Season 14 Has The Largest Demotions Ever Seen

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Check out my Grandmaster support stream at / bentbeyondrepair
In this video BenTbeyondrepair, Grandmaster Braum support main goes over why people are able to demote from emerald to gold or plat to silver in season 14. Something which we have never seen in any previous season of ranked. Essentially since emerald was introduced in S13 Split 2 the ranked distribution was shifted so drastically that a Plat 4 player is the equivalent of a Silver 1 player. The result is that demoting from Plat 4 to Silver 1 pre S13 split 2 represented a fall from the top 15% of players to the top 60% of players. Now a fall from Plat 4 to Silver 1 represents a fall from the top 40% of players to the top 60% of players. This is also why you see plat players matched in silver games and emerald players matched in gold games. It's because they really aren't that far apart in mmr and skill.
That being said riot needs to do something about there being way too many splits a year for people to be able to climb past their previous rank either by introducing higher lp gains and losses, a softer reset, or less splits in general. Most people don't have the time to play enough games to get back to their previous rank which makes people feel like they can't climb and the ladder is broken.

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@abzeromusic Ай бұрын
I quit the game at the right time. The ranking system feels horrible. League takes way too much time to accurately rank players. My schedule only allowed me to play 2 - 3 games per week. This basically means you can never climb in this system
@idirbouchdoug1567 26 күн бұрын
this is a hardcore game , unfortunately it doesn't really fit well with a busy schedule.
@abzeromusic 25 күн бұрын
@@idirbouchdoug1567 the only reason league is a hardcore game is because I'm tethered to four corpses every game.
@idirbouchdoug1567 25 күн бұрын
@@abzeromusic you are notspecial though ? everyone has these games.
@abzeromusic 25 күн бұрын
@@idirbouchdoug1567 I never said I was special. I stopped playing team games and my life improved.
@fusionxtras Ай бұрын
I believe league does not need to have rank resets, it's just too many games to play in order to return to where you were while your rank mates are still facing you, wasting like a month of the season.
@sayonqlo Ай бұрын
Probably how they keep people playing a lot
@callmeandoru2627 Ай бұрын
The problem being that there are people who comes back after some times, and their ability will not be the same as their ranks. Of course the solution is to only reset the rank specifically of those people, but that’ll create a different problem that the exclusion of people who take breaks from the game, and will make people who come back feels targeted.
@MrDT2012 Ай бұрын
I agree one full split is what we need, but it’s obvious why they did it. People got to gold around 3-4 months and then would stop playing. Hence why we have splits for those timeframes. There’s good and bad to the splits especially when the playerbase is decreasing.
@doffy5394 Ай бұрын
They wouldnt want that
@niels64545 Ай бұрын
The game absolutely does need rank resets, but not 3 times a year, one hard rank reset by like 2 ranks once is fine.
@honestlydadly Ай бұрын
I have an ancient account where I've climbed from bronze to gold almost every season for the past like 4 years, because every reset it puts me back in iron/bronze. I got placed bronze in like season 2 and never played ranked again but used to play a lot of normals with friends, and this seems to have made the algorithm decide i can never be higher than that in solo que. The first time i climbed to gold i started iron 4 and I was gaining 10-15 and losing 15-30 most of the time no matter how good my win rate was. It took me probably around 800 games. Then next reset i was bronze again. Lp gains got a little better recently but still drops me to bronze every reset, makes me lose more lp for a loss than i gain for a win and i feel the desire to climb back to gold less and less every split. It truly feels like stairs to nowhere on that account. I made a new account just to see, and got placed higher than id ever been before in ten games, and had massive lp gains afterwards. It would be nice to truly fix my mmr on my first account because i have every champ and so many skins, but im like 35 and a dad, what can i do with so many literal new players, rage demons and actual bot accounts in almost every game at my peak. I think one if the worst changes to ranked for me as a hardstuck low elo is being unable to see summoner names in champ select. If youve ever been stuck in low elo needing two wins in a row to make lp gains, you know why. Feels bad man, tldr; probably shouldnt put much self worth in your league of legends rank unless you're a streamer lol
@karenwang313 Ай бұрын
Not being able to look up my teammates when yuumi bots were rampant in low elo was one of the most frustrating things I had to deal with.
@glenndiddy Ай бұрын
The reason people said this is because you had a full year to climb. So back then it actually worked like that. You'd easily play 300 games a year. That's not even an average of 1 game a day
@abzeromusic Ай бұрын
@@honestlydadly I feel the same way I got my Smurf to emerald and my main account is in bronze. The worst part is realizing that the game quality is about the same. I don't feel that the players in this rank are any better than in bronze. At least not in ways that feel significant.
@Uri6060 Ай бұрын
Thats crazy, I am like perma gold elo every single year after like 20 games. I havent seen iron or bronze in like 2+ years, thats crazy. If I was in bronze id probably just not rank that season. Shit is more miserable than gold, and thats already enough to not make me play too much cuz the climb aint worth it. Good on you for actually doing it
@Mikkus10v3 Ай бұрын
I went from D2 to E4 on a MASSIVE loss streak of 95% games that were unwinable (every match vs multiple clear master+ smurfs [lvl 40-70 accs with 70-90% winrates] and having ragequits on my team every other game) I'm currently D1 now but it was extremely demoralizing and made me lose most of my motivation to try to push further when I was very excited for this splits climb
@idirbouchdoug1567 26 күн бұрын
i have this but on a much smaller scale. i started off pretty bad with my wr going as low as 44% at some points but i started winning more and more over time and everytime i win like 6-7 games in arow or have like 80% + wr in the last 10 games i would get a couple impossible games in a row where i get matched against a player significantly better than me who is clearly a smurf or just have bot / mid who are on negative WRS who just auto pilot and go 0/9 by end of lane phase. Idk why but this happens every time.
