Scottish independence: Can SNP benefit from Brexit deadlock? - BBC Newsnight

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James Clayton finds two referendums dominating at the SNP conference.
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Scotland's first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has told her party conference that a referendum on Scottish Independence "must happen next year".
The Scottish Nationalists have been buoyed by polls that show something of an increase in support for independence - amongst those are Scots who voted remain the EU referendum.
The SNP is a party of remain and has fought Brexit, but the reality the party now faces is that leaving the EU may end up galvanizing voters towards independence.
James Clayton reports from the party's conference in Aberdeen.
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@googlebarbaralernerspectre2581 4 жыл бұрын
I am all for Scottish independence. Let the Scottish sort their own nation and let them decide their own future. England doesn't need this problem. Angela merkel would be so happy to see the uk split and I'm all for it.
@casperwallace9685 4 жыл бұрын
@ajaya5451 4 жыл бұрын
SNP could easily be one of the many synonyms of disingenuous, the Scots have had a referendum which they've ignored, the UK have had a referendum which they ignored and now they want to have 2 more referendum which they will ignore
@tracymuckle8512 4 жыл бұрын
After 2014 it was clearly stated that a second ref would come if there was a material change, Brexit certainly qualifies
@willewinky6527 4 жыл бұрын
The SNP are the most anti democratic party one could think of. Dishonorable liars, let's see - I voted OUT of Europe and IN the UK. At least a third of your MP'S in Westminster would vote to leave the EU if they had a free vote. Mariah Black in particular is one who 'held her nose' (twitter) in towing the party line. So tell me why I'd vote to leave a 300 year Union to join a 45 year old one with Europeans whom their first language is not English?
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
@@willewinky6527 Tories are the anti democratcs, dictators , ignoring scotlands majority in the eu vote. Well its gony be the deathnail in the 'british union' and good riddons
@saddoncarrs6963 4 жыл бұрын
@@willewinky6527 Well, maybe the 300 year union is becoming a bit frayed. Look at footage of the 1966 world cup final? You'd struggle to see a St George's cross flag in the stands - all union flags. Today, English games see the opposite. The queen’s 25th, 50th and 60th coronation anniversaries were celebrated with public holidays, street parties and flags flying from every lamppost. The year 2007 saw the 300th anniversary of the union of England and Scotland - it barely got a mention. It is not a celebrated union - and maybe its time has come.
@willewinky6527 4 жыл бұрын
@@ScottishRoss27 Garbage man, the SNP are fascists who sided with Hitler during war. Your politicians would say anything to gain independence irrespective of the cost to Scotland. Get ready for a really dirty fight. I say this because each side knows this Independence Referendum is the total end of the subject - whoever wins. And when there is no hope of a return to the subject again then there will be violence on Scottish streets. I remember the 2014 referendum very well. Your little band of brothers drove prominent business people out of Scotland, targeting them via twitter and calling them 'traitors'. I was called it myself, I will never accept a hard border between Scotland, Northern Ireland and England. That's what in the end the SNP are proposing.
@agnesshakesby9775 4 жыл бұрын
the best thing to happen would be for the devolved parliament to be dissolved. Under the SNP it has done nothing for Scotland
@JohnSweevo 4 жыл бұрын
Do explain, the list of Scots Gov achievements is to long for this thread and all under an SNP government
@lg9633 4 жыл бұрын
Absolutely ridiculous comment. Do your research
@casperwallace9685 4 жыл бұрын
Just think, if Scotland was run like England, it would mean: No free prescriptions. No free elderly care. Free bus pass age would be 66, not 60. University tuition fees. No 9% pay rise for nurses/teachers. No free school meals. No free childcare for 3-4 year olds. Bridge Tolls. Pension age increase to 75 OAP expected to work. EU Family or friends charged to use NHS. You seem to be pretty clueless about what SNP has done for Scotlant.
@robertwillis4061 4 жыл бұрын
@@casperwallace9685 All Cover stories to swing the clueless masses to the SNP cause. We have no jobs. Where is the big employers gone! Oil is worthless now due to climate change! We have to really on Chinese students to fund Scottish students education. America has priced Whiskey & Tweed off the market. What else do we make or design. Computer games? Where are the 1000 + people employers that are building new factories? Gone! We now have a higher tax level than England. Oh nearly forgot, I can't say any of this as I am breaking new Government censorship rules - which stop me telling the truth against the SNP. You forget their history look up burning cottages. &. links to the IRA
@minsapint8007 2 жыл бұрын
@@robertwillis4061 A big reason that there are no jobs is, as confirmed by the ONS, the 4% hit to the economy every year caused by Brexit. The SNP did everything that they could to prevent that. It was inflicted on us, against our wishes, by Westminster.
@Irish_1916 4 жыл бұрын
Your Celtic brothers in Ireland support you Scotland!!
@frze5645 4 жыл бұрын
Irish 1916 - do you mean the Scottish migrants to Northern Ireland who help suppress the Irish under William Orange - or were you thinking of some other Scots - and remind me... what have the Scots done for Ireland (pinched their whiskey)? I think you need to study your history.
@TheDickPuller 4 жыл бұрын
Aside from the usual drivel, most Scots are more Norse decent than Celtic. I’m West Highland & I’ve more Spanish DNA than Celtic, it’s to do with the Spanish trade routes. Even the Dark Scots of the Outer Hebrides are of Spanish decent. So fuck off back to the Bog, there’s a good chap!!
@frze5645 4 жыл бұрын
Let's be clear about why Sturgeon wants Scottish 'independence' - she is resentful of what she THINKS is English dominance - which has its basis in her inferiority complex, not on facts. The UK is a union that was created when England(and Wales) and Scotland combined their parliaments - this union was a joint decision and its dismantlement would also have to be a joint decision. Two important decisions will be - what currency will Scotland use and how will this be guaranteed (gold or Haggis) and how will the Scots pay off their debts? We should be mindful of the Scots colonial endeavours in 1695 - the Darien expedition - which wiped out 25% of Scotlands wealth... which led to the creation of the Union. If Scotland is serious about its future it should take a glimpse into its past and avoid making the same mistakes. Scotland leaving the UK only to then shackle itself to the EU and the euro would be a big mistake - a Darien II methinks. Scotland be very careful what you wish for - do not be taken in by Sturgeon's fluffy words, she is out of her depth - and if you doubt it , just ask her what currency She thinks Scotland will use? Her only honest answer would be the euro - the pound sterling is an English currency used by Scotland - (copyrighted to the Bank of England) - and Scotland would have to come up with debt free assets to be able to set up their own currency that would be accepted internationally - what assets? Scottish voters will need to consider carefully what they perceive as being the benefits of independence - because independence inside the EU and having to adopt the euro is a faux independence - in essence Scotland will become nothing more than a region controlled by Germany and one with a hard border with England. Good luck with that crazy idea.
@bruceroberts3291 4 жыл бұрын
Brexit has proven English dominance over the UKSSR like nothing else before it you howling gormless piece of worthless reality denying stupidity.
@taintabird23 4 жыл бұрын
The source of Scottish nationalism is the built-in democratic deficit in the UK. Westminster does not reflect the values of the Scots, and that is a matter of fact. Now the Scots have to leave the EU because a much larger English population has chosen to do so. For that, there will be a reckoning.
@petergordon4525 4 жыл бұрын
Sturgeon doesn't want a referendum at the moment, she just wants to cry about not being able to have it. She wants to create division and grievance between Scots and the English, she thinks that will work for her!
@jonathanhammerton9418 4 жыл бұрын
@@taintabird23 scotland has been told by the eu it cannot be in the eu without the UK, so remaining in the eu is not an option for scotland! for that there will be a reckoning fact!. stupid alcoholic begging scots making up lies and idol threats!
@taintabird23 4 жыл бұрын
@@jonathanhammerton9418 Of course. So what is wrong with having to apply once they have left? The already meet most of the criteria in any case: Stop Pretending and Independent Scotland couldn’t join the EU Scotland could be fast-tracked into the EU
@Wallfacer-Echo 4 жыл бұрын
We Hong Kong people support Scottish independence, pursue democracy and freedom with us Hong Kong people, Hong Kong people and Scots together, resist ducai
@jonathanhammerton9418 4 жыл бұрын
@Spinler Muckflitt The scotish nationalist party aren't nationalists? scotland want the eu to fund them when they leave the UK but this will never happen. THEY ARE TRYING TO USE FALSE HATE FROM EU TO THE UK TO THEIR ADVANTAGE, TYPICAL DRUNK SCOTTISH DELUSIONAL-ISM
@jonathanhammerton9418 4 жыл бұрын
@Wallfacer-Echo 4 жыл бұрын
@@jonathanhammerton9418 Scotland will definitely be independent. Just like Hong Kong, as long as Scots learn from Hong Kong, wear gas masks, wear black clothes, launch 500000 people to occupy Scottish Parliament together, occupy the airport, confront British police violently, and seek the support of EU and us. Just as EU and US support Hong Kong people against the government, so support Scotland, Scotland will be independent. The United States can legislate the Scottish human rights law and pressure the British government, because this is the Scottish people's struggle for democracy and freedom, which is sacred. The British colonized Scotland for hundreds of years
@toadtoadersson2239 4 жыл бұрын
None of us want to vote on independance again.
@rosspatterson1233 4 жыл бұрын
I’m English and I thing that Scotland should leave. They voted remain, they shouldn’t be dragged out of the EU. Democracy my arse
@TheSquirter 4 жыл бұрын
They also voted to the UK
@rosspatterson1233 4 жыл бұрын
Lucas-Tyler Harrington yes, but that was before we voted to leave the EU. That was one of the reasons that they voted to remain. I don’t want the UK to break up, but it seems like it’s the only way that everyone gets what they want
@rosspatterson1233 4 жыл бұрын
Lucas-Tyler Harrington Can you link a source? I’ve been looking at polls, and the desire for independence has increased. The most recent poll shows that 49 to 50 percent of Scots now want independence. I don’t see why it’ll slow down now
@rosspatterson1233 4 жыл бұрын
Lucas-Tyler Harrington actually that’s a fair point. I have seen a lot of polls saying different things. The most recent ones I saw were from October, and they claimed that at least 49 percent wanted to leave
@Gerzzo 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheSquirter you're clearly out of your element or just one of these idiot yoons who thinks if they say something often enough it makes it true!
@dawngarrow7779 4 жыл бұрын
What is independence to the snp crying to stay in Europe?
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
Scotland voted too. All council areas. You'v gifted scotland that opportunity to us that we can offer eu membership , in line with what this country voted for. Thanks very much , enjoy the loss of Half the landmass.
@hiddenknowledge2012 4 жыл бұрын
More independence in Europe than we have in the UK. How is that hard to understand?
@casperwallace9685 4 жыл бұрын
Might be coz 62% of Scotland voted to stay in the EU..
@alexanderb293 4 жыл бұрын
Sturgeon doesn’t respect the result of the 2014 and 2016 referendums now she’s asking for one 😂 what a hypocrite.
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
Imagine having to ask another countries government for permission on self determination. Proving the 'british union' is not a union but a colonial imperialist dictatorship prison
@garyshepherd9367 4 жыл бұрын
ScottishRoss See a doctor
@samantha-janehood5045 4 жыл бұрын
Gary Shepherd Think you need it most.
@samantha-janehood5045 4 жыл бұрын
Alexander The panda 2014 - Scotland was lied to. 2016 - We Voted to Remain. She respects both and will fight for Scotland. This “Union” is colonisation.
