Season 1 Episode 1 Review | Avatar The Last Airbender Netflix

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The Sword and the Pen Reflections

The Sword and the Pen Reflections

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I casually critique Netflix's Avatar The Last Airbender, S1 E1.
Greg The Editor and Animator For This Video:
Savage Book's Video About Dialogue in NATLA:
• The Avatar Live Action...
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/ @theswordandthepenchannel
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@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
After 31 fails to get past copyright blocks, here it is. Give some praise to Greg for his editing and animations!
@encyclical 3 ай бұрын
Wow. What a glimpse into what tho takes. Ugh…
@L0stwitn0nam3 3 ай бұрын
I love this type of analysis and myself felt the urge to "fix" these episodes. If you would indulge my comments, here's how I rewrote episode 1. Fix 1: 9 episodes 60 min each Fix 2: Mature and teen audiences Fix 3: differentiate Soliders from Fire Benders. Fire Benders armor uses blade gauntlet that double as torch. Normal soldiers uses fire resistance armor thats blockier and functions as shielding with both long spear and swords. Episode 1: Bell ringing as squads of 4, 2 Soliders and 2 Fire Benders running down ally searching for the Spy. The spy with solider armor tries out running two different squad hot on his tail, begins uses his earth bending to attack and impede the squads. One Solider tossed into the wall while another is tripped and impaled while falling by a spike to the throat. As the Earth bender spies tries to weave strikes and stone to impede his pursuers, the Soliders block their faces while the fire benders break through the pillars with their flame weapons. The soliders follow behind their ranking officers as The earth bender gets to position and launches the stolen plans over the moat which land near his escape partner. Blast of fire land near the earth bender as the fire benders engage with deadly strikes. They fight with the earther bender restricting and knock soldiers away as fire benders break through with powerful strikes. As archers get into position, the escape partner lift a wall to protect the ostrich horses and lifting him slightly higher to see his partner. The fire nation yell to surround them as the bridges lower and he sees the spy surrounded fighting hard he decides to jump on the horse and leave. While the earth the bender tried to block the bridge from lowering and firing shards of stone into the enemies. The fire benders take cover behind the soldiers as they try to block the impaling stones. As he gets shot by arrow, he cowers behind stone cocoon . In the dark, flaming blades pierce the cocoon, glowing the stones burning the oxygen out as the bender struggles to breath. Bursting out the cocoon with jagged stones impaling a fire bender as the other attack and burn the spy, he yell "its too late." Partially burnt over the body of crushed fire bender, he spit out blood and smiles. "10 of you couldn't handle one of me. The Earth kingdom will never fall no matter what you planned." Surrounded by fire benders, archers and soldiers, the fire bender cross their burning swords and pinning the earth benders limbs as they cut and burn. The screams fade into flames as the scene shift through the flame the image of the throne room doors. There Royal guards fire benders open the door as a several pairs of fire bender squadron enter, kneel and bow. A menacing voice, "Your report, captain." One of them sweats as he lift his head, "Your Majesty, the spy has been incinerated. We have two tracking units pursuing the fleeing coward to retrieve the stolen plans as we speak, my lord." The flames rise as the silhouette of Fire Lord Ozai stands. He parts the flames as he steps past and down to captain "your eminence..." he quickly bows facing the ground. "The plans are as good as recovered. We have our best scouts in pursuit." " No, need captain. You and your men are to prepare for invasion. Send a platoon of just Soliders to back up your scouts. I only need Fire Benders. We leave at dawn, time is of the essence." 4 min read = 10 minutes.
@L0stwitn0nam3 3 ай бұрын
Pt2 Southern Air Temple - panning in from behind clouds reveals the beautiful temples bustling with activity and life. A group of kids playing air ball, two advisers using a Bison to portion enough space for multiple Bisons in the court yard, several elders and older teens are putting up decorations and festivals stands as a young boy with tattoos air bends/glides from the ground to crates up to ledge filled with pies cooling from the bakery. With one hand holding on to the balcony, the young boy inspects the pies until he finds the banana pie, sticks his finger in to taste. "AANG!" A voice below startles him as the pie is knocked off the ledge and lands on the elder below surrounded by other children about the boy's age but without tattoos. A few laughs, one tries to help the master clean up, another tries to save the pie while the rest murmur among themselves. Aang slowly descends attempting to hold back his smile and stands at attention, "Clearly, your private lessons with Gyatsu ended early. Isn't there something better for you to do with your talents than sneak pies from the festival. How about you..." another pie drops on the head of the master as master Gyatsu descends with several pies floating aside with him. "Oh Master _____, I'm so terribly sorry. Aang, help me carry the rest of these to welcome stands. It seems they're too much even for Masters like ___ and myself to handle on our own." Aang and the other children laugh as they all grab pies and carry them over to the stands. "You're doing him No favors training him to behave like this , Master Gyatsu." "It was an accident. His status doesn't mean he's not allowed to have a semblance childhood." "He's not your friend any more, Master Gyatsu. He still has much to learn even with earning the Marks of Mastery. He must be prepared for his responsibilities in this world as he has been before. You might not be the best Master for him." " What good is teaching the protector of life without showing him what it means to live, Master ____. It's because we are friends that he trusts me to guide him this time around. I'll look out for your class while you change, wouldn't want the other Masters to see you in such a state." Pans over to the kids and Aang setting the pies and then gathering to different conversations while Aang addresses them, "wasn't my best work, guess I nee to practice my aim abit huh?" Some kids whisper to each other, some paying attention to the air ball match, and when one replies, "You're going to get us all in trouble and we don't want to lose our free time because of you." "I know. How about I make it up to everyone. I can show you all how a new move that will impress Master __. I call it the Air Scooter." Interest peaked as Aang shows the kids the air scooter. While the kids attempt the Air Scooter as Gyatsu approaches Aang. "How about we all scoot our way to the playing grounds, the last one there has to look out for Master ___ return?" The kids smile and nod as Aang and Master Gyatsu race to the entry way on their air scooters. He stops short waiting for the other students. They filter in first by the quickest learners while others use air bending to short glide or run faster trying to catch up. After the last student crosses, Gyatsu begins to teach the class how to properly make and control the air scooter in a short montage until Aang scooters himself up a near by arc point to the sky. " THEY'RE HERE! THE CARAVAN IS HERE!" Before the students can leave Gyatsu stops them all including Aang and settles them down, " Now Master ___ wouldn't forgive me if his class ambushes our sister tribes the moment they arrived. Let's show them what we learned once they all had the chance to land for them to see." He lines up the kids from least to most mastery of the air scooter as the last Bison flies over head and lands in the court. One kid goes "I lost count of them all, how many are supposed to be here?" Aang and the rest of the students look at Gyatsu as he puts a hand on Aangs shoulder, smiles and turns to the rest of kids. "All of our tribes are here for a very important reason. See kids this isn't just the centennial festival. As it is known, the Avatar was reborn into the Air nomads. Tonight as the comet lights up the night sky, We will announce the identity of the Avatar and celebrate his Mastery of Air bending." "So what happens to the Avatar? Does he join the council? Will he teach us?" The kids all shout out at the same time. Gyatsu laughs "He can once he is done with his Avatar Training. See he must Master all the elements and to do that He must travel the world and learn as much as he can to maintain peace of our world." The kids excitedly murmur among themselves with different responses, "I want to travel the world" "no fair, the Avatar can do it all" "I wouldn't want to leave home." "I dont mind the beaches but to the north, no way it's too cold." All the kids as talking among themselves and yet there's a silence between Gyatsu and Aang. He swallow slightly trying to muster up the words, "I don't want to lose my friends. I want to stay here." One of the other kids blurts out, "don't have any friends to lose." Gyatsu kneel down to level with Aang "We'll always be friends. We've always been friends, Aang." They hug as Master ___ approaches in a hurry and frustration. "Master Gyatsu, of course you took them to the playing grounds. You're being summoned by the council, urgently." Gyatsu smiles at Aang and turns to the class, "Guess I can't walk there." He signals and nearly all at once everyone but Master ___ air scooters leaving the Master___ slightly impressed and annoyed following behind unable to do it. 12 min read, 15 min live action.