@adamdecoder1 Ай бұрын
I hate hate hate the people who spout "all it takes to climb is a 51% winrate". Brother... that means I need to play 200 games to climb roughly one division. To climb at any sort of decent rate you need at least a 60% wr, which is kind of an unreasonable expectation for non-smurf accounts. The 3-split system is so goddamn stupid.
@god4943 Ай бұрын
Ignore ur non smurfing y should U climb in the first place? Climbing should only occur when ur demonstrably better than ur elo. If ur just barely better (51%) then u essentially belong there anyway. Y should u climb quickly with that?
@adamdecoder1 Ай бұрын
@@god4943 what? How did you miss my point so completely? I’m saying that 3 splits makes no sense considering the winrate it takes for your skill difference to be accurately reflected in your rank is so high. which means that incremental skill progression can largely go unacknowleged since there’s not enough time in the day for most people to play more than 1-2 games, and the game resets your rank every couple months. It’s literally what half the video is about.
@herpderp66 Ай бұрын
Pros have less than a 60% win rate. It is unreasonable for everyone.
@taserrr Ай бұрын
It really isn't, it's just excuses because you're not as good as you'd think. I came back after 2 years, I had been plat (the old plat) for many years. After a month of games with friends I put myself through solo queue again, guess what? I got placed silver 4 and got to plat with 68% winrate in solo queue. Oddly enough I did get losers queue and moved back to silver cuz my MMR decided I should be lower for some reason, but I climbed back up to emerald. Yeah, even after a drop from plat back to silver, I still managed to gain 1300 lp in less than 400 games. If you are let's say silver or gold and you think you belong in diamond, you should EASILY be able to climb the first few ranks with a 65%+ winrate.
@theblackdeath10 Ай бұрын
@@adamdecoder1 i mean if you are demonstrably better than other people in the elo then you probably wont have a near 50% winrate anyways, got placed low plat this split and am now d4 (65 games total so far) with a 60% winrate total and an 80% winrate on my main and im not a smurf, if you are only slightly better than yeah your winrate can be close to 50 and it will take alot of games to rank up, but you can still accelerate that by just being better so does it really matter, whats slightly missleading in the video is that his winrate is 57% but over like 200 games so his winrate could have been alot higher while he was climbing and then gone down alot as he reached his normal skill level and the other thing is that the average winrate of master players is actually 52.5% so a 50% winrate is losing elo here, and master elo is a much different beast than low elo, players here are required to be active and play alot of games because its the highest elos in the game and you can potentially get scouted or go pro from these ranks, in lower ranks it takes way less games to reach your actual skill lvl. also d3 is the highest you can get placed now according to riot not emerald 1
@_______6398 Ай бұрын
F*ck the 3 split system. Riot needs to go back to 1 year long seasons. 3 split system makes everything feel less “tangible/finite” and in turn greatly disincentivizes a huge percentage of the player base to have any motivation to invest time into the current ranked system.
@hebasedd Ай бұрын
Dropped from D1 to E4. Insane.
@YShidou Ай бұрын
Can i see ur opgg?
@adamdecoder1 Ай бұрын
Diamond and Apex tiers are roughly the same distribution as they were previously, so I think something else might be going on here... maybe an unfavorable meta shift compounded by some unlucky matchmaking and bad mental?
@BROSIDUS Ай бұрын
Deserved and if you think otherwise you are delusional maybe try improving and stop autopilot, how come I didn't go from high elo to villager low :D ?
@YShidou Ай бұрын
@@BROSIDUS That's why i ask for opgg. I wanna see "how and why" they drop. I dropped 3 times from masters but i got it 4 times back and now i am 44lp m. I'm not sure if these people watch these kind of videos and cope in comments just like conspiracy theorists latching to any tiny thing they can find in Riot. Like ok, maybe ~some~ things ~could~ be true but they don't matter. Someone that is masters would get back to masters UNLESS they are boosted/duoq-ed then wonder why they can't climb by themselves? (Edit: i am not blaming the team for my demotion, i heavily reflected on why i am like a ping pong ball between d1-m and most of the time my main issue was levels 1 to 6 so i focused all my improvement mindset into that and boom, now i am climbing in masters, who would have thought?! Well, not the copium people.)
@rik9833 29 күн бұрын
That's insane I climbed this season, I learned alot more. I feel I can get masters but it would mean more studying, one tricking , analyzing and implementing
@lmagus Ай бұрын
I demoted from Gold 2 to Iron 1. Took me hundreds of games to get back to Gold 3.
@A1R617 Ай бұрын
It's so depressing bro. There are 3 splits now, LP is super inflated on the beginning then LP loss gets to a point where it overshadows the gain massively. Most divisions are overinflated with people who don't deserve to be in them making the games so one sided most of the times. I miss the 1 split system with the promos and where there was only about a 5 lp difference between a gain or a loss on LP, that felt like an actual climb since you had a years worth of time to see your improvement. It's comedic to me how Platinum, Diamond and Master are plastic divisions compared to what they once used to be.
@idirbouchdoug1567 26 күн бұрын
i don't miss the old promo system tbh. Therewere many times where i would be like 70% wr then having the unluckiest games in promos . i once had to redo plat promos like 4 times because of this when i had almost a 70% wr overall. i would love to see less splits though .
@Miles168 Ай бұрын
I wish they would just remove the LP system and make your rank defined by your MMR. The ranks/divisions would still exist so you can still say you're Gold 3 or Diamond 1 or whatever your rank is so that you have a meaningful title rather than saying you're 1400 MMR which means nothing to someone who doesn't play ranked. If I remember correctly, one of the main reasons Riot added the LP system was to add more stability to your rank so that you don't get stuck flip flopping between two ranks when you're at the edge but now that they've removed promotional series and rank protection between divisions that reason doesn't apply anymore. The transparency of having your rank be your MMR would help a lot of players to be less confused and frustrated by the system
@nicholasplahitko3790 Ай бұрын
I think an interesting side effect of normalizing the ranked distribution is the fact that I can no longer tell the difference between a silver 1 and platinum 3 player's gameplay skill. It all feels like it's just the same lump of players, so much so that the rank they don is effectively meaningless in characterizing how good they actually are at the game. Fixing the ranked distribution should only have been done to make the visible rank more indicative of how good a player is, but now it's just become symbolic of how many games they're able to play until basically mid emerald IMO. The old distribution was better because at least I knew gold players were actually better than silver players, and platinum players were actually good at the game. Now I see platinum 4 players who play worse than what I remember silver players playing like in season 9/10...