@Jonathan-pg2hd 4 жыл бұрын
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Anyone who wants the best for Scotland’s future vote for the snp and Scottish independence. The SNP are the only party that have Scotland’s best interests at heart and are not going to totally disregard us, belittle us and waste our money down south which is what Westminister has been doing to us for years! Independence will lead us to a much brighter future where we will have all of our money coming here and not flooding down south left with the scraps can choose what we spend our money on for the bet? If Scotland became independent We could become a similiar Norway or Sweden with Abundnace of wealth and create a positive future for the people of scotland! My main question I ask people is why are England so keen to keep us if we bring nothing in? Here’s why- Scotland has a nominal GDP of $237.618 billion and our GDP per capita is $43,740 we export around 81.4 billion a year we have vast reserves in oil which made $266 billion in 2016 and also major gas reserves,zinc and iron. Assuming a geographic share, Scotland has by far the biggest oil reserves in the EU. Estimates on how much oil and gas is left in all of the UK's waters vary between 12 and 24 billion so people saying it’s gonna run out are speaking rubbish! Whisky is probably the best known of Scotland's manufactured products. Exports have increased by 87% in the past decade and it contributes over £4.25billion to the UK economy, making up a quarter of all its food and drink revenues Our agricultural fields are very strong with only one quarter of the land actually being cultivated as well as The economic activities generated by forestry in Scotland include planting and harvesting as well as sawmilling, the production of pulp and paper and the manufacture of higher value goods. The waters surrounding Scotland are some of the richest in Europe. Fishing is an economic mainstay in parts of the North East of Scotland and along the west coast, with important fish markets in places such as Aberdeen and Mallaig. Fish and shellfish such as herring, crab, lobster, haddock and cod are landed at ports such as Peterhead, the biggest white fish port in Europe, Fraserburgh, the biggest shellfish port in Europe, Stornoway, Lerwick and Oban 2014, over 15.5 million overnight tourism trips were taken in Scotland, for which visitor expenditure totalled £4.8 billion Scotland builds around 24,000 new homes per year, about 0.1% of its existing dwelling stock. The home building industry in Scotland directly and indirectly contributed around £5 billion to the Scottish economy Scotland would flourish with the ability to spend all of these revenues on Scotland, rather than just getting pocket change back from westminister on all of our income. Now this is a small list to show the amazing achievements the SNP has done for scotland so far! nobody before them has made a shred of the impact they have for scotland! Since coming into power the snp have introduced free education and Free Tuition Students in England face tuition fees up to £27,750 Scottish students receive university tuition free paid for free medical care and Prescription Prescription charges abolished in Scotland now £9 per item south of the border free travel for Oaps and disabled people the opening of the queensferry crossing and the Aberdeen to inverness bypass which were both wanted for numerous years by Scots Care For All Free personal and nursing care extended to everyone who needs it regardless of age Childcare - 600 hours of early learning and childcare, saving families up to £2,500 per child per year Record health funding - spending will exceed £14 billion in 2019/20 and Health spending in Scotland is £185 per person higher than in England Scotland’s A&E services are the best performing in the UK - for four years running Scotland is leading the world on alcohol pricing, being the first country to implement minimum unit pricing Scotland led the UK by introducing a mental health waiting times targetand our spending on mental health services exceeded £1 billion in 2018 Free tuition and bursaries for student nurses have been scrapped in England. In Scotland, we’ve protected free tuition and the nursing and midwifery bursary rises to £8,100 for 2019 and £10,000 for 2020, they have invested record amounts in schools to close the attainment gap £120 million going direct to schools in 2019 alone, All 135,000 pupils in primaries 1 to 3 now benefit from free school meals, saving families around £380 per child per year, Since 2012, we have invested over £1 billion per year in Scotland’s universities. A WEALTHIER SCOTLAND Scotland’s unemployment rate has fallen to its lowest rate on record, under the SNP. Scotland is the top destination in the UK, outside of London, for foreign direct investment. They have delivered a new progressive tax system, supporting additional investment in our public services while safeguarding those on lower incomes. Scotland has the most generous business rates relief package in the UK - worth more than £750 million. Scotland’s international exports are up 57.2 per cent under the SNP - valued at £32.4 billion in 2017. There leading the way on fair pay. Over 1,500 organisations are now accredited Living Wage employers - over one quarter of the total across the UK. They’ve met their target to reduce youth unemployment by 40 per cent - four years early. Business research and development spend in Scotland increased by 13.9 per cent in 2017 to reach a record £1.25 billion, compared to a UK increase of just 2.9 per cent. To help protect jobs and businesses through the recession, we’ve slashed or abolished business rates for over 100,000 premises - saving small businesses around £1.7 billion to date. Scotland has the highest pay anywhere in the UK outside of London, the South East and East regions. City Region Deal, with £254 million more for infrastructure projects across the north east of Scotland. Scotland’s productivity is outperforming the UK as a whole. Since 2007 productivity in Scotland has grown 10.3 per cent, compared to growth of 2.9 per cent in the UK
@evolassunglasses4673 4 жыл бұрын
When are we going to have a vote for English Independence?
@davidbrisbane7206 4 жыл бұрын
I used to think that England would have to vote for independence in order for Scotland to become independent, and then BREXIT came along, which turned out to be an English defacto independence referendum.
@volefastacrostheroad 4 жыл бұрын
You would first need to have a word with any Westminster Government. It is they that are hell bent on keeping Scotland in the UK, even to the point of begging. And decades of telling lies. Ever wonder why?
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
@@volefastacrostheroad Imagine having to ask another countries government for permission on self determination. Proving the 'british union' is not a union its a imperial colonist dictatorship. No wonder 60+ Countries have previously left the english government. Youl be the only ones stuck with the wastemonster dictatorship kenneth
@ryang6397 4 жыл бұрын
@KFC the royal family is scottish since king james vi 1603 conquered the english crown
@ryang6397 4 жыл бұрын
@@ScottishRoss27 england doesnt have a government. the english parliament was put into permanent recession in 1707 to become the uk parliament which has equal representatives of all democratic voting districts
@MeganoOdles 4 жыл бұрын
37% scots voted leave, that is more than what voted for SNP.
@phillipwilloughby5013 4 жыл бұрын
Scotland was right to vote no to independence because Alex Salmond was leaving too many questions unanswered. He believed Scotland could continue using the pound as it's currency, but in reality an independent Scotland would have to establish it's own central bank to replace the Bank of England and either introduce a new Scottish currency or join the euro. When Ireland became independent the Central Bank of Ireland replaced the Bank of England, and the Irish pound (Punt) replaced the British pound (Sterling). The ISEQ in Dublin is the stock exchange rather than the FTSE in London. The Dail replaced the House of Commons, the Seanad replaced the House of Lords, and the Taoiseach replaced the prime minister. An independent Scotland would have no MPs in the House of Commons and Scotland would be holding its own general election to elect it's own government in Edinburgh. Scotland would pay its taxes to the Scottish government and Westminster won't get a penny. The Scottish government would have full control over health, education, justice, defence, transport, etc. There would be a Scottish passport. And Scotland would have the freedom to decide on EU membership. If Scotland were to vote for independence again, the framework for the new nation should be laid out before the referendum. England, Scotland, and Wales are member states of a federal Britain. Ireland got sucked into it in 1801 and got out in 1922 and I would like to see us 100 years later in 2022 having England, Scotland, and Wales leave federal Britain, disestablish the UK, and become sovereign and independent states... the Kingdom of England, the Republic of Scotland, and the Republic of Wales. Look at other countries in Europe... Republic of Ireland Republic of France Kingdom of Spain Republic of Italy Kingdom of Denmark Republic of Austria... England, Scotland, and Wales have no title because they are not sovereign independent states and are part of one federal country (UK). There is no, English, Scottish, or Welsh passport but every sovereign independent state does have their own including Ireland. I want the UK gone and England just be England and have a passport with "England" on the front cover not "United Kingdom" or "Britain", and I want it to say "English" under nationality not "British" or "UK citizen".
@RobGordon35 4 жыл бұрын
Yet another South of England accent giving a South of England opinion. Typical. Scotland: The country without a voice.
@chairmanimao7982 4 жыл бұрын
Scotland Independence ! Northern Ireland independence ! California independence !
@johnnicolson467 2 жыл бұрын
The Scottish government passed the Referendum Bill...10/02/2022 and has said the Indyref2 will be at the end of 2023.
@Jonathan-pg2hd 4 жыл бұрын
For all the unionists what do you have to say about the latest opinion polls? SNP 44% Conservative 22% Liberals 13% Labour 11% Do you think all these independent supporters are stupid? If you are democrats as you state with the SNP having the vast majority and a mandate for a holyrood Scottish Parliament, what right of authority does any westminister government have to deny it? What nonsense are you going to reply to that! We will have a referendum
@tommyghast940 4 жыл бұрын
fight for freedom,stand with Scotland🤣
@mc-ec3bu 4 жыл бұрын
Why do we not use scotland as a bargaining chip in eu/UK talks we may get something for them ,If not stick them on ebay .
@goodrowan2231 4 жыл бұрын
Trade them in for 50p and a Curly Wurly......bargain.
@mc-ec3bu 4 жыл бұрын
@@goodrowan2231 Scotland the Neighbors from hell.
@masterbeethoven8209 4 жыл бұрын
This is exactly what I've been saying. Scotland can take our place, then the EU get fishing grounds to plunder and billions a year in member payments. In exchange we get the free trade deal, with none of the other bullshit.
@samantha-janehood5045 4 жыл бұрын
mc 007 Why dont you go FUCK yourself and stay off our land and keep your fat nose out our business for once in your entire colonial history
@trifix543 4 жыл бұрын
What is it with these policians, who are meant to be civil servants. You defer to the public with a referendum only to disregard the decision of the people... How people think the SNP will rule with the people in mind is beyond comprehension. The SNP have a huge majority in the Scottish Parliament with devolved powers enough to make genuine change and yet what sort of items are on their agenda, passing a work place parking levy and then when questioned why they passed the bill, Sturgeon answered that they've had this in England for years. So a party who's main purpose is to be free of English rule choose to pass a bill to be like England, and did so with a 62 seat majority, double that of any other party. Colour me confused
@johnnicolson467 3 жыл бұрын
This is a turning point for Britain it won't be called the United Kingdom anymore as Scotland will soon be Independent, N Ireland will soon join Ireland so Wales and England will have to be called rUK (rest of the UK) or little Britain.
@Jonathan-pg2hd 4 жыл бұрын
Love all the English unionists in the comments we’ll make our own minds up this time and won’t listen to any of ur scaremongering you promised us the kingdom of heaven before to vote no and didn’t deliver on one single promise. We know u want our money but that’s gonna end soon 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
@Jonathan-pg2hd 4 жыл бұрын
Jay M the North Sea oil is ours and the tax money should be solely ours, whiskey export money should be ours, agricultural exports is ours, infrastructure and machinery is ours, our North Sea fish export money is ours you do not own any of these things that bring in so much GDP into Scotland and the uk, these are things done within Scotland by Scottish workers so how is that English? These things are produced and done geographically within Scotland so that is not English or owned by England u deluded fool! if we went independant it would just come to us rather than getting dispersed across mainly England by Westminster. Your the deluded one even commenting when u don’t even live in Scotland and are arguing because u want us to stay why is that? A typical scaremonger from England scared England will lose out on all the money we contribute to the uks gdp which btw is over quarter it’s higher than wales and NI put together and would do wonders if we saw 100% of the profit instead of 12% which Westminster gives to us, nothing but scraps.
@robertmcclair1810 4 жыл бұрын
@Jay M Eh? Are you REALLY that daft? If you had even the REMOTEST idea about the subject, you would understand that this is not a relative wealth thing between Scotland/England/ Wales/ NI etc......because the harsh reality is that EVERY PART OF THE PRESENT UK is technically ' subsidised" by London and the has nothing whatsoever to do with Scotland, as a case in point, performing worse than England etc etc.. In any event, most modern western democracies run a deficit from time to time ( with the UK being chief amongst them over the years) and some economists would say that if you DON'T do that, you are running things badly. That said, your banal approach is doubtless based on those HIGHLY dubious GERS figures that Westminster produces...( and were produced as far back as the Major government if the 1980's by Iain ( later Lord) Lang, the tory scottish secretary of the day which first produced them...and when asked by Major at that time why he had produced this format, confessed ( we know this from a FOI request some years back) that it was ' necessary to stymie the rise of the independence movement '. Now...for those interested enough, these annual compilations make VERY interesting reading ( and compiled by methods that NO accountant on the planet would understand as being correct ) since they have contained some ASTONISHING entries down the years...including statements that have Scotland ( with a 5.4million population and 8.4% of the uk numbers) allocated some THIRTYEIGHTPERCENT of the ' fixed costs' of running UK plc . We go farther... looking through these numbers, we have found Scotland are allocated costs for many purely english ' vanity' projects inc. ...wait for it...the Millenium Dome, the Crossrail Project, HS2 etc...the list goes on and for the benefit of those dullards that merely read the headline misleading info in the popular have been sold a pup re this subject, and THAT PUP GAS JUST DIED. Scotland is looking simply to follow a path that Ireland took all those years ago......would any unionist care to tell us why THAT example isn't the route that Scots should adopt, ...but hopefully without the thousands if deaths that preceded THAT painful UK exit. Has the Westminster goverment learnt NOTHING from those times ? Scotland, and its people, will NOT be denied !