@L0stwitn0nam3 3 ай бұрын
Pt3 Doors to the council room open as Master Gyatsu stands in the door way revealing the other council members mid conference. "Finally, Master Gyatsu have you finished your training with the Avatar?" "It's a pleasure to see the whole council together again as well. As you know completely Mastery is a lifelong process but the Avatar has earned his Marks. What's the rush?" Another councilor speak up, "Peace has been broken. The tension between the Earth and Fire nations is in imminent escalation of war." "What does this mean of us?" "It means we must decide between protecting the Avatar, or offering the Avatar to barter for peace between Earth and Fire kingdoms. As the Avatar, his training must be accelerated to deter this escalation and keep peace alive. If we ally ourselves with the fire nation, the earth kingdom assault on our temples could be disastrous." " It might be best to keep the Avatar within our nation" " but if all war breaks, his training will be incomplete." "The Water tribes might ally ourselves if we bring him to the northern air temples and offer our protection if they allow us to have a Master to train him." "If all war breaks out between fire and earth kingdoms, it makes most sense to keep him and our people here, in the south, and negotiate with the southern water tribe and earth tribe for a master. It's the best way he'll achieve his training." " Only the earth kingdom can potentially reach us this far up by assaulting our support peaks. Water and Fire nations cannot reach us without flight." " So it's settled we're barging with Water and Earth Tribes for a Master and bring them here to train the Avatar." "Unfortunately, we already received notice from the Earth kingdom fortifications and request that the Avatar be sent to learn from the Dai Li in the capital. If we don't send them the Avatar, none of our temples are safe." "So we negotiate with the Water Tribes to take refuge here where its safe with our people so that it makes the most sense for the Avatar to return here to finish his training after the earth kingdom." "We cannot send the Avatar across an active battlefield and if the earth kingdom can send a sizable unit to crumble our supporting structures, they're already in a winning position with even needing the Avatar." "We need to maintain the peace above all. Giving the Earth kingdom the Avatar will only ensure war. He must be kept here, safe with us." "If we're going to have access to an Earth bending Master here, we're going to have to offer the earth kingdom air support instead." "We don't need to respond hastily. They are not at war with us just yet. The stolen attack plans have given the Earth kingdom time to spread word and set up a defense. If they're losing, we can then offer air support in exchange for a master. If they're winning, we can safely send the Avatar there to train earth bending." "So we just wait after war and destruction breaks out to pick a side?" " We cannot avoid a war already underway, but we can avoid making it worse." " Either way, we need the Avatar to begin his training. The southern water tribe is both closest and least likely to resist a deal. We fortify here and send the Avatar to the southern tribe as a token of good faith. As the war breaks either way, we'll collect the avatar and the southern water tribe to retreat here." "That requires us to expand our living quarters in the means time." "First thing then, we send the Avatar and our best fighters to the southern water tribe to convince them to take refuge with us. He can begin his water training and even if no master exists in the southern tribe, we can earn favor with the northern tribes and get a master." "Master Gyatsu, you will pick two guards to accompany you and the Avatar south. I trust you already explained the responsibilities of his status." "Aang is just a child. This war is ours to stop. Allow me to travel to the southern water tribe on his behalf and keep him here where's he safe, if he's to succee where we failed." "Aang? He is much more than just a boy. It is not our doing that started this war but we must prepare and do our part as well. It is not his actions but his duty to maintain peace as the Avatar. We cannot choose someone ready to become Avatar but we can choose who is to guide him." "At least allow me to explain it to him. It will be easier coming from a friend." "You have till the revealing tonight. Tomorrow, he must begin to act like the Avatar." Read 10min, live 10 min
@L0stwitn0nam3 3 ай бұрын
Pt 4 Gyatsu bows and turns to walk away as contingency plans for observations and scouts of the would be war continues in the council room. Aang and the others try impressing the new nomads in the main court as gossip of the war circulates among them. One of the kids, "supposedly, the avatar is suppose to go stop them fighting on the front lines." "Hope they don't kill him." "It's ok, its the avatar. He'll just be reborn in the next kingdom and we won't have to worry." " Wouldn't they want that? And have the Avatar born in their kingdom?" "It's water you idiots. They're not the ones fighting. Plus he'll just be a baby, it'll take years before he'll be useful to anyone." One boy turns to Aang says "I doubt he'll be useful now." The cheer and excitement of the festival fall mute with everyone painting a happy face but most are gossiping and trying to sort out their opinions. Aang conflicted finds himself at the alter of the Avatar Yangchen. "Please, don't let it be me. I can't do what you've done. I can't stop a war. I don't want to fight... I don't want to die." "Aang, no one is going force you to fight" Gyatsu says as he walks into the shrine. "I'm sorry, Aang. I thought being a good friend to you was keeping the truth from you as long as possible." "I CAN'T be the avatar. Please, you're mistaken. I'm just me." "And it's because you're you, we are friends. When I was young, we were friends then too, Aang. That's why I was allowed to teach you. I failed you as a friend and teacher by not preparing you for the weight of this responsibility but you are still capable of handling this destiny." "If you're my friend then you won't leave me to do this alone." "You, alone, have the power to achieve things no one else can. But you will never be alone, our love and faith in you will never abandon you, Aang." They hug once again with tears in their eyes. "Can we travel together, at least?" "I wish I could but I already failed you once and the council has decided I cannot be trusted..." "Who cares about the council rules, if we're really friends you won't let them send me away." "It's because we are friends I can't hold you back any longer. It's important that tomorrow ..." " Tomorrow?! You're going to let them take me to war tomorrow!" Aang runs out of the shrine and toward the Bison pens. Gyatsu looks pensive and turns towards to return the council room. Most already left to prepare for the celebration and announcements but two remain organizing letters to be send out. "Master Gyatsu, is everything alright? Was it done?" "Yes, and I will be personally joining him to ensure his safety. I won't fail fighting for his safety. If he must head to the Southern Water Tribe, no one will stop me from leaving as well." "Master Gyatsu, as if anyone could. Best hurry to find someone to cover your duties here and select your scouts to accompany you both in the morning." Aang hugging Appa and crying finishing updating him on the news. Appa licks his face of tears and grabs a sattle signifying appa is going wherever he's going, Aang laughs tries setting up the sattle on his own. As cheers and festivities intensify and night settles, the comet illuminates the sky red. Aang is barely finished as he overhears people asking for his where abouts. Aang and Appa sneak out the back and slowly fly to near peak. "Where should we go Appa? I don't know what to do? If I leave where do I go... do I go see Kuzon? Do I go see Boomie? Or should we go back." From the darkness below, balls of fire shoot up and skim Appa. In a panic, Appa flies in the opposite direction. "Whoa Appa, what happen?" Another fire ball skims the both of them as two small figures bounce around chasing them towards the ocean. Just as they get over the water, two figures are engulfed in fire and shoot directly toward Appa using burst of fire to adjust their trajectory. One over shoots and lands in the ocean, the other slams into the tail of Appa slicing and burning it while landing on his back. Appa begins to nose dive while Aang tries to air bend Appa up as the fire bend approaches. Aang uses all his might to air bend Appa from crashing into the ocean blowing the firebender slightly off as he stabs into Appa tail to stay on. Appa scream in pain and balls himself dropping deep into the ocean waters. Aang tangled into the saddle as Appa sinks further seeing the blood on his tail between the darkness of the depths and the red sky above, Aang channels the Avatar state to protect them both in a bubble of ice and air. 10 min read, 10 min
@AJ-jv1wh 3 ай бұрын
After wayching this video, I can say one thing. The Netflix executive you had contact with seriously need to get you as a script doctor for season 2 and 3 to smooth the dialogues and scene beats so it sounds natural unlike season 1 lol
@fangiscool1 3 ай бұрын
Some of this show watches like no one took a second look
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
I would love to work on this project. It doesnt need a whole lot to be smoothed out quite a bit. Netflix knows how to reach me 😉
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
@@fangiscool1 From what I know, there were MANY second passes. I think this script was overworked, not neglected.
@emilyboychyn7982 3 ай бұрын
My husband was convinced that when Aang said "I'm not the enemy" that he actually said "I'm not the anime" and now I choose to believe that's what he said and nothing can change that haha.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Bahaha! I love that!
@Louis1059 3 ай бұрын
Netflix needs to get you involved with the next two seasons. Your passion and care really shows. Can't wait for the next in depth reviews.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
If Netflix wants to hire me, they know how to reach me 😋 I could do this all day.
@flavortown6280 3 ай бұрын
​@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONSi hope they do🙏
@MSE-X 3 ай бұрын
I think I like all of the suggested rewrites, but I LOVE the Aang escape/rescue rewrite! Albert Kim, hire the woman!
@etienne8110 3 ай бұрын
If netflix wanted the show to be good they would fire kim to start with.
@MSE-X 3 ай бұрын
@@etienne8110 Couldn't disagree more.
@etienne8110 3 ай бұрын
@@MSE-X kim is a sports journalist who failed on multiplebasic rules of writing on this first season. Making it below the average fanfiction. You are of course free to disagree with me and like what he s done. But at least acknowledge the reality. It s fine to like crap, as long as you know it is crap.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Haha! Thanks! My rewrite woukd have been more expensive and complex to film, though, which might also have been a deterrent. But if Mr. Kim likes it, he knows how to get in touch with me. I'd love to work on this!
@etienne8110 3 ай бұрын
@@dubiushegrid-cr2ji yeah, the originals who left because they disagreed with the result...
@lauraberkholtz7959 3 ай бұрын
They need to hire you.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
I'm open to it! It would be a grand adventure!