@Savapine Ай бұрын
my main account got demoted from emerald 4 to silver 4... it really affected my mental and i dont want to play the game anymore, it feels just so bad that i have to kite 5 enemies and my team just dont do anything at all. I admit it, i can`t carry 1v9, i dont deserve diamond and emerald is my peak, but the game is being just too unfair (also i got my "smurf" account at emerald 4 on around 60 games) I played a game in silver 3 with my main, wich i couldnt carry even doing my best... and got demoted to silver 4 and i just uninstalled
@prodbytukoo Ай бұрын
chill bro, it's just a game after all
@colognecgn4551 Ай бұрын
If you are not able to carry a game in silver as a former emerald player, youre totally deserved in your elo
@Wonderboy205 13 күн бұрын
@@colognecgn4551this simply isn’t true. Games are mostly decided by the worst players on each time, not the best.
@frelok0152 3 күн бұрын
It literally is true tho. Any emerald+ player should gigastomp low silver most of the time. If you cant climb in silver its literally iq diff
@zane_guitar Ай бұрын
Just FYI that rank distribution you first show at 1:21 from split 1 to split 2 includes a projection of the split 2 distribution that Riot made when they were adding the emerald rank. If you look at the dev blog from when they announced the emerald rank you'll see it's that exact image. It's the distribution they were hoping to achieve by adding emerald. I believe the actual split 2 distribution did not match that (more ended up in iron/bronze and less in emerald compared to their expectation). Love the videos and keep it up!
@nghiatrantrung834 Ай бұрын
My friend that hit Master in ss13 first split didn't play in the last 2 split got place in GOLD for some shady reason Riot think its a good idea
@murksmitty Ай бұрын
I got dropped from gold down to iron after a 2 year break from league and now i wont even play a game anymore cause 30 matches later and 85% of all my matches are people trolling.
@xXG3TPWNEDXx Ай бұрын
YEP same exact thing happened to me. I've been hardstuck Silver-Gold for 5 years. Which is fine, I know I'm bad. They put me into Iron though. I noped out. I'm not dealing with that.
@White_Hair_UwU Ай бұрын
What do you expect especially in low elo? If you're in iron after playing the game for more than like 2 years even tho you had break that means that you are very bad at the game whatever role and champ you play and you will be until you become better or get better internet and some of that stuff if it's the issue...
@JamesBaleLA Ай бұрын
19:30 Something to keep in mind here is that you're looking at the chart for what they expected going from 13.1 to 13.2. They found that ranks and MMR were too inflated so they made some further changes to matchmaking and distribution for S14. A lot of the deflation we're seeing now is really just a correction of the inflation from season 13 split 2.
@laffecaffelott Ай бұрын
They specificly shrank emerald because of poor game quality and as he touched upon multiple times in the video the rest of the distribution also got pulled down a bit because of the several rank resets and ppl not playing enough games to get to where they could be. With this many resetts they kinda need to lean of how heavily they resett the ranks
@JamesBaleLA Ай бұрын
​@@laffecaffelott Yeah it's hard for me to comment - I haven't played rank this split at all on my main account (Emerald last split), so I haven't experienced any of their adjustments. The move to 3 splits per year has been genuinely demotivating for me. Had a tree hit my house and did some traveling which led to some big breaks in being able to play. I enjoy league but I'm in my 30s with a full-time career and other responsibilities. I just don't have time to grind games to get to my "correct" rank especially with it resetting 3 times a year now. I think the decision to go to three splits was very short sighted for the long-term health of the game.
@Lodeous Ай бұрын
Legaue lost a lot of casual / lower rnaked players with the vanguard update. It feels like the remaining players are just better at the game.
@BROSIDUS Ай бұрын
nooooooo don't do it , don't give me hope :(
@jaylenpatterson611 Ай бұрын
Almost liked this comment then remembered my games from earlier
@glenndiddy Ай бұрын
Spending 1-2 months to get back to my rank and then having 6-8 months to slowly improve and climb higher is what I enjoyed most. But the devs think zoomers want constant progression or they'll quit
@cyndfire Ай бұрын
I know 4 people where MtoGM in last conswcutive 6 seasons who are now hardstuck emerald which is wild. NOONES SKILL DETERIORATED THAT MUCH IN 1 SPLIT
@VegetaMentality 14 күн бұрын
That doesnt happen ive been master season 13 split and split 2 master season 14 split 1 and am now around d2 d1 nobody thats Top 1000 (gm) will be ever stuck in emerald not even in dia
@herpderp66 Ай бұрын
I have been plat within 2 weeks and usually stop there. This split I can't get out of bronze. When I look at my Porofessor in my games EVERY player is on a downward trend in their climb.
@TheMilchBroetchen Ай бұрын
matchmaking and loosers queue definetly plays a role.
@idirbouchdoug1567 26 күн бұрын
definitely not everyone. idk why but i havent experienced this. i have come back from a 6 month league break and i got to the highest rank i have ever reached in like 100 games. I do have unlucky games where i just lose before i can contribute (i play top) but i still can win the rest. and i went from like a 47%wr halfway through the climb to bow a 56%wr in diamond 4 and almost up to diamond 3.
@ktakkakashi6500 Ай бұрын
forcing people to play so much ranked cant even be good financially, if you playing ranked your playing like the same 3 champions that you already have skins for , its when people play normal and new champions with friends you buy new skins, if your never get to play casually the skins sales must be lower?
@Elimbi1 Ай бұрын
Demoted from enerald to gold TWICE this season holy moly... NGL tilt-queuing also had a part in it
@ultimatemachine457 Ай бұрын
From Emerald to gold is craaaaazzy
@WNeutral456 Ай бұрын
Some people spam games, it happens.
