Sean Mcdowell The Reliability of Scripture

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Roger Walters

Roger Walters

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@jonathanbaca1500 Жыл бұрын
This video is AMAZING.
@nowankersallowed2115 4 жыл бұрын
This was really interesting. His body language is open.. his humour to help lighten the mood.. even though identifying as a Christian still talking about the sciences which shows that yes they can work together to help explain each other. Science is not the enemy of the Christian faith. As a Christian if it's understood that even those who don't believe in God.. they are still fearfully and wonderfully made and they have a mind that is inquisitive. Even if they argue against the belief in God.. they still would have considered God. It doesn't instantly dismiss everything they say. It's often more the attitude that can be a blockage. However overall I have seen much more open communication from men in general. It's encouraging.
@chikkipop 3 жыл бұрын
*"Science is not the enemy of the Christian faith."* Yes it is.
@travelsouthafrica5048 3 жыл бұрын
how can science be the enemy of faith if it was born out of faith , the earliest scientists were all men who read in scripture about the laws that God placed on nature and went to study these laws , along the way people forgot where it all started , but the Bible has been vindicated in all it's scientific statements
@stephengoh5456 4 жыл бұрын
Awesome lesson! I love it!
@bloominggrove 5 жыл бұрын
This title isn't accurate. His lecture is on the existence of God, not the reliability of Scripture. Also... I want that shirt.
@olio9276 2 жыл бұрын
This is a breath of fresh air, Sean Mcdowell is my favourite apologetic now. He is smart and honest and used the words "Arguments for the existence of God". He did not claim they are facts or evidence, but he based them on facts and no claims. I might add that they are "sound and Valid arguments", Although I have counterarguments, they add no significant value because I don't have a problem with the conclusion he reached, except for the "Cosmological Argument" AKA "Kalam". Starts at minute 38:20 , The first premise is evidently invalid; If you Simply replace the word "Cause" at the end of the line, with the word "Whatever" from the beginning of the line, there it goes. you will be stuck in an endless loop. because "cause" is a "whatever", the same thing if you call the cause God. Because that entails that there must be a cause for the existence of God, then the cause for the cause of God... I don't think that Acum's razer would like that, because it also breaks the "Keep it Simple Silly" law. I have no problem reaching Sean's conclusion about the existence of an intelligent Designer, I don't lose any sleep over that. but I am absolutely confident that if there is an intelligent designer, it will never be the God of the three Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam, Yup, that's the same God whom worshipers have been killing each other over the differences between their own versions of it, although they are three sides of the same coin if that is a thing😉.
@TheMichiganSchoolofApologetics 8 жыл бұрын
The title of this talk is on the existence of God, not the reliability of scripture
@ubergenie6041 8 жыл бұрын
Yep. Reliability of scriptures talks about bibliographic evidence, evidences from historical correctness, evidence from archeology. Internal evidence focuses on internal consistency and things like the strangeness of having a bunch of uneducated fishermen producing the sea change, etc. This is a review of three natural theological arguments,
@JJ-yu6og 5 жыл бұрын
This is great! Thanks for uploading this. I had high hopes. I am a Christian, by the GRACE OF GOD!! I AM SAVED NOT BY ANYTHING I DO OR CAN DO OR WILL DO. ..... I love God with all my heart , mind, emotion, body, and soul. ... I wish he would not have used Scripture verses to back up his belief that the Scripture is reliable. I believe in the message of the Cross but for those who don't, it would be more credible if he didn't refer to any Bible verses. He didn't knock this one out of the park. If I weren't a Believer, I would still have doubts about the credibility of the Bible. Not to mention the fact that the Catholics and Protestants use different Bibles.
@MrTettleton 3 жыл бұрын
You’re scratching the surface there but there are actually hundreds of “bibles” in English alone. Which do you believe in? Septuagint or Vulgate? Does it concern you that the earliest versions of many books that we have access to had already been translated at least once, we’re clearly not written by anyone speaking Aramaic (much less illiterate fishermen), and were copies of copies of copies of copies made hundreds of years after the J man got did? No one who ever professes belief in the literal Bible ever handles these issues. I see them occasionally jump through hoops defending god’s many genocides of some of the blatant contradictions, but never the fact that we don’t actually know what the original text was, or that we’ve changed it to suit our needs since.
@josephstarkey8183 9 жыл бұрын
Very compelling reasoning. It definitely gives me a lot to think about.
@rea8557 6 жыл бұрын
@Janeen Clark
@froilananthony7391 6 жыл бұрын
Love trancends time and space
@glenconverse1327 6 жыл бұрын
To put any animal in harm's way was a totally unthinkable fun & games.
@ryana1787 3 жыл бұрын
Sean, Interesting talk. You make a very common math mistake with the fine tuning argument though. A variable changing by a “factor of 1 in million billion...etc” is not the same as the odds of it happening being 1 in million billion etc. Go back and check - you change the verbiage halfway through your speech! Example: let’s say a spark plug should have a gap of .030 inches, and the plug will not work if it’s .003 inches or more off (this is made up, but illustrates the point). So if it’s off by a factor of 1 in 10, it will not work. Does that mean that every 10th spark plug won’t work? No. It’s not an odds, it’s a factor. To see the odds you might need to research the quality assurance standards at the spark plug factory. Let’s say 1 spark plug in a thousand will accidentally be .003 inches or more off. So the odds of it happening is 1 in 1000. Factor isn’t odds. You can’t multiply those together and get ridiculous numbers - like one grain of sand in the universe. We have no idea what the odds are. It’s completely possible that there is 0% chance it could be different. The fine tuning argument is an interesting one. It hurts your argument when you overstate your case with such a mistake though - which I know you avoid doing when it comes to the subject of martyrs.
@albertbalderas23 9 жыл бұрын
Would you happen to have the notes to this teaching, if so please send them to me. Thanks for posting this video btw. Helped tons! God bless.
@darz3829 9 ай бұрын
The story he tells is that people should believe the bible because it says so in the bible. Makes sense - I do the same with Harry Potter.