@jordanlinehan7478 3 ай бұрын
I really hope the LA ATLA team sees this and especially your friend so they can ask your advice on writing season 2 and 3 because those seasons need to be better. They don’t really need anymore exposition dump for the next seasons, the vfx is fantastic, the characters are established and the world building is great. They have everything to make the next 2 seasons better and focus on the writing and story.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
@@jordanlinehan7478 I agree. Season 2 and 3 can step up the writing and we will have a fantastic adaptation. Id love to help with that in whatever way I can. If Neftlix wants me, they know how to reach me 😋
@ilakkiyaamudhan6131 3 ай бұрын
Oh I really hope Netflix contacts you for Season 2 & 3 because I felt myself actually reacting, like smiling and laughing or going "oh no!" with your scene rewrites and notes.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Haha! Really? That makes me feel great! I love that people are really enjoying the rewrites.
@pedrohenriquegomes6306 3 ай бұрын
Hello Amber, just wanted you to know how much I appreciate your work in so many levels. Avatar is my favorite thing in life. I used to watch it as a kid with my brother, and both of us became fans of the 4-nations universe ever since and it was also a strong bound between him and me. My brother died 3 years ago, he was the person I loved the most on earth. Seeing your videos breaking down the Avatar universe warms my heart, it is like I can feel my brother again discussing it with me. Thank you for your excellent work which also touches my soul, and thank you for remembering me that ”Some friendships are so strong, they can even transcend lifetimes” Love from your new Brazilian fan 🇧🇷
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
This just made my whole year! Thank you for sharing this with me 🥰 You and your brother obviously had a wonderful bond. 😊
@jeremyvanneman8112 3 ай бұрын
25:57 I love the way you reworked the Aang leaving scene. He needs to run away, even if it's supposed to only be for a little while. Him saying "I just need to clear my head" then saying "let's head back" after just a short while was a responsible move, and under any other circumstance would have been perfectly fine. He has absolutely zero reason to feel any guilt whatsoever in that situation. All of the criticism that he bailed on everyone feels completely unwarranted. However if his plan was to intentionally avoid the responsibility because he didn't want to go "just yet" but wanted to do it on his terms makes his guilt more understandable, everyone's criticism feel more valid, and makes Gyatso's "it wasn't your fault, you would have only died with us" hit even harder.
@lauraberkholtz7959 3 ай бұрын
I really enjoyed the combination of review and rewrite. Lots of people have reviewed this, but rewriting it points out the technical side of what works and what doesn’t.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Thanks! I wont d o this for every episode, but this one required so little to make a big difference, so I decided to just go for it here.
@GuilhermeNetto92 3 ай бұрын
I love your videos, it feels like finding a friend that is so obcessed about avatar as me, but actually knows something about the industry hahaha
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Haha! This is literally my geek outlet. If I didnt have this, I might implode or start talking to myself. Thanks for watching!
@jeremyvanneman8112 3 ай бұрын
47:41 Absolutely agreed on the dolly in/zoom out, or reverse rather than a dutch angle! There's actually a number of dutch angles used in this first episode that I think don't work at all. They feel like a 2nd year cinematographer who was told "use a dutch angle to make things feel strange or uncomfortable" and is just testing it out for the first time. The rest of the camera work ranged from fine to amazing, but these shots really stood out to me. Also, absolutely agreed on more pauses here. I think there was so much they were trying to get through that they cut out all the pauses, and reaction shots that would have given so much more weight to the scenes. I mean, Gran gran is processing that the thing she was told about as a child was real, and that all the trauma she's gone through since being a kid was potentially because of the child in front of her, and could potentially be solved by the child in front of her - I didn't get any of that. Kitara and Sokka had also heard the stories, so they should have huge reactions too. Aang had very little range of emotion through her entire monologue, and there's definitely particular lines that should have hit him like a ton of bricks - it's not just that he's been gone for a hundred years, and everyone is dead. It's that they died brutal deaths that "the Avatar" could have potentially stopped. But this feels more like a scene that just needed to happen to move the plot forward rather than a massive truth bomb for everyone in that room.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
So true. Reaction shots of the kids would have really helped this moment, too.
@jeremyvanneman8112 3 ай бұрын
17:59 I completely agree that the reveal to Aang was too fast. It almost felt like he had pretty much already deduced he was the Avatar (but not told Gyatso), he was already aware of the attack on the earth kingdom, and he was only coming to terms with more of what that meant. He didn't have time to process the entire reveal, but in that context it could have worked.
@ptr4410 3 ай бұрын
These little changes in dialogue/interactions make the world so alive!!! That’s what this live action desperately needs, they have the beautiful settings down, now make the characters just as alive!
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
I think they can accomplish this in S2. The writers show many signs of being very talented. I really do think that the flaws we all see came from a combination of overworking and trying to cater to too many audiences.
@jenniferf.6383 3 ай бұрын
I feel like the intro would have been great, if it was told like a bedtime story and this would have been the introduction to the watertribe😅
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Ooooh! Thats so cool! I like that.
@user-bt3fm6ch8b 3 ай бұрын
Netflix should hire you for the rest of the show, you would really be a fresh breath for them
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
I'd love to work on this. 🥰 If they are intersted, they know how to contact me.
@user-bt3fm6ch8b 3 ай бұрын
@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS I am still watching (your video), almost the end, but for far I think the changes you suggest really preserve the heart of ATLA, little details and dialogue changes described by you really change it from parody to adaptation. I have high hopes that are watching your critiques. Thank you for replying, love your videos, probably the only ones I can watch and listen non-stop not being tired of smone talking.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
@@user-bt3fm6ch8b Haah! Thank you. I recommend watching me on 1.5 speed, though. I tend to think on the spot, and I'm a bit slower to voice those thoughts.
@athinav2894 3 ай бұрын
incredible work. they seriously should hire you, you’re fantastic and your passion for this story shows
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
I would love that. I'm available for hire. They know how to reach me 🥰
@Ahhhhht 3 ай бұрын
When he’s looking for Appa in the South Pole he’s using an air spout like the one Roku uses when confronting Sozin in the animated series.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, this was explained to me. Maybe it shoukd have looked like a tornado under him. ???? I dunno.
@jeroam_ 3 ай бұрын
Netflix should hire you for Season 2 & 3
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
I'd love to. If they want me, they know how to find me 😋
@OfCourse-gj1iv 3 ай бұрын
Netflix should hire you to polish out seasons two and three!
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
I would love to 😁 They know how to reach me 😋
@OfCourse-gj1iv 3 ай бұрын
Let's make it happen!@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS
@IsraelLlerena 3 ай бұрын
14:33 bro Im not even that far into the video but your suggestions have been amazing!!!! Gosh I wish they’d hire you. This sounds so much more natural.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Thank you! I would love to work on this project! The more I have learned about the process, the more Ive been thinking it's time for a career shift.
@IsraelLlerena 3 ай бұрын
@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONSafter finishing your video my favorite adjustments you’ve made is when aang is falling and shot out of the sky, to have him dazed/not that conscious, then appa catching him and Katara blocking the fireball with water since they’re crashed into the ocean. Ugh so much better! Also with the children talking about throwing rocks and such and Sokka saying “we’re the water tribe not the rock tribe!” Ahhh that would be such fun writing! Also your suggestion that the earth warrior trying to kill Sozin as his last desperate move, but Sozin stopping him mid-movement while a tile lifts, but Sozin grabs his wrist and BURNS/KILLS HiM?!? SO GOOD!!! can’t wait to see your next videos! This was a really fun time listening to …uhhhh I’m just going to head canon your version.
@IsraelLlerena 3 ай бұрын
@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONSplease go for any career shift! I think this writing adds way more that I think the audience would’ve appreciated too’
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
@@IsraelLlerena Haha! I dont think you know how thrilled I am to have written someone's head canon. Lol!
@saurabh.shringarpure 3 ай бұрын
1hour sword and pen reviews. yes please!
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Haha! Thanks. I hope you enjoy. 😉
@saurabh.shringarpure 3 ай бұрын
@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS Absolutely! It's like watching the show again in my head but now it's way better with your edits.
@MrBenaire 3 ай бұрын
This is great and Im looking forward to the rest of your wheel of time reviews too. Keep up the good work.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Thanks! Now that Greg has a good idea of how I work, I intend to do my WoT videos while he works on my Avatar videos. So, fingers crossed!
@DeejonLoy 3 ай бұрын
Here's a plot hole that goes back to the original series: why did Sozin kill all of the Air Nomads? If the Avatar can't be reborn until the previous one dies, and Sozin knows when Roku died, then none of the adults can be the Avatar, so why kill them?
@Creamysouplatte 3 ай бұрын
I didn’t think of this! I guess they just want to kill all so no one can guide/teach the Avatar (luckily Aang is a master already!) or just want to get rid of ‘Air bending’ .. say, if a new waterbender Avatar reborn and Air bending doesn’t exist anymore, the new Avatar won’t be a threat 🤔
@DeejonLoy 3 ай бұрын
@@Creamysouplatte I thought this, but it would have been nice if Netflix included the reasoning.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Lol. Great point! Or how about this... if you kill all the airbenders, wont the Avatar just get reborn in the water tribe? I mean.... it's next in the cycle.