@robertmcclair1810 4 жыл бұрын
@@Jonathan-pg2hd Well said Sir.......but in reality it goes even FURTHER than that. It is often the case that scottish products of all kinds...particularly, but not exclusively seafoods and the like....are taken by road for export to countries like France, Spain etc ....but leave the UK via ENGLISH ports..and unsurprisingly, knowing the duplicity of the Westminster bean counters, not only do the Scots fail to get credited with such business, we recieve the double-whammy as they are recorded as ENGLISH exports, for the sole effort of being the last british soil from which these assorted goods left the country....indeed, the sckts whisky industry were hugely vociferous in getting the ' plight' of some of their substantial export success diminished in this way. We are fighting a battle here against an english/ british public that is being fed endless lies and mis-information about the extent if ' subsidy' to Scotland, and that needs challenging. There is of course still a mystery re the english...and some scots...public about why, if Scotland WAS so ' in hock'( in reality it isn't) to the ubiquitous english taxpayer ( who truly WANTS to believe such drivel) ....why in thar case does that very english taxpayer become so hugely irate...nay, the idea that scots want to abandon membership of this dying " UNITED"(?) kingdom that has been emotionally dead these many years. Why would that be? Do they not WANT the scots to leave and save this ' abundance of riches" that they claim to pile upon the ungrateful Jocks? Their lack of mental and economic clarity is a problem that only THEY can address. My fear however, is that they are content to sit amidst their ignorance and bleat about a subject of which they clearly know little. Perhaps it was ever thus with them,....Eh? It's certainly easier than identifying the truth for themselves. Could it be simply that their PRIDE is hurt that someone no longer wants or needs to be ' in union' with them ?... and that their signifance in the world is indeed as diminished as perhaps secretly, they have for a long time feared?
@GRACE-do4we 4 жыл бұрын
Scotland wants break from England to join the maddening crowd of EU. George Galloway is so right Scotland is so envious to join EU that after it will be very difficult to break. Good luck Scotland to join the beast. So sorry
@GRACE-do4we 4 жыл бұрын
@FTS George Galloway is Scottish. To him Scotland got nothing in common with European (Romanian, Lithuanian, Croatian etc) ..
@johnnicolson467 3 жыл бұрын
All polls this year show the Scottish people want Independence 12/4/20 Opinium found that 54 per cent of people would vote Yes 25/5/20 YouGov found that 54 per cent of people would vote Yes 4/6/20 Opinium found that 54 per cent of people would vote Yes 21/6/20 Panelbase found that 54 per cent of people would vote Yes 12/8/20 YouGov found that 53 per cent of people would vote Yes 19/8/20 Savanta ComRes found that 54 per cent of people would vote Yes 19/8/20 Panelbase found that 55 per cent of people would vote Yes 02/9/20 Panelbase found that 63 per cent of people would vote Yes 7/9/20 Survation found that 53 per cent of people would vote Yes 20/9/20 HeraldScotland found that 72 per cent of people would vote Yes 22/9/20 IpsosMORI found that 60 per cent of people would vote Yes 26/9/20 Glasgow Herald found that 68 per cent of people would vote Yes 11/10/20 Survation found that 64 per cent of people would vote Yes 14/10/20 IpsosMORI found that 58 per cent of people would vote Yes 30/10/20 JL Partners found that 56 per cent of people would vote Yes 6/11/20 Survation found that 54 per cent of people would vote Yes 16/11/20 Panelbase found that 56 per cent of people would vote Yes
@martincosgrove5961 3 жыл бұрын
That’s how Hitler walked on to the stage .
@grossherman3841 4 жыл бұрын
As the SNP are refusing to accept the EU referendum decision voted for by all British people why should the English bother allowing another referendum for the Scottish Nationalist Party. Even if they had another referendum for Scottish Independence why on earth should the rest of us honor the vote, they have not only ignored the EU vote, they have actively campaigned and voted against the democratic of the people. What’s good for the goose and all that.
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
The colonial english governemnt refusing to accept the majority vote in scotland in the eu ref. Why should the scots bother leaving the eu against our will? 60+ countries have previously left the colonial english government
@stuartnicklin650 4 жыл бұрын
@@ScottishRoss27 You need to read up on the British Empire. Read " Empire", by Niall Ferguson, a Scot, and he will explain to you how many scots were involved. Scots were the imperialists, not the victims.
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
@@stuartnicklin650 Scots were the victims too. Proven by the 25-30 million Scottish-Americans. Heres one of your english colonist dictators in the english government your relying on to get your brexit You colonist imperialist dictator supporter being on same side as this.
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
@@stuartnicklin650 Your reaction please
@stuartnicklin650 4 жыл бұрын
@@ScottishRoss27 No Christian was ever deported to the colonies as slaves. Economic migration to the new world was under a system of indenture, where people would go over with nothing and then get granted land after completing a work contract, usually for 15 years. Scots are over represented in the administration of empire and in the armed services.
@caxias1980 4 жыл бұрын
The future of Scotland must be decide in Scotland, not in England...
@drumrk9090902 4 жыл бұрын
I though this happened in 2016? Dose Scotland want to use the euro? There would be a border between Scotland and England, seems like a bad idea for the scots.
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
@@drumrk9090902 Ditching the pound for our own currency. *safe* border. Total decouple. The english governemnt think they can take Scotland anywhere against the majority will ? Sent ye hame tae think again as said in our national anthem. 60+ Countries have previously left the colonial english government. Come on big boy do it
@drumrk9090902 4 жыл бұрын
@@ScottishRoss27 I don't think you can deny anyone the right to independence, however, it would become a joke if the SNP try to run a referendum every few years! What do you hope to gain and what problems do you foresee? I assume you would want to join the EU? This seem undermined Independence in my mind.
@garyshepherd9367 4 жыл бұрын
ScottishRoss The Scots were always subdued in the end, whatever happened to Mel Gibson sorry William Wallace, who spoke French by the way. How do you say they’ll never take away our freedom in French?
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
@@drumrk9090902 Ireland has nearly yearly referndums on all sorts of policy issues. I'd want that for my country , i also want the citizens to be able to come forward with legislation/policy , I havent plained it and varnished the idea yet but sounds good to me
@ramsg9988 4 жыл бұрын
How many referendums they need to reach their target?
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
Inspirational Ireland has nearly yearly referendum on all sorts of issues. I'd like that for Scotland , to bring decision making closer to the people not the english colonial goverment in another country
@frankyfourfingers8913 4 жыл бұрын
It was a once in a generation vote, get that though your heads.
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
@@frankyfourfingers8913 Thats easily dismissed. 'once in a generation' was not in the legal agreement between the two governments 2012 Edinburgh agreement. Next nonsense? Dismissed like putting rubbish in the bin
@jonathanhammerton9418 4 жыл бұрын
@@ScottishRoss27 It was a once in a generation referendum! that link is lies and rubbish! it was clearly stated it was a once in a generation referendum! https;/Scottish/once/in/a/generation/ Your uneducated argument is flawed and proven incorrect.
@petergordon4525 4 жыл бұрын
Well the SNP haven't reached any other targets so........ The Edinburgh Agreement states, deliver a fair test and decisive expression of the view of people in Scotland and a result that everyone will respect!. Job done 55% v 45% game over!
@markhughes8314 4 жыл бұрын
Do you know what, its strange that when on this thread I have talked to ardent independence minded people, as soon as you point them to actual facts that are easy to read and understand they then don't get back to you! Was talking to a couple and get this, said that Scotland doesn't run up a gdp deficit! lol. I'm all for independence, but a lot of these people don't actually have a clue to as to the finances. There is a page I found that opens with the words " SNP says record spending gap of 7% of gdp proves need for independence" so fairly positive yeah. It goes on to show that Scotlands deficit is 7% (12.6 billion) How much they got in from revenue, how much they spent etc. But they don't want to look at that. The page is "Scotlands deficit is seven times higher than UK as a whole" Its all there in black and white.
@xLiaam3105 4 жыл бұрын
I don't like the SNP so I deliberatley sought SNP videos to convey my disdain and absue for a party that keeps getting elected.
@xLiaam3105 4 жыл бұрын
@Jimmy Mac why is it sad to seek out SNP videos to tell people via my abuse why I hate them?
@PaultheAlien4 4 жыл бұрын
I will not be voting for Scottish independence unless I see plans and policies. It is not enough for her just to say we would be better off outside of the UK. We deserve answers!
@PaultheAlien4 4 жыл бұрын
Again, this argument is unconvincing for me. Personally I think it isn't enough to say they don't care about Scotland. What policies would be implemented by the government that would make us better off?
@cybertronicgamer9589 4 жыл бұрын
Chatterbox Podcasts well nicola said she wants to create Green energy and Open rehabilitation centres for the drugs and place for the homeless
@cybertronicgamer9589 4 жыл бұрын
Chatterbox Podcasts this is some policy’s
@rj4647 4 жыл бұрын
I’m Scottish and I do not want another referendum enough just had one waste of time
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
Privet comrade Paco paSki. Hows the weather in Moscow?
@evelynfullerton9136 4 жыл бұрын
paco pa your vote will not be missed byeee
@MrGordonhaining 4 жыл бұрын
Your not scottish your happy to be a subservient shackled to English dominance ,,,,,,,wake up and smell the coffee
@Digitalflixx 4 жыл бұрын
@@MrGordonhaining you're not a Scot if you're happy being subservient shackled to England? 🤔 So coming out of the UK to join back into the EU and be shackled and controlled by them instead makes you a proper true Scot? Not sure what coffee you're smelling mate but id maybe try tea for abit
@garyshepherd9367 4 жыл бұрын
Gordon Haining You missed out subsidised by the English taxpayer
@SpiritEngine 4 жыл бұрын
Scotland is already a successful nation with a proud heritage in honest industry, law and custom. We simply wish to complete its status as a sovereign nation.
@sircliff323 4 жыл бұрын
A bit like leaving the EU
@SpiritEngine 4 жыл бұрын
@@sircliff323 EU member or no, Scotland will ultimately have more sovereign power after independence than it does now. Trade will continue with the UK and the continent in good faith.
@EinkOLED 4 жыл бұрын
Successful nation because you're apart of rest of the UK with english/welsh companies, etc. There's not much in scotland that is 100% scottish and 100% scottish owned, most of the industry is british such as the offshore oil refineries and thousands of companies. Scotland is one country and part of the UK and not one nation. Become a single nation and major english owned companies may wish to leave, such as the NHS and many tax funded subsidiaries. You're too small with too many social problems to cope as a single nation and there is the problem of being apart of the EU and a hard border. You may never be able to become a single nation regardless of what you vote for. You're only successful because you're apart of england/wales/NI, the naivety in some of the scots is astonishing.
@AlmightyAaron0423 4 жыл бұрын
EinkOLED free Scotland from Hong Kong!
@ryang6397 4 жыл бұрын
@@EinkOLED the north sea is scottish territory. oil stolen by london, fish stolen by the eu. scotland is a net contributor giving way more than getting back. brexit was about sovereignty not the economy. the same will be true for scotland but only if real independence out the uk AND the eu is on the ballot otherwise it will fail. the uk only exists and was successful because scotland invented it in 1603 by a scottish king. successful because of the scottish enlightenment and scotland mostly and disproportionately responsible for the industrial revolution and all modern tech inventions. the ignorance and naivety in some of the english/welsh is astonishing.
@heathcee4910 4 жыл бұрын
I'm sure if they'd allowed the English electorate to vote in the Scots Independence referendum they'd be independent already...
@johnmcphee6098 4 жыл бұрын
Heath cee Where are you going to keep your nukes once Scotland leaves
@i_know_youre_right_but 4 жыл бұрын
John Mcphee in England..
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
@@i_know_youre_right_but Great thanks very much for taking responsibility, the english government can pay us Rent for hosting yours til ye find a site capable in England , pay up son, we have it costed ,bagged and tagged at £1Billion per annum in rent
@i_know_youre_right_but 4 жыл бұрын
ScottishRoss the English government is your government also
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
@@i_know_youre_right_but Nope its a occupying imperialist dictatorship. England getting what it voted for, Wales getting what it voted for, NI getting a deal. Scotlands majority to stay in the eu? Nothing we're a colony of another countries occupying government. All 32 council areas of Scotland voted to stay in the eu Proving we will never ever get what we vote for within the imperialist 'british union' and we are inferior to Wales ,NI and the Isle of Wight. Undeniable.