@BogyVSsand 6 жыл бұрын
Was really hopping to hear some evidence ... but then again this stream of the same arguments that end up into faith, but just described in a different way.
@jaxbeach5141 5 жыл бұрын
This was about as much evidence as is possible! Are you just some dumb atheist who cannot comprehend this level of information!!!
@yeshuagl6282 Жыл бұрын
Define existence. Define god!
@capten246 10 жыл бұрын
This is awesome but how does this tell us the reliability of Scripture?
@jameshagemier912 9 жыл бұрын
Not a mis-title, he just now gave you rebuttals, based on scientific evidence, to the most common arguments against what the Bible states as fact, i.e. truth claims... hence this is a discussion on the reliability of scripture.
@radical7663 5 жыл бұрын
The presenter assumes the audience has at least a double figure IQ
@radical7663 5 жыл бұрын
I haven’t read that part yet.
@radical7663 5 жыл бұрын
Your very welcome
@jollyproductions8314 2 жыл бұрын
Judeo Christian theses and postulations made in the Bible were uniquely found in the Bible and also scientifically found to be true.
@amandadewet4022 4 жыл бұрын
Why are the oldest comments that are mostly negative shown first.
@mashah1085 2 жыл бұрын
What was the name of the MIT quantum physicist?
@mademepickaname 9 жыл бұрын
His voice reminds me of Don Lapre, the infomercial guy.
@rommelzamora2065 8 жыл бұрын
"Apply the Law of Phenomenon to calculate and proved the dwelling of Jesus in our Heart" ;-)
@robertlight5227 3 жыл бұрын
He is all charm and zero substance.
@travelsouthafrica5048 3 жыл бұрын
you are all opinion and nothing else
@robertlight5227 3 жыл бұрын
@@travelsouthafrica5048 Do you have any physical evidence for the physical claim there was a JC? Text is not enough for it is merely the claim.
@travelsouthafrica5048 3 жыл бұрын
@travelsouthafrica5048 3 жыл бұрын
@@robertlight5227 but let me tell you the problem with physical evidence , it too will always be disputed and there will always be doubt , in the Gospels it speaks of the fact that we have a more sure way of knowing and if you are willing to watch a few videos i can show you what that sure way is
@robertlight5227 3 жыл бұрын
@@travelsouthafrica5048 SO you concede you have no physical evidence. If you cannot verify JC was a man then what should we think of your grander claim he was divine? This why people are leaving the churches in droves.
@organicskincare 8 жыл бұрын
Please do not be decieved! You having any part in helping others to believe NOT the gospel. You are saved by faith and faith is believing without any proof or any evidence. What is faith? Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen ~ Hebrews 11:1 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God ~ Romans 10:17 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. ~ John 20:29
@adamcollins8907 5 жыл бұрын
So do you believe in Santa Claus? Why or why not? I don't believe/have faith that Santa/the Easter bunny exists because I don't have evidence. The gospels themselves are evidence (eye witness accounts) about who Jesus is. No one believes/has faith in something without evidence of some kind.
@cindychristman8708 3 жыл бұрын
@@adamcollins8907 //The gospels themselves are evidence (eyewitness accounts) about who Jesus is.// You are flat out wrong--the gospels are anonymous accounts; we cannot take the gospels seriously as history because we don' t know where the author's got their information. Mark (the earliest gospel) was silent about his sources although it's apparent he heavily relied on the OT. Mark was also recording hearsay (the memories of Peter). IF Peter had written it and spoke in the first person (I, Peter, witnessed...) and put his name to the document, you might have a case. Again and again, in the gospels, we see the same indicators such as miracles and improbabilities, literary constructs, symbolic narratives, artificial structures, rewrites of biblical tales, emulations of mythical plots and in Mark 16 specifically, the two oldest manuscripts (from the 300's) conclude with verse 8. The gospels do not fit the criteria of 'evidence' in any way, shape, or form. I would be careful about what you say concerning the gospels if I were you, you wouldn't want to disseminate erroneous information, would you?
@dilldoe1976 7 жыл бұрын
Sean says, "Pay me to come and mislead your children, and while your at it, buy my latest book."
@charlieduke1724 7 жыл бұрын
At 6:40 addressing Sean , Know alot about Apologetic but doesn't know why God allows Evil- The reason most lose there faith cause they think God is up there allow & disallowing everything that happens in Life. If God is in Control of everything what part is he controlling ?? with that point of view you could never convict anyone of a crime because you are saying nothing happens unless god allowed it. Such a skewed Theology
@theman6306 7 жыл бұрын
charlieduke1 we are freedom so we can choose love or death. If god just made everyone love we would be robots. Natural disasters are how the world functions and yes they kill human beings but you can't blame that on God we could prevent people from dying in these disasters if we would be proactive like building a house to sustain a hurricane or not living in a hurricane environment. But we're just not that smart
@rommelzamora2065 8 жыл бұрын
You don't need to argue about the existence of Jesus, my brother. Because Jesus is in our heart already. He exist on us. He dwell on us. Remember that "God is love." The simple thing that God want us to do is to recognize our own heart and share the LOVE we have in our heart...
@learyhaywood9147 7 жыл бұрын
Rommel Zamora Do you even know what apologetics is?
@rommelzamora2065 7 жыл бұрын
Apologetics (from Greek ἀπολογία, "speaking in defense") is the theological science or religious discipline of defending or proving the truth of religious doctrines through systematic argumentation and discourse. Early Christian writers (c. 120-220) who defended their beliefs against critics and recommended their faith to outsiders were called Christian apologists. In 21st century usage, 'apologetics' is often identified with debates over religion and theology. It may be less frequently heard in the UK (although the related word 'apologist' is used in a non-religious sense).
