I like this video and the music makes me relax.What
@luzelenaduarte68016 жыл бұрын
muy bonito
@danawilkes61746 жыл бұрын
matthew chapter one verse jesus look to sky an bega ntp pray ..his prayer ws herd that night
@danawilkes61746 жыл бұрын
matthew chapter 3 verse 1 jesus prayed to ehvens and heavens opend up this was first time they herd god voice I nthis tow npast lifes doctors wondered I nwomb or I nspace when was god voice herd daneil at kava farm untied natiosn kava farm wil lepxlain as wofers have herd jesus is talking kava farm wil laprty tonight and books of kava kings iwl leb oepen plant another 1ooo paltns lets palnts grow foreer tonight wi ldrin kkava waipio kigns of past wi llsign songs raya voodoo child beaches will paly same tiem we clap 900 billion nhendrix guitars wi lstart never stop tesla amp will hrd tonight airlines wil lcertainly fly again kigns kids ask tonight we Hendrix and surf tonight we look mooo nrianbows tonight we find ahwaiii pensula islands
@danawilkes61746 жыл бұрын
matthew 2 chapte r2 verse pone jesus took bread begin ot prayer his aposltes begin ot get closer his prayer has begin strong ...strong prayer book is wha twe need aposltes begin to write fisher of men song is palyed again jesus asked your fsather I nehavens to spare us hwiel your prayer is good show hawiins where to rpay wlak mart lava fields high times cannbis cup lava bags lava rocks bags fresh new lava roc kswim boogie boaqrd with your lava rock before you grow with alva keep yor plant lava happy keep those lava firms happy ...........jesus prayers in ech book jesus wlaked and prayed out loud soemtiems queit hawiisn wil ldance to this psychic wil lsleep and listen what do the ysay aobut says jesus whose kdis painting .......amze millions another million people entered int oheven before clander surf completion start up