Important goals to be focused: *Attention* Establish by giving stimulation through auditory, visual or tactile sense. *Giving Instructions* Give simple instructions once attentive. *Processing* If the child responds correctly to the given instruction then appreciate to reinforce. If the child responds incorrectly or doesn’t respond then establish attention again and give prompt (help) to process the instruction. Gradually fade the prompt. *Randomise* Don’t allow the the child to repeat in same way every time. Expose the child to every possible changes in all senses i.e. listening, tasting, doing / performing, seeing etc. In case of any reaction, ignore or distract to enable him to tolerate, gradually the reactions will reduce. *Generalise* Generalise the taught concepts in all environments. *Hyperactivity* Control hyperactivity by ensuring slow performance. Reduce/ eliminate junk food containing sugar and food colours (including juices, soda etc). Reduce the screen time (on all gadgets) to minimum. *Pre Learning Skills* Involve the child in play focusing following: Joint attention in activity. Imitation. Turn Taking. Waiting. Social interaction- Make the child interaction with other children / people. Teach the child how to play with toys appropriately by demonstrating and prompting. Let him listen a lot during play, don’t push a lot to speak, he will start labelling himself. *Behaviour Management* Be ready to experience undesired behaviours in reaction to your efforts for above tasks. Don’t say “No” rather force him not to do anything undesired. Ignoring often helps a lot. Try to understand the function of behaviours exhibited by the child. Don’t accept ‘escape behaviours’ from very start, let the child try best, be consistent to complete the process on given instruction. *Instructional Control* Keep the child in compliance from very start, don’t let him to lead the interaction rather make him follow you. Don’t be harsh and do not punish. Be firm and playful as well. Always be at child’s level and act as peer.
@thedurablehuman28142 жыл бұрын
Thanks for listing out such good advice, @AltamashRahman. For many children with firmly established toddler screen syndrome brought on by early and excessive screen viewing, no screen viewing at all by the child is advised while the child is adjusting to a human-centric, rather than tech-centric environment. Those is the child's environment should also refrain from using screens in the presence of the child.
@thedurablehuman28142 жыл бұрын
Finally! Research shows a direct link between heavy early-life screen viewing and a syndrome among babies and toddlers marked by behavioral and language regression. The research also shows the syndrome can be reversed when screen time is replaced with much-increased interaction between child and loved ones. Dr. Karen Heffler of Drexler University reviews the latest research, especially about how babies' and toddlers' behavioral regression can resolve when parents are given instructions for how to communicate and interact better and who stop screen viewing by and around their little ones in the household and elsewhere.