@rommelzamora2065 7 жыл бұрын
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1). With these words the Bible opens the history of our world. It does not try to prove that God exists. From the very beginning God already is, and He is already active. The writers of the Bible never doubt or question God’s existence. Nor do they go into long arguments to show to others that God is real. Why is this? “No one has ever seen God” (John 1:18). The fact that God is not directly seen does not have to lead to doubt. The wind is unseen. Does anyone really doubt that wind exists? We are sure it exists because we see the results of its blowing. Though God is invisible, we know He is there because of the results of His powerful work. The world around us, called “nature,” is one of those results (Genesis 1:1). With other results of God’s work, nature speaks clearly of its Creator. People through the ages, and all over the world, have come to the same conclusion: Creation points to an amazing Creator. Rulers who have tried to make people deny God have ended in failure. When those rulers fall, their people are seeking God more than ever. The apostle Paul speaks of those who try to hide the truth about God. He shows why God is angry with them: Since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities-His eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse (Romans 1:19-20). Realities about God can be “clearly seen”! How? “Being understood from what has been made.” Just looking at the wonderful creation around us helps us to know about God! We know of the wind’s presence by its effect as it moves dust and leaves. In a far greater way, we know things about God by the effect of His work around us. God has made it clear to those who are willing to look. That is why people have “no excuse” when they twist the truth about God.
@learyhaywood9147 7 жыл бұрын
Rommel Zamora 1Peter 3:15 is clear on why we should do what we do. If it wasn't for apologist who go and defend the Christian faith, many, many souls would still be lost. There is much for you to learn. What you should have done is ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into all truth. You do not know the reason for somethings such as this, yet you jump on your band wagon to speak ill against it. Please pray and think of good for everyone. Remember Jesus commands us to Have the Agape love! God bless.
@wesleypuckett3861 4 жыл бұрын
So what you are saying is that the only ones you want to believe are those who already believe
@borneandayak6725 7 жыл бұрын
Frank Turek?
@FoamySlobbers 7 жыл бұрын
How does talking about DNA prove a creator? The video says " the realizability of scripture." It was made by man, how is that realiable? You have to assume anything after man wrote it.
@FoamySlobbers 7 жыл бұрын
@gareginasatryan6761 4 жыл бұрын
In the movie clip Jim Carrie says guy like you and girl like me. Why does he reverse the genders
@nathanielestrada8829 3 жыл бұрын
Cause he's nervous and doesn't even realize his mistake?
@okfanriffic3632 9 жыл бұрын
Was there water before the earth and along with your god. it says in your book there was water first? Could you be wrong?
@tomgarza1355 9 жыл бұрын
Okay, at least your trying, but I'm wrong as opposed to what? The earth being a hot molten mass? Is that what you mean? Your comment is like, half a thought lol
@tomgarza1355 9 жыл бұрын
Also, it's your God too...whether you like it or not.
@bromponie7330 7 жыл бұрын
Scientists actually believe the Earth was once covered with water, some 2.5 billion years ago.
@piratekitty9481 9 жыл бұрын
Sean, I invite you to visit just one planet over from Earth, either away from the sun or toward the sun. Let's see how long you survive standing on the surface of Venus or on the surface of Mars. Before you die, you can reconsider that this universe was made for us.
@jgoltz37 9 жыл бұрын
Saby, take in the fact that we have technology to scan the cosmos over vast distances. Thousands of alien planets have been seen and it is known that NONE of them support life. We know that there are 2 bodies of water on this earth. Oceans above the surface and oceans below the surface. How did this water get here? No one has any good guesses anymore but we need it for us to live and flourish here. WE are alive. If the universe was not made for us, we are impossibly lucky.
@piratekitty9481 9 жыл бұрын
Jimbob Beebob It is known NONE of them support life? We aren't even remotely close to being able to make that assertion. And the only life we know about is what we experience here on earth. Life can possibly take completely unfamiliar forms that we yet can't recognize. We didn't even have any proof that any other planets outside of our solar system existed until a couple of decades ago. If you want to know how water got here, read up on current theories. And how do you explain the water on the moon Europa? Also, its impossible for us to comprehend how small we are compared to the overall universe. But you think its all here for us? Every pebble on every planet in distant space is here for us? Give me a break!
@jgoltz37 8 жыл бұрын
You can believe that you are insignificant and that the entire human race is but a speck of star dust floating meaninglessly through space. However, if this is the case, your life is literally meaningless and it does not matter what you do because you are nothing compared to everything and you will simply die like everything else. A life of hopeless and pointless endeavors until death and ...........????? I choose to believe that since there is not proof of life like ours anywhere else, I will not believe in life like ours anywhere else. In fact, evidence points more toward a Creator who revealed himself through Jesus of Nazareth. In him you find meaning and hope. In this world alone, we have meaningless life and nothing else.
@vilicus77 4 жыл бұрын
As a non-believer, I find McDowell's arguments deeply flawed. Anyone willing to discuss this issue with civility, please respond.
@dragan176 4 жыл бұрын
I agree. But remember, he is under an oath at the university he works at that forces him to accept the Bible as inherent among other things. Of course, that doesn't instantly make him wrong, but it can show how it can clout his decisions.
@rgenericson5361 4 жыл бұрын
No argument there! Check out his debates with Paulogia. As soon as he's backed into a corner, he try's to play the "Supernatural" card. " Well, you can't discount the supernatural"
@patrickfisher2817 4 жыл бұрын
I'm wondering why you believe these arguments are "deeply flawed" could you explain this?
@vilicus77 4 жыл бұрын
@@patrickfisher2817 Sure. Make a list of the arguments he references: the argument from eyewitnesses, contingency, the trillemma--all of these are bogus. Which of these do you want me to elaborate upon?
@robertlight5227 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, his mind is still in the Middle Ages. He uses subjective discoursive argumentation, like Aquinas et al. He has not graduated into the scientific mathematical. Three great revolutions of thought separate him from we atheists. The Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and the Scientific Revolution. His faith dies in the light of facts.
@ocolotav1 7 жыл бұрын
why does god need help at all?
@youngmarcio 6 жыл бұрын
@cliveaw1206 5 жыл бұрын
because serving God with all your being is always the same thing as trying to help Him right?
