Is Blue Side OP
7 сағат бұрын
Comeback XP And Jungle In Season 14
9 сағат бұрын
How Challenger Adc's Recall
12 сағат бұрын
Wave Management
14 сағат бұрын
How Good Is Vanguard?
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Zed Coaching
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How Do You Value A Mistake
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"Opening Up The Map"
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Why Is This ADC Losing With A Good KDA
How Do Power Spikes Work
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Best Champions For Low Elo Tier List
Picking a Champion Pool
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Why Are Losing Streaks So Common
How To Draft
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On Hit Or Crit?
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Improvement Mindset
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TrueSkill 2 TLDR
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How To Auto Attack Like A Pro
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How To Identify Your Team's Win Cons
How Riot Can Fix Flex Queue
28 күн бұрын
Braum Players Never Give Up
@regulus3413 2 сағат бұрын
How much is coaching? Also are you NA?
@omegaminoseer4539 11 сағат бұрын
I have come to claim this comment section in the glorious name of The Demi-God, Kalus Valkyrian. Praxis Val! 🎌
@lowelovibes8035 14 сағат бұрын
Your proposition doesn't change no matter what system they use, so they could be using the headless chicken system and you would still claim it's an effective system xD. Questions like whether they take into account when you practice different champs or strategies or if it's a system that privileges OTPS, none of that is known.
@HebiSnake 18 сағат бұрын
I would rather have the option to blacklist a role than this tbh.
@NightridingDoom 23 сағат бұрын
One consistent datapoint they can use is vision. Problem is, they would have to not tell anyone about it.
@kosmique Күн бұрын
playing downwards sucks. the game needs to let players rotate the map as they wish.... why cant i rotate and play from left to right... its super corny that league cannot do this in 2024. every 20 year old RTS can do it.
@robertg420 Күн бұрын
botlane: goes 2/28 grandmaster players: just hard carry every game bro
@ImPavlov Күн бұрын
I think this video makes it sound as if dodging has no cost. It is statistically not worthwhile to dodge a game with a 47% win rate. The LP that you lose by dodging is more than the expected value of playing that game out. I’ve been working on a video that goes a little bit more in depth about this but in short; in order for a game to be statistically worthwhile to dodge (assuming LP gains/losses of 28) your win rate must be 41.1% or lower. Therefore, with both of the strategies described in this video that describe dodging as a potentially viable way to climb, should theoretically not work.
@bentbeyondrepair 15 сағат бұрын
No. Your MMR stays the same so you will just gain your lp back through higher gains for future wins and lower lp losses for losing
@ImPavlov 12 сағат бұрын
@@bentbeyondrepair this is a fair argument. My calculations assume neutral MMR so by reducing your LP through dodging and winning every game you do play out should result in MMR gains. However, I think this would be an extremely long process (due to tier 3 dodge timers and the 12h requirement for a tier decrease) and it would only be effective if you were able to win the overwhelming majority of the games you actually play, otherwise I think your MMR would just correct itself. In the case of dodging red side games over a ~3.5% disadvantage you likely wouldn’t win enough of your blue side games to justify the time and LP spent dodging half your games.
@bentbeyondrepair 11 сағат бұрын
@@ImPavlov I don't think you understand. If i dodge and lose 5lp even if i win 50% of my games I will gain that lp back. For example i might go from gaining +20lp for a win and -20 for a loss to +21lp for a win and -19 for a loss and after 5 games ill have earned my lp back even if im winning 50%.
@ImPavlov 11 сағат бұрын
@@bentbeyondrepair but if you are winning 50% your MMR will just correct down, in order to maintain positive MMR you need to win more often than not.
@bentbeyondrepair 10 сағат бұрын
@@ImPavlov no if you win 50% your mmr will stay the same.
@NotFanti Күн бұрын
Honestly just make it so each lane picks champs at the same time
@llssff1 Күн бұрын
People would still hold to counter pick, but it would speed up q times
@NotFanti Күн бұрын
@@llssff1 wouldn’t be a thing if they both choose last second lol, plus it’s easy to just hide the champs till after both choose
@HebiSnake 18 сағат бұрын
That seems useless tbh.
@bakaky0 Күн бұрын
I still suffer the Lucian-Braun thing to this day, but in my case it's Lucian-Nami. So much so if I pick before adc, I won't pick Nami
@herpderp66 Күн бұрын
This is more to do with new accounts than bots. Banning 50k bots in a player pool of millions will do nothing. MMR was being used to match new players on their placement games. Base MMR starts in plat. So you have new accounts (new players) being played in Plat and Gold 1 lobbies. Losing their way down to bronze and iron. Silver to plat was giving you free wins from these new players losing their way down the ranks. Riot fixed this so they are no longer getting placed in Plat and Gold lobbies. People were i flated from beating up new players who had no business ever being in those ranks. People feeling more hard stuck because you no longer get these free wins.