@DeejonLoy 3 ай бұрын
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS I'm guessing Sozin's plan was to conquer each nation in order of the cycle, to ensure the Avatar could never mature, but the Northern Tribe proved too fortified, and the Southern too resilient, thus they changed tactic to capturing benders, feeling they might capture a young Avatar in his/her base element by probability. After decades of capturing both Water and Earth benders, but never encountering the Avatar in prison, on the battlefield, and one never rising up in the Fire Nation, the conclusion must have been: the cycle is stuck in one of the elements, and since Earth Kingdom was overrun by Fire Nation, the Water Tribes were the most likely place to hide the Avatar.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
@@DeejonLoy I like this reasoning. 😃👍🏻
@jeremyvanneman8112 3 ай бұрын
45:12 That's so cool! I never noticed the one-finger thing, but that really did emphasize (even subconsciously) that Aang was a master Airbender rather than a kid still learning airbending.
@thevioletbee5879 3 ай бұрын
I feel like Gam Gam callously telling Aang everyone he knows and loves is dead was a little worse than reciting the intro.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Haha! Good point.
@jurienmartis9720 3 ай бұрын
"Falling with style", i gotta go rewatch toy story now.😂 I'll never look at episode 1 the same🥺
@SummitSummit 3 ай бұрын
Is that where "falling with style" comes from? I thought is sounded familiar.
@jurienmartis9720 3 ай бұрын
@@SummitSummit yeah, i think it's from the first toy story
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
I forgot to put a ToyStory clip in there. That was the original plan.
@kintome 3 ай бұрын
A monumental work and it's only episode 1! Fascinating stuff, hope algorithm picks you up!
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Wow! Thank you 🤩
@jordanlinehan7478 3 ай бұрын
I really enjoy your reviews and rewrites. I really really hope they hire you for season 2 and 3. Or even bring you into the discussion of development.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Dude! I would be so in! The more I have learned about this process, the more thrilling it is, to me. If they want me, they know how to reach me.
@DmGray 3 ай бұрын
Always love your analyses
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Thank you 🥰
@CJDM310 3 ай бұрын
I’ve been waiting for this!
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Thank you. Sorry it took so long. At least 3 days of the wait was due to copyright issues.
@Creamysouplatte 3 ай бұрын
I love your rewrite on the escape scene!❤️ Also I didn’t notice on the finger motion thing, the finger motion looks so delicate and soft, very Air-bending style! I agree on the dutch angle, I was kinda 🤔 at first, it was strangely put.. Anyway, thank you for the video, can’t wait to see the next ones🫰🏻
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Haha. Im a bit OCD when it comes to small details like that (the hand one). Im really restrained in these videos, but had to mention that one.
@jeremyvanneman8112 3 ай бұрын
1:16:51 They did the same thing at the end of the Wheel of Time first season "This wasn't the last battle. I fear it's only the first." It's such a cheap and lazy trope that fantasy stories have to say "if you enjoyed this episode/season, be sure to tune in next time for the next installment of [insert title here] where we'll explore the fantasy world more!" Aang's line here makes almost no sense in context. If he said something along the lines of "now that the fire nation knows I'm alive and back, I don't think they'll stop at anything to finish me off" or something along those lines (although the rest of the monologue does work pretty well. But it definitely needed to be reworked.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Oh! I like your rewrite! This would have been good.
@KAIisMYPROPERTY 3 ай бұрын
21:56 - No, this rewrite is good! I don't mind the one we got at all, but I prefer yours. It being longer would also make it better. Aang looked so overwhelmed throughout the whole conversation, he should have gotten some more time to process it and be in denial etc. 27:08 - Love this! Made me laugh, and it's in-character as well. "they can't take me away if I'm not here" 😂 27:55 - !!! This one hit home for me personally. Because during the 1944 genocide of my people (Chechens), the Soviet troops tended to target the ancient tower structures from the mountains as a way to erase a part of our culture. Over 300 of such towers are said to have been destroyed. (Don't mean to go political here, but I wanted to explain why this part affected me so much). For that reason, the scene struck me as extra evil. Because it doesn't look like they are only going after the people, the ones they deem a threat, they want to eradicate their culture along with them. 33:10 - Again, love this rewrite! 34:05 - I second this! Would've been a lovely little addition. Honestly love your entire rewrite of our first look into the Southern Water Tribe!
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Wow! Thanks for the thoughtful responses. Yeah, I think the towers falling, especially with that sad choral music, literally nailed it in showing the literal fall of a culture.
@wazup3333 2 ай бұрын
49:30 also I would have liked to see the crewmembers perhaps backtalking to zuko or showing lack of respect for him(spoiled prince), but showing full respect to Iroh.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 2 ай бұрын
Oh yes! This would have been great! I actually had a segment with Lt. Jee backtalking to Zuko that I didn't include in this video. But showing deference to Iroh would have been great! Excellent idea.
@jeremyvanneman8112 3 ай бұрын
43:23 Yeah, there was a lot of strange inconsistency here that took me out of the moment - that even my 5 year old called out. He said "he's naked!" But in the next shot he was partially clothed. And in the next shot he was fully clothed, and the cold air didn't seem to bother him at all. Then the kids running past completely ignoring him almost felt like he was in a dream (or in the spirit world and not fully observable) because of how bizarre that framing/action was on screen.
@marcthomassey2565 3 ай бұрын
A very good video. I have watched three times this adaption and I like it due to the potential and how different changes made sense to me, not to mention what I call the mirror actions/scenes (like how Gyatso's memory bring Aang out of the Avatar state vs Katara bringing him out of his merging with La in the finale as you mention it). You are totally right on Aang's arc and that kind of the reason why I have no personal issue with the lack of waterbending lessons for him in this season. That doesn't mean I won't be intrigued of how you would have included this part in this draft in regards of what they did. Nevertheless, just because I like something doesn't mean I can't understand the issues and I particularly like when those issues are tackled in a thoughful and reflective way with the discussion on alternatives. And I love the art of storytelling as I have noticed the trends, the challenges and the key features on what it means to create a good story. The elements you discuss in this video are very interesting, because you doesn't just raise the issues that bothered you or just praise what works. You comment on it in an argumented manner and in presenting an alternative that remains yet consistent with what was the potential intention of the creators of this adaptation while also considering the original show as a reference work. On all the issues depicted, the first Zuko/Iroh scene was to me the weakest one because of how contrived it sounds for most part. But I agree with the other issues and problems even if they didn't tip me off too much. I also agree that some editing and frames created some confusing elements. I think (and it is only my humble opinion considering I'm not as knowledgeable about storytelling as you seem to be) that part of the writing issues of this episode is a) as you pointed out in a text, their need to have a story that could touch a broadened audience beyond the core one, b) the fact that they were trying to rework the plotline of the first season in a more cohesive one with the uncertainty it could work and within 8 episodes (even though the total length is the same as in the original show) and c) while it seems the original creators might have very different ideas when they were working on the project, their total departure from it had impacted the development as it has forced Netflix to find someone to help writing the episodes and the whole storyline while having in mind both the core and the broadened audience, two different types that can be difficult to concile due to the differences in expectations. Some details and stakes to tackle and the stress such work can bring out, especially in a time and space where any misstep can spark volcanic reactions and wildfire in reactions in the wrong circumstances. But the core ideas in this season were interesting. When watching it, it reminds me a bit of how ITV adapted "Murder On The Orient Express" in "Agatha Christie's Poirot" due to the fact both have in common a core story with very dark and complex implications and themes. What it means for a world to know war for a hundred years without seemingly any hope for an end? How would a child react and behave when in only some days, he suddenly found out he is the next guardian of balance and peace, nearly died and woke up one hundred years later to discover the world at war and his people gone? That's heavy stuff I'm not sure many peope could easily handle. That doesn't mean the original show didn't tackle those core elements well. It's just that the change of story structure and frame for one, the weight of expectations from the audience (old and new) and the restraints that are inherents to such productions (budget, unexpected changes during the pre-production/production/post-production), not to mention the fact the project started during the COVID period, it's no wonder the result is promising but with awkward and unrefined elements. Once, I love this version, even though the original show (that I had discovered last year and is rewatching in original version, as I'm a French) is really good in storytelling, pacing and characters development. It is to animation what the original Star Wars had been for cinema or The Lord of the Rings for fantasy: a core reference in fiction and a intergenerational story with what is akin to "universal" vibes. In a way the restraints that affected the showrunner in the creation of this show, especially for how long it would take to create it, might be helpful to them if they are really attentive to listen to the reviews and constructive arguments on what is working and what is to improve or to fortify to make the two next seasons better than this first ones and while not as elevated as the original, good enough to give something that can show why it can be retold. Immemorial stories have this attraction that transcend generations and bring some people to retell them, no matter if it's for hommage, creative reasons or mercantilistic ones. What matters in those retellings is not necessarily that it's the same or better than the original, but that the passion that guided the original storytellers also guide those who create those alternative versions of the tale, leaving behind a personal/collective signature on their version. As imperfect and mercantile Netflix ATLA might be, I personally feel this passion in the whole season and I hope this fire will be still present and fueled for the two seasons to come.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Beautifuly articualted! I agree with all of it. And yes, I think we will see big improvements for Season 2 and 3. It will allow for more freedom in the structure of the writing because they know they are getting an S3.