@Elimbi1 Ай бұрын
@@ultimatemachine457 just don't tilt queue bro it's vicious
@ultimatemachine457 Ай бұрын
@@Elimbi1 dw already done it and went into a 10 game loss streak
@JamesBaleLA Ай бұрын
Thats why i have a smurf account to tank my tilt queue games. Climbed to emerald with a 67% winrate in about 95 games on my main, while my smurf (tiltqueue) accnt was ~55% winrate in silver 2 (though the MMR was higher) and roughly the same number of games. 12% drop in winrate is pretty considerable especially since those games were happening in lower elos where theoretically the games should be easier. People don't realize how much tilt affects their gameplay. I was genuinely surprised the effect was so noticeable.
@dackel4253 Ай бұрын
I was Gold I in Season 12 and was top 12% with that, but now i have more trouble than i want to admit climbin theough platinum and im barely top 25%… but i am so sure that im better than in season 12…. anyone else?
@PiscesKanna Ай бұрын
Similar situation here. Finished low Plat on Seasons 8 and 9 and took a break, playing other games mechanically more intense. I also kept watching pro play to be updated on the game. Came back this split and I'm bouncing between Silver 1 and Gold 4 after 70 games. My theory is that the community in general just got better and I'm not in the same percentile.
@dackel4253 Ай бұрын
@@PiscesKanna Yeah but its crazy how much better they got
@Dexwin09 Ай бұрын
I knew something was up. I finished season 12 on emerald, didnt play season 13. did placements for season 14, ended up in Plat 1. now im silver... like the demotions were harsh. winning games were +27-30 and losing games were -40 lp like wtf
@BROSIDUS Ай бұрын
bro finished season 12 a rank that wasn't even in the game back then 💀
@taserrr Ай бұрын
Lol I stopped playing in season 12 and Emerald wasn't a thing back then mate. Also I got back this split early on, I was plat in season 12 and got placed silver 4, I'm already in Emerald now though.
@screamtheguy6425 11 күн бұрын
I peaked gold 2 in s13 and split 1 and 2 of s14. And now im silver 2 and still demoting because the games are just filled with incompetent players after the normal distribution in ranked. I cant play 300 games just to go up by one division its insanity.
@BawanaBeast Ай бұрын
With this new split stuff Ive never felt more drained playing league, Ive played 1.2k games minimally this year and feel like Im literally Sisyphus with the boulder
@TheMilchBroetchen Ай бұрын
Problem is matchmaking, somehow you can do whatever you want and get placed in a team which feels like playing with 5 toddlers vs prime SKT and the enemy team has 15 kills after 8 minutes. Some newer accounts are placed way to high, or just dont unterstand the game or the champions, other people are allready tilted. Nobody except for high tier diamond players and above are able to carry these games, as everything need to be played perfectly. This leads to further downgrading as the system things ur not meant to play in that elo bracket, until you hit literally the lowest MMR you can hit on your account before the system realizes, oh he is better then his current enemies. You get into winners queue again, but then you need a ton of games just to get back to our old elo before you hit the cycle again.
@xXG3TPWNEDXx Ай бұрын
@Gregiss Ай бұрын
I agree went from emerald 4-3 into plat 2-3 in no time altought it does not bother me because i play for fun
@stevencaskey9440 28 күн бұрын
I gave up on ranked a long long time ago. I get my accounts to Gold for the Victorious skin and never touch ranked again which is usually immediately after placement games. Then i only play normals or flex with friends
@mcgingaa Ай бұрын
dropped from plat to bronze and cant make it out cause i dont have the time to put in
@Paydenclarify Ай бұрын
I finally just got back to masters but this time was much more hard than before. What I did was stop playing if i lost twice in a row. The match making algorithm is rigged. Make it show if you lose you will stop playing the game or hop on a different account, and if you win keep playing.
@momoaa Ай бұрын
League does not have engagement based matchmaking stop coping
@Paydenclarify Ай бұрын
@@momoaa surrre it doesnt xd
@ClayD192 Ай бұрын
Can reassure it does not
@selttsam66 Ай бұрын
I took my smurf from gold to emerald and my main account to plat 4 from emerald 2 idk
@craigferge4702 Ай бұрын
some people are just trash and get demoted after a lucky streak of being carried and then blame the rank system
@MattHatter360 Ай бұрын
Yeah same I've been consistently climbing for the last year, and I'm at my peak in Emerald rn
@KrisJenkins-zj4ju Ай бұрын
I legit knew something was up and that I wasn't crazy
@doffy5394 Ай бұрын
Ive seen many people being like master a season ago but now they are emerald stuck
@ruas4721 Ай бұрын
Was Platin last season, got ranked into SIlver 4 after winning all placement games, i dont know but that feels absolutly forced by the system. I dont have time to play a lot, so i dont play ranked at all now. With the new split system i cant play enought to make a reasonable climb in that time, even with around 65% winrate.