@Charuid Күн бұрын
They informed us of this ages ago, lmao. How were you not aware of this until now?
@prosper9510 Күн бұрын
HOLY shit what a gem of a channel. KEEP going brother
@screamtheguy6425 Күн бұрын
I peaked gold 2 in s13 and split 1 and 2 of s14. And now im silver 2 and still demoting because the games are just filled with incompetent players after the normal distribution in ranked. I cant play 300 games just to go up by one division its insanity.
@2smart3guys 2 күн бұрын
I could not even comprehend. Are the changes to help people who fall behind or hurt them more.
@bentbeyondrepair 2 күн бұрын
Comeback XP helps people who are behind, but changing it from 1.1 levels behind to 1.5 levels behind makes it harder to get when you are behind and nerfs heavy ganking junglers who don’t prioritize farming
@jemandanderes7075 2 күн бұрын
If they'd punish dodging more than these climbing strategies wouldn't work anymore
@SIMPLYDEVON 2 күн бұрын
this video is worth less without time stamps
@gen.tucker6024 2 күн бұрын
Some ancient champion icons in thumbnail, I like :D
@macaire2367 2 күн бұрын
genuinely painful to watch
@kirayoshikage3260 2 күн бұрын
Saying that shaco isnt hard to play. What in the fuck? Shaco was voted as the hardest assasin in the game by challangers so. You dont understand that champ AT ALL.
@johnwick9367 2 күн бұрын
I dont think Riot matchmaking is putting us in losers que but i do see a trend where some games my tram gets alot more autofills than the opposite team, and already in champ selecr you can already feel if you will have the advantage or not
@traubeludewig6066 3 күн бұрын
I watch every Phreak Video. I'm pretty sure he talked about trueskill and the implementation at some point.
@artemmiracle3585 3 күн бұрын
@ziadkamal9464 3 күн бұрын
Take into consideration riot doesn't want longer qeue time even if this enhances ranked experience, they want faster games to keep players spamming like addicts.
@coolbrotherf127 3 күн бұрын
Good luck to Riot to balance this. No matter what system they go with, I don't think things at the highest ranks will ever be perfectly balanced because the players are so good. They will always find some way to abuse the ranked system in some way to get an advantage no matter how small. The average player isn't doing that.
@dejuanharris5012 3 күн бұрын
@Guildelin 3 күн бұрын
The jungle buff isn't pet dependent it's dragon # after the 2nd drag is when the big is left
@NightridingDoom 3 күн бұрын
Counterjungling: the only exception is the golems (Red Side top, blue side bottom camp), you want to leave enemies as low level as possible, because they can net as much as 200 gold after 15 minutes, if they are always cleared. That is a whole chunk of change. if you take them, you have to take them every time they spawn, or the catchup gain can be huge on that camp. And not neccesserely experience, but the gold gain can make a difference, when you're just slightly behind and the enemy has taken it before, but didn't get around to it this time.
@bentbeyondrepair 3 күн бұрын
The gold that you get from the camp doesn't change based on its level though? And while it is more xp than the raptors example we looked at. It's still .75 exp for the acient krug, .5 exp for the medium krug, and 6x .8 exp for the little krugs so in total it's just giving the enemy jungler an extra 6.05 exp for leveling up the camp which is pretty negligible.
@NightridingDoom 3 күн бұрын
@@bentbeyondrepair It actually does go up slightly after 3rd clear. It is not showing ingame tooltips, but it will correct itself when you visit the shop.
@MegaKawaiikitten 4 күн бұрын
I actually think solo XP + comeback is insane early as support as well. Roam level 1 -> return when ADC hits 3 and you have level advantage because your aggregate is typically higher by that point due to solo lanes etc. It's really ridiculous compared to HoN/DotA where it's very feast/famine. I miss old League's XP system.
@sprintstothebathroomdaily2429 4 күн бұрын
Particularly as a jungle the xps system is nuts You can have extreme leads, invade first blood, double crab, steal a camp on respawn and still only be up maybe a level. I've only been up 2 levels early (first or second camp respawn) where the enemy junglers tilts after a couple early deaths
@GetOffZero 4 күн бұрын
that was interesting to watch, why 720p though ?
@bentbeyondrepair 4 күн бұрын
I made a mistake while recording it will fix in the future.
@Kyvord 4 күн бұрын
Love your videos with this kind of analysis, definitely helps me to understand more nuances about the way each game develops and to ask myself the right questions during game about what to do next regarding objectives or overall finishing the game.