@skeetr69 8 жыл бұрын
I don't know what information you have Mike, but you can cram 700 terabytes of information in to a single gram of DNA.
@FoamySlobbers 8 жыл бұрын
what's that have to do with anything? DNA is god?
@DominickRiesland 7 жыл бұрын
How does chaos produce information?
@FoamySlobbers 7 жыл бұрын
what chaos? what information?
@DominickRiesland 7 жыл бұрын
Chef Asbury Living things are built using cells containing information. Where did this information come from? Certainly not the chaotic process of random chance.
@FoamySlobbers 7 жыл бұрын
What you are calling information, is just chemicals. Humans call it information, so we can tell what it's doing. Why don't you actually open a biology book about DNA and learn what it is.
@scented-leafpelargonium3366 2 жыл бұрын
Scripture is reliable but the Christians who interpret it are not. Just listen to what they teach on the Sabbath etc. All cherrypicking out of context in order to support their own personal man-made theology and opinions, closing out all else. For instance the verse warning not to judge others for keeping (God-appointed) holy festivals, the Sabbath (singular, not plural in the original), New Moons, and food they eat and drink, yet most Christians DO judge people who do these very things! Because they teach an anti-Sabbath theology based on their own prejudices and misconceptions. They try to use this verse somehow to defend the observance of "Sun"-day, when it clearly mentions Biblical feasts (or 'annual Sabbaths or 'feast days') like Passover (the date on which Jesus/Yeshua died), the Sabbath ("rest day") of the LORD (on the seventh day, not on the first day), the lunar months in the calendar that God set in place in the Bible that Jesus/Yeshua kept before the Papal one (Gregorian, from Pope Gregory XIII) which are the "new moons" or "moonths" - how many Christians keep New Moons or even know what they are?, yet Scripture commands that we do not judge anyone who keeps them, or keeps the Biblical calendar and feasts over man-made ones. Also those who heed God (like the Gentile Noah did) about the differentiation of CLEAN and UNCLEAN animals (permitted and safe to eat or not) this verse says clearly not to JUDGE, yet many Christians do, telling those who do that they should ignore God's words and eat UNCLEAN animals and creatures which are mostly scavengers who clean the planet by eating waste. They were created for an important ecological purpose, which is why God did not destroy them with evil mankind at the Flood if they were "ceremonially unclean" (as some Christians try to term it), but rather He boarded them on the Ark in TWOS for reproduction only and the CLEAN animals He boarded in SEVENS (the number of 'perfection') in larger numbers to be used for FOOD. The Bible is reliable, but the way Gentile Christians intetpret it is not. This leads to deception. Teachers will be held to account above all others for this very reason.
@ubergenie6041 8 жыл бұрын
Enjoy Sean and loved his father but wish he would distinguish between Darwinian evolution and philosophical naturalism which is the argument which stands in opposition to scripture. He made the same mistake that he is claiming the three individuals made. Namely, making claims without proper justification. There are followers of Jesus that think God used Neodarwinian evolution knowing that man would arise. He then put his spirit in a literal Adam and Eve. It is not my view, but is the best to not paint Christians into a theological position that goes beyond the biblical claims.
@jondular7423 5 жыл бұрын
Let’s see what the Bible says about the non-rotating flat Earth! If it is not true why didn't God correct or explain the world we live on?! Remember if the Bible says Blue is Green then Crayola got it wrong! Job 9:6-8 The Earth has pillars-He controls the Sun's movement. Job 37:18 The dome , sky, or firmament is like a molten looking glass. Deuteronomy 28:23 Heaven is overhead as Brass. Genesis 1:9-10 Earth formed on the waters. Psalm 24:1-2 How Earth was formed. Psalm 86:6 How Earth was formed. 2 Peter 3:5 Earth’s creation. Genesis 16-8 How God put the firmament to separate the waters below from the waters above. The Bible says there is water ABOVE the Earth (space). Maybe that's why space programs are practicing in giant pools. Genesis 7:1 The windows of heaven are opened (the flood) Psalm 78:23 The flood came from both the clouds and heaven. Isaiah 13:13 The Earth has a place! It is NOT flying around the universe. Isaiah 40:22 The Earth is a circle not a ball. Isaiah 22:18 Isaiah knew what a ball was but, he didn't use that word to describe the Earth. Isaiah 44:24 God talks about stretching and spreading the Earth and the heavens but nowhere in the Bible does even hint of a round flying ball! Isaiah 42:5 spread out the Earth Job 26:10 the Ice wall of Antarctica. Job 28:24 many times the Bible uses the term to the ends of the Earth. No ends on a ball. Job 11:9 God’s measure is longer then the Earth broader than sea. Jeremiah 10:2 Don’t worry about planet X Jeremiah 4:32 sides of the Earth !st Samuel 7:16 How Circuit is used in the Bible Job 22:14 Circuit Psalm 19:6 Circuit Ecclesiastes 1:6 Circuit Ezekiel 1:22 Firmament Ezekiel 1:26 GOD’s throne Ezekiel 10:1 GOD’s throne Genesis 1:20 Firmament (open part for the birds) Genesis 1:29 Face of Earth Genesis 4:14 Face of Earth Job 24:28 ends of the Earth Job 37:3 ends of the Earth Job 38:13 ends of the Earth Psalm 46:9 ends of the Earth Psalm 48:10 ends of the Earth Psalm 59:13 ends of the Earth Psalm 61:2 ends of the Earth Psalm 65:5 ends of the Earth Psalm 67:7 ends of the Earth Psalm 72:8 ends of the Earth Psalm 98:3 ends of the Earth Matthew 24:31 one end of heaven to the other Isaiah 34:4 sky will roll up like a scroll and stars fall Revelation 6:14 Heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together, Sun rising and setting. Earth moving? Never mentioned! Deuteronomy 4:14 4:47 11:30 16:6 23:11 24:13 Joshua 1:4 1:15 Genesis 15:12 15:17 19:23 28:11 32:31 Exodus 17:12 22:3 22:26 Numbers 2:3 21:11 34:15 Job 9:7 Sun not rising stars don’t shine Ecclesiastes 1:4-5 4 One generation passes away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abides forever.5 The sun also arise, and the sun goes down, and hastens to his place where he arose. Psalm 