@scottishbombolini7794 4 жыл бұрын
I realise that anecdotes are not evidence but I am struck by how frequently I hear people all over the country saying that they have now changed their minds and would vote for independence if there was another referendum. BBC Scotland editor Sarah Smith (daughter of the former leader of the Labour Party John Smith) wrote that.
@setyeva0 4 жыл бұрын
What I find telling in this clip by the BBC, is there is no opposite view to the final two conservative/unionist activists. Usually they drag out any clown they can find, irrespective of qualification, to represent an opposing viewpoint for so called, “balance”, not here though. They speak of multiple parties and diverging allegiances but show only one. Obviously there will be no quarter given in the info war to come. PS: in the title "looks to benefit", is "exploit", too overtly negative in connotation for the BBC to use. Oh the subtleties of the BBC, luv 'em
@MR-po8su 4 жыл бұрын
Sometimes voters need to endure the pain of their own ill thought out ideas. I say let Scotland leave, enjoy their imposed border and passport controls, and let the Scottish have the pleasure of using currency converters, never knowing exactly what a Scottish pounds are worth in British pounds because of international currency markets, vetoed from EU entry by Spanish unionists. Nice one!
@scottishbombolini7794 4 жыл бұрын
@@MR-po8su Spanish veto !!! Alarm !!! you haven't a clue have you, keep up the great work.
@garyshepherd9367 4 жыл бұрын
That Scottish Guy Don’t need a Spanish veto, your budget deficit will do the trick🌧
@ebillyboi 4 жыл бұрын
4 out of 32 scottish councils voted for independance in 2014.....and scotland has a defecit of £12.6 billion pounds which equates to 7% gdp to be accepted for the euro and eu is 3% or under use sterling as currency is fiscal policy and interest rates set by bank of england in london............. so who is she kidding.......
@hiddenknowledge2012 4 жыл бұрын
The EU isn't the core of all political beliefs ffs. I couldn't care less if we were in the EU or not, doesn't change the fact I want independence from that shithole Westminster and all the scum inside it.
@nathanangelus 4 жыл бұрын
@masterbeethoven8209 4 жыл бұрын
You'll miss our money though. Enjoy your extra membership fee.
@sir.spider 4 жыл бұрын
Master Beethoven enjoy having a fucked up NHS
@masterbeethoven8209 4 жыл бұрын
@@sir.spider Well the government just invested another £6bn in the NHS so i'm sure it will be fine, plus I go private anyway, so I'll be fine.
@iseeeverything.9094 4 жыл бұрын
@xLiaam3105 4 жыл бұрын
How dare the SNP ignore the result of a referendum on independence even though we're not independent. Baffling how the vote was for independence, yet we don't have it, therefor it's been respected. It wasn't a referendum on another referendum, and a mandate was sought in the manifesto 2 years after the referendum. Why don't those who hate the SNP start a campaign and actually go and campaign, go on radio shows, go knock people's doors, and go and show our face and make your point? Too scared.
@jonathanhammerton9418 4 жыл бұрын
You want ordinary people to go on radio shows lol and the people to knock on doors to say they hate the snp? I think you need to stop drinking! scotland voted to remain in the UK, the UK voted to leave the eu.
@xLiaam3105 4 жыл бұрын
@@jonathanhammerton9418 What else are they going to do to convince people? Just slurr behind their keyboards on the internet? And what does voting to remain in the UK have to do with the SNP? Constitutional issues and party politics should be seperate from the influence of one's opinions as parties aren't in power in perpetuity in a democracy.
@medlin72 4 жыл бұрын
As far as the referendum goes - Lets hope us English can do for the Scots exactly what they did for us
@Oheh84 4 жыл бұрын
Why did they speak to a bunch of conservative voters rather than other members of the public? Not a very balanced view haha classic BBC.
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
CLues in the name 'British' bc. I have policies on the bbc when we're a new state. And i dont want a state broadcaster.
@Oheh84 4 жыл бұрын
ScottishRoss yes indeed. My biggest worry is the media machine that keeps supporting the establishment. We are at least winning support and starting from a much stronger position.
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
@@Oheh84 Just turn yer telly of mate. Its wonderfull even better , the english broadcastingservice Of our airways
@Oheh84 4 жыл бұрын
ScottishRoss haha aye absolutely. We’ve certainly got a shot this time. The economic argument is certainly with us and we’ve always had the moral argument.
@garyshepherd9367 4 жыл бұрын
Oheh84 You really are delusional🤒
@compendioussuccient6784 4 жыл бұрын
Can we not vote them out?
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
2021 is the next scots parlie elections, we get two votes in our democracy.
@jonathanhammerton9418 4 жыл бұрын
@@ScottishRoss27 prima nocta is going to be reinstated after brexit
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
@@jonathanhammerton9418 In england??? As Scots law is a separate jurisdiction.
@hiddenknowledge2012 4 жыл бұрын
You cant because your own government knows it would take a massive hit if we were to go independent.
@jonathanhammerton9418 4 жыл бұрын
@@ScottishRoss27No in scotland! The UK law (English law) supersedes scottish law, scottish people don't have their own language, they speak English with a scottish accent.
@grossherman3841 4 жыл бұрын
The only reason the SNP are seeking a ‘people’s vote” is because if there is a second referendum on the EU, they will say that what’s good for the goose etc. It is the SNP who have stopped the democratic vote for the rest of Britain, their votes have supported Corbyn all the way. The SNP hate Britain and despise the English, the fire of discontent is constantly stoked by Salmon and Sturgeon, they lie, twist the truth and have shown their utter incompetence in government but still some of my fellow Scott’s actually believe them.
@Gerzzo 4 жыл бұрын
No, we don't....we hate Westmonster....the English themselves should campaign for independence if we are that much of a problem!
@johnnyfeve9372 4 жыл бұрын
Question.. You want to stay within the EU.... 94% of UK don't trade with the EU so why do you demand a deal... How many of Scotlands buineeses trade with the EU.... It best be high to keep Scotland from failing.. They will not bail you out....
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
Scotlands 192b gdp is higher than 5 eu member countries combined , Estonia , Latvia ,Lithuania,Slovenia and Croatia. *Equal to 5 Nations Wealth leaving the english treasury* Utter humiliation for them
@harrisonmannering5145 4 жыл бұрын
So basically what I'm understanding is. They want to keep Britain in the EU via stopping Brexit, then leave Britain next year anyway?
@Gerzzo 4 жыл бұрын
we were told that to stay in the EU we had to stay in the UK...we stayed and now we're have to leave cos England says so...even though you voted overwhelmingly to remain..does that explain it?
@robertmcclair1810 4 жыл бұрын
MAD HARRISON'd prefer they sit back, do nothing, and then take whatever future the english drag them into ? On the basis that they are still fighting to independence, which is likely to take a number of years to complete....only a moron would see that they shoukdn't take that route. Are you a moron then,...Eh?
@robertmcclair1810 4 жыл бұрын
@@Gerzzo A still further example of these Perfidious Albion b4stards lying in their teeth. Whats the lesson ?....Do not trust a fekcing word that the leaders of these b4stards ever say ! Why are we even passing time with their scummy leaders.....I sense civil ...maybe even uncivil....disobedience on the horizon. This is ONE battle Boris is not going to be ALLOWED to win. The Irish won their freedom, but only after a long and bloody war with thousands of deaths, and no-one, no -one ANYWHERE wants to see anything remotely of that kind, but these intransigent tories must be made to see that simply saying " No" in the face of scottish votes in 3 successive general elections that look like this, has SERIOUS consequences Scottish Westminster seats at 205, 2017, and 2019 totals for each party are as follows : Labour..................9.....unionist party LibDems...............9......unionist party Conservatives.......20....unionist party Total 38 of a possible 177 (being 3x59) SNP.......................139....the party of independence Now...ask yourself......can the unionist parties claim with any credibility, as the present UK parliament does, that the Scots " have no appetite" for Independence ? DO THESE PEOPLE THINK WE ARE EITHER FOOLS..OR SLAVES? Are they having a laugh ?...The whole stance is patently RIDICULOUS and will not be allowed to succeed....and ironically, by a Westminster that calls itself ' the Mother of Parliaments" and who would claim to support all manner of democratic struggles for freedom all across the planet, yet who, when faced with that issue on the domestic front, revert to being the banana republic....or dictatorship.... they have turned into today !
@robertmcclair1810 4 жыл бұрын
....and why wouldn't they? Are they not entitled to vote just like any other UK citizen while they are still IN the UK? ...but worry not, Boris will LOSE that daft argument......I mean, how can you tell a nation that, even if the SNP ( whose whole raison d'etre is scottish independence, and have never hidden that) won ALL 59 SCOTTISH WESTMINSTER SEATS...he...Boris....will not let them ! I mean, I have no time for the lying nutter, but if HE thinks that such a position is defendable...even to english people.....and around the rest of a world .....a world who Westminster used to tell that theirs was " The Mother of Parliaments", and who proudly claimed that they have supported democratic freedom struggles all over the globe, ....yet are now digging themselves THE most gigantic of holes by saying that this did not apply to ITS VERY OWN PEOPLE. No wonder the world looks askance at the sheer banality of such a position.....a position that will turn to dust when the scots push against that particular nonsense. Indy for the scots is not just ' on the cards'.....ITS INEVITABLE.........even the results of the last 3 general elections ( each of which was called by the Tories,and not the SNP, and to suit TORY purposes illustrate this perfectly. Lets just summarise those results now: In the 3 GE's since 2014, and with 177 seats ( 3x59) contested..... .........the various parties have won seats viz: UNIONIST PARTIES. Labour.................9 seats LibDems.............9 seats Tory Party...........20 seats .......................that's a grand total over 3 full general elections of some 38 seats Scottish National Party......same 3 elections...same 139 seats Is their ANYONE OUT THERE WHO WOULD NOT ALLOW ME TO SAY.... .............I REST MY CASE !
@casperwallace9685 4 жыл бұрын
No they are trying to protect what Scotland wants........ because you have voted a nutter into WM.
@Martyntd5 4 жыл бұрын
Seems to me if a no deal brexit adds another 5 points onto the SNP's chances of a yes vote in Scotland, they should be gagging for it. Of course in reality, Scotland isnt going to vote for a border wall between England and Scotland. They are not going to vote to plunge themselves into the same economic nightmare that has Ireland so terrified. The SNP want the UK to stay in the EU, because it's their only chance of ever breaking up the UK. A no deal brexit is the end of the SNP ...that's why they hate it so much ...and part of the reason it puts such a smile on my face. :D.
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
Come on big boy do it against the majority will of what Scotland voted. 60+ Countries have previously left the colonial english government We're ready come on big boy do it you'v shat yourselfs for nearly 4years go on put the deathblow into the 'british union' , ye once dictated the world and will be reduced to only governing your part of this island.
@scottishbombolini7794 4 жыл бұрын
lol, keep thinking that right up to IndyRef and the shock will be a surprise, The people of Scotland will decide their fate, on their terms, with a degree of political savviness sadly lacking to the South of us.
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
Utter Humiliation for the folk south of us. Of their own making so take it on the chin big boy
@scottishbombolini7794 4 жыл бұрын
If independence is such a bad decision then why hasn't a single sovereign nation which has gained independence from British rule asked for a return to the fold. Not one, not a single solitary one has said "we were wrong to choose to be free". If we (Scotland) are such a financial basket case, then please tell me why Westminster are so keen to hang onto us ? Explain it to me please ?
@Martyntd5 4 жыл бұрын
@@scottishbombolini7794 You tell me when a people invade a country and steal the land from the locals, how much time has to pass before those invaders can rightfully claim that land to be theirs?
@mickricke3762 4 жыл бұрын
Scott's were con'd out of independence the first time, don't make that mistake again, Ireland is with you...."Freedom" independence now.
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks and we're with you! A Nation once again🎵 A Nation Once Againnn , aw eire your an inspiration for us in terms of nation building! your almost 100years old!
@evelynfullerton9136 4 жыл бұрын
Mick Rick E That is great
@deegreeeen8612 4 жыл бұрын
Yes England is with you as well, please do piss off.
@garyshepherd9367 4 жыл бұрын
looes74 looes74 Extremely stupid🤓
@garyshepherd9367 4 жыл бұрын
ScottishRoss Try and get out more
@Graham-gt4gr 4 жыл бұрын
The Brexit vote shouldn't be respected but only in Scotland. wtf?
