小学校5年生の時にさおりちゃんに憧れてどうしてもさおりちゃんみたいになりたくてピアノどうしても習いたいって言って習わせてもらって1日でも早く沙織ちゃんと一緒の音楽をしたくて毎日頑張ってほかの人に比べたら始めるのも遅かったと思うし初めて3ヶ月で出た発表会では小学校低学年の子達と一緒のようなのしか弾けなくて自分と同学年の子達はすごい難しそうな曲引いてて恥ずかしくなっちゃって発表会も出たくなくて辞めたくなったけど毎日頑張って頑張って練習したら半年後には全校伴奏まで任されるようになれた。SOSはピアノの先生が楽譜をくれて、普段絶対クラシックしか弾かせてくれない先生だったけど、セカオワを引かせてくれました。今は私立の中学校に行き忙しくピアノを辞めざるおえなくて習い事としてのピアノは辞めてしまったけど趣味として勉強と部活と両立してやっています。家には静岡県に住む両親から毎月送られてくるSEKAI NO OWARIの楽譜でいっぱいです。私の願いで実家からグランドピアノを私の住むアパートに送ってもらいました。朝も早く毎日大変だけどいつもSEKAI NO OWARIの曲を聞いて頑張ってます。初めは満員電車も辛くて仕方なかったけど今では平気になりました笑笑(セカオワパワーですね) 学校では友達からSEKAI NO OWARIの曲聞かせて!など言われるのでさおりちゃんの音を弾かせてもらってます。私の人生を豊富にしてくれてありがとう。これからもずっとファンでいます!
映画「進撃の巨人ATTACK ON TITAN エンド オブ ザ ワールド」主題歌 発売日:2015年9月25日 歌手:SEKAI NO OWARI 作詞︰Saori/英補作詞:Nelson Babin-Coy 作曲:Fukase 編曲:SEKAI NO OWARI、Ken Thomas SEKAI NO OWARI『SOS』 For you, I’ll sing this song Please stay, it won’t last long Years after we are long gone The meaning will stay strong Silence is what this song’s about Numb to the world all around But I will sing of this place Hoping it finds you some way People needing to be saved Scream out our help every day But we grown numb to the sounds And feelings slowly start to drown The first time, we can hear a voice But soon it all becomes noise Fading to silence in the end I know it doesn’t make sense… When sound all ceases to exist People think that means happiness And all the sounds that used to be… Are all just noise to you and me The cries of help disappear The silence numbs all of our ears And when we stop listening Those screams stop meaning anything Don’t you let your heart grow numb to everyone Oh child, listen to the “sound of silence” Saving someone else means saving yourself It’s true, and I’m sure you know it too When you hear an “SOS” Answering it becomes a test It can give the life you lead A meaning that you’d never seen So don’t resist a call for help Cause in the end it will tell you How to treasure yourself And not be alone It might seem a little strange To share this song this way But i know what i must do Is share the meaning with you All this i learned from someone Who spent his life among People screaming out for help Doing everything to reach out Don’t you let your heart grow numb to everyone Oh child, listen to the “sound of silence” Saving someone else means saving yourself It’s true, and I’m sure you know it too Don’t you let your heart grow numb to everyone Oh child, listen to the “sound of silence” Saving someone else means saving yourself It’s true, and I’m sure you know it too Now I’d like to thank you for staying by my side… SEKAI NO OWARI『SOS』 (日本語歌詞) 君にこの歌を歌うよ 少しの間、そばにいて聞いて欲しい きっと長い時間かけて大切な曲になると思うんだ 「静寂」について歌うよ 「無感覚」とも呼べるかもしれないことを そんな世界のことを歌うよ君まで届けば良い 助けを求めてる人は毎日「助けて」と叫んでる でもその音が続くとどんどん 聞こえなくなって無感覚になっていく 1回目は「助けて」が聞こえる でもそれはそのうち「騒音」になる そして「騒音」は「静寂」になっていく こんな風に言うと難しいかもしれないけれど… 世界から音が消えたことを「幸せ」と呼び 消えてしまった音は「騒音」になる 世界から叫びが消えたことで 僕らは「無感覚」になる 叫んでいた人たちは、 まるで最初からいなかったように 子供たち、心が無感覚にならないように “静寂”に耳をすませて 誰かを救うことは自分を救うことと同じなんだって 本当はもう、知っているはずなんだ “SOS”に答えることは 「自分は何の為に生きているんだろう?」 という疑問に答えることなんだ SOSに答えることは 「自分自身を大切にするには?」 という疑問に答えることなんだ 「一人じやなくなるには?」にも こんな歌を歌うなんて 自分でも不思議なんだけど自分が教えて貰ったことを 伝えられたら良いと思うんだ 誰かのために一生懸命になれる人が 教えてくれたことを 子供たち、心が無感覚にならないように “静寂”に耳をすませて 誰かを救うことは自分を救うことと同じなんだって 本当はもう、知っているはずなんだ 子供たち、心が無感覚にならないように “静寂”に耳をすませて 誰かを救うことは自分を救うことと同じなんだって 本当はもう、知っているはずなんだ そばにいてくれてありがとう。
This song hit me so hard, especially when he said "saving someone else means saving yourself." Like I seriously can't stop crying. Thank you guys for making this song
@blackfoxproductions97605 жыл бұрын
Welcome brother you are 1 of the only English speaking people in this comment section XD
@neku0163 жыл бұрын
@@blackfoxproductions9760 HAHA YEAH! LOVE THESE SONGS SO MUCH!