@magicasas4186 4 күн бұрын
This Channel has quickly become my favourite when it comes to league being explained keep It Up 💪💪
@TKVermilion 4 күн бұрын
love the amount of thought and detail you put into this analysis! Please do more of these adc centric analytic reviews(there's not a lot out there on YT with this level of quality and care). More power!
@ilyakolot 5 күн бұрын
quick question outside of topic, does bramble vest apply wounds after hit or right at attack? if trundle walks up, and use q will he heal full or with wounds effect?
@WizardTideTime908 4 күн бұрын
The latter
@TheRealSorav 5 күн бұрын
Very educational. Much love
@bshell1731 5 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@Lostandroid009 5 күн бұрын
These vids are helpful. Thank you.
@PapiYSLSpace 5 күн бұрын
this will be useful! thanks
@demonderpz7937 5 күн бұрын
1:55:40 Zed gets energy back if he lands both shurikans or both e's. Zed's q does less damage after the first target it passes through, and he does the damage of all shurikens that land (which is why you want to land all 3 shurikens with ult and w if possible, and you want to land at least 1 without hitting anything but your target first). Zed's e from shadows slows, and if he lands both es from himself and a shadow, or from his ult, etc. it increases the duration of his slow instead of stacking more damage (meaning it only counts the damage of one shadow slash). You can also weave in an auto with zed's e, which means you can proc your passive in the same animation as he e's which works really well for specific teq (especially if you're going bruiser with sundered sky or assassin with cyclosword). Furthermore, landing zed e from him (not a shadow) reduces the cooldown of his w. Hopefully that clears up any misconceptions.
@demonderpz7937 5 күн бұрын
The anthem of the first game is "uh oh, Ezreal is dead"
@TheRealSorav 5 күн бұрын
What do I do if i want to recall but the adc still greeds for the turrets?
@duderino6171 5 күн бұрын
Tell them to retreat and if they don't then it is what it is.
@duderino6171 5 күн бұрын
Just my opinion, of course.
@bentbeyondrepair 5 күн бұрын
You can ping the little back icon near your abilities to long recall for clarity. The best thing you can do is let them know what you should do and try to learn the game properly yourself
@TheRealSorav 5 күн бұрын
But do i stay with him even if i know hes making the wrong decision?​@@bentbeyondrepair
@mannermichaels6609 5 күн бұрын
@goe_malcolmryder8483 5 күн бұрын
How does that factor in with certain adc/supp match ups? Like for cait to be useful she needs early plates and gold generation through taking turrets. But if she’s paired with say a thresh diving is possible but isn’t there an inherent lack of synergy through you logic?
@bentbeyondrepair 5 күн бұрын
Thresh was one of the supports I mentioned who likes having less minions in their way because he is a skillshot reliant champ. So I think the example isn’t great. But regardless yes if you have a Braum and a cait for example and Braum doesn’t want to push there is a bit of inherent counter synergy there but it’s one of many factors and doesn’t necessarily break the duo. Many engage supports can dive as you mentioned and that can help.
@goe_malcolmryder8483 5 күн бұрын
@@bentbeyondrepair word thank you for the explanation I appreciate it
@xXG3TPWNEDXx 5 күн бұрын
people dont understand this?
@bshell1731 5 күн бұрын
Yeah. New players join all the time and most guides don't do very well at explaining this stuff.
@xXG3TPWNEDXx 5 күн бұрын
@@bshell1731 Sure that makes sense for the new players. There's so many videos on wave control these days it feels like everyone should know by now. This game is 15 years old.
@xXG3TPWNEDXx 5 күн бұрын
manage deez
@bshell1731 5 күн бұрын
@breese2825 5 күн бұрын
What monitor do you use
@bentbeyondrepair 5 күн бұрын
I use the new Alienware 500hz monitor but it’s really overkill for league because league currently only supports up to 360fps. I recommend any decent 360hz monitor as the best for league. If that ends up being to expensive even just going from 60>144 or 144>240 is a great upgrade.
@breese2825 Күн бұрын
@@bentbeyondrepairhow do u cap at 360 I have a 360 monitor but can only cap at 240 in the game uncapped just breaks the game
@bentbeyondrepair 15 сағат бұрын
@@breese2825 cap it in nvidia control panel settings or your equivalent.
@breese2825 2 сағат бұрын
@@bentbeyondrepair ok thanks
@Christian-Tibosi 6 күн бұрын
"some people like the 3 hr videos" me: blushing
@neochrzeo8561 6 күн бұрын
Bruhhhhhhhhh that canon minion! 2:08
@Kerzapple 6 күн бұрын
Let’s go, I love your videos. Excited to see wave management from your perspective.