@emscott2705 4 жыл бұрын
The majority Scots voted to remain part of the Union. As a Scot the refusal of the SNP to respect this only further wrankles me and increasingly detest what they stand for with their greedy, selfish, self-obsessed jingo nationalism. Presumably if they win independence they won't be amenable to further votes to rejoin every few years but will wish it a permanent decision. So too should the vote to remain. The disruption this causes here in Scotland and the UK is shameful and lamentable. The worst of it is their poor handling of affairs as it is with their second-rate jingoistic cast of players. I am certain they will be defeated again but that this is still even being discussed so hard on the heels of the last vote is to their eternal shame and the annoyance to the rest of us.
@jardc5108 4 жыл бұрын
Scott Dunbar Cheers for the late-night giggles.
@emscott2705 4 жыл бұрын
@Jimmy Mac The trams are a debacle I wouldn't argue. However I see no need for the scrapping of tuition and prescription fees. I don't want to create a freebie Scotland but one that focuses on economic prosperity and well-being. We need to take a hard look at ourselves and stop feeling proud of our Irn-Bru soaked overweight yet malnourished population. We are a disgrace. The last thing we need are more facilitators of mediocrity. If SNP were doing anything positive in helping address issues I would listen but instead they are focussed on Scotland first freebie and other hobbyhorse issues. They lack any real world competitive economic perspective as you yourself would also appear to.
@martincosgrove5961 4 жыл бұрын
Sturgeons only small fry when it comes to real British politics , the people will show her 2021 how they feel about independence joining the union in 1707 was the best thing that’s ever happened to Scotland and the Scottish people know it does Sturgeon think we Scots are going to give up the security of the union for her and only her benefit no way
@stuartnicklin650 4 жыл бұрын
No more referendums, they dont work, the issue isnt resolved. Is their anyone in the UK who seriously want another referendum? omg
@bruceroberts3291 4 жыл бұрын
I have no problem with Scotland simply declaring its Independence but that's how wars start. The idea of a referendum is to prevent England using its default fascist military repression habit.
@garyshepherd9367 4 жыл бұрын
Bruce Roberts Declare independence unilaterally and spend what in the shops exactly?
@reko7264 4 жыл бұрын
In my opinion this mess was caused through a referendum and should be finished with one. But now with informed voters and with legally binding result. Remember. Because of the lies of "leave" the 2016 would be illegal but because of the "lot legally binding status' it was not.
@garyshepherd9367 4 жыл бұрын
Rene Kopf In another 40yrs maybe😎
@ftty4334 4 жыл бұрын
I seriously hate sturgeon
@davestubbings8869 4 жыл бұрын
Why should snp be allowed independence when they will not allow the rest of the uk the same
@patrickdocherty4439 4 жыл бұрын
@themysteriousstranger798 4 жыл бұрын
@@patrickdocherty4439 please check your reading comprehension before you write anything.
@matta5160 4 жыл бұрын
Because Scottish independence supporters are stupid no educated person in the right mind would want Scottish independence
@davestubbings8869 4 жыл бұрын
@FuckILoveYouTubby no need to be a dickhead
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
@Jimmy Mac Yep why are they against Independence for England isnt that what their brexit is about? Slipping on banana skins being against others who wish independence from the 'uk'
@joannechisholm4501 4 жыл бұрын
I'm English in not this fantasy British that was cooked up by a bunch of Victorians and Im Anglo Saxon to. Or ancestor founded England that migrated here from b Germania in 449AD.
@taintabird23 4 жыл бұрын
When will the English grow a pair and leave the UK? Must they always hide behind the skirts of their Celtic neighbours?
@johnnyfeve9372 4 жыл бұрын
It will need the EU once the UK stop its support...
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
Scotland has a gdp of £192billion. Higher than 5 eu member countries combined, Estonia ,Latvia,Lithuania,Slovenia and Croatia combined. *Equal to 5 nations wealth leaving the english treasury* not bad for 8.4% of the former 'british union' population. youl concede. Enjoy the loss and loss of half of the landmass. Utter Humilation for the english government
@johnnyfeve9372 4 жыл бұрын
@Jimmy Mac you would have Euro as currency...
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
@@johnnyfeve9372 No. we have our own currency just now that has to be changed before if spending in England.
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
@@johnnyfeve9372 Tory admits scotland isn't subsidised by england
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
@@johnnyfeve9372 The english government face the loss of half the landmass and 790 islands. They have killed the 'union' England rightly getting what it voted for in their eu ref, Wales respectfully getting what it voted for , NI getting a deal leaving scotland disadvantaged. Scotlands majority to stay in the eu ? Nothing we're the only country in the 'union' Not getting what All coucil areas in Scotland voted for. We will never ever get what we vote for within the occupying 'british union' as proven by Every council area voting for something and its denied. We'e a occupied colony of another country and inferior to Wales ,NI and ..The Isle of Wight, Undeniable its confirmed. the english dont see scotland as country but part of england. occupied dictatorship & colony. Sunny upside though :) We;re awa
@eamonnsiocain6454 4 жыл бұрын
During the Brexit Referendum, Scotland voted 62% to *_remain_* in the EU. That's a mandate. The vote has been taken, the people have chosen, *_respect it!_*
@gavinmcinally8442 4 жыл бұрын
Get over yourself. You voted to stay in the uk.
@ronpeel1878 4 жыл бұрын
Eamon, fine, leave the UK, a union where Scotland has a huge influence and join the EU where Scotland will have No influence. Oh, I hear you say, we will have a veto over tbings we don't like . Really? David Cameron used his veto and it was ingnored ... what chance has Scotland?
@stuartsummers1303 4 жыл бұрын
@@ronpeel1878 A veto can't be ignored. Show me where the UKs veto was ignored.
@SS-tc5mq 4 жыл бұрын
@@ronpeel1878 omg your tripping where do we have any influence ove what happenes in the uk your prime minishter wont even meet with our first minister i DID not bote to stay part of the uk
@ronpeel1878 4 жыл бұрын
@@stuartsummers1303Hi Stuart, during the meetings Cameron had with the EU prior to Brexit, you will remember he was asking for concessions and in particular for a mechanism to reduce immigration, he came away with vertually nothing. In a documentary recently (about the referendum) he told us that if he didn't get the concessions he wanted, he was going to, although he was loath to, he would veto the other issue they were dealing with (it was a completely different issue) . He did just that, he cast his veto and they used a mechanism to ignore it. That, Stuart, is Real-politic and it is something we all need to think about. Another example of real-politic is MPs asking you to vote on a Manifesto saying that We will leave the EU om Mrarch 31st and the tell you they eont be doing that, after all.
@robertwillis4061 4 жыл бұрын
If they loose, will the she and ALL her party resign Parliamentary positions and run away crying like Alex Salmon. No! the clowns will demand another vote. With them it is try, try again until they get their way.
@johnhunt5181 4 жыл бұрын
Leave us Scotland.. do your own thing, none of us really give a fuck to be fair. Hadrian once built a wall... does that not tell you something
@bmkolb 4 жыл бұрын
Lol .. Scotland’s officials are lost. Independent but not because EU with be dictating laws then
@ylyxdlzy2122 4 жыл бұрын
Hong Kong supports Scottish independence, long live freedom
@toadtoadersson2239 4 жыл бұрын
Sorry but you don't understand scottish independence or scotland.
@ylyxdlzy2122 4 жыл бұрын
@@toadtoadersson2239 Scotland is not part of the UK, everyone knows
@frze5645 4 жыл бұрын
yl yxdlzy - Hong Kong is not a person - I think you mean King Kong (a big gorilla) - says it all.
@stevenblack4387 4 жыл бұрын
If Scotland does manage to get our long cherished dream of independence then the ramifications for other small countries trying to acquire their own independence will be enormous & Scotland acquiring independence will show others that independence can be acquired without firing one bullet, building one bomb or costing one single life but rather by using the most powerful weapons on the planet namely the ballot box & the vote although secretly both Spain & China don't want Scotland to get independence due to the fact that if we get it the the Catalan people of Spain WILL want theirs & both Tibet & Taiwan along with several other countries that have been annexed by China WILL also demand their independence & when you consider China is a communist country they will NEVER agree to part of their Asian empire becoming independent .
@MrBeirdo13 4 жыл бұрын
We have far more important issues going on around the world and Scotland just not being able to accept a referendum result that they had 5 YEARS AGO is making them a laughing stock. The whole world is laughing at Scotland, what happened to this once in a generation vote that the SNP had made an anthem during the last vote? Why can’t they just understand that being in a union means going with majority want? Do they just not understand what democracy is? If the people who voted to remain can’t get a second vote, why should they? Do they think they deserve special treatment? It would be funny how if it was the other way round how Scotland would react and perhaps then realise that maybe they are in the wrong. It seems to me now that this is no longer just the case of wanting to be a part of the EU, but they are just desperate in trying to be the next ‘big thing’. Which they will probably never be, and their desperation is very evident to people outside of the UK. Does even half the world know what Scotland is? Believe it or not, even if Scotland gains independence the WHOLE WORLD ISNT GONNA CARE ABOUT YOU. You’re just gonna be one of those small nations that no one will care about, while people and businesses will prioritise the rest of the UK and London no matter if brexit happens or not. So good luck in losing them if you do, let’s see how Edinburgh or Glasgow will match the economic worth and worldwide influence of London and lets see how far you go before you start having second thoughts. Lets see how far your economy goes. This is why the Scots have to be very careful in choosing, because believe it or not, with a nation with only a population of 5 million people you’re gonna have to think a lot about so much. And it’s not gonna be easy such as one example who’s gonna defend you in operations? Do you have an army? Navy? Air Force? What about the border? Presumably if wanting to be a part of the EU there’s gonna have to be a hard border, look at the issues with Northern Ireland! How is your trading gonna work when the majority of your tradings are with the rest of the UK? This is just the first of these things you will have to sort out. If Scotland votes again to break the union, you’re gonna have a lot of disapproval for breaking one of the most important unions in the world, just as bad as the UK voting to leave the EU. So think very carefully!
@jardc5108 4 жыл бұрын
MrBeirdo13 The entire planet is unequivocally pissing themselves laughing at the absolute shiteshow going on in England. Everyone else support Scottish independence. Couldn’t be arsed reading through the vast array of unsubstantiated pish. Oh, and Scotland isn’t just a small insignificant nation. We’ve got the potential to become one of the richest nation’s on the planet.
@MrBeirdo13 4 жыл бұрын
Jard C Yes not many people agree with the UK leaving the EU, but they respect the UK for following a result that has been given and them trying to deliver it. Whereas Scotland that had a vote is not respecting the result they have been given and trying to not deliver it. Scotland will lose the respect of calling themselves a democracy if they vote for independence. You’ll find probably when you leave Scotland, you’ll find less and less people being impressed with how thr SNP and Scotland as a whole has been acting. Doesn’t the British government contribute so much to your country through funds? Like for example don’t they help Scotland have free university tuition fees while the rest have to pay? Yet you don’t let the English or welsh or northern Irish get the same treatment. Another example of how you Scots think you deserve special treatment. You not being arsed to read my argument is more clear evidence that you’re just not looking at the real picture. Think about it, voting yourselves out of the 6th biggest economy in the world and you think Scotland will become the richest nation of the planet? Keep dreaming. Sooner or later, your oil and gas reserves won’t be much anymore due to changing attitudes to climate change and needing alternatives. And lets see the UK continuing to have a big economy whereas sctland falls down the ranks.