@plneet3504 29 күн бұрын
I went from d1 to plat III, I got banned twice for 2 weeks for inting, I got like a 30 wr in lower ranks and I just quit this game only plating arena once or twice a week. I dont know anyone who would say that they dont regret playing a Moba, ppl in chat flaming even though you got 1k games a season, like you cant even flame or pretend you are balancing your life if you feel the need to think masters 0lp means anything irl,
@raysler Ай бұрын
I was emerald 1 and I dropped to gold 4 and then went back up to diamond 4. All this is absurd and currently the elo does not reflect the player's skill
@MIKAEL212345 Ай бұрын
2:00, minor correction. That split 2 chart was Riot's GOAL rank distribution when they added emerald, not what actually happened. They never did get Iron down to 5%, plat up to 20% or emerald up to 17%. Check the wayback machine at the end of split 2 for the ranked distribution, compare that with their goal distribution and then compare that with the distribution we have today. In fact, at the end of split 2 last year, we were closer to the goal distribution than we are today 16:00 I think this is mainly a high elo problem. I play mostly in emerald/diamond when I do play and I get to my rank in under 50 games consistently. I think Riot is already aware of this problem and I'm pretty sure I remember them saying that placements can now place you at D3 or D2 at the max now, or they will in the future. Plus, you could do what Riot themselves recommend, just take a split off. Get high enough for the ranked rewards and then just chill and take the split off. You don't HAVE to try to peak every split. Also, if, like you said, all you care about is that feeling of improvement, then, like you said, even after the reset, your mmr is the same. So, you are playing against roughly the same people meaning that you are still getting that improvement. Sure, the symbol on your rank is visibly lower, but you know you are playing against the same players cause mmr is not reset, so why does it really matter? 18:00 I think a lot of hardcore players don't understand how a lot of the more semi-casual long term league players play the game. They take weeks or months longs breaks from the game, play a ton in a few weeks or months, then leave again and repeat. This is perfect for the 3 split structure this there is always a "perfect" time to start with a new split starting soon. You are not expected to play every single single split and max it out. Riot changed a lot of those people only played at the beginning and end of the season. Now there are a bunch of jump on and jump off points for those players.
@prodbytukoo Ай бұрын
this season was so crazy, got back to the game, climbed to Diamond for the first time with 83% WR (I sincerely don't know how I did it, I got carried some games and I hard carried some games) And after hitting diamond, games became way too intense, so intense I had to check wtf was happening annd oh yeah, lvl 34 enemies with 70%+ wr, classic riot. seeing this I'll just chill and try to end the season as D4 Also, lately it is wayyy more common to encounter Diamond and Master players, I've even encountered 2 different Challenger players, it's so crazy that some normals have way more level than my rankeds.
@mrwater2033 Ай бұрын
Does anyone know if normals affect your LP gains/MMR? For example if you're GM/Masters and you play with friends who are in iron-diamond? ik if you have a new fresh account and you play normals and win games your MMR does increase. Let's say if you play 0 games and jump immediately into ranked you're going to play with iron/bronze players + maybe smurfs as well.
@addysaster176 Ай бұрын
Same question
@bentbeyondrepair Ай бұрын
Only if the account is new. If it’s been ranked in any previous split normal MMR shouldn’t affect ranked
@xelith6157 29 күн бұрын
No, normals do not affect ranked MMR
@sRoStYl4 Ай бұрын
I think the 3 Split Idea was just dumb, i feel like you about it. I did quit this Split because i dont see a payoff grinding to my old rank and watch it reset 2 weeks later. I'll only come back If they Change to 1 or 2 splits
@sevhoss Ай бұрын
Season 14 has graced me with wintraders, afks, cry baby teammates who argue, feeders, and trolls almost every single game. Rarely will I find a game where I have a fair chance at winning. It’s completely teammate RNG because the best players who can turn off their brains have to overperform to compensate for these types of players. Let’s not forget the part where I run into players who think they’re so much better than you even though you guys are in the same elo.
@ardakaya4771 Ай бұрын
I finished emerald 2 last season now I'm struggling in emerald 3, I thought I was having it bad and not improving. Then I saw most players dropping way harder and it made me kinda relieved. Still not sure if I could reach diamond this season though, it took me like 50 games just to reach emerald 3 now another 50 games later I'm still exactly at the same rank...
@iplayfoofee3547 Ай бұрын
its ok im bout 70 games in going from E1 to E2 and back to E1.
@jayband3M Ай бұрын
I mean the difference between emerald 3 and 2 isnt that big I wouldnt sweat it man.
@shibaraccoon8740 Ай бұрын
“Most people can’t get anywhere near 900 games a year” ….. Last year in split 1 I had 500 games after maybe a month. I need a life.
@jaylenpatterson611 Ай бұрын
Started playing again in march and im pushing 900 games 😳
@Nikkins Ай бұрын
awesome perspective, ty
@Zobuyta Ай бұрын
its like I was climbing all the way from iron 1 to gold with a giant 74% winrate and the same happened to me now im actually silver4 stuck
@matsvandeneede5177 Ай бұрын
I went from plat to emerald, can't complain
@anarastasis9062 Ай бұрын
You had one mistake there. You can actually get to Diamond 3 in your placements now. They raised the cap a couple of months ago and it's also on the Riot Games website where they talk about placement games.
@sobdummie7118 Ай бұрын
i dropped from plat to silver,and now i can't even climb back because i can only play maybe one game a day :(
@adsteller Ай бұрын
I reached my old rank 3 this august after 200 games. I had a 50% winrate but i still have +30 -15lp even plaing back at my peak.
@josuegonzalez553 29 күн бұрын
Me and my friend have been doing duo que every other day i i think we have not won a game in the past 2 weeks and we've been winning our lanes but mid game out team just throws
@doesntmatter2017 Ай бұрын
thank you. i think this was my last league video. have fun.
@2fliege 29 күн бұрын
the split 2 graphs mentions 1/5 should be below silver and 40% below gold Your explanations are based on the 2nd graph but the actual distribution was never like the split 2 graph even not in last season split 2 and now 1/3 are below silver and 55% below gold It is not only 7% extra in bronze IT is 12% INSTEAD OF 4.5 % in IRON. Meaning bronze 3-2 would be silver in split 2graph. also last split this was almost equal (30% below silver) meaning it got worse not better when "worse" is defined as to not getting to this distribution.