@cgm134 3 ай бұрын
Have you thought about looking at Three Body Problem? I've read the books and now watched the first season. They've made a lot of changes, particularly to the characters and bringing in a lot of stuff from the later books early but I think it has improved it, certainly from the point of view of making it into a watchable, engaging tv series for a mainstream audience (the books are pretty 'hard' concept-driven sci-fi.) It would be very interesting to hear what you made of it?
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
While i was battlong copyright blocks, I watched 3 Body Problem and loved it! The books have been on my list for years. Now they are bumped up to the top. I heard about the chanhes and think jt was a smart decision.
@cgm134 3 ай бұрын
@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONSYes and it enabled a fun game of 'which character is this from the books and who's this guy I don't remember at all'! Glad you beat the block in a good way.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
@@cgm134 lol. Thank you for ignoring my typos. My phone keyboard is especially temperamental.
@cgm134 3 ай бұрын
@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONSThat's not a problem. I just assumed you were drunk or typing with your nose 😂
@ces-gp 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for your work 😊
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
You are very welcome 🥰
@AlvaroChuquiureZadig 3 ай бұрын
The expo dump could be excusable if the show was targeted for kids but then we open with a genocide so lets get our direction straight 😂
@noahme4eva 3 ай бұрын
Exactly!! The animation was a “kids” show yet it is more mature in how it handled darker themes.
@smwad7103 3 ай бұрын
No don’t give kids poor writing they deserve quality content too. Challenge them to grow and understand.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
I agree.... but I also think exposition isnt necessary for kids either. They are smarter than we think. 😋
@jeremyvanneman8112 3 ай бұрын
39:52 I got the impression that Aang's avatar state sphere was breaking open because she was bending so close to it, and it was reacting to being in such close proximity to bending.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Its unclear what was going on. You are probably right.
@jeremyvanneman8112 3 ай бұрын
@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS yeah, they probably could have telegraphed that better if it was the case.
@olived9560 3 ай бұрын
This was amazing!!
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 2 ай бұрын
Aww! Thank you. I try.
@anachavez3525 3 ай бұрын
“This kid is lightning fast” Foreshadowing for the series finale lol
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Hahaha! I didnt even realize i was doing that. Nice catch!
@proboffensive 3 ай бұрын
I absolutely LOVE your content and your take on this episode. But I wanted to ask, is there a reason you use Impact or an Impact-adjacent font for your on-screen notes? I love how bold and easy-to-read it is, but it's such an infamous meme-y font online, that it almost clashes with the tone of your videos? I don't know, I was just wondering As per the episode, there were some moments I wish they hinted/touched upon/expanded, like, don't Katara and Sokka have any friends in the tribe? Why is Gran Gran just letting her only family members go travel and possibly fight in the war so easily? Why was Aang not guarded on the ship the whole time? That would have made all those locations seem a lot more real, if that makes sense
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Lol. Im so out of the loop on what is trending and whatnot. I had no idea Impact was a meme. I just thought it was compact and easy to read. Interacting with NPCs almost always makes a place feel more alive. I agree.
@TheSyncos 3 ай бұрын
I think (with the obvious over expository dialog out of the way) the worst part of the netflix series is the lack of fire in Katara. Katara and Sokka are supposed to be set up as foils for Zuko and Azula. Brother/Sister, same age difference, different parenting styles, both lost their mother. Katara spends all of ATLA holding in her anger, with it only popping up here and there, Zuko spends ATLA being overtly angry until he resolves his issues.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
When you say ATLA, are you talking about the original animation? I kinda feel like the traits you mentioned were in the Netflix version. I might have misunderstood.
@TheSyncos 3 ай бұрын
​@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS I was referring to the animation. There is no indication of a deep seated anger in the Katara in the netflix show. She squabbles with Sokka a bit, but never really explodes at him. Zuko's beats are there. Azula's cracks are shown a lot earlier, but I don't think this ruins the parallel. I think only Katara's characterization is weaker here.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
@@TheSyncos I've talked about this exact issue in some of my other videos. I believe the show is starting her more reserved and building up to her being less so in order to give her a build up, leading to her climactic moment facing her mother's killer and forgiving Zuko.
@nelegras1403 3 ай бұрын
Your ideas are awesome and doing the original justice. Netflix should hire you!!!
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Thank 🥰 I try.
@danielmalinen6337 3 ай бұрын
In the animated series, it was a quarrel between Katara and Sokka, which is why Katara pushed the kayak with her waterbender skills and it crashed and released Aang's ball of ice from the seabed.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure the kayak was already destroyed (smashed between colliding ice) when they ended up on the iceberg. And it wasnt until after Sokka blamed her for their predicament that Katara got angry at Sokka and started calling him sexist, and thats when she bended the water around her and unintentionally cracked the ice that brought Aang's frozen bubble to the surface.
@cephasokoro9504 3 ай бұрын
I've been waiting for this
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for waiting. I hope you enjoy.
@NK-dt1kp 3 ай бұрын
I see this channel blowing up👍
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
I hope so! If I could afford to have an editor full-time, I would probably be able to put out more content. That would be awesome!
@Leapyearproject 3 ай бұрын
Netflix really needs to have you on board season 2 and 3! Your rewriting was so satisfying to hear compared to the original script
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Haha! Thanks. Im so surprised so many people like my rewrites. I was actually expecting a lot of backlash.
@blueclevername4900 3 ай бұрын
have they made an offer to hire you for season 2 and 3?
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Haha. No. I'd definitely be interested, though. If they want me, they know how to reach me.
@user-hs3yk2yc4w 3 ай бұрын
@ptr4410 3 ай бұрын
Fr 😭 They need someone that can write good dialogue….
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Lol. Thank you. I'm sure the writer's room is fully stocked and they have taken notes for improvements.
@CJDM310 3 ай бұрын
44:44 For me it was like that wind tornado thing that Roku used to hover while castigating Sozin. It was just harder to see the wind because it’s live action.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Oh damn! Great reminder! I forgot all about that! Hmmm... but we should have seen a tornado under him, then. That would have been a great little fix.
@jayschmidt2196 3 ай бұрын
It's the lighting that doesn't match in aangs flying scene.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, the lighting doesnt match in a few shots, but theres something off about the motion, too.
@jeremyvanneman8112 3 ай бұрын
56:48 Lol, I love that you included one of the other strange dutch angles that didn't really work.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Does this count as a Dutch angle? Or was it just the only place they could fit the camera on this set to get both characters in the shot?
@jeremyvanneman8112 3 ай бұрын
@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS it's still a Dutch angle. In every shot you can balance the horizon line to be perfectly horizontal - if that's not done, it's considered a Dutch angle. So even though this does feel a bit like a security camera (because it's not level) they could have gone with a wider lens if they wanted that angle and to get both characters in the shot.
@EmberAwoken 3 ай бұрын
Ever since you first brought it up, I can’t get over the costumes. They look fresh out of dry cleaning every scene 😅…
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
I follow the costume designer, and there was definitely aging done to the costumes. Perhaps the lighting didnt help. Pure white light hides the flaws and highlights the colors.
@everjei2 3 ай бұрын
50:49 I would like to just point out/ speculate that when I watched this scene I was like: Oop... especially with Iroh's face after Zuko speech: We will see our homes and families again. We will prove ourselves worthy or we will DIE trying bla bla. If we are talking about scenes being re-consumable, I'm speculating that this very speech is something that Lu Ten once believed, like literally wanting to prove himself worthy. It's really Iroh's facial expression that is giving me copium for Seige of Ba Sing Se lore drop later in book 2. lmfao
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 2 ай бұрын
OOO!!! I like that! The thought that Zuko was reciting the same mentality that Lu Ten had. I would LOVE it if we got some Iroh/Lu Ten flashbacks in S2 or S3
@fictions_in_motion_07 3 ай бұрын
Ya know, when the idea of making ATLA into a 'live action' adaptation came up, while I don't support it fullheartedly since I think the animation was perfect as it was, but if they wanted to do that, maybe they could have done something similar to an old Movie I once watched and rewatched recently. The Adventures of Tintin - The Secret of the Unicorn (2011). Maybe they could have done a realistic motion capture like style like this movie which would make the series while looking close to realistic but at the same not. They would have had more opportunities with the 'bending magic charm' if they used motion capture like this, but that's just my thoughts.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Hmmm... i dont know. I still think this story is good for live action, but the tone does have to be shifted to work.