@jardc5108 4 жыл бұрын
MrBeirdo13 These opinions you speak of, they’re just not correct. The independence referendum was won by the fear-mongering and lies peddled by the 99% biased British media. Most prolifically, the BBC. Since then, times have certainly changed with almost every poll coming out in favour of independence. Moreover, vows were broken since that referendum and the treatment of Scotland in this so called ‘union of equals’ is appalling. I remember David Cameron saying “Lead us, not leave us”. That hasn’t really been the case. You talk about how people aren’t impressed with the SNP? I find this only to be the case down south. It’s to be expected, really. They’re constantly made out to be monsters by the British media, and if you don’t live here, how are you to really know? Their performance records on public services outperform the rest of the UK. I’m certainly not their biggest fan but they’re the best we have until independence is reached (which is the sole reason the SNP exist) and new choices can be formed. They’re just a vehicle to independence. International opinion of England is really, very low. Foreign media stations frequently highlight the pantomime of British politics. Every single foreigner I’ve ever spoken to supports independence. The whole world would be pleased to see it. The UK government funds nothing in Scotland. Read the Mccrone report. We put in around £200 billion each year and receive around 27 billion back. That’s used to fund things like the university tuition. Be assured, Scotland does not want special treatment. We want to run our own affairs and have neighbours rather than masters. I wasn’t arsed reading through the whole comment as it’s just full of arguments that are unsubstantiated and have been debunked numerous times. Rest assured, I’m looking at a large picture. The reason England has the 6th largest economy is by stealing the wealth generated from Scotland. We are the ‘magic money tree’. It’s not as if we reap the benefits of it. Food banks and poverty. Scotland could easily become one of the richest nations per capita on the planet. Look at Norway and for example. They oil money they’ve got to keep has gone over a trillion in their sovereign wealth fund which pays for pensions and the like. Not to mention, it’s the happiest place to live on the planet. They’re not even in the EU. Scottish oil has another 40 years left one Claire Ridge alone and if you think it will cease to trade because of ‘changing opinions’ then you’re off by a long shot. Furthermore, you speak of the world needing alternatives?Scotland has the most potential for renewable energy than literally anywhere else on the planet and is currently producing it in abundance as we speak. They way we are treated, England can be expected to to pay a high price for this energy and even water once we’re gone! The UK’s economy won’t be much without Scotland. Even Ireland, a country with significantly less resources than the UK is a whole is outperforming the UK! And Scotland can’t? Preposterous. Look, I don’t want to come across as irate or angry. It just does bother me when people don’t do their research. But, I do understand and seek to inform rather than sling insults out. Thank you for at least making coherent points rather than spouting insults out like some others.
@schemetunes4855 4 жыл бұрын
Freeeeeedoommme ! The more i want independence the more i see the media is pushing for me to want independence 😐. (Im watching bs on STV bout a nobody boris knew. Jenny )
@martincosgrove5961 3 жыл бұрын
There won’t be any referendum this year next or any year in the near future Sturgeon is only stalling for time making all these promises until the election is by ,its not because of Johnson’s refusal its because of the EU knock back ,the people are fed up listening to Sturgeon going on about independence especially with a deadly virus amongst us ,we are all to stay at home Sturgeon says but it’ll be alright to go out and vote and spread the virus all the more .
@grossherman3841 4 жыл бұрын
I think Mrs Sturgeon is trying to wear down the resolve of the rest of Britain but it won’t work Nichola, whereas you and your little band of Nationalists are disliked by the Majority in Scotland and The rest of the UK we all know that the majority in Scotland want to stay part of the United Kingdom. The EU is filing, any fool CN see that, the Germans will not want to prop up the rest on its own, their economy is failing, the French are at each other’s throats and the poor old Dutch are having to dig beeper and deeper into their pockets, as are the Danes. If Scotland joined the EU on its own it would have to hold out the begging bowl to the EU and give away its fishing grounds, well done Mrs Sturgeon you bloody fool, you’ll lead us all to bankruptcy like the Greeks. .
@diesel92kj1 4 жыл бұрын
Good, please leave the UK. Disband the UK & let England finally get a parliament without people that can make laws in their own country's make them in ours.
@gavinmcinally8442 4 жыл бұрын
You drag my country kicking and screaming out of the uk. They'll be trouble, mark my words.
@bruceroberts3291 4 жыл бұрын
You don't have a country you howling imbecile your braindead ideology denies the very existence of the Country of Scotland. That's how utterly gormless you howling wee uncle Tam house jocks are.
@garyshepherd9367 4 жыл бұрын
Bruce Roberts Act of Union came about when the Scots came calling with their begging bowl. If you gain independence now history will repeat itself.
@gavinmcinally8442 4 жыл бұрын
@@bruceroberts3291" uncle tam house jocks" wtf.,your just sticking random word the gether ya half wit.
@garyshepherd9367 4 жыл бұрын
Gavin Mcinally SNP sympathiser I think
@johnstrong7079 4 жыл бұрын
Give them the vote, if they win, England will no longer pay them any Taxes, Fantastic, we’ll be able to pay for our elderly not theirs.
@bruceroberts3291 4 жыл бұрын
That pathetic wee lie has been debunked so many times now only wee sickos are left still trying to promote it.
@johnstrong7079 4 жыл бұрын
It’ll be proven right, if and hopefully when they leave the Union, it’ll show when the monies no longer flow north
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
@@johnstrong7079 The colonist english government takes 70% of tax in scotland per annum
@bruceroberts3291 4 жыл бұрын
@@johnstrong7079 Except it wont. What you will notice instead is the fact that Scottish RESERVED REVENUES no longer get sent to the London Treasury and Scotland isn't attributed with its share of English spending on Trident PFI PPP warmongering HS2 London vanity projects the house of lords etc etc etc. Scottish revenues ONLY spent in Scotland. That's your subsidy sunshine and believe me you will miss it BADLY. Especially after Brexit when the pound becomes the new currency for Monopoly.
@johnstrong7079 4 жыл бұрын
Just give it Time, wait till the fat lady has Sung, England no longer giving Scotland massive subsidies, your friends in the EU won’t I’m sure ha ha
@garyshepherd9367 4 жыл бұрын
Wee krankie at it again
@bruceroberts3291 4 жыл бұрын
At what again? She is doing exactly what people put her in office to do.
@garyshepherd9367 4 жыл бұрын
Bruce Roberts What’s that running up budget deficits, destroying Scottish education system or pissing off the English who subsidise her
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
@@garyshepherd9367 Fiscal , economic ,monetory policy is reserved at the english colonial government in another country, Scotland subbs pretendy power england, 70% of tax in Scotland goes to the colonial english government in another country. You colonist imperialist dictator shill
@garyshepherd9367 4 жыл бұрын
ScottishRoss Scotland came crawling with their begging bowl asking for union. Is this something you forgot about?
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
@@garyshepherd9367 Nope , James IV King of Scots inherited the english throne in the unions of the crowns 100years before england wanted a political union. Have a gander o'er the treaty of union its worth a read You dont like political unions such as the EU or the 'UK' so wont stand in our way wanting to end the poltiical union of the 'UK' will you as you'v ended a political union (the eu) it is hypocracy and your slipping on bananan skins all over the place against scotland ending the political union , others can end a poltical union (the 'uk') , 60+ Countries have previously left the english government
@anthonydurance2601 4 жыл бұрын
I hope Scotland do have a referendum so we can stop hearing about it 😁
@carlarthur4442 4 жыл бұрын
How can you be independent yet be in the E U who won't allow any country to be independent, but if that's what Scotland want and they vote for it let them have it, but have the English have a say on it, and they would get their wish .
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
Majority said so. the english--scots resident in Scotland will ofcourse get the vote. If Resident fair enough. England will have no say on ours just as they had no say in the previous 60+ Countries that left wastemonster. Such as America , Canada, Ireland ,Aussie ,New Z, Malta, Cyprus etc etc etc etc
@gypsyfreak7934 4 жыл бұрын
Eu goons
@gypsyfreak7934 4 жыл бұрын
Alfa&Omega 00000 I’m a gypsy mate and I voted brexit Also I thought you lefties loved communism so you should be for Russia It’s ok you are going to be put down like the rats you are
@AlmightyAaron0423 4 жыл бұрын
Freedom for Scotland support from Hong Kong!
@luisfernandoyavar6231 4 жыл бұрын
@mc-ec3bu 4 жыл бұрын
Nicola Sturgeon ‘humiliated’ by latest SNP education results in Scotland - ‘Atrocious!’ . The snp has but one method that is "FEED THEM BUT DON'T EDUCATE THEM" that way they are much easier to push around .
@robertmcclair1810 4 жыл бұрын
Mc Even if that was true....largely, it is NOT....then the democratic solution is to vote the SNP out of office. The nearest indicator to the public view are the 3 general elections of the last five years....5 years where the SNP win FOUR TIMES THE COMBINED SEATS OF ALL THE UNIONIST PARTIES. Now....if you're a democrat, rather than a moron, you should easily be able to see exactly who the scots trust to govern them best !
@Yummy_69 4 жыл бұрын
Stand with Scottland, Support from Hongkong!
@peterdow1541 4 жыл бұрын
The SNP's Plan A can't deliver independence so here is my Plan B which can. 1. Follow my Road Map to Scottish Independence (outlined below) 2. Win home rule of broadcasting, set up a Scottish Broadcasting Corporation. 3. Finally hold a free & fair indyref2 campaign that can't be rigged by the biased, unionist BBC. Peter Dow's Road Map to Scottish Independence We march for independence raising our own Scottish flags in defiance of the tyranny of the United Kingdom. We note the unjustified arrests in Scotland by the United Kingdom police force styled as "Police Scotland". We note the unjustified imprisonments in United Kingdom prisons styled as "Her Majesty's Prisons". We are offended by these UK violations of the constitutional rights and freedoms of the People of Scotland. We assert and act in defence of the constitutional sovereignty of the People of Scotland. We overthrow the misrule of the United Kingdom and its monarch, Queen Elizabeth. We ban Queen Elizabeth and her family from Scotland! We call on any military to enforce our ban by using all means necessary! We unilaterally declare that Scotland is an independent country! We call on the Scottish Parliament to agree a motion in similar terms. --------- The "Gold Standard" for Scottish Independence ---------- The BBC broadcast Ian Blackford at the SNP conference, claiming that his Plan A is the "gold standard". I beg to differ. In my opinion, Plan A is not the "gold standard", not with the BBC rigging politics coverage, giving the Queen and her ministers a get-out-of-jail-free card every time. The 2014 indyref with biased, unionist BBC politics coverage and censorship of the best arguments for independence was the WOODEN-SPOON standard of independence referendum and a unionist trap that the UK puppet Alex Salmond fell right into. So thanks but no thanks. No more wooden-spoon indyrefs for Scotland. Scots deserve the true gold standard - a first-ever free-and-fair independence campaign, with fair broadcasting which broadcasts ALL the arguments for independence, broadcasts ALL the arguments against the union of Scotland with a United Kingdom, Queen, monarchy and empire.
@peterdow1541 4 жыл бұрын
@Jimmy Mac Well, I won't leave politics to the puppets of the United Kingdom, Jimmy, because those UK puppets in 1996 allowed the Dunblane Primary School Massacre, 16 children and their teacher shot dead because the UK puppets gave a madman a firearms licence that allowed him to keep guns - and anyone who disagreed with arming Hamilton was told to "stay out of it" like you are telling me now.
@peterdow1541 4 жыл бұрын
@Jimmy Mac UK puppets, last year, June 2018, allowed the death of wee Alesha MacPhail, by leaving her in the negligent custody of her dope-dealing father, to be abducted, raped and murdered by one of her dad's customers of psychosis-inducing cannabis. That's just two examples, but UK puppets have a long record of getting kids killed and it simply is my duty as a scientist, as an intelligent person, to not to stay out of it and let more kids get killed. UK puppets also wreck the Scottish economy, make Scots poorer and that's another reason for a scientist like me who really understands the economy for not staying out of it. Death, disaster and missed opportunity is all that UK puppets offer Scots and as someone who understands the how and why of it, it is my duty not to stay out of it. But even if intelligent Scots did stay out of politics, and just let the death, disaster and missed opportunity unfold, Scots would not win our independence, but we would be stuck where we are now. I appreciate that Nicola Sturgeon is very happy with where she is now, in Bute House, as the UK puppet First Minister of Scotland. Maybe that's enough for you too Jimmy, but it is not independence, is it?
@peterdow1541 4 жыл бұрын
@Jimmy Mac Well actually that outfit brought credit to the cause of Scottish Independence when, in 2008, I featured in a documentary which was shown on BBC2 Scotland - the video is shown on my website, which I presume you have seen. It was a human rights documentary, made in Scotland, and a Scotland where human rights are respected is worthy and will get its independence. On the other hand, a Scotland where bigots rule, where people who dress a bit differently get arrested, threatened and abused is not a Scotland that can win its independence. It is bigots who bring discredit on themselves. Incidentally, that outfit is not a "uniform" but a one-of-a-kind outfit, in the military style. You won't find anyone else wearing that outfit, so it can't be a "uniform".