@marcojoseppo25943 жыл бұрын
I feel you bro. It's so deep.
@annajuliaxc2 жыл бұрын
I can't stop thinking about kim jonghyun, choi jinri and goo hara when listening to this song. jjong was my bias although i'm not a shawol and i am a MeU so i felt sulli's really hard.... and hara, well, she was best friends with sulli. i cared a lot for her too. why couldn't we do anything?...
@水野芳久2 жыл бұрын
「誰かを救うことは自分を救うんだって」 こんな深くて心に響く歌詞はいろんな事を経験してきたセカオワしか作れないと思います。まだあまり歌詞が理解出来なくても、「きっと長い時間をかけて 大切な曲になると思う」んだと思います。こんな素敵な曲を作れるSEKAI NO OWARIをずっと応援します!
【歌詞】 For you, I’ll sing this song Please stay, it won’t last long Years after we are long gone The meaning will stay strong Silence is what this song’s about Numb to the world all around But I will sing of this place Hoping it finds you some way People needing to be saved Scream out our help every day But we grown numb to the sounds And feelings slowly start to drown The first time, we can hear a voice But soon it all becomes noise Fading to silence in the end I know it doesn’t make sense… When sound all ceases to exist People think that means happiness And all the sounds that used to be… Are all just noise to you and me The cries of help disappear The silence numbs all of our ears And when we stop listening Those screams stop meaning anything Don’t you let your heart grow numb to everyone Oh child, listen to the “sound of silence” Saving someone else means saving yourself It’s true, and I’m sure you know it too When you hear an “SOS” Answering it becomes a test It can give the life you lead A meaning that you’d never seen So don’t resist a call for help Cause in the end it will tell you How to treasure yourself And not be alone It might seem a little strange To share this song this way But i know what i must do Is share the meaning with you All this i learned from someone Who spent his life among People screaming out for help Doing everything to reach out Don’t you let your heart grow numb to everyone Oh child, listen to the “sound of silence” Saving someone else means saving yourself It’s true, and I’m sure you know it too Don’t you let your heart grow numb to everyone Oh child, listen to the “sound of silence” Saving someone else means saving yourself It’s true, and I’m sure you know it too Now I’d like to thank you for staying by my side…
@えちえちチャンネル7 жыл бұрын
For you, I'll sing this song Please stay, it won't last long Years after we are long gone The meaning will stay strong Silence is what this song's about Numb to the world all around But I will sing of this place Hoping it finds you some way People needing to be saved Scream out for help every day But we grow numb to the sounds And feelings slowly start to drown The first time, we can hear a voice But soon it all becomes noise Fading to silence in the end I know it doesn't make sense… When sound all ceases to exist People think that means happiness And all the sounds that used to be Are all just noise to you and me The cries of help disappear The silence numbs all of our ears And when we stop listening Those screams stop meaning anything Don't you let your heart grow numb to everyone Oh child, listen to the "sound of silence" Saving someone else means saving yourself It's true, and I'm sure you know it too When you hear an "SOS" Answering it becomes a test It can give the life you lead A meaning that you'd never seen So don't resist a call for help Cause in the end it will tell you How to treasure yourself And not be alone It might seem a little strange To share this song this way But I know what I must do Is share the meaning with you All this I learned from someone Who spent his life among People screaming out for help Doing everything to reach out Don't you let your heart grow numb to everyone Oh child, listen to the "sound of silence" Saving someone else means saving yourself It's true, and I'm sure you know it too Don't you let your heart grow numb to everyone Oh child, listen to the "sound of silence" Saving someone else means saving yourself It's true, and I'm sure you know it too Now I'd like to thank you for staying by my side…