@fictions_in_motion_07 3 ай бұрын
@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS Eh, I wouldn't mind that if it's full live action either. Hehehe, just thought hey, maybe combining animation somewhat into the mix (motion capture) would kind of gave you the look you said earlier, or at least close to it. It reminded me of this movie I mentioned because it is 3D looking but at the same it tricks your eyes while making you think it is live action as well. Either way, I just remembered that :D. And yes, the story needs a Lot of work. Very Very Much! I am no professional story writer or artist, but I love writing fanfics where I would explore the worlds of these amazing fictional master pieces. And I always try to keep in mind how to keep things as accurate as it is to the shows/movies. But if need to change I would make sure it stays true to the OG source material as well, and most of all, respect the audience by giving them what they are familliar with, but also do my best to give something fresh as well. And when it comes to changes, I would want to make them stay close to what the OG got. Especially the characters and their arcs. You did a wonderful job of it by the way. The set up was amazing, especially the small things, like the interactions in the village and what they do before Sokka and Katara gets to fishing. I would love to read more of these ideas ^^
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
@@fictions_in_motion_07 Thanks! I'll keep them coming, but this episode definitely consists of more rewrites of dialogue than I will offer for future episodes. It's a lengthy process rewriting dialogue (even just doing it slap-dash, as I did), and I gotta get the content out faster.
@jeremyvanneman8112 3 ай бұрын
56:04 I think you're spot on with the critique of the editing/camera work here! It didn't bother me too much because they still followed the 180 rule, and the 5 degree rule (never flip over the axis of action in a single cut without first establishing a new axis of action, and don't cut from one angle to another that's not at least 5 degrees off from the previous angle unless it's just a cut to a close up/wide shot). But they did push the limits of what works within those rules. I'd guess there's at least a 45 degree angle between almost every cut, there's one cut that goes directly on the axis of action (the firebending from his palm that goes right at the camera), and it's repeatedly going from wide to close-up (or even extreme close up) and back again over and over before we can establish ourselves enough to understand the context of what's happening. That said, maybe that's what they were going for? They wanted to make it feel like he's legitimately fighting someone? But in context that didn't make any sense because we could see he was still on the boat, so we would have only cut to as wide as a medium shot. Maybe they were trying to make us feel that firebending in particular is erratic? But if so I think they pushed it too far to really work without taking people out of the story. And I think regardless, having Iroh comment on a particular aspect to something we saw in a close-up would have justified the continuous camera angle/framing changes - and it would have highlighted how astute Iroh is when it comes to firebending. I mean, if we barely saw it because we were trying to get our footing in the scene, but Iroh noticed even nuances of what was happening, that really tells us as viewers that he's extremely impressive with his attention to detail.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Yeah. I think a lot of it was also just wanting to make it feel fast.... but the kid is already hella fast.
@jeremyvanneman8112 3 ай бұрын
@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS yeah, absolutely. I feel like audiences started to call out quick cuts not actually being good for all action scenes back around the time of Daredevil the Netflix series and Captain America: Winter Soldier. Daredevil was a great example of how long cuts with good choreography can make action scenes have a lot more character work to them. CA:WS was a good example of how a good movie can be made less by over-use of quick cuts (that particular film had an average shot duration of 24 frames). But I agree, the actor playing Zukko is plenty fast, and a skilled martial artist without camera tricks. Later in the season they allow this to work for them (sometimes - sometimes they still edit the scenes to super fast cuts of blurry action).
@anachavez3525 3 ай бұрын
Also the live action does a good job at showing Zuko’s honor instead of him having to say that
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Haha! Yeah. I think it was an inside joke to see how long they can go without him saying it. "DONT LET HIM SAY THAT WORD!"
@Dragonkat-uo4mv 3 ай бұрын
I am not sure how to start this conversation I have a book that I have been working on but can not seem to finish it, I still need someone to help me clean it up even if it is not finished for I do not have an editor yet! I do not know how to wright people in private on youtube for I also do not want just anyone to steal what I have been working on and I am not sure if I like the detection of the book but it would be a shame to scrape the parts that I do enjoy! I did start the book a long time ago and still want to be apart of it. To be the author on it but I would not mind given credit where credit is do for the one who wants to help me work on it! If the book turns out to be a success I am aware that you can go to a thousand publishers that say no before you get one that says yes! The real question is, is my first book good enough?!
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 2 ай бұрын
Send me this message to my email (in the description). I have some suggestions.
@Dragonkat-uo4mv 2 ай бұрын
​@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS I have sent you an email with a small portion of the prolog let me know what you honestly think! just look for dragon kat
@jermaineabrahams2483 3 ай бұрын
Would love to see you tackle Shogun the book the Original series and the new reboot.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Haha! I have watched the fjrst few episodes. Veey enjoyable. Did you watch 3 Body Problem? It's a good one! Definitely want to read thw books even more, now.
@jermaineabrahams2483 3 ай бұрын
I just finished the show and I am relieved they made changes to the book cause the book for me is a bit too deep for a Netflix budget@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS
@alvinmanalo9237 3 ай бұрын
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
@brindledragon2398 3 ай бұрын
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
@jeremyvanneman8112 3 ай бұрын
1:17:59 I agree that it doesn't totally work - the way Aang says he'd do anything to get it back - he has nothing he's trying to get back. If he's referring to losing his family/friends at the air temple, his vocal intonation of the line doesn't work. It feels like a determined "I'm going to go to great lengths to get my family back" which is not his intent. If he said it in a more saddened tone I think it could have worked, and made the connection to Zukko a bit more subtle (which would have been better anyway).
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
I agree that the intonation wasnt quite right for his meaning. The words, though, didnt fit into the rest of his monologue, so I'm not sure why it was stuck in the middle. It was clesrly meant to be a thought, while the rest of the monologue was stuff he was actually saying aloud.
@jeremyvanneman8112 3 ай бұрын
@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS that's true. It definitely feels like he's saying this to the other two - aside from this line.
@thiegoalberto8203 3 ай бұрын
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
@MsAkatsuki09 3 ай бұрын
Episode one is one of my favorite episodes of the series.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
It was one of the best-structured. Just needs a bit of smoothing out. But you can see the live and care that went intk this, including the script.
@jeremyvanneman8112 3 ай бұрын
30:51 yes! Their immediate need to get to the northern water tribe matched with their absolute lack of urgency almost immediately thereafter - just like the episode with Koh - it had such a conflicting message that it killed a lot of the pacing of this first season. If they need to get there fast, why are they doing all these side quests? They tried to explain it, but "I need to help this burned forest" just doesn't seem to compare to losing every water bender in the world, and the lives of everyone in the northern water tribe. And then he goes back to hang out with Gyatso in the spirit world on top of that, further devaluing the lives of all those people. If there wasn't a huge reason to rush, then we get to enjoy the calm moments more, and we still get that big climax without the fake tension that's repetitively invalidated.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Im actually gonna retcon myself in my ep 2 review. I want Kiyoshi to be the one to twll him to find a waterbending master and that he must start learning waterbending.
@jeremyvanneman8112 3 ай бұрын
@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS I like that!
@anachavez3525 3 ай бұрын
That was a really good point that people had a bad reaction to Gran Gran saying the prologue because we’re so used to hearing a certain way I really appreciated that Gran Gran was the one to say it because she is an elder I think that even if Kiawentiio was the one to say it people would still have an issue with that because it would be different that how Mae Whitman did it
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Yeah. It didnt help that Gran Gran used a narrow tonal range when she said it, which is jarring to a lot of audience anyway. But hearing it any way other than the way it was always said is definitely gonna have an impact.
@NevFTW 3 ай бұрын
The Ahh real monsters scream, now that is a throw back. If I am right that is. (pause to let it sink in)
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Thay was all Greg! (The editor)
@Dragonkat-uo4mv 3 ай бұрын
I am enjoying the re wright!
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Thank you! 🥰
@emlnemdn 3 ай бұрын
This was SO entertaining. If this was the real show, I’d have been 100% satisfied with the first ep. Before it was 7/10, but with the script changes this is a strong 10!
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Lol. Thats very kind of you, but I dont know about a 10. I reserve 10 for.... Dune. Maybe a one or two point increase. 😋
@fangiscool1 3 ай бұрын
In the (not) flying scene, Aang does a pretty strong second jump while high in the air. I think this also makes it seem like he's flying. I don't recall Aang ever doing this in the cartoon. He would shift himself a bit, but not double jump. Double jumping from that height means he can practically fly at that height. Just fly like a bat instead of fly like superman (or Zaheer)
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Hmmm. I will have to think more, but I could have sworn we saw him jump high a few times.
@fangiscool1 3 ай бұрын
​@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS I'm looking at 9:58 where he gets a second jump while midair just by flapping his arms. He doesn't clearly push off against any nearby building and his hands almost point parallel to the ground, so it's related to your camera angle comment. I don't think Aang ever does this double jump movement in the animation
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
@@fangiscool1 Oh! I see. Yeah. I don't remember him doing that in the animation ever, either.
@DivineStride 3 ай бұрын
First two scenes are mostly there as a tech reveal, and I kind of hate them. Especially the Earth bender makes a wall to buy time to escape, but he's on the other side of the wall.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
I think he raised the wall to protect the escape of his partner, not himself. Then he stayed on the "wrong side" to fight the firebenders to cause more delay.