104:9 Sun going down Isaiah 13:10 Sun and Moon 2 different lights no reflections 45:6 sun rising from the west 60:20 sun no more going down Deuteronomy 33:17 ends of the Earth Deuteronomy 4:32 sides of heaven Deuteronomy 28:64 from one end of Earth to the other end 28:49 from one end of Earth to the other end 13:7 from one end of Earth to the other end 1st Samuel 20:15 face of the Earth Deuteronomy 7:6 face of the Earth Deuteronomy 6:15 face of the Earth Numbers 22:11 face of the Earth 22:5 face of the Earth 12:3 face of the Earth 11:31 face of the Earth Exodus 33:16 face of the Earth 32:12 face of the Earth 10:15 face of the Earth 10:5 face of the Earth Genesis 41:56 face of the Earth 11:9 face of the Earth 11:8 face of the Earth 11:4 face of the Earth 8:9 face of the Earth 4:14 face of the Earth 1:29 face of the Earth 6:1 face of the Earth 6:7 face of the Earth 7:3 face of the Earth 7:4 face of the Earth 7:18 face of the waters Jeremiah 8:2 face of the Earth Luke 21:35 face of the Earth Matthew 16:3 Face of the sky Luke 12:56 Face of the Earth and sky Mark 13:27 uttermost part of Earth and heaven Revelation 20:9 breadth of the Earth (no breadth on a ball) Job 38:8 breadth of the Earth Job 38:4-6 God asks Job if he was there when God laid the foundations of the Earth. 2nd Samuel 22:16 Foundations for Heaven and Earth Psalm 82:5 Foundations Psalm 104:5 Foundations Proverbs 8:29 Foundations Isaiah 24:18 Foundations Isaiah 40:21 Foundations 51:13 Foundations 51:16 Foundations Jeremiah 31:37 Foundations Micah 6:2 Foundations Job 26: 9( God hides His Throne above Earth) Job 9:6 Pillars Psalm 75:3 Pillars 1st Samuel 2:8 More pillars. The Earth is 72% water 326 Quintillion gallons of LEVEL water Jeremiah 31:35 Tides 1st Chronicles 16:30 The Earth does not move. Psalm 136:6 stretched out the Earth Psalm 93:1 The Earth does not move. Psalm 96:10 The Earth does not move. Psalm 104:5 The Earth does not move. Zechariah 1:11 The Earth does not move. Genesis 28:12 Ladder from Earth to Heaven (med i fore) but, heaven is above our heads, no ladder on a spinning ball! Deuteronomy 4:32 Heaven has sides. Genesis19:23 Sunrise upon the Earth not just the town of Zoar. Psalm 4:6 Sun moves not Earth. 2nd Kings 20:11 moves the Sun back 10 degrees. Isaiah 38:8 God made the Sun go back 10 degrees. Joshua 10:13 the Sun and Moon stood still. Proverbs 8 27 God set a compass upon the face of the Earth (could this be the magnetic north) Isaiah 11:12 Beyond the circle of the Earth is 4 corners. Isaiah 43:6 Ends of the Earth Daniel 4:11 Ends of the Earth Matthew 4:8 satan took Jesus up on a high mountain and showed Him ALL the kingdoms of the Earth. (If it was round why didn't satan take Jesus on a round the world trip to see them? Matthew 24:31 4 corners Revelation 1:7 When Jesus comes back ALL eyes will see Him. Revelation 7:1 4 corners Revelations 20:8 4 corners REMEMBER REVELATION IS STRAIGHT FROM AN ANGEL FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD TO JOHN! Joshua 10:13 The Sun and Moon stood still not the Earth. Psalm 19:4 ends of the Earth Isaiah 13:9 All body's in heaven give off their own light, no reflection. Ecclesiastes 12:2 Sun, Moon, and stars are all different types of light Satan wants to be above the stars of GOD Judges 5:20 Stars have courses (they are moving we are not) Amos Stars and Orion Matthew 24:29 Jesus say’s the stars will fall to Earth from heaven (they can’t be big or far away) Mark 13:25 Jesus say’s the stars will fall to Earth. Revelation 12:4 satan’s tail cast 1/3 of the stars to the Earth Psalm 136:7-9 God made great lights in heaven not reflectors. Do you think from 93 million miles away the Sun still throws enough light to light up the Moon? I ask this because the moon light is cooler than moon shade. Ezekiel 32:7-8 God is going to shut off all the lights in heaven. Joel 2:10 God will shut off the lights. Joel 3:15 God will shut off the lights. Amos 5:8 Stars of Orion (still in the sky after 1,000s of years of traveling) Habakkuk 3:11 God stopped the Sun and Moon. Revelation6:13 the stars are going to fall from heaven from ( billions and billions of miles away good grief). The Earth was created on the 1st day along with the ability for light but He didn't create the Sun, Moon, and Stars until the 4th day. Looks like God would have said something about starting the roller coaster ride through space? Revelation 6:14 God will roll up the heaven (dome) like a scroll! Isaiah 34:4 Roll back the heaven like a scroll (dome) Genesis 7:19 A water ball 100% (flood) Genesis 8:1 Wind blowing on the Earth 100% WHERE IS GOD NOW? 1st Chronicles 28:2 God’s Footstool Isaiah 66:1 God’s footstool is the Earth (HE is very close) Matthew 5:35 Jesus says Earth is the Father’s footstool. Acts 7:49 Earth is my footstool Now which is more believable? Science says we are circling the Sun at about 67,000 MPH Earth spinning at about 1,037 MPH at the equator Moon flying around us at about 2,200 MPH Sun flying along the arm of the Milky Way at 650,000 MPH Milky Way is traveling at MILLIONS OF MILES AN HOUR through the universe. Yet the summer and winter solstices and the equinoxes still align up with holes drilled thousands of years ago by somebody in rocks all over our PLANE! How does that work? How do all the stars and Moon stay up with the sun? Why doesn’t the star sky change after thousands of years? The North Star is in the same place (we are not moving) God says Earth before Sun Science says Sun before Earth God says Oceans before land Science says land before oceans God says light before sun Science says Sun before light. God says land plants first Science says Marine life first God says Fruit trees before fish Science says Fish before fruit trees. God says Fish before insects Science says insects before Fish. God says Plants before Sun Science says Sun before plants. God created Man from solid matter Science says Man evolved from liquid. God says Birds before reptiles. Science says reptiles before birds. God says we have a soul. Science says we have no soul. God says there is eternity. Science says there is no eternity. God says there is life after death Science says no life after death. God created everything in 6 days. Science says something so small you can’t see yet so heavy it can’t be lifted exploded and created everything.