@NAxJLO Ай бұрын
First i would like to say thank you, I really like your videos you are extremely in depth with explanations and are very good with examples, you make it easier to understand league and make me feel like im being taught as someone who is trying to learn rather then being choked with information forced down my throat as if i were some sort of monster who isnt equipped with the brain to learn. With this being said, i disagree with your take at 10:35 you say that it takes alot of games to hit your av/peak rank and i found this false in my accounts. One of my accounts ended e2 90 lp and the other ended plat 1[split 1 2024] i was originally a gold player [2022-23] and my only good peak was plat 4. However Both accounts i got to diamond in split 2 with in 80 games on 1 and 60 on the other aswell as only having a 60% wr. More over, i found that when i played more and more games my mmr shot up higher and higher, for exp: i was d4 80 lp playing vs gosu who was on a d1 account this was one of the first weeks in the split. I feel like after em was introduced it became a testing ground to see if low elo players where actually worthy of going into higher brackets, thats why streamers get so mad and say masters is so inflated b.c its a bunch of diamond players who made it to masters b.c of em. i also think its important to mention of how the removal smurf queue greatly impacted mid elo due to the fact that the old accounts that where in smurf queue are now excelled above the rank they were originally where, i think its also important to mention how promos are no longer a thing and how that greatly impacts the 5% jump from p1-p2-3 [21:47 in the video] . For these reasons, i agree with you in the fact it will take time for the ladder to properly distribute its self accordingly to match the teir graph Riot originally wanted i disagree that it will take over 200 games however and that it will actually take less to hit new peaks, this is because of the proving ground that we are in right now [ if your worthy to climb you will] . This is my take on the situation although i guess i have an odd experience seeing as i jumped up ranks instead of jumping down.
@bahhhhumbug9804 26 күн бұрын
Can we just remove the ranks and give us elo numbers back it's just stupid and demoralizing
@particle3257 Ай бұрын
Really good video. After all the changes to ranked I have almost 0 interest in playing anymore, and I usually put in 1k games per season. Why would I bother playing on my main account that can never get out of low elo, when I could just go on my diamond alt and play at my actual skill level. At this point riot needs to just reset the MMR of every account, make the game stats based like valorant, and let good players turbo boost themselves by performing well.
@spacemanifestdestiny3542 Ай бұрын
TFT has the same problem. I understand why the sets are shorter there but its still frustrating. I finished plat last set, ~20-24% of top (don't remember the exact number) only to get placed Iron 3 at the start of next set. Who designed this?
@SandstormXD Ай бұрын
i've demoted from diamond to low emerald this season and I feel like i've gotten better, not worse. I just can't win.
@SandstormXD Ай бұрын
on my alt account though i legit win every game around plat-emerald elo. 80% win rate. It genuinely seems like my main is cursed.
@yuumijungle548 29 күн бұрын
the 3 split system was literally only implemented because neace was bitching about no ranked resets while getting destroyed in KR platinum 4 elo as a supposed "multirole challenger coach" riot is literally run by clowns. if you have a large enough audience, your gameplay could literally be iron4 and riot would listen to your outragous demands and implement nonsense into the game, you cant make this stuff up. you can tell in the comments that absolutely nobody likes 3 splits a season, even neace himself doesnt even play the game anymore, so whats the point in keeping this stupid system, it doesnt make any sense. neace also wanted the anonymity in champ select btw, so if you wanna know who you can thank for not being able to dodge trolls anymore, its also him.
@akirakato1293 Ай бұрын
i cannot agree with your 300 games per split back to main rank point. I've always climbed back to my main rank within 50-100 games because even with a 50% winrate due to high mmr im getting +35 -15 in emerald 1 and in lower diamond still really good gains. Every split im back to stuck d1 to low master within 100 games guaranteed, usually less. I can imagine that with the Apex ranked players (gm challenger) you would need 300 games but below master should be fairly easy.
@ruas4721 Ай бұрын
65% winrate, +21/-19, got demoted to silver 4 from platin 3 after WINNING all placement games. So its not easy, if the system decides to give you no LP for no reason.
@MaximaleGurke Ай бұрын
Idk, got my peak rank a few days ago (Diamond 3). Seems like a skill issue to me (unironically)
@nobruprana Ай бұрын
I quit soloq these year for this reason.
@themanhimself436 Ай бұрын
Im at 120 games this split and ive been peaked for a while
@vinderpsen7393 Ай бұрын
Hit D3 for the first time just yesterday. Got 28lp into it. Not touching my main till next split. Would love to end the split at my peak or near it. (Will play 1 game before split ends to avoid decay)
@brandonpinzon2060 Ай бұрын
I hit d3 98 lp and have gone to e4 19 lp after horrendous games, good choice on you wish i did the same
@JacobGiocondo-gv2uf Ай бұрын
5k views,172 comments? Something seems strange about the high engagement and low views. good video tho
@bentbeyondrepair Ай бұрын
Channel is still small and as you can see by the comments it’s a hot button issue
@silencegaming3227 Ай бұрын
I wad gold 1 / plat x in s12 and didn't play, in s13, and I got placed in g3 and am getting +31 -18 and most games have a smurf, or total garbage And it's feeling easy to climb
@pinnacleexpress420 28 күн бұрын
Streak based matchmaking is rigged matchmaking, its that simple
@adsteller Ай бұрын
Since when do splits reset????
@skelet8337 Ай бұрын
1 quest how does riot control the player distribution in ranks without messing with the matchmaking then ppl say loser's and winner's queue dont exist.
@TheChaosAnimations Ай бұрын
that's the thing they want players to make seem like it doesn't exist, even streamers and pros be saying it doesn't exist but like what can you do really when you get 4 -5 games of man childs int out of their mind than making good plays when they aren't the carry or doing well to begin with.
@dackel4253 Ай бұрын
when ur emotional its hard to realise, but its just simple statistics really… its not that deep.
@daw1dstec Ай бұрын
I fell from master to d3 eune 😂 Honestly id say the level of teamplay is awful this season for some reason. And its been always team macro that i exceled at. Now half the players mute themselves and its just cringe solo gaming
@Bluenblu Ай бұрын
Everyone with bad mmr , still needs to play an insane amount of games to climb , 54 % wr may not even be enough lol who has time honestly. Shame game is fun af.
@henni8539 Ай бұрын
15:40 u are constantly playing at your peak tho since the system is the same for everyone right?
