucks, give ret crusader strike, give elemental somthing to fix their mana etc.
@CatDad312 7 күн бұрын
I’d like to remind everyone that using PvP as an argument for not having transmog doesn’t make sense considering we can transmog into Goblins, Ninjas and Pirates to hide our gear. People use weapon swap macros all the time too.
@mugetz696 6 күн бұрын
Still isn't transmog. Your shapeshifting into another temporary form like a druid. Your armor still looks like generic player nr. 15789.
@wowprobeast7543 6 күн бұрын
@@mugetz696think the point went over your head. If the reason u don’t want tmog is bc u want to tell how geared someone is that’s not always an option. When you are transformed as a skeleton or pirate or ninja your gear doesn’t display at all.
@mugetz696 6 күн бұрын
​@@wowprobeast7543 Seems like you did not understand my point entirely. There is a big difference between shapeshifting into a temporary form to hide the way you look and changing the way your individual armor parts look persistently. When shapeshifting you look like a NPC. The point of transmog is not to hide your armor, but to make it looks like the way you want to, so you can show it of. Classic players...
@markoliver314 5 күн бұрын
@@mugetz696 That wasn't even the OP's point. It seems wowprobeast is right you completely missed the point lmao...
@mugetz696 5 күн бұрын
@@markoliver314 Both you and OP don't know the definition of transmog. Get your facts straight. Here is a official discription so you can understand: "Transmogrification (commonly referred to as transmog, tmog, xmog or simply mog) provides the ability to replace the appearance of your armor and weapons with those of other items, or to hide certain pieces of armor." Transforming a.k.a. hapeshifting is and will never be consided transmogrification. The point of transmog is to make it look like a set you aquired before. Not to transform into a shitty skeleton or pirate NPC. be it PVP or PVE. Both you and OP missed the point of the video entirely.
@Furball_ 7 күн бұрын
I would love transmog in SoD and Classic, So many cool little items and sets you can mix and match. Let people be crative or run their favorite looking sets, why not? Fuck the Classic Andies.
@Rare987 7 күн бұрын
For the "i want to see the gear before i fight them" part. I stopped at rank 14 gear in era, i dont want to attack people in prebis, i dont want to attack peolle with 1 epic shoulder and all blues. I want pick 1v1 fights with nax geared people and rank 14 geared people. BWL and above kind of deal. If transmog is a thing do i just kill everyone regardless of their gear level?
@Element_Doom 7 күн бұрын
"Imagine feeling actual real emotions looking at somebody's character." - retail players
@Dabs_4_Dayz 7 күн бұрын
@inkbyfrank 7 күн бұрын
gear gives you an advantage, it doesnt make you a better player. prebis can still kick your ass. just PvP
@Hapkins-le6xf 6 күн бұрын
It's not difficult to look at their health and have an idea of their gear level.
@bearcatcow 5 күн бұрын
You hit the nail on the coffin at 8:44
@Stratoschalo 4 күн бұрын
i am an retail player i try clasic and i did not like the speed of the combat is to slow rotation and pulling wise. this is a my problem i cannot play clasic because of that i try mutiple times.
@oliverpohl6053 7 күн бұрын
Currently iam playing on turtle wow where trog is a thing and I love it. So many unique looking ppl out there. It gives more stuff to to like farming fashions coins from endgame dungeons and cool looking gear :)
@CatDad312 7 күн бұрын
“I wanna know what they’re wearing” Ok inspect them -_-
@user-pg2qp3ej7z 7 күн бұрын
Youre alliance,incspect horde player who start on you in open world:D
@CatDad312 7 күн бұрын
@@user-pg2qp3ej7z If you get jumped in wPvP and are paying attention to their items and not defending yourself, you’ve probably already lost. Besides, the Goblin toy and Deviate Delight exists.
@markosrdic6106 6 күн бұрын
u are super right about attacking geared ppl when u are low geared, those are rly good fights coz u giving ur best literally xD
@Rinnegantv966 7 күн бұрын
Savis a real one ❤
@maddyleaf 7 күн бұрын
The argument for no transmog comes from a place of wanting gear to have meaning and personality. There are no items in retail that you know the name of, but you can name me several items which almost has legendary status from Vanilla, TBC, Wrath. In retail, gear is just a stat piece and nothing else. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy making my own fits on retail, it's a big part of retail for sure, but you can't tell people that they shouldn't care about what I described. Personally, when I play vanilla servers, I find it hilarious and charming when everyone has their small bis sets and look hideous. In any case, I think you can do whatever you want with SoD, I'm not the target audience for it anyway. SoD is made for retail players and that's fine, so by all means, add transmog and barbers. I just don't think the actual "Classic" audience is getting their wishes fulfilled at the moment. Just make a seasonal era for those of us who want the vanilla experience, please.