@jondular7423 5 жыл бұрын
SECRETS WILL BE DISCLOSED Luke 12:2 Mark 4:22 Psalm 19:1-6 Psalm 4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, 5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race. 6 His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. Job 1:7 GOD asks satan where he had been and he said he was walking to and fro and up and down in the Earth. (not around the Earth but back and forth!) Quotes from the past by the reformers and others “There is talk of a new astrologer who wants to prove that the earth moves and goes around instead of the sky, the sun, the moon, just as if somebody were moving in a carriage or ship might hold that he was sitting still and at rest while the earth and the trees walked and moved. But that is how things are nowadays: when a man wishes to be clever he must invent something special, and the way he does it must needs be the best! The fool wants to turn the whole art of astronomy upside-down. However, as Holy Scripture tells us, so did Joshua bid the sun to stand still and not the earth.” - Martin Luther. “The Word of God must not be mocked. I am caught, cannot come out; the text is too powerful. Therefore I say: clean and clear, believe all or believe nothing!” - Martin Luther. “We Christians must be different from the philosophers [i.e. scientists] in the way we think about the causes of these things. And if some are beyond our comprehension (like those before us concerning the waters above the heavens), we must believe them and admit our lack of knowledge rather than either wickedly deny them or presumptuously interpret them in conformity with our understanding.” - Martin Luther. John Calvin affirms the rotation of the heavens while maintaining that the earth is stationary: A simple survey of the world should of itself suffice to attest a Divine Providence. The heavens revolve daily, and, immense as is their fabric, and inconceivable the rapidity of their revolutions, we experience no concussion - no disturbance in the harmony of their motion. The sun, though varying its course every diurnal revolution, returns annually to the same point. The planets, in all their wanderings, maintain their respective positions. How could the earth hang suspended in the air were it not upheld by God’s hand? By what means could it maintain itself unmoved, while the heavens above are in constant rapid motion, did not its Divine Maker fix and establish it? Accordingly the particle אף, aph, denoting emphasis, is introduced - Yea, he hath established it. - John Calvin, Commentary on the Psalms: Volume IV, Ps 93:1 Here we have a quote from Philipp Melanchthon: “The eyes are witnesses that the heavens revolve in the space of twenty-four hours. But certain men, either from the love of novelty, or to make a display of ingenuity, have concluded the earth moves; and they maintain that neither the eighth sphere nor the sun revolves. Now, it is a want of honesty and decency to assert such notions publicly, and the example is pernicious. It is the part of a good mind to accept the truth as revealed by God, and to acquiesce in it.” - Melanchthon (From his Latin Treatise on the “Elements of Physical Science”) thanasius: But the earth is not supported upon itself, but is set upon the realm of the waters, while this again is kept in its place, being bound fast at the center of the universe. (Against the Heathen, Book I, Part I) Athanasius: Who that sees the clouds supported in air, and the weight of the waters bound up in the clouds, can but perceive Him that binds them up and has ordered these things so? Or who that sees the earth, heaviest of all things by nature, fixed upon the waters, and remaining unmoved upon what is by nature mobile, will fail to understand that there is One that has made and ordered it, even God? Who that sees the earth bringing forth fruits in due season, and the rains from heaven, and the flow of rivers, and springing up of wells, and the birth of animals from unlike parents, and that these things take place not at all times but at determinate seasons-and in general, among things mutually unlike and contrary, the balanced and uniform order to which they conform-can resist the inference that there is one Power which orders and administers them, ordaining things well as it thinks fit? For left to themselves they could not subsist or ever be able to appear, on account of their mutual contrariety of nature. For water is by nature heavy, and tends to flow downwards, while the clouds are light and belong to the class of things which tend to soar and mount upwards. And yet we see water, heavy as it is, borne aloft in the clouds. And again, earth is very heavy, while water on the other hand is relatively light; and yet the heavier is supported upon the lighter, and the earth does not sink, but remains immovable. And male and female are not the same, while yet they unite in one, and the result is the generation from both of an animal like them. And to cut the matter short, cold is opposite to heat, and wet fights with dry, and yet they come together and are not at variance, but they agree, and produce as their result a single body, and the birth of everything. (Against The Heathen, BK 1, Part I, 36) Athanasius: For who that sees the circle of heaven and the course of the sun and the moon, and the positions and movements of the other stars, as they take place in opposite and different directions, while yet in their difference all with one accord observe a consistent order, can resist the conclusion that these are not ordered by themselves, but have a maker distinct from themselves who orders them? or who that sees the sun rising by day and the moon shining by night, and waning and waxing without variation exactly according to the same number of days, and some of the stars running their courses and with orbits various and manifold, while others move without wandering, can fail to perceive that they certainly have a creator to guide them? (Against the Heathen, Bk 1, Part III, 35) For by a nod and by the power of the Divine Word of the Father that governs and presides over all, the heaven revolves, the stars move, the sun shines, the moon goes her circuit, and the air receives the sun’s light and the ether his heat, and the winds blow: the mountains are reared on high, the sea is rough with waves, and the living things in it grow the earth abides fixed…” (Against the Heathen, Bk 1, Part III, 44) Athenagoras: to Him is for us to know who stretched out and vaulted the heavens, and fixed the earth in its place like a center (Why the Christians do not Offer Sacrifices, Ch XIII) Chrysostom: And again, David saith