@KrisJenkins-zj4ju Ай бұрын
Dropped from silver 1 to iron 1 hahaha
@siro9667 Ай бұрын
Ive never climed as hard as this season
@wilddanny5584 Ай бұрын
I say make th3 cap some where in diamond and make decent LP gains in diamond and lower
@whisperingangel8735 Ай бұрын
I've dropped from Gold 2 to bronze 4 what the fuck. I have a 60% wr in bronze but I don't fucking have the time to play so many games I can play maybe 1 game per day if im lucky
@JamyFowl0001 Ай бұрын
Im know im not very good but i dropped from high silver to iron 3. I dont think im that bad....
@Crogge-rp7kh Ай бұрын
so this means, no one plays at their own rank/mmr
@PietPPR Ай бұрын
nothing is wrong, some people are climbing and others are dropping. average player base's skill level goes up and some people just cant keep up.
@BizzaroBrainBoi Ай бұрын
this is bad bad, league of legends = job market = dating market
@SeventhSalute Ай бұрын
I still don't understand why Riot added in Emerald. It just seems irrelevant. To one of their points saying along the lines of that they were basically sad the majority of players were gold and below. Like okay? So the player base overall isn't good. So Riot added in a new rank to do what, make the graph look nice? The player base is still the same just has a different colored rank. It doesn't do anything other than, like this kind man mentioned, inflated a lot of players ranks.
@neetnomore Ай бұрын
riot august talked about this. he says it's so the ranked climb feels better. higher you go harder it is, they added the rank so people have more milestones for dopamine.
@SeventhSalute Ай бұрын
@@neetnomore So the climb feels better? That's such a dumb thing for him to say. That sounds like something the devs say when they don't actually play their game. The number of ranks don't make the climb feel better or worse. It's the player base. But I've also said in the past if they wanted to do this, just add back in the 5th tier to each rank division. But also just change the algorithm behind matchmaking and mmr gains and minuses.
@prodbytukoo Ай бұрын
@@SeventhSalute it maybe is just me but I feel like climbing feels better in general, more lp gains, more lp lose, the game itself feels faster and more arcade, I personally like it
@yepodolopoldo2786 Ай бұрын
I dropped from Plat 2 to Gold 4 and i'm just gonna stop trying until the reset. Fuck it. No matter what, at this point, the game is just a time-sink because all I can hope for is to get back where I was, no climb possible. Might just buy another account.
@0x3879 Ай бұрын
My brother if you are in gold 4 unable to carry your games I will be the one telling you: you deserve to be there
@WNeutral456 Ай бұрын
@@0x3879this is sadly true.
@yepodolopoldo2786 Ай бұрын
@@0x3879 Here is what I didn't say; "I'm only losing because my teammates are bad and I can't climb because they're making me lose" I got pissed off one day and rage-queued and tanked my account, but----Of course you would say that, having no knowledge of whats happening in-game or what i'm doing within my lost matches while also assuming I "can't carry" the games that I never said I wasn't able to carry, lol. Of couuurrseee you'd assume im stuck in Gold because i'm bad rather than the more generous interpretation of what I implied which was ; "I don't want to play, because I dislike having to play 8 games a day just to climb" 🤣League players are so bad faith is crazy.
@AA_AlegriaApenas Ай бұрын
​@@yepodolopoldo2786 you don't want to play because you are loosing and being a little bitch about it. Look at the little goblin junior gonna cry?
@GrugGaming Ай бұрын
It's ok, I hit master last split 300 games 58% w/r. This split I've been doing nothing but smurfing on two different accounts, I said "screw it" in terms playing around the system & I can't climb past em4 NEGATIVE W/Rs like they're so many games it's completely 1 sided but I'm a support player so it make sense it's already difficult to win but now it seems impossible unless you seriously play around their bs ebmm.. tested it in europe servers with same amount of games like the other smurf accounts but it's sitting at d4 currently at roughly 100g, which I've played that many on the others. The europe account was doing fine until p3, where I said fk it and played more games daily bc it was taking too long (3 games a day is annoying when you lose 1 and get off..) & maaaan the amount of losses the game piles on to you if you just let it.. Ik ik I'm yapping, but I was smurfing in a g1 elo lobby with my buddy just for fun I wasn't exactly "trying" hard but of course I don't want to lose, but bro.. I kid you not, fucking 12 games in a row we lost. Trolls, griefers, players that just simply give up after a few minutes of playing and afks after inting.. but if you stop playing after the first lost it would completely different.. this game is fking cooked. Ever since they removed the 5th ranks of divisions is when it started derailing like it is.. so garbage. I thought last split was terrible when you demoted you lost a flat -50lp, but now it's unplayable. They're killing solo queue.. the unthinkable!
@herpderp66 Ай бұрын
Fixing rank is easy to do but Riot will not do it. Each split everyone hard resets to Iron 4. Everyone starts at the same starting line. No placement games. Get rid of the MMR and LP manipulation. +25 or -25 LP only. Now give bonus LP for win streaks. The bonus increases with each game wins in a row. High ranked players will get many win streaks moving them to their higher ranks faster. This will give players an incentive at all times to play well.
@wuuwuu6727 Ай бұрын
Why should a challenger player start in iron4? Games would be very unbalanced
@herpderp66 Ай бұрын
Because you have an entire industry of bots and soft inting to derank acounts down to iron to sell. This removes those accounts from existing. This also removes the need for a smurf account. If you ever want to have some rank integrity these account selling companies have to be removed. Good players will win many games in a row giving them bonus LP moving them up the ladder faster. They won't stay in low ranks long. At the start of reset it will be a wild time for a few days. It will quickly sort itself out. Unlike the system we have now that keeps the ladder broken for months.