@DivineStride 3 ай бұрын
​@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONSit's a wall though, making walls is one of the cool things about earth bending that makes it kind of OP. A self sacrifice is supposed to be a last resort, and I'm just not convinced that really was the last option. I think the scene could establish this scouts last stand really is a last resort by keeping the wall, drop the tension maybe have some dialogue between the scouts to establish that they've got the attack plans on the Earth Kingdom saying they'll launch their invasion at Chin as a nod to the original series. Then the wall starts to glow red before it explodes, the striders are spooked and there's a failed struggle to calm them down. One strider runs away, and only one remains. It's the same dilemma, but one earth nation scout turns to the other and says, "Get this to the council of five," before planting his feet in a wide stance, low to the ground. Here he will make his stand. The rest of the scene plays out similarly, but instead of him rushing in, he remains stationary, unmoving. More soldiers keep pouring in. The earth scout takes a hit, and then some more. In a final act of defiance, the earth scout bends the walls of the ally and closes it. We can take some of the time from the next scene and re establish it with a fire nation soldier reporting that the other scout got away with the attack plans, and Sozen has one line. "Good." We establish a few things this way and kill a lot of starter exposition. One is that fire bending can have concussive force, earth bending includes stone walls that can be used as weapons, and Sozen wants the plans to be discovered because he's as smart as he is brutal.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
@@DivineStride i like the idea of the 2 spies talking to eachother about the plans. This would be a good oportunity to spread the info dumping. Not sure I'm as thrilled by losing the ostrich horse. Haha. I can hear my mom's complaint.... "whats wrong with these men? They can make walls and punch boulders, but cant keep hold of their horses?" My mom is like that. Shes the voice of the people who despise incompetence.
@DivineStride 3 ай бұрын
@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS makes sense. That's how I feel with the original setup. If a wall can buy some time, then there should be something to establish why that isn't enough time. If the scout stays on their strider, that would be setting up a chase scene, which I haven't seen a good chase scene in the virtual volume yet, so I wouldn't want to do that. I think knocking one of the scouts off their strider with a brick from the wall could work. It would tie the environment to the actors. The wall could also explode while mounting and use a shot of the scout intentionally avoiding their foot getting caught by the stirrup. Though maybe this would be solving too many issues. For me, this is the hook and it should demonstrate the quality and type of content the rest of the show contains. To me the hook demonstrated poor internal consistency, cool but dim visuals, way too much exposition, okay action, violence because it's edgy not because it makes sense, slow dialogue and maybe way too many cuts. To be fair, this scene is a tech demo to demonstrate that it will not take 5 people to move one rock and demonstrate fire bending and earth bending. It's trying to walk a fine line between introducing a new world to new audiences and catering to older fans of the series. It should be more going for it and be more memorable than "the earth bending is good and Sozen immolates a man after revealing his evil plan." If that's the takeaway we're going for why not start in the middle of a battle between earth benders and fire benders with a voice over of Sozen monologuing to his generals about the greatness of his plans and the greatness of the Fire Nation. It would be easier too with the virtual volume as much of the battle can be in the background and you can focus on just a few soldiers at first and the cut to Sozen and the war room with his generals in the next tying the two together with the monologue.
@montanabaldwin7142 3 ай бұрын
Wow ya god they need to hire you
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Haha. Thanks! I'd love to work on this project. If they want me, they know how to reach me.
@montanabaldwin7142 3 ай бұрын
Could you imagine? Clearly they already have eyes on you because they invited you the premier. (sounds kinda creepy to know that without knowing you) lol but you're really talented at this stuff, Ive enjoyed watching the episode one review! Fingers crossed for you! don't fuck it up! lmao@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
@@montanabaldwin7142 If you watch my spoiler free review of episode 1, I explain that I sorta got invited as a friend of one of the execs who found my channel and who has been chatting with me socially. It wasnt creepy, really. 😋 I inadvertently invited myself.
@montanabaldwin7142 3 ай бұрын
Oh, no no I just meant in the moment of me typing that I felt weird that I knew something about you that you never explicitly told me lol idk. I guess thats KZbin lol @@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
@@montanabaldwin7142 oh! Lol I see what you meant. Yeah, well I try to let folks know as much as I can safely say without giving away things like my real name or where I live.
@teamdinosaurs999 3 ай бұрын
Avatar showrunner took a job at disney omg omg omg.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
I just heard! Looks like the new showrunners were heavily involved in NATLA S1, so when it comes to learning from mistakes made in S1, I'm guessing they will be well-aware. It won't be like they have to clue in someone completely new.
@laureate90 3 ай бұрын
Anyone else spot the line from 'Man of Steel'? Clarke's just found out he's an alien, and he says to his dad 'Can't I just go on pretending I'm your son?' with daddy Kent replying 'You ARE my son'. ...they say if you're going to steal, do so from the best. So why Man of Steel?
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
I havent seen that movie. I liked the line, though.
@laureate90 3 ай бұрын
@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS You're not missing much, it's not a very good movie 😅 Because I'm a believer in showing one's sources: If you search 'Man of Steel - Official Trailer 3' and skip to about a minute in, you see Kevin Costner having almost word for word the same exchange with young Superman. Likely just coincidence, but it made my wife and I double take when we heard it. Thanks for the video - I look forward to the breakdown of the rest!
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
@@laureate90 Haha! Thank you. Also... WTF?! I had no idea Kevin Costner was in this!
@jeremyvanneman8112 3 ай бұрын
32:40 😂 Why does it not surprise me that you were a 5th grade teacher? I've got one of those at home (and a 5 year old) - I get it 😆
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
I was not a great teacher. I was too nice. They ate me alive.
@jeremyvanneman8112 3 ай бұрын
@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS hahaha, that also doesn't surprise me 😆 also, ditto. I barely avoided buying her $15 in makeup this afternoon 😅
@nmbalo 3 ай бұрын
Although i feel that this series wasnt needed and can never reach the heights of the animation, i can appreciate the attempt and was not as bad as other tries. Honestly if you had not watched the animation, this is a good series with minor issues, but as a fan of the animation, i have too many issues with it, both small and large. 8 episodes does not do the world justice, they rushed many parts and skipped alot too. Did they forget that air benders do fight? if a war is coming and armies are rallying in one location, why does the air nation not come even though its said they have an army and where are the spies to watch the fire nation army movement since the earth king knows an attack is coming, shouldnt he want intel on the size and location at all times
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
These are all good points. Its also demonstrates one of the complications of Live Action. We are more often less forgiving of missing explanation in Live Action. Not always. But more often.
@nmbalo 3 ай бұрын
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS the weird part is avatar the animation was made for kids and yet has fewer points of less explanation. To me shows that the original writers actually cared more or were just more talented. Honestly the script should have been left to them to write
@anachavez3525 3 ай бұрын
@@nmbaloThe original provides context every episode through the intro
@smwad7103 3 ай бұрын
Gran gran gave me watered down Tangina (the medium) vibes from poltergeist. It could have been better but I didn’t hate it.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Good comparison. Yeah, the actress' scene in ep 2 was really nice. This ep 1 scene might have been her first day on set.
@mercado4501 3 ай бұрын
Yes, it's really him. Have some bts of that scene...
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Oh cool! Id love to see that!
@Dragonkat-uo4mv 2 ай бұрын
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS I know you been busy and I was not sure how much time I should wait before writing you on the subject of my book for I have not heard a response yet. I have sent out the email about 5 days ago, I hope you do not mind for I gave out an example of my prologue so you can see my writing style as well as the message! I hope everything is alright if my book is not a perfect fit for you I do understand just let me know for there is no hard feeling, but it also could be on my end for the first email I tried to send out for some reasoning ended up in my draft , I apologize for the second one for it looked like it attached the first draft into the the copy of the second form of the first that was in my draft which kind of throw me off a bit. I do however look forward to your response!
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 2 ай бұрын
I got your email. I was really busy and then got really sick. Almost went to the hospital last night. I promise i will look at iy asap.
@Dragonkat-uo4mv 2 ай бұрын
@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS It is no worries I understand about being busy as well but thank you for letting me know you got my email also please take your time with it for the most important thing right now is you to feel better!
@TheGraemi 3 ай бұрын
I think your nearly complete rewrite of the episode tells it all. To me all characters felt watered down probably with the reason to not offend somebody. Regarding Katara: I agree with you so far that she has character development. But in the LA she goes from afraid to do something because of the trauma to I can do something despite. I disagree with you that in the cartoon she only has a skill development. Her character starts out as somebody with a bit of anger issues because of frustrations with her struggling to water bend. Also she is a bit of arrogant (probably because of her insecurity and because she feels the responsibility to be the adult of the siblings😉) and tends to be jealous and overreaches when her passion overtakes her. So her arc IMHO in the first season is through learning to water bend (and the experiences on her journey) control her hot temper (and insecurity) and use it controlled to do good. This (together with her strong points like reliability, responsibility, compassion and hard working, never give up attitude) all comes together in her scene with the old waterbender at the north pole. In the LA this scene was also weekend because it felt more like one of the currently overuse modern cliches patriarchy against women than being true to yourself regardless of (stubborn) tradition (any). So in the cartoon she feels a so much more complex character than in the LA.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Ah. I may have been misunderstood. I didnt mean that she had no character arc in the cartoon. Just that it was more subtle. Especially in S1
@TheGraemi 3 ай бұрын
@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS Just shows, how good the OG was. And makes sense for the LA, it is at many places in your face. Let's see if they can make it better. I'm not optimistic.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
@@TheGraemi I agree that the LA is a bit in your face with the arcs. It feels this way due to the telly dialogue.