@mikealgiers7852 7 күн бұрын
"No items in retail that you know the name of." Speak for yourself. Weapons off the top of my head: Tae'schalach Scythe of the Unmaker Rae'shalare, Death's Whisper Nasz'uro, the Unbound Legacy Gorehowl, Might of the Warchief Fyr'alath the Dream Render Armor off the top of my head: Tusks of Mannoroth Diadem of the Highborne First Satyr's Spaulders Shadowghast Pauldrons Screaming Torchfiend's Burning Scowl Piercing Gaze of the Risen Nightmare Everything except Gorehowl drops from raids and about half of them have a less than 10% drop rate so it's not like people had this stuff handed to them on a silver spoon. And I know the names of these because they were pieces I've chased specifically because I saw another player wearing them. Like your argument doesn't hold up.
@maddyleaf 7 күн бұрын
@@mikealgiers7852 Well, you misunderstood my argument. I understand there a cool looking pieces in retail, I've never said there aren't. What I'm talking about is more than just appearance or stats, it's the whole package of something being a chase item, something that is entirely unique, it almost has a legendary status. It doesn't even have to look good, an example of this is Bonereavers Edge, it's ugly as hell, but it was every warriors wet dream to get one for PvP. Simply because of its unique effect. There a quite literally 100s of these items in Vanilla, things that have such an impact or effect on your gameplay or upgradewise, that it imprints on your mind. I can also name a couple of pieces I think look cool from the past 20 years of WoW, but that wasn't what I was getting at. In retail, I can't name a single item where when I got it, I felt that feeling of when I got Bonereavers Edge or even getting fucking Whirlwind Axe as a warrior while leveling. Every upgrade on retail, is a minor stat increase, I can't even fucking remember what the weapon was called I got in Nerubar Palace yesterday. Back to my overall point from the beginning: Transmog isn't the entire reason, but it's a part of why gear doesn't feel unique anymore, another one is that general unique effects are reserved for trinkets or tier sets. And again, this is a personal opinion, I'm not out here telling people that transmog should be removed from retail or even that it shouldn't be in SoD - I don't care about that, I'm simply giving a perspective that a lot of Vanilla enjoyer types have, myself included. I also hate flying mounts, but I would never advocate for removing it in retail either, but that doesn't mean I can't share my perspective on what kind of negative effects I think it has on the game.
@AtilonWoW 7 күн бұрын
Gear having meaning and personality is pretty much comes down to their stats, not their actual look
@veppy4952 6 күн бұрын
@@maddyleaf you're argument stems from the same place the other guy was pointing out. Classic andies can only name the shit EVERYONE wants. Surely people cant name off random ass off pieces from naxx, or aq40. It's the same shit, everyone knows BRE, DFT, CTS etc.
@Codeyeethe2nd 7 күн бұрын
I thought they do it where all plate can wear any plate and then do it for each, that be way better
@hugocourmont8708 7 күн бұрын
I mean I played throughout classic with imorph so I have to give it up there. Wouldn’t be half bad 😂
@zdubzz1280 6 күн бұрын
For classic I would prefer customizations like armor dyes, added spikes or trimming/engravings instead of all out transmog to anything you want
@popesymbolism9365 7 күн бұрын
both are iterations of the best game to ever exist
@msf47 5 күн бұрын
i understand classic players wanting to protect their game from the blizzards retail ways but come on dudes transmog ? really ?... But at the same there should be items in the game that should not be transmogable and unique , best example for this is the ashbringer before and after Legion .
@AlunethMaster 3 күн бұрын
or just keep playing retail and recognize it as the superior game it is
@Dylan-rn9jb 7 күн бұрын
whats his damage meter it looks cool
@user-pg2qp3ej7z 7 күн бұрын
Well,im ok with transmog,but then blizz should add button that turn it off for ppls who dont want it.And all gonna be happy.