of the sun, that “he is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a giant to run his course.” Seest thou how he places before thee the beauty of this star, and its greatness? For even as a bridegroom when he appears from some stately chamber, so the sun sends forth his rays under the East; and adorning the heaven as it were with a saffron-colored veil, and making the clouds like roses, and running unimpeded all the day; he meets no obstacle to interrupt his course. Beholdest thou, then, his beauty? (Homilies to Antioch, Homily X) Chrysostom: For He not only made it, but provided also that when it was made, it should carry on its operations; not permitting it to be all immoveable, nor commanding it to be all in a state of motion. The heaven, for instance, hath remained immoveable, according as the prophet says, “He placed the heaven as a vault, and stretched it out as a tent over the earth.” But, on the other hand, the sun with the rest of the stars, runs on his course through every day. And again, the earth is fixed, but the waters are continually in motion; and not the waters only, but the clouds, and the frequent and successive showers, which return at their proper season. (Homilies to Antioch, Homily XII) Clement of Rome: For it is manifest even to the unbelieving and unskillful, that the course of the sun, which is useful and necessary to the world, and which is assigned by providence, is always kept orderly; but the courses of the moon, in comparison of the course of the sun, seem to the unskillful to be inordinate and unsettled in her waxings and wanings. For the sun moves in fixed and orderly periods: for from him are hours, from him the day when he rises, from him also the night when he sets; from him months and years are reckoned, from him the variations of seasons are produced; while, rising to the higher regions, he tempers the spring; but when he reaches the top of the heaven, he kindles the summer’s heats: again, sinking, he produces the temper of autumn; and when he returns to his lowest circle, he bequeaths to us the rigor of winter’s cold from the icy binding of heaven. (Pseudo-Clementine, Bk VIII, Ch XLV) Gregory of Nyssa: “…the vault of heaven prolongs itself so uninterruptedly that it encircles all things with itself, and that the earth and its surroundings are poised in the middle, and that the motion of all the revolving bodies is round this fixed and solid center…” (On the Soul and Resurrection) 1 Timothy 6: 20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: Colossians 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
@jondular7423 5 жыл бұрын
Flat Earth Proof The Bible repeatedly says the Earth is Stationary, Geocentric, and enclosed in a solid dome structure called the firmament. All images of the Earth from space are admitted to be computer generated. We're able to see objects such as land, buildings, and boats that are supposed to be behind the curve. The North Star, Polaris, never moves and the constellations have never changed. Horizon always rises to eye level. Water is always level and it makes up 71% of our earth. The heliocentric model was created by Jews, Jesuits and Freemasons. All the space agencies share the same vector logo. Astronaut almost drowned in space. Water bubbles in space footage. Density, buoyancy, & Electromagnetism are better explanations for gravity. GoPro lenses used to fake the curve of Earth. No observable proof of evolution. Sun rays come down in angles and not parallel. Super zoom cameras show that boats do not go over any curve. The United Nation's logo is a Flat Earth map. Flight paths make much more sense on a Flat Earth. All but one challenger crew members are proven to still be alive. today. No genuine 24 hour live feed of the Earth from space. No real pics of Earth from Space. No actual photos of Satellites in Space. Sun dogs and Sun Hot spots. Antarctic Treaty. Admiral Byrd said that there is more land. The Michelson-Morley experiment proved the Earth is stationary. Rockets never go straight up. Bedford Level Experiment. Our own senses tell us that the earth is flat and stationary. The Sun & Moon appear as the same size. No one has ever circumnavigated the earth from north to south. The Antikythera, Sun dials, Gyroscopes, Astrolabes. No parallax with the stars. Time lapse Star Trails shows the stars makings perfect circuits around the North Star. Bolivian Salt Flats missing curvature. Sun shrinks smaller as it sets (in dry areas). Architects, Excavators, and Railroad Engineers don't account for curvature. Air planes fly level and don't account for the curve. Selenelion Lunar Eclipse. Analemma Time Lapse of the Sun. Empirical Evidence supports a level and stationary earth.
@satmat6566 4 жыл бұрын
What if God said the earth was round in those times . Everybody would think the prophets were mad. God spoke toJob and His people about his sovereignty not about the subject of Science. You can build skyscrapers on a round Earth and put tiny ladders as well. Everyday in the weather news we hear about the sunrise time and sunsets . There are tons of things used in many languages today This means we are ignorant ?? When Jesus spoke to the crowd he used parables, illustrations for the ordinary people to understand. God spoke about quarantine for lepers , forbidding eating pigs, dig the ground to cover your waste matter, leave your field for a few years instead of planting every year in Deuteronomy. There are a lot of things only God could know at that time like clean and unclean animals ,birds etc. God said that life in the blood. Louis Pasteur discovered Bacteria thousands years later. Jesus multiplied fish two times. Why fish ?? This is only a teaser. Your exposé is biased and irrelevant ...
@wesleypuckett3861 4 жыл бұрын
Why is it that there are so many people who haven't experienced the love of God through us and we're just sitting here arguing over the shape of the Earth which doesn't even matter.
@satmat6566 4 жыл бұрын
@@wesleypuckett3861 We are called to defend the truth of the gospel and gently testify about our hope in Christ. We are called to profess truth through love. This is what Peter, Paul and the Apostle did and taught.
@DesGardius-me7gf 2 жыл бұрын
If you want to know if the Bible is really supported by evidence, you should ask REAL historians and scientists, not Christian apologists. Going to a Christian apologist is like asking a 12 year old Justin Bieber groupie for an honest, unbiased critique of the latest Justin Bieber album.
@mkathrynblacker5960 2 жыл бұрын
Did you even watch the video???? My goodness, you science geeks really show your ignorance.