@peterdow1541 4 жыл бұрын
​@Jimmy Mac Here is that video - "Scottish republican socialist Peter Dow, author and protester"
@nigelbarrett4091 4 жыл бұрын
England can have its be poorer under Brexit,rich tea,digestives and scoooooones ! Caledonia will have high tea and a wee drappie o the best John Barlicorn or a Willy Waugh !
@martincosgrove5961 3 жыл бұрын
Do you mean a wee drappie o buckfast .
@nigelbarrett4091 4 жыл бұрын
The problem for English Tories woe betide you if you get it wrong with hard Brexits and war v Iran-Us Scots will come down on you like a ton of feathers !
@叶子衿-e9o 4 жыл бұрын
Scotland, come on! To support your independence!
@nigelbarrett4091 4 жыл бұрын
I,ve no problems Charles or William being King of Scotland but being a small independent nation soon,we can,t afford the rapidly expanding Royal population-most of the new babes will have to go out and earn their living-one example is Andy,s daughters.
@tonys9413 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, a referendum after the UK leaves the EU (crash or not). Don’t trust England to manage the voting (untrustworthy), the 1918 Irish leave vote is evidence of that. After Brexit, the Scotts will quickly realize the true effect of leaving the EU on them. England will concoct a real sweet deal for Northern Ireland if they don’t crash on the 31st; this deal will not be offered for Scotland, that should help make-up their minds about leaving the UK.
@garyshepherd9367 4 жыл бұрын
Tony S Been on the Bucky?
@dongshengzhu8830 4 жыл бұрын
Socttish, all the wold with you!
@evelynfullerton9136 4 жыл бұрын
Hey I see some of you annoying brexiteers are here doing the nasty as usual it won't work , I know for sure I will vote for independence in Scotland, UK goverment did this to themselves if they take us out of EU, Scotland did not vote to leave EU
@barbarossa5700 4 жыл бұрын
We can't be independent whilst in the E.U, honestly who put us all in it and is still trying? Westminister, you plonk who are a subsidiary of their E.U masters. You cannot be independent and tied within a union, logic has failed you big time!
@SS-tc5mq 4 жыл бұрын
@@barbarossa5700 were independant from parlament controlling our countrys finances and people cant wait for this next vote xx
@mc2594 4 жыл бұрын
Evelyn Fullerton - So how come over 1 million Scots voted Leave in 2016 then? more than voted SNP in 2017? didn't Scotland also vote to stay in the UK two years earlier? 5 years isn't a generation or a lifetime is it, and now denying a UK referendum two years later? who's annoying you? what's annoying is you don't see Scottish independence is being USED as a tool to stop Brexit, nothing else. You might be Scottish but not every British / UK person is Scottish, N Irish, Welsh or English are they. Vote how you see fit if it ever happens but hey without being nasty that's not even the issue the BBC or Nicola are raising and independence is a contradiction in the EU much more than it is in a post Brexit UK/GB if that ever happens and everyones referendum is respected.
@SS-tc5mq 4 жыл бұрын
@Caerau Park we welcome everyone english american swedish african from timbuc too were a very welcoming countey we pride our self on it thanks 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
@22mdh6 4 жыл бұрын
If Sturgeon got her independence vote, Scotland would be OUT of the EU. She wants to STAY in the EU, but you voting for leaving UK you are definitely OUT. Do you supporters understand that? Yes the Scottish Government could apply to join EU but with a deficit of over 12 billion Pounds it would probably not be accepted. The SNP have failed miserably in running Scotland, Police Scotland not fit for purpose, NHS not fit for purpose, Drug abuse highest in UK. Highest taxes in the UK, Business rates through the roof, Education, teachers leaving in great numbers.Etc. Not great at all, but if you think they deserve your vote that's your choice.
@bobbybrian9295 4 жыл бұрын
BBC's Scotland's Biased towards the SNP is a joke.
@Gerzzo 4 жыл бұрын
lol...lay off the crack, dimwit!
@hiddenknowledge2012 4 жыл бұрын
Oh fuck right off, there isn't one single media outlet that is pro independence.
@johnrab5302 4 жыл бұрын
Camon boys dinny be daft and vote to leave the decisions for a country in the hands of England it's time
@bobbybrian9295 4 жыл бұрын
And what happend to once in a lifetime vote
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
It wasnt in the 2012 Edinburgh Agreement, the legal agreement between the two governments.
@robertmcclair1810 4 жыл бұрын
Bobby BroonBrain......with the heid ful o' shite ! Have you never changed YOUR mind?....Indeed, have you EVER had a genuine fekcing thought....Eh dummy? .....and in THAT basis, is Boris STILL gonna send £350million a week to the NHS ?
@robertmcclair1810 4 жыл бұрын
@@ScottishRoss27 Bang on agreement that, whatever you thought of any of tge signatories, was ruthlessly respected by the parties...and would be again, if Westminster goodwill had not evaporated. It seems they quite LIKE having domestic ' slaves' at home, while they make the flaccud claim to support democratic freedom movements all around the world. "Perfidious Albion " still lives,.... Eh ?.....and are supported by some remaining scottish quislings, still anxious to lick westminster and mainly ignorant english 4rseholes.'s their role in life...they were BORN to it !
@robertmcclair1810 4 жыл бұрын
@Albert Pike ......No lodge meeting today Albert? ...or are you banned until you find more hate to spew against your fellow countrymen seeking only to govern themselves and take responsibility for their own choices and decisions. Still, if you're not adult enough to do that, and prefer to be the shit on an english shoe, perhaps its best you know your limits and your true role in life,...Eh 4rsehole?
@RogerHyam 4 жыл бұрын
As an indy supporter since 2013 I'm a facultative nationalist (i.e. want it on the basis it would be best for Scotland in my opinion, all things considered, in these circumstances). I feel the Yes voters I talk to are all similar. Maybe some are more coming from a proud Scottish angle but they are all pretty pragmatically for independence rather than blood and soil, my country right or wrong stuff. Yet the BBC manage to interview unionists who are blood and soil British Nationalists. I met a lady who won't touch a SNP leaflet. She acted like it was cursed. Is that what the split has become?
@garyshepherd9367 4 жыл бұрын
Roger Hyam Bitterness comes from thinking the issue was resolved for a generation
@RogerHyam 4 жыл бұрын
@@garyshepherd9367 To be honest she was pretty old and my daughters who couldn't vote in 2014 (who BTW are being robbed of their birthright of freedom of movement in EU) will be able to vote next year and will vote for indy so we ARE talking about a generational question. Just like NI. It is inevitable that eventually it will come. Mind you there were a lot of gray hairs on the Indy march in Edinburgh the other day - including a few of mine.
@jonathanhammerton9418 4 жыл бұрын
@@RogerHyam the eu has stated scotland cannot remain in the eu without the UK, and no the UK will not be destroyed by the eu just because your trashy alcoholic daughters don't have the education to fill out a visa to go to europe. stupid selfish arrogant dumb scots
@RogerHyam 4 жыл бұрын
@@jonathanhammerton9418 you write such poetry Rachel. Like an abusive husband telling his wife she can leave him because she is stupid and dumb and ugly. Really you should get a literary prize.
@garyshepherd9367 4 жыл бұрын
Rachel White Forthright views👍
@deathguarddavegoogley2022 4 жыл бұрын
I wonder if we could re-build Hadrian’s Wall? ;)
@gavinmcinally8442 4 жыл бұрын
Ye.could get some Bosnian brickies cheep.
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
@@gavinmcinally8442 Hadriens wall is in England , it goes through Newcastle in the north of ...England , never was the border either. Ceding us part of Cumbria and Geordieland? Atleast ask them
@gavinmcinally8442 4 жыл бұрын
@@ScottishRoss27 not that i asked,but i did learn somthing there.
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
@@gavinmcinally8442 Pleasure , simple really. few seconds on the googles and its all there actualy no excuse for talking shite
@gavinmcinally8442 4 жыл бұрын
@@ScottishRoss27 so where do you think the wall should be built? Will Scotland be helping to pay for the wall.? Keep all they nasty English out.
@stellaking2905 4 жыл бұрын
Why can't the rest of Britain vote on the Scottish referendum im sure we would vote for them to leave let them paddle there own canoe
@robertmcclair1810 4 жыл бұрын
STELLA KING ... and in a crowded field , YOU win the prize for THE most moronic post EVER on this subject. "Paddling our own canoe" is PRECISELY what is intended that we do...just like the Irish ( the previous country to dump the decaying UK) have done already. Ireland has a smaller population than Scotland, has fewer natural resources like oil, renewables, fishing grounds, etc etc...but after joining the ( then) EEC at the same time as the brits , (when they were HALF as wealthy as the brits on a per capita basis), NOW find themselves TWICE as wealthy as those same brits. In addition, a UN survey of Dec. 2019 reveals Ireland to be the third best country ON THE PLANET ( behind Norway and Switzerland) to live in.....with the brits continuing their slide down the table to 15th, and still falling. Now, does any briton out there NOT imagine that the Scots don't see that too? Its hardly a big stretch, in assessing Scotlands future outside a clearly fragmented and declining UK, for scots to see that the nearby...and also Celtic...nation and WITHIN THESE VERY ISLANDS....might be a pretty good pointer as to where the scots can and will go. As for the Ingurlish...they have been fed a nonsensical diet of lies that " the UK subsidises' Scotland".....which is not...and never was true ( certainly not in the lifetime of any living briton), and was MONUMENTALLY untrue during the oil boom....but it DOES beg the question...............if the english public are so, so convinced that they subsidise Scots....why then is it that, every single day, we see such hatred and bile directed at the leader of the very party that would, at a stroke, put an end to that ( imaginary) subsidy ? Is the truth however not much more prosaic......that english people ( well large numbers of them) simply have nothing more than hurt feelings that the the Irish before them) go their own way...leaving ENGLAND to its own devices....and straight into a brexit world that even its biggest advocates admit will mean a fall in english ( as tge rump of the former UK) to suffer even more greatly by themselves (almost) and with no one left to blame for the fiasco and madness into which they have willingly embarked, based on the direction of a proven and incorrigable liar at the helm of their increasingly out-of-touch governance via a whole parliamentary system that has so SO badly collapsed into chaos...a chaos that they seem unable to rectify as the english nation divides still further with every passing month ! ....and a complete NUTTER LIKE YOU thinks that WE are the ones with the problem? Have you recently suffered a stroke ? One way or t' other ma'am, .........your ' brain' is now mush !
@stellaking2905 4 жыл бұрын
@@robertmcclair1810 tell me something pal what do you do for a living 🤣
@ralfrath699 4 жыл бұрын
It is time to leave before Scotland pays the Brexit for the next 500 years.
@mrmooshoo8380 4 жыл бұрын
It's okay, let them have an independence referendum, on the basis that we agree to stick to the results in the same way she has stuck to brexit ref. If they vote independence then we'll listen to it as much as she listens to brexit. Someone is making sweet advertisement money from all these referendums and that's why they keep pushing them.
@JYGO1020 4 жыл бұрын
Am I the only one who thinks Scotland should leave the UK and the EU??
@22mdh6 4 жыл бұрын
Think you might be Sturgeon wants to remain in the EU. Independence what a laugh, be controlled by EU is NOT independence.
@jonathanhammerton9418 4 жыл бұрын
@Miguel Melchior The eu have already stated scotland is not welcome in the eu, nicola begged the eu to do this and they refused. scotland can have it's independence as soon as it's payed all of it's debt to the UK and the divorce bill Question- can scotland afford to leave the UK Answer- NO! the leaving cost would break scotland alone! you would have no food no fuel and no medicine! your children would be begging Noble English people for food at the border and scottish women would be prostitutes for 5 p each! scotland has been told it cannot join the eu without the UK already! Scotland will never be independent this is fact, The English don't even want scotland but you need us to support you. Scotlands debt to the UK stands at 1000 billion and divorce bill is 39 billion so as soon as you pay 1039 billion you can leave! and scotland pays for the border that is patrolled by the noble English ! this is 150 billion extra! you can't leave without paying your debts first!