@TathagataMitraTom 3 ай бұрын
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
:D thanks ;)
@colmobrien9558 3 ай бұрын
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Haha. Uh Yup.
@colmobrien9558 3 ай бұрын
Oh sorry, that's where I had to stop so I could come back to it later. Enjoyed the video a lot again. Thanks@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
@@colmobrien9558 lol Okay. I was a bit confused.
@emma_s.234 3 ай бұрын
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
@Epictook 2 ай бұрын
Hi, this video was great, is there going to be one for episode 2
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 2 ай бұрын
Yes. I got really sick and fell behind.l, but I'll do the whole season. Check back in about a week. In the meantime, I'm going to upload a Wheel of Time video on Friday.
@Epictook 2 ай бұрын
Sorry I never got a notification for your reply I just remembered and came to check, I hope you're feeling better now and I look forward to whatever you do next whenever you can, thanks for responding
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 2 ай бұрын
@@Epictook No worries. Most people don't even reply to my replies 😅
@Epictook 2 ай бұрын
@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS maybe they don't know what to say or maybe just like me they didn't get a notification or missed it
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 2 ай бұрын
@@Epictook I'm not bothered much by it. 😋 I am just grateful they commented.
@Manofthewhiteknife 3 ай бұрын
Well,hello there....
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
@Manofthewhiteknife 3 ай бұрын
​@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONSthat was my Lan voice btw
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
@@Manofthewhiteknife Bahaha! That went right over my head! Good one!
@EasternStandardTim 3 ай бұрын
Just an emoji
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
@CamReeds 3 ай бұрын
The writers clearly have some zuko favoritism. They added so much more depth to his arc that season 1 of the cartoon didn't have that the skimpted on everyone else's arcs
@etienne8110 3 ай бұрын
What cartoon did you watch? The original zuko is way more complex than the netflix temu version. The original one is a villain with honour issues. This cheaper version is just a moody teenager which is clearly painted as a good guy. This break his whole character arc. Good luck explaining why he ll turn his back on the gaang in ba sing se. 😅
@CamReeds 3 ай бұрын
@etienne8110 sounds like u have a bias and aren't engaging with the material. Season one of the cartoon Zuko was one note all he did was whine and scream. He got developed as the show went on. The Netflix show seems to want to pull his season 2 and 3 development forward
@fangiscool1 3 ай бұрын
I feel like his depth was kinda the same. They showed Zuko's kindness to Iroh in the past. But they also removed Zuko refusing to fight Ozai and trying to save Zhao at the end. He's one of the only characters that isn't watered down
@etienne8110 3 ай бұрын
@@CamReeds sounds like you have early onset Alzheimer... In the first season you also get zuko favoring the rescue of his uncle above chasing the avatar, being the blue spirit or saving crewmates and relenting to avoid a storm... Guess i understand your point now that i know of your condition. Best of luck with treatments. 😉
@CamReeds 3 ай бұрын
@etienne8110 This comment makes so little sense. I'm not sure if u even read my comment at all 🤔
@SummitSummit 3 ай бұрын
Now, I enjoyed the video, for the most part, but I can't help but point out my concern. Most people will review the media. Some will do a comparison between the original material and the remake. Rarely have I seen anyone with the creative mindset to rewrite the material. Much of your prior content has been a combination of review and comparison, and it has worked. Adding the third component seems to have created a bit of a muddle. Not to say I don't want all your opinions, but perhaps they should be organized differently? Adding the third element seems to have you bouncing about more than usual, and the cuts seem rougher. I got completely lost at one point in the video, I should have noted exactly where. My primary suggestion for this would be, going forward, stick to the review and comparison, you have a talent for it. But the rewrites, if you want to continue doing them, should be a separate video, allowing you to focus and making the entirety more coherent.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
I did a lot of rewrite for this one, but dont plan to do that for the rest of the episodes. This was a special case because I wanted to demonstrate what I meant by showing instead of telling.
@TathagataMitraTom 3 ай бұрын
The attack scene was not tragic enough, or creative enough... Show some Airbenders trying to fly away with their guider... after all as a culture they do avoid fights... And then show firenenders chase them in the sky... and burn them mid flight... making them fall hundreds of feet... it needed to be a lot more gruesome...
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Oooh! I would have liked the airbenders fleeing. But I knkw ive heard a lot of ATLA arguments that airbenders were actually the best fighters in the world, but they never used their skills to kill. So I could see backlash to that. But as long as it's not all of them running, that could work.
@TathagataMitraTom 3 ай бұрын
Ofc not all of them... But you know, showing them kill children is one thing... but showing the Fire Nation continuing to kill even as they beg for mercy... that would really make you as an audiencehate the fire nation. I do think that there was too much focus on the airbender action... But the action was never the point of the scene. The point was to paint a tragedy and it is a little hard to do that when you are showing a culture of badass airborne warriors getting killed all at once. I mean do you show they are badasses or do you show they get killed? I think Netflix tried to have their cake and eat it too. @@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
@@TathagataMitraTom Haha. That's fair. I guess they couldhave added some scenes of some of the airbenders fleeing or begging for mercy.
@TathagataMitraTom 3 ай бұрын
@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS Thanks. I am an author from India and I recently wrote my first book on serial killers. Now serial killer stories are a dime a dozen, and particularly tropy. I chose the genre for different reasons, but while writing I realised that violence, on screen, and on page, can be used for a variety of effects, including comedy, tragedy or to evoke strong emotions. And I realised something that's not spoken about widely enough, although I think the best writers and editors know this: Violence is far more impactful when it's psychological. Without that psychological lens it rings hollow, whether its an ambush on a tribe of peaceful people or the last ditch effort to win the war in a fantasy setting.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
@@TathagataMitraTom You hit the nail on the head. It's rooted in the internal conflict. The Lord of the Rings final battle scene is the perfect example. All the tension in that final scene is with Frodo and Sam. Will Frodo be overcome? Will Sam be able to emotionally and psychologically reach him? The music carried the majority of the tragedy in the Air Nomad massacre.
@Kaderuda 3 ай бұрын
So much of what you changed is what was missing so much from the show as a whole, room to breath. It felt like they edited most conversations like it was made for a comic page, just say the essential and lets move on to the next. Can't wait for the next review
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Thanks. Yeah. I felt some breathing room was needed, and that doesnt always have to be filled with silence. Casual talk can be less plot-driving and more character-showcasing and not feel like fluff. It just allows for breathing.
@etienne8110 3 ай бұрын
Can we fix this show ? No, it s too far gone 😅😢
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
I dont think its beyond fixing for season 2. It wouldnt have to retcon anything, and it could easily transition to more familiar characterizations, since it sorta ended there, anyway.
@etienne8110 3 ай бұрын
@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS good luck rewriting katara, aang s training and zuko s turnaround with the current layout. Even more so considering they won t have that much screen time available and have a lot to cover in book2. They could axe some content (cut appa s arc and momo, plus it allows to save money on animations...). If they don t make a mess of toph first... 😅
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
@@etienne8110 I actually hope they do cut more from S2 and 3. If they can't get significantly more time, then cutting will be totally necessary.
@etienne8110 3 ай бұрын
@@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS "necessary" is debattable. In this season they had more screen time than the original, yet covered less content than the original... Adding useless and poorly written scenes is what s killing their time management (the earth spy, the fire rebels, the attack on the air temple, lu ten s funerals). Plus the issue with the excess of exposition dumps and repeats. If they cut even more to add less it will be barebone... (Storywise)
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
@@etienne8110 I've talked about adaptation time, as Children's animation translates to live action. You need far more time in a LA adaptation like this one.
@kaygafane 3 ай бұрын
1:11:25 there's a clip that Michael Goi posted, showing a wide shot of the gaang walking in the Yangchen sanctuary with Yangchen's destroyed statue in the foreground. and i don't know why they cut it, but they shouldn't have.
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Gah! Thats exactly the sort of shot I wanted!
@christina.rose1 3 ай бұрын
They definitely need to hire you!! Everything you say is so awesome, I totally agree with you!! ❤️🫶🏻 I really wish they did it the way you are describing everything!! Greetings from Sydney Australia 🐨🇦🇺
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
Wow! Thank youu 😊 Australia 😃 How's the weather down under?
@arcanjl 3 ай бұрын
@TheSwordAndThePenREFLECTIONS 3 ай бұрын
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Mind Bursterz
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The Airbender Ty Lee Fan Theory Found Along The Way
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Netflix's Avatar is WORSE than you think
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