什么构成生命? 是基因还是蛋白质? 这些是生命的组成部分,而不是生命本身。 在基因存在之前,生物催化剂对于基因的形成和功能是必需的。 最初,大多数生物催化剂被认为是蛋白质,导致了经典的“先有鸡还是先有蛋”的困境。 最近,人们观察到一些无机纳米粒子表现出类似酶的活性。 这一发现开辟了一种新的可能性--在生命形成的早期阶段,无机酶可能先于有机蛋白质和DNA或RNA出现。 换句话说,这些无机生物催化剂,特别是那些为有机生命提供基本功能的催化剂,可能是最初的组成部分。 无机纳米粒子之所以表现出类似酶的活性,类似于促进电子转移的蛋白质,在于其金属结构和电子构型。 详情可参见-什么是无机纳米酶? 人工或无机酶,新化学杂志 46(32) (2022) 15273-15291。 What constitutes life? Is it the gene or the protein? These are components of life, not life itself. Prior to the existence of genes, biocatalysts were necessary for their formation and function. Initially, most biocatalysts were assumed to be proteins, leading to the classic 'chicken and egg' dilemma. Recently, it has been observed that some inorganic nanoparticles exhibit enzyme-like activity. This discovery opens up a new possibility - that inorganic enzymes may have preceded organic proteins and DNA or RNA in the early stages of life's formation. In other words, these inorganic biocatalysts, particularly those providing essential functions for organic life, may have been the initial building blocks. The reason why inorganic nanoparticles exhibit enzyme-like activity, similar to proteins facilitating electron transfer, lies in their metal structure and electron configuration. the details can be found -What are inorganic nanozymes? Artificial or inorganic enzymes, New Journal of Chemistry 46(32) (2022) 15273-15291.