@AtilonWoW 7 күн бұрын
What is this details font
@konig4626 7 күн бұрын
I tried the new Raid in the war within and I fell asleep not only once. It‘s so crazy boring! How can people have fun with this result of digestion
@mookieblaelocker6504 7 күн бұрын
Retail was really bad for a while there. Not so much anymore, and that’s huge. Good game has folks playing modern and not looking back at fun times
@emilhansen2364 7 күн бұрын
yeah you got me with the title well done. But if classic plus is like osrs it will be a static world and get tons of content, so i don't think transmog makes sense. For sod though go ham with transmog i wont care lol
@xxgamerxx6074 4 күн бұрын
Transmog is the best thing ever in wow and arena is a close 2nd
@vaylox09 6 күн бұрын
People who don't like xmog suffer from " special boy syndrome" as in look at me I'm a special boy with my x item or x set.
@akirameru675 7 күн бұрын
How dare you want more customization in the game you pay for.
@H-D-D 6 күн бұрын
Id settle and allow xmog. Its fun
@ItztoobadthatI 7 күн бұрын
waht is that damage meter
@Pedrobor 7 күн бұрын
It’s a skin for details, search details the war within
@Howluffu 7 күн бұрын
give me transmog for classic+
@Arlothar 7 күн бұрын
Add queue, barber, portals, Mogging... and suddenly the game is Retail... Get the point of just adding the AESTHETIC part of retail but could be dangerous...
@FrostyWoW 7 күн бұрын
DOOOD 100% #SoDmog
@wilbertguerra461 5 күн бұрын
Classic era no, classic + yea
@Selendeki 4 күн бұрын
I am triggered
@GertrudeKidder-e5v 6 күн бұрын
Lee Robert Thompson Ruth Harris Ronald
@lordmuro123 4 күн бұрын
Wow classic needed remake and not this shit what blizz did and now its dead +sod dead 2. What a lazy devs they wanted to make money from nostalgia old farts but this old farts played in it and now no one cares about this classic. Wow always was an expansion game u finish the end game wait for new content new things no one will going to play in the same end game 24/7
@T.A.O-f9v 6 күн бұрын
bla bla bla
@user-gi4su8lp4x 7 күн бұрын
Who gives af what streamers want
@Uhidontknow96 7 күн бұрын
Just cause bro a streamer doesn’t exempt him from having good views 🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️
@champboehm7863 7 күн бұрын
What a smooth brain comment
@user-gi4su8lp4x 7 күн бұрын
@@champboehm7863 Think for yourself
@VegetoStevieD 7 күн бұрын
People who want to change their gender in the barbershop... What kind of barbershops have you been visiting IRL? WTF
@steadychasingmoneybands6213 7 күн бұрын
im triggered we have to finish the campaign so our alts can skip the dalaran intro wtf kinda crap is this
@colestevens6016 7 күн бұрын
Why it u literally do the campaign once and ur done
@steadychasingmoneybands6213 5 күн бұрын
@@colestevens6016 why would i to keep powering through hours of campaign to skip 20 min intro?
@colestevens6016 5 күн бұрын
@@steadychasingmoneybands6213 because then u can skip it on future characters and u can level while doing it. like ur first character do the campaign and ur good for the rest of the season
@Element_Doom 7 күн бұрын
This an RPG, not a dress up fashion simulator. I think, this is what ruined retail, because blizzard would listen to these people that are only crying all day. And then to counterbalance everything having become meaningless, they put in pointless systems like BfA, yet the same people still aren't happy.
@icetomeetyou3169 7 күн бұрын
nobody taking away your gear, you still can inspect people and see it. And if you think transmog and cometic is a reason why wow is not the thing anymore - well, somebody need to take hes pills.
@ailuro2291 7 күн бұрын
@pusillirex 7 күн бұрын
The cosmetics are literally the end game of WoW (and really, any MMOs at that point). Most people keep playing for cosmetics and what they represent: be it mounts or gear There is literally no reason not to give the option to transmog apart from the classic andies crowd and muh authenticity --but at that point who cares, they already put the WoW Token...
@Element_Doom 7 күн бұрын
​@@pusillirex You wanna know why it's the end game? Because EVERYTHING BEFOREHAND has been made MEANINGLESS to SELL store cosmetics in a SUBSCRIPTION based game. Retail players have been conditioned to enjoy eating 💩, i swear.
@kythox6521 7 күн бұрын
​​@@Element_Doomwhat's meaningful in era then? Clearing 20 year old raid with no mechanics, no challenge and 2 button rotations? You literally can clear anything tabbed out and no one would notice, since it's meaningless. Or getting all world buffs and play your character 30mins a week raidlogging to not waste them? Or camping clueless/afk players to get r14? For what? What's the meaning behind it?
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