@milohilltop3691 7 жыл бұрын
He certainly wastes a lot of time talking about fine tuning. And misconstruing biology. What's disgusting is that Sean is fairly well-read on evolution and he still chooses to misrepresent the role of chance. Did he even talk about the reliability of Scripture in this talk? Because this video is mis-titled.
@charlesokorator9479 7 жыл бұрын
Been watching Sean the past few days. I started with respect, now i see him as just another poor apologetic. This is intellectually dishonest. And sadly, you can replace this with any religion, and his arguments would hold. 1 out of a million is a high chance of occurrence if you have a million opportunities per second. Thanks for reassuring my skepticism. Please reply if you've found an apologist you can respect.
@bryanbursiek1593 6 жыл бұрын
Check out Michael Ramsden as I feel he really appeals to all kinds of people and backgrounds with much more understanding.
@silverwolfmonastery 3 жыл бұрын
I have just started watching Sean recently. I think he believes his perspective. He is so charming and has incredible emotional intelligence, however... he is stuck with the same arguments that every other apologist has.
@davepugh2519 9 жыл бұрын
Not the 'fine tuning argument' again. Most of the universe IS inhospitable to life.If the laws of physics weren't the way they are we would have evolved differently, or not at all - so what? The fact that we exist is proof that we exist - nothing more. And even if there was a god behind it all, would it really have written such a bad book?
@briannicholson9041 8 жыл бұрын
That's the weak anthropic principle. We wouldn't be able to observe our existence if we didn't exist... but that doesn't remove the need of an explanation. That's like someone sentenced to death by firing squad, every bullet missing, and then he says "Oh well, I'd only be alive to see that I was alive if I hadn't missed." He would of course wonder why they had all missed. Most of the universe is inhospitable to life, but the fact is that if those minor adjustments were made to the constants that many times planets couldn't form. Stars couldn't form. No chemistry and no life.
@briannicholson9041 8 жыл бұрын
if it hadn't missed* (it meaning the shots fired)
@lisahudson8315 7 жыл бұрын
This is a very smart man, however, sometimes it is ok just to go out and support your faith!!! I Don't really like the way that he handled these students just trying to get the word out about Jesus!!!!
@travelsouthafrica5048 3 жыл бұрын
well after 4 years we can safely say nobody like your comment , if you can do what he does better than he does it , why aren't you out there doing it
@MrNpkellogg 4 жыл бұрын
Dawkins actually believed that nonsense?! He sounds like he's sticking his fingers in his ears and yelling "LALALALALALALALALALA" so he doesn't have to hear the truth.
@ryandinan 3 жыл бұрын
No, he doesn't. He used the monkey analogy as an example comparing random, single-step selection to non-random, cumulative selection. Evolution operates on the principles of the latter.
@IIrandhandleII 2 жыл бұрын
How does anyone still believe this stuff in the 21st century
@grantbartley483 2 жыл бұрын
Because the evidence is overwhelming if you actually do some research into it and not just listen to atheists
@mashah1085 2 жыл бұрын
@@grantbartley483 "and not just listen to atheists"? So when I do my research, I should consult only research by Christians?
@grantbartley483 2 жыл бұрын
@@mashah1085 That would clearly be just as bad. Only one side of an argument is a biased sample.
@mashah1085 2 жыл бұрын
@@grantbartley483 So you'd accept research that refutes Christianity?
@grantbartley483 2 жыл бұрын
@@mashah1085I would consider it refuted if you show me the proven bones of Jesus; and seriously questionable if you gave me a historically convincing reason why the witnesses of the NT were lying when they claimed to see him resurrected (this doesn't include power or wealth, as that was not available to the early church; nor group hallucination, as that fits neither the Gospel accounts nor the history of medicine). Other than that, I don't know what would disprove it. I think the problem of evil can be meaningfully addressed. But maybe you have further ideas?
@Love-God-People-Truth Жыл бұрын
@rgenericson5361 4 жыл бұрын
Cherry picking christians, you can't buy better entertainment, and you wonder why your the laughing stock! Absolutely pathetic!
@grantbartley483 2 жыл бұрын
I wish I could spell as badly as you when putting down other peoples' intellects
@MikeJunior94 8 жыл бұрын
25:03 this is simply false. Your entire genetic code can be copied on a 700 MB CD...
@ubergenie6041 8 жыл бұрын
Absolutely correct. But the comment on 25:03 is about the amount of information of a cell not DNA. Point is where does the information originate? Early single-called organisms often contain over 1 billion bases pairs.. Some have been discovered with as little as 500,000 base pairs. Abiotic biogenesis researcher can't explain how a couple thousand base pairs would successfully form much less 500,000. That is Sean's point.
@FoamySlobbers 8 жыл бұрын
@haggismcbaggis9485 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, come back in 50 years and see where the researchers are at. If researchers come up with a robust solution, it will have serious implications for theology. Currently, we know that phospholipid bilayers form can form naturally. They have also started using synthetic DNA base pairs:
@mrwater5772 Жыл бұрын
Faka ass story
@dilldoe1976 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah right, a deity that can create universes has to tell us about his plan for salvation using a book. Come on people, this stuff is clearly man made and the pleasure you feel is a psychological effect from a sense of community and hope you get at a church.
@kbellotti1 7 жыл бұрын
Dill Doe How do you envision God revealing Himself to humanity? What does that look like for you?
@youngmarcio 6 жыл бұрын
@briankeating1057 6 жыл бұрын
You’re right. What we need is god to come down to earth. Tell us what we need to do. Explain how life could be so much better. How we can live forever....... ah
@elliotselekedi1862 6 жыл бұрын
brian keating but the Bible tells us that what has happened, but now the question is why didn't Jesus stay forever on earth and keep telling us that himself,,, I believe in the Bible and the events in the book, but I still have certain questions.
@tsapp2831 6 жыл бұрын
Dill Doe yes, I should believe the scientific impossibility... That nothing exploded and created everything. There's no purpose, no accountability.
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