@wuuwuu6727 Ай бұрын
@@herpderp66 It would at least solve the bot problem but wouldnt it make it way easier to smurf? Also wouldnt it take a long time for a challenger to get from iron to challenger? especially in the higher elos where he cant get constant winstreaks anymore
@wuuwuu6727 Ай бұрын
@@herpderp66 I feel like constant rank resets are fundamentally flawed cause when you try to solve one problem, another problem will appear or get worse
@herpderp66 Ай бұрын
@@wuuwuu6727 Challenger player is going to get 80%+ win rate iron to plat. That would put them in diamond where the current reset puts them. They are not going to see any real changes. While you eliminate the bots in low ranks. No more need for a smurf account because of LP manipulation. Real incentive to play the game well to get bonus LP from streaks. You can also make the bonus LP from streaks end at plat. Lots of things you can do with the system. Nearly everything will be better than the current system we have. After those bot ban numbers got leaked my suspicion is Riot needs to the bots because the real player base numbers are too low. Tencent is a publicly traded company. The last thing you want to show on quarterly reports is decline in player base.
@NAxJLO Ай бұрын
4:08 is so real tho i went from gold to diamond
@7ellRecordsbeats Ай бұрын
this game is trying to steal our time
@Allenbatallion 29 күн бұрын
Hmmm dont understand what it is about this video thats bringing all the haters of the game out. To me league is the most hardcore ranked experience you can get from a video game and thats what i love about the game
@wilddanny5584 Ай бұрын
I think people are just tilted tbh
@rubinounchained2870 Ай бұрын
Nah i peaked d2 this season its been easier for me to climb atleast. Lets not forget two seasons ago riot inflated the living hell out of elo with the addition of emerald. When emerald was added it became a mix of gold 4 to low diamond making it the elo hell that it currently is. You are most likely just seeing the elo balance itself back out. Lets also be honest we all see those teamates that just dont belong in the elo and its very frequent they are in your game. Riot also has been taking measures against boosters and wintraders to so there is that i am all for people demoting even if its myself. The community so focused on riot inflating them to climb over improving. Most of yall cant even play a normal champ in its intended role xd
@Kroops12 25 күн бұрын
Been master forever, still master. People just nubs
@BROSIDUS Ай бұрын
The same people this video is about (you know the ones who riot inflated and put emerald from fresh account then they got stuck in emerald because their skill is actually silver) are the reason that the game has 3 splits (harder to be stuck and harder to feel bad , oh you are stuck 2k games diamond here is another reset maybe with our coinflip matchmaking you get it to masters next split :D then the split after you'll end up emerald but still :D) All ppl care about in this game are their undeserved ranks , when did we forgot that improving exists and we should all strive to be better than the previous day all I hear about is ppl bitching about their ranks while putting 0 effort and autopilot every game expecting riot to reward them with another undeserved rank kinda tells you all about society nowadays as well :D
@SaSo-mk6yh Ай бұрын
Use to grind back in s10 and I can confirm that it's the same responses. I concluded that ranked was not worth the effort because whole points of games were to have fun and not study like you are in college for them....
@ElReyDeNoche Ай бұрын
This video wasn't a bunch of cope and I think that's pretty cool. I legit used to play until I broke top 50 percentile and then I wouldn't bother with ranked as much. Back when i would do that it was like silver 2/silver 3. Now that's low gold. It's just going to look odd to people who weren't aware of their percentile ranks.
@低端辛吉德 Ай бұрын
Its interesting because this season is my best season so far. Maybe im just a god gamer idk B)
@CrosbyGoinDown Ай бұрын
Went up to emerald from plat id say other than a massive increase in salt pretty easy climb
@adsteller Ай бұрын
0.027% for top 200... that means there would be around 750 000 ranked players... ranked is dying.
@doffy5394 Ай бұрын
If this is true then it makes sense because they are finally after ages adressing some matchmaking issues that the community has been complaining for ages
@adsteller Ай бұрын
@@doffy5394 well it would just be the math
@bentbeyondrepair Ай бұрын
You can go to leaderboards on opgg and see how many accounts have completed ranked placements this split. It’s currently around 1 million in NA and I know the number used to be closer to 2 million. Also many of these accounts are smurfs so there are even less actual players than that. I think the longer the game lasts for the more Smurf accounts people will have time to create
@adsteller Ай бұрын
@@bentbeyondrepair then the math doesnt math. (If Chalangers are still 200 top players)
@bentbeyondrepair Ай бұрын
@@adsteller challenger is top 300
@KrisJenkins-zj4ju Ай бұрын
When does the splits reset?
@bentbeyondrepair Ай бұрын
september 24th its in the patch notes from this week.
@glacier_10_years_ago Ай бұрын
i am in plat 2 and in top 20% of all players
@XXLepic Ай бұрын
I love 3 splits a year. More rewards & skins too are very nice. Any ladder system with true integrity isn't going to allow for everyone to limitless climb regardless of skill, otherwise we will have a failed system similar to Wild Rift where everybody is Master+ and rank doesn't mean anything
@purplekrakenyut Ай бұрын
I went from silver to emerald this season. And it was stupid easy. I dunno what changed, but my matches felt like I didn't have bots or trolls.
@73d_th3_Master_Of_Shadows Ай бұрын
Oh a platinum today is equivelant of a gold 4 before? Oh so why im not emerald then? Im bronze 4 now fell from gold 1 explain.Im almost iron 1 btw.
@TuomoJ.A. Ай бұрын
I feel sorry for you. I can sort of relate, I fell from silver 1 to iron 3, and now im struggling in bronze 4.
@YShidou Ай бұрын
I'm giga confused on how you guys fall like that. I would love to review ur games
@73d_th3_Master_Of_Shadows Ай бұрын
@@YShidou i have 700 games xD
@TuomoJ.A. Ай бұрын
@@YShidou you should see what my bot lane does
@YShidou Ай бұрын
@@TuomoJ.A. Yeah i wanna see. Show op gg and i'll add u + vod review
@Derperfier Ай бұрын
Wait rlly? I’ve went up from iron 1/bronze 4 to gold 1 almost plat 4. Are ppl just shit?
@iplayfoofee3547 Ай бұрын
ppl are just shit. I have bronze/silver friends who never wants to learn but wants to get to gold 4 by just playing the lottery ticket. they always complain about team, and I ask him "what have you done for the team?"
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