@jonathanhammerton9418 4 жыл бұрын
@Miguel Melchior Google it you idiot! nicola went to the eu and begged them to ask to remain! the eu told her it would not be possible scotland to remain in the eu without the UK! this is a well known fact! I don't need to lie you dimwit, go ahead and google it! i know you was relying on the eu to support you after the English but they will not! scotland is a liability to them and the whole of Europe! England doesn't even want scotland, we are fed up with mothering you country of alcoholics and spongers! Question- can scotland afford to leave the UK Answer- NO! the leaving cost would break scotland alone! you would have no food no fuel and no medicine! your children would be begging Noble English people for food at the border and scottish women would be prostitutes for 5 p each! scotland has been told it cannot join the eu without the UK already! Scotland will never be independent this is fact, The English don't even want scotland but you need us to support you. Scotlands debt to the UK stands at 1000 billion and divorce bill is 39 billion so as soon as you pay 1039 billion you can leave! and scotland pays for the border that is patrolled by the noble English ! this is 150 billion extra! you can't leave without paying your debts first!
@jonathanhammerton9418 4 жыл бұрын
@Miguel Melchior Please learn how to spell, your English is awful and embarrassing for you!
@22mdh6 4 жыл бұрын
@Miguel Melchior I have no idea what you are talking about. Nicola wants to be in EU not UK despite Scotland trades more with UK than EU, but is not free, So your point is?
@Oheh84 4 жыл бұрын
Scotland has a mandate to get out of the UK and Scotland needs to get its independence to get away from the incompetence of Westminster. We can do and be so much better than Britain.
@Oheh84 4 жыл бұрын
gilkesisking and hopefully we take the opportunity this time.
@garyshepherd9367 4 жыл бұрын
Oheh84 Blair and brown the great destroyers were jocks. Keep your incompetence
@Oheh84 4 жыл бұрын
Gary Shepherd this has nothing to do with race buddy, it has all to do with your politics. Ruth Davidson is Scottish and she’s an idiot while Caroline Lucas is English and is a brilliant politician and activist. That’s the trouble with fanatical British nationalism, it comes down to race and what country people are born in. Very sad that Britain has descended in to this.
@richardtruthconquersall9226 4 жыл бұрын
Referendums well is the same as EU, they ignored the Scotland one, ignore U.K. ,,,we at least the U.K. won’t deal with them as the EU won’t let them 😂🤣
@aoy1967 4 жыл бұрын
What if German and France leave the EU !!!!!!
@eins.wanderer4799 4 жыл бұрын
then the EU will be struggeling a bit. but that would never happen because we germans love the EU and our french brothers think the same :3
@chuckylamb4398 4 жыл бұрын
Cant even cope with devolved powers having returned some toWestminster! Scotland would bankupt
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
Scotland gets a block grant from wastemonster which they cannot overspend on. We raise approximately £70bn in tax - we get *around half back* to spend in Scotland’s Parliament. for example the 2019 2020 Scottish budget is £42.5Bn look it up. So we subsidise ukgov to the tune of £27.5Bn this year alone which Westminster spend ''on our behalf'' and overspend by the value of our deficit. The first challenge we have with Independence is to spend the remainder wisely, Unelected House of Lords, trident, illegal wars etc etc etc. I think we can do better. Thereafter, only with the powers of independence will have the levers to deal properly with our own economy - opportunities
@phenotyped4961 4 жыл бұрын
You will have read the McCrone report then? Obviously not. Scotland is loaded.
@chuckylamb4398 4 жыл бұрын
Bollocks SNP don't care about their own people- they get more per head of population than we do but are worse off- Scotland would be bankrupt.SNP making right mess of it
@phenotyped4961 4 жыл бұрын
@@chuckylamb4398 Then why are we doing better in everything, education, housing, crime, investment the list goes on because we are doing better in everything compared to England. How much is Liverpools new hospital in the red again £193 billion is it? And, Birminghams new hospital is in the same mess! If you want to talk about how great the Barnett formula is you better get your facts & figures ready Chucky! As for Scotland becoming bankrupt post independence you should first read the the UKs own reports begining with the McCrone report from 1976 that was supressed for 30 years by both the Tory`s & Labour governments. It stated that due to Scotlands abundence of resourses & low population Scotland would be one of the richest countries in Europe and per capita one of the richest in the world. Don`t take my word for it, go and read it yourself among more up to date economic reports. There are documentaries that apear on youtube but they are taken down quickly until someone else posts it again. The McCrone report was the one that UK governments feared the population finding out about more than any other, Scots & English people because that wealth could be used for the benefit of the whole of the UK. But, they didn`t want that. They, in their infinite wisdom put all their economic eggs in the financial sectors basket. What could go wrong!! Where do you think all that building works, and financial institutes came from? They didn`t pay for themselves. And who payed off the IMF loan before the UK could join the EEC? Scottish north sea oil, thats where. But you go on believing the crap in the media & the lies the politicians tell you. Scotland is about to become the new scapegoat now that they won`t be able to blame the EU for their policies.
@phenotyped4961 4 жыл бұрын
@@chuckylamb4398 One more thing Chucky, if the SNP are making such a mess of things why did they take nearly every seat at the general election? Do you think we are all stupid up here Chucky because from where i`m standing you`s are the ones that voted to go into direct competition with the EU, voted in an habitual liar and man who ruffles up his hair before going in front of the TV cameras for his public persona! Reason doesn`t seem to be a thing in England anymore. Its sad but we don`t want to be dragged down with you`s. Sorry, i really mean that and hold no grudge against English or any people for that matter. My wife is from London for eff sake & she is much more active in the independence movement than i am. How much did any Westminster politicians did anything to help with the bedroom tax? I`ll tell you, none! The SNP covered everyone in Scotland effected by it. But, they don`t care about their own people?? If you believe the comments you have made (and im sorry if im being too blunt and i really am not out to offend you) you are either reading shite in shite newspapers or your making it up as you go along. BTW last night the SNP who you claim are making a right mess of it won a vote 64 to 54 for a referendum on independence. We do not need Westminsters permision (its in the Act of Union & the Declaration of Arbroath) but we would rather have cross border cooperation between our countries as, it would be mutually beneficial to both countries. So why not be civil towards each other instead of hating us for wanting out of a union that has been great for England but for Scotland...not so much! Lastly put yourself in our shoes for ten seconds. Would you be fine with Edinburgh being the capital of the UK? Be honest now, i know you wouldn`t and nor should you. So why should we?
@jeanraines3215 4 жыл бұрын
What planet is this woman on independence form the UK but ruled by the EU you couldn't make it up
@garyshepherd9367 4 жыл бұрын
jean raines No Eu for the Scots with 7% budget deficit, some hard austerity would be required. SNP have fondness for public spending, austerity wouldn’t go down too well.🌧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
@garyshepherd9367 4 жыл бұрын
Miguel Melchior Brexit is freedom no?
@jeanraines3215 4 жыл бұрын
Miguel you don't understand freedom. Scotland wants independence from the UK but stays under the yokes of the EU That is NOT freedom
@kudim3185 4 жыл бұрын
go For for it scottishes, however... the crowd didn't seem so enthusiastic... xD
@MrGordonhaining 4 жыл бұрын
kudi m bbc editing ....the crowd were ecstatic in support for Nicola and our desire for independence
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
Aye watch her speech in my liked vids
@sarahjessicafarter7383 4 жыл бұрын
A 51% - 49% split, polling shows currently. I want Scotland to seccede from the UK but not on a narrow margin like that in a referendum. True public consent for such a huge political change should require an overwhelming majority. When Serbia split from Montenegro, a 10% swing was required and was subsequently met in the referendum. I'd want more than that. Perhaps as high as 67%, roughly two thirds of voters. I'm aware that'd make things much harder for "my side", but so be it. Societal harmony matters to me.
@mickricke3762 4 жыл бұрын
Sarah what makes you think you can trust the English to run a fair count? The 1918 all island Irish referendums 78% leave result is proof the English are untrustworthy as only 26 counties were given independence, 6 being illegally annexed to pander to a loyalist problem Britain didn't want. If you get a majority take it or you'll regret it. Is it fare if they get a 2% majority remain???
@mc2594 4 жыл бұрын
FF - start them both going after and you can join in, have a starring role.
@davidbrisbane7206 4 жыл бұрын
Once the bleak economic reality of a no deal BREXIT hits the UK like a tsunami, 60% of the people in Scotland will want out of the union and back into the EU.
@MR-po8su 4 жыл бұрын
Cold hard reality. Scotland WILL be a basket case if it leaves. The EU won’t let you in the EU because of Catalonia and because currently the UK subsidizes Scotland under the Barnett formula, and the Germans will veto entry as the current sponsor of Greece, Italy, .... But fine, if you’re cool being a small country outside the EU, but in the common market, unable to pay for your bloated state, trading on declining whisky and oil revenues of a meager £200 per Scottish head per year that’s fine, with no common currency with your biggest trading partner, fine. Sometimes voters need to endure the pain of their own stupidity. Ref:
@mc2594 4 жыл бұрын
David Brisbane - the bleak reality of no Brexit is far worse. There seems to be a point being made a narrow margin victory is somehow less of a victory, well denying it is still denying it. The SNP are right wing and don't mind ignoring two referendums if it suits them, count the votes for and against their arguements and the picture looks completely diffferent. To me the point Sturgeon makes is simply a remain one, remain for the UK, then she has a chance of a pseudo independence because in the EU the UK will break up eventually anyway and makes little difference to the EU if it does or not, our UK union doesn't _need_ to survive in the EU because it has no purpose in the EU, why do you think the EU refuse to help with the new NI trade border? and want it moved into the Sea? that's all Brexit is to them, the Backstop, nothing else even raises an eyebrow with their 80 year May Prison sentence looming for the rest of the UK. Scotland makes GB what it is, and Brexit means GB can survive with Scotland stronger than in the EU. We're all f'ed without UK/GB and Scotland is almost as independent as can be already unless we remain, that's the only path Sturgeon and the repulsive Blackord have, he doesn't even want devolved investment from Westminster or Brexit and has a manifseto of fear and negative propaganda to suit his shortarse loud mouth, nasty EU minded self the BBC are only too happy to encourage on Brussel's behalf which has naff all to do with Scotland.
@chrisc3197 4 жыл бұрын
Let them go if that is what she wants she can not get into the EU for about 10 years as there are others in front of her so where is the money coming from to run a country ??????
@markhughes8314 4 жыл бұрын
Exactly. No automatic acceptance into the eu. They want the country who are joining to have a gdp deficit of around 3%, Scotlands is 7%. Their deficit, which is currently paid by Westminster, last year was more than half of the whole of the uk. 12.6 billion. (uks total gdp including Scotland was 23.5 billion) How are they going to raise that sort of money year in year out, just to operate as they do now.
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
@@markhughes8314 easy. inheriting 70% of tax in scotland that goes to the colonial english government in another country.. You rob us and talk about deficits? Are you aware scotgov does not have powers over fiscal, economic and monetory policy? Their held hostage by a colonial english government in another country.
@markhughes8314 4 жыл бұрын
@@ScottishRoss27 Last year Scotlands revenue including oil was 62.7 billion. But Scotlands out goings was 75.3 billion. Leaving a big deficit. Ross, I found this page, I tapped into google "Scotland's deficit seven times higher than the UK as a whole last year". The opening line is "SNP say record spending gap of 7% proves need for independence". All the info is there. I did point this out to another chap but I think he just wanted to rant at me :) Maybe take look Ross and tell me what you think.
@ScottishRoss27 4 жыл бұрын
@@markhughes8314 No it was 192billion. that the english government took 117 and we got 75back. deficit will be instantly wiped out if we stop the subsidies to england
@markhughes8314 4 жыл бұрын
@@ScottishRoss27 Ah that's a shame, I thought you were a reasonable guy...;). No worries, leave you to it. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to the money side, I take it you didn't bother to read what I suggested for you to look at. You don't want to look because you don't want to really know the truth, ignorance is bliss, that sort of thing yeah. 192 billion lol. That's crazy. Where did you get that from. So the figures that the SNP were talking about were wrong then. Oil revenue was just under 1.5 billion, you only have 2.5 million taxpayers, for example, so how do you think that Scotland can generate that amount?. Scotland spent out 75.3 billion last year, so if your figure was right that would mean that Scotland with its small population would have a surplus of 117 billion quid a year!! lol. The worlds largest sovereign wealth fund is 770 billion. So by your reckoning in 7 years of independence you will have the worlds largest wealth fund! Fantastic! Seriously Ross you cant be that naïve. If that was the case I would suggest 90% of Scots would have voted out pretty sharpish by now. Every time you see an snp politician on the telly they would be screaming that out at the top of their lungs, but they don't do they. Instead they talk about how they can make up the shortfall that Westminster pays and how it would be tough but worth it. G'Luck
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