Hey could you explain more about the Attack Bonus vs DMG bonus on steering wheel? I was assuming we wanted ATT for healing ships and DMG for damage. Would you suggest Attack Bonus for every ship?
@RTSMobileGaming9 ай бұрын
It's a good question, both are multipliers in the damage formula. You could go either way for a damage ship but agreed you want ATT if there is a healer or other support skill that scales off ship ATT
@player--zero8 ай бұрын
Do you think high crit rate works on a burning or drowning ship? I have a crit burn ship that I feel does incredible damage with over 60% crit rate. My thinking is because its tick damage ticking away every second or whatever, with high crit rate every other tick would then become a crit. N since its ticking across multiple ships in theory it should be hitting crits almost every other tick. But people have said to me I shouldn't use crit rate on a fire build.
@RTSMobileGaming8 ай бұрын
Yes I am a fan of high crit rate, I support your theory 100%
@FunnyLoLNooB8 ай бұрын
Could you do a video setup for crimson sentinel. Thanks
@RTSMobileGaming8 ай бұрын
Just posted yesterday for Blazing, will do drowning soon
@MrJanggo693 ай бұрын
boa from vip3-6 only 5* how or where to earn more? thank you. And I love your tutorial videos. compared and tested on all other ships, fleet and hero combo's yours's is the best. Kudos bro. 👍👍👍I couldn't thank you enough💗Keep up the awesome work
@RTSMobileGaming3 ай бұрын
Thanks!! They changed Boa in the shop since I got her, used to be no Magnus in the game
@parabatx8 ай бұрын
Sorry im new and im season 1 and bones is available but no Griffin when will he be available?
@RTSMobileGaming8 ай бұрын
No need to be sorry! Griffin comes in the conch a few days after Bones!
@parabatx8 ай бұрын
Thanks is he exclusive for season 1 or will he come back in later seasons
@RTSMobileGaming8 ай бұрын
He will be available every few weeks during season 1. And for the first week of season 2. I don't know when he comes back after that, it changes to season 2 hero summons afterwards
@parabatx8 ай бұрын
@@RTSMobileGaming thank you very for taking the time out of your day to help me. I really appreciated it
@RTSMobileGaming8 ай бұрын
@parabatx hey man no problem at all, come join the discord in the description if you want, we have a channel for this game there too!
@st_marymary27116 ай бұрын
Thank you for this information. We have just gone into s2 and I only have Molly, Delilah and Henry. You didn't mention Ed so I will assume he is not for FP ship. I'm going to be getting this ship tonight. I want to get Boa but honestly don't think I can spend enough to buy all the VIP packs
@RTSMobileGaming6 ай бұрын
Griffin is key for Strategic ship he is the main damage dealer
@stiv.aoki_937 ай бұрын
is it possible to get fearless in s2, i missed it in s1. and does it make sense to use black raven instead?
@RTSMobileGaming7 ай бұрын
Don't think u can get it again, but raven is decent
@Punk2k118 ай бұрын
My fearless kept getting targeted so I put the tank set thinking I should go back to the freedom set it makes it hella tanky but I feel like I’m losing so much dps
@RTSMobileGaming8 ай бұрын
Yes just focus on HP% for the sails and then you can play with your other ships to balance their HP
@ariefprasetyo47947 ай бұрын
@narrowboatflorencerose49388 ай бұрын
My fearless princess has gone from my ships list when I entered s2 no idea why? Wish the game would have pre warned me as I no longer have it.
@RTSMobileGaming8 ай бұрын
You should still have it, it isn't supposed to dissappear... I would suggest maybe a ticket to the official disclrd
@mavsanass8 ай бұрын
How do you get the fearless princess
@RTSMobileGaming8 ай бұрын
In season 1 you can get the materials for it after a few days, I believe it costs a $10 pack
@San221219717 ай бұрын
I was looking for so long how to get to the menu of formation with an Ipad..... but found it..
@RTSMobileGaming7 ай бұрын
Haha aight!
@timpearson11547 ай бұрын
how do you get this in season 1
@RTSMobileGaming7 ай бұрын
I believe a $10 pack has it in season 1
@Maugirl28 ай бұрын
Lol Molly is the only one I cant get :)
@RTSMobileGaming8 ай бұрын
Haha ye I hear that from alot of people
@loremaestergaming52389 ай бұрын
I thought Ophelia was doing more damage than Griffin?
@RTSMobileGaming9 ай бұрын
Her damage has been strong she is often competitive and sometimes beats griffin. But 7/10 times griffin wins
@loremaestergaming52389 ай бұрын
@@RTSMobileGaming I look forward to S2 wars and seeing what changes when we have large scale battles
@RTSMobileGaming9 ай бұрын
@foamslinger27879 ай бұрын
Ophelia being Artillary (I think?) doesnt destract from her damage on a Strat based ship?
@RTSMobileGaming9 ай бұрын
Yes sorry we are referring to the entire ship, Ophelia's ship + heroes vs Griffins ship + heroes
@loremaestergaming52389 ай бұрын
I only have Molly so I'm going to stick with the blue attack ship
@RTSMobileGaming9 ай бұрын
Molly so good tho hits like a truck
@loremaestergaming52389 ай бұрын
@@RTSMobileGaming I do have Henry and Delilah so I might try and make a strategic build
@RTSMobileGaming9 ай бұрын
You should def do it, I am enjoying strategic. However Lester + 2 purple dudes is a stronger F2P build than F2P strategic. Just because Griffin snowballs so hard with other legendary hero abilities
@loremaestergaming52389 ай бұрын
@@RTSMobileGaming well in that case I may just go with a Drowning build when I hit 22 and unlock my 4th ship